The Convict (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

- What is this?
- I don't know, you need to hide it.
Six stab wounds
and still no murder weapon?
The knife didn't just disappear.
It'll turn up eventually.
I hope Cedro stopped bothering you.
You'll spend you prime in prison.
But you can help yourself by cooperating.
- I thought you were serious!
- Stop shouting.
Will the police protect me if I talk?
- Richter?
- Come, we'll give you a ride.
Find Wiki, please.
You know what they do to girls like Wiki
in the whorehouse you sent her to.
- Bring her back.
- I'm not a widower just yet.
Paweł Witkowski is not the man
he claims to be.
- This is Ludmiła's video.
- Does Ludmiła Mielnik ring a bell?
She recorded a video before she died.
- Pull the prints off of that.
- Who are we looking for?
That's what I want to find out.
Her name is Hania.
I regret to inform you
your father has passed away.
- Are you sure you want this?
- Yes.
- I don't know what happens now
- What will be, will be.
- Mom, we're in love.
- Hanka, listen to me
- Let me go!
- Stay away from him!
- Inmate Agata Strzelecka.
- Thank you.
A questioning without a lawyer?
What is this?
Counsellor Bednarek
had an unfortunate accident.
He died in the hospital today.
He wasn't my lawyer.
But you know his girlfriend Wiki
very well.
- Why are you here?
- You can go down with Witkowski
or you can save your ass, your choice.
My ass can take a lot, Officer.
And I'll gladly take it back to my cell,
unless you had anything else.
You can tell me everything you know
or else I'll keep looking.
And I promise you, I'll find something.
And I'll push new charges.
Drug trafficking, pimping,
murder of an inmate. Enough?
Right, you've done the stick,
now on to the carrot.
I can put in a good word
with the prosecution.
How do I know they'll go for a deal?
You have risk it.
I don't have to do shit.
Good luck with your investigation.
I want to go back!
Number Two, an attempt in the hole.
- What the fuck is happening?
- Mazur in Room 7 is about to flip.
Well, well, things are going down!
- Where were you? I was worried.
- Are you going somewhere?
I called, you didn't answer.
I went to visit her.
I wanted to see her, talk to her
She hates us, Paweł.
Let's get out of here, Hania. For good.
- What?
- There's nothing keeping us here.
Wait, where? How?
What about school, the club?
You can take your finals anywhere.
And we can sell the club.
Do you really want this?
We'll go to Berlin and on from there.
Find a beautiful place, just you and me.
We'll start over,
far away from all of this.
Only if you want to.
I do want that.
Say that again.
I want it.
Don't fuck it up next time, Mazur.
You'll save the taxpayer some money.
We're supposed to watch them,
not insult them.
And punish them if they deserve, get it?
We're not animals, you bastard.
The tendons are okay.
You'll stay here for now,
I'll get you a sedative.
If you really want to help me,
get me a pass.
You will be marked a suicide risk
after what you did.
- You want to make me into a crazy person?
- First panic attacks, now suicide attempt.
I'll talk to my husband.
Thank you.
That fucker doesn't deserve you,
you should dump him.
- Dump him.
- Stop it.
- You'll understand when you have a child.
- I said stop it.
No, thanks.
You doing okay?
I checked Witkowski's prints
from your wallet.
Wojnach? Paweł Wojnach?
Attempted grand theft auto 15 years ago.
The District Court in Katowice
sentenced him to one year in prison,
three years probation.
Is this why he changed his name?
Witkowski, or rather Witkowska,
is his mother's last name.
He was ten when she died.
And his father?
Wiktor Wojnach.
A fence for the Falcon.
The car thief?
That's what they got him for, right?
Wojnach got eight years.
Like father, like son.
A legal name change is not a crime.
Maybe he wanted to cut himself off
from his father's history.
I'll talk to my client.
And then I'll quietly
check on this Wojnach guy.
- Where is he?
- He got a stroke before he went to prison.
He's currently still
in a care centre in Staszów.
Good, it's not far.
I'll make it before the visit.
Don't do a private investigation.
There's one guy who's already done that.
Are you coming?
This is Cedro.
He wants me now?
Okay, I'm on my way.
I'll check on Wojnach,
you talk to your client.
Mazur's medical records.
It's not a good idea to isolate her.
She shouldn't be alone now.
I have her the IARS status
and released her to the ward.
Crazy people belong in the psych ward.
