The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e08 Episode Script


[Óscar moaning]
It sucked.
And you only thought about yourself!
I'm leaving the Minervas.
I'm on the team!
[Berta] If my belly is big, it's big.
I don't want to hide it.
I think that whichever one you post
is going to look great, dude.
[Gina] You'll have a bunch of followers
in no time.
My knee is busted
and I won't be able to play ever again.
[Anna] Thankfully,
Emma came to check on me last night,
otherwise I don't know
what could've happened.
What happened the other day was serious.
You need to be careful, Júlia.
I know becoming a mother
is very important to you.
[Santi] I could lend you the money.
My job doesn't pay enough
to support this family
and for you to be giving money away.
[Núria] You're the best person I know.
[Santi] And you're the best thing
that's happened to me.
But I think that it's best for us
to take a break.
[Raquel] How come you're not with Emma?
She made a post from Putxi's place.
You only hang out with me
when you have nothing better to do.
-[Youssef] Is he your boyfriend?
-[Laila] No way, Dad.
Shit, the exam.
I have to go, guys. Bye.
Always with your head in the clouds.
Laila, we agreed
that school work comes first.
It's too hard, Dad.
[Nil] Send me a picture of the exam,
I'll write the answers
and then text them back to you.
[Nil] Come on, don't worry.
Don't worry, that one was great.
-You're awesome, dude.
-Not really.
My parentskeep yelling at me
ever since they found out about the test.
[Nil sighs]
And on top of that, I've flunked
most of my classes this semester.
I'm sorry I convinced you to cheat.
-If you hadn't, maybe your dad
-If I hadn't cheated,
I wouldn't have done well on anything.
I don't know
Sometimes I feel
like I'm not good for anything.
What are you talking about?
You're the best skater around,
and you can draw very well.
Yeah, right,
I'm sure that will get me far in life.
For sure.
I like when you do that.
Do what?
When you make me laugh,
and your smile.
I like being with you.
Me too.
-[Youssef] Hi.
-[Mariona] Laila, wait.
We want to talk to you.
I was skating by myself,
I just wanted to try some new tricks.
We don't want to talk about skating.
Come, sit.
[Mariona sighs]
Look, your grades are not improving,
and you can't continue like this.
Your father and I
have been thinking and
[Youssef] I have my doubts,
but this might just be
what you need to get better grades.
You need to concentrate more, Laila.
And we think that this is
the only way to achieve that.
-Are you sending me to a boarding school?
-No, no, no.
We'd never do something like that.
We discarded that idea a long time ago.
But now
We think that perhaps
you should start taking pills for ADHD.
Is this punishment for what happened
during the test the other day?
No, on the contrary,
we're doing this to help you.
I don't like talking pills either,
and when we found out about
your condition, we decided not to do it.
But if you want to
It's an important decision
and we want to know your thoughts.
Well, I don't know.
What do you want me to do?
Your mother thinks that
it might help you concentrate.
We want to know what you think.
[Mariona] It's up to you, honey.
We don't want to force you.
-Come on, Laila!
-Get your head out of the clouds!
Look, they're filming us.
[Berta] What are they up to now?
Whatever happened to image rights?
[Flor] Don't we have a right to privacy?
Okay, girls, that's enough.
We're done for today.
-What about the camera?
-Forget about it. It's club business.
Girls, come over here, please.
Since there won't be a game
this weekend,
you'll practice the plays
that still need more work.
No way. We have exams next week,
I need to study for bio.
-[Terrats] Berta
-As if you actually need to study.
No, but I do.
Besides, it's the semester finals.
Well, I think it's important
that they have time for their schoolwork.
Look, you're in fourth place
in the league,
and that's great,
considering how you started out.
These last few weeks
you've had your heads in the game,
and the results are proof of that.
But if you want to make it into
the OkLiga we need to work harder.
[Terrats] Especially you, Gina.
Yeah, but they won't be able
to concentrate
if they're thinking about the exams.
You said it yourself,
they're doing a great job.
Maybe we shouldn't
push them too hard.
I'm sorry, wanting them to be better
is pushing too hard?
I don't get it, Anna.
How about this?
-Since you're the club coordinator
-I am.
you do what you have to do,
and I'll do what I consider best,
-which is not train.
-Suit yourself.
There's more to life than hockey.
[metal gate opens]
Yes, yes, I also forgot the keys,
next to the spare clothes.
