The Circle (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

The Player I'm Saving Is ...

[Joey] "Circle Influencers Joey and Shubby
have entered the Hangout,
but cannot discuss who to Block"?
"Joey and Shubby
can each save two Players"?
Oh, my God.
[narrator] New players Sean and Bill
are exempt from tonight's blocking.
- Cool?
- Cool.
[narrator] With five players at risk
and the two influencers
only able to save two players each,
you do the math.
Actually, let's get Sammie to do it.
There is me, Chris, Miranda,
Adam, Rebecca.
Joey can pick two
and Shubham can pick two,
so one person is going home.
[narrator] With Joey the most
popular player, he gets to pick first.
Am I in with all of 'em?
Oh, my gosh!
They're doing it in front of us.
Honestly, this is an amazing,
terrible position to be in right now,
and sending someone home at all
is really hard.
I'm going to throw up.
I can't watch. I can't even look.
This is so dramatic!
"I'm saving this player
because on more than one occasion,
they have had my back,
shown me they have the one quality
I'm always searching for"
[all] "Loyalty."
Holy shit, is he going to pick Miranda?
"The player I'm saving is"
Come on.
[laughing] Duh duh duh! ♪
God, they really build this up.
Oh, my God,
I was not expecting that at all!
Oh! Sammie.
I'm not feeling confident.
"Shubham, please decide
which player you want to save."
I feel like I'm at the STD clinic
waiting for my results.
Oh, my God, this is so terrible.
Fingers crossed, it's Rebecca right now.
Mr. Shubham, the bomb,
let's see who you're gonna save first,
my friend.
Message: "I'm saving this player"
We are sweating and shaking in our boots.
"because this person has had my back
since day one,
has protected me,
and truly cares for me."
[sighs] Ah
I haven't been here since day one,
so it's definitely Rebecca.
"The player I'm saving is"
Please be Rebecca.
Yes! Ah!
[narrator] Sammie and Rebecca aka Seaburn
have been saved
from a fate worse than social media death,
leaving three players at risk
with only two spots left.
I really have a lot to think about
because Chris was here since day one.
I've had a good connection with him.
I think Joey's gonna save Chris.
It's the right move to make, man.
Oh, my God, then there's Adam,
who I really feel like
I have a lot in common with.
Miranda, Adam or Chris.
"I'm saving this player
because they have earned my trust
and also have shown extreme loyalty."
That's Adam, 100%.
He's saving Adam.
"The player I'm saving is"
Here we go, everybody.
Oh, my God!
My Mexican ass
lives to see another Mexican day!
Joey, I thought we were bros.
Wow, Miranda!
Oh, my God,
I don't know how Miranda feels.
It's all up to you, Shubham.
Joey, you bastard.
You're gonna make me do it now,
out of the two.
Between Adam and Miranda,
one of them is going home.
I am not ready to go home yet.
This is it. The moment of truth.
Is this how the people on the Titanic felt
when they hit the iceberg?
They knew they were going down
and it's a slow descent.
"I'm saving this player
because they have opened up to me
and they've been kind."
I'm hoping that's me!
Message: "The player I'm saving is"
I'm curious!
This could go either way.
Oh, bitch. If Adam goes home tonight,
damn, girl, he was so funny.
Fuck, yeah!
Oh, my God, I'm going home.
Holy shit.
Poor gal.
Oh, my God!
It sucks
that I had to send another person home.
"Miranda has been blocked
from The Circle."
Just like that! Damn!
No farewell or anything.
Wow! She's really gone!
Oh, I gotta give a Shubham a kiss
when I see him.
I always have something to say.
Right now, I have nothing.
Absolutely nothing to say.
[Miranda] "Blocked."
Miranda's Circle adventure is over,
but before she flies,
we've got one last surprise.
- [buzzing]
- [Miranda sighs]
"Before you leave,
you can meet one Player face to face."
"Miranda has been Blocked
from The Circle." I'm sorry.
Officially one more person down.
"Before Miranda leaves,
she can meet one Player."
Bitch, I need to clean this hole up.
[Miranda] I feel like I want to meet Joey,
but if he is feeling sour towards me,
I don't.
Shubham, I'm kinda curious
if he was a catfish,
so I kind of would want to see him.
Rebecca's super sweet.
I wouldn't mind seeing her
because she was nice to me the whole time
and I don't feel like she was fake at all.
"Miranda is on her way
to meet one of you. Now."
I wonder if she'll go meet Joey
and tell him off.
I hope she does come,
so she can see that I'm genuinely sorry
and I've been honest with her.
Let's come with the truth.
Rebecca is not Rebecca.
I am Rebecca.
