The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Here's some breaking news.
The government just announced
that Bosuk Village will go through
a big redevelopment.
The redevelopment plan
was constantly delayed
and had everyone
anticipating the project.
We finally made it.
We made it!
(Episode 8)
Sir! I'm rich now!
I'm rich!
(Bosuk Village will become
the next Gangnam)
Everyone, I'm rich!
Did she die because you bullied her
just like how you're bullying me?
Do you want me to die just like her?
But I won't die like she did.
I'll make sure
the world finds out
what you did to me
and have you all punished!
Where did he come from?
Who is he?
I don't know.
Someone should take her
to the infirmary.
It's okay.
I can go alone.
Man, you guys are unbelievable.
Is this how kids from
wealthy families have fun?
Who are you?
Who are you to trespass into
our school?
I'm your teacher.
All of you. Gather at the schoolyard
in 10 minutes.
- What is he saying?
- Who's he?
Go get changed into your gym suits!
My name is Gu Ho Dong.
I'll be in charge of
your PE class from now on.
But I have a foul temper,
so I can't stand the sight of you
coming unprepared for class.
The classroom is a mess,
and you almost made
your classmate fall and get injured.
I really can't stand this.
All of you. Give me 10 laps
around the schoolyard.
This punishment feels unfair.
We did nothing wrong.
Bae Ro Na threatened us
and acted violently first.
Is that so?
But too bad.
This is my privilege as a teacher.
If you have a problem with it,
you should become a teacher too.
How pathetic.
What's with your outfit?
Look at that ragged tracksuit
and shirt you have on.
How embarrassing.
Hey. If I embarrass you,
why don't you buy me new clothes?
If you don't start running,
I'll give you all penalty points.
Okay. You asked for it.
You all get one penalty point.
You're still not going to run?
You all get
two more penalty points.
You all get
three more penalty points.
- Okay.
- Darn it.
Good. Keep running like that.
Very good. 1, 2.
How could a student watch TV
all day instead of reading?
(Dalhyun Real Estate Office)
Our plan has been ruined.
They announced the redevelopment
plan before I bought the house.
Oh Yoon Hee is one lucky wench.
She really is a pain in the neck.
Okay, let's talk later.
You're here.
Why did you come?
You must be busy.
Of course, I should come
when my wife has started working.
Since you've started,
I wish you good luck.
You can just quit anytime
if you want.
These are the flowers
you said you wanted.
Black roses.
Thank you.
- Do you know what black roses mean?
- No.
"You are mine forever".
And there's one more meaning.
I see.
Why? You have the energy
to fight with a friend
but no energy to run?
Fine, then. Six more laps.
- Hey!
- Seok Kyung!
Seok Kyung, wake up!
Seok Kyung, what's wrong?
Wake up. Seok Kyung!
All of you, stop right there.
I told you to stop.
Hey. Stop putting on a show
and get up at the count of three.
If you don't get up,
I'll give you 10 penalty points.
- three!
- How could a teacher be like this?
Will you take responsibility
if she gets hurt?
I'll take her to the infirmary now.
Seok Kyung, get up.
It's so elegant and lovely.
It's perfect for you.
Come on, this type of design
is too common.
Do you have the dress
Kendall Jenner wore
at the closing stage of
the recent Haute Couture Collection?
I'll take that.
Yes, please come with me.
My gosh,
look at all these clothes and shoes.
How many did she buy?
She can practically open
a new shop with this stuff.
The redevelopment for Bosuk Village
has begun.
It is considered
as the largest project in Seoul.
Major construction companies
are already competing fiercely
to be selected as the contractor.
- The companies are even
- Wait a minute. That place
- using bribes and lobbying.
- is really getting redeveloped?
Then does it mean
that darned wench
is going to get rich?
Who is the darned wench?
It's Bae Ro Na's mom.
Who do you think?
Bosuk Village will be developed.
If companies are caught
giving out bribes
My gosh. Did she know about this
No way.
