The Machinery (2020) s01e08 Episode Script


-I need a room.
-Sure, I can help with that.
I need your ID and we have
to authorize your credit card.
-No, I'll pay cash now.
-We only accept cards.
I heard you Swedes
are very service-minded.
Let me have a look.
I'll find you a room.
Don't play with that, Jimmy.
Move over.
I have to pop out.
You can watch TV or something.
You shot him.
Don't worry about that.
I'll be right back.
Hello, I need a taxi
to Skagerak.
The airport.
No, Trollhättan.
Okay. That's great. Thanks.
What are you doing here?
We weren't supposed to meet again.
-Do you have Olle now?
Yes. You did a great job.
Thank you so much for your help.
Had I known what you were going to do
I wouldn't have helped.
I don't believe that.
You think about yourself first.
That's a great quality.
Although many
will consider it cynical.
But I
I admire men like you.
Who knows what it takes
and are willing to take risks.
Who knows what it takes
to make something work.
What do you want?
I just want to help you.
Tom said you needed money.
Yes. Right.
If you want my help I want a million.
-Forgive me.
-You are drunk. Please leave.
-This is silly. Please
-It is. Please go home.
I can't let you in.
Lilly is sleeping.
-I don't know what came over me.
-You can't come in.
-Forgive me. I love you.
-Lilly. Go back to bed.
-Lilly! My darling.
-No! Leave her alone!
-My little girl.
Leave! Listen to me!
I'll call the police.
I'll call the police! Do you hear me?
I am leaving.
-You'll regret this.
-Do you understand?
-Just leave!
Can't we just talk for a bit?
Hello, darling.
Stop complaining. It's superficial.
You'll be fine.
Come on. Stand up.
-Shouldn't he be in hospital?
-No, this is fine.
-But he is bleeding.
-It's superficial.
Higher. A bit higher.
Higher, Jimmy. That's right.
If he moves
Just shoot him.
He didn't treat mummy well,
and now he is paying the price.
It's only fair. Tomorrow I am
going to visit his wife and daughter.
Will he be back?
No. He won't be back.
Were you afraid?
I understand.
But there is no need to worry.
-I love you.
-I love you too.
It's time for bed, Jimmy.
I can't sleep when
he is staring at me.
Good night.
-Have you seen Lilly?
Darling, you can't just take off
-Was it him?
What did the note say?
I read that I should call
the police, and the name Olle Hultén
before the girl took it.
-Yes. I thought he was hitting on me
and wanted to give me his
number without her
finding out. She became jealous
and took the note
before I had time to read it.
Then they took off.
-What kind of car was it?
-It was violet.
-Which make?
-A Honda or Toyota. A crappy car.
Hi, Daniel, it's Nina.
They appear
to be driving a stolen car.
Sure, it's been spotted
at Hällestrand.
Who was that?
-I don't know.
-I'll be right back.
Shut up! I'm trying to watch TV.
Hold on.
What you saw in there
My husband and I like to play games,
-if you know what I mean.
Your mummy is not well.
You know that as well, right?
It's not her fault.
But you and I have to help her.
If we don't help her
she will hurt somebody.
Or somebody will hurt her.
Do you understand?
Are you listening to me, Jimmy?
Can you shut up for a second?
Can I ask you something?
Of course.
Mummy is different now.
-Yes, she is completely
-No, I don't mean like that.
She looks at me funny.
So do you.
You don't think I notice
because I am a child,
but I do.
Are you my dad?
Can I have a fag?
I am your dad.
-Down on the floor.
-No, I
What kind of behaviour is that?
Don't you know to knock first?
-I didn't see anything.
-You can't just walk in!
-What do you think we should do?
-I won't say anything.
That's right.
Look straight ahead.
Put your hands behind your neck.
Hands behind your neck. Like that.
No! Please don't!
-I didn't know Monica was pregnant.
Sorry, I meant Victoria.
If I had known that, Jimmy,
I wouldn't have left.
I would have stayed
and taken care of you.
But now that I am here
I will never leave you.
Jimmy, what are you doing?
Please untie me.
We'll run away together.
I'll take care of you.
Please get me out of this wheelchair!
Listen to me.
She'll kill your sister,
do you understand?