I really want to see her if she walks in.
I don't want to wait on the couch.
I feel, at the table,
it's super professional,
like: "I've been waiting for you."
Oh, God, please don't come here.
Are you Miranda?
[Joey] Oh, my God.
I knew this was gonna happen.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, sweetie.
I'm so sorry.
- It's okay! Don't make me emotional.
- Sit down.
I'm the most emotional guy
you will ever meet.
Don't! Okay.
I was not emotional this whole time.
This is terrible.
I'm so sorry.
- You don't have to apologize.
- But I do want to.
- No, it's okay.
- Yes, because
I want you to know Listen.
You were someone
that I felt was so true and so genuine
and I felt that through the screen,
and I don't feel that often.
Oh, fuck, sorry. [laughs]
But I want you to know that I was real,
I was genuine,
and if there was anything
that I did that made you feel sour,
I am completely sorry.
I can tell you
I wanna tell you
from the bottom of my heart,
I feel so fucking shitty.
I hope you don't.
It's a game and I hope you win it!
- I know, but
- It's good to know you're real.
- I'm real.
- I never felt that you weren't,
so I was really excited to come here
and just
- I really appreciate that.
- chat with you, yeah.
I came here
You know, last night,
how we had the messages from back home?
- My ma's my whole family, that's my life.
- I know.
My ma sent me a video message
basically saying
my last name is Sasso
so: "Do it the Sasso way. Be honest."
I had a real connection with you
about something real from the start.
- I'm so happy that you came to see me
- I know. Me too.
because this isn't ending here.
- I hope you know that.
- I hope not. Yeah.
There's too much of a connection
that's going on.
I know. I just feel bad
that I feel like I got to show
or I felt like I needed to show
a more sexy side that I was trying to push
and I'm not sexy,
I'm really fucking clumsy.
- I didn't get to show that genuine side
- You are sexy.
No, I'll tell you the truth.
It's funny because when I first saw you,
I'm like: "Okay, she seems nice.
I'll reach out to her."
It's crazy how, the older I've gotten,
the more I've learned
I mean, honestly the looks thing,
it's what everyone sees
when they first see someone,
but there needs to be a connection.
- Absolutely.
- And that first time I talked to you
I'm loud and stupid and goofy all day,
and then I'm sitting on this couch,
just silent.
And I'm not saying that
'cause you're sitting right here,
- I'm being honest with you, right?
- Oh, shush.
No, listen,
I'm the guy who just says
whatever is in his mind, at all times.
There's no bullshit ever.
There is a connection here.
I know.
[narrator] Okay, Joe-meo and Juliet,
I'm gonna check on the other players
for a minute
before this gets any more Hallmark.
She's not coming to me.
Good night, world.
Another day in The Circle, man.
Another dream.
I can't believe Miranda's gone,
but it feels good.
It is our destiny
to become the next influencer.
[Alex sighs]
Good night.
[narrator] Let's check back in
on the Circle lovebirds.
So, let me ask you,
where do we go from here?
- Where do we go from here?
- Yeah.
I go home
and I talk to you when I get home
and you win a hundred grand
and you take me out on a really nice date,
- that's when we'll
- Oh, my God, if I win,
- do you know the date we're going on?
- You will win. When you win.
- But if it happens, it happens.
- When!
If it doesn't, it doesn't.
I met you, I'm happy.
Yeah, it's good.
You knew I was real,
that's all that matters!
- You knew I was real.
- Of course.
Now, let me ask you
I'm always a complete gentleman,
but I am crazy attracted to you.
Get out of here!
Is there any chance
you would wanna give me a goodbye kiss?
I would love to.
Just one, because I'm a gentleman
and there's no one watching.
Win it.
You got a little makeup on your lip now.
I like makeup. It's good.
I don't wear it often,
but I had to for you.
My God. Can I walk you to the door?
Please do.
I'm devastated right now.
I know, that's okay.
- Please don't cry. I'll get emotional
- I'm not gonna cry! You don't cry!
- You're the one
- I'm not gonna cry!
I'm a man who doesn't cry,
like men don't do.
I cry over everything.
It's okay to cry once I leave,
but hold it in until then.
- Does this have to end though?
- I know. I think it does.
But you got this.
I really do believe in you
and I know you're gonna win.
I see it, I promise.
Keep your head up.
- You got this.
- I promise you I will.
- It was nice to meet you.
- It was so nice to meet you.
- I look forward to that date
- Enjoy your time here.
- It'll happen.
- It's gonna happen.
- I'll talk to you soon.
- All right, sweetheart, bye.
I'm really happy
that I went to go see Joey.
