The Mess You Leave Behind (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

El desorden que dejas

[somber instrumental music playing]
- [rain pattering on roof]
- [thunder rumbling in distance]
[Viruca sighs]
[exhales deeply]
[closes laptop]
- [intercom rings]
- [Viruca gasps]
- [intercom rings]
- [Viruca inhales sharply]
[intercom continues ringing]
- Yes?
- You watch it?
[breathing shakily]
See what kind of a man he is?
[Viruca sighs]
- Iago.
- [Iago panting, sniffles]
[clicks tongue]
What are you doing? Please go home.
Open the door.
Please, Viruca. Let me in, please.
We can be together now.
I've never shown that to anyone.
You're the only one who knows.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [Viruca inhales sharply]
- [sniffles] I fuckin' need you.
- [Viruca sighs]
Open up.
Just for tonight. Please, I promise.
- [Viruca sniffles, sighs]
- Please, Viruca.
[Iago crying softly]
[Viruca sighs]
["La Espina de la Flor en tu Costado"
by Xoel López playing]
- [birds singing outside]
- [Raquel exhales deeply]
[grunts softly]
- [ominous instrumental music playing]
- [Raquel inhales sharply]
[Raquel breathing shakily]
[Mauro sighs]
[Mauro] Raquel?
- What's the matter?
- [Raquel] Nothing. I just have to go.
- [Mauro] But are you okay?
- Yeah.
How did you get that?
This? It… it's nothing.
You told me you burnt yourself.
But that's a bite.
[chuckles] Come on, Raquel.
Leave me alone.
Raquel. Raquel! Raquel!
[Raquel panting]
What are you doing?
Think I'm gonna hurt you?
I don't know.
How'd you get that bite?
Tell me the truth,
or I'm going to the police.
Was it you?
- [Mauro sighs]
- Were you in my house?
Did you kill Nanook?
- I can explain everything.
- Stay away from me. I'm serious.
You can explain? What did you want?
Viruca's phone?
- Did you kill her?
- Can you just listen?
Why? So you can make an excuse
for why you murdered her?
It wasn't me.
I didn't fucking kill her, okay?
- Can you let me explain?
- You didn't kill my dog?
Why would I ask you to help investigate
my wife's death if I'd killed her?
Because you're fucked in the head.
- Listen.
- [Raquel] Stay away!
[Mauro] For fuck's sake, listen to me!
And after that,
if you still wanna turn me in, then do it.
I am really sorry about your dog.
I didn't want to hurt him, I swear.
But he attacked me out of nowhere,
and I'm terrified of dogs, so I panicked.
I grabbed the first thing
I found next to me to defend myself.
I was afraid
he was gonna tear me apart, okay?
But don't you see that I loved my wife
and she loved me?
Then why'd you separate?
[sighs] Because we were pretending.
[Raquel sighs heavily]
Well, we start fighting.
They have to see us fighting, of course.
And, at some point,
we can't stand it anymore,
so we decide to separate, and we do.
And I move somewhere else,
and you stay here.
- But why do you actually have to move out?
- Because he has to believe we're together.
[Mauro sighs]
You know?
He needs to trust me.
If I'm just a one-night stand, then…
No, he needs to think I'm his.
He's been wanting this his whole life.
I don't want you to leave.
He has to believe this, Mauro.
And then he'll take me out
to lunches, dinners, meetings.
Introduce me to the people
we need him to introduce me to.
- But what if he doesn't buy it?
- How could he not buy it? [chuckles]
Come on, now.
Are you doubting my abilities?
- What?
- I don't know about this plan.
This is too much.
[sighs] But that was the best plan
I could think of. Just trust me.
- There has to be another way.
- Mauro!
Your parents are broke.
So are my parents.
And your siblings.
How much is the fine for the IRS?
I'm sorry, baby. That's jail time.
[both sigh]
It'll be fine. You'll see.
This is crazy.
It's gonna blow up in our faces.
- [both breathing heavily]
- [Mauro] And that's how we planned it.
- [Mauro sighs]
- [Raquel] Then what happened?
Well, the first thing was Iago.
That's what happened.
