The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Pintando Verdades

Oh, the next morning
How do you deal with the hangover
from partying and from losing?
Good morning, The Circle!
Ana has joined
Her first act was losing the game, right?
She thought she would kill it
and ended up with no pizza.
Today I'll make voodoo dolls
of the other players.
I came to The Circle
Solely to win
I'm not two-faced
I won't try to hide
Does JP sleep at the gym?
"Update your status."
Damn, will there be new pics?
Status, Marcel.
Do you know what status is?
"How are you feeling today?"
Very proud of the Pink Team!
Exclamation mark.
I didn't have pizza,
but my ass gets bigger anyway.
Circle, like Ana's status.
She's so perfect.
Ass is like fart.
You read these words, you chuckle.
Circle, write it down.
Good morning, #Circle.
Let's put to good use
this machine of winning
we have within ourselves.
Rocket emoji.
Here comes Akel. Little rocket.
Cheesy as always.
But I won't be against
a motivational message.
Like Akel's status.
JP liked it.
Something's off.
Circle, update my status.
Go, Team Blue.
That's what I call team play.
Well, I hope Lo understands
that I won't like her status
because she's talking about Team Blue.
And I'm competitive.
Marina didn't like Lorayne's status?
Did they break up?
What's going on?
If that's how you want it
Seize the day
like there's no tomorrow.
Are you crazy, dude?
I don't have a reason to like his status.
It would harm my credibility.
Circle, show who liked my status.
Oh, Akel
If he chose not to like mine,
then, my friend, I'm unliking his.
I'm not afraid.
They're fighting again.
JP unliked it.
If he's Influencer again, I'm out.
If you want war,
you'll have war.
Guns, bombs and unlikes.
I'm going from The Circle
straight to the circus.
But the circus isn't handing out
300.000 reais, is it, love?
Wow, what are the odds?
Well, in The Circle,
unlikely stuff happens.
open a group chat with Ana and Marina.
open chat with JP.
Oh, my God.
What kind of group is this, JP?
Marina and me is understandable. But JP?
Do you want to talk panties, JP?
Girls, good morning.
The idea behind this chat
is getting closer
to these wonderful Carioca girls.
Circle, send.
Circle, message.
What's that, JP?
You're Team Blue. Get out.
#TrollingHard. Send.
Don't even start, girl.
Circle, message.
Marina is an old-timer,
but Ana just got here.
What are your first impressions?
Suspicious of anyone in particular?
Thinking face emoji. Send.
Yes. I'll talk about Akel.
Akel didn't get likes from JP and Marina.
Circle, message.
I noticed that you didn't like
Akel's status
"and that got me a little suspicious.
I'm also trying to know"
"a bit more from Lorayne."
Oh, damn.
Jeez, Ana is paying attention!
She got here with her eyes wide open.
Circle, message.
Lorayne and Akel are playing dirty,
trying to win everyone's favor
and staying on the fence.
e Lorayne: dishonest.
Not what he said,
but that's what I choose to think.
I totally agree about Akel playing dirty.
Lorayne? Are you sure, JP?
Circle, message.
It's okay to play.
But not dirty.
What about you, Marina?
Circle, message.
Ana, I gotta say
I find Akel very manipulative.
Unfortunately, I can't trust him anymore.
"As for Lorayne,
she's like a sister to me.
However, I have some doubts
about loyalty in The Circle.
Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Lorayne.
Circle, message. That's it, folks.
Don't mind us, we're very candid.
Right, JP?
That's it, girls. Like Marina said,
Circle, message.
By now, I only got to meet you.
"JP, thanks for the chat.
I feel more welcome."
You'll always be welcome here, dear.
JP is all about love.
Now, what does Ana make of all this?
This chat was very good
because when the like situation happened,
I started to notice
there was something wrong with Akel.
There you have it.
JP and Marina were bigmouthed and told me.
Fishing for allies season is open.
Cast your net and good luck.
open private chat with Akel.
it's time to put an end
to his relationship with Lorayne.
Circle, go to private chat.
Circle, message.
Hey, Akel, how are you doing?
Before we start chatting, I ship us.
#RaKel. Send.
