The Envoys (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Líbranos del mal

- What do you think?
- I don't know.
With all the medication
Adriana put on him,
he's in a pharmacological comma.
We have to pray that
he doesn't have brain damage.
Too bad we didn't
find out sooner.
- Fathers!
- Antonio.
Ah, look,
Father Simon Antequera,
he is the psychiatrist
I told you about.
Yes, we know each other.
The last time I saw you,
you were performing
a medieval ritual
on a little girl,
I don't know if you remember.
- Hey.
- OK. OK.
I'm replacing Father Prado
as head of the hospice.
Whatever you need,
I'm here to serve you.
Will you have time
for everything?
Director and exorcist.
There are only 24 hours
in a day.
Let's see.
Father, as a psychiatrist,
is there anything
that you can tell us
or give us guidance?
I understand that Esteban
was your patient.
No, he wasn't my patient.
Adriana asked me to treat him,
but he didn't want to.
When his father died,
he fell into depression.
Alcohol, heroin
He went back to Mexico City
and I never heard
from him again.
I haven't seen him
in over a month.
Don't think your son
only gets here at night.
Esteban has a mental illness.
His mother has already said it,
the same mental illness
as his grandmother.
- It is hereditary.
- No, it is not genetic.
You saw him.
You know there is
a more powerful force.
- Oh, Simon, please, stop!
- Yes, yes. They're calling me.
- Sister.
- Can we talk now?
Yes. Tell me.
You have an offer from Vilaró.
A promotion?
We've already started
with the papal bulls.
And what is he offering me?
Half a dozen hosts
and a pint of holy water?
Oh, Mother, please.
Tell that bastard
to shove his offer up his ass.
Father, can you use
other words?
No, sorry.
Tell him exactly
what I'm going to tell you.
Antonio, do you have any idea
where we can find him?
No, I already told the police.
Be careful.
Yeah, well.
It's pretty clear to us
that he's not
a very friendly guy.
No, he's not a killer
trying to escape.
Do you know Evil?
Esteban is Evil.
- Be careful with him.
- I will.
Doctor, don't make things
more complicated.
Open the door, please.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
- What's wrong?
- What's happening?
What's going on?
There's no one here.
- The window.
- Adriana!
- Where does that window lead to?
- Let's go. It's that way.
That's what
I've been telling you.
Yes, because I was
telling you
Oh. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Father Antequera says he
invites you for a cup of coffee.
And you?
- Two.
- Very well, then.
How about the Opera Bar at 4:00?
That'll be fine.
- "Arrivederci."
- "Arrivederci."
Let me go!
You ruined my life
when you killed my father.
You bastard!
- Esteban, let me go!
- Shut up!
Let me go!
- Over there! Over there!
- Let's go!
Let me go!
- Shut up!
- Esteban, let me go!
- Help!
- Shut up!
Let's go!
- Help!
- Shut up!
- Help!
- Son of a bitch.
- Help!
- Shut up!
That bastard is capable
of killing his own mother.
What was Esteban doing
in the hospice?
That doesn't make any sense.
What difference
does it make now?
Adriana is in danger.
There's no point
in making sense of it.
Father, they're going
to keep looking for her,
but there's no point
in us killing ourselves.
Down here, about half a mile,
is the Federal Highway
and you can go
wherever you want from there
and there are
a lot of trails around here
that go into the hill.
He could be anywhere right now.
That son of a bitch
has killed six people
without batting an eyelid.
We have to find him.
Let's split up!
Simon, this is a maze.
We have to
We're missing something.
We have to be smarter. OK?
What the hell
are you talking about!
We're late.
He's getting away right now.
We have to be faster. Please
Is there any contact you have
from anyone close to Esteban?
A family member,
someone from work, a friend?
Yes, I know he
and one of his friends
have been in custody
a couple of times
at the Pacheco detention center.
Can we talk to him?
- I can talk to him, yes.
- OK, let's go over there.
Pedro! I'm not moving from here
until I find Adriana.
- Listen to me.
- I'm not moving
Hey, Simon!
I want to find her too, OK?
But we have
to think differently.
We have to be
ahead of him, Simon.
If we stay here,
we'll always be behind.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
He is very close to Adriana.
Yes, I can see that.
