The Crowned Clown (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

The Power To Protect The People I Cherish

The Crowned Clown
The characters, organizations, locations, and events in this drama are fictional and have no relation to historical facts.
Episode 8
Why did you come back? Did you come to check if I had died?
Go ahead and kill me.
I can't kill you so I could live.
I have to take your head to His Majesty.
Go. Go far away.
The place I have to go has already been decided.
I'm going to return to the palace.
Are you saying you will throw away your chance to live?
Since there is something more important than my life,
I can't leave it behind.
Don't you ever turn your back away from me.
If you do, I will kill
the ones that you cherish and adore more than your own life,
and I will make everything you put your life on the line to accomplish go in vain.
Imperial edict stating the king knew about the crime the queen had committed. She is ordered to be deposed. Once out of the palace, poison is to be administered to her.
Since I have found out about the queen's sins,
there is nothing I can do besides dismiss her from the palace.
After she's discharged from the palace, I will poison her, so
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
We're going back to my palace.
What are you doing? Hurry up and go!
Are you alright, Your Highness?
I'm not sure.
Why am I like this?
Why did His Majesty have such a cold gaze?
Your Majesty. Your Majesty.
Your Majesty!
Let go!
Your Majesty.
- Everyone leave!
- Your Majesty
Your Majesty.
Leave. I will serve him.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Since the time I decided to serve you with my life,
quite a long time has passed.
In order to fulfill my duty,
I did everything to keep my oath of loyalty.
Even though I had to make a decision, I hesitated.
In the meantime, the last chance I was given
disappeared in vain.
I am
now ready to face hell.
Imperial edict stating the king knew about the crime the queen had committed. She is ordered to be deposed. Once out of the palace, poison is to be administered to her.
Is His Majesty alright?
He fainted and collapsed.
- Then, I will call the royal physician.
- No, you can't.
What do you mean no? What are you saying?
If the royal physician examines His Majesty, he will find out that His Majesty is addicted to drugs.
If His Majesty's condition is known, the entire country will be in chaos.
The queen dowager might use it as an excuse to control the royal court.
But still
Where is Moo Yeong?
I don't know. While His Majesty was on his way to Her Highness,
he gave him an order in secret.
It seems like he went to fulfill that order.
Until I come back,
don't let anyone in.
Prohibit the queen dowager from leaving her house. It's the king's order.
The (faux) edict that orders queen dowager be strictly prohibited from leaving the palace.
Jeong Saeng
Come to the back door, the side door that servicemen use, at the hour of the tiger (3-5am).
Is anyone outside?
If you go to the brothel in Hwagye-dong, you will find a man named Jeong Saeng.
Deliver this letter to him.
Yes, Sir.
Sir, you were looking for me?
This is from His Majesty.
Proceed with it immediately.
As you block the queen dowager from leaving her palace,
go ahead and enhance security around
the Dambum door that the royal family members use and the Geumho door that her servicemen use.
Do this secretly, so there is no fuss about it.
Yes, Sir.
Sujeongdang (Empress Dowager's Palace)
Hwaeom Gyeong (The Flower Garland Sutra)
Queen Dowager is "brush meditating" by hand copying part of the Hwaeom Gyeong (The Flower Garland Sutra)
Your Highness, the guards are blocking the gate and blocking servants from entering.
What? It's so late. What's the reason for them to do so?
I'm sorry but His Majesty has ordered confinement.
Yoopye: confinement. Keeping an individual locked in deeply.
Why are you here?
- There was a royal command prohibiting any entrance or exit.
- A royal command?
The queen dowager has just been confined under the king's order.
When did he collapse?
It's been a few hours.
Then you blocked off the palace and even confined the queen dowager without the king's permission?
How are you going to handle this when His Majesty is awake?
Our priority is to take him out of the palace and get him treated without the queen dowager knowing.
His Majesty's birthday is in two days.
If he's not present in the palace, she will find out.
So we need to bring His Majesty—
I mean, we need to bring that fake one back, right?
Ha Seon is dead.
I mean
How can that?
That bastard
did not die.
Did you not tell me that he was definitely dead?
Is he alive or dead? What's the truth?
Where is he right now?
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
I'm so glad that you're safe.
I'm so relieved.
- Is he dead?
