The Devil Judge (2021) s01e08 Episode Script


Only the system allows
for such complete manipulation.
This is called the system.
And the system is powerless
in front of authority.
It's the authority
that can wrap it around its finger.
In that fire
that claimed my brother's life…
I understood how they scrambled
to save themselves.
They were just humans
acting like one, after all.
It's typical of man.
But there was something
that really surprised me.
Those very bastards came to the hospital.
I honestly could have saved
your brother and his family,
but those flames were just…
Anyway, how did you make it
out of that living hell?
Honestly, it's simply amazing.
Yes, I thought I was going to be
swallowed up by those flames.
The heavens helped us.
As for me…
All I could think about then
was my one and only son
and how I'd never offered him
warm words of affection.
I'm sorry about your brother,
but he will live on in our hearts.
Which is why we should
continue on with his wishes.
Your brother's wealth that he donated…
The Foundation will make sure
every penny goes unwasted.
With love, and with a giving hand.
We should consider this
a second chance at life
and really count our blessings,
being grateful for what we have.
-Of course.
-We should, yes.
We should share more, give more
and be more thankful.
-So trust us.
They say to always put yourself
in others' shoes,
and we know just how you feel.
Why wouldn't we? We were in the same boat
in that fiery chaos.
Actually, we still are in one boat.
This is fate!
Yes, you're absolutely right.
There was no man like
your brother in this world.
He was truly exceptional.
We can't thank him enough.
A remarkable man, he was.
Look at the sun.
It's the perfect day for a picnic.
They meant every word of it,
without an ounce of guilt.
And I just couldn't stand their hypocrisy.
It was revolting.
I bet they're still the same too.
"What have we done wrong?"
"This is a project to revive the economy,
and you're just nitpicking."
"This is a political conspiracy."
"We can't lose our footing."
If there really is a devil in this world,
it's probably…
the have's indulging in self-pity.
You're a mess.
Just think about yourself for now
and nothing else.
Number 70618, Do Young-choon.
Sir, why are you in there?
Get out of there. Sir!
-We are
-We are
-the power!
-the power!
-We are
-We are
-the power!
-the power!
He'd use others' sufferings
to achieve his purpose.
That would be the devil
if it exists in this world.
I hear the staff at the SRF
have started to come forward too.
Anything useful so far?
There was one from the accounts team.
Oh, really?
She promised to call us back by yesterday,
but I still haven't heard from her.
Her phone is switched off too.
I'm trying to see what's going on, but…
Let me call you back.
The following are
Chairman Seo's last words
for all of us.
My deepest apologies to our people.
All blame lies with me
and my carelessness
in underestimating the greed of man,
in entrusting my subordinates
with too much authority,
but most of all,
in trusting others too easily.
All these are my mistakes,
which I realize are irreversible.
I have no excuses to offer
to all those
who have put their faith in me.
She's a bigger psycho than I thought.
As for me,
I'll go prepare a message for our people.
While I do, get rid of her.
-Make no mistakes.
Then please excuse me.
-You're not staying for dinner?
-You're off already?
I'll leave the rest to you, gentlemen.
Chairman! We'll trust you on this one!
Good night, sir!
Impressive, Director Jung.
It's not just a year or two
that I served him.
All right, then.
Why should we…
take up your offer
instead of Chairman Seo's?
Let's hear it.
But isn't it obvious?
Chairman Seo is a highly respected person,
which is very rare.
As he just said,
one word from him to the public
will change their sentiment.
So what if
those were his last words
before he took his own life?
Imagine the weight they would carry.
In other words, a dead Chairman Seo
has more value than a live one?
Oh, you're so scary, Director Jung.
I didn't know you could be so ruthless.
Honestly, I'm petrified.
I'm petrified, and I like it.
All these are my mistakes,
which I realize are irreversible.
I have no excuses to offer
to all those
who have put their faith in me.
From now on,
I will directly oversee
all matters of the Foundation
from one to ten,
and assume all responsibilities.
As a first step,
I will weed out Jung Seon-a,
the criminal who laid her hands
on the donations,
and make sure that
she is rightfully punished for her sin.