Our Lady of Abadia!
This #RaKel thing got me in a pickle.
Firstly, Lolo will want to kill her.
Secondly, all my friends call me Rakel.
If he rejects me,
I can say it's only friendship.
#RaKel will be a "friends ship."
Circle, message.
What's up, Ray?
I was looking forward to this chat.
Circle, send.
What a player, huh?
Circle, message.
I'm a bit confused.
What's actually going on
between you and @Lorayne?
She didn't say a whole lot about you.
Circle, send.
She went straight for Lolo.
Of course, we have a good relationship,
but that doesn't stop me
from meeting new people,
and I don't mean romance-wise,
but in terms of making friends.
If he says she's his partner,
I'll assume they're playing together.
If he says otherwise,
I could hit on him
and try to sort of
rock their relationship.
Circle, message.
So With many Os.
Lolo and I hit it off
right from the first day.
I have a lot of affection for her,
but I'm here to get to know everyone.
Ellipsis. Circle, send.
He's playing with her.
That says it all.
That says it all.
I'm not telling you anything.
Your neck is on the line.
Rest assured. And I don't give a damn.
Circle, message.
I loved talking with you.
It gave me some insights. #OnYouToes,
This bit about women cheating
could mean two things.
Either watch out for Lolo
or you'd better get involved with me.
I sowed discord. Let's see what I reap.
It could come back to bite you, Ray.
You scared me, Circle!
What now?
It's something good.
It's kind of early.
Still sunny outside.
"It's time for the ratings."
I had already started.
Is Luma ready for another one?
I'm not gonna lie,
I'm super nervous about it.
"As a new player, Ana will rate,
but cannot be rated."
That happens when you're privileged.
I've been there.
Well, time to stir up some trouble.
Ana, you're a sister to me!
For Christ's sake, Ana!
It's gonna be easy.
It's hard
for whoever leaves.
I want to go first. Please!
I've never asked for anything. Please?
In first place,
I'd like to put Akel.
Because I trust him a lot.
I'm sure he will have my back
just like I protected him last time.
In fifth place, I'm putting
Dumaresq. He is
He's making allies
and becoming a very strong player,
so he represents danger.
Circle, in first place,
I want him up
in the ranks.
He doesn't deserve to be down there.
In second place, I'm nominating someone
who I've been growing
increasingly fond of. Marina.
If she continues to gain popularity,
then I'm safe.
I felt
something off about Marina earlier today,
so I'm ranking Marina fourth.
Girl, are you messing with me?
Gosh, I don't know
if I'll play this hand right.
In third place,
I like her a lot, but I also think
you're acting like a mindless sheeple.
Circle, in sixth place, I'm putting JP.
I don't want him as an Influencer,
especially after our disagreement.
I don't think he's prepared
for something that important.
Are you sure we're ranking JP first?
- Let's think about it.
- Marcel!
Who else would it be?
Circle, in first place, JP.
In first place,
I'm putting my Northern princess, Luma.
She's proving to be a worthy ally
and we're sticking together till the end.
I think my fifth place will be the person
with whom I interacted the least.
So, my fifth place
will be Luma.
In fifth place, please put Ray.
I feel like she still hasn't made her mind
about everyone.
Circle, in second place,
It's plain strategy.
You think no one is gonna place her
Ray isn't that well-regarded.
It's like we're throwing our vote away?
Circle, send my ratings.
"Ratings complete."
The coin has been tossed.
Let's hope for the best.
It all depends on who gets voted
as the Influencer.
I'm confident
that I'm gonna rank well.
Way up there.
I envy the self-esteem.
Are you sure you're looking so good?
We're going to find that out now.
Because everyone is painting
another player's portrait.
Circle has randomly selected
who each player will let's call it…
pay homage to.
Let's do this! Let's paint freaking Akel.
I'm giving you a tan, alright, JP?
Thank me later.
I'll need all the colors
because Dumaresq likes colors.
I wanna represent Lorayne the way I feel
like she is in here.
When I think about Ana,
I picture a faux queen in drag.
My art teachers would always say,
"Looking good, João! So beautiful!"
Just to cheer me up.