- No.
However, we don't know when he'll wake up.
Why did you call me again?
Then, why did you come back even though you knew that you would die?
Because I saw it.
When His Majesty ordered you to kill me,
you hesitated.
Proceed with it. If you can't do it, should I do it?
You will never know.
That horrible feeling of being thrown away by someone you trusted and depended on.
I'm so used to being cold and hungry, but
For the past few days,
I've been so agonized that I felt it would be better to die.
Cooped up in a pitch black, dark hole,
listening to wild dogs howling, coming to rip my eyes out,
while shivering in the brutally cold wind,
I thought about it and made up my mind.
I really don't want to die like this.
It would be too unfair to die like this, so I can't die.
I also prayed to the heavens
that you would survive.
You can't believe me even if you want to, can you?
Since I've only forced you to the brink of death until now.
If you want me to beg for forgiveness, then I'll do so.
If you ask me to just let you go, I'll send you off.
Just say the word.
What is it that you truly want?
I want to have power
so that I can protect people who are more precious than my own life,
I want to become a true king
who has that kind of power.
Being a king is not a position where you can wield power whenever you want.
It's a position that devours people and bleeds them dry.
It's a savage-like position where you need to cut off loyalty and duty.
Just to protect the throne and the country, just for that,
you have to give up everything you have, even your heart.
Do you still want to do it?
Engrave this moment in your heart.
From now on, no matter what danger I face,
I won't leave your side and will protect you at all costs.
What is wrong?
He fainted again.
I will visit you in a couple of days. Until then, please look after him.
I understand. I will escort him to a location safer than my temple.
His Majesty can't go alone. I will follow behind him.
You have to do that for me to rest easy. You do that.
It needs to be examined by the royal physician.
I'm worried it might get worse.
If I end up dying from this small of a wound,
we should just think that it's my destiny to die.
There's nothing to do. Don't concern yourself too much.
Since you're making jokes,
I feel much more at ease.
Then, I will leave now, Your Majesty.
While you were gone, His Majesty visited Left State Minister Sin Chi Soo and
stated that he will make everything you and I were doing invalid.
He has forgiven all those who committed embezzlement?
There must be a way to reverse things, right?
Unfortunately, we can't reverse something that the king says.
So the new appointments will be carried out tomorrow as planned.
Have a drink.
Let's drink up.
Congratulations, Left State Minister.
I'm not the one who stands to be appointed tomorrow.
How come you are congratulating me?
His Majesty came here in person.
He showed his trust towards you.
We all were able to save our seats.
So this is thanks to you, My Lord.
How could that be because of me?
It was all due to the grace of His Majesty.
That, that man.
Come on.
My Lord, this is nothing, but please accept this.
What is this?
It's something called a telescope.
It's something very fascinating that allows you to see faraway objects as if they were right in front of your nose.
Tojimyeongmun (A contract for prime land)
Your talent is wasted as a county magistrate.
I will take it into consideration.
Thank you.
By the way, My Lord,
it won't be suddenly postponed, will it?
Are you saying that you can't trust me?
H-How could that be? Of course, I trust you.
It's not a matter of trusting you.
Ah, right. I heard you are nominated to be the chief of Ik San County.
Yes, well
Since you are the son of the left state minister,
it must be that you are getting a nice position.
I am planning to do it right and meet His Majesty's expectations this time.
Here is your after breakfast.
I brought some white porridge. Please take your time.
The chief royal secretary has filled me in with what's going on with court affairs.
Did nothing happen here?
Nothing much.
Tell me anything.
I should know everything so I won't make mistakes.
Well There was a night of
unification of Her Highness and the real His Majesty.
But His Majesty got sick and
ran out of the room. The unification has failed, so
Her Highness must be sad.
I haven't given you anything yet, Queen.
So those mere positive feelings, which are not from me,
get rid of them immediately.
Your Highness, what's wrong?
I feel suffocated.
I need to go out and walk for a while.
His Majesty is on his way!
Daejojeon Palace
Your Majesty.
Queen, follow me.
I missed you.
All night, I could only think of you.
I was able to endure last night with that thought.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, what happened to your hands?
I practiced martial arts with Officer Jang late last night. The wounds must be from the practice.
I told him to go easy on me.
