The Flash s01e08 Episode Script

Shroud of Death

Those old-time movies were the best.
Bogart, Gable, Tracy.
They don't make them like that anymore.
- Remember our first date? - Like it was yesterday.
Went to the Fox Theatre, San Francisco saw a movie with Ronald Colman.
The Embassy Theatre.
And it was Errol Flynn.
- You sure? - Pretty sure.
Of course, it was a long time ago.
Well, all I remember is I couldn't take my eyes off you.
I still can't.
What's that? - What is it? - I don't know.
Looks like a broken piece of jewelry.
Well, why would someone leave it here for you? Who knows.
My God.
I know what this is.
Everybody, can you just stand back, away from the debris, please? Yeah.
Sir, can you help me with this over here? Yeah.
I have to move everybody back, out of the way.
Sir, could you step over here, please? Please, stay back, people.
Please stay behind Too bad about Judge Foster.
- Yeah.
- He was a cool dude.
My dad used to always say he was one of the fairest judges in Central City.
They used to play poker together.
Well, someone dealt him a lousy hand tonight.
- What happened here? - I don't know, man.
I just got here myself.
But the coroner's assistant found this in his hand.
It looks like some part of a medallion.
What are you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Get to work.
Garfield, you sweet-talker.
Anything? Here you go.
- What is it? - Residue of plastic explosives.
I knew this wasn't an accident.
Whoever did this knew exactly how much explosives to use and where to put them.
Looks like I found the detonator cap, but I don't recognize the make.
You know, lieutenant, if I were you, I'd check through Foster's old case logs.
Look for somebody he put away who got out of jail recently.
Also, I'd look for someone with experience using explosives.
Yeah, like a cat who worked construction or did time with Uncle Sam.
Now, why didn't I think of that? It's a good thing I got you two geniuses around to do my job for me.
Hey, what's this? Looks like an engagement ring.
Marriage? Anyone we know, sir? - Look, there's an M inscribed in it.
- Margaret? - Mary.
- Mabel.
- Mavis.
- You two guys are cute.
Thank you, sir.
You're sure you're really ready for this? It's an awfully big step, sir.
You've only been dating for three years.
You hardly know her.
Why don't you two clowns go back to the lab and blow yourselves up.
- So you think he'll really pop the question? - Oh, I think he's just gonna pop.
Warren, you scared the daylights out of me.
- You hungry? - That depends.
I'll make you a salad.
Seaweed and kelp.
If I want something from the ocean, I'll eat a fish stick.
How about some water? Tap water, right? You know, bottled water doesn't have any soul.
All right.
Confess, Warren.
What did you have for breakfast? A dozen eggs.
You can joke all you like, I'm just looking after your heart.
- Yeah, I know you are.
- What's this? Oh, my God.
- You're crazy.
- Why? We can't get married.
We'd drive each other crazy.
That's what married people do.
- You're really serious.
- Look I'm not very good with words.
I've been alone almost all my life.
All I know is being a cop.
It's all I got.
I want somebody to come home to.
Me too.
Oh, you're the best, Mavis.
You got a good heart, terrific smile.
So, what do you say? Wanna get married? Sure, why not.
One thing, though.
When we get married, I do the cooking.
I've been looking for you.
- You guys finish that forensics report yet? - Well, actually we're still working No problem.
I know you guys are working hard.
- Just let me know when it's ready.
- Yes, sir.
- That's a nice shirt.
- Thanks.
She must've said yes.
Broken again? Fine.
I'll do it myself.
Not bad, Allen.
I gotta get my eyes checked, man.
Things keep blurring on me.
I tested the residue from that explosive from the theater.
Its chemicals are different from anything available.
Well, that detonator cap we found is made out of titanium.
So we have a custom cap to match your designer explosives.
That means we have to talk to a specialist.
What about that guy from the survivalist shop? You know, the one we busted for concealing a weapon? - Callahan? - Yeah.
