The Following s01e08 Episode Script

Welcome Home

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
I have so many surprises waiting for you.
Can you tell me who Roderick is? He's a friend of Joe's.
What is Joe doing? Why do you listen to him? He's teaching me to feel my life.
Damn it! Federal agents! Get down now! Aah! I was just with your mom.
I was supposed to bring her here.
- What happened? - I screwed up.
What happened to Paul and Jacob? Why did you leave us? Emma! The warden granted Joe Carroll's request for a transfer.
He's leaving.
Joe's not in the transport vehicle.
One of his people got to the warden.
Where the hell is he? I'm David.
It's a pleasure, sir.
Aah! Aah! So Joe's free, and now get locked up.
Protective custody.
Better if I don't know.
Hey, Joey.
I know you.
You're my dad.
Hey, hey.
You sleep all right? I know you're scared of me.
I sensed it last night when I first arrived, but I hope that will change and you'll give me another chance.
Nothing? Don't want to speak to me? That's okay.
I'm sorry your mother isn't here.
She was meant to be.
That was the plan, but then things just went a little pff awry.
I am doing everything I can to to rectify that, but in the meantime, I hope that you will you will give me a chance to prove that I am not a a horrible man and that I have the ability to be a rather a rather cool and fun guy uh, dad.
Well, um, we'll take things slow, huh? Well, that's all for now.
How'd it go? He's giving me the silent treatment.
He needs to get to know you, that's all.
Everyone's waiting.
What for? For you.
Good morning, everybody.
A suspect instrumental in Carroll's escape was wounded and taken into custody.
Several deaths have Carroll has escaped twice.
This time, he flew away in a helicopter.
There's no way to spin that.
This is a Bureau nightmare, people.
From now on, we have a new protocol.
All investigations will need to be approved by me.
Now I apologize in advance for being a control freak, but that's the way we're doing things.
So I see Quantico sent in a new guy.
Nick Donovan, top of the food chain.
Director Franklin brought him in to supervise us.
So it's official.
The Bureau's freaking out.
Everyone's freaking out, Ryan.
Carroll escaped twice.
Have you turned on the TV? The news is insane.
What about Claire? Are we sure she's safe? Has anyone spoken to her? Who's got her detail Turner? I don't know anything.
It's protective custody.
I don't have that kind of clearance.
How about the guy we have in custody, the acolyte from Joe's escape? I need to question him.
You mean, the one you tortured? I got information.
He did.
We found the warden's daughter, and she is safe as a result.
Ryan, nice to meet you.
Have you run prints on the guy? Yeah.
We got nothing.
This cult is doing a very good job of wiping their identities clean.
That's why we need to speak to him, to find out who and where this Roderick guy is.
Ryan, we appreciate your help, but you were brought in as a consultant, and I think it's time you adopt more of a consulting presence.
Uh, Carroll is the one who made Ryan more than a consultant.
I'm aware of that, but Ryan is no longer an agent with the FBI.
Oh, come on! You know as well as I do that No, it's okay.
He's right.
I'm here to consult.
This has become a Bureau nightmare, right? I'm a liability.
I'll just, uh I'll be in the other room consulting.
Everything okay? Nobody likes me.
Well, you're inconsistent and extreme, and people don't know how to respond to you.
I was joking.
We need to bring our suspect up for questioning.
I want to talk to him.
No can do.
Donovan's gonna do it.
He insisted.
I didn't realize there were so many people.
I've been cooped up at the farmhouse.
Well, I wanted Joey to be comfortable.
I know he trusts you.
This would have overwhelmed him.
Any word from Jacob and Paul? No.
They haven't called, and there's been nothing on the news.
Well, I take that as a good sign that they're somewhere safe.
You know, I will never forget what you've done for me.
I have my son because of you.
What the? Joe Carroll.
How the hell are you? Roderick! Ohh! I got here as soon as I could.
It is good to see you.
Heh heh heh! Ha ha ha! I'm Roderick.
You must be Emma.
Nice to meet you in person.
Easy on the charm.
So far, everything has worked out as planned.
Yeah, sure, there's been a few hiccups along the way.
Ryan Hardy has kept us on our toes.
But you've improvised quite nicely.
I'm in your debt, my friend.
Thank you.
I'm the one that owes you.
I killed two of those girls.
You took the blame.
There's no point both of us rotting away in here.
How can I ever repay you? Oh, you will.
My friend, you will.
We're in this together, you and me.
Everything I am is because of you.
Come on.
I'll show you around.
Is this place insane or what? Interesting.
It's a work in progress.
We're slowly fixing it up.
Takes a village, right? Sheriff Nelson.
Sheriff here.
Did you want potato salad or cole slaw with your sandwich? Let's go with potato salad today, Sally honey.
- Roger that, sir.
- Thank you.
Sheriff's a very important job around here.
Seems our man in custody has shut down.
He won't talk to anyone but you.
What would you like me to do, sir? I'd like you to sit in with me, and you can call me Nick.
Sure thing, Nick.
Anything I can do to help.
I'm Nick Donovan, and you are? Hello, Ryan.
How's the leg? Sorry.
I don't know your name.