You can't send her back now.
It's not going to help her.
There's a spot in Suwałki.
That's the other side of the country.
There's queues closer.
- Wait
- For what?
For her to die?
She'll miss the cell she had here.
That's what you do to me too.
will you tell her she's going?
Or should I?
I haven't slept with Cedro.
But looking at you now,
I feel like that was a mistake.
I made the wrong choice.
You wanted me, Chief?
Tell me, Cedro, why the hell
are you digging into the Mazur case?
There are some new leads.
Circumstantial and guesswork.
If it's true that
they are linked to Paweł Witkowski
Paweł Witkowski is a respected
and popular businessman.
And the truth is you have nothing on him.
Bednarek's death is nothing?
Garażowa street?
Drugs linked with Amnesia?
The prison Mazur is in?
A murderer ex-judge
fights for exoneration.
Hasn't it occurred to you
that it's all her doing?
That she knows exactly
what strings need pulling?
Have you met with Witkowski recently?
You organised a banquet in his club.
You've been there.
What the fuck are you implying?
- Me? Nothing. But if it turns out
- Watch it, Cedro.
Watch who you're talking to.
Watch what you're doing, okay?
- I am.
- I'm taking you off the case, that's it.
- What's happening, ma'am?
- Acetone.
A cable. It's dangerous.
There's forbidden objects here.
Okay, but that wasn't the deal, boss.
Thank your cellmate for that.
While she's still here.
- Alicja didn't want to kill herself.
- Didn't she?
Was it just a genius plan
to land in a psych ward?
You're moving me? Where to?
The prison staff cannot
provide such information.
But on a private note, Mazur,
it's a damn shame.
I thought at least you could
walk out of here like a normal person.
But I need to stay here!
Close to my daughter!
She can visit you in psych ward
in Suwałki.
I'm sorry.
No, Aluta, just relax.
Just relax, breathe.
What the fuck are you doing?
- The guard called to say you were leaving.
- I'm going on vacation.
A man's gotta rest.
Is she really that good in bed?
Tread carefully.
- She's your girlfriend.
- Be that as it may,
it's none of your business, Horst.
That's where you're wrong.
We're in this together
and you know there's no getting out.
Are you threatening me?
People die, Paweł.
Watch it or they'll find out
how Bednarek died.
I'm just following orders.
I know my place in line. Do you?
You lost Ludmiła's video
because you got wasted?
- Fuck the recording.
- Fuck you, Serafin!
Fuck you! That was the only chance
at reopening of the case!
There will be no case, get it?
He's protected by the police.
Cedro needs to watch his back, as do we.
- What does this mean?
- Cedro checked his fingerprints.
His real name is Paweł Wojnach.
- Previously
- Hold on, Wojnach?
I presided over Wiktor Wojnach.
His father?
His father?
He said his father had died
a few years ago.
He's alive.
I don't need a defence lawyer.
I have nothing to be afraid of.
You are charged with being part
of a criminal group.
But I refused to help them.
So they slashed my tyres.
They set my car on fire and
harassed me for months on end.
They finally broke me.
I had no choice.
Does the defendant wish to add anything?
I had to do it.
I had to protect my family.
Please rise for the sentence.
The District Court in Katowice,
2nd Criminal Division,
with this bench presiding,
having heard the case of Wiktor Wojnach,
finds the defendant guilty as charged
and hereby sentences him
to eight years in prison.
Please call an ambulance.
Step back, please.
Can you breathe? Can you hear me?
Waste of money.
For 100 pages
they are looking for a murderer
and it turns out to be this
psycho cop from chapter one,
who the reader suspects
since like the third page.
Waste of money indeed,
since now I know the ending.
Okay, I'll shut up.
Well, it says it's the best criminal
according to the New York Times.
A husband hires
his wife's lover to kill her. She
- Do you always do this?
- Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Perhaps I can make it up to you
with a coffee?
I was sure it would work.
I'm Paweł.
- I'm Alicja.
- Nice to meet you.
Kuba, I've called 100 times.
Why aren't you picking up?
- The chief called me in.
- Screw him.
Paweł had a motive, Alicja figured it out.
You have to question the old Wojnach.
I don't have to do anything.
He took me off the case, it's over.
Come on is this a bad joke?
How many police jokes are there?
Just this one, the rest is true.
- Fucking hell, she could die!
- I can't do anything, man!
The chief is dirty.