I don't get it.
[grunts] He fell in love with her.
Became obsessed.
When he found out Viruca
was seeing his father, he went crazy.
Started harassing her.
He couldn't handle the fact
that she was with his father
and not with him.
- Did Viruca ever leave Tomás?
- No. No, not exactly.
- [birds singing]
- [tense instrumental music playing]
[Viruca sighs]
You okay?
I found a way to get all the money
we need to pay off our debt for good.
And fuck over Tomás.
[Mauro] She discovered something
that changed everything.
Something she could use to blackmail Tomás
and to settle all of our debt.
And you think she threatened him,
and he killed her because of that?
[Mauro sighs]
[clicks tongue]
Only the Civil Guard said no.
The prosecutor said no. The judge said no.
He had an alibi, and it was solid.
- Not that you can't make up an alibi.
- Yeah.
Or he could have hired
someone to kill her.
Right. Fine.
- [sighs] I've heard enough.
- [Mauro exhales]
I need her phone.
The evidence has to be there.
There's nothing on it.
When Viruca started fearing for her life,
she said she was gonna save the evidence,
so if something happened,
I'd know where to find it.
I've looked everywhere and found nothing.
- It has to be on there.
- No, it's not. Only photos. Of Iago.
Show me.
I don't have it.
I gave the phone to the police.
No, you didn't.
- [Raquel] I don't care what you believe.
- What are you gonna do now?
[Raquel sighs]
[door opens, closes]
- [birds singing]
- [door opens]
- [Tomás grunts] What have you done?
- [Iago groans]
What have you done, you idiot?
The fuck did you give that slut Viruca?
Such a moron.
You know she's gonna blackmail us
with those pictures, hmm?
You thought she'd pity you?
So that you could fuck her again?
Or maybe you wanted her to report me
to the police so you could get rid of me.
Is that it?
Well, look at what she's doin' now.
That one? That one only wants my money.
- [Iago breathing shakily]
- So what'd you show her? I wanna see it.
- Right now. Come on. Show it to me.
- [Iago panting]
[Tomás] Hurry up.
[laptop fan whirring]
[tense instrumental music playing]
- [Tomás grunts]
- [Iago sighs]
- [laptop clicks closed]
- [Iago crying softly]
[door opens, slams closed]
[birds singing]
[Viruca exhales]
- [keys jingling softly]
- [door opens, closes]
[footsteps approaching]
[Raquel sighs]
- Hello.
- [gasps]
Fuck, Claudia. I didn't see you. [sighs]
Germán left a set of keys
in the restaurant in case he lost his.
He does always lose them. What's going on?
Where have you been?
You didn't see him, right?
Uh, no.
[takes a deep breath]
The lawyer just called us.
The judge has taken Germán's statement,
and he's already set his bail.
It's quite steep.
We don't have that much money.
And I do?
You know Germán
would never hurt anyone, right?
I don't know anything.
You're his wife.
- [Raquel sighs]
- He needs you.
And we both know
that he would never attack a kid.
- That's not him.
- [Raquel] It's not?
So why did he leave him bleeding
at the entrance
of the hospital and drive away?
I'm sure he got himself into trouble
because of those shitty drugs he takes.
- You knew about that?
- [Claudia] Do you think I'm stupid?
Of course I did.
- [Raquel sighs]
- I know him.
And I know how tough all this time
with you has been on him.
Caring for you, supporting you.
It's no wonder he exploded.
[scoffs] Of course.
He was snorting coke because of me?
Is that what you're saying?
Look, all I'm asking is…
don't leave him alone.
- [Raquel sighs]
- [Claudia] Not now.
[Raquel sighs]
[tense instrumental music playing]
[clicks tongue, sighs]
[cell phone chimes]
[crow cawing]
[Iago exhales]
Why am I here?
The police know that Viruca's death
wasn't really a suicide.
Whatever you say.
I have her phone, Iago.
I've seen the messages.
Do you still have whatever you gave her
that she used to blackmail your father?
You don't know what you're talking about.
Denying it
won't get you very far, understand?
I just wanna help you
because I don't want you to pay
for what other people did.
