The End (2020) s01e08 Episode Script


Yeah, I was just about to call.
Why? Did something
No, no, no, it's good.
Did you check her breathing?
Yeah, it was great, she
..she just fell asleep.
OK, so you know you're gonna
take the bottle with you?
And you should probably
wipe down the doorknobs.
Anything that might leave a trace.
And you should come over.
And it's a big thing
watching someone
Older brother
Restless soul lie down
Lie for a while
with your ear against the earth
And you'll hear your sister sleep
talking saying your hair is long
But not long enough
to reach home to me
But your beard
someday might be ♪
..gosh, 86
She'll lay it aside ♪
Sorry, it's metastasised
to the lungs, spine and liver.
Haa haa haa haa haa haa
Haa haa haa haa haa haa. ♪
So, ahh sure you don't want
to take this take up
with the head of your department?
Normally I encourage
I would,
but this is a tricky situation.
She's had issues in the past.
And I just thought
when I was asked to supervise,
I should keep a close eyes on,
but I
..did not expect this.
No, no, this is
..I don't quite know what this is.
I do think it has to be reported.
Tell them I'll be there around 8:00.
Because I have to get
the kids dinner.
OK, mum, OK, yup.
I'll see you soon, yup, bye.
Mothers right?
I live with mine.
So how have you been?
Are you sure
that four is enough for
..all of that?
Good cause.
I'd want someone to help me.
It's a messed up system.
It is.
Still, if this is too often,
you'll tell me?
I don't want to do anything
that's gonna
Dude, it's not Ketamine.
Like it's so uncontrolled
I don't even have to log it.
As long as you don't say
where you got it.
You got yourself a perfect crime.
It's awesome.
Everybody clap
..Everybody sing la-la-la-la
Bow to your partner g'day
And then I turn around yippie
Hands in the air rock-a-bye bear
Bears now asleep shh-shh-shh
Bears now asleep shh-shh-shh. ♪
Mum, I did two laps underwater.
Didn't I?
Oberon's in his room.
Josh put the door back on.
I felt bad.
Thanks for looking after them.
Now, what about you?
Get everything we need?
Don't you need help unpacking them?
My department, under control.
La la la la. ♪
How are you doing?
Sorry to barge in.
Are you Dr Kathryn Brennan?
Is this about Daddy?
Guys we just want to have
a quick chat with your mum.
Oh, we can talk outside.
Yeah, sure.
Do you want to call anyone?
Nope, all good.
Umm, I'm sorry,
their father's been
I'm their primary carer now.
Honestly, it's just a few questions.
Yes, ahh
Is this about one of my patients?
Is providing testosterone
a big part of your practice?
You have been prescribing it
a lot lately.
We shouldn't need
anyone's permission.
Not our parents, not doctors.
You are in no in a position
to moralise.
The side effects
of taking a hormone
outside proper
medical supervision
What, like acne?
Like voice deepening?
Like heart disease, osteoporosis.
So we'll drink some milk.
Help the dairy farmers.
You swiped my script pad
and forged my signature!
Did you sell it to these kids?
No, he's not answering that.
No, I was helping them.
I wasn't profiting.
OK, alright, well,
despite how it sounds
I'm sure that Oberon
has learned his lesson.
So if there's any chance that
you could dismiss this on a warning?
And it's not just going to be
Community Service.
That record's going to follow you
University, jobs.
And who were they anyway?
Just some people I met at Camp.
I thought you didn't make
any friends at Camp?
Yeah, well, I kept in touch.
Yeah, well, what, you're willing
to risk your whole future
for people you don't even like?
They're my tribe aren't they?
We've got to stick together.
I don't want you to take
anymore of it, if you have been.
But I'm listening and I'm going to
sort it out with your dad.
Just fuck off, Kate.
You get back here!
Of course you can, darling.
What about tomorrow?
Because I cant spend
another second with her.
Why don't you get settled
on the couch,
There's chocolate cake
in the fridge.
Thanks, Nanna.
Little shit.
He's the one that's in the wrong.
Everything's your fault always.
You should've called me
if you weren't going to make it.
Willie and Iris were waiting.
Well, I got caught up, didn't I?
I'll go there now.