This isn't fucking Miami Vice.
They put her in prison
cause you fucked up the case!
You locked up an innocent woman.
Fuck you.
Get back here.
On your chief's leash.
It's like your Last Supper, Aluta.
You'll get speed for free.
Yeah, don't sweat it.
I hear they even have
curtains in the windows.
I have nothing left to lose.
Aluta, tell me
what's up with the G.I. Joe thing, huh?
They say hope is a fool's mother,
I get it, but you're no fool.
If you die here, I'll need to clean it up.
What are you laughing at, idiot?
You'll see, she'll fucking eat her veins
like a freaking vampire or something,
and we'll be cursed.
You'll see, guys will be
chasing you with wood,
but they'll stick it in your heart
and not in a good place.
It's not funny,
I read about it in a paper.
Look at you all jolly, ladies.
- What do you want, Shiv?
- You know what I want.
To finish the job?
- Where and when?
- Today.
In the showers.
Hey, back to your table!
- We just wanted to pray together.
- Thanks for the cheese.
The pate is lovely.
Are you actually fucking insane?
I mean, this is suicide. She'll kill you.
- I don't fucking care.
- Hey
I'm not scared of anything anymore.
Okay, that will be all. Thank you.
Hello, Counsellor Serafin.
I represent Mr. Wojnach.
Of course. We have not touched anything,
just like the son of the deceased wanted.
You're here for the paperwork
for Paweł Wojnach, correct?
- Yes, right. The paperwork.
- Great. After me, please.
This way.
It's here.
- Thank you.
- I'll leave you to it.
Superintendent Jakub Cedro,
please leave a message.
Cedro, it's me.
I found the paperwork, photos, everything.
Witkowski had a file on her.
He was following her, he planned it.
Listen, Paweł is taking off.
What the fuck are you talking about?
He wants to run away with the girl.
No one trusts him anymore.
Do you know anything?
I know the police
is starting to sniff around.
Is Mazur on his ass?
- What does she know?
- Mazur is not going to be a problem.
Trust me.
Shiv, if he runs, he's done.
Don't sweat it.
Get Wiki out, while she's still alive.
- Do you hear me?
- You don't believe that yourself.
- Paweł won't let me.
- In exchange for Mazur's life.
Shiv, are you really this naive?
Paweł will never let her go.
He's lying to keep you on his leash.
Have you ever heard of anyone
coming back from Berlin?
Wiki's gone, it's over. Understand that.
Shiv, are you there?
So you just take it,
you hold your thumb here
Come here.
You grab her by the neck
and hit the artery as soon as you can!
Okay, Aluta, listen.
If you hit the right spot,
she bleeds out in seconds.
Have you done this?
What? Everyone's been through this.
You've gotta be prepared.
Okay, ladies, enough with this shit.
Where did you get this?
Finders, keepers.
You do realise this is Shiv's knife?
It's the murder weapon!
Pin it on her and you're good.
Inmate Mazur, time for a shower.
I'm scared.
It'll be fine.
Teresa, get the fuck out.
To think you could have
fucked off to the psych ward.
This has to end here and now, Shiv.
You really are crazy, Mazur, right?
I have nothing to lose.
Do you?
Don't fucking push it.
You're only alive, because I let you.
My baby
I have one too.
Paweł is leaving with her, did you know?
He'll sell her to a whorehouse.
You'll lose her just like I lost Wiki.
Help me.
Finish your job.
Paweł Wojnach,
here for my father's belongings.
The room is open,
your lawyer is still here.
- My lawyer?
- Yes.
Hello, Mr. Wojnach.
I confess to changing my name.
You caught me, Officer.
I haven't caught you yet.
But I am working on it.
From what I have heard,
you're not working anymore.
What do you have on him?
Videos with your hookers?
The chief will be at the club tonight,
you can ask him yourself.
- This isn't over.
- That's what you think.
Thank you for coming.
I'll talk to the prosecution
about shortening of Mazur's time
when Shivs starts talking.
You have a conscience after all.
I'll get fired
and you'll get killed like Bednarek.
This is Cedro.
If you want to nail him,
you need to come right now.
Shiv? What's going on?
Yet another unfortunate accident.
- What are you talking about?
- Come or I'm not talking.
What kind of a delay?
So when will you be here?
In the morning?
Listen, if she dies on me
I will report you.
I will report you, yes.
Just hurry.
