The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e08 Episode Script

Secret of the Clay Warriors

[theme music]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
Now, where's this marvelous discovery you've found?
Just a little further, Dr. Yang.
I found a concealed tunnel. And..
[gasps] There. What did I tell you?
(Dr. Yang) 'This truly is marvelous.'
'These clay statues can only mean one thing.'
The emperor's burial tomb is nearby.
We will work all day if we have to.
- And by tomorrow-- - 'Yang!'
(male #1) 'Come out now!
We wish to speak with you.'
Oh, no! The villagers again.
I will calm them down. You just keep working.
I'll be right back.
Who is there? Ha-ha-ha.
Well, those villagers almost have me
believing their foolish legends.
You will stop this destruction or pay dearly.
As I've told you before, Chin
the government has given me permission to excavate here.
But you are invading the tomb of our ancestors.
It must stop.
Uh, Dr. Yang, we're only concerned for your safety.
Please listen.
The spirits which guard the tomb
will harm you and your worker.
As the elder of the village
you must see the scientific importance of my work.
You will be swept away by the spirits
that guard our ancient emperor.
You will be doomed.
Uh, Dr. Yang, your life is in danger.
Please leave before something happens.
[man screaming]
My workman. He's in trouble.
'Come, we must help him.'
It is too late, Dr. Yang.
- Much too late. - Yes.
The spirits have been awakened.
(male #2) 'Dr. Yang! Help!'
Come, Chin.
The deed is done.
It was there.
In the dark. I saw it. It moved!
What happened? What did you see?
It came alive!
As I looked up, the clay warrior came to life.
It was alive! Alive!
Alive! Alive!
A trick of the light. That's all.
Just an illusion.
No! No, it can't be possible!
Can't be. No!
[clay warrior screams]
Stay away! Stay away!
So this is how you choose to spend your free time.
Sure, Hardrock, there's nothing better
than watching scary shows.
And Bandit's the biggest monster movie fan of us all.
[Bandit whimpering]
Boys, can you hold it down in there?
We're getting an emergency call over the short wave.
The radio signal's fading again, Dr. Quest.
(Dr. Yang on radio) 'in please.
Come in, Benson.'
'Quest, come in. Come in!'
We're receiving you, Dr. Yang. Repeat your message. Repeat.
(Dr. Yang) 'The spirits
have been released.'
The spirits, they are alive!
It's true! The villagers were right after all.
(Dr. Quest on radio) 'Dr. Yang,
you're not making sense.'
'Please, calm down. Calm down!'
(Dr. Yang) 'Old friend, my excavation
at Xiexing is successful.'
'Too successful! Unbelievable.'
The clay warriors protecting the emperor's tomb
have come to life!
Please come, quickly. Now, please!
We're on our way. Don't worry, Dr. Yang.
Ah! Keep away from me.
'No. No!'
'Stay back!'
(Dr. Quest on radio) 'Dr. Yang, can you hear me?'
'Dr. Yang, can you..'
Nothing but static. We've lost Dr. Yang.
Race, get Questor One ready. We're going to China.
(Race) Good thing
we're almost there, doctor.
We're getting terrible gas mileage this trip out.
You're not implying that I'm the cause
of your diminished fuel efficiency, are you, Race?
Well, at 3,000 pounds, you're more than carry-on luggage.
[laughing] He's just joking, Hardrock.
Look, down there. The Great Wall of China.
Yes! I used to look something like that
until I started dieting.
[chuckling] See? I can take a joke, fellas.
[all laughing]
(Dr. Quest) 'Here's Dr. Yang's
excavation site.'
'Just beyond Xiexing Village, Race.'
(Race) 'I've got it
locked in, doctor.'
You know, I don't feel the presence of any spirits here.
Okay, spirits, come out
wherever you are!
That's not how you summon them, Jonny.
Boys, don't fool around there.
Not until we've checked it out. Understand?
That came from inside
the tent, doctor.
Okay, you spirits.
'Come out, come out, whoever you are.'
You! You are trespassing on our land.
Begone. Begone!
Hold it, hold it, friend. We were invited here.
Dr. Yang radioed for our help.
He did. Have you seen him?
Our ancestor's tomb was violated and the spirits took him.
Begone! Or suffer the same fate.
Wait! Are you from the village?
- We just wanna ask-- - Forget it, doctor.
He's not exactly the welcome wagon.
You got that right.
Look at how he ransacked Dr. Yang's tent.
He he. The so-called spirits could have made this mess.
Hm, I wonder.