Even I didn't know about this.
How could she have possibly known?
There's no way
our wealthy friends
would miss this kind of
important information.
The company that's selected
as the contractor
Okay, Oh Yoon Hee.
Let's start over from the beginning.
Ro Na, you just wait.
I promise I'll have you live there.
Write down the truth.
Why you broke the sculpture,
why you climbed over the railing,
and why you swung a mop
at the kids.
(Psychic Counseling)
Ro Na, are you alright?
What on earth happened?
Are you hurt?
What's wrong with your neck?
You hurt your neck?
How could you hurt your neck?
How bad is it?
It's nothing, so don't mind me.
She put on a suicide show.
What are you doing here?
Hello. I'm Ro Na's homeroom teacher.
What? Homeroom teacher?
A conman can't teach.
I'm glad we met, you scumbag!
Darn it!
You made them circle
the field 10 times?
Don't you know that
a singer's body is their instrument?
The kids refused to do PE,
so I simply gave a punishment.
Cancel the penalty points
Their parents are
calling to complain already.
Causing such problems
in your first class
can't be good for you.
Okay, then.
I'll be more careful, Ms. Cheon.
But isn't
giving out penalty points
up to the teacher's discretion?
Mr. Gu.
Let's talk, Ms. Cheon,
head of the art department.
What about?
Ma Doo Ki
No. Why is this con artist
in this school?
Can you explain?
Is it a problem that a talented
classical singing teacher
is working at Cheong Ah Arts High?
Because of him, my Ro Na almost
didn't make it to this school.
He gave us fake information
Must I know of his personal issues?
You two should sort out
the issues you two had.
By the way, it looks like
Ro Na got into trouble
yet again today.
How exactly did you
educate your daughter?
She threatened to kill herself,
ruined the school's atmosphere,
and even damaged school property.
Are you venting at me
knowing what she's done?
The Award and Punishment
Committee will penalize her.
You should be prepared.
Don't you care that
my daughter was hurt?
When you're a teacher?
This is the teachers' office.
Don't yell and be crass.
If you're that upset
your daughter's hurt,
why don't you get penalized instead?
She got so many
penalty points that
cleaning the school all-day
would not make up for it.
Bae Ro Na. The PE teacher
made us run because of you.
It's your fault
we got penalty points.
What'll you do about it?
Why should I care about
your penalty points?
How come you're
so much like your mom?
Why would you bring her up?
Is bullying me not enough?
Don't you know?
Your mom threatened to kill herself
when she went to this school.
That's why the Cheong Ah
Art Festival got canceled.
- Is that true?
- She's her daughter?
- That's her?
- For real?
She got jealous her rival
won the Grand Prize,
so she slit her own neck
with the trophy.
Like this.
Is that true?
The person who cut
her own neck with the trophy was
That's so scary!
- My goodness.
- No way.
Don't lie!
If you don't believe me,
ask your mom yourself.
But then, she might not
tell the truth out of shame.
Ha Eun Byeol is
Ms. Cheon Seo Jin's daughter?
So if you want to keep your job,
act accordingly.
The side you take
can determine
your career and future.
- Right.
- Music is most important here.
It's fortunate for you that you're
my assistant homeroom teacher.
Right. My gosh, I almost
messed up real bad.
It's a list of students
you must take extra care of.
My gosh.
It's obvious
you're from the countryside.
If you want to retire at a school
within our foundation,
you know what
you must do, don't you?
Of course, I do.
I'm really quick at noticing things.
My goodness. Thank you, thank you.
I hope you'll give me lots of tips
and advice in the future.
Start by brushing your teeth.
Joo Seok Hoon, Seok Kyung,
Ha Eun Byeol, Lee Min Hyuk,
Yoo Jenny. Committed to memory.
Welcome, Dr. Ha.
Sorry I'm late.
My surgery dragged on.
That must've been tough.
I asked to meet urgently
because of an investment.