- What do you want?
- It's about Mazur.
It's not my problem.
You will call her daughter
and tell her her mother's dead.
What do you mean dead?
Another suicide attempt,
this one successful.
No way, I'm calling my boss.
Put him on,
we'll chat about your illegal adoption.
Will you close the door?
- I forgot my headphones.
- There's no time.
- I'll just run upstairs, it's a second.
- I'll get you new ones at the airport.
- Just get to the taxi, please.
- Seriously?
- Gate?
- Just slam it shut.
Give it to me.
- Hello?
- Hello, Warden Dworak speaking.
- Is this Alicja Mazur's daughter?
- Yes, that's my mother.
- I regret to inform you
- Get in.
your mother has died.
Your mother passed away.
Hania, get in.
- My God
- What happened?
Just wait
I'm not going anywhere.
Leave it.
It's locked.
It's locked, Hania, it's locked!
It's all our fault.
How can I be sure she won't run away?
It's a police covert operation.
My people are watching her.
- The police?
- They'll provide a car,
you bring her, take her back, that's it.
I don't why the chief
would have agreed to that.
- Are you going to obstruct?
- No, no.
At 8.30 AM the delayed convoy
to Suwałki will get here.
You have until morning.
- This is Cedro.
- My office, now.
What? Now?
- Yes, now.
- Okay, I'm coming.
Did something happen?
The car's here.
The warden will escort you out
or will face obstruction charges.
- It's ready, just press the button.
- Can I put it in my pocket?
Yes. Hurry up.
After me.
- Good evening.
- Hello.
Marcin Jaworski, Internal Affairs.
Aspirant Andrzej Maćkowiak,
we're here to see you.
About what?
You're currently investigating a drug case
involving the Amnesia club.
- And?
- This is a formal hearing,
so I have to want you
that anything you say, Officer,
might be used in the case.
Superintendent. In what case?
Gentlemen, feel free to use my office.
I'll leave you to it.
Good luck.
Excuse me, I have to take this.
Yes? I need to stay here,
I'm with Internal Affairs.
I can't talk, I'll call you later.
What do you mean, Cedro?
The car's on the way.
As I've said, the confiscated drugs
were deposited in the Evidence Room.
- Everything is in the report.
- The report says there were 15 grams.
- Then there were 15 grams.
- We only have ten.
- Excuse me?
- Well, it doesn't match the report.
You think I stole it?
Or are you looking for dirt?
We have to review everything step by step.
For your own good.
You better check
if they weighed it correctly.
Let's start from the top.
Admission of 15 grams of cocaine,
mixed in half with heroin,
took place at 9.45 PM
in the Evidence Room.
Your signature is here too.
Where is Cedro?
- He's running late.
- We won't go without him.
I know, he'll be here soon.
There he is.
They're holding Cedro, go.
- What?
- Go.
- What?
- Just go!
- It's not him.
- It isn't?
It's not him!
I was too, when I found out
you ordered Shiv to kill me.
You cut a deal with her.
I'm impressed.
- You know that Hania
- Don't you dare say her name, you fucker.
Don't move!
Don't you move!
There are two options.
You either shoot and a life sentence
or you don't shoot
and I will kill you.
Like you killed Ludmiła?
Stay still!
Ludmiła died because of you.
And not because of your father?
He was the best man I've ever known.
He was innocent.
And you could have saved him,
but you didn't.
You thought you could do anything.
Do you now get how it feels?
Wrongfully convicted, humiliated.
Alone! Do you feel it?
- I have to get a drink.
- What?
Can I offer you a drink?
No, thank you, I'll just have some water.
You don't have any?
- Tough.
- We have to talk.
What's this about?
It's about you.
I'll wait for you in the toilet.
For the sake of your family, come.
There's Mom, there's Mommy!
I have to go, I just Oh my, Mommy
My name is Ludmiła Mielnik.
I'm scared for my life.
If something was to happen to me,
the police must see this video.
I know too much
and Paweł always gets what he wants.
Alicja must know the truth.
Paweł Witkowski
is not the man he claims to be!
I don't know you, but please,
give this to the police.
What did you tell her?
Nothing, really.
- Leave me!
- Don't lie!
I didn't do anything!
I didn't do anything
You've planned all of this.
The wedding
the love
All of it.
Your sentence took my father's life.
I wanted to take yours.
Death for death.
Don't move! Don't come any closer!
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