Art was never my strong suit.
Just like I pictured it.
It's damn good.
"All pictures are going to be uploaded
to The Circle."
The Circle's first anonymous art
exhibition is now open.
"This is Luma's portrait."
Oh, gosh, it's my painting.
Look at that!
Is that thing a foot?
That foot went right over my head.
Cracked heels!
Cracked-heels Northern.
- That's so lovely!
- So cute!
Circle, message.
Wow! What is this portrait?
"Mona Luma Smile."
Look at her smile.
"This is JP's portrait."
I hope Akel did it.
I hope there's battle brewing.
You got it right, Ana!
Does it say
"Puts out flames"?
"Puts out flames."
Let's go! Circle, message.
I want this painting in my living room.
Circle, send.
He tried to kick me out by all means,
and there he is,
enjoying my portrait of him.
"This is Ray's portrait."
And it was me who did it!
So cute!
Circle, message.
It's not a portrait,
it's a #WorkOfArt.
If it's by one of the three people
I'm aiming for,
Lorayne, Marina and Dumaresq,
then I'm on the right path.
I'm up next. Let's see what it looks like.
It's going to be good, I can feel it.
Let's see how it came out.
Holy Mother.
Jesus Freaking Christ!
It's Akel with a leash
A dog taking a dump.
It must have been JP.
So poorly drawn.
Circle, message.
I must say I didn't quite get it.
My only concern at the moment
is whether I have a bag on me
to clean up this shit.
Circle, send.
Is it that hard to understand?
Is it so cryptic?
If you look closely,
it's not a dog, folks.
It's a possessed ram
with the face of the devil.
Oh, thanks for the explanation.
Oh, guys, how are they gonna like it?
Someone is a bit wary of me.
For some reason, I think it's Marina.
Made it look
like she's going to cause trouble,
create intrigues and controversy.
I can't defend myself
and I can't attack.
Circle, message.
I understand that my arrival
may be a bit confusing,
but I'll explain who I am.
I'm E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
"I'm E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
I have just one message, "Be good."
Man, now I'm mind-fucked.
I have no clue what's going on.
Circle, message.
Being culturally sophisticated is a must.
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial left a legacy.
"E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
left a legacy."
A mediocre message like that
won Dumaresq over.
"This is Dumaresq's portrait!"
- Wow, you guys!
- So awesome!
My God, that's beautiful!
"Empty words," it's so crazy.
But it's beautiful!
Looks like Dercy Gonçalves with a beard.
Circle, message.
The colors that surround me
are the words I never uttered.
"Words speak less than colors."
I'm attacking you, boy.
You're meant to be uncomfortable,
not to say, "Oh, I look so good."
- Hell yeah!
- You startled me!
"This is Marina's portrait."
Son of b
That's horrible!
"Loose lips sink ships.
# FriendsWithEveryone, #BeCareful."
Jeez, it looks like it was written
with an actual knife.
"Loose lips sink ships.
# FriendsWithEveryone, #BeCareful."
Look at the size of her tongue!
Whoever drew it
wanted to make a dig at her.
- Luma, was it you?
- No!
Don't play dumb.
Circle, message.
At loss for words. #SayItToMyFace.
Thanks, quote unquote, "friends."
Insert broken heart emoji.
It hurt Marina's heart.
What have you been up to, lady?
Circle, message.
It's easy while being anonymous.
Vomiting emoji.
#SayItToHerFace. Send.
Luma thought we were meant
to be teasing each other.
People want to be artsy.
Hell, now it's Lorayne's turn.
Let's see.
I hope it's something nice.
What the fuck, man?
That's just evil Jesus Christ!
I'm a flower
full of thorns
and I'm stabbing
other flowers.
I got what you meant.
I think you're wrong,
so I'm going to spin it the way I want.
Which is: hardly the weaker sex.
Because flowers are beautiful,
the petals are delicate,
but if you touch it, honey,
you're gonna get hurt.
Circle, message.
You know what they say
"hardly the weaker sex."
Honey, it's not about that.
The fact that someone painted me like this
for everyone to see
goes to show that I'm not the one
stabbing other roses.