No, no, I'll do the handover.
I'm seeing them tomorrow.
I need to talk him through it.
Are we not in this together?
Am I not to be trusted with anything?
It's you and your boyfriend now?
Is it?
You know, I was having a good day?
Were you, really?
You look tired.
Ahh, just not sleeping, the heat.
It's too much water.
Keeps you up at night.
Everyone drinks too much water
these days.
All these adults walking around
sucking on things
like they're out in the desert.
Can you ask Willie to call me
if he's got any questions?
And I just need to know
if he's got a date in mind.
Sure, no problem.
And don't worry about Oberon.
When you were small I wanted
to smother you with a throw cushion.
And here we are.
Oh, my god.
Let's go this way,
lateral travel.
Back this way!
Power those arms.
It's Iris and Willie's anniversary.
I never believed couples
make a big production of it.
Which means they're compensating.
Although these two do seem
very devoted.
He's been quite unwell.
Melanoma, this country, no wonder.
I think she's done
a lot of the caring.
It always falls to the women.
Bet she'll be avoiding that now.
You look nice, Nana.
Do I?
No I don't.
Who's going to this party?
Well, what do you think?
A young'un.
Now we're gonna party.
That's a terrible Irish accent,
Thanks for having me.
You're welcome.
Put those over there
and come and have a beverage, son.
Can I?
Don't see why not.
How are you bearing up?
He wanted a party.
Willie loves a party.
Did you bring it?
It's in my handbag.
You must call me
when he's going to use it.
Look at you two
with heads together.
What are we talking about?
I was just admiring
the Rose Glass.
You bought that in Venice,
what year was it?
The four of us,
Willie and Iris, Henry and I,
in a marvellous hotel.
Sunset Bellinis.
Willie nearly fell
in the Grand Canal.
We fished him out.
Just as well we did.
Be gone with your fancy perks
and conference holidays.
We're going to be working!
Yeah, drinking cocktails.
Do you know where we went
for our Christmas party?
Kate, tell her?
Oh, I didn't go.
Right, the Parkwood Tavern.
Years of frontline service
and that's what we're worth.
But you go to paradise.
Hey, did OT see Mrs Jensen?
I don't understand this paperwork.
Do I have something on my face?
No, no, ahh
..paperwork, that's not me.
Nick and I have been prepping
for the conference speech.
Oh, hence the bikini.
Oh, right.
So, Mrs Jensen,
do you want me to come with you
to talk to the family
or do you wanna it alone?
Is he in today?
Yeah, he's in his office.
Oberon's a kid
and he's going to have a record now
because your little girlfriend
out there,
in her Nancy Drew wisdom,
thought I was selling
testosterone to minors.
That's a pretty massive accusation
Oh, you think?
You accusing her?
Oh, my god,
how long have you known me?
Why would I sell
fucking testosterone?
It doesn't make any logical sense.
Bow to your partner g'day
And now you turn around yippee. ♪
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Katie, Katie.
Katie, OK, come here, come here.
I'm fine, I'm just dizzy,
I'm just
Come over here,
you're gonna have a nap.
I don't need a nap,
I was just a bit
Here please.
Sit down and shut up.
Oh, god.
Put your feet up.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
You're working too hard.
I'm really not.
Now, don't worry, I'm gonna go
and interrogate Nancy Drew.
And if it's true,
she's not going anywhere.
Waterboard her.
If you feel like it.
Nana, come and dance.
Dance with us.
Ah, there you are.
No, thank you.
You seemed to like it last time.
You're a tease.
All talk and no action.
Time for speeches.
I'm thrilled to be here
celebrating our dear friends.
I won't prattle on,
I'll just toast.
True love!
Iris and Willie.
Iris and Willie.
Speech! Speech!
On your feet, Iris.
On your, go on, up you get.
Go on.
As you're aware,
some of you might not be's been a pretty tough year.
One of the toughest.
Willie loves a good whinge.
Taxes, weather,
but not so much about his health.
Don't get maudlin, darling.
Well, I'm just saying hasn't gone unnoticed.
We're very grateful
for old friends
..and for new ones too.
For being there.
Thank you.
Well, drink up.
Stay late.
