The Interest of Love (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

It feels nice…
to be here with you.
Stop drinking.
You had soju, beer, and wine.
You have work tomorrow.
Tell me more about yourself.
Like what?
Just anything related to you.
It could even be
about your military service.
That's ridiculous.
Why? I'm curious.
I want to know about your childhood.
I also want to know what you liked
and what your dreams were.
Are you a kid? Who talks about dreams?
Why do you sound like you're done living?
I wonder whom you take after.
My mom.
Your mother?
I'm curious about
what kind of person she is.
My mom is…
a strong woman.
She's as solid as a rock.
Sometimes, my mom
feels like a daughter to me.
As I got older, she became younger.
You're lucky to have such a strong mother.
That's why I worried about her.
I had no idea when she was struggling
or when she was in pain.
Even when my father passed away,
she never cried in front of me.
She kept it all to herself.
She's like you.
You're like that too, you know.
Am I?
I wish you could act
like a seven-year-old in front of me.
Someone who throws tantrums…
and can be honest with me
about everything.
Unlike what you think,
I'm not that nice of a person.
Unlike what you think,
I'm not that nice either.
Hurry up.
I don't think this is right.
-I'll just--
-You spent your security deposit.
My house will be better
than a tiny studio room.
Or am I the issue?
Come on.
It's 1031.
The passcode.
Come on in.
Sit on the sofa for a minute.
Let me help.
It's not heavy. Just stay put.
Here. Let me.
Can you take it to the veranda?
-What about this?
-Give it to me.
Let me.
Can you take it to the bedroom?
The room is pretty small, isn't it?
Not at all.
I brought them from your old place.
I thought you'd forgotten them.
Thank you.
I'm going to wash up.
Take your time unpacking.
Hey, why are you awake?
When did you go home?
I just got in.
Did you put a security camera in my house?
How did you know?
You should be asleep.
I can't sleep, now that you're gone.
Don't expect a lullaby from me.
What am I going to do?
-I have a problem.
-What is it?
Sang-su, I miss you.
I'll see you at work tomorrow.
Forget it.
Take a hangover cure before going to bed.
Okay. Good night. See you tomorrow.
Did I take too long?
You must be tired. Go wash up.
I'm going to bed then.
Okay. Good night.
I missed you too much.
Hey. You…
I'm not…
going home tonight.
You're up.
Why did you get up so early?
Well, you were snoring.
Come on. I don't snore!
Let's eat.
Did I really snore?
What are you doing?
I'm making breakfast. I'm almost done.
I want to listen to some music.
Wait, why isn't it working?
This happens sometimes.
Your car engine stalled last time.
Maybe it's time you get a new car.
I'm going to join a study group.
Wouldn't an academy be more helpful?
I already learned everything
from the academy.
I want to plan out a schedule
and interact with other test takers too.
You should go in first.
It'll be uncomfortable if people see us.
Okay, then. I'll go in first.
Youngpo branch's
first official couple has arrived.
Thank you. We'll be good to each other.
Please stop.
-How could I?
What if you two get married
before Mr. Yang does?
Don't make me go
to two weddings in one day.
Let me know your dates in advance.
Stop teasing us.
Mr. Ma, I thought
you were interested in Ms. Park.
Gosh. You're so nonchalant about this.
You really are.
When did I ever say--
Why would you say that?
I'm just trying to congratulate these two.
Everyone, clear your schedules
for this evening.
Mr. Yang wants to treat us
to a meal before he gets married.
I know you're all busy, but please come.
-Thanks in advance for dinner!
-It's his treat.
I can't wait to have some beef tonight.
Good morning.
-My gosh.
-It's been a long time.
Look who it is.
How was your vacation?
Did you go somewhere amazing?
Yes. I'm sorry
I was away longer than expected.
Don't be sorry.
While you were gone,
I replaced the ticket paper,
made coffee for our customers,
and fixed the ATM machine
every time it malfunctioned.
You don't have to feel sorry about that.
Mr. Ma.
About the meeting materials…
Mr. Jeong.
Next time, just tell me
if you'll be away for this long again.
I will, sir.
Good morning, sir.
How was your leave, Mr. Yuk?
Mr. Ma, Mr. Yuk is here.
Let's start our monthly meeting
in half an hour.
