The Longest Promise (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 8=
Qing Gang?
are you all right?
General Qing, why did you save me?
I'm someone
who values winning and losing too much.
I don't need your concern.
Are you still upset
over the things I've said earlier?
I'm blunt and outspoken.
I'm not good with words.
But I meant you
and the Crimson King no harm.
I can't stand by and watch
when you were ambushed today.
You sure have a one-track mind.
So what if I was ambushed?
In any case,
I don't plan to stay here anymore!
I can't stand people
who play tricks behind others' backs.
How about we team up
and go up the mountain?
Watch out!
Ying advanced
as the Priest of Grand Preceptor
and started to select first disciple.
This is one step closer to the goal
I've arranged for him.
Congratulations, Your Supreme Majesty.
The outcome of the disciple selection
must be within my control.
The last name written on the winning pouch
shall be the Priest of Grand Preceptor's
first choice of disciples.
For last name written on the losing pouch,
make sure they encounter accidents
and try to eliminate them
as soon as possible.
Kill them if necessary.
As for her,
Ying must marry a woman
from the White Clan
when he ascends to the throne.
Bai Xuelu
is the Bai Family's eldest daughter.
She's clever and intelligent.
I'm sure she'll be able to assist Ying
as the Emperor in the future.
Let the two of them
form a bond.
Your Supreme Majesty,
what is this?
Qing Gang isn't here
for the disciple selection.
He's investigating the identity
of the Priest of Grand Preceptor.
How dare he play
such a trick
right under my nose.
I'll make sure he won't leave alive.
Send the beast, Qiong Qi
to his side.
If anything unexpected happens,
it'll be his fate.
how do we deal
with the Crimson Clan's princess?
She's traveling with Qing Gang.
If she runs into Qiong Qi,
she's likely to get hurt.
Since she's in the same group
as Qing Gang,
it shall be her fate
if she loses her life.
General Qing,
many people want to team up with you.
Why did you pick me?
Please rest assured.
On the battlefield,
I never abandon
any of my comrades.
It's the same here.
I won't abandon you too.
You've misunderstood me.
I don't hold any grudges against you.
I just don't want
to ascend the mountain.
Nor do I want to be part
of the disciple selection.
Since we're in the same group,
we'll face glory and shame together.
In that case, I can only
apologize to you.
If you're not for the selection,
what are you doing here then?
This is bad.
It's Qiong Qi.
What kind of luck is this?
Qing Gang!
Qing Gang!
Qing Gang!
I thought the Azure Clan
is proficient in using poison.
Use it quickly.
Even if it doesn't make it dizzy,
it can still weaken it.
Why are you hesitating?
Our lives are at stake here!
What kind of poison did you use?
Why didn't it have any effect?
But at least
it gives us
some time to escape.
Using poison is a deceitful method.
I don't like using it.
Even though I belong to the Azure Clan,
I haven't studied it much.
So, you don't have
any potent poison.
It seems like we're doomed this time.
I'm so thirsty.
How did the Qiong Qi find out
their hiding place?
Just now, I saw
Grand Marshal Feng and Yu
blow the whistle.
I didn't expect
it was to lure the Qiong Qi.
How did you see them?
Where were you just now?
I went to Qianyue Peak
to teach that annoying girl a lesson.
I didn't expect Qing Gang to rescue her.
But if you look at it,
even heaven is on your side.
They even encountered the Qiong Qi.
I can't believe you interfered
with the selection of the disciple.
According to the rules
of Jiuyi Mountain,
those who interfere with the selection
shall be punished.
Then I'll punish myself
by not sleeping in the trees
but sleeping in a bed
for a month.
I'm doing it for your own good.
the Qiong Qi was already
in the mountains.
They would have encountered it anyway.
You must not intervene and save them.
Why is the Qiong Qi
so difficult to deal with?
I told you that your pepper powder
wouldn't work.
I'll think of something.
I'll hold it off.
You can run for your life.
In the Yunhuang Compendium,
it's recorded
that the Qiong Qi enjoys evil words
and loves to watch conflicts.
Those with good conduct are punished,
and those with bad ones are rewarded.
Punishing the good
and promoting the bad.
Punishing the good
and promoting the bad.
Punishing the good
and promoting the bad.
If you kill him today,
you're helping the people
eliminate harm.
Qing Gang,
even you have your moment today.
Lord Qiong Qi,
it turns out ancient books are fake.
You're not a ferocious beast at all.
I can tell
that you're a majestic creature.
Lord Qiong Qi,
you had no idea.
He's the notorious demon
in the army.
He kills without blinking an eye,
countless lives
died by his hands.
If you kill him today,
you'll be eliminating harm
for the people.
Scold me.
Scold me.
I've taken countless
lives before too.
I thought
I would die under the hands
of righteous men.
But I didn't expect
to end up in your belly today.
Are you helping people eliminate harm?
Lord Qiong Qi,
until we meet again.
What kind of tricks
did you use just now?
According to ancient books,
Qiong Qi likes wicked people
and dislikes righteous ones.
I was just trying my luck.
