The Defeated (2020) s01e08 Episode Script


Have you ever used a gun before?
Of course not.
I'll need your gun, soldier.
Point and shoot.
Let's get them.
You're going to be fine.
We should call for backup.
I already did.
There's two over there.
Get their guard down
and I'll be right behind you.
Excuse me,
I'm looking for my daughter.
I've been looking all day.
Have you seen her?
Remove the guns. Gag 'em.
Watch out. There is someone.
Hey, see that cover right there?
When I start moving towards that,
you start firing downrange
toward them.
Do not stop shooting
until I get to that spot.
-You understand?
I trust you.
Same thing.
I'm gonna move over there now.
-You ready?
You good?
Who is it?
Who is it?
It's your friend.
Drop the gun.
Tell him to put down his gun
and lie down.
Or I'll cut your throat.
Tell him.
Don't kill him, Max.
Don't kill him.
I need him.
If you kill him,
I'll never forgive you.
Put down that weapon!
Don't kill him.
You move, you fucking die.
-Are you okay?
-I'm fine, I think.
Is this the best way to Tempelhof?
Apologies, sir.
There's a gas leak in Steglitz,
so we're going to have to go around.
Where's Marty?
He's sick, sir.
Make sure we get there in time.
Yes, ma'am.
What are you doing?
No, I think
we hit something back there.
Gonna take a look at the tires.
I have nothing left to say to you.
Read the letter.
You want me to open it for you?
Here you go. It's not very long,
but I think it's to the point.
Call your Commanding Officer.
Tell him we got him.
Bring him to the station,
we'll follow you.
We have to get back.
I need to know
how my scarecrows are doing.
I was just informed.
I'm sorry.
Five dead.
They're transferring the wounded
to the military hospital in Dahlem
as we speak.
I know.
So many Too many.
I'm going to throw this
into the river Spree tonight.
I promised myself to carry it with me
until we had
Anne Christine Friedrich's killer.
Keep it.
Maybe you'll need it someday
to remember
remember who you were.
You need to stay alive for your wife.
Talk to me, piano tuner.
You need me so you can use her.
What do you say?
You don't think
he'll be able to
This one has seen
his last sunrise.
Didn't sound too cheerful.
Tell me something
about yourself.
I grew up in Georgia.
My father was an engineer and
my mother
Your mother
My mother
She played piano.
She played piano all the time.
Let's go.
Hello, Gad Epstein.
How are you today?
-Take him.
Come with me.
My guess is American Intelligence
will be here in a couple hours.
We have until then.
-We've made the arrest
-I know,
but that's big fucking fish
in there,
and everyone's gonna want a piece,
so I suggest we get our shit
think it through, and get in there.
Can you get the recorder?
And Gad, will you call
Tom Franklin and tell him?
Gad, I don't want Tom Franklin
to know about this.
Can you tell me why?
I have to go.
We're going to bring in
two big fish today.
Hey! Can you make a detour to Dahlem?
-Jump in!
-All right.
Today is August 11th, 1946.
Present for this interrogation are
myself, Superintendent Elsie Garten,
my assistant, Gad Epstein,
and the suspect,
medical doctor Hermann Gladow.
You are suspected to have arranged
the murders
of two American soldiers,
Private Deluca
and Private Gallagher
as well as the German girl
Anne Christine Friedrich.
And a homeless teenage girl
with green eyes,
whose name we still don't know.
With the assistance of Karin Mann,
you're also suspected to have
supervised assault on this station,
that resulted in the death
of five police officers.
You are furthermore suspected
to have murdered the police
officer Trude Schweinstager.
You are also suspected
to have assaulted
a police officer, me,
with a deadly intent.
-Did I leave anything out?
That I started the war.
Did you?
Once a boy a Rosebud spied
Heathrose fair and tender
All arrayed in youthful pride
Quickly to the spot he hid
Ravished by her splendour
Rosebud, rosebud, rosebud red
Heathrose fair and tender
Now the cruel boy must pick
Heathrose fair and tender
Rosebud did her best to prick
But her cries of pain were
to no avail
She simply had to suffer
You were born in Stuttgart?
Did you meet Karin Mann
through your work as a gynecologist?
Karin Mann?
Don't know her.
Never heard of her.
Maybe you don't remember her name.
I remember every name.
I also remember the names
of every one of my patients.
Including yours.
Ten years ago, maybe eleven,
at University Hospital,
You wanted to know
why you couldn't get pregnant.
You wanted a child, so very badly.
But the examination showed
you could never have one
because of ovaritis.
The name of my doctor was Vogel.
Yes, Vogel. Hans Vogel.
Nice man.
Not very bright, but
And who was the expert
he consulted?
Do you remember his name?
I examined you
and it was me
who diagnosed the ovaritis
and probably saved your life.
Berlin's a village, Ms. Garten.
Quite a coincidence.
Needless to say,
this has nothing to do
with why we are here.
No. Oh, no.
On the contrary.
If it wasn't for me,
maybe the ovaritis
would not be discovered
and you would not only
have been childless, but dead.
How is your sex life?
Everything as it should be?
I remember your husband.
What's his name?
Leonard? pold? Leopold?
Such a sweet guy.
We had a chat in the hallway.
Do you recall what everybody
used to say back in '43?
"Better enjoy the war,
'cause the peace is gonna hurt."
What now, another song?
-See ya!
Good luck, sir.
Hey, come on.
What happened?
I don't know.
I just I can't remember.
Oh, fuck.
What has happened?
Hilfe. Help him.
This is glue.
This is gunpowder.
Do you know what this is?
This is a tooth of Berta Spiel.
She's a Nazi, you'd like her.