Are you going to make coffee?
I'll do it for you.
-No, I can do it.
-Let me.
on your new relationship.
Thank you.
It seems like everyone knows about it.
Yes, it just kind of happened that way.
Here you go.
Okay. Thank you.
Is Mr. Jeong not here either?
What is this about?
He was supposed to get my shoes repaired.
Here. Let me.
I'll take them.
Fine. Do as you please.
And, Mr. Ha?
I heard you're dating Ms. Park.
Since you went
out of your way to help Ms. Ahn,
I thought maybe
you were interested in her.
But I guess I was wrong.
Good luck.
We should play a round of golf
with President Park sometime.
What did he mean by that just now?
How did you go out of your way to help me?
I'm not sure what he meant either.
I'll take the shoes.
It's okay. I was going out anyway.
Thank you for the coffee.
Mr. So.
Yes, Ms. Ahn?
My gosh.
I can't believe you're getting married.
Why does the groom-to-be look so glum?
I called her Jeong-eun by mistake.
-Three times.
-You lunatic.
It's difficult to break a four-year habit.
I know I should marry Ji-eun,
but why do I still miss Jeong-eun?
Is it even right to get married?
Why is life so tough?
How is life tough for you?
You got a house without taking out a loan.
Darn it.
Auntie, can we get some more side dishes?
Go on ahead.
What about you?
I need to get Mr. Yuk's shoes repaired.
He hasn't learned his lesson, has he?
-We'll go ahead.
What a relief.
Sang-su, are you free right now?
-Watch my shop while I'm gone.
-Hurry up.
-But ma'am…
-Here. Take this.
I'm in a hurry.
You don't need to sell anything.
Just keep watch.
-But I--
-But ma'am…
What am I…
How much is this?
Do you mean the mackerel?
That'd be 5,000 won.
I'll take two of these.
Okay. That'll be 10,000 won.
Okay, I'll take them.
No, please clean and gut them first.
Then would you mind waiting about an hour?
The owner is away at the moment.
It doesn't have to be perfect.
Mr. Ha is the reason why
Mr. Yuk got disciplined.
Mr. Yuk probably feels betrayed by him.
He trusted Mr. Ha
to manage General Affairs,
but who knew he'd go that far to help you?
I hope you don't feel
uncomfortable about this.
He would have done the same for anyone.
After all, he's just that kind of a guy.
My gosh.
I'll do it for you.
-Thank you.
I didn't know you could do that.
I learned as a kid.
Thank you.
Mr. So told me
about how Mr. Yuk got disciplined.
It was all thanks to you.
Please don't feel uncomfortable.
I would've done the same for anyone.
I know.
You're a good man, Mr. Ha.
Here she comes.
Thanks so much, Sang-su.
Ma'am, I sold two mackerels.
Did you? I'm so proud of you.
Here, go get yourselves
some iced Americanos.
-No, it's okay.
-My gosh.
No, really.
Just take it and buy some coffee.
Get married
instead of working for chump change.
I don't want to.
Your mom was your age when she had you.
Does she look happy to you?
My goodness. Who says I'm not happy?
I have a boyfriend.
You do?
Did you hear that? She's dating.
Who is he? Is he good enough?
You've never acknowledged me,
and I get that you don't trust me.
But I decide whom I date.
I have somewhere to be.
Look into it.
Into what?
We should at least know
what he does for a living.
Miss, I need more cold water here.
-They're here!
This is my fiancée, Choi Ji-eun.
-You guys look good together.
-Nice to meet you, Ji-eun.
-Sit down.
-Please sit.
Look for a charging station.
I wonder what I should get her.
Enjoy your dinner. I'll be studying hard.
I'll make dinner for you.
Why are you out here?
Because I'm too full.
What about you?
It's too noisy in there.
I agree. It's pretty noisy.
Did something happen yesterday?
You suddenly got out of the car,
so I was worried.
Ms. Park as well.
I heard Mr. Yang
has been with her for a long time.
But they still look lovey-dovey.
I heard they dated for over four years.
That's actually a different woman.
Then who is this woman?
They met through their parents,
who know each other well.
Their parents, I see.
I guess that's marriage.
You need to marry someone
similar to you if you want to be happy.