It feels like you are a different person from last night.
That's why I like it.
I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see this smile ever again.
I was so scared to death.
I felt that way as well.
Last night felt so long.
You coming to see me,
I will never forget this until I die.
I will make frequent visits from now on
until you say you are sick of me.
You've gone through a lot.
Don't mention it. It wasn't much.
What did you do?
They said we were going to be beheaded until yesterday.
I didn't have to do anything.
It was a misunderstanding to arrest you innocent people in the first place.
What? A misunderstanding?
What kind of a job are you doing? Huh?
Why? You should've come after I'm beheaded and said
"It was a misunderstanding." Huh? Huh?!
I was really scared.
My Lord, is everything truly alright?
Yes. You don't need to worry.
I need to see the members.
I will apologize until they forgive me.
I will ask them to come up with a plan together to keep the elder Gil Sam Bong's will.
What's up with this? How come you are guarding the queen dowager's gate?
There was a royal command to prohibit any entrance to the queen dowager's palace.
A royal command?
Do you mean His Majesty has ordered confinement?
The queen dowager has been confined.
My Lord!
How can you confine the queen dowager out of nowhere like this?
What kind of rude behavior is this?
Why are you complaining to me when it was His Majesty who ordered it with his own intention?
I just found out too.
Are you saying you don't know anything about this?
If you are that worried about the queen dowager, why don't you go beg His Majesty yourself?
Let's go.
Your Majesty, these are the government officials designated for promotion and appointment.
Your Majesty, please reconsider this.
If you reward those who should be punished,
the order of the court will not stand upright.
Your Majesty, if you appoint those who are involved in extortion,
the resentment of the people will grow.
Please listen to our plea.
Please listen to our plea!
Your Majesty, they are being foolish, only knowing part of the situation.
If it takes longer for you to appoint regional chiefs, it will be the citizens that suffer.
You should appoint them immediately.
I understand you all well.
Chief Royal Secretary.
First Officer of the Office of Censors, Sin Yi Gyeom come forward.
I've noticed your abilities for some time.
We can't let a person of such worth not be utilized.
I will cancel your nomination as the chief in Ik San county.
I will appoint the town magistrate in Moojinmok Dae Jeong Yeon to you.
Does that make sense?
That place is an island full of rocks. Is this not a demotion?
This is my turn to get promoted.
They said they found a new hot spring there.
A hot spring?
That's right. A hot spring.
As you all know, I like hot springs.
Go and personally look into the topography
and tell me where to dig to get to the spring.
Besides On Yang, I'd like to experience new waters.
Mayor of Jeonju Jeong Hee Myeong, County Chief of Deoksan Lee Soon Il, County Chief of Heungdeok Park Ki Sang, and Chief of Jiksan Kim Ji Bong.
Step forward.
Mayor of Jeonju Jeong Hee Myeong.
As a result of an investigation, I found out that you have taken the most tributary payments in all of the eight provinces.
How dare you to commit burglary when you should be an example of the people?
I won't allow your appointment.
What's going on?
County Chief of Deoksan Lee Soon Il.
Not only have you stolen tributary payments, but you've also been secretly corresponding with a foreign country.
You took petitions regarding this matter from the citizens, and you're shamelessly looking for a promotion?
County Chief of Heungdeok Park Ki Sang.
When you were caught stealing tributary payments,
you used bribes to cover up your crimes.
How dare you to cover up your crime with another crime? I won't allow your appointment!
Imprison everyone until I decide on a punishment!
Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Please spare our lives!
Forgive us, Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty, please spare our lives!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty, this was supposed to be a place to reward, but suddenly you've brought up crimes and punishment.
You can't do this.
What do you mean I can't do this?
These are things that you permitted me to do when you came to my home.
You told me to come back to the royal court and stay by your side.
You told me to do things I wished. Why are you doing this now?
I said that because I trusted your loyalty,
but you let me down.
What do you mean, Your Majesty?
Chief Royal Secretary.
The appointed Chief of Jiksan, Kim Ji Bong.
Yes, yes.
Kim Ji Bong, who has been appointed the chief of Jiksan,
was appointed without taking the high-level exam, although he did take the low-level exam.
It was Left State Minister Sin Chi Soo who appointed this unqualified person.
