The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e08 Episode Script

Game Changers

As long as you're in Chicago, I own you.
That's the deal.
I'm Brett.
From growing up? He was just giving me a lift.
And what about Franco? Last anybody's heard from him was two days ago.
I'm sorry.
[ grunts .]
no! Something's not right.
If he did anything to hurt Grace, I'm gonna kill him.
Do you want to get out of here? Answer me! [ grunts .]
[ tires screech .]
Franco's responsible for all this, isn't he? Thanks for making sure my cover wasn't blown.
You know, Constantine wants you dead.
I got to get in deeper.
You're done.
It's time for you to disappear.
Hey, Grace, you're a real natural at this, you know that? A real natural.
So, you really bought this place? No, I stole it.
I mean, the way the real-estate market is right now, The guy was so desperate, He threw in the delivery truck and two pastry chefs.
[ chuckles .]
a diabetic bought a bakery.
The place is an institution.
I couldn't let it go under.
Thank you.
I feel great.
I'm glad.
Matter of fact, I, um, wanted to have a little conversation.
About what? Our arrangement.
Look, I'm not really in the mood right now.
Let me enjoy the moment.
You know, all my businesses are coming together.
Feeling on top of the world.
Franco: Constantine's the boss of the south side again.
With Moretti gone, he's got the power.
With the gaming ordinance passed, Now he's got the cash.
But now with your testimony, we have him.
All due respect, But I didn't spend the last six years undercover Just to take down Constantine Alexander.
No, you cut off his head, two more grow back.
Now, you pull me out now, We lose our shot at taking out this whole operation.
I need to stay in Chicago.
Got to find a way back in.
Constantine wants you dead.
You wouldn't last a week.
All right, so I'll lay low awhile.
Look, rumor has it, Something big's going down in the next few days.
Now, I don't know the details yet -- You're too thin to chase rumors.
Listen to me.
I'm the one who was in there -- Franco.
This time next week, You will be in Miami with a new identity.
You did good work, And now it's time to stay clear of Constantine.
Yeah, that's what it's like around The Outfit.
You always got to stay Or you risk losing everything.
Why are you telling me? All the things you've done for me lately.
The way you warned me about the Moretti ambush.
You proved to me that I can trust you.
Just one more question, What's Dr.
Devlin's role in The Outfit? She's, uh, just a civilian.
We have photos of her meeting with Constantine At least once a week.
She gives him insulin shots.
Grace: As your doctor, here's my advice -- Lay off the booze and stop eating your profit.
You know, you're no fun, but I appreciate your concern.
As for that little conversation, Come over to the house some night.
We'll have dinner.
We'll talk.
[ cellphone rings .]
Hello? Yeah, it's Grace-- okay, slow -- slow down.
Of course, of course.
I'll be right there.
Everything all right? The hospital? Uh, no.
It's actually an old friend.
Um, I got to run.
So run.
I'm gonna join a couple of guys together.
I want to go to the game.
Yeah, before we celebrate, We got a little bit of a problem.
Seamus ain't coming to the sit-down.
First time in 15 years we have a meeting, And he's got someplace better to be.
I don't get it.
There's no downside for him.
My guess is, he resents you calling the meeting, You know what I mean? The protégé outshining the master.
Yeah, Seamus knows that if he doesn't show, The others might not cooperate.
All right.
I'll go pay my respects.
[ engine shuts off .]
Thank god you're here.
Kate's in bad shape.
What's going on? It's drugs, Grace.
I haven't said anything 'cause I thought we could get through on our own.
[ crying .]
Katie, Grace is here.
Get me out of these! You have her in handcuffs? She asked me to.
She wanted to go cold turkey.
[ whimpers .]
Katie, what are you taking? [ breathing heavily .]
I need to know.
Okay, Katie, I need you to calm down, okay? Can you take a few breaths? Try a few deep breaths.
You're hurting yourself.
Get away from me! I just want to help you.
I don't need any help! Just get these frigging things off of me! Now! I need to sedate her.