You can call me David.
This guy is nuts.
Look at him.
Is this a staring contest? Because you asked to see me.
Here I am.
How did you like the plot twist? Joe Carroll escaping twice.
Bet you didn't see that coming.
That was good.
Now you're boring me.
So you got something to say, say it.
Or you can tell us where we find Joe.
Oh, you're not gonna find Joe.
You don't find us.
We find you, and we're everywhere.
We're your sons, your daughters, husbands, your wives, neighbors, fathers, mothers, and soon, more will be dead tomorrow.
Now you're paraphrasing Ted Bundy.
He's paraphrasing Ted Bundy.
Very poorly, I might add.
What is the point of all this? Hold close your fear.
It is all that you know when you take your last breath.
Wow that was creepy.
So how about you give us something real David? Hey, hey.
Guards! Guards! Guards! He took something! We have tech town in here.
Everything is completely secure, untraceable.
You've been hiding yourself away since I got here.
I'm sorry, sir.
About Claire.
I failed you.
I want you to know that Not now, Charlie.
Don't be so hard on yourself, Charlie.
Take what you've learned and apply it, hmm? All right.
This way.
You remember Louise? Yes, but of course.
She was my savior.
The pleasure was mine.
We set this up for you.
It's meant to be your your inspiration room, where you can write, hold class, poker on mondays.
How many people live here? I see so many new faces.
I've been recruiting.
There's the ones you know, about a dozen more you have yet to meet.
We've, uh, built a life here.
In a small town that you're sheriff of.
That's genius.
Everybody's so excited you're finally here, Joe.
They're anxious to get started.
As am I.
Claire first.
Do know where she is? She's in protective custody.
They, uh, they got her out clean.
My son needs a mother.
Losing Claire was a mistake.
I'm sorry about that, Joe, but I have an idea how we can find her.
Let the FBI tell us.
Heh heh.
I've done all the research, I've got it all worked out.
Which one first? Hmm? This one.
We're waiting on the coroner's report, but I think it's a suicide pill, a basic cyanide or a common PSP toxin.
He had it in his hand.
It was sewn into his skin.
It was implanted in the fold between his thumb and his forefinger.
It's a CIA ploy from the sixties.
Al-Qaeda's been known to use it, as well.
I got some new intel on the deceased.
I'll take that.
Seriously? Based on the method of his suicide, they ran his prints through a military database.
Came up with a match.
Got a positive ID.
Yeah, more than that.
He's named in an investigation.
There were soldiers conducting lethal fights with Iraqi civilians for sport.
My e-mail was hacked.
Was it you? Yeah.
That was me.
I did it.
Sorry, Ryan.
You don't have access to hack my e-mail.
Weston? Uh, yes, sir, I did.
I apologize.
I need a word.
What's going on? Think I got Weston in trouble.
They hacked Donovan's e-mail.
You what? Damn it, Ryan! What happened? I'm being sent home Wait, wait.
This is my fault.
I'll go.
I asked him to do it.
Well, he's going home.
- And that's a bad call! - Excuse me? Look, man.
We're spinning our wheels here.
We need to keep things moving, and we can't do that if you're sitting on information.
This investigation starts at my desk now.
I understand your relationship to this case, and I am trying really hard to be polite, but it's not something I excel at.
Just go back to the motel, and we'll talk in the morning.
Are you getting in? No, thanks.
I'll wait for the next one.
You okay? Yeah.
You need some help with that? No, I'm fine.
Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voi Mitchell, Weston's not picking up.
I've tried him 3 times.
That's not like him.
He always picks up.
Can you ping his phone? Already on it.
It says he's at the motel.
Something's not right.
I'm gonna check it out.
Let Parker know.
You need to pace yourself.
When was the last time you were drunk? Oh.
Is that scotch I see? Oh, this is really bad scotch.
Heh heh heh.
To hell with it.
I don't think I'd know good scotch anymore.
Oh, damn it! What I really need is this damn thing off, please.
Of course.
You're sloshed.
Oh, yes.
Yes, I am sloshed.
You deserve it.
I'm sure there are a lot of things that you need to catch up on.
That's that is true.
It has been depressingly quiet on that front.
Um, you need to fix that then.
Here you go.
All better? Yes.
All better.
Roderick called.
All's going to plan.
They should be back by dawn.
Splendid, Aaron.
Thank you.
So how long have you and Roderick known each other? Oh.
Uh, just a little bit longer than I've known you.
Was he a student of yours? Yes.
In some ways, he was, um my first student.
Why are we here? Why? Are you scared? No.
Should I be, Professor Carroll? Smell it? What am I doing here? I'd like to teach you.
Now first I like to gauge their fear.
Listen to their breathing.
You want to get in sync with it make their breathing become yours.
It's a way to connect to their heartbeat.
Now first take the very tip of the blade, and you place it softly on their skin.
Then push every so gently until you feel the moment of give.
Heh heh.
Your scotch.
Your scotch is all heh.
Joe I love I love my wife, Emma.
You understand that? Now.
Let's go and find the others.
Did Mitchell send over the motel surveillance footage? Yeah.
I got it right here.
They could have killed him, they didn't.