No, I'm not wearing dirty clothes.
Gina let me borrow some of hers.
Will you be there
to open the door or not?
Okay, cool. Bye.
[Emma] Hey, how are you?
What are you doing here?
I'm here with my dad.
He had to run some errands
so, I'm waiting for him.
That's a cool sweater.
I like your new style.
-It's Gina's.
So, what are you up to now?
Well, I'd better get going.
The Minerva is proud to be one
of the most historic hockey clubs.
It established the female team,
with which we've won three leagues,
three Europe cups,
and three Queen's cups.
Despite having gone
through some tough times,
we're proud of having
the boys' team back in first division.
My great grandfather
was a sports enthusiast.
He first established the soccer club,
but his true passion
had always been hockey.
When he founded the club in 1956,
the boys put aside their cleats
and began to use skates.
That is why my brother Enric,
the president,
takes his position very seriously,
and follows my great grandfather's steps,
just as those boys
put on skates for the very first time.
[Cameraman] Very good.
That's it, right?
-For today, yes. Thank you.
-Okay, bye. See you.
-Bye. Thanks.
I don't understand why Eric
wants to make these videos now.
-He's doing it for publicity.
-What publicity?
It's absurd to be running
for president at this point.
Elections are at the end of season,
they're right around the corner.
Santi, please, no one else
runs for that position.
-It's your family's club.
-Don't be like that! What's the big deal?
-It will please him.
-There, you said it.
He's doing this for his ego.
[Santi] So, what do you think?
The family legacy speech
wasn't entertaining, right?
You really want to capture
people's attention, you know?
You need to reel people in.
What if we talked more
about the club's teams?
For action purposes.
Well, action is always better
than a couple of interviews.
That woman
-Yes, her.
She said you have
a formidable female team, right?
Formidable is a strong word
-Maybe we should focus on that.
-But they haven't won anything.
Yeah, but "girl power" is in right now.
We were one of the first clubs
to establish a female team.
See? That's what sells.
You should take advantage of that.
-Pioneers reel peoples' attention.
"The first club to bring out
female sports from the shadows."
-Well, first
-Yeah, this will be your brand.
A single idea that's simple,
easy, and catchy.
That's it.
[dogs barking in distance]
Dude, don't tell me this isn't awesome.
This guy's Instagram is insane.
I don't know why he picked my photos.
But now I have a lot of likes, Rach.
Dude, you're amazing.
Because you're brave.
You're not afraid to say
or do what you believe in.
I'm just tired of people
criticizing everything, Rach.
I want to prove that you can be cool
without adhering to the latest trends.
[phone rings]
Dude, it's the photographer.
-Are you going to do it?
-I don't know.
I mean, I have some already.
Lluc took some pictures
the other day, but just for me.
-Yeah, but naked?
-I know, I know.
Nobody's forcing you to do it, Berta?
What do you mean?
Whether you say yes or no,
you'll still be brave to me.
The decision is yours.
Yeah Yeah, you're right.
My parents want me to decide
if I want to take medication or not.
How should I know?
They decided not to do it years ago.
I don't know what made them
change their mind now.
Have you flunked many classes?
[Laila sighs]
Yeah, but if they expect me to suddenly
start passing all of my classes
because of some magic pill
It's too late for me this semester.
At least they're letting you choose.
You mean,
they're making it my problem.
My dad signed me up for hockey
when I was four,
and he never asked me if I liked it,
he simply trained me to be the best.
You can't imagine how much I hate it.
You're lucky to have parents
who care about your opinion.
You're right, I am lucky.
[chatter on TV]
Hey, I'm going out for a run.
I won't be long.
Emma, you've been watching TV all day.
[Santi] Don't you have to study?
What's this about taking the weekend off?
Júlia says you have practice.
Yes, but I've been planning this trip
for days.
I'm not going to change plans, Dad.
I already told Terrats.
You've got some balls.
It's hard to say no to Terrats.
I know, but my psychologist told me
to find things besides hockey
to stay motivated.
I'm doing this for myself.
That's a good plan.
I'm considering asking Emma
to come with me.
-On a trip?
-[Anna] Yes.
In your RV?
No. No way,
she won't have time to study.
But there's no TV
or Internet in the RV.
It's the perfect study environment.
Come on, what do you say?
Look, you don't even have
a shower in that trailer.