The man who sleeps with a grenade under his pillow? - I think I'll pay Mr.
Callahan a little visit.
- Well, good luck.
I asked him some questions about the dock arson cases.
He stonewalled me the whole time.
Look, if you ask me, his clip is short a few bullets.
Catch my drift? Yeah.
I think I can handle him.
Well, like I said, this is just a facsimile of the real thing.
But if you're interested for another $20, this book will teach you to convert that into an actual operating rocket launcher.
Of course, that's illegal.
But you know what I always say: "If it ain't illegal, it ain't fun.
" There you go.
- See you.
- You enjoy.
- What the hell? - Hello, Callahan.
I know who you are.
You're The Flash.
I'm a big fan of yours.
I get something for you? Look, how about this? M-60.
You can wipe out a whole streetload of those homeless people with this.
You make me sick, Callahan.
Oh, come on.
- We believe in the same things.
- Not even close! Just touching you makes my skin crawl.
All right, then what do you want? Information.
On what? Didn't anyone ever tell you it's illegal to sell these? Hey.
I'll never be able to put those back together.
That's the idea.
- Did you make this? - No.
But you know who did.
Tell me! You wanna kill me, go ahead.
Because if I tell you anything, I'm signing my own death warrant.
So go ahead.
The minute I pulled out that detonator cap, this guy I mean, he was really ready to let me kill him before he'd talk.
All right? Now, what would inspire fear like that? I haven't the faintest idea.
Another weird thing.
You know, I tried to access Callahan's police file.
No dice.
Restricted for security reasons.
Now, figure that out.
What do you think? I think we agreed not to discuss police business tonight.
- Remember? - I agreed to that? Is your name Barry? All right, all right, all right.
So, what's the occasion? I did want to talk to you about something.
I've been offered a position at another research institute.
Where? It's the Pacific Institute of Technology in California.
I've always dreamed of working there.
It sounds like quite an opportunity.
- Oh, it is.
- Oh, yeah.
I mean, you plan to accept? I don't know.
I haven't really thought about it yet.
I see.
Well what about you and me? I mean, the experiment? What'll happen to us? That.
- Maybe I can fly back every few months.
- Every few months? - Your metabolism, I mean.
- Oh, right.
My metabolism.
Yeah, we certainly wouldn't wanna let that get away from us, would we? We have serious problems in this state.
Crime, poverty, troubled schools.
What are you gonna do about that, Mr.
Dejoy? Well, when I was a DA, I had the reputation for finding new solutions to old problems.
If I'm elected senator, you can expect the same thing.
You're not writing that down.
No need.
It's all in your campaign fliers.
Let's just say, I'll do my best and hope.
- To get lucky? - To get lucky.
And let's leave it at that.
You've got that cocktail party at the mayor's office.
Oh, that's right.
Thank you, Jeff.
I'll meet you at the car.
And a messenger delivered this to your office.
Thank you.
- Well, you'll have to excuse me.
- No problem.
Thank you for the interview.
And good luck.
Thank you.
Barry Allen.
How are you? - Frank Dejoy, meet Christina McGee.
- Hello.
I knew Frank when he was in the district attorney's office.
Good seeing you, Barry.
Frank? Oh, my God! Get an ambulance! It's too late.
He's already dead.
- Is he okay? - Help.
An ex-DA gets shot with an arrow lands in the middle of your dinner plate, and you took off? Where the hell were you last night, Allen? You were the only officer at the scene of a crime, and you disappeared? I was pursuing the killer, lieutenant.
The arrows were fired from the courthouse, which is across the street, so You weren't there when the black-and-whites arrived.
Sorry, sir.
I rushed back to the lab.
I wasn't thinking very clearly.
You came back to the lab after witnessing a homicide? When Dejoy died, he was clutching a metal fragment.
And it was exactly the same as what we found in Judge Foster's hand.