I was speaking nonsense
full of loopholes.
But luckily the Qiong Qi
has a simple mind
and couldn't see through my trick
at the time.
It seems
we're not meant to die today.
We finally escaped from a disaster.
Such a strong smell of blood.
Could it be that it has come back again?
Chong Ming,
tell me what is this.
This is
Could this be
the legendary Power of Chaos?
It hasn't appeared in hundreds of years.
Why does it suddenly appear here?
The Qiong Qi
is undergoing a tribulation.
Could the Power of Chaos
follow the Qiong Qi
because it's the Qiong Qi's tribulation?
The Power of Chaos existed
before the creation of heaven and earth.
It was born from accumulated resentment
throughout history.
It doesn't belong to any magical system.
Emperor Xingzun of the past
was helpless against it.
Forget about those two guys.
I'm afraid that even you
and the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
are not its match.
The Power of Chaos
annihilates everything in its path.
It has no form and is immortal.
These two
finally escaped the Qiong Qi.
If they were swallowed
by the Power of Chaos,
not even bone fragments
would be left.
Perhaps it is the will of heaven.
Shi Ying. Shi
He must have gone to save
that cursed lady.
Hurry, Zhu Yan!
Qing Gang.
Zhu Yan!
Qing Gang, watch out!
What is this place?
How did I get here?
It's merely a disciple selection.
How did you encounter the Qiong Qi
and even unexpectedly end up here?
Who are you?
It doesn't matter who I am.
What matters
is the Priest of the Grand Preceptor
is tired of you
and worried
that you would pester him to death.
That's why he deliberately
made things difficult for you.
No, he wouldn't do that.
He's the Priest of the Grand Preceptor
after all.
No matter how heartless he is,
he wouldn't go to such extremes.
Why wouldn't he?
He has deceived you before.
Didn't he send Chong Ming here
to deal with you earlier?
Everything you said is all lies.
You're lying to me.
He wouldn't do such a thing.
You're lying!
They are all lies!
He deceived you,
looked down on you,
and used every means
to drive you out of Jiuyi Mountain.
Yet, you had to stay here
and endure it.
I'm going to kill
the Priest of the Grand Preceptor.
I'm going to kill the person
who looks down on me.
Let me go! Let me go!
Let me go!
Stay still.
The person you want to kill
is in front of you.
It's you.
Let me go!
I want to kill you.
I want to kill you!
Why didn't you dodge?
I don't want you to die.
You don't want me to die
This is the Abyss of Resentment.
The resentful spirit
is manipulating your resentment.
Don't look,
and don't listen.
Who are you?
What just happened?
Did you save me?
What happened to my eyes?
Why is my vision blurry?
My voice
Why does it sound strange?
We're within the Power of Chaos
at the moment.
You're affected
by the resentful spirits.
So you're unable to see
or hear clearly temporarily.
But you'll recover soon.
The Power of Chaos?
Before the creation of the universe,
heaven and earth were in chaos
to begin with.
After the gods created the world,
only this place remains
to absorb resentment.
Gong Gong struck Buzhou Mountain,
which caused great destruction.
When Nuwa Goddess repaired the sky,
she cut off the four limbs
of a giant turtle.
All the resentment of them
was absorbed here.
And the Power of Chaos
has now become
the world's favorite place
for absorbing the resentment
and malevolent energy of all things.
Then who are you?
Why did you come here,
and why did you save me?
You don't need to know the details.
If you trust me,
then come with me.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
I lost my rationality earlier.
Did I do
anything disrespectful?
It was just an illusion.
Princess Zhu Yan!
Stay away from us!
- This is bad.
- Watch out!
Someone, help!
Run quickly.
The Bai Family cannot lose
two of their daughters.
Run now!
(The Qiong Qi loves listening
to mean words.)
(Punishing the good
and promoting the bad.)
(Punishing the good
and promoting the bad.)
You cannot eat this wicked person!
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
She is disrespectful and unfilial,
plotting a rebellion.
She is a ruthless killer,
a notorious thief who preys on the poor.
She's also a seductress,
specializing in forcefully
marrying common men.
In any case, you can't have her!
(Someone highly skilled)
(is clearly helping us in secret.)
(I wonder who it is.)
Are you all okay?
General Qing,
we only met twice.
Yet, you know me so well.
I'm disrespectful and unfilial,
a ruthless killer,
and a seductress too, right?
I'll be borrowing your robe for now.
I supposed you won't mind, right?
You can have it, Princess Xuelu.
The Qiong Qi likes wicked people.
That's why I came up with the plan.
I had no intention to slander you.
General Qing, there's no need
to be nervous.
I know
you always look out for me.
But just now,
Qiong Qi didn't believe it at first.
Why did it
suddenly change its mind and leave?
It's because we're blessed by heaven.
That's why we escaped danger.
However, this place is filled
with strange phenomena
and is not safe.
We should leave now.
Where's your teammate?
Princess Zhu Yan
was engulfed by a cloud of black smoke.
I'm searching for her now.
Yan is with you?
Then where is she now?
Then we should hurry and look
Then we won't be in your way
to search for her.