No way, I'm out.
-But we can do something better, Anna.
Teach me how to do a wrist shot,
like the one you used to score
during the European Final.
Emma, I'm trying to do things
that aren't related to hockey, get it?
[Emma] Come on, why not?
We'll make a deal, how about that?
Teach me how to do a wrist shot
and I'll study.
And I'll go with you
on a camping trip some other time.
Wow, sounds like a great plan.
-Is your company supposed to be the prize?
Fine, whatever it takes
to make you study.
[Anna] But you have to start
studying now, Emma.
If you do, I'll stay and teach you
my master move.
I'll even leave you my phone.
She gave me her phone.
[Berta blows raspberry]
I think that's enough for me today.
Yeah, I can't take anything else in.
Continue tomorrow?
By the way, thanks, Raquel.
What for?
For what you said
about the photographer.
No one was forcing me to do it,
but when I refused he got pissed,
so, thank you.
You felt like you couldn't
say no at first, right?
I noticed.
I've also felt that way.
I did it with Óscar for the first time,
and I wasn't forced to do it,
but I couldn't say no.
He insisted so much,
and I didn't know how to say no.
So, we met,
and I couldn't find the way to refuse.
And when he was on top of me,
I realized that I didn't want to do it,
that I was only doing it for him.
It was
It sucked so much.
And when I think about it,
it pisses me off.
Why did I worry about
making him feel bad?
As if I didn't have a right to anything.
Damn, Rach.
I'm so sorry you went through that.
Now I understand everything.
I'm sick of putting others
before me, you know?
I know. I do.
We deserve to be respected.
And you deserve to be with someone
that loves and cares for you,
but who also respects
what you want, Raquel.
[keys jangle and door opens]
Hi, girls.
You're still studying at this time?
If we didn't have
extra hockey practice
All right, all right, don't complain.
You're not the first ones
to study and train at the same time.
I'll get going. See you tomorrow.
Bye, Raquel.
Goodbye, Raquel.
Shit, what's this?
It's so creepy.
Oh, it's for my in vitro.
In vitro?
Are you taking hormones again?
Of course, Berta. Time flies.
Hey, Aunt, you know
this isn't a competition, right?
Perhaps you're going too fast.
My gynecologist says
that my body is fine.
-Don't worry about it.
-Well, what about you?
[Terrats] What about me?
You just had a miscarriage.
Are you okay?
Better than ever.
Go set the table, I'll make dinner.
[Terrats] Come on, Berta.
[phone rings]
Berta, come on, hurry up.
Set the table, dinner's ready.
When I pick up my phone
and go through my contacts,
I realize that I don't have
anyone to talk to.
There's no one in town you trust?
-At home? Anywhere?
-It's been years since I've lived here.
My few remaining friends have a life now,
with kids and a family
And I don't want my parents to worry.
[therapist] Worry them how, Anna?
What are you so afraid of?
I almost killed someone.
I put a girl in a coma.
She still is.
And every morning,
when I wake up, I'm afraid
because I don't know
if she's going to die
or wake up someday.
Living like this is consuming me.
[loud tapping]
-Laila, you're shaking the table.
-I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[pen clicking]
Oh, sorry.
I'm just not getting any of this.
-I don't know
-You need help.
Do you want to go over it again?
Is there something you don't understand?
No, no, no, I get it now.
This topic is boring, and
[Laila] But thanks for coming anyway.
I have to go, guys. I need
to go to my house before practice.
-Practice today
I don't know how I'm going
to get through everything.
I know, this sucks.
I also have to get going.
Do you want to meet after practice?
At my place?
Sure, I think my dad won't mind
if I go to your place.
[phone rings]
[phone rings]
Dig those skates in.
Come on, faster, go, go, go!
Faster. You have to sprint faster.
Okay. One, two, three,
four, quickly now.
One, two, three.
-Good job!
-What are you doing here?
I've looked around,
but I don't know where my stick is.
Laila, being on a team means taking care
of your gear, you know that, right?
-Yes. I'm sorry, but
-Come on, come on! Faster, faster!
I got distracted.
I'm getting tired of hearing your
"I got distracted" excuse.
Your teammates bring
their gear every day,
and you should do the same
if you want to be on their level.
Here, take this one.
Come on, quickly.
Faster, faster, faster!
Come on, come on!
-One, two, three.
