The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

The Final Duel

Anos! Do your best!
Show us what you've got!
Win it, Flawless Fencer!
Put him in his place!
The final round
will be held with special rules.
Your left hand.
If this bracelet is destroyed,
it will count as a loss.
When the Vampiric Ring
stops draining your mana,
Sheila's Spirit Disease will immediately
progress to its final stage,
and if you win against Lay,
the magic sword within him
will destroy his essence.
So they want me to sit still
and let my mana be absorbed?
Let the final round
of the Dilhade Magic Sword Tournament
As brilliant as always.
It's hard to believe that
your mana is being drained.
By the way,
mine is just a normal bracelet.
So you knew?
No need to hold back. This is no handicap.
The Highbloods told me to make it drag on.
The longer it lasts,
the greater my advantage.
That isn't the fight I want.
What do you mean?
I went against the contract.
I'll die soon.
My mother can't be cured.
There's no reason for you to die as well.
I've been waiting for you all my life.
This is me being myself.
I will fight you to my heart's content
and I will win!
Seeing your will through to the end?
I expect nothing less from a friend.
There's nothing left
for you to be concerned with.
Separatists and Unitarians don't matter.
Forget your mother as well.
This time is reserved for you and me!
I can't see them!
They're too fast!
His sword is keeping pace with Initio?
Could it be? That sword
is actually imbued with something?
The next one is the final blow, Lay.
This will be my last too.
It's been fun, Anos.
I have long awaited this moment.
So the one who put
that magic sword inside Lay
and selected me
for this Magic Sword Tournament
was you?
Now I can finally put an end to you.
Do you think you've won
by sealing me in a dimensional prison?
The victor has already been determined.
The Vampiric Ring has drained you
of over half of your mana.
The arm you lost to the magic sword Initio
will not heal anytime soon,
and as you can see, Lay Glanzudlii
will not be coming to your aid.
What's more
It's about time I returned the favor.
He is still the Ancestor, Gaios.
Do not let your guard down.
You will be facing three
of the Seven Ancients.
You have no chance
of survival in this situation.
This situation?
You mean how you revealed
your true colors before the two of us?
That makes a surprise attack
from each of us.
Lay Glanzudlii?
You were destroyed
along with your essence!
Gaze deeper into the abyss.
The magic sword
sealing the contract is gone?
With Anos's last blow.
There was no sign of
any communication between the two of you!
That's right. I simply believed
that even if I fought him with full force,
he would surpass all expectations.
Do you understand now?
Your plans amount to nothing.
Yes, very clearly,
but it does not change
the fact that I am the victor.
Perhaps we can come to an agreement.
If you vow to serve
the Separatists, she will be treated.
If you don't
Then kill her.
Perhaps I heard you wrong.
I said that
if you want to kill her, then kill her.
I was always prepared for it.
On the other hand, you'll have no shield.
I hope you regret
A trap is always set
on two or three levels!
Well, this brings back memories.
Yes, it would.
It's the wall that would divide
the world into four.
The one you exchanged
your life to create, 2,000 years ago.
Beno Llevan!
The wall that repels and destroys all.
I captured and saved a part of it
in this dimensional prison
it also includes the mana drained
from you by the Vampiric Ring.
It is futile.
You have no chance as you are.
A close call!
You still have that much mana?
Normally, a recently reincarnated demon
can use only one-tenth
of their original mana.
I am awed that
your full powers have been restored.
So now we're playing hide-and-seek?
This is an absolute space that only
the caster of the spell can enter.
So long as I remain here, you cannot win.
Now, the piece de resistance.
Can you hear me? Mom!
-Beno Llevan.
He seems rather inept with magic.
What will you do?
I am awed that you can cast
anti-magic in another dimension,
but you cannot last long doing such feats.
Lay, can you hear me?
Anos? Did you do this?
Yes, but I've used a little too much mana.
Can I leave things to you?
Can the mana that
you spent on this anti-magic
be used to create a powerful sword?
If it touches you directly, you'll die.
I'll cut him before it does.
I'll pour all of my mana into the sword.
Are you ready?
When you are.
It appears this is
the end for you, Lord Anos.
You will all die together!
I'm sorry, Anos.
I couldn't
Stand, Lay!
I don't have enough strength left
to cut that thing down.
You should escape alone
You can do it.
You can do it. Don't worry.
Mom will give you strength.
She is returning to her spiritual body?
Did she recall her true power
in the face of death?
A half-spirit, half-demon
with a weak essence
will surely vanish from this world!
You can't, Mom!
It's fine. Mom loves you
more than anything else.