Wherever she may be hiding…
Jung Seon-a…
the criminal who laid her hands…
Wherever she may be hiding…
As a first step…
My deepest apologies to our people.
All done!
Chairman Seo, who lead a most
respectable life of no shame
chose to bear the cross
in place of our sinning employees,
who are as follows.
It's been revealed that
they are the rebellious forces
who systematically infiltrated into us
and erased all accounts data and fled
after suspicions turned to them.
We will track them down
and make them pay,
wherever they may be hiding…
Just what are they scheming?
These are the people
who tried to reach out to us,
and now they've been made the scapegoat.
Their storyline is,
"We'd made the donations,
but they embezzled the money."
Then we should issue
a statement to refute--
"That's terrible."
"How cruel are they?
And they're heartless."
"How could they when someone's just died?"
This country is extremely
sympathetic toward death.
They'll use all forms of media
to incite the mourning of
Seo Jeong-hak's death.
So that no one dares to
challenge his last words.
Turning crises into opportunities
is how those who move the world operate.
So watch and remember.
Surprisingly, the mastermind
behind those who went dark
after embezzling a huge sum
were the extremists who had
instigated the Gwanghwamun Riot.
But what's more surprising
is that many of them were foreigners
without Korean citizenship!
Perhaps, this is a conspiracy
by the external forces
to try and unsettle our country.
Our authorities have managed to arrest
some of them and started an investigation,
but with a tremendous amount
trickled into their coffers,
we are now in a state of emergency
faced with terrorism and riots
at any time and place.
And who is responsible for all this?
Is it not the responsibility
of the previous government
for their lousy measures against crime?
But I will uproot these forces of evil,
and restore law and order upon this land
so that such tragedy is not repeated
and to build a safe country.
I promise you, with this declaration!
My fellow Koreans,
no longer will there be a Korea
who is weak
and who fails to stand up
to the criminals.
Together with Ms. Jung Seon-a,
our new chairwoman,
we will build safe, and powerful Korea!
Jung Seon-a!
What can we do against them
while adhering to
all principles and procedures?
As I told you,
there is no justice in the real world.
Only a game exists.
A terribly tilted one at that.
I know you're still in shock,
but pull yourself together.
Because it looks like the main round
has just begun.
-Hey, Ga-on.
What's the time?
Did you miss me that much?
I miss you, Su-hyeon.
You visited me in the hospital
every single day,
so what's this about missing me?
I said let's have a drink
once you're discharged.
That's welcome any time.
It was really tough staying dry, you know.
It's all on me tonight.
-I like your attitude.
It hurts.
-What? Does it still hurt?
-Yes, my injuries.
Oh, your injuries?
Here. Let's go.
-By the way, didn't you injure your head?
-Shut up.
Yes, ma'am.
It tastes so sweet.
Come on, bottoms up.
So when are you going to tell me?
-Tell you what?
-I know something bad happened.
No, this really is to celebrate
your discharge.
I just wanted to see you. That's all.
What? But how could that be?
I saw it with my own two eyes.
How can I ever forget his face?
But how…
But that's not something
the warden's capable of doing,
or the regional commissioner.
It has to be someone much higher up.
Yes, that's what
Kang Yo-han is telling me.
That is true,
and it all fits perfectly…
It just fits so perfectly.
When I'm leading an investigation,
I always doubt the stories
that seem to fit too well.
What could be Kang Yo-han's intention?
From how he knows so much about your past,
and how he took you there
to show you
that perfectly coordinated act…
What if…
all of his actions
have an ulterior motive?
What if he's trying to
shake you up to drag you into this?
You're the bomb, Su-hyeon.
I'll get to the bottom of all this.
I'll find out just
who is responsible for all this.
It will become an official investigation
if you step forward.
But we can't trust your superiors,
nor anyone else out there.
-Give me some time.
I'll play along with Kang Yo-han
in the meantime
and look into it some more.
All right?
It's tough, isn't it?
To be honest, I was quite impressed.
I was quite shocked
and impressed
by those who pulled off all this.
I don't think they were even
afraid of getting caught
from how they didn't bother
looking for a similar face.
My mom and dad…
Despite all that had happened to them,
I, their one and only son…
had been totally oblivious to all this.