How did Quintana get
to Esteban's apartment
if his truck was at the camp?
Can you verify
which cars left San Acacio
the night Quintana disappeared
on the security cameras
or something?
- Yes, I can do it again.
- Yes.
- Pedro!
- I'm coming!
Go in there. Shit!
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Esteban! Come on, let me go!
Do you think
he's coming for you?
Your dear Father?
You're a damn bitch!
I'll be waiting for him here.
Until he comes.
Until he comes
to pick up his bitch!
It looks like he doesn't care
so much about you, huh?
You're not of use anymore.
Where are you going?
- Where are you going?
- Esteban, stop it now! Stop!
Where are you going?
No. No!
You bitch.
You bitch.
Where were you
when they arrested you?
I was sitting
outside my house.
What time was it?
About 6:30.
And when was the last time
you saw Esteban?
I swear I haven't seen him.
Never? Not once
in your whole life?
No, don't tell me that.
He was like my partner.
Well, then, when was
the last time you saw him?
About a month ago.
A month ago.
Well, that's wrong.
28, 32 days.
Did you talk to him often?
Well, often, like a girlfriend?
Like a friend
But I haven't seen him
in two months.
You just told me it was one.
Yes, one.
If I haven't seen him in two,
then I haven't seen him
in one either.
Did you notice
anything unusual about him
the last time you saw him?
When his father died,
my buddy got very depressed.
He was obsessed with the Church.
He said that priests
were bad people.
So? Do you remember
what they talked about
the last time you saw him?
Well, we arranged to meet
there in the square
because we were
going to see some girls.
He has a dry mouth.
He scratches himself a lot.
He's very anxious.
What was the day
you were supposed to meet?
I've seen them like that
a thousand times.
- Yes.
- And the girls?
Do you remember?
Who sells you drugs?
Who's your dealer?
Who sells you drugs?
- Who's selling it to you?
- Father!
- Simon, Simon, Simon!
- Father!
- Who sells you the drug?
- Father!
- Simon!
- Who's selling you the drug?
Dude, please!
What the hell
are you doing, Father?
You can't walk
into an interrogation like that.
Adriana's son
can't be doing drugs
in his mother's house.
He'd have to find some shelter,
some place, somewhere.
What about that?
So if we find the dealer,
he's going to tell us
where he was selling.
- He's right.
- No, he's not right.
The asshole in there
is not charged.
He has nothing to lose
and I can't force him
to say anything.
Look, I really appreciate
what you're doing, but
- let me do my job.
- Yes.
Yes, you're right.
We apologize. Let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
- Mariano.
- Mariano.
- Just a second.
- You bastard.
I already told you
everything that
Sorry to push you, son.
I need to talk to you
and I don't want
anyone to see us.
- Screw you.
- Listen to me!
The information
dies here with me,
but I need you to tell me
who your dealer is.
He's a cop, right?
Is he a cop or not?
You talk. I don't say anything.
This is a confessional secret.
But if you don't talk,
I'd start to worry.
All right, let's calm down
a little bit, Father. Look.
Brother, this is very easy, OK?
We're not cops.
We don't care
if they sell you heroin,
chocolates or timeshares, OK?
So, look.
Here's what's going to happen.
You're going to tell us
the name of who's selling you,
I'll give you absolution
and send you to Heaven,
- how about that?
- If you don't,
I swear I'll go all out
and send you to Hell.
Heaven or Hell.
You don't have to think about it
too much, right?
- Sister.
- Your Excellency.
Is it just the two of us?
No, no. Father Antequera
will be here in a minute.
Wait, he's coming now.
I heard you are offering
my position.
Maybe I got confused.
I thought that
I was going to retire
in two years.
I am surprised that
you throw away your ambitions
so easily and even more so
Father Antequera.
No, no. My ambitions
and Father Antequera's
are intact.
They cannot wait.
We are not interested
in your offer.
Oh, but you should listen
to ours,
which is one where you have
not a lot of margin
nor much time to decide.
Your Excellency,
I recommend that you sit down
and listen to us.
There he is. Let's go.
- Officer, how are you?
- How are you?
Can I help you, Fathers?
We are looking
for some joy for the body.
A little sparkle of nothing.
We'll both fly with two grams.
- Right, Pedro?
- Yes.
What are you talking about?