The judge and the police, they won't care.
If they need a suspect, it'll be you.
They don't have anything on me.
- [Raquel] They don't?
- No.
The messages,
the harassment, your obsession.
You couldn't stand her
sleeping with your dad.
They have more than enough. Trust me.
And why would you wanna help me?
Because I know it wasn't you.
You really loved her.
You were upset she was with your dad,
but you didn't kill her.
You don't know what I'm capable of doing.
I hated her.
I hated that bitch. You hear me?
[crow caws]
No, you didn't.
- [Iago sighs]
- [Raquel] What did you give her, Iago?
Tell me.
Because I know you'd do everything
you could to keep it from coming out.
[sighs, quietly] Yeah.
[Raquel] Viruca made a copy,
and I am about to find it.
Iago, let me help you.
[Iago sighs]
No one can help me.
[door slams open]
What are you doing?
This is the teachers' bathroom.
- [Iago] I'll kill you. I should kill you!
- Let go!
- [both panting]
- You're killing me, Viruca.
Can't you see that you're killin' me?
You fuckin' bitch!
Can't you see
that you're drivin' me crazy?
- [Viruca yelps]
- Huh?
Stop, Iago. Please.
[both breathing heavily]
[Iago sobs]
- [Viruca gasps, yelps]
- [Iago] God damn it!
[Viruca] Okay, okay.
- [Iago panting and crying]
- [Viruca] Iago. Please.
Come on, now. Please. Stop.
Everything will be okay. Do you hear?
No, no, no, no, no. Don't do that. Iago.
- [Iago grunts]
- [Viruca sighs] Please.
Come on.
You can't be here. Come on, let's go.
That's the only thing that's important.
You're covering your ass!
You only care about one thing!
This is how you use what I gave you?
I gave it to you
so you could see what a monster he is.
[crying softly]
Not so you could blackmail him.
Okay? [inhales sharply]
I shouldn't have trusted you.
[dog barking in distance]
[car approaching]
[Raquel sighs]
- [Raquel] Hi.
- Coffee with a splash?
[Raquel] No, Concha.
I need to ask you a favor.
It's important.
I don't know who I can trust right now.
I know. I heard about your husband.
I need you to hold on to this.
Don't give this to anyone but me, okay?
Don't worry.
Hey, Concha.
Do you remember you told me
that you didn't think Viruca was suicidal?
- Well, neither am I.
- What are you telling me that for, honey?
If something happens.
If what happens?
Raquel, wait!
[door closes]
[suspenseful instrumental music playing]
[door opens]
[Viruca sighs]
[Tomás sighs]
You're fuckin' nuts. You know that?
This isn't the best place to talk, Tomás.
[Tomás] You know what they'd do to you
if they found out you had that?
What they'd do to me?
No, no, no. What they'd do to you.
You really are out of your mind.
Fuckin' my son was already proof enough.
- But this?
- [Viruca exhales]
- [clicks tongue] It's how it goes.
- [Tomás] It's how it goes?
- [Viruca] Mm-hmm.
- [Tomás] Okay.
If you send out even one of those files,
no one will be able to protect you.
No one.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Put that on my tab, Concha? Thanks.
[birds singing]
[wind gusting]
[crow cawing]
[phone unlocks]
[shutter clicks]
LONGITUDE 07º34'6.31"
LATITUDE N 42º22'57.29"
Hey. Concha, I need that thing I gave you.
- Are you sure?
- [Raquel] Yes.
- [Concha] I have it right here.
- I appreciate it.
- [items rustle]
- [drawer closes]
Can ya tell me what's goin' on?
[Raquel sighs]
- [gasps] It can't be.
- [Concha] What?
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Raquel exhales]
- [Raquel sighs]
- [purse unzips]
[cell phone ringing and vibrating]
- [Raquel scoffs]
- [car engine starts]
[cell phone chimes]
- [birds calling]
- [water flowing]
[Raquel exhales]
[crow cawing]
[Raquel gasps]
[Raquel sighs]
[brakes squeal]
[crow cawing]
[Raquel exhales]
[car pulls up]
[Raquel sniffles]
- [car horn honks]
- [Raquel gasps]
[horn continues blaring]
- [Raquel, quietly] What the fuck?