Break out the sand rover, Race.
Jonny, Hadji, we're going to explore the village.
'You stay here and pitch camp.'
'Hardrock, you come with us.'
(Jonny and Hadji) Oh!
We can do a little exploring of our own, Hadji. How about it?
And, Jonny, stay away from the excavation site.
'It's dangerous.'
- 'Be careful.' - Sure thing, dad.
'We'll be careful.'
[instrumental music]
Pardon me, sir, but can you..
Say, pal, we have a few questions we'd like to a..
Uh! Man!
We'd never win a popularity contest around here.
Not too welcome.
Pardon me, sir. Can you spare just a moment of your time?
[speaking in native language]
(Dr. Quest) 'That's not necessary,
But since we do have his attention, ahem.
Where is the leader of your village? Your elder?
[speaking in native language]
Thank you. Uh, you've really made it clear.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
(Hadji) I don't think
this is a good idea, Jonny.
The old pillow trick may not work.
It's worth tryin'.
We're gonna do a little late night snooping.
'They'll never know we left.'
And suppose we run into the spirits of the clay warriors?
Bandit will protect us.
(male #3) We warned Dr. Yang
several times.
I hope nothing serious
has happened to your friend, Dr. Quest.
These are strange times.
If I may, sir.
One of your villagers was rummaging
through Dr. Yang's tent when we arrived.
No! Who was it?
I will not tolerate a thief in Xiexing!
[all murmuring]
'Tell me, Chin. Who was it?'
It was I, noble elder.
But I stole nothing, I swear! I tell the truth.
If you know anything about Dr. Yang
you will tell his friends.
(Chin) 'Oh, yes, noble elder.'
He was seen in Leepan just this afternoon.
Leepan is the next village over, Dr. Quest.
'A much more hospitable place than Xiexing.'
'I suggest you visit there.'
Thank you for your help. It's appreciated.
May the grace of our ancestors guide you, Dr. Quest.
[all murmuring]
The warrior spirits will finish them off now.
[crickets chirping]
Hm. It's too quiet around here.
I don't like it.
Jonny? Hadji?
'Bandit, you awake?'
'Looks like everyone's fast asleep.'
'That's good.'
Hardrock, start up the sand rover. We're moving
We'll check around Leepan and not wake the boys.
Doctor, do you really think
Dr. Yang was seen in that other village?
I don't know, but at this point we've gotta follow
every lead until we find him, Race.
(Race) At least we know the boys
are safe and sound for once.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea of mine, Hadji.
Yeah, we can always come back
tomorrow, can't we?
That might be a better idea.
[Bandit barking]
- 'Bandit!' - 'You!'
Did our blanket trick fool them, Bandit?
Good. Okay.
Well, since we've gone this far..
We might as well go a little farther.
(both) You first!
- No, after you. - No, no, after you.
[Bandit barking]
(Jonny) 'Hey, Bandit, wait for us.'
'Hold on!'
Go away! Go. Go!
Please. We mean you no harm. We're just looking for--
There is nothing left in our village.
The spirits have taken everything of value.
There is nothing left. Leave us in peace.
'Go away!'
I don't know what's going on around here
but every single villager we've talked to is frightened.
Totally terrorized.
I was kidding before, doctor
but now I'm beginning to believe in these spirits.
Wow! There must be a couple hundred of these clay warriors.
Look at 'em. And, boy, are they ugly.
(Hadji) 'Jonny, look what
I found over here.'
- What do you make of these? - Hm.
Some weird looking footprints.
(Hadji) 'They weren't made by any shoe'
'or boot that I know of.'
[Bandit barking]
What was the last thing you said, Hadji?
No shoe or boot that I know of.
Bandit, don't make him any madder than he is.
What a great vanishing act!
He's gone! Where'd he go?
[both screaming]
Okay. You asked for it.
Heeyaa! Hi-yah!
Hi-yah! Heeyaa!
Let me try my hand, Jonny.
Ahem. Sim sim salabim!
Pretty neat trick, huh?
Here I am. Ha-ha-ha!
I don't believe it. Look!
What is it?
(Jonny) 'He must be.. It looks like..'
(Jonny and Hadji) 'Dr. Yang!'
Hey, we frightened away the warrior spirit.
He's not so tough.
There are no spirits. Just clever thieves.
How did you know I was trapped in one of the statues?
- Well, I-- - It was kinda obvious.
Uh, wasn't it? I guess.
You must be Dr. Quest's boy, Jonny.
Yes, I am. At your service, Dr. Yang.