Zhu Yan is clever.
I'm sure she'll be all right.
I look forward to seeing you
at the peak.
General Qing, I'll wait for you.
General Qing,
I'll leave Yan to you then.
(Even heaven is on my side.)
(The first disciple
will be no other than me.)
What did I
just come into contact with?
It was soft and chilly.
Like a ghost.
Did I run into a ghost?
Am I going to die?
Take it.
What's this?
There are ghosts in this place.
If you get into contact with them,
you'll die.
Oh, I know.
This is a bead to ward off evil spirits.
Thank you, sir.
Let's go.
(Indeed, effective medicine
is sure bitter.)
(But at least)
(it's a token of his kindness.)
(I should endure it.)
(That's strange.)
(Why do I taste)
(Chinese goldthread?)
what is this?
It's you.
Why did you come and save me?
If it were anyone,
I would have come.
People from Six Ministries
came up the mountain
because they wanted
to become my disciples.
I cannot let any
of you have any mishaps.
Your words sound nice.
But I think
you secretly want to get rid of me.
You're afraid it'll get out of control
and end badly.
That's why you came to save me.
Think whatever you want.
So what's the deal
with this Chinese goldthread?
I just wanted you
to keep quiet.
So you thought I was annoying earlier.
There was no danger just now.
Yet you made me eat
something so bitter.
It wasn't a ghost or spirit just now.
Then what was that?
Forget it.
Let's just let bygones be bygones.
Think whatever you want.
Since we're no longer in danger,
let's go our separate ways
and find our own paths.
You find me annoying anyway.
So I don't want to travel with you.
Hey, you.
Don't follow me.
Then I'll go ahead.
Do we really have to walk past it?
You can fly, right?
The Power of Chaos
doesn't fall within the scope
of any magic techniques.
Over here,
I can't use magic.
Greedy Spirit.
Zhu Yan, run!
That was close.
Within the Power of Chaos,
only this artifact
can function on its own.
You only need to open the Jade Umbrella,
and it'll form a protective barrier
to withstand external attacks.
But if you close it,
it's just a toothpick
that can only be swung with brute force.
Didn't you see
how I used it
along the way?
I broke it.
What should I do now?
What else?
I'll compensate you.
Can I?
I'll compensate for the artifact.
I'm sorry.
Don't apologize to me.
Apologize to yourself.
You don't want to become my disciple.
So I won't accept you as one.
You may have ascended the mountain
with the intention
of becoming my disciple.
But you can't even imitate
how I use the artifact.
you were angry
because I didn't study.
Not because I broke your artifact.
The artifact is an external object.
Why would I care about it?
I'm more important than this artifact.
Human lives
are more important than artifacts.
What's this?
Come up.
I didn't do it on purpose.
What's going on here?
It seems like my guess was correct.
The hopes, trust,
and joy in people's hearts
will rebuild the Bridge of Heart
and help us cross to the other side.
But doubts,
and lies in people's hearts
will damage the Bridge of Heart.
What I said just now wasn't a lie.
Is that so?
You look quite guilt-stricken to me.
Come on.
To cross this bridge,
let us think
of happy things.
When I was young,
in the palace,
the Crown Prince helped me
out of trouble
and gave me a gift, Snowy Rosa.
Although I had only a brief moment
with the Crown Prince,
his noble bearing
is unforgettable to me.
Now, it's your turn.
When I was young, my mother
often made pastries for me to eat.
They were delicious
and they melted in the mouth.
ever since she passed away
When I was young,
my father didn't allow me to cultivate.
He always said it wasn't good for a girl
to wield weapons.
after returning from Jialan City,
he changed his mind
after listening
to the Crown Prince's words.
Sometimes, he even personally guided me.
I can't think of any happy moments now.
Why don't you continue yours?
(I didn't expect)
(he doesn't have
that many happy memories.)
(It's no wonder he's so cold)
(and distant from others.)
Every spring,
Keeper Yuan would personally
make a kite for me
and take Yufei and me
to the grasslands to fly the kite.
The kites made by Keeper Yuan
were large and light,
and they were never the same each year.
And Yufei
has the most beautiful voice
in the grasslands.
You know what?
Every festival,
we would gather around the bonfire.
We would hold hands,
watch her sing, dance,
and eat roasted lamb.
I also have a friend,
named Xueying.
She was born in
Jialan Imperial City.
She has a gentle and lovely personality.
(Father, Mother,)
(Crown Prince, Yuan,)
(Yufei, and Xueying.)
(I've already talked about them.)
(What other happy memories
could I share?)
there's one more thing.
Later, I met you in Jiuyi Mountain.
Is that
also considered a happy moment too?
Oh, I said something wrong.
I'm sure the bridge will collapse.
We must run!
What's going on?
At that time,
you treated me harshly.
I swore I would never see you again.
But why does it grow
this Bridge of Benevolence?
Let's go.
Could it be that the path we just took
was also a thought in your mind?
Could it be that this memory
also brings you happiness?
You must be really happy
when you finally made me angry
and leave that day.
Let's go quickly.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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