This one is on a whole new scale
from our previous projects.
It'll be our biggest
investment ever.
- How much are you thinking?
- 150 million dollars.
Within six months,
the price of land will double.
Are you talking about
that plot in Myeongdong?
Korea's largest shopping town
will be built right here.
Scrape together as much as you can.
I guarantee a profit of
five times what you invested.
5 times Then 1 million
will become 5 million dollars?
And 10 million dollars
will become 50 million dollars.
This is really incredible.
The problem was the old man
who owned a plot
right in the middle.
Wasn't redevelopment impossible
because he refused to sell?
His land is up at an auction too.
I got his bank
to block his finances
and he had no choice.
Once we purchase that home,
it's game over.
There will be no obstacles
to our plan.
You're just awesome!
It's you we're talking about,
Chairman Joo.
You're a deity who creates
something from nothing.
I plan to bet everything I made
on this project.
Joo Dan Tae.
Very soon you will meet
someone who will be your enemy
and ally.
What a sight to see.
A mom trying to make up
for her daughter's problems.
It almost wants to make me cry.
Is it true that you moved into
Min Seol Ah's old apartment?
You seem to care a lot about others.
What a lucky mother and daughter.
Now they just have
to collect the profit.
Still. How did you think of doing
something as scary as living in
a home someone died in?
How could you do that
just for the love of money?
That's right. I love money.
So what? Are you jealous that
my house will profit five times?
If so, just say so!
Why would I envy you?
Would I envy you cleaning toilets
or you living in a tiny
Bosuk Village apartment?
Or would I be envious that
your kid has so many penalty points?
Stop minding
other people's business.
If you're that bored,
go home and count your cash.
The bell rang. Aren't you here
to pick up your daughter?
My gosh.
What is wrong with her?
I should rip her cheeks.
Oh, dear. I'm sorry.
My princess is calling. Excuse me.
It's me.
I can leave early tomorrow.
Are you free?
I love it.
I booked a hot restaurant.
See you tomorrow.
My goodness.
Who was that?
Someone who puts on events.
It's about a recital.
You're in a good mood.
By the way, why did you
go see your father?
Why did he suddenly
call you at night?
It was about the foundation.
He's worried now that I'm in charge.
Why do you suddenly want to know?
You don't like it when I care and
don't like it when I'm indifferent.
What is it that you want?
If you're that crazy about
showing off, don't do anything.
Don't ask and don't be curious.
That'll do.
(Hello, Ms. Cheon Seo Jin,
The details of your reservation.)
(Sushi Bar Eobujiri, March 5 for 2,
Cheongdam-dong Huijeong-ro 128-6)
(Hera Palace's Superstar,
The Youngest Cutie, Lee Kyu Jin)
You have captivated my heart
Samba, samba, samba, samba
We dance
Who got them?
Do you think I'll fail?
Do you think I'll fail?
Do you think living like that
will ruin what my parents gave me?
2, 3, 4
Bounce with me, bounce with me,
bounce with me, bounce
Bounce with me
You are the best.
It's been a while since
you put on a show for me,
and it put me in such a great mood.
Then Mi Ja, give me
a huge allowance!
You must have a stash
your husband doesn't know about!
It's Kyu Jin's wish.
Will you do that for me?
I will, Kyu Jin.
How much do you want?
How much will do?
Did you ever see me not do
what you asked?
Mi Ja, shall I sing another song?
It's tiring, isn't it?
Have a red ginseng drink.
How do you like your new tutor?
Not bad.
Did you kill her?
Min Seol Ah was in
the mechanical room that night.
I know that.
Shouldn't you explain?
Why did you say
such a strange thing?
That I killed Min Seol Ah.
On what grounds?
Min Seol Ah died in Hera Palace.
Didn't she?
Didn't you lock her in
the mechanical room?
Said who? Where did you hear
such nonsense?
You should answer
before you hear my reply.
Did you really kill Min Seol Ah?
Why would I?