Look, why don't you join us here
where the sun shines the most.
We're a little bit cold,
aren't we?
Are you selling?
Are you selling?
We'll pay you
whatever is necessary.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
We don't want any trouble,
and I guess you don't either
after the business
you have set up, right?
No, we are in favor of SMEs,
unless we have no other choice.
We just want to talk.
What the hell do you want?
You, priests, are not looking
for your tithe, are you?
- No.
- No, no, no.
Our needs
are quite well covered.
- Yes.
- That's good.
We live with very little.
We are interested in knowing
where Esteban Cortés is.
Don't worry, Fathers.
The DA's office
is looking for him.
I'm sure they'll find him
much faster
if you tell them
where you sell him the drugs.
Excuse me, Fathers.
Come here! Son of a bitch!
Where's Esteban?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Look, son of a bitch,
don't get smart with me,
'cause I'm having
an anxiety crisis.
I've sent all the Commandments
to hell, one by one,
except for
"thou shalt not kill."
Where is Esteban?
We don't give a damn
about your tithe
and your goddamn business,
and we don't give a damn
about you.
We just want to know
where he is.
Where is Esteban?
Why are you looking at me?
Son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch!
I, I was taking it
to his cabin in the woods.
And where exactly is it?
Speak, son of a bitch.
For God's sake!
Come on, man, come on!
Come on, man!
You're going too slow!
I can't go any faster.
You're going too slow, man!
Step on it, please!
Officer Juarez, tell me.
Could you please repeat
everything you just told me
to Father Antequera?
Thank you, I'll pass you on.
- Simon!
- OK!
Juarez, what's the matter?
What a surprise.
How's it going?
It can't be.
Well, what does
that have to do with it?
No, what are you saying?
What? No, but
- Nothing.
- What did he say?
You know perfectly well
what he said.
Adriana was with Quintana
the night he disappeared.
They have photos
of the license plate of her car
entering Mexico City.
I don't know.
Maybe they were going
to Esteban's apartment.
Who knows?
And what the hell
was Adriana doing
while her son was setting fire
to Quintana?
How would I know
what she was doing? How would I?
Balam and Prado
died near Adriana.
Now we know Quintana did too.
Valentina is her patient.
There's not much
to think about either, Simon.
- Stop the car, please.
- What?
- Stop the car.
- Why am I going
- Stop the car, man!
- All right, OK!
Should I jump out of the car
while it's running?
- OK, OK.
- Do I jump out of it?
OK, please, Simon.
Simon. Hey.
I know you don't trust
my instincts, OK?
But I I'm sure, Simon.
I can feel it here.
Something's not right, Simon.
I feel something too, you know?
You're not the only person
who feels things here.
Sometimes I feel deep things,
and I can tell you
Adriana has nothing to do
with this, man.
Nobody's seen Esteban
in a month!
Adriana could be making us
run around like idiots
to buy time
and her son could be
somewhere else.
- No way, Pedro.
- He could be in another country,
- for God's sake.
- It can't be, Pedro.
It can't be.
Adriana has been misleading us
so her son can escape.
No. What if it's not?
What if she's the one in danger?
Do you want to discuss it here
or shall we go there?
Let's go. But I'm driving.
- Are the keys in there?
- Yes, they are.
The kiosk cabins? Number 14?
- Down there at the back
- Thank you!
Goddamn it!
Damn it.
Damn, it's Esteban.
Goddamn it!
He killed himself.
It's a suicide.
He shot himself in the mouth.
His lips are burned
from the fire.
My heart will explode
The skin is necrotic.
It's, uh
- What a shock.
- It's in a
It's in an advanced state
of decomposition.
How can you work in this, man?
This This has been here
for at least three weeks.
At least.
- Three weeks.
- Three weeks?
Are you sure?
That's before we came to town.
It's before
Quintana disappeared.
Damn priests!
Adriana thought
you were going to rescue her,
but you were too late.
I already took care of her.
- Adriana put down
- I'm going to kill you
just as I killed my mother!
Your mother?
What do you want?
put the knife down, please.
Are you going to blow the gaff
like Quintana?
- No!
- Ask him how it went.
- Ask him!
- No.
Or are you going to get all hot
like this one?
No, Esteban.
You're right, sorry.
