The Orchestra (2022) s01e08 Episode Script


Look at Simon kissing his ass.
It's been ten minutes,
and he's already got
his tongue up his asshole.
- Did you have trouble with the bike?
- Yes.
Just stand over there.
Yes, Bjarne, you heard him.
Would you
So we can finish up here.
You're late.
I have a brilliant idea
for getting rid of Simon.
Hi, Simon.
It's quiet.
Are you the last man standing?
The last of the Mohicans.
You shouldn't joke about that.
Native people have been killed and
colonized by imperialists for centuries.
By white men like you, Simon.
Oh well. Come on in.
Tomorrow's rehearsals
have been moved to 9.15 a.m.
It's occupied.
Was it just a shitty day?
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm sorry for stopping you like this.
No, that's fine.
Hi, Tobias.
What happened last time
Oh yeah.
I'm sorry about that.
That's why I stopped you when I saw you.
I'd just like to follow through on it
and try again.
I think we should talk about it
and fix the relationship.
That'd be great.
Are you free tonight?
You could come to our place.
Then the kids can play
and have a good social interaction.
That's a great idea.
We'd love to. Right, Alma?
- No.
- 7.30?
- That's perfect.
- Good.
Hi, honey.
- What's with her?
- Something happened with Tobias.
- I ran into Tobias's mom.
- You didn't talk to her, did you?
We had a short conversation.
- She invited us over tonight.
- Seriously?
Holy shit. She's just
What did she say when you said no?
Did you say yes?
- God damn it, Jeppe.
- I did.
Yes. I think it's the right thing to do.
We have to fix this for the kids' sake.
- Are you serious?
- Yes, I am.
- Alma, come here.
- Why do you want to get her involved?
Alma, do you want to go
to Tobias's place tonight?
No, I really don't.
No. Me neither.
We don't want to go.
No. You might not want to,
but sometimes you do stuff like that
because it's the right thing to do.
We're doing it together as a family,
and that's that!
- Hello there.
- Hi, Jeppe.
You didn't bring Regitze and Alma?
Regitze got a migraine,
so Alma had to stay home with her.
I mean Alma got a migraine,
so Regitze had to stay home with her.
I brought ice cream.
It was nice of Jeppe to bring ice cream.
Tobias, your dad's not home.
Is he out playing soccer
or out with the guys?
Partying hard.
No. He's not home.
We split up.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know that
We have different ideas of how many
people a relationship consists of.
I think it's two.
He thinks it's a two-digit number.
Tobias caught him red-handed
with our cleaning lady, Bettina.
Her cleaning sucks,
but that's not why he hired her.
- Can I finish my ice cream in my room?
- It's probably for the best.
I feel like I'm able to breathe again.
Can I finish my ice cream in my room?
Of course, you can, honey.
That's just terrible.
Yeah, but there's a limit
to what you should tolerate.
- Definitely.
- It's a tough decision of course.
When you have a child together.
Thank you for a lovely evening.
That's always a terrible situation.
It's okay.
Well. Tobias's mom, I should
- What?
- "Tobias's mom."
You're funny. I like that.
- Laughing's good for you.
- Yeah. It sure is.
You and I need to laugh more often.
- We do.
- Alma's dad.
- That's funny. Laughing's good.
- Yes.
- Well, take care.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Did you have a good time?
I wouldn't exactly say that.
Tobias's parents split up.
He probably left her.
He was cheating on her.
Who can blame him?
Do you think it's okay
to have an affair?
No. I'm just saying
that she's a horrible person.
She wasn't cheating.
Whatever. I don't really care
if they're happily married,
if he's cheating on her,
or if she drops dead.
Why are we talking about them?
You asked me if I had a good time,
which I didn't.
I'm going to bed.
Tobias's mom.
- What's her name?
- Solveig.
What a stupid name.
It's Simon.
Didn't you make him see a therapist
because of his substance abuse?
He had a meltdown in front of everyone!
Do you want to get him fired?
- Why did you want to meet here?
- Quiet!
I've been waiting for half an hour!
How was the meeting?
- Terrible.
- What do you mean exactly?
Gertrud convinced Mablewood
to give Simon one more chance.
You've gotta be shitting me!
- What the fuck are you doing up there?
- Mind your clarinet.
What's wrong with my clarinet?
Your department
What are we gonna do?
I have a plan
that we can set in motion tomorrow.
An awfully diabolical plan
if I do say so myself.
- Tell me about the plan, Jeppe.
- Now?
- Yes, please.
- Right.
What's wrong? You
You're completely distracted.
What happened with that note?
You've been going on and on
about that note.
It makes no sense.
Who'd do such a thing?
I'm not leaving my family
to talk to you about work and notes.
Do you even want to talk to me?
You've gotta stop this.
Does he have your number?
No. I'm calling him.
- Is it ringing? Did you get through?
- It's ringing.
- Did he pick up?
- No.
Did he pick up?
You have five minutes. Tops.
Five minutes?
What if that's not enough?
From R.
Does anyone have a lozenge?
Yes. I do, actually.
He's a public servant. He'll get
a severance package of three years pay.
Is that the same budget?
Shut up, Jeppe.
I know it was you, Bo!
What are you talking about?
You're behind it all.
You want my spot.
But I won't be looking for a new job.
You will!
I don't know what you're talking about.
You will!
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