Would you hold her legs? [ crying .]
All right, Katie, I'm just gonna give you something to help you relax.
Don't touch me, you bitch! [ groans .]
Call 911.
We need an ambulance.
Woman on p.
: Paging Dr.
Scott Parker -- base-jumped off the willis tower.
Base-jumped? Parachuting off a sky scraper.
Oh, right, an extreme sport.
For morons.
I don't know.
Research shows extreme athletes experience a sense of calm While embracing fear.
Uh, check out his femur fracture.
The moron's gonna need ortho.
Who's on call? Dr.
All right, I'll page him.
So much for the calm.
Grace: Eight stitches in each wrist, But there's no tendon or nerve injury.
Thank god.
I'd love to keep Kate here while she detoxes, Then we can start looking for a rehab bed.
Sue, is something happening? The last time I saw her, She was, you know, straight a's and -- Are you judging me? 'cause you have no idea how hard it's been.
Oh, my god, no.
Of course not.
A lot happens in three years.
After joe left, I had to get a second job, And I was never around for her.
She fell for an older guy who was her dealer.
We tried detox once before, But her withdrawal was too awful.
That's why she insisted on the handcuffs this time.
Well, you could have called me.
I was ashamed, Grace.
[ sniffles .]
And I thought I could handle it.
[ p.
Beeps .]
Man on p.
: Dr.
Devlin to radiology.
I'll be back to check in on you, okay? [ indistinct conversations .]
Don't scream.
Don't scream, please.
What are you doing here? We need to talk.
Can we go somewhere? Oh, sure, how about the garage So you can throw me in the trunk again? I can explain everything.
If you don't leave right now, I am screaming for a cop.
Grace, I am a cop.
The Mob Doctor 01x08 "Game Changer" I don't believe you.
This badge could be fake.
In 2004, your mother was arrested for shoplifting.
So? Half the neighborhood knows that.
Last month, you double-parked At the corner of 19th and Hoyne.
They towed your car.
You picked it up at the lot on Sacramento Avenue.
$279 fine had to hurt.
Look, I'm a cop.
I can pull records.
Yeah, you know people.
You could have gotten that information.
I work for a joint task force -- Chicago P.
and FBI.
My cover's so deep you can count on one hand The number of people who know about me.
How long? Six years.
So, the summer when we broke up, When you had to leave 'cause the cops were after you? They were.
They were recruiting me.
[ chuckles .]
[ laughs .]
Listen, I wanted to tell you for so long.
I did.
I just -- I don't know.
Maybe things would have worked out different for us.
But I couldn't.
They'd arrest me on the spot If they knew I was telling you now.
So why are you? 'cause they're pulling me off the case -- Constantine's case.
He's got a target on my back, So the bureau wants me to disappear.
I can't protect you anymore.
Protect me? I've been keeping your name off the FBI reports.
The FBI has a file on me? I tried to warn you to stay away from Constantine.
I tried to tell you to get out of town.
Oh, my god.
I was just with him this morning at his new place.
Get out -- now.
Get away from Constantine Before he takes you down with him.
[ beeper beeps .]
I have a patient.
[ door closes .]
Devlin, kind of you to respond to your pages.
I had an emergency.
Sanjay, it's your party.
Your base-jumping patient has bilateral calcaneus fractures, Classic for this mechanism of injury.
Robinson, for 100 points, What other fracture might you expect? Thoracolumbar burst fracture.
You are correct.
Now, our patient avoided fracturing his spine, But, Houston, we do have a problem.
Devlin, describe what you see.
The femoral fracture is Comminuted and superiorly displaced Into the pelvic girdle.
Devlin goes to the bonus round.
Both of you will be assisting in the surgery.
Since you're giving me two residents, I should at least buy you lunch.
Enchilada Monday in the commissary.
Let's go.
You okay? Oh.
Yeah, no, I'm fine.
Just because we're broken up, I'm not supposed to notice? Thank you.
I, um -- I don't take that for granted.