Why would I
get blood on my hands
to eliminate a nobody?
It's fine if you didn't.
Good night.
Joo Seok Hoon.
What on earth did you see?
No one will go to the mechanical
room looking for Min Seol Ah, right?
If she
exposes our relationship
Who would believe her?
They'll think
a crazy girl's acting out.
We just need to find her darn phone.
She's no pushover.
If we take her lightly,
she might get to us.
Father and Cheon Seo Jin
are all gross.
What did you do to Min Seol Ah?
Did she die because you bullied her
just like how you're bullying me?
Do you want me to die just like her?
Get a grip, Ha Eun Byeol.
Don't care about that.
Eun Byeol, I'm so pleased
your grades went up.
Math isn't tough, is it?
Don't mind Seok Kyung too much
and just follow your own pace.
I like you so much for working hard.
(From Anna)
Why are you tearing that up?
Go away, Min Seol Ah.
- Eun Byeol.
- Please leave me alone.
What's the matter?
I didn't do anything wrong.
Get lost right now!
Pull yourself together,
Ha Eun Byeol!
Min Seol Ah
Why would you mention Min Seol Ah?
Did you see something?
It was definitely Min Seol Ah.
I'm scared. I'm scared to death.
- Min Seol Ah is dead.
- No, I saw her.
She came into my room.
I had a bad feeling when Bae Ro Na
moved into her apartment.
Does Bae Ro Na have
something to do with Min Seol Ah?
What if Ro Na got into our school
to avenge for Seol Ah?
If If Min Seol Ah is alive
Get a grip, will you?
I'm scared. I'm so scared.
I'm scared.
Get up.
Get up now!
Get up.
- Come with me.
- I'm scared. Where are we going?
Why the mechanical room?
This is where Min Seol Ah died.
Yes, she died here.
Like you said, Min Seol Ah's dead.
She can't come back.
I don't like it here. I'm scared.
I don't want to be here.
Do as I say!
Listen carefully to what I say.
If you can't erase Min Seol Ah,
you'll never amount to anything.
Get over her yourself.
Or you'll lose both
to Min Seol Ah and Bae Ro Na.
I told you
the nasty relationship
I had with Bae Ro Na's mom.
She stabbed her own neck
and tried to put it on me.
That's how cutthroat this field is.
People will do anything to win.
How can you beat Ro Na
with a frail mindset like yours?
You can't even control your mind,
so you see things and struggle.
How will you ever win Grand Prize
at the Cheong Ah Art Festival?
Get over it yourself.
Break free from Min Seol Ah.
Only then can you beat Ro Na.
Forget everything else.
I'll never forgive you
if you lose to Bae Ro Na.
I want to beat her too.
I want to beat her so much,
it's driving me crazy!
Then beat her.
That's all you must do.
You know "Sempre libera"
from Verdi's opera, right?
Min Seol Ah sang that
for her entrance exam.
Practice that right here.
How can I sing in here?
You must. Only then
can you get over this!
You can't get into Seoul University
of Music with that mindset.
For me to take over
Cheong Ah Foundation,
you must become the best.
Do you get what I mean?
- Still, I can't do
- You can do it, can't you?
I'll wait outside.
You must sing loud enough for me
to hear it from outside.
If I don't like what I hear,
I'll lock you up in here all night.
Mom. Mom!
You can't leave me here, Mom!
Darn it.
Ro Na's mom?
Ro Na didn't come home yet.
I think something happened to her
at school today.
What if she's thinking of
doing something bad?
I'm so worried about her.
Don't you know?
Your mom threatened to kill herself
when she went to this school.
it is a shameful past,
so I guess it would be better
for your daughter not to know.
How could people be so greedy?
You were punished for coveting
what you didn't deserve.
That's why
Ms. Cheon hated me so much.
I feel so sorry for you.
You don't have a home either?
Were you abandoned?
Where are you going?
It's dangerous.
It's dangerous!
Ro Na.