It's good to know
that he is genuine and true,
just like I thought he was.
[Miranda] That was the perfect way
to end my last night in The Circle.
Even got a sweet little kiss.
Miranda's gone, but The Circle rolls on.
And it's another beautiful morning,
not that these guys know that yet.
Get up! Good morning!
Good morning, world!
[narrator] That's better.
Miranda's gone.
'Cause you're a real ♪
Gone ♪
Kid ♪
Being an influencer sucks.
Don't listen to what they tell you.
[rock music playing]
[narrator] Rise and grind
'cause there's another surprise
and it's slightly more exciting
than watching Bill iron in his cut-off
'Cause you're a real gone ♪
Wait, what?
You're a real ♪
Someone new!
There's this dude, Ed.
Who the hell is Ed?!
I'm not I don't want him!
The testosterone in here is unbelievable.
There's six guys and three girls.
Two girls and a guy playing a girl.
And Ed? Another bro!
Damn, it's a guy's game now. Shit.
[narrator] Yeah, bro!
You can talk about where you buy
your cut-offs that don't fit!
You know how old people are always
the last to join social media?
It's the same in The Circle,
'cause Ed's the last and, well,
you'll just see in minute.
[mimics beep]
When people first meet me,
they probably think I'm just an asshole,
because it's kinda what I look like.
What's up? My name's Ed, I'm 23 years old
and I'm from Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
I like to have a good time,
always joking around.
I like to party, I like drinking beer.
I'm a goofball, I love women,
and I'm ready to tear up The Circle.
And that's exactly why he needs me.
Hey, I'm Tammy, I'm 52,
I'm a real estate agent,
and this guy over here,
this is my son, Eddy.
- I just know so much about Eddy.
- Too much.
She knows everything,
which is a pain in the balls.
Eddy makes some bad choices,
particularly when it comes to women.
[Ed] Bad choices make for good stories.
- You gotta have some standards, hun.
- I got standards.
Both of us behind Ed's profile
is going to be the winning formula.
He has the looks, he has the physique,
but me adding the class
and a level of maturity
is just gonna take us to the end
and we're gonna win this.
[narrator] I need to explain this.
Everyone gets to bring one thing
into The Circle.
Joey brought moisturizer,
Shubby brought ping pong,
Ed brought his freaking mom!
I like this bedroom, this is nice.
- Oh, this is mine.
- Nope.
I call it, yeah.
Yeah, I need the TV.
[Ed] Oh, shit! I think I just broke it!
[laughs] Ed, we've been here five minutes!
[Ed laughing]
Circle, take me to Ed's profile.
Oh, wow! Oh!
[Shubham] Age 26.
[Chris] Relationship status, single.
Join the team. We all are, Ed!
[Seaburn] "Hey guys, I'm Ed."
"I'm a small-town, hard-working man."
"I like adventurous
adrenaline-filled activities"
[both] "family, friends and beer."
[Seaburn] Wow.
He sounds like Joey's kinda guy.
We got some things we can talk about,
me and Ed.
Circle, open up Joey.
He looks like a fun, party-guy like you.
I'm gonna be honest,
this guy reminds me of some of my buddies.
And he dresses nicer than you!
[Joey] Ed looks like a nice guy.
Family's important to him.
A hard-working family man definitely
will fit in with this group of people.
He looks like a fun guy!
He has a loving face, he's smiling.
I think he's got nice abs.
I think he's cute.
[Ed] He looks skinny.
He neglects his pecs.
- No, he doesn't!
- Probably doesn't bench.
Look at his six-pack abs.
Rock and roll, man.
[makes clicking noise]
[Sammie] He's got nice teeth.
That's a plus.
Damn! Circle, open up the top picture.
[Tammy] Yeah, how'd I know that?
[Ed] God bless you.
Remember, you're thinking with this
- and not that, yeah
- I know. I just wanted to look.
I just wanted to look.
Wow, she's cute.
I wonder if that's his mom
or if it's a girlfriend?
[wolf whistles]
What a hunk! He got some muscles on him.
[Ed] "I'm shy at first,
but when I get to know you,
I really open up."
That sounds like weird.
I feel like you wouldn't put that
on a profile.
- That's
- [Tammy] Really?
This one might be old.
I can see this being someone your age.
Thanks. Old? Don't use "old." All right.
This kind of energy is the type of energy
that kind of intimidates me.
Maybe he's actually a total sweetheart,
I don't know about you, Ed.
She looks like a movie star,
like she should be in Hollywood right now.
That is a very good-looking chick.
I could see you bringing her home.
Yeah, I wish.
I mean, that'd be nice. Damn!
God, this is gonna be tough, Ed.