Constantine Alexander.
Celeste, look at you, honey.
You're more beautiful than ever.
[ chuckles .]
Seamus hit the lotto with you.
Well, you had the winning ticket before he did.
This is my associate, Stavos Kazan.
Nice to meet you.
You know, when I first met this girl, She was a real baby face.
Of course, that was before the pleasure of her company Became worth two grand a night.
Now she runs the biggest escort service in Chicago.
In the midwest.
Listen, honey, I really appreciate You talking to Seamus for me.
Well, he agreed for old time's sake, but just you.
[ sighs .]
Use this before you come inside.
Hand sanitizer? [ sanitizer squirts .]
So, what's this about a sit-down? Ah, it's about time.
There hasn't been one in 15 years.
The outfit's changed, tino.
We got nigerians smuggling immigrants into pilsen.
Sinaloans running drugs up and down the eisenhower.
And none of them are kicking up to us For working in our territory.
It's the way of the world now.
Globalization and all that crap.
We can't stop it.
Yeah, but we can control it by adapting.
And if The Outfit is gonna survive, Seamus, We're gonna have to get rid of the old prejudices.
Everybody's got to learn to work together.
Look, we need to bring new blood into The Outfit, And if we do it this way, it'll cut down on the violence.
Everybody makes more money.
They won't want to come in.
We make the rules.
They'll play by them.
I really want your support on this, Seamus.
You always were ambitious.
I knew that the day you split from me To take over the south side.
I'm sorry to disappoint, But I won't be attending a sit-down.
I haven't left this house in a month.
What's really wrong with you? It's okay.
You can tell me.
He thinks he has the hantavirus, But he's never even been tested.
I have all the symptoms.
I've read about them.
On the internet.
We've been through this.
So you haven't seen a doctor yet? A doctor's office is nothing but a germ factory.
Yeah, well, I happen to know a doctor.
What if I brought her here? Base-jumping -- it's safer than my wife's cooking.
Devlin, can I get a flathead cortical screw.
And, Dr.
Robinson, a drill bit.
What size? A 3.
2 millimeter should be good.
Robinson, you have nice eyes.
Uh, thanks.
You ever date an indian girl? No, sir, I haven't.
I mean, I would.
I have nothing against -- We'll make an ilioinguinal incision down to the pelvis.
Devlin, why don't you start? Scalpel.
[ clears throat .]
I have a daughter.
She's a teacher.
Dissect out the femoral nerve.
I'm through the fascia.
Rake retractor to me.
What do you think, Dr.
Devlin? Is Dr.
Robinson here husband material? [ chuckles .]
any girl would be lucky.
There you have it.
Dinner for two, Saturday night.
I'm on call Saturday.
I'll have your schedule changed.
I didn't see this coming.
Look at the size of his lymph nodes.
Lymphoma? Most likely.
Do an excisional biopsy to confirm.
Our daredevil comes in with a fractured pelvis And leaves with cancer.
Not a good day.
[ indistinct conversations .]
[ cellphone rings .]
[ beep .]
Sue: You're killing her! Gary: Back off! Get the hell out of here, Gary! Kate called me.
She wants out of here.
Get away from her now! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
What's going on? Grace, he's taking her away.
Okay, you're not allowed to be in here.
I'm her boyfriend, yo.
She texted me to come get her.
Well, she's in no condition to leave, yo, So you might as well get out or I will call security.
Call them.
I know the constitution.
You don't know crap, Gary.
Kate's 18.
You can't keep her.
I'm talking about the law.
She's not threatening to hurt nobody or herself, So she can leave, and you can't do jack.
Katie, I know you're in a lot of pain right now, okay? And I know you want to get high, But I can give you some meds to ease your withdrawal.
She doesn't want your help.
Tell them, baby.
I want to go with Gary.
We'll be going now.
[ grunts .]
Grace, please do something.
Saw you take off.
You okay? [ sighs .]
I just needed to clear my head.
I heard what happened with Kate.