- [horn honking]
[Gabriel] Raquel. Thank God!
Why aren't you answering?
- Come on. Let's go.
- Why? What's wrong?
- Did you listen to my message?
- [Raquel] No.
Your mother-in-law, your brother-in-law,
they didn't call you?
- [Raquel] No.
- Well, fucking call them. Now.
- What happened?
- [Gabriel] Germán.
He tried to kill himself in his cell.
- [Gabriel] Come on.
- What?
- [Gabriel] Come on. Let's go.
- Uh, no. Um, I'll take my car.
Just fucking get in!
I'll drive you. Come on.
[crow caws]
- [Raquel] He's okay? Alive?
- He was breathing when they took him.
- Don't worry. He'll be all right.
- [sighs] Shit.
[seat belt clicks]
[cell phone chimes and vibrates]
[Tomás sighs]
[Raquel gasps]
What are you doing?
[Gabriel] I just need to stop by my house.
It'll only take a second.
But your house isn't this way.
What's wrong? You don't trust me now, huh?
I'm the only friend
Germán has in this whole fucking town.
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, but can we just go
to the hospital, Gabriel?
- It's just a second.
- [Raquel] Please?
- [car door locks click]
- [ominous music playing]
- I need you to listen.
- What do you mean?
- What about the hospital?
- Your husband is fine.
- Nothing happened.
- What?
I had to get you out of that house…
before you saw something.
You didn't see anything, right?
- Uh, no.
- [Gabriel sighs]
But… but are you involved
in all of this, too?
If you didn't see anything,
then you're okay.
I'm doing this for you,
so you have a way out.
I just need you to understand
the situation you're in right now.
Um, what situation? Shit.
You're really scaring me.
Where are we going?
Where are we going?
[Gabriel sighs]
[Raquel breathing shakily, exhales]
- [Tomás] Get in.
- Why should I?
I'm trying to fix this.
Get in, and we'll talk.
I'm not getting in.
I told you not to say anything about this,
but you wouldn't listen.
We need to fix it.
- [car door opens]
- Need to fix what? Hey. Hey!
- Get away! What are you doing?
- Come here!
[Viruca] Get away!
[screams] Let me
- Let me go! Let me go!
- [Gabriel] Come here!
- Let's go. Come here.
- [Viruca panting]
- [door closes]
- [Viruca screams]
[crow cawing]
[Gabriel] Calm down. We're here.
We'll talk quietly, and you'll tell them
that you didn't see anything.
- Okay?
- Please let me out of here.
- [Gabriel] Don't worry. It'll be fine.
- Let me out.
- Everything's gonna be fine.
- [Raquel gasps]
- Please don't do this to me. Please.
- [Gabriel] It's okay.
- Don't worry. You'll be fine.
- Please, Gabriel.
[Raquel sighs]
[car horn blaring]
- [Gabriel] Come on.
- [Raquel] No!
- [Gabriel] Come. Relax, for fuck's sake.
- [Raquel] Stop! Please! Please don't! No!
[crying] Please! Please!
- Please don't do this.
- Come on.
- Come on. Here we go.
- No, no, no, no, no. [sobbing]
- [Gabriel] Calm down. Raquel, come on.
- Please! Please! No!
[Raquel sobbing] Iago, please.
- No. Please, please, please!
- [duct tape ripping]
- Don't do this to me.
- [Tomás] Don't leave marks.
[Raquel] Don't do this to me.
Please. Please.
Iago, please. Iago, please.
Iago, please.
Please let me Please, please.
Please. Please? Please.
[breathing shakily]
Tell them I didn't see anything.
Tell them!
You said they'd listen to me.
You motherfucker!
What are you gonna do? Huh?
What are you gonna do to me?
What do you think?
- [Raquel panting]
- Same thing we did to Viruca.
[Raquel whimpers]
Another teacher
who can't stand the pressure and…
kills herself.
No one'll buy that.
No one'll believe that. Nobody!
I think you've been startin' to lose it
for a while.