I rushed back to the lab to compare them, okay? Now take a look.
Take a look at this.
They match up.
Together, they form part of some kind of symbol.
So now the two killings are related.
All right.
Nice work.
Thank you, sir.
Doesn't excuse what you did.
You ever leave a crime scene again, I'm gonna have you on suspension.
Yes, sir.
Something wrong? Oh, I twisted my back.
Where would you rather go: Atlantic City or Las Vegas? You and me, sir? I'm talking about my honey Moon? - Get out of here, Allen.
- Yes, sir.
- I can't believe he didn't suspend you.
- Yeah.
- You okay? - Oh, yeah.
- How did you hurt your back? - I wasn't looking behind me.
- You should see a doctor.
- I think you're right.
- Could you cover for me for a couple hours? - Sure.
Start checking through Judge Foster's old cases the one Dejoy prosecuted when he was DA.
- Lf there's a connection, it'll be there.
- That's gonna be a long list, man.
Narrow it down to someone with a penchant for exotic killings.
- Like a hit man? - No, it goes way behind that, Julio.
I don't know, look for - Something weird.
- Something weird.
- Hey, Barry.
- Yeah? You told Garfield you came back to the lab last night, right? Well, I was here last night, and I didn't see you.
Must have just missed you.
So will I live? Unfortunately.
- Are you mad at me? - No, I'm not mad at you.
I'm furious at you.
You disappeared, and I never saw you again.
For all I knew, you were dead.
Well, I was dazed by an electrical jolt.
Then I heard the police sirens, so I took off.
Without bothering to call me or let me know what happened.
I'm here now, aren't I? Because you want me to fix you, not because you give a damn about my feelings.
- Barry, I was worried about you.
- Is that why you're moving? I mean, our phone bills are gonna be hell, right? Is that what this is all about? You don't want me to take the job.
- I didn't say that.
- Yes, that's right, you didn't.
You didn't say anything.
Barry, if you don't want me to go, tell me.
Well, I don't know.
I don't Look, you wanna go to California, you go to California.
All right? It's your choice.
I've gotta go to work.
Now let's access all known symbols in the departmental files.
Julio, why don't you go get us a cup of coffee.
What? Could you feel my head? - What? - Will you feel my head, please? - I don't wanna feel your head.
- Feel my head.
- I don't wanna feel your head.
- It's easy.
Just like this.
Is it warm? Why? Because I could've swore that I just saw you working so fast that I couldn't see your hand.
Yeah, you know, it does feel a little warm to me.
I hope you're not getting sick, man.
We got a lot of work to do.
That's it.
That's it.
That's our answer.
- "The Warriors of Freedom.
" - The what? You ever hear of Jefferson Zacharias? Sounds a little familiar.
Rasputin have a grandson? Zacharias led a survivalist commune in the wilderness 10 years ago.
It's a bunch of neo-fascists.
Assassination squads, terror units, the works.
They called themselves "The Warriors of Freedom.
" Freedom.
Yeah, they wanted to start their own country.
With an army funded by bank robberies.
- Wasn't there a big shootout in the woods? - Yeah.
Most of the Warriors were killed.
Zacharias was arrested, but not before he blew away a few cops.
I remember there was a big trial.
And there's your connection, right there.
Foster was the judge, and Dejoy, the prosecuting attorney.
Zacharias is out of prison, and he wants to settle the score.
No, man, he was sentenced to death.
But I remember on the day he was executed it was in all the papers, he swore that he would send an angel of death to kill everyone responsible.
Oh, my God.
Where would Garfield be? He's off duty, right? Probably at the diner with Mavis.
Call the duty sergeant, have him send a car.
- Hello? - Sarge, it's Mendez.
Look, we gotta find Lieutenant Garfield right away, man.
Hello? Hello? Who is this? You're gonna be in big trouble.
I always kind of wanted to go to Paris on my honeymoon.
I hate French food.