I've known this girl since she was born, And this guy comes in and basically kidnaps her, And there's nothing I can do.
Well, not legally.
What's that supposed to mean? Come on.
If Kate's boyfriend is putting her in danger, Don't you have friends Who canMake him an offer he can't refuse? That's funny.
Uh, sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
It's not you.
Ro, I want out.
You know, I thought I could do it all.
I thought I could work at the hospital and off the books, And I can't.
So quit.
But before you do, Why not use your connections to help Kate? Hell, if it were me, I'd have the boyfriend whacked.
[ chuckles .]
Cement shoes? All right.
All right.
Come on.
I got to get back to the hospital.
You haven't eaten anything yet.
It's all you.
On me.
[ dialing .]
Hey, Nate.
It's me.
Can you, um Meet me at the hospital? [ sniffs .]
think I might need a favor.
[ clears throat .]
Welcome back.
I'm Dr.
This is Dr.
[ clears throat .]
What happened? You remember base-jumping off the the willis tower? Yes.
That happened.
And trying to land, You suffered severe fractures to your leg and pelvis.
[ sighs .]
All your bones are back in place, But you're gonna have to take it easy for a little while.
I've got a zip-lining trip to costa rica next week.
Think I'll make it? Um, listen.
Uh, during the surgery, we found enlarged lymph nodes, And biopsies confirmed that you haveLymphoma.
I'm sorry.
[ laughs .]
You guys, it's okay.
I was diagnosed months ago.
You knew? Yeah.
The base-jumping, it was on my bucket list.
The doctors gave me a year or two tops, so I went out, I maxed out all my credit cards, And I've been working my way through the list.
Base-jumping, check.
Running with bulls, check.
Building houses for poor people in guatemala, Check, check, check.
It's not too late for chemo.
I watched my mother die of ovarian cancer.
She had chemo, radiation, you name it.
Her last couple months were a nightmare.
Okay, well, lymphoma is a very different kind of cancer.
It's worth talking to an oncologist.
Thank you, though.
I'm gonna go out on my own terms.
Live and love -- that's what life's all about, right? ah, ah-ah, ah ah there is a crescent key that locks a hole in the door Come on, fiona.
Show me that $1,000 smile.
And show me that $2,000 ass.
Work it, girl.
[ camera shutter clicking .]
This looks like a damn movie production.
It is.
Celeste is a real stickler for truth in advertising.
So, have you heard back from Grace yet? No.
Not yet.
You promised Seamus you'd send her over.
Yeah, I did, but what the hell is she gonna do? She's not a shrink.
Grace shouldn't be blowing you off like this.
You're too easy on her.
What are you doing showing up here at work? You'll make Seamus jealous.
Yeah, go on.
Look at you.
You got a real thriving business here.
Got the most beautiful girls in Chicago.
That, combined with that little black book of yours, That makes you a real player.
[ laughs .]
oh, that little black book is just a rumor.
Oh, sure it is.
So, how can I help you? Look, I think you know I got nothing but respect for Seamus.
The man carries a lot of weight.
I need him at the meeting.
You're the only person that can convince him.
So what can I do to make it worth your while? I'll help you, tino.
But I don't want a thing.
If Seamus refuses, Then you will find a way through him or around him.
You really love him, don't you? [ sighs .]
with all my heart.
You really think uniting the syndicate is a good thing? I do.
Don't you? I think it's a Pandora's Box.
And if you're not careful, You'll end up back in jail -- or worse.
It took you time showing up, Grace.
I was busy.
Too busy for Constantine? To answer his calls? Hey.
Look who's finally here.
I am, uh, sorry.
I couldn't get back to you.
So, listen, I -- I do want to talk to you now.
All right.
It's about our agreement.
I want out.
Moretti isn't around anymore because of me.
I don't owe you anything.
Oh, Grace, it isn't just about Moretti.
You're a part of something here.
Yeah, but the thing is, is that I don't want to be.
Constantine, I just want my life back.
[ sighs .]