Wasn't she in the hospital, Gabriel?
How many pills did you take that time?
Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch!
- They're gonna get you, motherfucker!
- [Tomás] Your turn.
Let me go! Let me go, Iago. [sobs]
Iago, please!
Iago, please! Don't do this, please.
- [shouting] Iago! Iago!
- Shut the fuck up!
- Just shut up!
- Iago, please! Let me go.
- Let me go, son of a bitch!
- [Tomás] Don't let her distract you.
- That's enough.
- [Raquel] Please!
[Tomás] Make her drink it,
and let's get this over with.
[Raquel] Let me go!
- [crying] You fuck!
- The kid can't do it.
- [Raquel] Iago!
- What do you mean?
Am I supposed to fix
all his problems for him?
It's his mess, so he's gonna clean it up.
- Come on.
- No, Iago.
Look at me. Please don't do this.
Iago, please. I'm begging you.
Don't do this, please.
You don't have to do
- [Tomás] The fuck you waiting for?
- [Raquel] Iago. Iago.
- Don't do it. No, no!
- For fuck's sake. Here.
- Give me it.
- [Raquel] No! Let me go, motherfucker!
- [muffled] No!
- [Gabriel] Come on. Open your mouth.
- Open your mouth.
- [Raquel gurgling] No!
- [Viruca gurgling and moaning]
- Come on, swallow.
Come on. Make her swallow.
Swallow. Swallow.
[Tomás groans]
Fucking bitch. Open her mouth. Damn it.
- [Gabriel] Drink. Drink.
- [Viruca panting]
- [Gabriel] Swallow.
- [Raquel moans, chokes]
[coughs, gasping]
[continues coughing]
[Tomás] Okay.
- It's over.
- [Viruca gurgles, chokes]
[softly] That's it. That's it.
[Viruca panting]
[Raquel gasps, panting]
[coughs weakly] Iago…
- [somber instrumental music playing]
- Iago, call the police, please.
Call the police. Please call the police.
Call the police.
[Raquel groans]
[engine humming]
[Raquel exhales]
[gasps, grunts]
[banging in trunk]
- [banging continues]
- She's fucking awake.
- [Tomás groans]
- [Iago clears throat, inhales sharply]
[Raquel sighs]
Let me outta here, please.
Let me outta here, please. [crying]
Let me outta here, please.
[banging continues]
[Iago breathing shakily]
[sighs] Fuck this.
[Raquel gasps]
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Whatever I want. You understand?
[suspenseful music playing]
She's insane!
[Tomás panting]
[Raquel grunts]
Stop, stop, stop! She's jumped.
Stop the fucking car!
- [brakes squeal]
- [parking brake clicks]
[Tomás] Bitch.
Come on, Iago.
- [Gabriel] Come on!
- [Tomás] Let's go, Iago!
- [Gabriel] She's getting away.
- [Tomás] Iago!
- Iago!
- [Gabriel] Come on!
[Iago sighs]
[engine starts]
[Iago breathing shakily]
Fuck you!
[engine revving]
[Raquel panting]
[Gabriel] Raquel!
- [Raquel] Help.
- [Gabriel] Raquel!
[Raquel moaning]
[grunts, exhales]
[continues panting]
- [Iago panting]
- [engine revving]
[Iago grunts]
- [tires screech]
- [Iago screams]
[music stops abruptly]
[crows cawing in distance]
- [engine hissing]
- [turn signal clicking]
[crow cawing]
[Raquel continues panting] Help.
[whining] Help me.
- Honey, what are you doin' here?
- Help me.
[Gabriel] Concha! Concha, thank God!
[Tomás panting]
We were driving by.
We saw her fall down the side of
[Concha] Don't move.
[sighs] All right.
Let's all just calm down, okay?
I think
this is all just a misunderstanding.
She needs to get to a hospital.
Look at her.
[Tomás and Gabriel groan]
- Are you fucking crazy?
- [Concha] Acebedo.
Everyone in the village
thinks you have it coming. Go away.
You have no business here.
Move it!
Come on, Tomás.
[Raquel sighs]
[Raquel moans weakly]
[Concha] Honey! Raquel!