Ms. Shim.
What are you doing here?
Your mom is worried sick.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
Let's go home.
Thank you for everything, Ms. Shim.
Take this with you.
You'll need these.
Thank you so much.
Ro Na.
Can you send me photos of this dog
once in a while?
I'll miss it.
- Goodnight.
- Bye.
Ro Na!
Where have you been?
Thank you.
Do you know how worried I was?
Where were you?
Why did you turn off your phone?
What is that dog?
I don't think it has
a place to stay.
I'm going to raise it from now on.
How could you raise a dog
in that tiny house?
It's my condition for living here.
So don't even think of saying no.
I heard everything.
About why you and Ms. Cheon
are on bad terms
and why you quit singing.
And even about
that scar on your neck.
- Ro Na.
- I heard you hurt yourself
at Cheong Ah Art Festival
to take the trophy.
No. That's not true.
Why can't you say anything?
Is it really true?
You really stabbed your own neck
out of jealousy for Ms. Cheon?
Did you?
You won't believe me either.
Back then and even now,
no one believes me.
If you don't believe me either,
I can't
No, I believe you.
I believe you would've never done
such a thing.
I'll take back that trophy for you.
It belongs to you.
It was taken from you.
You beat Ms. Cheon fair and square.
Thank you for believing me,
my daughter.
I'm your daughter.
Who else would I believe?
About what happened today.
I had no choice but to do it.
I have to endure everything
no matter what.
- Let's go.
- Okay, let's go.
You will all be singing a chorus
for your midterm exam.
I'm going to test your singing
before I divide you into groups.
- My gosh.
- Oh, no.
Stop complaining and get ready.
Bravo. Bravo.
Eun Byeol, you're amazing.
- You can keep singing soprano.
- Okay, Mr. Ma.
Next. Bae Ro Na.
Cut. Cut.
Ro Na, you'll be singing mezzo.
What? Why are you making me
sing mezzo?
Anyone can tell
I'm fit to sing soprano.
And who exactly would say that?
I'll decide since I'm the teacher.
How dare you get stubborn with me?
Your voice is fit to sing mezzo.
No, I don't agree with that.
My voice sounds most beautiful
when I sing high notes.
I can't accept
why I need to sing mezzo.
If you sing the song
I tell you to sing perfectly,
I'll let you sing soprano.
Do you think you can do that?
Yes, I'll give it a try.
I want you to sing the last part
of "Je Suis Titania"
written by Mignon.
She can't sing that.
Even the best prima donna
can't sing that song perfectly.
Are you ready?
Ms. Catherine.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
You couldn't make Bae Ro Na
into a mezzo?
I had no choice.
She sang the soprano part
so smoothly.
She even had perfect techniques.
It's truly something a high schooler
cannot pull off.
Do you call that an excuse?
I told you her part can't overlap
with Eun Byeol's.
All the students were watching,
so I had no choice.
I'm sorry.
Keep an eye on Seok Kyung too.
Eun Byeol is wary of Seok Kyung
the most.
Eun Byeol is getting better
day by day,
so there's no need to worry
about Seok Kyung.
See you later.
Bae Ro Na.
I should've gotten rid of you
from the start.
Oh, dear.
Well, well. This is making me
very curious.
Why does Ms. Cheon hate
Bae Ro Na so much?
I didn't know you worked here.
I was too busy working myself,
and I've never been to such
a fancy place before.
Did you always work here?
It belonged to my mom,
and I'm in charge now.
By the way, congratulations.
I heard Bosuk Village
will be redeveloped.
It hasn't even been that long
since you moved there.
I guess I was lucky.
I envy you.
Come on, it's nothing to envy.
I really got lucky.
I'm thinking of learning
to make some extra money.
Can you help me?
How could I help you?
I'm not even an expert.
Where are you planning to move
later on?
You can't keep living in
Bosuk Village
once the redevelopment starts.
Yes, I'm thinking of moving
somewhere else
for Ro Na's sake.