It's only right to hold him responsible.
Left State Minister Sin Chi Soo is exempt due to his status as a vassal so I will not punish you separately.
But your crime is a serious one, so I will dismiss you from your position as the left state minister.
Your Majesty.
Is this truly what you desire, Your Majesty?
That lowly lad over there
He's rather good looking contrary to his low status.
Let's go.
Left State Minister.
I should call you Minister Go Seong from now.
Please deliver this message to His Majesty.
I deserve to be deprived of my noble status and everything,
but he graciously allowed me to keep my status as a vassal.
I'll never forget that act of grace.
I will do so.
You will regret insulting my innocent family one day.
After committing the crime of attempting to kill the chief royal secretary, you still have words?
When did I try to kill you? Do you have evidence?
If I report it to the authorities,
two days will be enough to get evidence, a witness, and confessions.
Should I do that?
If you reject your appointment, I will make you take responsibility for your crimes.
Are you satisfied now?
No, not at all.
Thinking of what my little sister has gone through,
it wouldn't even be enough making him a slave of government and have him carry feces every day.
My Lord, I miss my sister.
Woon Sim knows where Dal Rae is. Please let me meet her.
Right. So Woon Sim was looking after her.
But without revealing your whereabouts to Woon Sim,
I can't ask about your sister.
Until I find some way to do this, wait a little bit.
Tomorrow is His Majesty's birthday.
You will get congratulations from all the civil and military officials of the court.
Learn everything from Eunuch Jo and make sure there are no mistakes.
I don't even know my own birthday but getting congratulations
It feels a bit strange.
Forget about the royal banquet. Can I just cancel it?
His Majesty's birthday banquet is a way for court lieges to deliver their congratulations.
They must have been preparing for a couple of months. It will be hard to cancel it now.
What about I just get their congratulations without having an actual banquet?
I think it would be better giving the food to the citizens instead.
Citizens can stuff their bellies on the king's birthday.
How wonderful that is!
I got it.
About the birthday festivities, I will talk to the Minister of Rites and make adjustments.
Here comes yeot! Pumpkin taffy!
Hey, Auntie!
Here! We have yeot! Get some taffy!
Where are you going? Come here!
What's wrong? You've already made your visit last time.
In order to collect taxes, we have to know the exact prices of products. I can't help it.
This is one my official tasks in the Ministry of Finance, so don't complain.
Hey, hurry, hurry.
This, this. Please try this.
You had to choose yeot from all the available candies.
I can feel ill intentions from this plate!
No way.
I just want you to have some sweets and stay here for a while for fun.
- One, two
- What are you doing?
I will count to ten.
I need to know the prices. Bring everything you've hidden in the back.
What do you mean hidden? Come on.
After I count to ten, I will double the fine for every product I find.
- Three!
- Run!
- Four!
- Okay, okay, okay!
Oh, dear
Well I need to ask something.
Are you the owner?
I wish.
Excuse me?
No, never mind.
Go ahead and ask me anything.
Ahjussi. Let's just leave.
What's up with you? You don't want to find Ha Seon?
I'd like you to take a look at this.
Do you know where it's made?
Let me see. How much would I make if I sell this?
I'm just joking.
This girl has such bright eyes. You will become something.
This is a dragon design.
Only the king can use this design.
Oh my The k-king, you said?
Wait. Where did you get something like this?
Well, well T-That is
Wait! Wait!
Wait there!
Yes, you are still counting, right?
I've just counted to 118.
Prince Jin Pyeong, you are here to see His Majesty?
No, I'm here to see you.
No matter how much I think about it, I can't understand His Majesty's intentions.
I thought it was Left State Minister who persuaded His Majesty to confine the queen dowager, but
I don't think that is the case from what happened in the royal court earlier today.
I thought you would know something, Chief Royal Secretary.
Well, I'm not sure. How would I know what's in His Majesty's mind?
However, regarding the queen dowager, you don't need to worry.
Since it's His Majesty's birthday tomorrow,
he has specially ordered the confinement to end.
Well, then.
He was going to call it off so easily.
Why did he order confinement so urgently like that?
I'm sure he wanted to humiliate you.
You cannot hold back when it comes to His Majesty's tyranny any longer.