Someone wants you gone.
Someone other than me.
A new art movement is born:
Disappointments aside,
I want to know what's the next drama.
I'm dying to talk to Ana.
She's just joined
and is already winning everyone's hearts.
I feel that, soon enough,
she might be right by my side.
Circle, open chat with Ana.
Didn't I tell you
I wanted to talk to Dumaresq?
Circle, open chat with Dumaresq.
Circle, message.
Ana, I want to talk
serious stuff with you.
I want to talk serious stuff with you."
Hell, what is it?
Circle, message.
Are you trying to kill me of laughter?
If so, then you're almost there.
Oh, Dumaresq, for God's sake!
Damn, you are the one
who almost got me killed.
Circle, message.
LOL. Actually,
I've been meaning to say hello.
I've heard good things about you
from Marina. Send.
Being a bit toady doesn't hurt.
Oh, good to know
that Marina recommended me, honey!
Marina is doing well in my book.
I won't try to get information out of him.
Dumaresq, it's your turn.
Circle, message.
Sis, I can't believe the portraits!
So much energy, right?
What did you think of it all? Send.
Circle, message.
It was so much fun.
I just wish the person who painted you
had painted me too.
I'm such a liar.
Who painted him?
I did.
Girl, you're too much!
Circle, message.
I loved my portrait too.
Honey, lots of love and count on me!
Thanks for the chat, bro Baby!
Hold on.
XOXO, thanks for the chat, baby.
Circle, send.
Oh, Ana, I loved our little chat.
I'm starting to get attached to Dumaresq.
I admit I was picking on him,
but I also admit
it's time to stop
because he's nice, he's a good guy!
May this friendship last
for many, many likes.
I smell something off about Marina,
which I don't like.
I don't like this feeling,
because I trust and like Marina.
If we got back on good terms
and figured out who painted
our portraits and why,
we could be friends again.
Circle, open private chat with Marina.
"Lorayne has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh, God
Circle, open private chat with Lorayne.
That's exactly what I needed.
I know sometimes I get a bit upset
with some of her attitudes,
but I don't mean her any harm.
Circle, message.
I feel like we've grown apart
since Lucas was blocked.
Are you mad at me? Send.
"Are you mad at me?"
Circle, message.
Of course I'm not mad at you
for blocking Lucas.
You had no option.
Now that we're talking,
I feel so much honesty coming from her.
Everybody's being two-faced
and playing dirty,
so we must roll up our sleeves
and face the war.
I want to talk about
those freaking paintings.
Circle, message.
Those portraits put me on high alert.
"I was trusting everyone,
but it's not that simple."
If she reached out to me,
then she knows it wasn't me,
which makes me so happy.
That came from female hands.
Circle, message.
Jeez, girl. Ellipsis.
I think our portraits
were super horrible.
"Let's keep our eyes peeled
and trust our gut feelings.
Does it really say "girls"?
Damn, she's suspicious of the girls!
Good God.
Circle, message.
It's so unfair.
I think we're the most honest people here.
And I was silly enough to cry.
So relieved to talk to you, girl.
I'm here for you too. Heart emoji.
God, that's so good.
Seriously, I'm touched.
Speaking up is key.
Otherwise, you're out.
I needed that human warmth, you know?
Because I'm so needy.
The day she blocked Lucas
I was kind of upset, I won't lie.
Especially because she didn't
come up to me
to ask me how I was doing.
I was so crushed.
To me, She Fights is dead and gone.
Wow, the end of an era.
Perhaps Dumaresq is sensing the end?
Oh, my God, what is it now?
It could be anything, brother!
Ratings, maybe?
I just hope I don't cry my eyes out.
"The rating results are in."
Damn, it's time.
In seventh and sixth places.
I'm nervous.
God forbid it's me.
I don't want to see my picture.
Anything but that.
Holy shit, man.
From second to last is a lot!
What the heck!
Talk about a shock.
From Influencer
Lorayne went down to seventh!
Lorayne. I told you!
I told you that group isn't
It's not helping at all.
Baby, is this where we meet?
What a terrible place to be united!
Mock away, Luma.
Who knows what tomorrow may bring?