- Where's your father right now? - Probably at camp.
Or still checking around Xiexing Village.
Oh, no! He's in terrible danger.
We must hurry.
[intense music]
slam slam
I'd say this trip looks like nothing more
than an elaborate diversion.
You mean a wild-goose chase, Hardrock?
You're both wrong. It's a trap!
I think we found the warrior spirits, doctor.
And they seem very lively for being over 4,000 years old.
Way to go, Hardrock! You just made your first home run!
[warriors screaming]
Dr. Quest! Race!
- Hardrock, look out! - Behind you!
Alright, we give up.
Just pull our friend away from that electricity
'before it's too late.'
[groaning continues]
- We can't find anyone. - It's just like a ghost town.
There's a government base just a few kilometers away.
You boys go back to camp, while I go for help.
Come on, Jonny.
[Bandit barking]
What is it, Bandit?
Hadji, look!
More of those weird footprints.
- Like inside the tunnel. - Attaboy, Bandit!
Let's follow him.
We already checked this place. It's deserted.
Yeah, but we didn't have this clue before.
(Jonny) 'The footprints.
They suddenly stop.'
Whoever made them just vanished.
(Jonny) 'Yeah. Like into thin air.'
[intense music]
I fear this is the end of us all!
Yeah. No telling what terrible trap is below us.
So long, Bandit.
[Bandit whimpering]
- Hadji! - Nice knowing you, Jonny.
This is it.
Wow! Would you look at all this stuff?
This is the best trap we've ever fallen into.
Where's Bandit?
[laughs] Looks like Bandit's
finally in the money.
[both laughing]
We must have fallen right into Dr. Yang's excavation.
[gasps] What if this is
the emperor's treasure room?
I don't think so, Hadji.
This stuff looks too new to have been buried
thousands of years ago.
And who do those horses belong to?
[indistinct mumbling]
[gasps] Shh! Jonny! Voices. Listen.
The spirits are angry that we found their treasure.
(Race) 'If I ever get
my hands on you..'
That was Race's voice. Come on!
[coins jingling]
You bad guys are all alike, Chin.
You never ever fight fair.
It is so much easier this way.
Besides you good guys are always so ungrateful.
Didn't we save your over-sized friend?
Yes. Saved him, so you could get rid of us all together.
But you have discovered our secret, Dr. Quest.
The secret of the clay warriors.
- We've got to rescue them. - It's not gonna be easy.
But those horses back in the treasure room give me an idea.
Come on.
It's obvious you and your thieving friends
have been disguising yourselves as warrior spirits
to frighten the local villagers and steal from them.
You talk too much.
But we will silence you as we silenced Dr. Yang.
A thin coating of this liquid
makes us appear to be clay statues.
'But a thicker coating'
will transform you into statues.
Enough talk!
You'll see for yourselves firsthand.
[horses clopping]
(Jonny) Wahoo! Make way
for the cavalry!
[Chin grunts]
Mind if I give you two a lift?
Nice going, Hardrock.
[grunts] Swing us around.
I'll release Dr. Quest.
We've got them on the run now, Hadji.
Wahoo! Wa-hoo-hoo!
I don't understand it.
I told the boys to wait here for me.
There's no telling what danger they are in.
[men screaming]
Please! Please! Help me.
- Keep them away from me. - Why so frightened, Chin?
Being chased by the warrior spirits?
No! No! Those two kids.
(both) Yahoo!
Dr. Yang brought the reinforcements.
[crickets chirping]
Ah, Benton. Thank goodness all of you are safe.
- And you too, Dr. Yang. - 'We got 'em, dad.'
- We did it! We're heroes! - Just like in the movies.
(both) Yahoo!
This story is truly amazing, Dr. Yang.
Really unbelievable.
I would never have guessed
Chin was robbing our unfortunate neighbors.
This is tragic.
[Bandit growling]
Quiet, boy, it's all over.
It was a brilliant, but devious operation.
True, and it's hard to believe that Chin
was the mastermind of such a scheme.
Bandit! Bandit!
[gasps] Hadji, look at his shoes!
(Hadji) 'They're the ones that made
those weird footprints.'
Dr. Yang, they're the ones we saw inside the tunnels.
His beard's a fake.
Well, what do you know? He's not even an old man.
Chin didn't lead the thieves.
It was the elder all along.
And he might have gotten away
if it wasn't for Bandit.
Hey, where is our little hero?
There. Ha-ha.
'I think he wants to be in charge for a while.'
[all laughing]
[theme music]
[music continues]
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