If what His Majesty wants is for me to be in fear,
then I should, at least, pretend I am.
What are you planning to do now?
Lord! You promised that there wouldn't be any problems this time.
Come out for a second, Lord!
What are you doing? Hurry and take that punk out.
Yes, Sir!
I was told being loyal here would make it all happen, so
I gave you the documents to my land and everything!
If things went wrong, you should give me my document! My land!
Shut his mouth.
Let go!
Lord! My land—
Lord! Please spare my life!
I have something to tell you.
It's about His Majesty!
If you don't listen to me now, you will regret it.
Stop it.
Let him in.
Since you said it's about His Majesty, I will give you a chance to talk.
Recently, I had some clowns perform at my house.
But one of the clowns,
he looked exactly like His Majesty.
Are you trying to fool me with that kind of stupid lie?
Take this bastard away right now!
My Lord! I'm not lying!
I'm telling you the truth! The truth!
This tsk, tsk, tsk.
Are you sure he looks the same as His Majesty?
How dare I lie to you?
If you can't believe me, I will put my life on the line!
Please give us the verdict on the criminal Yoo Ho Jeon's case.
Exile him to Jeol Island.
He just did it because he was surprised. If he loses his head from one mistake,
who would survive?
Since I've never lost trust in you, Left State Minister,
come back to the royal court and stay by my side!
Left State Minister Sin Chi Soo is exempt due to his status as a vassal, so I will not punish you separately.
But your crime is a serious one, so I will dismiss you from your position as the left state minister.
Why did you call for us again?
I wanted to give this to you all.
This is Daedongjigye that the elder Gil Sam Bong wrote, isn't it?
I thought it was burned when he died.
Lord risked his life and went into the jail.
He stayed with him in his final moments and kept this.
I used to think of Hyungnim as an enemy just like you guys but not anymore.
I guarantee you that the Dae Dong policy
will be a bridge to the new world that we dream of.
I remember clearly diligently learning how to read, hoping for the day I would read this book.
It's still possible. You don't need to forgive me.
It doesn't matter even if you hate me.
I will be walking towards the new world you all will live in, so
I'm saying, just like the time we were together,
we should learn and live together.
Fooled once or twice That's the same thing.
Let's just say we were fooled by him one more time.
Do it right this time.
I will. Thank you.
Engrave this moment into your heart.
No matter what kind of danger I come to face, I will not leave your side and will protect you.
Your Highness!
Have you been well?
You've suffered so, Your Highness.
The one who was unfilial and persecuted the Queen Dowager is on the king's throne.
We are in despair for this country's future.
The sins of a child belong to the parent.
It's my fault for not doing anything about His Majesty's tyranny.
But for the prosperity and peace of this country,
I will not just sit and watch the king's sins any longer.
Will you work with me?
It's only right for any righteous person to support our cause to dethrone the corrupt king.
Is that not so?
Of course!
We will follow you, Your Highness.
We will follow you! We will follow you!
I give my congratulations on your birthday, Your Majesty.
Thank you.
You can leave now.
Yes, Your Majesty.
It wasn't a small scar.
How come it disappeared overnight?
Your Majesty, are you awake?
Where am I?
How come you brought me here?
You collapsed, so
we brought you here to hide the fact you are ill.
Where is the clown's head?
I could not follow your order, Your Majesty.
Since I've committed a crime deserving death, I'm ready to accept any punishment.
If it's a crime deserving death, you should die.
What are you looking at?
Should I kill you?
Since you didn't follow a royal command,
you deserve to die.
You should be honored to die in my hands.
Your Majesty.
Chief Royal Secretary, you've got quite the luck.
I will behead this punk. Watch carefully.
Your Majesty.
Would you do it?
Is it not your birthday today?
Don't bloody your hands on such a good day.
Right. It's my birthday.
I can't do that. I can't.
Lock him up in jail and bring me my birthday banquet.
Let's eat together.
Moo Young, go ahead and return to the palace first.
I will serve His Majesty and return.
I prepared this birthday food.
I know you've rejected having a banquet but please accept this meal.
Did you cook all this?
Ladies in the royal kitchen made the side dishes.
But you always have the seaweed soup on your birthday, so
I cooked it myself.
It's good.
What a relief.
Your Majesty, your concubines have requested to see you.