She could be blocked now,
so we bury this couple right away.
"She Fakes."
That's how the group
was supposed to be called.
Fourth and fifth places.
JP has gotta rank low, man.
I bet it will be Luma and Ray.
I think it's Ray.
Shit, I'm scared right now.
Legit scared.
The game is unpredictable.
Each day a different result.
Where's Auntie Luma?
- Where's Luma?
- Marcel, screw that.
- What?
- Never say "Auntie" again.
That means I placed higher, you guys!
I'm so curious.
What will this Top Three look like?
Luma must not be an Influencer.
Dumaresq, please.
Dumaresq is up there for too long.
Time for him to fall on his face.
It's tiresome. It's good exercise
- Are you shaking?
- for the arms.
Oh, God. I'm getting there, Lord!
Thank God!
I'm completely lost in this game.
North-Northeast, my girl Luma!
- Luma is not celebrating.
- Hold your hips.
Luma is not celebrating.
- She's not.
- Don't tease.
I want to twerk.
Show it already.
I don't want to waste too long
complimenting them.
Luma is first!
It's so good when this energy explodes.
For Luma to become an Influencer,
many people supported her.
I ask myself,
"Who isn't afraid of going home?
I'm literally shitting my pants.
Circle, for the love of God.
"As the most popular players"
"Luma and Dumaresq are now"
"The Circle Influencers."
Well done! Great duo!
What a nice thing to read!
"All other players failed"
"and are at risk of being blocked."
Well, it's more like Akel and I.
"Luma and Dumaresq,
please go to the Blue Room"
"to make your decision."
Luma always wanted to know the Blue Room.
When you get there you're so tense
that you can't enjoy the room.
I'm done for.
Oh, Marina, stop. Be optimistic.
I've put myself in their shoes,
and I'd kick me out.
Anyone who failed could be out.
Oh, you guys, how I missed this place!
It goes so well with my looks.
Northeast and North will have
an eternal mental picture of this room.
So this is the famous Blue Room.
Where everything happens,
including blocks.
Considering I relate to Luma
on so many ideas,
I believe that our feelings
in regards to other players
are going to line up.
"Influencers Luma and Dumaresq
are about to make a decision."
"But before that,
all players must join The Circle chat."
Oh, everybody is going to chat with us?
They should face it
as their last chance to speak up. I hope
This is new.
Alright, let's go.
"Each Influencer can save a player."
That's new.
It lowers the number of blockable people.
Got it.
That's crazy.
Shit got serious.
Who is Luma going to save?
Will Luma take me with her?
This can have many implications,
because it exposes our game plan.
God, I hope one of them saves me.
I wonder if Dumaresq will save me?
"Luma, choose one player to save
and explain your reason."
I'm taking the wig out, it's too hot.
I think she'll pick JP.
Let's see
if our alliance is worth anything.
Circle, message.
Following the ratings logic,
taking the players' opinion
into consideration
and being fair Send.
Oh, my God.
The person I'm saving is
- Ellipsis.
- Send.
It's time.
Let's go.
It's gotta be Ray.
So suspenseful, sis!
Go, honey.
I believe you.
God, thank you so much!
You're so awesome!
That's it!
I expected her to save me,
but it's her strategy, right?
She's protecting her own.
Luma is getting
a bit more predictable to me.
Luma saved Ray
- to win
- To strenghten their alliance.
- And
- Seeing that Ray placed third.
I owe you, sis. Only one favor, though!
Dumaresq is in a pickle.
He either saves Lolo or Marina.
Would he choose Akel?
So, Dumaresq, what's up?
Circle, message.
Empathy is key.
To have someone by your side
makes things that much lighter.
Oh, Lord.
What does he even mean?
Oh, my God.
Dumaresq keep typing.
Calm down, princess. You're first place.
Today I was told that this person
said positive things about me.
Attitude like this
makes The Circle more human. Send.
Oh It's not me.
I think it was Akel.
Jesus Christ.
This shit is thrilling.
Circle, message.
"The person I'm saving is"
If it's Akel or Lorayne
Marina is his best friend,
of course she speaks highly of him.