Esteban, please calm down.
I'm sorry.
- On your knees, both of you.
- Yes.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
- On your knees!
Do you think it will be hard
for me to kill you?
- You don't have to do this.
- Shut up!
You don't need
to keep hurting anybody,
- please
- Shut up!
Adriana. It's Simon.
I'm not going
to hurt you, Adriana.
- Give me the knife.
- Simon.
- Simon. Simon. Simon.
- Give me the knife, Adriana.
Adriana, give me the knife.
You're not Esteban.
Esteban is here, dead.
he's dead unfortunately.
We can help you.
- Yes.
- Your son couldn't bear
the death of his father,
of your husband.
You two priests think
you know everything, don't you?
You know absolutely nothing
about me!
I understand your pain, Adriana.
No mother would be able
to bear the pain
of finding her son like that.
Did you find him like that?
Esteban, open up!
Open up!
Open up! Open the door!
And since then you have
created some kind of movie
where your son is still alive,
but he's not.
Stop hurting yourself, Adriana.
You loved him more
than anyone else in the world,
like any mother, it's normal.
Are we going
to have breakfast, mom?
Yes, sweetie.
What are you craving today?
Your son was your obsession.
And your son's obsession
became yours.
That's it.
That's it.
I said what you wanted.
No, Quintana.
I'm going to make sure
you don't do any more harm
to the people who trusted you.
People like us.
Who trusted you
and you let them die.
Helena knew perfectly well
that you were with Quintana
the night he disappeared,
didn't she?
Don't worry, I'm already
on my way there, Father.
I'll see you right away.
Thank you. See you later.
Shall I give you a ride?
You took him to the burn unit.
You did everything you could
to make sure he survived.
Valentina and Balam
knew him very well.
Half a spoon of sugar,
just the way you like it.
Thank you.
They recognized him,
even though he was burned.
And Prado? Did he find out too,
or did you stop him
from doing it?
someone found you out.
- This is not the time for that.
- Molina Reyes.
Molina Reyes
was like your brother, Adriana.
- Someone had to stop him.
- Yes.
No more hurting people,
Adriana, please.
You're going to be OK.
- Calm down.
- Yes.
Calm down.
- Are you OK?
- Go. Go. Go.
Go, go, go!
Esteban is here, dead.
he's dead unfortunately.
Your son couldn't bear
the death of his father.
You did everything you could
to protect your son, Adriana.
No mother would be able
to bear the pain
of finding her son like that.
Thank you, Mom.
Thank you for protecting me.
I love you very much.
I love you too.
You don't need to fight anymore.
Will you come with me?
Adriana! Adriana.
What have you done?
What have you done?
No, no, no, no, no!
No, no! No!
No, no, no!
No! Help!
No, no, no!
No, no!
What have you done?
Our Father who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done on Earth
as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses.
Thy will be done on Earth
as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses
Good morning.
Thank you for coming.
In the town of San Acacio
here in Mexico,
a priest named
Guillermo Prado,
with the consent
of the Auxiliary Bishop
of Pachuca,
clandestine exorcisms
without any authorization
from the curia.
In these rituals,
two minors accidentally died
in events that have not yet
been clarified,
but the Church
will fully cooperate
with the investigation.
I want to assure
the population
that everyone in the Church
acted immediately
upon receiving the complaints.
We only regret
that we were not aware
of these events earlier,
when lives could
have been saved.
On the other hand,
I am pleased to announce
that Father Rafael Quintana
has been found alive
and we ask you to pray
for his prompt recovery.
Thank you. That's all.
You don't know
what you're doing.
I'm leaving but Evil will stay.
And everyone here
is suffering from it.
Salinas and Antequera
are about to leave.
We will meet at the airport.
We are on the same flight
to Rome.
Things in Rome
are going to change a lot
when we get back.
Your actions in Mexico
caught the attention
of many people in the Vatican.
It is not common for a nun
to get involved
in such dangerous actions.
Dangerous for the people
and for the institution.
Your Excellency,
excuse me, I can explain.
Explain what?
Do you think
you did something wrong?
No, no.
Sister, I'm not sitting
in front of you to reproach you.
I am here because,
on the express recommendation
of Antequera and Salinas,
I want to invite you to enter
the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith.
What do you say?