-What do you want, Enric?
I need the girls for a moment,
it's for the video.
-You said it wouldn't affect practice.
-It'll only be a moment, I promise.
Oh, now you want us to be
a part of your campaign?
You're an important part of this club,
you know this.
-Did you get that?
-Come on, don't start now.
By the way, after the interviews,
we'll film them practicing, okay?
I was a figure skater,
but watching them play
on and off the rink
made me switch teams.
And now, I wouldn't trade it
for anything in the world.
I like the Minervas, because despite
wanting to win and always be the best,
there's a lot of camaraderie.
We're a team.
Screw it. I'm not participating in this.
[Youssef] Hey!
Hi, Dad.
-Have you done your interview?
No way. It's embarrassing!
Let's have lunch at the bar together.
Dad, I want to say something.
Um, I've been thinking about it
and I want to take the pills.
I don't want you to do it
because you feel different,
or because you think you're inferior.
You're as good as anyone else.
We simply offered you this
to make your day to day easier.
I know, Dad, I know. Thank you.
But that's exactly
why I think I should take them.
Don't make me laugh.
Can I have some now?
Come. Here, give me your glass.
We're going to get wasted
if we keep going like this.
I'm already getting tipsy.
It should be fine.
It's just one day, right?
[Santi] What? To good?
Hey! What do you mean "to good wines"?
I thought you'd toast to good friends.
To good wines! To good friends!
Okay, for real.
Wait, wait, I have something for that.
I think we're a little bit drunk.
If your brother, the president
could see us right now
If he could see us
If the president could see us
[deep sigh]
I'm screwing up,
I'm screwing up, I'm screwing up.
[Terrats] I'm screwing up so bad.
Don't worry, it's just wine.
[Terrats] No, Santi, no.
I'm obsessed, I'm obsessed
I obsess over things
and I don't know when to stop.
Did you know that I've started
taking hormones again?
-So, what?
-So, what?
I recently had a miscarriage.
Berta is right. I don't
I don't know if I'm doing this
to become a mother.
Or if it's some competition
that I'm trying to win
or if my shirt is completely ruined.
It's true, look.
This is my favorite shirt.
Don't worry,
I'll get you another one, okay?
Don't go, don't go, don't go.
I'll go look for a shirt.
-Come here.
What? What is it?
There's nothing wrong, right?
It's just the two of us.
We're lonely.
We keep each other company.
Is there a problem?
And we're very good friends, right?
Okay, then that's that.
It's okay.
Okay, if you do this, you're letting
the goalkeeper know your next move.
It's better if you place it here,
look at the post,
open up, and then shoot to their left.
[Anna] Okay
Fuck, I can't do anything right.
No, Emma, it's not that easy.
You lack patience.
It's not going to happen the first time.
Oh, well, it's easy for you to say,
you're the hockey superstar.
I'm not a superstar, Emma. Okay?
And I will never be so
please, stop saying it.
Anna, I didn't
I didn't mean to say that.
I'm sorry.
I felt really bad when you told
everyone the other day.
To me, you'll always be the best, okay?
Even if you stop playing.
And even though I don't say it,
you're a great coach.
And as a big sister,
you're not half bad either.
Sometimes I want to kill you,
but other times I love you so much.
Ow, ow! No, no!
Emma, my knee, careful.
Shit, I'm sorry.
That's right, heal it.
You're so dramatic.
You're dramatic!
"I can't do anything right!"
"I'm the worst!
I can't do anything right!"
Berta, do you really like studying,
or is it because you want
to get into med school?
Well, it may sound corny,
but I like to learn new things.
What about you? You look calm.
What are you doing?
I wasn't studying.
Woah, that's so cool.
Yes, Laila, it's very cool.
-But you won't finish studying like this.
-[Laila] Yeah.
Do you need help?
I do.
I need advice.
Since you want to study medicine Look.
They're ADHD pills.
I told my parents that I would start
taking them, but I haven't.
Because they were so frustrated
when the found out I was failing,
but I don't think I want them.
Well, I suppose they would help you
calm down and concentrate.
But sometimes, pills aren't the solution
to your problems, you know?
I'm sorry for interrupting
this doctor-patient moment,
but weren't you supposed
to leave earlier?
What time is it?
Shit! I'm late! You're right.
I'll see you guys.
Dude, I'm starving again.
Do you want to eat something?