And it's just so…
Gosh, the music…
Seon-a, good work.
I love you.
You're that proud of yourself?
Of course.
You would know
about how fervently I worked.
I've come all the way till here
from that shitty place.
Sure. I'll give it to you.
You're truly remarkable.
That's right.
Jung Seon-a is remarkable.
So are you off somewhere?
To Young Master.
Breaking news.
President Heo Joong-se
continues to publish measures
to reinforce law and order.
He has also commended
the Live Court Show of…
Stretch your arms out.
Arms out to the side.
These are turbulent times.
Apparently, there were orders
for tight controls from above.
Just what is the world coming to?
I guess Judge Kim has no idea because
he's too busy with more important affairs.
While I've been made a fool.
Judge Oh, you see…
Forget it.
To expand the stronger penal system
first introduced
by the Department of Live Court Show
to all courts of justice,
the current guidelines will be revised
along with the establishment
of a support committee to assist and
promote the work of the Live Court Show.
Who is it?
Hello, Young Master.
Are you crazy?
Who are you to just parade in here?
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Jung Seon-a, and I'll also be chairing
the Live Court Show Support Committee.
I look forward to
working with you, Judge Kang.
This is a violation of
judicial independence.
Judges who deliver sentences
weaker than the new guidelines
and who have a high warrant
rejection rate will be punished?
The Blue House wants to
establish social discipline,
so we should cooperate.
Is that the purpose
of the Ministry of Justice?
The nation must come first
for there to be any judicial independence.
For the nation to persist
is why we have judicial independence,
Chief Justice.
Were you not satisfied
with the SRF chairwoman title?
Don't make me laugh.
You are going to support me?
You hurt my feelings.
I really mean this, you know.
You mean this?
Of course. You're my savior, you know.
You mean I stirred up your sheep farm
so you could steal seats?
Is that right?
Well, that's one thing
but that's not all I owe you.
It was at your place
that I saw a beautiful world
for the first time in my life.
Where everything shines so bright.
I worked so hard to go back to it.
Not as a petty thief, but as the owner.
The owner of the world
you kicked me out of.
You haven't changed one bit.
Back then and now,
you're just a starved petty thief.
A petty thief who doesn't even realize
how broken she is.
really find you charming
when you're like this.
When you scoff at me,
curse at me, and hurt me.
It's so thrilling.
That's why I want to…
bully you too.
Scratch you, bite you,
and dig my nails into you…
You still don't know me, do you?
I don't have much patience
and I don't discriminate
between men and women.
I treat them…
the same way.
You're just like me, Young Master.
Is that why you like me?
How much do you like me?
I asked how much do you like me?
What do you think you're doing?
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
I owe you my life.
Oh, sure.
Judge Kang, what…
Please excuse me.
I'll see you again.
Damn it.
She'll be chairing some support committee
for the Department of Live Court Show.
Director Jung?
Hello, Director Jung.
Judge Oh! We need to talk.
Just the two of us.
What is this?
Judge Kang.
Am I really part of the judging panel?
What is this about?
The entire country is in chaos
with what you started,
but you still won't tell us anything.
You once said you'd resign
without even giving us a hint
and next you said you'd be receiving
tip-offs from the country.
Then there's that woman. Why is she here?
-Judge Oh.
Let me finish.
I don't know what you think of me,
but I'm a judge of this country
and a rightful member of
this judging panel.
If this is how you'll be,
you can rule all by yourself.
You've changed, Judge Oh.
"If you'll invite me
to your judging panel,
it'll be my honor,
just sitting by your side."
Isn't that what you'd said?
That's what I remember.
I see you've become quite ambitious.
It sure is something to congratulate,
but may I ask what the impetus was?
I've said all I need to.
So this is your way, is it?
How will you confront those
who move this world
if you'll push out even those
who are beside you?
You'll be left all alone.
Let's come back to that later.
Drop by my place.
Elijah is getting restless.
I'm being completely excluded
from all that's happening!
All of a sudden, Seo Jeong-hak dies,
and next, it's an extremist organization?
Have you managed to identify
those who have been arrested?
The NIS declined sharing any information
claiming it's their purview.
Those bastards.
