The Legend of Hanuman (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Enter The Void

You all will die
Step away from him, Angad. Now!
I am your prince, old bear
You don't make requests of me
You misunderstand me, child
It wasn't a request!
Did you know he could do that?
No. But I know I'm never going
to call him "old bear" again
Nirvani, where are you going?
To get help
Things are worse than my uncle thought
The darkness is spreading
Something is wrong with you
Look at me, Prince Angad
Show me your eyes Let me see
Hanuman, where are you?
Are you ready to play our game,
little vaanar?
Who what are you?
I am the darkness
that extinguishes hope
I am the despair
that sits in the heart
of every creature
Why are you doing this?
My mistress needs you to fail
Ram must never find Sita
Is this how you win your game then?
By cheating? To stop me from fighting?
Your fists won't help you here
For this is the domain of the mind
My mind versus yours
In here, I will crush your spirit,
shatter your hope
And then,
once you are consumed with despair,
you will beg me to end your life
Show me your eyes, Angad
Look at me!
I'll kill you! I'll rip you apart
Patal magic!
Stop him! Hariya is behind this
After him, Nil!
Who knew you still had some fight
inside you, old bear?
Stand down. I don't want to hurt you
I've been fighting since before
your great grandfather was born, boy
You couldn't hurt me
even if you tried
I'm sorry, my Prince. Sleep now
I will free you from this curse
I'm getting too old for this
I can sense your devotion for Ram
You failed him
Because of you, Sita will die
Ravan will kill her
No. I won't let it happen
Once Sita is dead,
Ram will die of a broken heart
And how long will Lakshman live
with his grief after that?
You failed the only mission
that ever mattered in your pathetic life
To think Ram trusted you How sad
Now they will all die
It can't be over. No
No no
All because of you
No no
The vaanars need our help!
Hanuman is trapped inside the vines
Then Hanuman's fate is sealed
If he's not freed soon,
the darkness will consume his soul
Then we must fight
No. I forbid you from helping him
But, King Suketu, he needs us
He serves Ram
The man who destroyed my family
I will see him suffer the same pain
Punish me if you must,
but I will help the vaanars
Then you're a fool
The evil is too strong. You'll die
Better to die defending our future
than to live trapped
with the ghosts of our past
Without the power of the mahayagna,
without my power, you have no hope
Uncle, that's where you're wrong
I'm fighting for hope. We all are
Nirvani, please!
You're all I have left
But I want to help them
I love you, Uncle. Goodbye
We got him, old be
I mean, Jambhvan
And we found this on him
Careful, don't let even a drop touch you
What did you do to him?
Answer me!
You don't understand
I had no choice!
What are you talking about?
Whatever he's afraid of seems to scare him
even more than Jambhvan
And after today, nothing scares me
more than Jambhvan
I was just praising you
No offence
The vines, they're changing
The evil is getting worse
Oh, no. She'll find me
This was my only chance. Please help me!
Who, Hariya? Who will find you?
Speak before I rip your tongue off
The vines. Look at them!
Run! We must escape!
Run? Where can we run?
It's too late
Ma, I'm scared. What's happening?
It's okay, little one It's okay
Jambhvan, we came to fight with you
What's happened to Angad?
He's been infected by Patal magic
I don't know how to save him
Has Hanuman returned?
No, and I fear the worst
The vines are growing stronger
Then we need to be stronger as well
Follow me
Come back
You can't chop away these vines
Better to try something
than to sit around and wait to die
She does have a point
After you, brother
Hanuman, fight this, my friend
For all of us
It's almost over, now
Give in to the despair
The fear
Everything that lives
is scared of the dark
What is it, son?
Ma, I can't sleep
I'm scared of the dark
There's nothing to be afraid of,
little one
But there are bad things
in the darkness. I know it
The more you focus on those bad things,
the scarier they grow
Come, child
Did I ever tell you that there's a fight
going on every day inside me?
What? What fight?
There is a terrible fight happening
right now between two wolves
One is dark and evil
He is anger, envy,
hatred, greed, sadness
and fear
One is light and goodness
He is joy and peace, love,
happiness, kindness
and hope
And every day they are fighting
inside of me
The same fight is also going on
inside you
In me?
And inside every person
Okay, now time for bed
But, Ma, wait. Which wolf wins?
That's easy. The one you feed
Son, in the darkest day,
in the blackest night,
let hope guide you
with its eternal light
What? A smile?
What could you possibly have
to smile about?
You seem troubled, my friend
It's just I'm not sure I can do this
I'm worried
that I'll fail you in this mission
When I'm near you,
I feel such a sense of hope, of calmness
If only I had your strength
Then please, Hanuman,
take my strength
Take my hope
Take my calmness. It's yours
I don't understand
This journey will test you, Hanuman
You will face challenges and darkness
that I would wish on no one
But know this, my friend,
wherever you go, wherever you are,
speak my name
and I will be with you. Always
This is impossible
Ram. Ram
What are you doing?
Stop it now!
What? How can this be happening?
I'm in your mind now
The vines are still mine to control
I won't release them
Your friends are still trapped
We'll see about that
But, first, tell me everything
about your mistress
Look! The vines are turning green
They're still attacking though
It's Hanuman
It must be. He's winning
the battle inside. We must help him
They can be cut
I just cut one!
Nirvani! Nirvani!
Hold on! Jambhvan, we need help!
Let me go. Save yourselves
Just tell my uncle
tell him I'm sorry
Sorry for what?
For reminding this old fool
of the man he should've been all along
The mahayagna. Suketu performed it
and gained its power
I'm the one who's sorry, Nirvani
Thank you for reminding me
to hold on to what we have
You need to help Angad
He has been corrupted by Patal magic
I've never seen this before
Can you save him?
I'll try, but this is different
than the vines. Worse. I'll try though
What happened?
I feel like I've been hit by an elephant
Make that ten elephants
Oh, that was Jambhvan
He totally crushed you
Took you down with one hit
Jambhvan? What?
My apologies, Prince,
but you weren't yourself
It was a lucky hit
You're burning up
Jambhvan, I don't feel so good
The curse is too strong
I've slowed it down, removed the rage
But, in the end, it will kill him
There must be something
that can save him!
Jambhvan, look!
Thank the gods
To lose them both would be unthinkable
Hanuman! You're safe!
I knew you would help us,
King Suketu
Without you weakening the evil
from within,
my power alone
would not have been enough
We owe you our lives, Hanuman
We saved each other. Together
What's happened to him?
He's been cursed
We have an enemy that's been stalking us
since we left Kishkindha. A powerful one
I know. Her name is Shurpanakha
The evil inside the vines told me
everything about her
Shurpanakha? The sister of Ravan?
She is powerful, yes
But not nearly on the level of her brother
She couldn't have done all this
by herself
Maybe not before,
but her powers have grown
I learned that she trapped
a yogini named Swayamprabha,
in the caves of Rikshabila
She feeds off her power
Swayamprabha has always protected
this forest
Her power is immense
Yes, and Swayamprabha
may also be the only one
that can save your friend
Provided we can save her first
Hanuman, if we go to Rikshabila,
we don't know how much time
it will take there
And we may never be able to find
Princess Sita in time
Which means
you have to choose
Go to Rikshabila to save Prince Angad
Or find Princess Sita
before time runs out
and let Prince Angad die
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