Every time we study
you get these cravings.
Fine, what is there?
Why can't we simply spend
the whole day eating cookies?
We've almost eaten all of them.
[phone rings]
What is it?
What is this?
It's not the first time.
What do you mean?
It's the fucking photographer
that asked for more pictures.
Did he hack your phone?
Yes, and I already deleted the pictures,
but now he wants more.
And now this.
Fuck, I don't know
how he found out where I live.
I'm scared, Raquel.
I don't know what to do.
[door opens]
[Terrats] Hello.
Calm down, Berta.
We'll do something. Don't worry.
[Berta sighs]
What's wrong?
Berta, Berta, Berta, what's wrong?
What's wrong? What is it?
-I'm so sorry.
[Raquel] She's being stalked.
What? Did someone
paint on the walls again?
No, no, no. No, it's
It's a fucking photographer
on the Internet.
I sent him some pictures,
but I was wearing underwear, I swear.
I was only doing it to reclaim my body.
But now he wants me
to send nude pictures.
-I don't know what to do.
-That son of a bitch.
Listen, Berta. Listen to me.
Calm down, okay? Calm down.
You did the right thing telling me.
We'll go to the police
and this will all be over.
It will all be over. You hear me?
And stop leaving me in the dark
when you need me the most.
[Terrats] You're not alone. Okay?
You're not alone.
You have me. Okay?
[Terrats whispers] It okay.
Are you done?
What's up with these hairs?
What about them?
You know they grow, right?
Since when don't you shave?
I don't know, since now.
It's too much work.
Besides, if I were a guy
you wouldn't look twice, right?
No, no, you're right.
But I don't think
I'd want to look like a yeti.
Yeah, right.
Sometimes I wonder, Anna.
We don't look like sisters at all.
It's a good thing
we both like hockey, otherwise
Do you think it's because I'm adopted?
What are you saying?
Do you think Dad and Enric
look alike at all?
Do you remember
the day I came home?
Of course I remember.
It was the happiest day of my life.
-I'm sure it was.
-I'm serious, dumbass.
I remember exactly the way
Mom and Dad looked.
I had never seen them happier,
to be honest.
Not like now, right?
Each one would rather do
their own thing.
But Emma, Dad came back
because of his wine business.
Yeah, I know, but I don't get the feeling
that they miss each other.
Do you think they'll separate?
Do you want some?
No, thanks.
How are you not hungry?
I'm confused.
What's wrong?
[Laila sighs]
I told my parents
that I would take ADHD pills,
but I don't want to.
But they said it was your choice.
What's the problem?
I don't want to study.
And some pills aren't going to solve that.
What do you mean?
I don't like staring at a book for hours
like Berta or Raquel.
It bores me.
I don't like it.
It's not for me, and that's it.
Yeah, but we all have to do it, Laila.
[Nil] What else do you want to do?
[door closes]
-[Emma] Hello.
[Anna] Hi, Dad.
[Santi] You guys took your time.
How did it go?
It went well. We got hungry,
so we stopped at the bar, right, Emma?
-How are you?
-Fine, I'm fine.
I watered the plants,
sorted our mail, bills. The usual.
Dad, we want to know something.
What? I want to know.
What is it?
Are you and Mom still together?
I'd like to know too, Dad.
[chuckles uncomfortably]
Well, we agreed not to say anything;
we didn't want you to worry,
but you have a right to know the truth.
Yes, we've separated.
I'm so sorry, Dad.
But that doesn't mean
we're not a family anymore.
You two will always be our priority.
[Emma cries]
Come on.
It's okay.
-Come here.
The mitochondria
is the powerhouse of the cell.
The mitochondria
is the powerhouse of the cell.
Okay, and there's also the membrane,
the Golgi apparatus,
the endoplasmic
Fucking cells!
Memorizing and regurgitating
the answers doesn't help.
If you knew how bad
art history exams can be
Oh, right, I'm sure humanities
is a tough career choice.
You try memorizing
the entire Quattrocento period.
Come on, don't get mad.
Guys, I'm glad that you're happy together,
but can we please concentrate?
Our entire lives will be
on the line in 20 minutes.
[Raquel] Hey, guys.
-Hi, Raquel.
Here, a present.
So you can cover your phone's camera.
Are you a tech expert now?
Thanks, Raquel.
Are you feeling better?
Now that they've arrested him, yes.