So they'll only take orders
from the president, will they?
About our team who's collecting
info against Heo Joong-se.
Yes, Minister Cha.
Redirect some of them
to another figure for the time being.
Who, exactly?
Jung Seon-a,
the new chairwoman of the SRF.
It seems our puppet president
has been charmed by a nine-tailed fox.
Can we talk over a cup of coffee?
Sounds good.
You must be curious as to why
I'm not dragging Oh Jin-joo into this,
but the panel is a three-person body.
Two is already a majority.
So you're saying you don't need the rest?
But Judge Oh is a good person.
I don't believe in such fickle things
like goodwill or personal beliefs.
You're only interested in
grudge, rage, and such.
Yes, that's pretty much it.
So from her sponsor to her son,
is that why you've been
tenaciously targeting Cha Gyeong-hui
from the very start?
Because of Elijah?
It's not as simple as you think.
As I told you before,
there's no way around it
if those who dominate the world
have formed one team.
So you start by isolating
the most powerful.
And she happens to be the easiest one too.
Do you know
why Cha Gyeong-hui is so powerful?
Because she has everyone's weaknesses.
I bet many will be happy to see
when she's cornered.
As for me,
I'm very much after everyone's weaknesses
that Cha Gyeong-hui holds.
So you'll press Cha Gyeong-hui even more
until she offers you a deal
with her last card.
If you've understood now,
start from reviewing this.
Candidate cases
for the next Live Court Show.
The show must go on
since our only weapon
is the public's support.
So, about Do Young-choon…
Who is responsible for it?
I'm still looking into it myself.
Whoever they are,
why do you think they did that?
He's not a political prisoner,
or a card to play
in international negotiations. So why?
If there's no special reason,
usually it's to do with money.
-Money is a powerful motive
to just about anyone.
Must you drag Judge Kim Ga-on into this?
-By going to such lengths…
-Whether I like it or not,
I can't have an enemy
right behind my back.
-Either I bring him onto my side…
Remove him if he's a risk.
Yes, come in.
Back to ready-to-eat meals
when I'm gone, right?
What were you talking about for so long?
Tedious things. About work.
-May I sit down?
Then again, it can't be fun
with just you two old men.
You're so mean. I'm not that old.
Why haven't you been
coming here these days?
I just had a lot of things on my mind.
So I've been thinking
about what you told me last time.
-What was it again?
-That scammer.
The one who's responsible
for your parents' death.
Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up.
Don't mind it.
But how can I not?
Didn't you try to die several times
because of him?
-Let's kill him.
I thought about it many times
and I think that's the best way.
I mean, I just don't understand.
Why should we provide a place to sleep,
clothe him, and feed him
with our taxpayer's money?
I mean, how can you sleep at night?
If I were you, I would be so angry.
Which is why I've been thinking…
I don't think it's all that impossible.
I'll hack the prison system
and find out when he's out of his cell.
We'll use that chance to ambush him, and--
Thanks for going so far for me.
No, I just…
But really, I'm fine now. Don't mind it.
Oh, are you?
All right, then.
What if…
This is just my absurd imagination.
But what if someone switched
that bastard with someone else?
Some random person, I mean.
You've even been having such
nonsensical thoughts, have you?
Instead of wasting your time like that,
-let's just go kill--
-Right, it's nonsense.
Of course.
Who'd do such a crazy thing like that?
I mean, why bother?
Unless it's for some absurd purpose
by an absurd person,
why, right?
Forget what I said.
Have a good night, Elijah.
Sweet dreams.
What a surprise.
I'd been thinking about you.
Well, coming here
with old men are no help.
That one.
-What do you think?
-It's pretty. It suits you.
Of course, I look good with anything.
What about that one?
I say that's too old…
I mean, that's more for adults.
You think so?
By the way,
has something happened to Ga-on lately?
-I thought you're his best friend.
-Are you worried about him?
Worried about him? Why would I be?
I'll take this.
And the one
that this old lady was looking at.
Old lady…
Oh no, I'm fine.
You should pick something.
It's no fun
when I'm the only one shopping.
That's nice, but…
How about we go somewhere else?
Somewhere else?
You like him, don't you?
What, the ice cream?
I know you heard me.