How are you doing?
I'm doing well. Better.
Does it still hurt?
A little bit, but fortunately,
it was superficial.
I can give you
some medicine if you want.
No, no!
No. Thank you very much, Badi.
I'm fine like this.
I've learned my lesson.
Thank you for coming.
I owe you an apology.
No, Metzi.
You don't have
to explain anything to me.
- OK.
- You've done your job.
Although, perhaps, the reason
you came to San Acacio
was not for your job,
but for your soul.
My soul
which is still full of doubts.
Why do you doubt?
You were destined
to come to save our saint
since you were a child.
Don't you see?
How do you explain
your drawings, for example?
I can't
Well, because
you raised me, Badi.
You probably told me
about your village,
about the crosses.
And Valentina in the water?
No, Metzi.
Doubt all you want.
Doubting can be a good start.
Many saints doubted at first.
I'm not a saint, Badi.
Of course, you're not. Come.
Not yet.
Follow your path.
Keep doing your job
because Evil never gets tired.
Take care.
Father Antequera!
- Yes? Yes?
- Fa Father!
- Please come with me.
- What happened?
You need to see this
in the burn unit.
What happened?
Haven't they taken him away yet?
No, but look, Father.
Before Quintana arrived,
they were completely burned.
Father. Look.
Since Quintana arrived,
they started to heal.
I don't know if you can hear me.
No offense taken.
I've spent a lifetime
trying to talk to God
and He never answers me.
I wanted to ask something
from you, Father.
You know Adriana
better than I do
and you know that she has had
a very difficult life.
If you could look for compassion
in your heart,
and understand her
If you could help her, Father
Help her, Father, please.
God bless you.
Do you want me to help you pack?
No, don't worry.
Well, if you ask me,
I think that
we just happened
to be witnesses.
There's no scientific way
to explain the healings.
I was having dinner
at a saint's house
and I didn't accept his dessert.
"Anacacian Buñuelos."
They were blessed, too.
Things have happened,
haven't they?
Things have happened.
Welcome to Mexico, Simon.
Do you want to talk?
No, thanks, man.
I have nothing to confess.
I didn't say confess,
I said talk.
Not from priest to priest
friend to friend.
We'll talk later.
We can talk now too, can't we?
Do you have
something better to do?
Come. Sit down.
Let's talk.
How are you?
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
This isn't
It's very complicated.
I'm sorry, I can't talk.
All right
Well, we don't talk then, OK?
We can also cry, can't we?
That's what men do too, right?
I'm going to cry with you too.
Quite a trip, right?
You can come visit us
in Italy whenever you want.
Goodbye, my dear.
"Arrivederci," Mexico.
"Benvenuta, Roma, l'eterna."
You'll see when they see me
arrive at the Vatican
with this suitcase and a saint.
Look, one, two
to be Pope directly.
Three steps at once.
Is that the only thing
you're taking with you?
Yes, I don't need anything else.
Besides, if there's anything
we have plenty of in Rome,
- it's good clothes.
- Of course.
You can always call
one of your estates
and have them bring you
a little something.
Ah! The Father's humor
has returned, hasn't it?
A little bit. A little bit.
The unbearable
and annoying Antequera is back.
- Good morning. How are you?
- Very unbearable.
The Antequera who enjoys life
and takes the obstacles of life
as opportunities to grow
because, you know,
the heart has reasons
that, of course,
reason doesn't understand.
Oh, look.
That's a good line. Is it yours?
You learn these
little things in life.
You are so ridiculous, Father.
It's the tritest phrase
in the world.
It's from the 16th century.
It's Pascal's and it doesn't
even go like that,
it's "Love has reasons
that reason doesn't understand."
It's not "love",
it's "the heart".
The pump is here.
The heart is a muscle.
It doesn't feel anything.
It is a metaphor.
The heart symbolizes love.
It is a
Yes, but love
symbolizes nothing.
Love is everything.
It's not the heart.
Believe me, I'm a doctor.
That's why I've met
so many doctors who are poets.
Well, I don't care.
It's not the heart.
The heart is a trifle
and you eat it with rice.
I like them better grilled.
What the hell do you know?
Hey! You said "hell", Father.
- Relax.
- What the hell!
That word already brings back
bad memories.
Don't say it, please.
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