The Legacy (2014) s01e08 Episode Script

Afsnit 8

This hearing is to determine
the validity of the deathbed will
in favour of Signe Larsen.
You have done quite a bit of
building work on that house.
- Yes, that is true.
- Perhaps you felt in some way
that Signe had a certain right
to inherit the house?
- I never put any pressure on Veronika.
- No, but do you think Signe is entitled
- You can bloody well bet I do!
Frederik twists everything.
He doesn't realise that all his notions
have nothing to do with real life.
That is a weird thing to say,
why did you say that?
His adored father just up
and left them.
- Is it true that he was into men?
- I beg your pardon?
John says so. That he had AIDS
when he got home.
Don't tell that to Frederik.
He won't be able to take it.
- Frederik is going to win.
- I couldn't care less any more.
What do you want to do?
All I want to do is to be with you.
How will you feel if I leave Claudia?
Married men never leave, Robert.
- I cheated on Frederik.
- Are you in love with him?
Oh, no, he is just a big child.
I was lonely. If Frederik finds out
But he won't. Not as long as he's from work.
He doesn't know him, Solveig.
Ole, that letter from Veronika.
Yes, I thought you'd come asking for it.
- Does Lise know about this?
- No.
I think you should use it or you'll lose.
I am writing to you because
I can't get through to John.
You know that we had
a dramatic argument
on our trip to Rome last month.
I have kept my word
for the last 22 years
and have not contacted Sunshine,
but I am no spring chicken,
Ole, and I want Signe to take over
my house when I finally depart.
It is my father's house and she took it
from him and then she threw him out.
- Order in court!
- Your father walked out on you,
- he was gay.
- Signe, don't. - It's true.
- He ran away with another man.
- How dare you!
- He came back dying of AIDS.
- Shut your fucking mouth!
I don't understand why you think
it's sad for him, Emil.
has withdrawn his case.
passes to you, Signe Larsen.
Congratulations. I really hope
it was worth it, Signe.
How really magnificent! Just what
kind of person are you, damn you?
So you managed to screw everything up.
You are never to contact us again, never.
- Is there room?
- Sure there is.
I am sorry you've had to cope
with all this on your own, Gro.
He can't help.
How is he?
He isn't saying a word,
he is all quiet.
And at night he just disappears.
I have no idea where.
Dad disappears?
No, no, what I mean is,
he goes out for a walk.
He just goes for a little walk.
- Is this going on the lorry?
- Yes, in a minute.
What's Signe come here for?
She's come to pick up
some documents.
There's certainly a lot of stuff.
That's nothing. We have been
at it ever since the court case.
I'll pop inside
and check out the house.
These are the papers you wanted.
It's just that the executor said the
deeds and the tenancy agreements
were probably here. He certainly
didn't have them, so
- Hi.
- Hi.
I have put all the stuff about
the house in the three boxes,
and all the stuff on the desk
you can take along too.
- Is there some kind of system to it?
- Can you come with me a minute?
I'd like to wait to do those rooms,
I am not quite sure about them.
- But I do think
- Gro, I'll just use this box.
Yeah, go ahead.
- Emil.
- Yes?
Is that him?
- Or both of them, actually?
- Yes.
I always thought it was mum
who threw him out.
But it turns out that he left us.
To be with that guy.
Are you completely indifferent?
No, I am not.
Now you've spent so long
being angry with mum,
don't start over with dad, all right?
Have you ever had feelings
for another man like that?
If you did, would you tell me?
Frederik, I am not sure
I quite get what you are talking about.
It's just important to me
that we don't lie to each other.
I am not the kind of person
you need to conceal things from.
That's all I am saying.
Yeah, OK.
It takes 40 minutes by car,
so I can easily make it.
See you later. Bye.
Have you found something?
I have found this.
I remember him, actually.
He was a nice guy.
He was here the day my father died.
Was that why mum threw him out?
Well, I wasn't here,
but that is what I heard from Thomas.
Carl knew he was dying and he
wanted to have his lover by his side.
She just couldn't take it.
I see.
She should have said something to me.
She could easily have explained it.
She was simply so unhappy about it.
She never talked to anyone about it,
including me.
- Why didn't you ever mention it?
- I don't know, Frederik.
Nobody ever talked about it.
I suppose I was trying
to protect you, too.
If we had been capable of talking
to each other in this family and
everything wasn't so secretive, we'd
have spared each other a great deal of pain.
- Gro.
- Yes?
You can just start.
Have you seen dad?
No, I haven't.
What have you found, darling?
- Oh, that's nice.
- Well?