How about Hera Palace?
I'm not qualified to live there.
What are you talking about?
A house is just a house.
Well, actually, that's not true.
We live in a world
where a house represents
one's character, rank,
and even power.
That's all the more reason
for you to live in Hera Palace.
For Ro Na.
You said a mom should do anything
for her child's sake.
Oh. Do you have time tonight?
I bought movie tickets,
but my husband suddenly said
he had plans.
Do you want to go with me?
(Cheong Ah Medical Center)
(Hello, Ms. Cheon Seo Jin,
The details of your reservation.)
(Sushi Bar Eobujiri, March 5 for 2,
Cheongdam-dong Huijeong-ro 128-6)
(Sushi Bar Eobujiri)
Where are you? I've just arrived.
(Sushi Bar Eobujiri)
Sir, do you have a reservation?
May I help you?
- Is someone there?
- It's nothing.
Enjoy your meal.
We want some privacy, so
please don't come until we call you.
Yes, sir.
I missed this scent.
Do you know you're getting
bolder and bolder?
You don't know me yet.
I haven't even started.
What are we doing
after dinner?
I'm looking forward
to tonight's course.
I'm afraid I'll be late.
Can you go in first?
Amazing. This place is great.
I can't believe I'm here.
Where's my seat?
Here it is.
It's really Cheon Seo Jin.
Who is that?
Seok Kyung's dad?
Oh, my gosh.
Are you at the theater?
- Yes, but
- I'm on my way in.
I'll go out now. Just wait there.
They're really crazy.
Did you come to greet me?
- Let's go in.
- No, we can't go in there.
Why? Is something wrong?
Tell me.
Your husband
is inside.
What is he doing here?
He said he had a late meeting.
You're probably mistaken.
What? Wait, no.
He's with a woman.
What are you talking about?
Let's go out.
At a time like this,
soju is the best medicine.
Just have a drink first.
I know how you feel.
My dead husband was the same.
He got completely drunk
and fell over a railing and died.
And until the moment he died,
he was having fun
with another woman.
He never gave me a penny
his whole life,
but bought expensive clothes
for her
and even got a loan
to open up a restaurant for her.
But all he left me was debt.
My gosh, how could he?
He's already dead, so I never
got to get angry at him.
After burying him,
my hatred
became deeply rooted
inside my heart.
Drink slowly. I don't want you
How could he leave such
a kind and pretty woman like you
to have an affair
with a brat like Cheon Seo Jin?
I just feel so upset.
You're like a big sister to me.
Since I brought it up,
can I just call you Su Ryeon now?
You can just call me Yoon Hee too.
I'll help you.
We're up against Cheon Seo Jin.
Did you say you two went
to the same school?
We went to the same high school.
If a deity really does exist
and said I won't be punished
for killing someone,
she's the one who I want to kill
with my own hands.
("Cheon Seo Jin Overcomes
Her Trauma from High School")
("She Had a Traumatic Experience
from a High School Rival")
(She cannot forget that moment
when her friend threatened her)
(Cinema Theater, 160 dollars)
Oh. Do you have time tonight?
I bought movie tickets,
but my husband suddenly said
he had plans.
Do you want to go with me?
("Le Mans the 3rd")
Cheon Seo Jin is the one who stopped
Ro Na
from singing at
the admission ceremony.
Although I have no proof,
I'm certain.
She was always like that.
If there's something she wants,
she must have it,
and she'd do anything to get it.
You need to stay on your toes.
Or else, she'll take away
your husband
and she might even take
all of your money.
Su Ryeon.
The truth is
My daughter died a while ago.
You had another daughter besides
Seok Kyung and Seok Hoon?
I barely managed to get over it
and was just trying to stand
That piece of trash.
Don't cry.
He's not worth crying over.
Seriously. Why should you be
in such pain
because of a scumbag like him?
I've already been through it.
Even if you cry,
you'll just be treated as a fool.