Don't you have any sense of romance? - What's more romantic than Atlantic City? - This is never gonna work.
We must have been kidding ourselves, thinking we could get married.
- Are you saying you wanna call it off? - Maybe we should.
- All right, then, fine.
- Terrific.
This is gonna be some marriage.
It sure is.
Warren? There's this for you.
What's that red dot? - It's gone.
- No.
Mavis! Help! Police! Call the police! No, no, no! I'll be at the hospital in a couple of minutes.
You guys take good care of her, you hear? Hurry up.
Hurry up, now.
Hurry up.
Johnson, keep those people back, please.
- Allen.
- Yes, sir? What do you got? The gunman was positioned on the roof.
He left his weapon behind.
Custom-made, no serial numbers.
What about this Flash character? Nobody saw him but you, sir.
No, I'm telling you, he was here.
He saved my life.
I believe you.
This is all my fault.
It's not your fault.
I should've recognized the symbol on those pieces.
- Sir, it was 10 years ago.
- You tell that to Mavis.
- What's Jack Callahan's connection to this? - Who? Jack Callahan.
He runs a survivalist shop in Helltown.
Where did you get that name? It came up in my investigation.
I tried to access his police record, but it's restricted.
You stay away from Callahan, and that is an order.
If Callahan's involved, I need to know how.
He's not involved.
At least not anymore.
What is that supposed to mean? And why are you covering up for him? - What? - All right, get them back.
Get them back! Excuse me.
One question.
All right, damn you.
I am not covering up for anybody.
Well, would you please tell me what the hell is going on here? Sir.
I mean, we're supposed to be on the same team, right? - This doesn't go beyond here, understood? - Yes, sir.
Callahan's record was sealed because he was an informant inside the Warriors.
- An informer? - He helped set up Zacharias.
The agreement was he wouldn't be involved in the trial.
He was terrified that Zacharias' people would kill him! Now you and Mendez give this case priority.
The minute you get anything, you contact me and nobody else.
Lieutenant, department regulations stipulate we're not to work cases we're personally involved with.
I'm on this till the chief tells me different.
- I know how you feel.
- No, you don't.
Yes, I do.
Now, we'll catch who did this, and we'll bring him in.
You do your job, Allen, and stay out of my way.
- How's he taking it? - Not well, Julio.
Not well at all.
Can you finish up things? I've gotta go down to Helltown.
At this time of night? What for? I gotta see a man about a gun.
Going somewhere, Callahan? Angel, hi.
No, I was just moving my cash to a safer place.
Never tell when the IRS might drop by.
You look nervous.
- Is anything wrong? - No, everything's fine.
I heard The Flash paid you a visit the other day.
- Was asking a lot of questions.
- I didn't tell him anything.
- Tony and Jay were here.
Ask them.
- Did I say you did? But if you didn't then how come The Flash showed up right before I shot that cop's girlfriend?! Look, Angel, your father was my friend.
I would never do anything to betray you.
Well, I guess I'm just being paranoid.
Sure, it's the times.
I mean, these days, who can you trust, huh? I'm beginning to wonder.
You know, your father tried to tell people.
They wouldn't listen.
So they crucified him.
God, he was a great man.
Yeah, he was always bigger than life.
Sometimes, it's like without my father I don't know who I am.
Oh, Angel, I think he'd be proud of you.
Whoever it was that betrayed your father, they deserve to die.
You're right.
Yeah? I need more plastic explosives.
Oh, sure.
I'll get some.
Here you go.
These should do it, huh? So after we get this cop, everything's finished then, huh? Not quite.
There's still one more.
The man who betrayed my father to the police.
I never said this very well before but I love you, babe.
You understand? It's because of me this happened.
I'm gonna make it right.
Who did this? Angel.
- Crime Lab.
- It's me.
Call the coroner.
- The killer got here first.
- Callahan? Yeah.
Look, I need members list of the Warriors for Freedom.