And I am going to stick it
in your mouth,
and you
you're gonna suck on it,
and if you spit it out
I'm gonna move that candle closer
to your left foot
I'm gonna burn it to the bone.
We clear?
I don't know who you think I am
or what I did,
but I'll pay you whatever you want.
You know what doesn't surprise me?
That you haven't asked
where your wife is.
"Ear to ear
and head to foot."
Mr. Gladow, we have Karin Mann
in the next room
and she told us everything.
How you gave her an abortion,
and facilitated and supervised
the killing of two American soldiers
and the killing of a homeless girl
and Anne Christine Friedrich.
Why would I do that?
So you could control Karin Mann.
So you could own Karin Mann.
So you could use her
in any way you wished.
Like so many other women
you manipulate
because of their misfortune.
I like women.
They're my life.
The only thing I'm guilty of
is searching for an essay
at the sealed-off Weishaupt
institute which I needed for my work,
and then you came in with a gun
and I panicked.
And I am sorry. I am really sorry.
And I'm prepared to face
the consequences.
Karin Mann also shared information
on the girls of the Alt-Bayern Hotel.
"The Girls
of the Alt-Bayern Hotel." Ms. Garten,
it sounds
like one of those films
Do you want to tell us about
prostitutes working there for you?
See all these boxes behind me?
I'm like the boxes.
I carry secrets.
I don't know everything, but
-I know something about everyone.
Go get General Howley
or General Clay
and tell them
I have information to share.
Go on, get them here
because this charade is over.
We got him.
Who cares where he goes
or who he talks to?
He won't get away with murder.
This country
got away with murder!
It didn't.
You told me on my first day,
when I was helping you
with the paperwork:
is our only way back
and responsibility
is the road to get there.
Remember that?
You fucking got him.
Let the system decide what's next.
I want to show you something.
"Max and Moritz."
They call it
"The Fearless Nazi Hunters."
Chapter one.
These are the Webbers. See?
Chapter two is Berta Spiel.
You just had her tooth
in your mouth
Chapter three.
This is Otto Oberlander.
Oh, look at this one shot. See?
Look at that.
Don't you look away, Tommy.
And see, Tommy?
Look, this is your chapter.
This is where you are gonna go.
Chapter four.
Just give me a name
bigger than yourself.
The Vatican?
Pius XII. He's the Pope.
Hitler's pope.
Come on.
Oh, shit.
Can you hear me?
Yes? Say yes.
Yes? Good.
Stay here.
Hey, I will come back to see you,
But I told you everything
about the Pope.
Yeah, I just need some pictures
for my book.
He isn't dead, little brother.
Not yet.
I thought you never wanted
to see me again.
Mom died in that kitchen.
Fuck you!
Oh, shit!
Dad shot her and she died.
Fuckin' asshole!
You little fucking cunt,
I'll kill you too!
Don't shoot him!
And if it wasn't for you,
I wouldn't be alive.
But we both know
Dad could have survived that night.
Forgive me.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to do it.
Forgive me.
What's going on, Moritz?
Please stop it.
I understand why you killed him.
If it wasn't that night,
Dad would've killed us another time.
You had my back.
You protected me.
But killing, it broke you.
I didn't break that night.
I found my calling.
Dad, Nazis, your boss here,
they're all getting away with it
if I don't stop them.
And you fucking know it.
You can't do this anymore.
Join me.
We're gonna rid the world
of these pieces of shit.
You, me, and when he's old enough,
Jimmy, too.
Not him.
I won't let you fuck up Jimmy's life.
I can't do that.
It's not up to you.
I'm his father, and I'm gonna
make our lives count.
I love you.
Is Tom alive?
He'll live.
And that man?
I shot him.
He's gone.
You knew him?
He's your brother.
He's the reason you came to Berlin.
Why did he take us here?
Our mother grew up on this farm.
She used to tell us
that before she left this place
when she was a girl,
she planted a seed.
A pear tree.
She always wanted us
to come see it someday.
And you did.
Help! Please, somebody help me!
Help me.
Elsie Garten.
Say her name back to me.
-Fucking say it.
-Elsie Garten.
You're gonna meet her,
and she's gonna tell you
how you're gonna help.
-Help with what?
And if you don't,
I will make one simple phone call,
and you will be swinging
next to Ribbentrop and his pals.
August 11th, 1946
I'm recording this
for the U.S. Government Office
of Special Operations.
My name is Bob Travis.
You might want to turn that off, Bob.
Each top prostitute
working top Russian officers
is on my payroll.
The English
want to pull out of Berlin
because London is falling apart,
but they're not trusting
to leave it all to you.
I know where Commissar Koitkov
takes his morning strolls.
There's an American killing Nazis
and hiding here in Berlin.
There's a U.S. top official
who is flying out war criminals
in return for stolen artworks.
Oh, I almost forgot.
How's that mistress of yours
in Cologne doing?
"And those who were seen
were thought insane by those
who could not hear the music."
I can hear the music.
But you won't hear me.
How's the arm?
It's still here.
Elsie around?
When you see her,
tell her I wanna talk to her.
About what?
The future.
Are you leaving?
Why? You want me to?
You're a great cop, Gad.
You really are.
Thank you.
Relax. I'm not gonna kiss you.
That's fucking great.
There you go.
It's Bach.
It has never been played before.
Hold that.
My god.
Can you hear me?
Please. Please, I need
I need I need to go to Italy.
Please, take me.
But your Mommy sent me.
Only your favorite things,
we'll get everything else later.
and Gerti.
I just want to tell you your mother
is a very, very brave woman
and she loves you very, very much.
But she asked me
to watch over you now because
she had to go away for a while.
A long while.
But I promise
to take good care of you.
We have to leave now.
Why do we have to go now?
We have work to do.
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