I'm disappointed.
Very disappointed.
I can show myself out.
It's not that easy, Grace.
Excuse me? You can deny it all you want, but it's in your blood.
You're one of us.
[ chuckles .]
you're in my way.
Everything you've done for Constantine, The lives you've saved, the laws you've broken, I keep records.
Are you threatening me? Constantine has a soft spot for you.
But I don't.
When he needs you, you're gonna show up.
When he calls, you answer the phone.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Good night.
[ sniffles .]
[ engine sputters .]
[ crying .]
come on.
Come on.
Come on, damn it! [ crying .]
Okay, stop.
[ sniffles .]
[ exhales deeply .]
[ engine turns over .]
[ seat belt clicks .]
[ indistinct conversations .]
Hey, ro.
You seen Grace? Uh, she had to run an errand, But she'd be back in a minute.
Nukeable noodles? Bland but fast.
You know, if you're into, like, ramen, I know this great place just opened up near albany park.
We could go sometime if you want.
Are you asking me out? What if I am? I'd say I'm surprised.
All right.
Well, when the shock wears off, let me know.
I mean, it's just noodles, right? Nate.
Did I just miss something? No.
See you later.
What's up? Thank you for coming in.
Um, I'm in the weeds here a little bit.
I need a favor.
From me? Yeah, from you.
What do you need? Do you remember Sue Keller's daughter? Yeah, the, uh -- the girl scout That used to sell us the thin mints, right? Yeah, well, she's not a girl scout anymore.
A heroin addict? Are you still friends With those bouncers from the rabbit hole? Yeah.
Manny and Stiles.
You want us to talk to her boyfriend, don't you? Maybe scare him a little? Just need to convince him to do the right thing for Kate.
How do we find them? Sue said he goes by the name of Deezy Watts on facebook.
He checks in so his customers can find him.
[ chuckles .]
You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this.
For what? What the hell do you think? To, like, repay you For everything you've done for me.
[ laughs .]
I-I can't see.
Any light or shadows? No.
I got your page.
What's going on? Doc, I've gone blind.
He took a nap and woke up with bilateral vision loss.
Could be an intraoperative stroke.
Yeah, I'll order a stat mri.
No, no, no.
Hold on.
Parker, do your eyes hurt? Yeah.
They're frigging killing me.
Painful visual loss implies a problem in the eye itself.
Diffuse retinal inflammation.
Scarring and vitreous floaters.
Chorioretinitis? Only one way to know for sure.
Parker, we're gonna need a fluid sample From the back of your ocular globe.
Um, that means we're gonna have to insert a needle Into your eyeball.
That was definitely not something on my bucket list.
This may sting a little.
All right.
One, two, three.
Good evening, boys.
It's our third sweep for bugs.
We should be in the clear.
That's good.
Celeste called.
Seamus is gonna show up at the sit-down.
That woman could sell ice to an eskimo.
What's with the table? What's wrong with it? It should be a round table.
We're sending out a message to all these guys.
Everybody comes together with no head.
Yeah, but you'll be the head.
So was King Arthur, but he had a round table.
It's all about appearances.
What is that? A seating chart? I didn't put this much thought into my daughter's wedding.
You're seating Seamus next to Al Trapani.
North side next to west side.
What, are you forgetting? Seamus killed Trapani's cousin in 1988.
Get a round table.
We -- we should probably go over this together.
Girl's name is Kate.
Boyfriend is Gary.
How bad are we gonna hurt him? We're just gonna talk to him.
Just want, uh, Gary to understand That staying away from Kate Is the right thing to do.
We can be convincing.
[ chuckles .]
All right, let's split up and find her.
Hey, Kate.
Nate: Grace! I saw Gary.
Kate's over there.
It's bad, Grace.
She's barely breathing.
She's unconscious.
Her pulse is weak.
All right.
You need some air.
Katie, can you hear me? Can you hear me? [ moans .]
Oh, god.
We need to get her to a hospital.