Luckily, it wasn't as bad
as it could have been.
This guy had stalked other girls
using his fake fashion website.
He would lure girls on Instagram,
and then sell their naked pictures
on a website for underage girls.
What a filthy person.
They think they can demand
pictures from you
just because you posted
some picture in your underwear?
We're women,
our bodies don't belong to us.
It doesn't matter
if it's out here or online.
It fucking sucks that you had
to go through that, Berta.
I'd love to take a break
from all this nonsense.
But I can't bring myself
to delete Instagram.
It keeps me updated.
Not having an Instagram account
is like not existing at all.
Of course not.
If you want,
we can keep you updated.
Don't worry.
Delete it. Take a break from it.
[Berta] Done.
I don't know if I'll last long.
Hey, where's Laila?
She's capable of forgetting
we have exams today.
[Mariona] Laila, can you go get dressed?
If you don't hurry,
you won't make it in time.
I don't want to go, Mom.
[Youssef] And what will you do
about your exams?
-[Youssef] Come on, get going.
-I said no!
[Mariona sighs]
At least try.
If you don't go, you'll surely fail.
I don't care.
I'm not going back.
-[Mariona] Where?
-To class, to school.
What do you mean?
[Laila] Didn't you want me
to decide for my future?
Then I've decided
that I won't finish high school.
No pills and no high school.
And that's final.
Okay, I understand
that this can be stressful.
Final exams can be hard, yes.
[Youssef] But don't give in
to stress or fear.
-[Youssef] We know you can do it.
-[Youssef] You can do it.
-I don't care if I can or not.
I don't want to.
You're too young to make this decision.
How come I'm too young
to decide on some things,
but not young enough for others?
Without a high school diploma
you won't be able to get into college.
-[Youssef] None.
-Don't you see?
Don't you get it? What's it good for?
I want to be an artist.
[Mariona] As a hobby, sure. But you need
something more to get by in life.
Like what?
An engineering degree?
Or medicine?
The world doesn't work that way.
[Laila] The only thing I know
how to do is draw, that's it.
I'm sorry, but that can't be.
You have to,
at least, finish high school.
[Youssef] It's important.
Get your backpack,
we're taking you to school.
You don't give a shit.
[slams door]
[phone rings]
Which newspaper
did you say you were?
Good morning.
[Youssef sighs]
Seems like everyone's having a bad day.
What's up with you?
Laila woke up this morning and decided
that she's not attending her exams.
-She's at home, in pajamas.
-Why? Is she afraid of failing?
No, no. She says she doesn't want
to finish high school. She's dropping out.
-What did you say to her?
-What else? We said no way.
Youssef, it's none of my business,
but don't you think Laila
should find her own path?
You're saying I should let her drop out?
I know it's scary,
but no matter how much you want her to,
if she doesn't want to study, she won't.
My mother wanted me to study Economics,
and that didn't work out for her.
I did the opposite.
I made Lore and Óscar
take piano lessons.
Instead, they ended up playing hockey.
And I don't really care for sports.
[Youssef sighs]
What? No "hi" for me?
Hey, are we going to act like strangers
after what happened the other day?
We already said
that these things happen.
Look, we both wanted it.
-Don't blow it out of proportion.
-Blow it out of proportion?
What do you mean?
Did I miss something?
-Did it mean something?
-Santi, Santi, Santi.
A reporter just called me asking about
the construction of a new sports center.
I said I didn't know anything,
because I really have no fucking idea
-as to what she was talking about.
-So, it's been confirmed?
So, it's true? And you knew about it?
No wonder Enric
has been campaigning so hard.
If he's reelected,
he can build the sports center.
If you want a more competitive club,
you'll need a better center.
Right, and who do you think
will receive the construction project?
Well, usually,
the bids go out to public tender.
Come on, Santi!
Enric has a building company,
and lately, I've been seeing him
with the councilman.
I know your brother
like the back of my hand.
What do you want me to say, Júlia?
I don't involve myself in this stuff.
Yeah, right, right.
It's easier to look the other way
and sell wine. Am I right?
Why do you always
have to be so negative?
Look on the bright side.
You'll have an amazing new sports center.
The club will be great again!
Santi, a club isn't great
because of its stadium,
it's great because it has good equipment,
good players, and good coaches.
And your brother doesn't invest
in those things.
All Enric cares about
is stuffing his pockets.