That's the face of a man realizing
he just moved into a small apartment
with his mom.
Per ushe, new player snoop session, done.
Oh, shit!
[all] "Circle Chat is now open."
[narrator] Now they can all meet
the newest Circle bro, Ed
and Tammy.
Not that they know
he brought his mom along for the ride.
Circle, open up Circle Chat.
Message: "Welcome, Ed.
Welcome to the family."
Message, at Ed:
"My dude, how's it hanging?"
"Excited to be here. How we all living?"
With two question marks.
You want an emojo or just send?
[narrator] "Emojo." You hate to see it.
Message: "Bro, you love your mother.
I can already tell you're a guy
I'm going to get along with.
L-M-A-O, hashtag, let's be friends."
"My Mom rocks."
Is that what you want to say?
At Joey: "Damn right I love my mother."
And then we say: "I can tell
you're a real family guy too."
Hashtag, paesan.
"Bro, how the hell do you know
what a paesan is? Are you Italian?"
At Joey:
"Hell yeah. Big-ass Italian family."
So, Ed is Italian.
Uh-oh! I feel a connection starting!
Message, at Ed: "So where are you from?"
"Conshohocken, right outside
the city of brotherly love, aka Philly."
Conshohocken! Oh, my God! No way!
Message: "Are you kidding me?
I went to Cabrini."
- Oh, my God, Cabrini!
- "I went to Cabrini."
- You went to Cabrini.
- Oh, my God.
At Sammie: "Whoa, no shit.
My mom graduated from Cabrini."
Wow, that's crazy.
Now he totally reminds me
of the douches I went to college with.
Holy shit, small world.
Message, at Ed:
"What do you do for a living?"
I'm working as a helicopter engineer,
believe it or not."
And then do a
Is there a rock-and-roll emoji?
Whoa! Ed is mad cool.
[narrator] He's the coolest person
that brought his mom.
That's sick!
Oh, my gosh! That is so exciting,
a helicopter engineer.
I've never been on a helicopter.
That's smart, right?
You gotta know what you're doing.
That's a really cool job.
Don't ask me what goes into it
because I don't have a clue.
The fact that he works
in helicopter engineering is great.
My parents are software engineers,
I design VR experiences
from the ground up,
so I do a lot of software engineering.
[Sean] I feel like that's a job
that little boys growing up
dream of having.
Message, at Ed: "Fun question."
Let's say: "How do you protect your nuts
flying on a dirt bike?
Shit, I hurt one of my nuts
on a regular bike.
Laugh my ass off."
- Sling 'em over my shoulder.
- No, don't say that.
[Ed] At Chris: "Good question."
So far, so good, thank God!"
Send that.
This is why we can't have this many guys!
'Cause now we're talking nuts! And balls!
Message, at Ed: "So, how are the ladies,
being such an adventurous dude?"Send.
I feel like girls must be all over him.
God, everybody is so thirsty
to get to know Ed
and I need to be more on top of it it.
Lots of ladies.
I'm gonna say:
"Ladies are plentiful. All is good."
All right, go ahead. Say that.
At Bill:"Ladies are plentiful.
All is good."
Thumbs up. Send.
That's funny.
His dates would just top everyone else's.
He could be like: "Wanna go
on a helicopter ride?" Absolutely!
At Squad
[Tammy] Quad.
[Tammy] Quad.
No, squad!
[Ed] "Great to meet y'all.
Can't wait to get to know yous."
"It's been real."
- Alright, don't say that.
- What are you?
You're talking like an old woman.
I would say:
"Feeling like a family already."
A few emojos.
Happy face emojo.
[narrator] This is getting very emojo-nal.
Ed is like super cool.
He's, like, a superhuman kind of cool.
[Shubham] I'm liking him.
He's very different
with the helicopter engineering stuff,
'cause that's the one connection
I think I can have with him
that no one else can.
The guys wanna be his friends,
the girls think he's sweet,
he's intelligent.
Everybody is getting along with this kid.
[Ed] Alright, we're out.
- We're out. That was good.
- [Tammy] Holy cow!
That was a good-ass chat.
This is so overwhelming.
After Miranda's blocking last night,
Joey's feeling reflective
and is about to start a chat
with his closest Circle pals.
Do you think he's the type
to kiss and tell?
Does Adam like cats?
"Hey, guys, just wanted to reach out
and talk about last night."
"How are you guys doing? Are you okay?"
Message: "I feel really good
and I'm so happy
that you guys had my back.
This morning has been
absolutely crazy though."
Exclamation point, send.
"First off, thank you so much
for saving my ass last night," period.
"You have really shown me
that you are the real deal."