You will have to say something
to him. It's no good.
- He hasn't even packed his stuff.
- No, it's difficult.
Dad, you're going to have
to pack your stuff.
Stop it.
But Signe will be collecting
the keys tomorrow.
Do get a move on.
Make yourself useful for once.
Pack your stuff.
- What the hell be careful!
- Know what?
We have to vacate this house.
It's over now.
That's how it is.
For you too.
- Be careful, damn it.
- I am being careful.
That's over 300 years old.
Thomas, it hasn't come
to any harm, has it?
- Look who's talking.
- You have so many other instruments.
Take one of them instead.
And anyway you don't need it
- this very minute.
- Are you out of your mind?
- Hi, Hannah.
- Have you and mum had a fight?
No, not at all,
why would we have a fight?
She's just acting so weirdly.
I think she has a lot on her plate.
She's a bit stressed, kind of.
- Don't mind her.
- No, I am not, don't worry.
Everything's fine.
But thanks for asking.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hannah asked if we'd had a fight.
- And what did you tell her?
- Well, I told her we'd fucked
and everything was
a bit awkward right now.
Want some water?
Yes, please.
Gro, see you later!
- Hey, Gro.
- Yes?
- What's going to happen to that?
- It's been sold.
- What about the other one?
- Rene, do you mind getting the keys
- for the pick-up?
- Sure.
- She's getting the keys.
- Cool.
Just put your foot down,
use the accelerator.
- Yes.
- Yeah, woo-hoo.
- Put it into first gear.
- I stalled it.
Listen, let me get in.
Is she taking mum's car now too
or what?
- If she wants to buy it.
- It'll cost her 40,000.
- No Emil, come off it.
- It will.
She has got the whole house
so she can afford it.
Hi, darling.
We've put the stuff the auctioneers will
take on the right in the courtyard.
Be careful, Emil!
Are we talking this too?
Emil, do you think
you could find a box for this?
What about the rest, did you get
hold of that house clearance bloke?
He wants 35,000 to take
everything that's left.
He can't ask 35,000 for this!
He didn't think he could sell
very much of it.
We could just leave it for Signe.
She won't want it, no way!
This is really neat, Gro,
how much is it?
It's Signe.
She wants to buy the pick-up.
- Frederik
- Congratulations on the house.
- How much is it?
- I'll have to double check
the asking price,
but I think it's about 45,000.
- 45?
- Yes. -Yes.
OK, I just need to talk it over
with Andreas, actually.
We'll be here all day and this evening,
you can just come and collect it.
Nice, we'll do that.
And we were just saying
that the things we haven't got
room for, we'd like to give you.
What kind of things are they?
Well, we'll be taking a few more
items along today,
but apart from that,
everything that's left.
- That's quite a pile.
- It is,
but you can just sort through it
and chuck what you don't want,
it kind of belongs to the house,
mum's things.
Yes, yes, obviously, yes.
I suppose that's fine,
- so we'll take it. See you.
- See you.
She was dead chuffed.
- Where is Andreas?
- At training.
I just can't wait!
I am going to the game with dad
tomorrow, too. Look!
- That's great, maybe I'll see you there.
- Yes.
- Hold up, could I see you, Villads?
- Yes.
Hey, Emil.
I am really sorry for blurting out
that stuff about your dad in court.
Cool, man. Now you take care.
I know I promised not to mention it
but I just lost my temper.
Yes, or maybe you just got greedy.
- Gosh, hi.
- Hi. -Hi.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
What a lot of customers! We're not
usually this busy first thing, are we?
If you actually showed up now
and then you'd have known
the place was packed.
Sorry, Katja, it's been 1.5 hours
but I'm here now.
Signe, it has not been 1.5 hours,
it's been months that you've been coming in late,
taken days off
and driven around in my van.
Yes, but know what? I have got my
own vehicle now. We have bought
And a mansion.
- Something in this kind of shade?
- Yes. - Yes?
Are you OK?
Maybe you shouldn't be here
any more.
What do you mean?
What I say.
Hey, are you giving me the sack?
What do you expect me to do?
- Shall I find you a card to go with it?
- Katja.
- Mind you don't step on
- Yes.
What, is that the running costs?
Snow removal,
waste disposal charges.
- It's important that you stay there.
- Yeah.
I got a quote for the roof.
- Almost a million?
- Yes. But on the other hand I think
we can get much much more out of
the existing tenancy agreements.
Tenancy agreements?
Why would you think that?
I haven't read everything
through yet, but I don't think
Veronika has renegotiated
those agreements for years.
What, do you think we can
manage all this stuff?
No, of course not!