The hell you doing?! Get away from her! Hi, Gary.
We're friends with Kate.
We came to talk to you.
Leave her alone.
Go to hell.
Back off.
[ gunshot .]
[ groans .]
Just get her out of here.
Take her and go.
Come on.
Help me.
All right.
Time to go.
Come on.
[ coughing .]
You got balls, man.
Taking her out of the hospital? You sell to kids! Come here.
You go near Kate again, I'll kill you.
[ grunts, gasping .]
Oh, god.
Was it an overdose? Yeah.
She's doing okay.
This time.
As soon as Kate wakes up, She'll run straight back to her boyfriend.
I think he's out of the picture.
What? Oh, it's just Gary agreed That it was in, uh, Kate's best interest that they break up.
Whatever you did, thank you.
Look, now we have to focus on Kate's withdrawal.
Have you heard of rapid detoxification? No.
Well, we use a high dose of benzos to induce a coma And an opiate-receptor blocker To withdraw her body from the physical addiction.
Is it safe? I mean, it's safer than letting her Out of the hospital again, yeah.
The problem is She's 18.
So it's her decision.
Sue, you mentioned that the handcuffs were her idea, Is that right? Yeah, why? I'm just thinking about how badly Kate wants to get clean.
It almost seems like she already made that decision.
You'd have to sign a form Saying that she agreed to this kind of protocol, But for all I know, maybe she did.
Yeah, that won't be a problem.
All right, well, I'll just have the nurse Bring in the paperwork.
It's okay.
I'll be back.
Excuse me a second.
[ speaking spanish .]
[ chuckles .]
How you doing, pal? Look, I appreciate you coming, all right? Make yourself at home.
Big Al.
Glad you could make it, Al.
What's with the United Nations? It's the wave of the future.
We got to expand.
Latin kings.
Folk nation.
[ scoffs .]
I better keep my wallet in my sock.
Behave yourself.
All right? We're about to make history here.
Better be on the right side of it.
So, where's Seamus? Oh, I can't imagine The north side agreeing to all of this.
And if he ain't at the table, You know this is all for nothing.
Hey, mi amigo.
Seamus is coming, all right? Why don't you get yourself a drink, Al.
Play friendly, huh? Where the hell is Seamus? What are you worried about? Celeste said he would be here.
Hey, look at this.
Hello, gentlemen.
Seamus has agreed to the sit-down, But he sent me to speak for him.
This sit-down is a joke.
I'm out of here.
Take a seat, Al.
Trapani, may I call you Al? Sweetheart You can call me anything you'd like.
[ laughter .]
Al, I respect traditions.
I do.
And I know that I need to earn my place at this table.
So here you go.
My little black book.
Should any of you need me, I am here to help you.
Umberto, two of your guys are being sentenced next week By judge marks.
Or as I know him, page 57.
Demytri, your girlfriend's son is gonna be deported Unless he gets a green card from immigration services, Someone like assistant director Bill Brewer.
Page 13.
Al, recently, some of your interests Have run afoul of the I.
I just happen to know a deputy inspector Who might be able to help you out.
OrMake things real hard.
Welcome to the table.
Everybody take a seat.
Let's get this meeting started.
Grace, hey.
I was looking for you.
What's up? I got the culture back on Scott Parker's eye.
Check it out.
Are you sure? Yeah.
I had them run it twice.
I-I don't understand what you're saying.
Okay, Scott.
Before you got sick, did you spend time around cats? No, I'm allergic to them.
I got dumped once 'cause this gal picked her orange tabby over me.
Do you garden? Could you have gotten nicked by a thorn? I live in an apartment.
Do you eat raw meat? I used to work the line at mick's on maxwell -- Best steak tartare in the city.
Wait a second.
Back up.
What's going on? You have something called toxoplasmosis.
It's a parasite that's occasionally found On cats and thorns and -- Raw meat.
So, that's why I'm blind.
And toxoplasmosis can present as lymphoma.
It's been known as "the great masquerader" Because it can fool biopsies.