Oh, Ga-on?
Well, I guess I can't deny it.
I asked him out five times
ever since we were in kindergarten.
-Five times?
-Though he rejected me every time.
So why…
Why did I keep asking him out?
You're right. Why did I?
I guess it was his face to begin with.
He was rather cute when he was little.
-Then he started crying.
His family went bankrupt big time,
so he had to quit kindergarten too.
So he bawled his eyes out.
But I just hated that.
I just hated seeing him cry
because I couldn't do anything for him.
So before I realized it,
I told him I liked him.
I'm such an idiot, aren't I?
So every time he cried…
I saw Ga-on cry
five times now.
I wonder what clouds of misfortune are
hovering over Ga-on's family
because they'd come one after another
without stopping.
It's getting too late.
-Should we go?
Wait for me.
Sure, Elijah.
Hey, it's me.
You've covered Joongwon F&B before, right?
Yes, can you look into
their financial history?
All right, thanks.
Sorry, I'm late.
I know you're a busy man too,
Prosecutor Park.
Come on, of course I should come running
when it's Judge Kim Ga-on,
the bigshot of our class.
-I'm a bigshot?
-Sure, you're a star.
Hey, can I get your autograph?
For my nephew.
Well, I have a favor to ask.
What is it?
Well, there's an offender
who's still serving his term.
He did about billions,
and I'm sure the proceeds of crime squad
from then are still at your office.
I know this is a difficult favor,
but could you see
whether they managed to seize anything?
-Is this for the Live Court Show?
-No, this is a personal request.
Please, help me out here.
Sure, all right.
In return,
sign some more autographs for me.
That alone won't do.
Sure, thanks.
Hey, you're home.
-So now you're back for good, are you?
-Not quite.
I need to look after these guys.
You should come home
instead of dropping by.
When will you come back?
There are guys I need to
look after there too.
Look after yourself too, please.
What about me?
What's there to look after?
-What's on your mind?
-Well, just…
So, Ga-on…
-Why are there so many stairs here?
Gosh, my legs.
So what brings you here at this hour?
Did you enjoy it?
Orange juice?
You should have brought soju,
not orange juice!
Of course.
You can't read the atmosphere, can you?
I dropped by after talking to Su-hyeon.
She said you were dropping by.
But you see me
at the Supreme Court every day.
You really didn't have to.
These days,
I don't know what the Supreme Court
exists for anymore.
Today I met with the Chief Justice,
and he was more like some army commander.
He said all the courthouses
need to move in perfect order.
I took the streets in my younger days,
but that wasn't for a country like this.
Police have been given orders
to carry a gun at all times.
I didn't become an officer to
point guns at our citizens.
Police violence is getting worse too.
Just a little noise from a drunkard,
they whip out--
But is that so wrong?
But it's not normal to have the officers
get beaten up by drunkards every night.
That's not a normal country.
A monster that's been freed from its rein
will not choose to stop.
And it's your department
who aroused that monster.
So what will you do?
I'm going to dismantle your department.
There is no hope in the courthouse.
If a grassroots organization raises
an issue and gets accepted by media
the opposition will demand
an inspection of the administration.
You hold the key to all this.
I need all that
you've heard and seen to date.
-Is this an order?
-I'm begging you.
And I'm sorry.
I'm to blame for all this.
-Yes, hello?
-Can I see you?
So did you look over it?
Look over what?
What I gave you.
The cases for our next trial.
You still need time to think, do you?
Why don't you join me later?
-Where are you going this time?
-I've something to show you.
Where are we going?
I asked where we are going.
We're here.
This is a friend of mine
who helps me out with my work,
and this here is Judge Kim Ga-on.
It's nice to meet you.
I see you're the person who's been
doing the research on me.
You're extremely skilled.
I must say the same about you
and your research on Judge Kang Yo-han.
I'm afraid I can't compliment your skills.
They weren't so impressive.
Then I'm sorry
because it's not my field of expertise.
What a friendly atmosphere.
Let's leave the introductions at that.
Is this the person you wanted to show me?
You asked me before
about how to take on those
who control this world.
If I were to explain it to you,
it's to set it up
so that there's no way but to win
even before the game begins.