Me and Joey had to play this hand so hard
and we got a A plus.
It was sick.
Message: "So, dot, dot, dot,
I met Miranda last night, dot, dot, dot."
Give us the tea! [screams]
Oh, my God!
Message, at Joey: "Aw, how did that go?"
Question mark, question mark,
question mark.
Message: "I knew it," exclamation mark.
Her and him had the flirty thing.
"Tell us, please!"
What if he's like, "She was a catfish,
it was a guy" or some crazy shit? [laughs]
Message: "It went absolutely amazing.
She was who she said she was
and our connection was even stronger
in person."
This is gonna be real juicy.
I hope you all got a cup.
"And before she left, we kissed.
LOL," send.
Wow, that's crazy.
They kissed! Oh, my God!
I mean, I was kinda shocked
that it happened myself.
Message: "Oh, my God, I am so happy.
I feel like a proud older sister.
I love it.
"OMG! You weren't lying
about having a good time."
This is crazy! They kissed, she was real.
See, she is sweet! She's nice, I knew it.
It's just shocking.
Joey's such a sweetheart.
So for him to kiss her,
I feel like my best friend is like Wow.
Message, at Joey:
"Fun question, was it a tiny peck kiss
or a full-blown sloppy Joe?
[Chris chuckles]
Message Chris: "It was a short, sweet,
but still intimate kiss.
I asked for her permission
before I went in for the kill.
Laugh my ass off." Send.
Oh, my God! Such a gentleman.
"I'm just happy
that I can look her in her eyes
and let her know I wasn't fake,
and not picking her wasn't personal."
"It sucks to have sent her home,
but I will always protect you three
and Rebecca,
even if it means my demise in The Circle."
Message Shubby:
"Yes, yes, yes,
you took the words right out of my mouth.
I knew we would do the right thing
last night
and we did.
Hashtag, always loyal." Send.
Okay, this is some good shit right here.
At the end of the day,
he's gonna protect all of us,
and I feel like
we have to protect each other.
It seems like, for the first time,
all the bullshit between this four
is eviscerated.
Message: "We're a family, love you guys."
Message: "Love you guys so much.
I'm gonna go shower."
Heart emoji. Send.
All right, thank you, Circle!
That was lovely. Close the chat.
I know me, Chris, Sammie and Shubby
are definitely on the same page.
So, it's gonna be interesting.
With everything that's gonna come.
[narrator] Shubby's about to floss
and he's also about to goss
'cause when he's done with his teeth,
he's gonna spill the tea
on Joey's kiss with Miranda
to his Circle-sister Rebecca, aka Seaburn.
[Shubham] Message: "Joey just told me
that Miranda met him last night." Send.
I knew it!
"Joey said she was really sweet
and they connected
and shared an intimate kiss." Send.
Joey and Miranda kissed?
I think Rebecca's gonna, like,
be completely shocked.
Message: "Joey and Miranda
sitting in a tree"
Yeah, completely agree.
"How do you feel about the new guy?"
Question mark, send.
"The new guy seems really dreamy."
Hey, at least she's honest with me.
You know?
Message: "He really does seem
like a nice guy,
but once again, if he hurts you or Sammie,
I'll be upset."
[clicks teeth]
Message: "I just wanted to let you know
that I've never had a relationship
like this before,
and it means everything to have you here
as a sister."
Aw, Shubham! That makes us feel bad.
[Shubham] In The Circle,
there's all this betrayal and fakeness
and people are constantly lying
to each other,
so to have Rebecca, someone who's been
100% themselves, is everything.
It's like a nightlight when you're
a little kid and you put it in your room,
so you can fall asleep
when all the scary stuff happens.
It's nice,
and that's what Rebecca is for me.
She's that nightlight.
A little night light.
[narrator] Sweet dreams, Shubby, honey.
New Circle bro Ed's found out
Sammie went to college near him,
which apparently is all he needs
to slide into those DMs.
All right, I'm trying to chat up Sammie
real quick.
- Okay.
- Just to get to know her.
Please don't try and flirt with me.
I'm just not in the mood for it.
I'm thinking we kick it off,
we say: 'Sammie, hun. What you up to?"
- Wanna call her a "hun" already?
- Sammie I don't know.
I don't know if I could go
with the "hun" and "babe" just yet.
[Ed] "Sammie, what you up to?"
Put some little emojos.
I like the smiley face, or the wink.
You wanna give her a wink?
- An emoji?
- Yeah.
What am I calling it?
Emojo, I don't know
where you learned that.
I think Tammy done lost her emojo.
I'd give her a little wink.
[Ed] Send.
Message: "Just got out of the shower.