That's why I understand.
Mr. Yang?
No, you.
So you don't have to feel sorry anymore.
And don't worry about me even
if I suddenly leave again like yesterday.
And don't get on Mr. Yuk's bad side.
There she is.
The person you should worry about.
I'll go inside first.
You should come in with her.
I thought you couldn't come.
I had to charge my car,
so I wanted to see you
and get recharged myself.
Is something going on?
My dad wants me to find
a prospective partner.
Speaking of which, let's--
I'm not sure…
Do you not want to?
It's just too sudden.
Let's go play golf, silly.
Did I scare you?
Are you sulking?
Why would I sulk?
What is it?
Did you think I was proposing to you?
You got ahead of yourself.
I don't feel that strongly about you yet.
I didn't say anything.
But did you have to invite me
to play golf in that way?
It was fun.
Would you like me to propose to you?
No, thanks.
The loser pays for the membership here.
If you're not confident, go take a lesson.
I'm stuck on number two.
Hold on.
Let's see.
Take a look here.
It'll be easier if you understand
the concept first.
You're incredible.
No, I'm not.
You know all the answers.
-Can I ask you another question?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Yes, I do.
Is she pretty?
Yes. Totally.
I knew it.
Will you be done soon?
I'm making something tasty.
Why did you run?
You could've taken your time.
Why are you out here?
No reason.
Are you hungry? I made something tasty.
But you already had dinner.
I could fix myself a simple meal.
I guess you didn't know,
but I love cooking.
Look who's here.
It's Mr. Ha,
whom I beat at golf yesterday.
I didn't lose to you.
You only won because
I took that bunker shot for you.
I never asked you to.
Are you free today?
Today? Why?
It's important. Come with me.
Are you free today?
What is it?
The tufting workshop
said we could pick up our projects.
I can't go today,
so could you pick it up
and drop by my house this evening?
Why? Do you have plans?
No, I can go.
Su-yeong, I made some seaweed soup.
Do you want to stop by for lunch?
Go see a doctor.
I'm okay.
It's bothering me.
Eat up.
I didn't prepare a cake
because I didn't want to go overboard.
Thank you for the meal.
Happy birthday, Su-yeong.
Do you like it?
Yes. It's so pretty
that I could hang it on a wall.
Hey, Su-yeong.
Jong-hyeon, will you be
coming home late today?
Yes, I'm afraid I'm a bit busy today.
Why? Is something going on?
Never mind.
I'm stopping by Ms. Park's house,
so I'll be late too.
-Happy birthday!
-Happy birthday!
Did you think I didn't know?
We planned this together.
Happy birthday, Ms. Ahn.
Sang-su is here too.
Since we're both couples,
let's celebrate together.
Come in.
Right. Here you go.
Welcome, everyone. Come in.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
It's your birthday gift.
I ordered all the food,
but Sang-su and I handpicked this.
What's going on?
How did you know it was my birthday?
I even know
Mr. Yuk and Mr. Noh's birthdays.
I don't like it, but I know many things.
Is this why you said you were busy today?
I'm sorry. I had to keep it a secret.
I told him to be careful
and not get caught.
Thank you, everyone.
You too, Mr. Ha.
Don't mention it. I didn't do much.
Why don't you go change clothes
if you're uncomfortable?
Your clothes are in the drawer.
No, I'm okay.
I need to go to the bathroom.
Mr. Jeong, eat up.
Su-yeong. What are you doing here?
How intriguing.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
Who asked whom out first?
I did. I tried hard to win her heart.
Gosh, that's so brave of you
as a younger man.
What do you like so much about her?
I'm impressed, Mr. Jeong.
Sang-su, you could learn
a few things from him.
Su-yeong, isn't this your favorite wine?
Yes, it is.
The painting in the bathroom--
Did you notice?
I couldn't get it off my mind
ever since we saw it.
I thought it'd look nice there,
so I bought it.
It blends in well, right?
Yes. It does.
Mr. Jeong, I bet
you were popular in college.
Am I right?
No, there weren't many people
my age in my class.
Why not? What was your major?
Industrial Agriculture.
I operated cultivators
and tractors during class.
I also farmed.
Gosh, that's so interesting.
It was so difficult to stay awake
during our classes.