Lolo, JP and myself. Good grief.
What the hell! Shit's about to go down.
Marina and Ray are safe.
She for she.
She's gonna be so happy.
And I'm happy to be able to save her.
I did talk him up to Ana!
In short,
his saving Marina
shows I can manipulate Dumaresq.
Will I try to further manipulate him?
You bet.
Oh, my freaking God.
"Luma and Dumaresq must go
to the Influencers chat"
"to figure out who to block."
I'm safe.
I don't give a damn.
Are you nervous, hon?
What a tense moment.
Circle, open the Influencers chat.
Circle, message.
Time to talk serious business.
Are you ready?
Circle, message.
More than ready.
Let's talk seriously. Send.
Not even I feel
"more than ready", baby.
Let's start off with JP?
Circle, message.
Let's start off talking about JP.
We talked privately
and I feel he's very genuine.
My fear is that it's his strategy
to act like this with everyone.
In regards to JP,
I've also had
very productive talks with him.
I was told he wanted to block Akel
all the while calling him his friend.
everyone calls each other friend
in vain around here.
Shall we talk about Akel?
I feel that he is playing
most of the time.
A dirty game
that involves flirting and gossip.
I wanted Luma to just say,
"Duma, I thoroughly agree."
Circle, message.
As for his game,
I've been observing him
and had this same impression.
I just see him as someone friendly.
Couldn't agree more.
Now on to Lorayne.
She's not very close to me.
Maybe she's focused on here alliance
with Akel.
I'll talk about my gut feeling.
Circle, message.
I don't know if you believe me,
but my instinct
doesn't let me trust her.
Not to mention stories
"about gossiping."
We've heard about these stories.
Poor failed guys.
It's crunch time.
"Akel, JP and Lorayne
must go to the At Risk chat."
Hell, I wanted to see that chat right now.
This trio
really needs to have it out.
Circle, open At Risk chat.
Circle, message.
I think I never wanted
to cry so much in my life.
Circle, message.
It's in God's hands.
May whoever deserves it the most stay.
Of course you'd say
something dull like this.
Circle, message.
I think this is the best moment
to highlight something
that bothered me a lot.
I don't think it's cool of you to say
that I distanced myself
in order to kick me out of the game.
What foul play, brother?
I even said this wasn't the main reason.
Circle, message.
Akel, my man, I don't hold
any grudges against you.
Lorayne and I went through every player
and wound up between you and Lucas.
Back then,
I had no reason whatsoever
to block Lucas.
Circle, send.
So, he came up with a reason to block me
saying that I had distanced myself,
although I hadn't.
You don't fool me.
Full of bullshit.
Circle, message.
JP can testify
that I have no strategy.
I played with my reason
and did what I thought was fair.
Period. Send.
Circle, message. @Lolo,
I feel a lot of honesty coming from you.
I believe what you're saying
and I sincerely hope
"that getting close to me
wasn't a strategy."
Boy, why would I get close to someone
who always ranked low?
What a chat, man.
Now they're washing
their dirty laundry in public.
The two things that were bothering me
was Lolo perhaps using me as a strategy
and my feud with JP.
I'm being able to talk it all out.
Circle, message.
it's so exhausting to constantly entertain
the idea that everyone is being two-faced.
I'm being tested every day here.
You're here because you want to.
No one is making you stay.
Things really are tough around here.
Circle, send.
Circle, message.
I feel like we've reached common ground.
It's the best thing to do.
Circle, message.
I also think it's the right thing to do.
It's time.
It could be our last hug.
"The Influencers have made
their decision."
"All players must go to The Circle Chat."
Circle, message.
As you all can imagine,
it wasn't an easy decision.
"Talking to Dumaresq,
we raised a few points"
"and analyzed each player."
And by doing so,
we exchanged information
"about manipulation
and gossips"
"and we consider this
enough reason for a block."
We know we're dealing with dreams
"but that's the game."
I think it's me.
If Dumaresq thinks
I'm trying to manipulate
all the people, then it's me.
If he thought that JP was manipulative,
then it's him.
Circle, message.
The person we decided to block is
Subtitle translation by Natalie Botello
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