Deciding if I'm gonna do my makeup or not,
How was your first day in The Circle?"
Question mark, send.
I don't even wanna leave an area
for him to be flirty.
Like: "You don't need any makeup."
Or like some stupid stuff
that a guy would say.
Are you gonna give her a compliment?
Like: "Girl, you don't need makeup."
I'm thinking
something along the lines of
Message: "So far everyone seems cool."
I wanna get to know everyone though.
Tell me about yourself."
Message: "So, I went to Cabrini
all four years of college,
and I was absolutely crazy.
"I feel like we know the same people.
I guess I didn't catch your eye then."
Now this is where you can flirt.
Like: "Hey, you're"
What do you say, "hot," "pretty"?
Message: "You're talking crazy.
You must've been hiding.
I, for sure, would've hollered at you."
"Hollered at you"?
Yeah, "hollered at you".
"Hollered at you"?
[narrator] Okay, this dude needs to listen
to his mama.
"You from the area?"
Yeah, that's good.
"Are you from the area?"
"Or just go to school here?"
- Yeah.
- Send.
"So I'm originally from Delco."
Smiley face emoji.
"Let me hear all the negative things now.
Laugh my ass off."
Oh, my God! She's from Delco!
She knows
that we're gonna say negative things.
- What?
- Delco chicks are crazy!
- From Delaware County?
- Yeah!
The minute I tell people I'm from Delco,
they're like: "Oh, a Delco girl!"
Don't call her crazy.
We want her on our side.
We're PA.
She's from one borough township over.
Message: "I moved to Miami two years ago."
Send it! I'm gonna see
what he has to say about this
and then I'm gonna shut it down.
Shut it down!
Circle, message: "Damn, small world!
My brother lives in Miami,
so I'm going down soon."
Give her a finger-gun, say:
"Hey, let me buy you a drink."
Think it sounds good.
[narrator] You think a "finger-gun"
sounds good, Tammy?
Jesus, God!
Message: "Hell yeah,
nothing better than Miami sun.
Can't wait, smiley face."
Oh, my God, big one.
Big old capital Delco.
Wow, look at that.
- Think that went good.
- Yeah.
[narrator] While Shubham's in the kitchen
proving for sure
he's the alpha male of The Circle,
Adam aka Alex is on the roof
proving for sure
he's the whitest dude of The Circle,
and he wants a man-on-man chat
with the Shubinator.
Message: "Hey man,
I wanna thank you so much
for saving me last night, period.
I know it must've been
a super hard decision, comma,
I just want you to know
how grateful I am."
Message: "Adam, you were
extremely vulnerable with me yesterday
and showed me kindness
from the beginning.
Wasn't a hard decision at all."
I could go on for days
how happy I am that Shubham saved me.
It was totally out of nowhere
because I was counting on Joey,
and then Joey kinda failed me.
So maybe Shubham
needs to be Adam's number one bro now.
Message: "My first impression of you
in the beginning
was that you were gonna flirt
with the girls to get to the end,
but now that I know you,
I understand
you're trying to make real connections."
It seems like he's trying
to build real connections
based on the past.
Message: "I can't lie
that was my game plan when I came in,
but I feel like I'm connecting with people
on an even deeper level."
And I'm not lying.
I mean, Adam's game plan coming in was
"get with the ladies."
But now it's like,
you guys are such a close-knit family
that that can't be the game.
Message: "Now that you're building
real connections,
how are you feeling
about Rebecca and Sammie?"
Question mark, send.
Message: "I was eyeing Sammie,
but over the past few days,
I feel like my relationship with Rebecca
has opened up and blossomed.
I think I'm falling for her." Send.
"I really appreciate your honesty.
"If you and Rebecca both feel authentic,
genuine romance,
then go for it.
But just make sure
that it's what your heart wants
because I feel protective over Rebecca
as a sister."
"Thanks, man.
It really means a lot coming from you.
I know Rebecca thinks a lot of you.
I'm just out of a long-term relationship
and I thought I was coming here for fun,
but I think I found romance."
Heart emoji, send.
And that's a very gentle thing to say.
It's almost an Alex thing to say
instead of an Adam thing to say,
and I think when I'm talking to Shubham,
I need to be more Alex
because I think that Shubham and Alex
are more on the same wavelength.
[Shubham] Message: "Aw, that's sweet.
Just remember, man, to just be yourself
and I'm telling you,
it's more than enough.
Let's chat soon." Send.
I wish him and Rebecca
nothing but the best,
if it's honest, genuine romance
from both sides.
"Talk soon, dude."
Happy face with hugging hands emoji, send.
I don't want to be falling
for Shubham's charms!