Theories of Business Management,
Accounting, and Organizational Behavior.
What was the other one? The hardest class.
Commercial Law.
I really hated that class.
I don't think I can ever go back
and study in college again.
Then why do you want
to become a police officer?
It's not related to your major.
I went to a nearby school
because of my grades, but my dream…
-My dream was to be a police officer.
-I see.
How did you do on the exam?
I've been rooting for you.
I didn't pass.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.
He was just short of a few points.
He'll make it next time.
Right. I definitely will, next time.
Mr. Jeong, have some of this.
It's from the best restaurant
in this neighborhood.
Okay. Thank you.
Su-yeong, have some.
You should have some too.
You seem awfully quiet today.
That's not true.
You know I'm not much of a talker.
See? He's so different from Mr. Jeong.
Imagine how bored I am.
You should have some too.
Seeing you two together like this,
I finally get why our elders talk about
having babies to good-looking couples.
You guys look great together.
Don't you agree?
Yes. You're right.
You too.
You suit each other.
I packed this earlier.
Have it as a late-night snack.
Happy birthday once again.
Thank you for today.
-Let me carry that.
-It's okay. It's not heavy.
You have a lot to carry.
Don't you live in the same neighborhood?
Sang-su, why don't you drop them off?
Okay, I will.
That's okay. We can just go by ourselves.
It'll be faster than taking a bus.
Let him drive you.
-Here's the car key.
Let's do this every now and then.
I had so much fun today.
Thank you for dinner tonight.
My pleasure.
Here. Let me.
-I'm fine, really.
-But I'm not.
We can go home on our own.
You have a lot to carry. Let me drive you.
We have something to discuss
on our way home anyway.
All right, then.
Thank you for today. I'll see you at work.
Okay. Goodbye.
-See you.
-Let's go.
You guys look great together.
-Don't you agree?
-Yes. You're right.
Su-yeong, are you done washing up?
Yes, I am.
Come over here for a minute.
It feels so warm.
I'm not a kid.
I can dry my own hair.
Can you take tomorrow afternoon off?
It was your birthday today,
but we couldn't go on a date.
That's okay. We had a party.
What is this?
Your birthday gift.
I'll get you something nicer next year.
So let's go on a date tomorrow. Okay?
You too.
You suit each other.
Does it suit me?
Yes. It's pretty.
I know.
Go inside first.
Should we just tell everyone?
Should we tell them
like Ms. Park and Mr. Ha did?
Why not?
We're not like Mr. Ha and Ms. Park.
What do you mean?
I don't want people
to talk behind our backs.
Should I give one to Mr. Jeong too?
That's a bit tricky.
Technically, he's not really one of us.
Come on. Who cares about that?
Hey. The more, the merrier.
What's the problem?
But it's a hotel wedding.
He might give you
some congratulatory money,
-but the meal cost will be higher.
I'll just invite him.
Mr. Jeong.
Feel free to come.
-Mr. Jeong.
-Yes, sir?
I'll clean it up.
Your job entails cleaning as well.
Always, before the customers arrive.
Yes, sir.
This is my workplace, Mom.
You can't just come here whenever.
Goodness. Don't get the wrong idea.
I'm here as your customer.
Okay, ma'am. How may I help you?
My daughter has a boyfriend.
Could you look into it?
Ma'am, I'm sorry.
That would be a breach of privacy,
so I'm afraid I can't tell you that.
Just tell me already!
Mom, do you really think I will?
No. Not at all.
Do you really even have one?
By any chance…
Does he work here?
Is he a colleague?
You know I'd never date a bank clerk.
Who is it, then?
Mom, try to maintain the dignity
that you're so fond of.
And respect my privacy, please.
Let's go. What do you want to do?
Let's go shopping.
I don't need any clothes.
I just want to buy you one.
I didn't even get you a birthday gift.
But that was before we started dating.
And this shop is too expensive.
But still…
How about this?
Su-yeong, I'm really fine.
Are you mad?
You can get me a gift next year.
No, I'm not getting you one.
Do you need a new fridge?
We're giving newlyweds a discount.
-Come take a look.
-We're not--
Goodness, are you not newlyweds?
Yes, we are. Please show us.
Gosh, this is a lot of money.
Does it usually
cost this much to get married?