But it's curable, Scott.
You do not have cancer.
Huh? Y-y-you're saying I'm not gonna die? Someday, but unless you keep jumping off buildings, You've got a few years left.
[ laughing .]
Scott, are you okay? Yes.
I am.
But my bucket list, it cost me 100 grand.
I put it all on credit cards.
You haven't even gotten the hospital bill yet.
I don't have money to pay for that.
You're screwed.
[ laughing .]
Yes, totally.
I am screwed.
But I'm gonna live, man.
[ laughs .]
I just don't like that guy Trapani.
And I won't do business with him.
Look, I understand.
You let me handle Trapani.
But if you need anything, just give me a call.
[ camera shutter clicking .]
The Latin Kings and the west side Have been at each other's throats for 15 years.
You didn't really think you could change all that, did you? It'll take some work, But at least we got them all to sit down at the table.
Nobody got shot.
Nice job.
So When can I expect those gaming machines on the west side? I'll have Stavos give you a call tomorrow, Get you set up, Al.
[ chuckles .]
How about I throw you a "g" and you give me a tug in the car? Ah! [ grunts .]
you call it a night, Al.
Constantine, you let go of me.
Let go of my arm.
Thank you for a memorable evening, gentlemen.
[ camera shutter clicking .]
A "g" was too generous.
[ camera shutter clicking .]
Trapani's an ass.
Always was.
A lot of big egos stepping on each other.
But I think it was a good start.
All that matters is everyone showed up Out of respect for you.
They know you're in charge.
We'll see.
[ camera shutter clicking .]
[ respirator hisngng .]
She looks so peaceful.
So, I spoke to her hospital case manager, And he found Kate a bed in the state-funded rehab, so Thank you.
I know she still has a hard road, But she'll be over the physical withdrawal.
If it wasn't for you, Grace You're a frigging saint.
Don't let anyone tell you different.
Thank you.
[ sighs .]
Constantine's plans are bigger than I imagined.
What part of "off the case" don't you get? I told you something big was happening.
This is it.
That's Al Trapani leaving a sit-down.
There hasn't been a sit-down since '97.
Oh, yeah? What do you call this? That's Umberto Cruz.
He's with the -- the Latin Kings.
Why does The Outfit want to meet with the Puerto Ricans? It's not just the Latin Kings.
You got the South Side Folk Nation.
You got Ukrainian Chi-Town.
There has never been a sit-down like this.
Constantine brought them all together.
I got to start making some calls.
You can start by calling off my flight to Miami.
Come on.
You need me here.
This has nothing to do with your situation.
My cover is still solid.
Nobody knows I'm a cop.
What about Constantine? He's not gonna kiss and make up.
So what? Everyone in The Outfit has enemies.
These guys respect loyalty, And they know I've been nothing but loyal to Moretti.
Come on.
Give me a chance to get back in.
If I said yes, how would you do it? Say yes.
I'll figure it out.
[ engine shuts off .]
[ car beeping .]
[ horn honks .]
I didn't think you'd show up.
Yeah, me neither.
So, you're really a cop, huh? Yep.
Who would have thunk it? Hmm.
So, what's the latest? I just, uh, used my brother and his buddies To muscle a heroin dealer away from his addict girlfriend.
You know -- a normal day.
You steering clear of Constantine? I tried.
Tried? Stavos threatened me.
Constantine won't let me go.
Constantine won't let anybody go.
Especially if he likes you.
When do you leave? Actually, I'm not going anywhere.
But you said-- I got a reprieve.
What about Constantine? What about him? Remember when I told you To get in the car and just drive to Mexico? Yeah, but that was in high school.
And, if you recall, we were gonna do that together Sounded good, right? Just live on the beach.
Buy a dive bar.
Pump out a few kids.
[ chuckling.]
You know, it's not too late.
To leave I mean.
Just get in the car and drive.
If I leave, my problems don't just disappear.
Well then, I guess there's only one way For us both to get out.
That's to get back in.

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