We're looking for someone named Angel, as in "avenging angel.
" Oh, man.
Zacharias had a daughter.
Her name was Angel.
- What? - Yeah, man.
It's in the files.
She was a teenager when he was executed.
Print out her file.
I'm on my way.
So that's what you look like.
- Lieutenant.
- This is the killer, huh? Nice work.
A fax came in.
- Where you been? - Oh, out running around.
Okay, this is what we got on Angel Zacharias.
She grew up on her father's paramilitary world.
Her parents got divorced when she was 13.
Her mom got custody.
The day after her dad was executed, she ran away from home.
- It says here she joined the military at 18.
- Discharged a month ago.
- Last known address in Helltown.
- Garfield probably arrested her by now.
- What? - He got her address about 15 minutes ago.
Man, he didn't go to arrest her.
He went to kill her.
Hold it.
You're standing on a pressure-sensitive plate connected to over 50 pounds of plastic explosives.
And if you try to step off the plate, the explosives will go off instantly.
However, you've also activated a timer set to detonate in 60 seconds anyway.
I'm glad you weren't killed in the diner.
This is much better.
You're the one who arrested my father.
More than anyone else, you're responsible for his death.
And another thing since you took away someone I love, I'm going to do the same thing to you.
In fact, right now I'm on my way to kill your girlfriend.
But there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Think about that while you wait to die.
A pressure plate and a timer.
- You're in trouble.
- Forget about me.
She's going to kill my girlfriend.
Room 808, County Hospital.
And if I try to disarm it, it goes off anyway.
You hear me? I said get out of here! - Get out of here.
- Are you crazy? Get out of here.
- Go! - You're faster than I am.
There's only a few seconds left.
You wanna die? Fine.
This is gonna be close.
Visiting hours are over.
Garfield, no.
Three strikes, you're out.
- Give up, Angel.
It's over.
- You're damn straight it is.
- Don't.
- You stay out of this.
You're a cop.
Yeah? Yeah? Then I resign.
- You have no right to kill her.
- She murdered four people.
- And she tried to kill Mavis.
- You killed my father! I arrested him after he shot two cops.
I was only 15 years old when you executed him! Go ahead.
Kill me.
I'm dead inside, anyhow! Look at her.
She's eaten up by hatred.
Is that what you wanna become? Damn you.
- Nice wedding.
- Yeah.
Listen l've been thinking about that job offer of yours in California.
And? Well, l It's very far away, you know.
And I'm fast, all right but suppose I have an emergency? I'm sure we can find another metabolic specialist at the lab who can help you Look, I'd miss you.
So don't go, all right? Say "please.
" Don't push it, McGee.
Actually, I've already turned the offer down.
- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
Take a picture.
Take a picture.
All right.
- Bye-bye.
- Good luck! - Bye.
Congratulations! - Good luck.
- Barry.
Looking sharp, man.
- Thanks.
- I gotta talk to you for a minute.
- Yeah, sure.
- Excuse me.
- Okay.
I have to talk to you.
So we've been friends for a long time, right? So we can be honest with each other.
Well, for the past couple of months, you've been acting kind of different.
And at first I didn't know why, but I think I figured it out.
You see, it all started when you got hit by lightning, right? At the same time, The Flash started showing up all over the place.
- That's when I figured it out - Julio, look! - Did you see that? - Oh, yeah, man.
I can't believe it.
- The Flash was - I guess he really exists.
What did you wanna talk to me about? No, never mind.
It's all right.
- See you.
- Okay.
Take care, you understand what I'm saying? You son of a gun.
Get rid of that mustache.
Dress codes, dress codes.
- All right.
- Drive carefully.
- Bye! - Have a good time.
Poor Julio.
You think you convinced him? Yeah.
But listen, don't ever let me do that again, all right? - You okay? - Yeah.
I just need something to eat.
Would you excuse me a moment? Barry.
Save me a slice.

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