He uses everyone, especially you.
You're always kissing his ass.
[Terrats] So much for treasurer
[knock on door]
[door opens]
-[Youssef] Can I come in?
[door closes]
You know we love you, right?
Don't try to make me feel bad, Dad.
Are you sure you want to drop out?
Don't you want to try
to finish your exams?
I've tried enough already.
And I don't feel like trying just to fail.
I feel like shit, I feel useless.
-You're not useless.
-But I feel like I am.
And my friends
don't appreciate me either.
[Laila] They just like my drawings.
-Are you doing this for them?
-No, I'm doing it for myself.
I feel good with myself when I draw,
I feel in control.
And I know it might sound cheesy,
I have a gift.
It's like I don't know,
I feel like it's easy for me.
You know you're choosing
a very hard path to follow, right?
[Laila] The path you want me
to choose is harder for me.
And it's not like
it's taking me anywhere.
Dad, I've been looking
at an illustration program,
and the courses sound
like they were made for me.
But, then what? What if you don't
end up working as an illustrator?
Did you know how things would turn out
when you emigrated from Morocco?
You sure know how to flip
the conversation, don't you?
You've always told me that
you knew it would work out
because you wanted to be
with Mom and start over.
[Laila] Well, so do I, Dad.
[sighs] Okay.
I'll talk to your Mom,
we'll see what we can do.
Thank you.
Oh, sorry.
No, no, come in.
I was going to wash my hands,
I'll come back later.
No, go ahead, wash your hands.
[water running]
Thank you.
[Terrats] What for?
For helping me with the photographer.
Maybe it's true, I let things get too far.
[Terrats] Hey, you're not the one
who was harassing a minor, okay?
You always make me feel better.
[Berta] Thanks for taking care of me.
-Do you need help?
I need to practice
if I ever want to become a doctor.
[Terrats] You got that right.
Here. Wait, wait, wait.
[Terrats sighs]
I can't do this anymore.
It's over.
[Berta] You're quitting?
For now.
Yes, yes, I need to stop.
[Terrats] I've been very stubborn,
haven't I?
A bit.
That's how the Terrats women are.
We're strong women.
And stubborn.
And we're constantly
getting into trouble
It's a good thing we have each other.
You've also helped me a lot, Berta.
[inspiring music]
We want to preserve the club's traditions,
but also bring in new talent.
Minerva is a small club,
but it has achieved many victories.
This isn't the final edit, right?
You don't like it?
Where are the hockey girls?
Why aren't they reeling people in?
What we filmed the other day
makes them look like housewives,
and not like heroines.
-But you said you had enough to work with.
-Yeah, but when I watched it
[Terrats] Hey, girls,
stop for a moment. Sorry.
Listen, film them again,
that way you'll have more to work with.
[Terrats] Flor, you can't leave your spot
until Lorena gets there.
-Terrats! Terrats!
-It won't work out otherwise.
-What do you want now?
-Just a few more takes. I promise.
-So, girls
-[Gina] What if we don't want to?
-What are you saying?
-You heard her.
We don't want to help you
promote your campaign.
We're tired of you taking all the credit,
and pretending
that you care about the team,
-when the truth is you don't care.
-Well said!
You didn't hesitate when you decided
to get rid of the team.
Or did you forget?
Because I can assure you
that we didn't forget.
Oh, come on, don't try to be
all high and mighty, it doesn't suit you.
We're doing this video.
Terrats agrees with me.
Enric, they're right.
Using the girls
for your own convenience,
interrupting practice,
and pretending like
you own the place, it's all over.
You only use us
for your own advantage.
[Terrats] You know what?
It's over for you.
These coming elections,
you'll have an opponent.
-Oh, really?
And who's the sucker
that's going to run against me?
I am.
I'm running for president of the club.
So, prepare yourself.
Did you know that the boys
are meeting at your dad's place?
We're going, right?
You guys look like you just saw a ghost.
Did I interrupt you
in the middle of something, or?
Pela, what are you doing here?
I can't deal with you anymore, I can't.
Stop meddling in my life!
These are edibles, dummy.
Don't be so stuck up, Laila.
You have to make out with Flor.
You know you can count on me.
They want to sue me.
-What's wrong?
-[Nil] She just got like this.
I should've asked you to stay.
[Anna] Thank you.
What for?
For always taking care of me.
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