- Are you going to the kitchen?
- Yes.
- Do you mind taking this with you?
- No.
And maybe bring a few beers
when you come back.
Hi, Lenni. Hi, Lenni, yes.
You are closer to promotion
tomorrow than ever before.
Have you got your nerves
under control?
To my mind, at this stage we can already
say that we have played
a really, really superb season
and now we're facing
the most important game
in SHK's history.
Morale is high and yes,
everyone is raring to go.
You have had quite a few injuries
lately, is everyone ready to play?
Sorry, can I just have that again?
Are all the players ready
for tomorrow?
Knudsen is out for the rest of the year,
but yes, the whole squad
is ready apart from him.
You have had quite a bit of trouble
from FBK's left back,
Mark Strandgaard.
Have you prepared especially for him?
That last question
I think Andreas had better answer,
but thanks for a good press
conference. Tomorrow,
- the answers will be in there.
- Yes.
- SHK will speak.
- Good luck. - Yes, thank you.
But to start with
I have only come here
to drop this off.
Marianne says she will help
with the plans and the sponsorships
if you can make time
to bring her up to speed.
- Of course.
- Let me.
Maybe you could organise
the summer camp, too.
I'll make sure everything
goes smoothly, don't worry.
Of course, I understand
why you need space.
I just want you to know
that I will wait for you
no matter how long it takes.
I want you to know that.
You'll be wasting your time, John.
- Lise, we've got to talk this through.
- It is over, John.
You have got to move on
and so have I.
We have to have a word
about Peter's knee.
He says he is ready
but I am not sure about Peter's knee.
Hi, you have called Robert.
I can't take the phone.
Will you call me?
Anyhow, I am going for an interview later,
not the most exciting of places
but they've had that woman,
Anne, in the top slot for 5 years,
you know, the lady with no vision.
But I expect it'll take a while
to knock it into shape,
and that's a challenge of sorts.
Robert, do call me, it's boring
talking to an answer phone.
Call me now. Bye.
But Ole, can't we just deduct it?
OK. I suppose that's fine. Thanks.
I think we'll wait to talk
about it till tomorrow.
Yes, see you tomorrow. Yes, bye.
Right, sorry.
John didn't show up
at the trainers meeting.
- What do you mean he didn't show up?
- He has disappeared.
And now he isn't answering
his phone.
- He can't just disappear like that.
- He was talking to Lise
and off he went.
What's going on?
Michael spotted him up in town.
- What where are you going?
- To find him.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Say hi to John.
It'll be a nerve wrecker,
- the game tomorrow.
- Yes, dead right it will.
- See you.
- Hey.
- I'll put 200 on us getting promoted.
- You won't get promoted.
- Of course we will.
- You don't know what you're talking about.
- They'll go down.
- We can't go down, give me a break.
- Haven't you even seen us play?
- Yes, and it wasn't great.
I am putting 50 on you going down.
We can't bloody well go down
when we are the best team.
Hi, dad.
Hi, Troll.
Come to have a beer?
- Come on, we're going.
- I am not going anywhere.
- Yes, you're going home.
- Home?
Where the hell is home?
Can you tell me that?
There is no home.
Stop trying to take my
glass, damn it. Let go of it.
- You have to be alert for tomorrow.
- I am alert. Don't be ridiculous.
For the beer, keep the change.
- I can manage, stop it!
- Dad.
- We'll be promoted.
- You'll go down. You are an optimist.
Come on, dad. Bye.
- What did you tell the others?
- I said he was ill.
- They're as nervous as hell.
- He just needs to sleep a bit, Andreas.
- All right?
- Yes.
Did you pick up the truck?
- Andreas?
- Yes. - Come on.
- Did you pick up the truck?
- Yes. 45,000.
Yes, I know.
Yes, and everything that's Iying there,
they can just leave?
I didn't like to say no.
After all, it's my mother's stuff,
you might say.
Are you OK?
Frederik, you have got to go now,
they're waiting for you outside.
Are you coming?
Emil, I want you
to come home with us.
All right.
Have you finished?
I went to get the gun.
You what?
I killed dad.
It was me.
The only thing he wanted was to die
in the house, he told me that,
he said I'd got to help him,
so I fetched the gun for him
he told me not to be scared.
But he was shaking so badly
I put the cartridges into the breach
and slipped the safety catch
and then I went outside the door
and sat down
and then I heard the bang.
I am sorry, Emil.
I am sorry.
He is out of it.
What happened between us that night
I don't know how but we're simply
going to have to forget about it.
We can't
we mustn't ever talk about it.
- We must just forget all about it.