I think he's genuine,
but that makes him a real threat to Adam.
My fate is probably still in his hands.
Question: what's more expressive
than a circus toy, a tiny guitar,
or playing ping pong by yourself?
I'll tell you what.
What's happening?
Hey! Portrait Mode!
It's a new game.
[narrator] Yes! It is a new game!
Each player will paint a picture
of another player from The Circle.
Once the time's up,
they'll upload it for all to see.
"Players will have 30 minutes to paint"
"a portrait of another player."
First a cake, now a picture?
I can't even draw a stick figure!
"All materials have been delivered
to your door"!
Each player gets art supplies
We're doing it in one trip.
[narrator] which they'll have to set up
I'm setting up the supplies.
Except Ed, whose Mom is doing it for him.
What the freak is this thing?
Isn't it that stupid thing with the
Oh, my God.
It's time to get real!
I am so excited!
To stop all the bros from fighting,
The Circle has chosen
who each player has to paint.
Circle, take me to Bill's profile.
Circle, open up Adam's profile.
I'm gonna make a outline of red
because I think red looks great on her.
I'm looking at him dirt-biking in the air,
smiling with his mother,
and giving a selfie.
All things I can't draw!
Okay, we're giving her a chest right now.
[Seaburn shrieks]
Yes! Okay, that was really good.
[Alex] I am painting like Adam,
but Adam doesn't know how to paint.
[Tammy] We gotta get money
because she likes VIP,
like I want dollar signs and money.
Wow! Joey, that looks just like you!
[Bill] Nice.
Oh, my God, that looks so bad.
This could actually end our relationship,
my portrait of her.
[Bill] "Too nice?"
It almost looks like a political poster.
Fuck, now she looks like Groucho Marx.
Wow! Incredible.
He's too nice.
Maybe he didn't get the message
that he's like:
"Damn, people are calling me out."
I can't wait to see who paints Adam.
I mean, he's hunky, so it's like,
even the worst painting of Adam
is going to be a good painting of Adam.
Give him some nipples too.
That's a good touch.
Aw, that's so nice of you, Bill!
[Sammie] "Your time is up."
"You should now upload your photo."
Whoo! I made it in time.
First up to release his creation
to the critics is Chris.
"Ladies and gentlemen,
and all the beautiful children,
I present to you Shubham!"
Shit, dude!
That looks pretty good actually!
Wow, that's really impressive.
Damn, it's putting mine to shame.
Message, at Chris: "Holy shit!
You're a whole artist."
Message: "Chris, you're making me cry,
exclamation mark."
"Your painting is so damn good,
and you have been there for me."
Shubham, you are so very welcome, honey.
Who's next?
Message: "Ladies and gents,
my brother from another mother,
dot, dot, dot,
"Love shack."
[narrator] Is that his tongue?
No wonder he does so well.
Oh, my God, she got me perfect!
[Seaburn] Aw! That's cute.
She gave it a Lady and the Tramp
kinda vibe.
Letting everybody know who his chick is!
Message, Sammie:
"I love the attention to detail
you put into Miranda."
Oh, is that supposed to be Miranda?
I did so good! My brother, virtual hugs.
Honestly, I would frame that.
[Bill] Ladies and gentlemen,
to pay homage to his hometown,
his hobbies, furry friend
and his personality
I can't wait!
I hope Zipper is in my painting.
I give you
It kind of actually looks like me.
I think they're gonna like it.
They're not gonna like it.
I love it!
[Sammie] He's in a Speedo.
"Nice, dot, dot, dot, dot, too nice?"
What is that?
Is that shots?
[Alex] Am I too nice?
What does that mean?
Bill straight-up went after Adam in this.
This is the first negative picture.
[laughs gleefully]
Oh, God.
He thinks I'm too nice,
he can go suck an egg!
Adam tried welcoming you in, Bill.
I'm gonna tell you the truth.
If that's what you put in there,
that's not very nice.
Message: "I'm rolling over in laughter.
I'm a little bummed
that dog emoji wasn't painted,
but I still got nothing but love for you."
Classic Adam to be so nice!
Fucking classic Adam.
Oh, my gosh.
That is so funny.
If Bill has issue with me,
he can come to me.
But right now, I'm going to play it off
like it's no big deal
because I don't wanna be hung up on it.
But I love my nipples.
[narrator] We all do, Adam. We all do.
Oh. It's my turn to introduce Ed.
Joey reveals his Van-bro of new boy, Ed.
All right,
we got a lot of hashtags in here.
Oh, my God.
Holy cow!
He likes helicopters, loves his family,
he's got a big heart,
and the lightning bolts
are, you know, danger.