What have you done?
Did he take the money?
Why haven't you told me he is my dad?
What do you think?
Because he is ill! Understand?
We need to go.
-Take care.
-Hi. Nina Berge, Norwegian police.
Is he staying here?
-I haven't seen him.
-His car is parked outside.
The Corolla?
A women arrived in that.
She paid cash
-and had a child with her.
-Was it her?
-Yellow PJ bottoms?
-With little rainbows on.
-Has she run away before?
Her eyesight is not great
and she'd never walk off on her own.
I am sure I locked the door
before I went to bed.
I took some sleeping pills,
This is not your fault.
But I have to ask you something.
Do you know that Olle
has been spotted around here?
Could it be him?
No. It's not him.
We can't rule out
It's not him. He would
never frighten Lilly like that.
But he does have keys
to the house, right?
Oh, God.
I know who it is.
Yes. Come on. We need to go.
Look at me.
Sorry that I yelled at you.
I know that Olle manipulated you.
I am not angry.
What's wrong?
Is it this one?
It's not dangerous. It's the person
that holds the gun and shoots
that's dangerous.
Do you want me to put it in your
bag so that you can look after it?
Let's do that. There we go.
Alright. Let's go.
Fuck you!
You slut!
Shoot her, Jimmy.
-Shoot her. Jimmy, shoot!
-No. Don't shoot!
Jimmy, help your mum.
Put it down.
You risk hitting your mum.
-No. Shoot!
-Put it down.
-Well done, Jimmy.
-No, you need to wait in the car.
-I want to come
You have to stay in the car.
Pettersson, take her to the car.
Hi, Håkan.
I would like a word with you.
What about?
I need to know
where you were last night.
I didn't mean to.
Didn't mean to do what?
Hurt her.
Josefin knows I am a nice person.
I just really like her.
I always have.
I just couldn't keep
it inside any longer.
I know it scared her.
I tried to make up for it
But I was so drunk that I
I can't remember what I did.
Tell me what you have done to her.
-Wait in the car!
-Where is she?
What have you done to Lilly?
Lilly? What?
Who do you think
we are talking about?
I would never hurt her.
-Are you telling the truth now?
-What the hell
She means everything to me.
Just like you.
Sorry I frightened you yesterday.
I am such a moron.
I do stupid things when I drink.
I am sorry.
What is it, Josefin?
What is it?
-This is just a misunderstanding.
Lilly is okay.
She is with my parents.
I forgot we'd agreed that.
Håkan, I am really sorry about this.
I'll go straight to their place.
Pettersson, sort this out.
-I'll drive you to your parents.
-You don't have to.
You reported your daughter missing!
I need to confirm that she's okay.
I can't just let this go. Okay?
That text message wasn't
from your parents, was it?
The kidnappers are likely
keeping you under observation.
If they suspect you of contacting us
it might have serious repercussions.
Just tell me exactly what to do.
Take a taxi home.
And keep an eye on your mobile.
I'll contact Gothenburg, but they
won't be here quickly enough.
I will be close,
in an unmarked police car.
I will send someone to your house.
He will pretend to be a courier,
like you've ordered some takeaway.
He is a policeman so just let him in.
What the No! What the hell?
Stop, for God's sake! Stop!
I'll ask you one last time
before we go to the police station.
Where is Olle?
Let's help each other out.
Let's help each other out.
That's Olle. Abort.
Get away.
Get away!
Where is Lilly?
Somebody took her.
The police thought it was you.
Do you know who it is?
I have the money here. They'll
want it. We'll give them the money.
It's not about that.
What is it about, Olle?
What is it about?
Believe me. I didn't have a choice.
They knew which school
Lilly goes to.
They knew where you work. I couldn't
give the bag to the police.
Everything I did
was to keep you safe.
Because I am the problem.
Stop it.
I don't give a shit about you, okay?
This is all about Lilly.
She is in the house.
-We'll get the money now.
-Great, we'll come along.
It doesn't work that way, Axel.
That would risk everything.
Do you want to go home now?
Take good care of Palle.
How many fingers does Palle have?
-That is right. How many do you have?
-Can I see them?
Look. How lovely they are.
If you touch her
-Take care
-Come on, darling.