- Yes. - Right? - Of course.
It was terribly wrong.
And we'll have to get
our heads round you being here.
Frederik needs you, needs us.
- Goodnight. - Goodnight.
- Sleep tight. - You too.
It's lovely you've come, Gro,
Yes, but what about you,
if I may ask?
I am going to I am staying here.
You thought no, I am staying put.
And what am I meant to do then?
One of our curators, Martin,
maybe you know him,
has got a job over at Statens
and actually it was his position
I was considering for you.
As a curator?
Reporting to you.
Wouldn't it be awfully exciting
working together?
I mean,
it's a bit hard to imagine
you getting any other offers.
But of course if you're not
interested. In that case
No, of course not,
I have a short report ready
which I thought you might like to read.
It's a four-year plan
with my visions for this place.
You are welcome to open it
now so you'll know what you'll be
aiming for in your work here.
Take a look.
I'll take it home to read.
Stay here to read it and you can have
a drop more wine. We've plenty of time.
No thanks. Thing is, Anne, I am
up to my eyeballs with the house
and I have to be finished
there tomorrow, so
Shall we agree that I'll invite you to
a meeting to introduce you to the board,
- formally.
- Lovely.
- It was nice to see you.
- Yes, it was nice.
Hi, you have called Robert,
I can't answer the phone right now.
Robert, please call me.
I get so worried
when you give no sign.
- Where the hell has he got to?
- I don't know, he isn't answering.
We should have fucking
well locked him up, damn it.
- What is he playing at?
- Andreas.
Yes no don't. What is he playing at?
Has he been drinking or something?
- Andreas, listen to me.
- Stop that! I'll just
- I'll give him another ring.
- It's a dead important game,
doesn't he understand that or what?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
What time did you get up?
There is coffee too.
Thank you for last night or
- What am I saying? I know
- Yes, I say the same OK
- we'll get over it.
- Yes.
Hey. Good morning, darling. Are you going to have
breakfast dressed like that?
- I am not hungry.
- I have boiled enough eggs
for everyone. You do look nice.
I think it suits you really well,
granny's dress.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Good morning.
- Just take a pew.
- Wow, what spread!
I think we've got everything now.
I'd like to say something
before we start.
It's been a bit difficult lately
and it's been difficult for me too
what with granny dying and all that.
It is important to me
that you understand
that it has nothing to do with you,
you are the most important thing
in my whole life
and now we are going to bury
granny's ashes and then
then it'll be us again,
I promise, all right?
- Can we eat now?
- Yes.
Now we can eat.
I'll just have a word with her, OK?
Just stay put and enjoy your breakfast.
Hold up, Hannah. Are you OK?
I heard what you were talking about.
What do you mean?
You had sex.
Give over, Hannah,
of course we didn't.
I comforted your mum.
I comforted her because she,
she thinks it's so hard for Frederik,
- him feeling the way he does.
- Cut it out.
So she's been talking to me.
That was why you were going
to move out and
- Give me a break.
- You two have been screwing
No, can't you hear how silly
it sounds? Don't!
- I'll ask her myself.
- OK.
Hannah, Hannah!
Don't you go talking to your mum
and dad about it.
Your dad has been in such
a state for so long
and now he is beginning to recover,
he is beginning to breathe again.
But if you begin going round saying
all kinds of stuff that isn't true
and which really upsets him,
I am not sure he'll be able to cope.
Go away.
Give me a break.
- Hey.
- Well?
It's OK. She just needs
to be left alone a bit.
- Yes.
- Right.
- We're leaving in five minutes.
- Yes, that's fine.
- I'll just ask her.
- Leave her be a bit,
- she needs to sit there.
- But she has got to come along too.
I'll have to tell her that at least, right?
- So there you are!
- Hi.
Wow, you're wearing that dress!
It really suits you.
- Is that granny's?
- Yes, it is.
- Where is Thomas?
- He hasn't turned up yet.
But I have just been talking to Lone
and apparently he did not spend
the night there.
- Shouldn't we wait for him then?
- Shouldn't we just get a move on?
- We have no idea when he'll turn up.
- Yes, let's get started.
Darling, I am sure that granny is
in a good place.
I brought a few shovels and tools
along. Can you pick a good shovel?
Hannah, how about you take that one?
Now we just need to find a really good
spot where an apple tree can stand.
How about down there?
She always enjoyed
Iying there in the summer.
Didn't she?
Yes, indeed she did.
- I think it's a great spot.
- What do you think?
Yes, it'll do fine.
- So that's the spot.
- Yes.
I'll take over now because
we're being far too slow.