Oh, Mijaíl. Call an ambulance.
- [phone unlocks]
- [Concha] You're okay.
It's… it's okay.
- [Raquel breathing weakly]
- [birds calling]
[Raquel's breathing echoes]
[siren wailing, distorted]
[paramedics speaking indistinctly]
[Concha] Careful.
[radio chirps]
[Concha, echoing]
Don't worry, sweetie. Don't worry.
[Raquel groans weakly]
[paramedics speaking indistinctly]
[ambulance door closes]
- [monitor beeping]
- [heart beating steadily]
- [heartbeat speeds up]
- [monitor beeping rapidly]
- [beating slows]
- [monitor beeping slows]
[monitor flatlines]
[doctor, echoing] She's in cardiac arrest.
Defibrillator. Paddles.
- Clear.
- [paddles charge]
- [energy discharges]
- [doctor] Charge.
- Ready. Clear!
- [paddles charge]
- [energy discharges]
- [monitor continues flatlining]
[man on radio]
Clear. One patient is in surgery now.
- [monitor beeping]
- [medical staff speaking indistinctly]
[ventilator hissing]
- My son. Where is he?
- Come on. Let's go.
- Can I talk to him?
- [officer] Let's go.
We'll figure that out later.
[monitor beeping steadily]
[Iago exhales]
[gasps] Hey.
[weakly] Hey.
- [birds singing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[somber instrumental music playing]
[man] Hello, Iago. Are you sure
about what you're going to do?
Are you willing to make a statement?
Well, let's start from the beginning.
[somber music swells]
[officer 1] They're taking out more stuff.
[officer 2 speaking indistinctly]
[officers speaking indistinctly]
[police radio beeps]
[Raquel gasps softly]
[Tere] Raquel?
Honey. How are you?
- You're awake.
- [weakly] Yeah.
- Yeah.
- [Raquel] Mm.
- Want some water?
- [Raquel] Mm-hmm.
Here, honey.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
[Tere sighs] Ah.
[Raquel exhales]
[sighs] How long have I been here?
[inhales sharply] Three days.
Three days?
- [Tere] Oh.
- Hey.
- [Raquel grunts]
- [Tere] Thanks.
- I'm gonna go for a walk, okay?
- Thank you, Tere.
- Hey, you.
- [Germán] Hey.
- Good morning.
- Hi. [sighs]
How are you?
- How are you? [chuckles]
- [Raquel] Fine.
- You got out.
- [Germán, softly] Yeah.
They let me go.
What happened, Germán?
- There will be plenty of time for that.
- Tell me.
- Tell me, please.
- All right.
- Iago confessed to everything.
- [Raquel grunts, sighs]
The police took his computer, and…
And what was on his computer?
What did they find?
- [Germán sighs, clicks tongue]
- [somber instrumental music playing]
Recordings of Iago with other men.
[Germán] His father's been prostituting
him since he was a child.
[Raquel sighs]
He and Acebedo had set up a whole network.
They brought kids from everywhere.
Some guy
from the Xunta had a crush on Iago,
and his father tried to profit.
So… that's what Iago gave to Viruca.
- [crowd clamoring]
- [officer 1] Come on! Come on!
Make a path!
- [camera shutters clicking]
- [officer 2] Come on. Get in! Get in!
- Gentlemen, move, please.
- [officer 1] Door!
[officer 2] Hey! Start the car. Go, go.
- Iago, he wanted… He…
- [Germán] It's over. It's over, babe.
You need to rest.
- [Raquel sighs]
- Don't think about it now, please.
And how's Roi doing?
- [knocking on door]
- Yeah?
- [Raquel] Roi.
- Oh, man.
- [gentle music playing]
- How are you?
- Can't complain.
- [Roi and Raquel chuckle]
- They have some pretty awesome drugs here.
- Oh, yeah?
- [Roi] Yeah.
- Well, you don't look so hot.
[sighs] How'd you expect me to look?
[exhales, chuckles softly]
Did he tell you he saved my life?
What happened, Roi?