They are here to congratulate your birthday. Please bring them in.
Let them in.
I've brought you a small birthday gift, Your Majesty.
Please open it.
I prepared it for wishing you longevity.
This reminds me of that song.
"Hey, Turtle. Hey, Turtle. Give me your head."
"If you don't, I will grill you."
If it were a real turtle, I could eat it at least.
It seems like there is no need for this.
It would've been better if you'd given me an actual turtle.
- Excuse me?
- Right!
I can sell this to purchase rice.
Your Majesty.
What kind of gift did you give His Majesty, Your Highness?
I wasn't able to prepare anything.
That could happen. It's okay.
I heard that our citizens prefer not to give or receive anything on their birthdays.
Let's do that in the palace, too.
I am planning to go to the library.
Since it's my birthday, I should go meet my friends the books, right?
I'm going to read some books there at the hour of monkey (3-5pm).
So nobody should disturb me!
At the hour of monkey. In the reading room. Books.
It is someone's birthday today but
it's also someone's death day.
My mother who died after giving birth to me.
I heard that she didn't even have a chance to eat the seaweed soup made for pregnant mothers.
Because I killed his beloved concubine,
the previous king didn't even assign me a nanny.
Instead of mother's milk, I was fed this seaweed soup, I hear.
I wanted to call him Father.
The previous king
never allowed me to call him that, not even once.
Right. What happened to the queen?
Have you already given her poison?
Your Majesty.
Your soup will get cold.
Please have some.
I can poison her after I return to the palace.
Once I return to the palace this time,
I will kill everyone who's been disobedient all this time.
They will come to their senses when things turn into a bloodbath.
They are making me
Your Majesty, before you make your return,
let's stop by the beach you used to enjoy when you were the crown prince.
I will serve you a drink to celebrate your birthday there.
That sounds good!
It's been a while. Let's go together.
I was always curious about what there might be on the other side of the ocean.
When I was a crown prince, you brought me books from Ming Dynasty.
Those books were full of fascinating stories from across the sea.
One day, I will definitely
cross this sea to those countries and
I will bring advanced weapons back.
Then, I will make this country stronger than the barbarians,
even stronger than Ming Dynasty.
You will see.
How come you are not saying anything?
That strong country that Your Majesty wishes for,
you already know that I want the same.
That's right. The country you and I wish for.
That new world.
I will make sure it happens. Just wait a little bit.
Didn't you say you have a drink?
Give me some already.
It would've been nice if you were my father.
Let's go back to the palace now.
How come I'm like this again?
That clown punk is alive, right?
I was afraid this would happen.
That's why I tried to make you kneel in front of me and keep you by my side.
How come you are turning your back on me?
How come you are abandoning me?
I'm not abandoning you, Your Majesty.
I just chose this country and its citizens, the new world.
Do you think I will collapse like this?
No way.
As soon I return to the palace,
that clown punk, the queen, you,
and even Officer Jang!
I will beat you all,
rip your limbs apart, and burn them.
I will make sure you suffer
in pain that's even more painful than death and regret having treasonous thoughts.
You need to spare your words.
It will be less painful.
Did Yool that kid
Did he suffer like me right now?
When I saw you sacrificing him for my sake,
I thought I finally found someone that's on my side.
Didn't you say you could die for me?
I didn't lie about dying for you, Your Majesty.
How interesting.
You decided to die but you live.
I decided to live but I die.
It can't be.
I need to live.
I must live.
The strong country you wish for.
This is the only way for that kind of country to come a day sooner.
Do you think it will be possible without me?
Don't worry.
I will put my life on the line and
make sure it comes true.
I'm scared.
I'm so scared.
In the afterlife,
the fact that I'm the king won't matter, right?
I will stay
by your side until the end.
The Crowned Clown
There is no way you can help me.
This is my crime. I will be the only one responsible for it.
You, a hunting dog abandoned by the king How dare you to come bark at me?
I'm here to put you on the king's throne, Prince Jin Pyeong.
Even if I die missing you, I am happy that I got to know you.
Let's go.
We need to set a trap.
A mere chief royal secretary can't compete with me.
Can you do it?
You can't call him a clown if he's choosing where to perform.
You wench, you're asking to die by my hand, aren't you?
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