They want something.
All right.
Confirmed identities of who were dealing with.
Charles Mead, the man who abducted Claire Matthews, is one.
The other is Louise Sinclair out of New Orleans, former Blackwater operative.
Another overachiever.
Find out if she ran the plates yet.
We put out an APB in a If it's out there, we'll find it.
Put the call on speaker.
Debra, it's Nick.
The image of the license plate isn't perfect.
We can make out 3, maybe 4 numbers clearly, but the local police found of the color, make, and model.
They've got 9 potential matches on the plates.
Where are the cars? A couple of them are registered to upstate New York.
Two registered in upstate New York.
Two are out of service, police spotted one in a parking lot outside an abandoned shipyard in Newport Harbor.
Police spotted one in a parking lot outside an abandoned shipyard in Newport Harbor.
That's the one.
How do you know? Timestamp on the video is about an hour and a half ago.
That's how long it takes to get from here to Newport Harbor, plus they need someplace quiet to do whatever it is they're gonna do to him.
Abandoned shipyard fits the bill.
Sounds like a hunch.
A good one.
We're gonna head over.
That's my call.
So make it.
Let's go.
Agent Weston.
Welcome to our little slice of paradise.
You are? I'm your host for tonight's main event.
Here's how it works.
I'm going to ask you a few questions, you're going to answer them, truthfully.
And if I don't? That's where it gets fun.
See, we have a little game that we like to play, a fight sport.
You lie, we begin a round.
You lie some more it gets worse.
So tell me where is Claire Matthews? Ha ha ha! Is that what this is about? Sorry, man.
She's in protective custody.
No one knows where she is.
That's a lie.
Round one.
Ding ding.
Come on now.
You need to get up.
Big boy.
Gonna have some fun.
Nice! Match on our hands here.
Rah rah.
Pick it up, boys.
Let's see some real blood.
Unh! Okay.
All right, all right.
You want to end this? Tell us where Claire is.
I don't know anything.
You think we don't know about you? Agent Michael Emerson Weston, born in San Diego, California, political science major at Wesleyan, then 3 years at Quantico studying high-profile personal security.
You know everyone, you know everything about FBI protective custody.
You know where they hid Claire.
You know everything about me, and I don't know anything about you.
Roderick? Isn't that what they call you? Yeah.
Same question, second round.
Where's Claire? I don't know.
They didn't tell me that.
Why would they? Round two's gonna hurt.
Ding ding.
Unh! That's definitely the car.
They got to be inside.
I'll check the perimeter.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
It's not over until you stop breathing.
You're still breathing.
You got one last chance here.
Where's Claire? I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't I don't know.
I don't know, I don't know.
I believe you.
I believe you.
Final round.
Help him up.
Get up! I'm gonna find Claire whether you help me or not.
Aah! I got this.
Help me hold his head.
Let's get out of here.
Stop! FBI! FBI! Oh.
No, no.
Don't move, don't move.
An ambulance is coming.
Take it easy.
I didn't tell them, Ryan.
I didn't tell them anything.
Hey, hey, hey.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
Stay with me, buddy.
Severe concussion, blood loss.
He'll need surgery, but the paramedics believe he'll pull through.
You okay? No.
I'm gonna head over to the hospital.
He'll be in surgery for hours.
You know this wasn't your fault, Ryan? You can't own everything that goes wrong.
That's not it.
It's just I know hospitals.
They're no fun.
Just think somebody should be there when he wakes up, that's all.
We got nothing, lost 5 men.
I'm sorry, Joe.
You'll find Claire.
And bring her home.
Of that I'm certain.
I will find her I owe you that.
One more thing.
I let you down again, sir.
I won't lie, Charlie.
I'm disappointed.
I want to make it right.
The reason I wanted to know you, to be a part of this is I wanted my life to mean something.
You want to do this for me? I want to be important, sir.
I want my life to matter.
This is my gift.
And my apology.
You will always matter.
How long has he been out? About an hour.
Surgery went well.
Kept saying, "I didn't tell them anything.
" What was he talking about? Claire's location.
He knew the whole time? Yeah.
He spent two years with the Protective Custody Division in Quantico.
He has clearance.
He's the only one who does know where Claire is.
Ohh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I'll bury him in the morning.
Ohh Oh, no.
I've seen this look.
What's wrong? You want a drink? You want to go upstairs and break a headboard again? Not tonight.
You're in a mood.
Things are different that's all with Joe here.
They're supposed to be.
This is what we've been working towards.
Feel alive in a darkened room I'm sorry about Charlie, too.
I mean well, not really.
Of your solitude? If you ain't got the answer Clean towels, clothes.
If you don't know the truth if you want the power If these don't fit, there's more.
Then let it flow through Did it help? Would you let it go? I don't know if it helped, but it was certainly a rush.
Would you let it go? Oh, ohh would you let it go? I love my wife.
She's not here.
I cannot end this mourning of my life What can I do to make you feel better? Yeah if you feel alive Ohh! If you got no fear do you know the name of the one you seek? Dick! Don't be like that.
Don't be like that.
Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Heyyyyyy Ohh oh, oh, oh, oh
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