I've booked a sleepover for tomorrow,
but I just need someone
to pick her up from swimming.
I mean, I could ask
one of the school mums but
..I never reciprocate
so it's a bit
Oh, I'm happy to stay at the house
if it's easier.
Really, no, I couldn't ask you.
I'm offering.
Alright, thanks.
So, who goes
to these kind of things?
Oh, power care, hospital heads, uh
..consultants, drug reps.
Hopefully it won't descend
into the usual orgy,
I'm really not in the mood.
Well, it's just
..isn't it a bit
..hanging out with these
sort of people a mess?
What sorts of people?
What do you think I do every day?
Well, look,
I get you got to earn money.
Oh, thanks for getting that.
It's just, isn't that weird?
With everything we've been doing?
They're not evil,
they're just doctors.
We do good work.
Lot's of it, all the time.
And then every time
there's talk of legislation,
they turn into a turf war.
Right, and that's why we're
doing what we're doing.
I mean
God, what do you want from me
do you want me to burn
my medical license?
Kate, you alright?
Woo, yeah, just a bit dizzy.
You OK?
You OK?
Yeah, yeah, it'll be alright.
You know, from all you've told me,
I'm not convinced
this Jasper's worth it.
He's only doing this because he's
like just been dumped on his arse.
Like, he's like so desperate
for attention.
I could be anyone.
So what?
Oberon has too much dignity.
Oh, rubbish.
Go for it.
What's the worst that can happen?
OK, I'm going to text him.
You seem different.
I've been busy.
In the champagne summer
we were both so young
The streets were crackling
like an old time song
I felt right I felt right
But I sure was wrong
about a lot of things
My faith was steady
and my faith was strong
Now it's long gone honey
and I need you home
If you're here by my side
I don't feel alone
So please come back to me
These old chords
are rising up in me
Let them all go
Let them all go. ♪
Most of people decide to keep it
in the cupboard and take it later.
He was first.
He didn't want to lose everything.
I didn't know you had it in you.
No, that's wrong, I did.
Glimpsed it.
Oh, that woman in the photographs
..she was at your lunch party.
My ex-wife.
So she was staying with you?
You can't go back.
Past is dead.
You can only go forward.
You're drunk.
For Ireland.
Don't just lie there like a lump.
Oh, no, how awful.
It's not awful, it's unimaginable.
Why would they?
Maybe they just died together
in their sleep?
She left a note, Mary.
They poisoned themselves.
I want it treated as a crime scene.
Detectives are on their way.
Did you know the victims?
Yes, I knew both of them.
Ahh, ma'am?
You shouldn't be in there.
Oh, I'm sorry, I
..I just needed
to see it for myself.
Everybody sing la-la-la-la ♪
Hi, mum?
We have a problem.
Why, what did he do?
Not Oberon.
With Iris.
She took it with him.
Sorry, took?
Willi and Iris.
She took it as well, they both did.
They took it together.
Was she sick?
Was Iris sick at all?
She didn't seem sick to me.
Well, she's dead now.
What do we do?
Next steps?
He was sick.
She didn't want to live without him.
It's not romantic, Henry.
It's not bloody 'Romeo and Juliet'.
I wouldn't do it for you.
If you died I think I'd feel
Sad of course but mostly free.
That isn't fair, is it?
Not to either of us.
Shut up.
I want what they had.
Iris and Willie.
I deserve it.
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
No, no, go on.
An old man behind the podium,
chatter away.
We have Hamilton Workshops
starting at 2:00.
I would like to spruik
my own workshop,
'Psychosocial aspects'.
That's tomorrow at 11:00
in the pink room.
Are you alright?
Still dizzy?
No, I'm good,
Please welcome our Queensland
chapter President,
Dr Nikos Naoumidis.
With his colleague, Kate Brennan.
Thank you, thank you.
I have good news
and I have bad news.
But don't worry because I gave
the good news to your widow.
Everybody clap
Everybody sing
Bow to your partner
And then you turn around
Hands in the air
Rock-a-bye your bear
Bear's now asleep
Bear's now asleep
Hands in the air
rock-a-bye your bear
Bear's now asleep
Bear's now asleep
Shhh. ♪
Captioned by Ai-Media
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