Guy rides motorcycles.
He captured Ed
without actually painting Ed.
Ed unveils his Sammie seaside sketch.
Will there be sass-back though?
Wow, he gave me boobs!
[Ed] There it is!
It looks decent.
It doesn't look bad.
That's great, I love it. This is so me.
I think you did good, Ed.
[narrator] And catfish Caravaggio Rebecca,
aka Seaburn,
unleashes his Captain Bill.
I hope you like it, Bill.
Because we can't draw to save our lives.
"Captain Bill."
I'll take it, it's simple.
What the hell is that?
I made sure to get the beard.
Look at the beard!
Who's next?
"I give you the one, the only, Chris."
Oh, my God! Miss Sean, that is hilarious!
[Sean] I'm so happy!
I really loved making it.
I really enjoy Chris.
I feel like this is going to be good
for our friendship.
[narrator] Shubby's time to shine.
Oh, my God!
This is even more nerve-racking
than the blocking.
Yeah! [laughing[
It looks so bad!
Oh, my gosh,
what if Shubham is actually catfishing us
and he's a six-year-old?
Okay, message, at Shubham:
"I absolutely love this painting
and my heart has melted."
"Aw, you're too much.
This put a smile on my face."
That means a lot, Rebecca,
but let's be real.
I screwed up.
[narrator] The next player's art
to be adored is Adam aka Alex.
Message: "Paint cannot capture
the beauty of my subject, period.
As an art student,
I studied the Dutch Masters,
so I'd like to present to you,
dot, dot, dot"
He's an art student
who studied the Dutch Masters?
What the hell does that mean?
Art student?
- I didn't know that.
- Art student.
"As you've never seen her before, Sean!"
Wow, Adam!
I mean, I kinda really like it.
Love that blue eyeshadow,
fun expression, body.
Bikini on point!
this photo caught his attention.
That's exactly what I wanted.
I wanted photos like this
so that guys like Adam would be like:
'Fuck, Sean seems like a cool person.'
I must say the canvas looks better
than the picture.
[Sean] But I don't wanna feel like a liar,
I don't wanna feel like a fraud.
I feel like a guy like Adam
would've just drawn some goofy shit
for someone who looks like me.
I know I'm cute.
You want a knife, Eddy?
[narrator] With the painting game
leaving Sean conflicted
about her catfish conduct,
she decides to confide in her Circle BFF.
Circle, open private chat with Chris.
All right, Sean.
Today on the Chris Sapphire show,
we have the one and only Sean.
Sean, what is on your mind today?
Message: "Hey, hun. How you feeling?"
Message: "Hi, Sean.
First of all, thank you so much
for the kind and thoughtful painting.
I loved it and it made me giggle."
Heart emoji. Send message.
[Sean laughs]
That's so sweet.
"LOL, yay! That's all I hoped for.
I've really enjoyed getting to know you."
"Honestly, I don't know what I would do
without our real talk."
"Like we were saying the other day,
it can sometimes feel hard who to trust."
Message: "I totally understand.
When I first got here,
I didn't know who to trust either."
"But thankfully, our gut never lies. LOL."
Does my gut say that I can trust Chris?
Message: "Right now,
my gut is telling me to trust you.
I have to be honest."
"I have a bit of a secret."
Okay, Chris says: "Honey, I promise you,
you can trust me with anything."
Message: "You don't know
how much that means to me.
If it's all right with you,
I think I might invite the girls
to this chat"
"so I can tell you all together."
"Sean has invited you to a group chat."
Circle, take us to the group chat.
Oh, it's girl time.
I've been kicking it with the girls
since I was a little boy.
What is she gonna say?
Message: "Hey, girls.
I really wanted to chat to you all
about something important to me."
What could be important
that she wants to tell us?
Does she like somebody?
And she doesn't know how to go about it?
It feels good that she's confiding in us,
So, we'll say:
"Hey, love, what's on your mind?
And thanks for adding me to this chat."
I am so
ready to know what this secret is.
Okay, how do I even start this?
Let's get ready.
Everybody be compassionate and kind
and accepting and open-minded and loving.
"I believe
that honesty is the best policy,
but there's one thing"
"that I've been keeping from you all."
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna I need her to tell us.
I'm not saying anything.
"The truth is the photos that I am using
are not mine."
[yells] Oh!
Well, who the hell are they?
Why is she deciding to tell us this?
What the hell are you thinking?
I don't think this is a catfish,
I think there's a little more to this.
"Chris, Rebecca, Sammie,
here is a photo of the real me."
She's gonna send us a picture
of her real self?!
Holy sh
Sir Bear Bear, cover your eyes!
[dance music playing]
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