How is that possible?
Of course it's not easy to do so alone.
That's why I have many others
who help me out from here and there.
You mean you have accomplices?
They should be here soon.
Mr. Go.
I'll meet with his attorney tonight.
President Joo.
So you admit to
professional negligence, do you?
Mr. Go.
But you clearly said five years…
So it wasn't just Jang Ki-hyeon
you'd bribed?
Like I told you,
we need to set it up for a sure win
before the game even begins.
I'm sorry about everything
last time, Judge Kim.
What about Mr. Lee's trial?
That was impossible to manipulate.
You're right.
That would have been a tough one.
But that doesn't mean
we can't start a spark.
-Start a spark?
-It's always hard being the first one.
Our aspiring actress.
She had a great tone.
It's so nice to meet you.
I'm a big fan of yours.
I even joined your fan club!
Hello, Judge Kang! I'm a big fan of yours.
You're truly awesome.
Anyway, that man is a total psycho.
I used to work part-time for
valet service at a department store.
Honestly, I was so frustrated and angry.
I wasn't bad, was I?
Is it really okay to take this?
Good work.
Thank you.
So what we've been doing
was all a show, was it?
I don't mind you criticizing me,
but don't label our trial as fake.
That's an insult to many out there
who took courage.
We only helped them to step forward.
Without their courage,
this would have been all impossible.
I'm sorry I'm late.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I'm Cho Min-sung, from the WAIS.
I tried talking to Chief,
but his reaction was strange.
He immediately got fractious.
Is he the one
who jumped up and down when you said
-you wanted to track Kang Yo-han down?
You're Su-hyeon's boss.
Yes. Su-hyeon may appear
to be fragile, but she's a talent.
Her only fault is that
she's too enthusiastic at times.
Has Judge Kang have been
rewarding you handsomely?
Money sure is a powerful motive
to just about anyone, I see.
Judge Kim, I wouldn't get so smart.
Did I say something wrong?
Do you know why I'm helping Judge Kang?
In the humidifier sanitizer scandal…
I lost my daughter.
I'd spent my entire life
defending the conglomerates,
so I didn't know what to do
when I was suddenly the victim.
You know
how that case turned out, don't you?
And the punishment that was served.
Attorney Go.
Don't call me an attorney.
I've deceived my client,
and a lawyer no more.
I'm just a criminal.
Once this is all over,
I will gladly accept my punishment
for my sins.
As for this young lady right here,
she was sexually assaulted
while inebriated.
But she simply had to watch her offender
released on probation.
The judges said they'll excuse him,
because he's a med student
with a bright future ahead of him.
Then what about me?
Are they telling me to just bear it
because my future isn't so bright?
As for Detective Cho,
his sister worked
at Serim Department Store.
She'd been the breadwinner for our family,
so she worked so hard
to feed her siblings.
Even until that moment
when cracks appeared on the walls
of the department store,
before they finally gave in.
And what was the sentence
served to the offenders?
Judge Oh.
You're now the chairwoman, right?
I hear you'll be chairing
our support committee too.
Yes, I'm responsible for many things
despite my limited capability.
I'm very much aware that
there were many issues
with our foundation.
So let me change that.
I'll break all those collusive links with
politicians and privileged class,
and return to serving the needy.
Back to where we started.
Yes, I'm sure it won't be easy,
but please let me know
if there's anything I can help with.
I'd very much like to help.
So beautiful.
What the public needs right now
is a smile like yours.
When the times are dark, we need hope.
Smiles, tears, and friendliness.
While Judge Kang has
that mysterious charm,
it's as if he lives
in another world, right?
You're right.
Which is why I think
you should step forward a bit more.
Step forward?
Are you content
with just being Judge Kang's background?
Many are concerned about
Judge Kang's actions.
Tampering with the witnesses,
and abusing the media to ask
whether the public supports him.
Some have started to ask,
maybe the Live Court Show should be
entrusted to someone
who's more becoming of a judge.
Judge Oh?
Why don't you and I continue to discuss
the operations of the Live Court Show?
Someone has to keep their
eyes wide open, won't they?
Something feels missing.
Oh no, you really can't…
No, no. This is just a costume.