[takes a deep breath]
Iago caught me with his computer, and he…
went crazy on me,
and I really thought he was gonna kill me.
I found him unconscious
and brought him to the hospital.
Why'd you just leave him and drive off?
[sighs] I panicked.
- I was afraid they'd blame me.
- No.
Most people wouldn't have helped at all,
you know. [grunts]
So don't be too hard on him, okay?
[Raquel sighs]
- Yeah. You didn't suspect anything?
- [Roi grunts]
[clicks tongue] No, but…
[Raquel sighs]
…but he's my friend. Right?
- [exhales] Yeah.
- [Roi] It is what it is.
- [Raquel sighs]
- [Roi grunts softly]
[indistinct chatter]
- [somber music playing]
- [Germán sighs]
[Raquel takes a deep breath]
Would you get the car? I need a minute.
[Iago sighs]
How are you?
[takes a deep breath] I'm really sorry.
It's okay, Iago.
None of this was your fault.
[Iago sighs]
[breathing shakily]
[crying softly]
- [birds singing outside]
- [Raquel sighs]
[inhales sharply]
[Germán sighs]
Maybe we can stop by an animal shelter.
[Raquel sighs]
[scoffs] Too soon?
[Raquel sighs heavily]
I'm leaving, Germán.
I'm going to move into my mom's apartment.
[gentle piano music playing]
I've always been afraid of being alone.
I used to be afraid of losing my mom,
then of losing you and being alone.
- I'm not afraid anymore.
- You're not afraid of losing me?
[Raquel sighs]
[Germán inhales sharply]
[Germán] So, that's it?
- That's it.
- [Germán] Will you be all right?
I don't know.
Well, then wait.
We can fight a little more.
I can't.
[Raquel sighs]
No. No, don't. [sighs]
[Raquel exhales]
[Germán crying softly]
[both sigh]
- [sobs quietly]
- [Raquel] Germán.
I'm sorry.
I am, too.
[Germán continues crying]
[school bell rings]
[indistinct chatter]
- [Raquel] Thanks for everything.
- [Marga] You were getting the hang of it.
[Raquel] Yeah, but it's for the best.
I don't know how the kids will react.
Good for you.
Some things just aren't worth the money.
- [Raquel] Yeah.
- Will you quit teaching?
[Raquel] I don't know.
- [sighs] Well, take care.
- [Marga] See you.
- [Ramón and Isa] Bye.
- Bye.
- [Marga] I'm so glad she's okay.
- [teachers chattering indistinctly]
[gentle instrumental music playing]
[Raquel] "I don't know
how to ask for your forgiveness."
"And I don't know how to thank you."
"But without you,
nobody would know the truth."
"Viruca can rest in peace now,
and I might actually be able to move on."
"Get drunk on me. Mauro."
[somber instrumental music playing]
[Tomás grunts]
- [men panting]
- [Viruca breathing weakly]
- Hurry.
- [Tomás grunts]
[water sloshing]
[Tomás] Come on.
[both grunt]
[both panting]
[Viruca moaning]
[Tomás grunts]
[Viruca gurgling]
[Tomás panting]
[dramatic instrumental music swells]
[Gabriel sniffles]
[indistinct chatter]
Have you read this?
Well, it deals with guilt
and with our capacity
to forgive ourselves.
I hope you like it.
[softly] Thanks.
Don't ever stop reading, Nerea.
Take care of yourself, okay?
You too.
[Raquel chuckles softly]
- See ya.
- [Raquel] Bye.
["Turnedo" by Iván Ferreiro playing]
[seagulls crying]
[children laughing and shouting]
[cell phone chimes]
[Raquel chuckles]
[Germán sighs]
So, the writer in the family was you,
and I was just being silly.
[Raquel and Germán chuckle]
It's fuckin' great, Raquel, really.
I love the first two chapters,
so definitely keep writing.
And don't worry.
You can make the husband look like a jerk
because that's what he was sometimes.
I am writing, too, actually.
But I think it's just
so I don't have to spend too much time
with my family at the beach.
They miss you.
I do, too.
But I'm starting to get used to it.
[Raquel sighs]
["Turnedo" continues playing]
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