I thought you and Olle
were a couple.
We are.
"Till death does us part."
They are coming out.
I'll follow them.
-Any news from Gothenburg?
-They are an hour away.
-Just drive past.
-Keep driving!
-What are you saying?
Daniel is behind us.
What is he doing back there?
He is helping us.
Lilly had disappeared.
What was I supposed to do?
Josefin, stop the car. Stop!
You don't know these people.
They will kill Lilly.
If they feel under pressure
they will shoot Lilly.
Just stop the car!
What are you doing?
Turn around
and drive me back to the house.
When is mummy here?
Soon. Mummy will be here soon.
You remember what to say, right?
"Palle took me
and somebody found me."
No. "Axel took me.
And Palle found me."
-You say it.
-Palle found me.
Well done.
You are doing great.
What do we do
when we get there, Olle?
What do we do when we get there?
What is she doing here?
Lilly. Do you have Lilly?
What are you doing? Stop!
Nina, lower your weapon.
Shut up!
You killed my brother.
Nina, we have to save my daughter.
I want my daughter back.
They can have
Shut up!
Hands on your head.
You could have saved him,
but you let him bleed to death.
Who does that? Answer me!
Do you still have it?
I saw you.
I saw you leave together.
Why did you leave him?
I was so afraid.
I didn't know what to do.
I think about Brede every day.
Do you realise what you did to my
family? You could have saved him,
but you just left him there.
You will rot in jail for 20 years.
I will make sure of that.
The key for the handcuffs.
Come on!
Come on. Throw them on the ground.
Thank you very much!
Josefin, perhaps you can help me.
Come on.
Don't try anything.
Josefin, help me, please.
Take the keys.
There you go. Take them.
-Josefin, do what she says.
-Shut up.
There you go.
I am Mrs. Edvardsen.
Nice to meet you.
I have fantasized about meeting you
for quite some time.
Getting to know you.
That feels great.
We have a lot in common, right?
We are both married to him.
We both have a child with him.
We both sleep with him.
Yesterday was great by the way.
-No, it wasn't
-I don't know what you want
It was much better before
You just need to shut up!
-Don't kill me!
That's enough.
Jimmy should meet
his little sister, right?
Take the bag from the car.
You drive.
This way.
I am arriving at Olle's house.
When will the backup be here?
They are approximately
30 minutes away.
Nina? Nina?
Are you okay?
-How are you?
-We need to get you to hospital.
-No. We need to catch him.
The bitch took children as hostages.
I'll be okay.
-The bullet went straight through.
But we need to stop the bleeding.
Get out!
Lilly. Lilly?
It almost "welcome home", huh?
Get in the car. You watch the bag.
Do you remember what we agreed?
Look at me.
-That is great.
I found her.
-Back, I said! There you go.
Victoria, put down your weapon.
I know it's me you're angry with.
Angry? I am not angry!
Take me instead. Please
Shut up, you cunt!
Your time will come.
Listen to me, Victoria.
Let Lilly go and I will stay.
-Then you can do whatever you want.
-Should we do that?
We could. Or
Lilly, go over that and pick that up.
Then you go back to your
dad and nail him to the floor.
Are you insane? Stop!
Put your weapon down.
She has nothing to do with this.
What are you talking about?
She's got everything to do with this!
Olle, Jimmy is your child!
So who should go first?
Lilly or Josefin?
Lilly or Josefin?
-Lilly or Josefin?
Lilly or Josefin.
Or both at the same time?
-Give it to me!
-Wait. That wasn't the deal.
Palle? What the hell?
What the hell?
I need some help. Pick it up.
It's alright, darling.
Walk over.
Do it.
Lilly, this will be a little painful
for Dad. And then it's over.
It's not dangerous.
Come on.
-Go ahead.
It'll be over soon.
Piss off. I don't want
to see your ugly face.
And the other leg.
-Come on. We don't have all
-Stop it now.
-Come on.
-Stop it now!
There you go.
Have you made up your mind?
-Victoria, please.
-Then I will make the decision.
Victoria! Take me!
Stop it, mum!
Josefin Please.
Give me the weapon.
I fired the gun, Josefin.
I fired the gun.
Give me the gun.
Lilly, go to mummy.
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