A costume.
You need to stay friendly,
but dominate the entire time
you're on stage.
Because charisma is power.
Hey, Su-hyeon.
Ga-on. You hold the key to all this.
I need all that
you've heard and seen to date.
Ga-on, are you ready to
give me those autographs?
-What is this?
-You knew, didn't you?
The sudden transfer of Do Young-choon,
the maintenance of their computer server,
and the disbanding
of the crime proceeds squad.
They all fall in the same period.
The period when, Joongwon F&B,
run by her husband,
was on the brink of bankruptcy,
and when Cha Gyeong-hui became
the Minister of Justice.
That was exactly
when the fraud who took billions
and who'd managed to stash it away
disappeared into thin air.
I bet you found out before I did,
so why didn't you tell me?
Because you'd have doubted me
if you hadn't found out yourself.
-That I was involved in it.
-Why did you even go there?
For what reason did you visit him
and find out he was switched
with someone else?
You already know why.
You'd actually meant to
show Do Young-choon
living comfortably like a king in there
to provoke me, didn't you?
Isn't that why you'd gone there
to check him out?
To stir me up
because I always get in your way!
I wanted you…
to be on my side.
If I needed to, I would have gladly
gone to farther lengths,
be it switching him with someone else.
That's my way of doing things.
And that will never change.
It's rare for you to
call me out like this.
You punk.
So you've made up your mind, have you?
You've added more gray hair.
Gray hair's no big deal.
In fact, I'm proud to
still have hair at this age.
Who's going to build a safe Korea?
Aren't you going to build a safe Korea?
It's left to us to build it.
What, are we just going to
leave it to the police? No, no, no!
That's not on.
-I've been watching this all day.
-He's so funny.
We should clean up
as the owners of this country!
-Pour me one.
-We should!
I mean, go out there on the streets.
It's full of homeless, vagabonds,
the discontent, and especially foreigners!
It's the foreigners who are
behind all the atrocious crimes.
So what should we do?
We need to clean the streets. Who?
"We worked hard."
"Pay us what we're owed.
We worked so hard!"
Is that all the Korean they can speak?
Flog those trashy bastards
who are leeching off our country.
Flog them!
Our proud citizens!
Tonight is the night
we become the real owners!
The real owners of this country. How?
Like this!
This madness must be stopped.
Because rage is contagious.
But who created it in the first place?
This madness and public rage…
Who was it that created it
in the first place?
Look. What do you think?
I don't know, to be honest.
What? I think it's nice.
Elijah, I'm really sorry.
-Stay here for a bit, all right?
Don't ever come out, all right?
But Su-hyeon!
Hey, so you worked so hard?
"Pay us what we're owed?"
Hands above your heads!
Put your cameras down.
You think our people are fools
that they're raging because
they were instigated by propaganda?
The start was something else altogether.
It was the bad guys.
Those bastards who deserve to die
for making the innocent cry blood.
Was it such a hard request
asking for them to be rightfully punished?
You should've done a good job.
If people like you had done a good job
and as a justice too,
this wouldn't have happened.
People with such responsibilities
should have done a better job.
you've made your choice, have you?
It was you
who forced me to make a choice.
If there is no justice in this world
but only a game,
I'd now like to play
the winning game, myself.
Are you an officer?
Do you want to shoot me?
Go on.
I know you can't.
Put that down, now.
Capture it on camera.
If you're going to shoot, shoot!
How could an officer point her gun
at an innocent citizen who's unarmed?
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Are you regretting it?
Let me promise you one thing.
Your parents' enemy,
and those bastards who sneaked them out…
They will pay
and very dearly too.
This isn't just for revenge.
Then what?
I want to fight against
this distorted world.
Instead of those folks like
Heo Joong-se and Cha Gyeong-hui,
you should be in charge of this country.
Be the sheepdog, is it?
-Let's get started.
-They are using us.
It's time to get them.
Your enemy,
and those that sneaked him out.
I ought to breed
a more faithful and loyal organization,
and entrust them
with the responsibilities.
Do you know how I feel right now?
Let go of me!
So it's not your business, is it?
-You only care about your plan.
-If you want your revenge, go ahead.
Don't hesitate.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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