Thomas is here.
- What did he say?
- Thomas is there.
- I'll pop over and have a look.
- That must be bloody good enough
- now Frederik.
- There?
Good morning.
Hi, what brings you here?
- Have you all arrived?
- It is past 11.
We are going to inter mummy now.
Do you want to be part of it?
Yes, yes.
Yes, obviously.
- Hey, wow!
- Isn't it a nice spot we've found?
She will like it.
It's just a shame that
that Signe girl isn't here too.
Gosh, you've dug deep.
Hi, bless my soul.
- Hi, man.
- Hi.
Who's going to
You do it.
- Want to help me, Hannah?
- What a good idea, darling.
- You stay out of it.
- Watch your tongue
- when you're talking to your mother.
- Like heck I will.
- You be a good girl and speak nicely.
- Let it go.
- No, she must be told to be civil.
- I hate you.
- You are not to talk to your mother
like that. - If she doesn't want to
- No. You apologise to your mother.
- Hannah, you
- Shouldn't we go to get her?
- No. - No, just leave her be.
I think she just needs
a bit of peace, don't you think?
I have never done this before.
- Do you want to say a few words?
- No, I don't.
- Has everyone done what they want
to do? - Yes.
So we'll give you a drop of water.
- Will you?
- Yes.
That's great, Villads.
I could do with a beer.
- I have a couple in the fridge.
- Yes.
Andreas Baggesen.
And their head coach is John Larsen.
Hi. He still isn't here?
- No.
- OK, listen, you take over.
- Andreas!
- What? - You can do it!
You and Jacob take over, all right?
With Jacob, right?
I'll go to look for him.
Come on lads! Come on! Up a gear!
Wing, wing, wing, come on!
No, damn it!
- Hannah, open up.
- Daddy, we've got to go.
- Leave her be.
- We'll be late for the game.
- Yes. - We'll be late!
- We'll make it.
- Darling, do unlock that door.
- You can just go.
- I'll have a word with her.
- Off you all go, let me try.
- Do you mind? - Sure.
- Call if you need to.
- Hannah, I am going as well.
- Off you go, go on.
- Yes, we're going. See you Hannah.
- Yes, I'll call you if I need to.
Let's hope they win.
They're losing in there,
and you know it. May I see?
No, no, no, what have you done?
You may be upset but you'll get
even more upset just sitting in here.
Come on, they need you.
- Come on.
- Yes.
Come on lads! Tempo, tempo!
No! What the hell are you doing!
Get that number 10 off, damn it!
Come on.
I used to sit there too, often.
I used to count the red buttons
on the instrument panel.
Do let me in.
May I sit with you?
Come on lads, up to the other end.
Go forward in the centre more.
That's good, lads, speed up.
South Fynen take their last time out.
Take Christiansen forward with you.
Come here, boys, come here.
A draw is no good to us,
so we'll throw everything into the attack.
Christiansen, go up as a wing.
You've got 15 seconds.
A quick pass-the-ball-around
and you shoot and we'll just
have to hope for the best.
Go for it lads!
Go, go, go!
Off we go lads!
Mum, we won!
23-22! Yes, man!
- You should have come too.
- I have got to talk to you. - Right?
What's going on?
What the hell have you done?
What were you thinking of,
asking Hannah not to speak out?
She's fourteen years old.
And you stay right there.
If he wants to slap your face
you'll be there for it.
Sit down.
What's up,
has there been an accident?
You will not forgive this.
Darling, of course
no matter what I'll forgive you.
I have slept with Emil.
- When?
- It was that evening
you were out at the house.
You didn't come in.
Emil came in.
And I was so miserable
and we got drunk
and then
Shall we play some handball?
Are you quite sure we aren't going
to do something together or what?
What are you doing?
You want me to move out or what?
Emil. He has received four million
in advance of his legacy.
I haven't declared it anywhere
but I am going to do so now.
He is not going to have a penny more.
I am so sick of you.
You are not going.
Emil, you stay here!
Hi, Camilla.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How are you doing?
I'm doing all right.
I just happened to be passing.
I've been thinking quite a bit
about you lately
and I wanted to tell you
that I understand
why you got your own back
that time by handcuffing me.
So I wanted to apologise
and find out if you could spare me
a cup of coffee or something.
I don't have a coffee maker.
- No?
- Why have you got your gear?
Know what, forget it, Camilla,
it doesn't matter.
Just go on in.
What are you doing here?
I have left Claudia.
Last night. I just got into the car
and drove all the way.
I have told her everything.
About us?
Are you OK?
Is it OK of me to come?
Well I really don't know
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