I know you can still stand, Lay.
You're my son, and I'm proud of you.
Are you ready, Mom?
-Lay, do you remember?
-Remember what?
When you were little
and I was teaching you how to cook,
you suddenly said you wanted
to cut the pot with the knife.
I remember.
Do you remember
how I said it was impossible?
But you kept trying and trying,
until finally
Lay, now that you're grown-up,
what else can you cut?
Can you show Mom?
Okay. I'll show you.
It even cut through space itself?
So this is the power of a spirit sword
Oh, how you've grown.
I love you, Lay.
It's too early to cry, Lay.
Save those tears for later.
I will make time for you
to honor your mother.
Is that the best you can do?
You may have eliminated the Beno Llevan,
but I still have more than enough saved.
In other words,
she died for nothing.
Thanks to that nothing
How could you enter this absolute space?
There was no sign of you marking me.
Can you see only mana?
You, more than anyone, should know
the power of that spirit sword.
So long as you remain here,
I can't win, right?
If you believe
you have won merely by standing
in the same space as me, you are wrong!
These are the remains of Beno Llevan!
The Demon King cast this magic
at the height of his powers.
You cannot resist it
with what little remains of your mana!
Farewell, Demon King Anos!
How did you survive?
Come, Venz D'Noa.
Like you said, one can use only one-tenth
of their original mana
after reincarnation.
The same applies to me,
but the Vampiric Ring and Beno Llevan
have stirred my destructive essence.
You had that much mana, and it was still
less than before your reincarnation?
I am grateful to you, Melhace.
I won't allow this!
It's futile!
I will withdraw today, but next
I'm sure I evaded it
Did you think evading it
was enough to avoid it?
The Reason Destroyer destroys all logic.
That cannot
I told you. It's futile.
I see.
Come to your senses, Melhace.
Lord Anos?
A magic sword of servitude?
Quite a thing to be stabbed with.
My deepest apologies.
I was caught unaware.
What happened?
On the night that I was reunited with you,
I was attacked by an unknown assailant.
It appears I was under their control.
I see.
Bring Gaios and Idol here.
As you wish.
The other Elder Demon Emperors
are being controlled by fused essences.
These two essences
are likely servants of Avos Dilhevia.
Then if you bring them back to life
Return to life,
fools who dare draw their bows at me.
They could not
possibly force their way in!
So you're Avos Dilhevia?
Should I follow him?
It's futile.
You return Gaios and Idol to life.
Yes, my liege.
What's going on?
I don't know.
I can't see the arena
with all that magic covering it.
I can't hear Lord Anos's voice either.
I can see them!
Lay Glanzudlii's sword has been destroyed!
The winner is Anos Voldigoad!
He did it!
Dear, look! Anos won!
That's my son!
Lord Anos!
Please share with us
The taste of victory!
I won this tournament
because of this sword!
Dad put all of his heart
and soul into forging this sword.
It has a power greater
than any magic sword!
A power other than magic!
It is imbued with his spirit!
My dad is a true swordsmith!
Thank you, Dad!
What's he saying? That boy
It was all him!
It's because of his effort!
Leave him to me.
Is it over?
I see.
There's no need for sorrow.
Your mother is fine.
Thank goodness!
I thought I'd never see you again!
This isn't a dream, right?
But how?
I spread the rumors and legends
that reformed your essence.
Your spiritual body was a sword.
You regained strength
on the first day of the tournament
because what I told the spectators
just happened to match your legend.
When a true swordsmith
forges a sword with his soul,
it's imbued with something
other than mana.
Just as the legend says,
when Sheila became
a spirit sword and wounded Melhace,
he was marked by a power other than magic.
My speech was broadcast to all of Dilhade.
With this much attention,
Sheila's essence recovered
so bringing her back was easy.
Thank you.
Thanks to you, I can continue
to watch my son grow up.
And now, we present the winner,
Anos Voldigoad, with an award.
Congratulations, Anos.
Misha told me you had a role
in the Magic Sword Tournament.
In case you forgot,
the Necron Family is important enough
to bestow praise and present
the prize to the tournament's winner.
Now, could you hurry up and take it?
That isn't a tone of praise, is it?
I'll do it properly, okay?
Anos Voldigoad,
I bless your sword.
Just so you know,
this is part of the ceremony!
I didn't want to do it, okay?
You don't need to tell me.
I know that much.
I accepted the role
because I knew you'd win.
I won't praise
a Demon King other than you.
I like that spirit.
Was it fun?
It was quite an enjoyable tournament.
Next episode,
"The Mystery of Hero Academy."
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