This is nothing.
This is only the price of electronics.
You need a house
and furniture to go with it.
And don't forget the wedding rings.
Getting married costs a lot.
I'm going to get a wedding ring
with a rock this big.
Does that even exist?
I'll have to tell my fiancé to find one.
Can you give me your hand?
What is this?
-A ring needs to sparkle.
-Hold on.
This is the biggest
and most radiant ring in the world.
I just came out.
I'll find out who he is at all costs.
Okay. I'll see you there.
What's taking the driver
so long in the restroom?
He must be doing a number two.
Goodness, what should I do?
Oh, dear. What should I do?
Darn it.
Hey, can you follow that car?
-This car belongs to the bank.
-I'm your VIP customer.
I'm in a rush. Go, now!
That white car.
-Yes, ma'am.
Can you go faster?
Stick close to it.
Gosh, I'm going to lose her.
Ma'am, may I ask
why you're tailing that car?
That's my daughter's car.
I'm her mom.
You know Ms. Park Mi-gyeong, right?
Yes, I do.
Are you two close at all?
Yes, we are.
Then do you know
who my daughter is dating?
Do you or don't you?
I'm sorry. I'm normally not this rude.
I apologize for my behavior.
It's okay, ma'am.
Sang-su, I'm here. Hurry up. I miss you.
What do your parents do for a living?
My mom runs a small shop.
And my father passed away.
So she's a widow.
How did you two meet?
She just transferred to your branch.
We went to the same university.
You must be smart,
seeing how you attended that school.
Not at all, ma'am.
What are you good at?
Mom, this isn't an interview.
I believe that you can tell a lot
about a person by their hobbies.
Their hobbies tell you
how well-off and sophisticated they are.
He's good at everything.
Golfing, hiking, you name it.
He excels at all sports.
I wasn't asking you.
I enjoy playing ice hockey.
That's a great hobby.
That must mean you two skated together.
She was an amateur figure skater.
Oh, my gosh! Wait!
I didn't know she was a good skater.
So tell me.
Are you planning to get married?
Given your age,
I want to know how serious
you are about this relationship.
We just started dating, ma'am.
See? Now stop asking questions.
I'm not taking this relationship lightly.
So you're the sincere type.
As of now, your approval rating is at 20%.
I'll keep this a secret
from your dad for now.
You know I'm tight-lipped, right?
I'll explain it in person.
Make a note of it for now.
Sorry, did I interrupt you?
Not at all. Someone in our study group
was asking me a few questions.
How is it going?
You didn't have
to bring me this. Thank you.
The room is too small, isn't it?
Not at all. You didn't wash off the ring.
It wouldn't wash off
because it was inked on too well.
I'll buy you a real one next time.
Will you stay with me
even if you become successful?
You stayed by my side despite everything.
Would you have still lived with me here
even if you had a lot of money?
Had I been that wealthy,
it would've been different.
In that case,
I'd have made you a nicer breakfast.
I would've filled the veranda
with your favorite plants.
And we would've watched
your favorite movies every night.
I'm happy with what we have right now.
Not me.
I want to succeed as soon as possible
and make you happier.
What else? What else do you want to do?
I want us to have
your favorite wine
while admiring the Han River.
That's nice.
Were you caught off guard today?
I'm sorry.
That's okay.
Your mother was cute.
She may seem childish,
but she's always on my side.
Let's say it all worked out for the best.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
That person is in front of me.
The one I could have had.
But I lost.
I won't look.
I won't think.
To protect the one that chose me.
To honor the choice I made.
I won't hope for anything.
In case I might desire her again.
In case…
I can't deceive my own heart.
I have a reservation.
Can I get your name, please?
-Ahn Su-yeong.
-One minute, please.
Hi, Jong-hyeon.
I'm sleeping over
at my friend's place tonight.
I'm very happy these days.
Things are going great with Sang-su.
I never should've
come here from the start.
Do you think I've forgotten
what you've done?
Gyeong-pil and Mi-gyeong?
Those two are working in the same office?
Sang-su. What's on your mind?
What was he like?
Was he really single all those years?
Did he at least like someone?
Or maybe flirt a bit?
It's my first time
seeing you smile like that.
Are you happy?
Subtitle translation by: Sooji Kim
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