Stay strong, Su Ryeon.
Who is that?
Yes? Who is this?
What do you want at this hour?
Thanks for coming.
Why are you so drunk?
Did you fight with Seo Jin
or something?
No. What are you talking about?
We're so happy.
Then why did you call me?
If you have something to say,
say it now.
I don't want anyone to be
suspicious of us.
I'm sorry.
Back then and even now,
I'm always sorry to you.
Is that what you wanted to say?
You're drunk. Good night, then.
Yoon Hee.
Don't hate me too much.
Did you dump me
to live like this?
Why did you drink so much?
Ha Yoon Chul, try standing up!
- This is insane.
- Here, thank you.
- My goodness
- Lady, hold on.
What on earth?
This is a very dangerous scene,
you know.
A man having his arms around
his first love this late at night?
Don't just stand there and help me.
He's so heavy.
Come here.
Dr. Ha is totally wasted.
He's usually not someone
who gets this drunk.
You seem too sober to think
that you drank with him.
You must really hold
your liquor well.
Here. Take care of him.
Are you two really dating?
It's not what you think.
That jerk.
What's that disgusting grin?
Dr. Ha is really pure-hearted.
He even paid the settlement money
without hesitation.
When he gave you that money
behind his wife's back,
it was already true love.
Oh, dear. Goodness.
What do you mean,
the settlement money?
You said Cheon Seo Jin
was willing to settle.
That's not true?
You fool. Did you believe that?
Would Ms. Cheon do that
with that temper of hers?
Dr. Ha, man. You really know
how to keep a secret.
You're a man.
A real man.
You should have a drink with me
next time too.
You lunatic.
Ms. Oh, have a good night!
I wonder how charming she is
for you to pay 100,000 dollars.
Gosh, try standing up!
Darn it.
Why did he drink so much?
My gosh.
He's a total mess.
I know.
He was wasted the moment I met him.
Did you two fight, by any chance?
Why would we?
Whatever, then.
Oh, Dr. Ha Never mind.
Keep a good eye on him.
It's just that twisted guys
like him
tend to do funny things
behind your back.
I just heard it from somewhere.
No, never mind.
See you.
Gosh, I better go eat some ramen.
You little
I'm sorry, Yoon Hee.
"Oh Yoon Hee"?
- Are you sober now?
- Yes.
Who did you drink with last night?
Well No one special.
I just drank with Chairman Joo
and Attorney Lee.
I see.
Don't drink too much.
You'll ruin your stomach.
You should eat your hangover soup.
I should get going to work.
- Eun Byeol, let's go.
- Okay.
- Have fun at school, Eun Byeol.
- Okay.
You need to eat in order to fight.
You need to force yourself to eat
in order to gain strength.
I'm not hungry.
I can't even look at my husband
in the eyes.
You can't fall weak
at a time like this.
I told you to brace yourself.
I thought all night about
what you asked me yesterday.
- What?
- The auction.
You told me
you were interested in it.
I'll help you with that, Su Ryeon.
Really? You're going to help me?
I'll do my best.
So don't let a wench like Seo Jin
ruin your life like this.
I actually saw a document
regarding an auction
in my husband's study.
I think my husband is trying
to buy that place.
Where is it?
(Real Estate Office)
There's a new
apartment complex nearby.
And near this place
If you look here,
there's an intersection here
(We guarantee you a minimum
of 700 dollars every month.)
Su Ryeon.
You won't believe this.
This is unbelievable.
There's a rumor going around.
Apparently, a shopping center
will be built soon nearby.
I think it's pretty much decided.
Su Ryeon, we have to get this bid
no matter what.
Okay, I'm just going to rely on you.
I'm sorry, Yoon Hee.
I'm going to use you for a bit.
We signed a contract
with all the nearby buildings.
This means us three
just finalized
this huge investment of
150 million dollars.
The auction is tomorrow.
Will you come with me?
No, you should go alone.
If we go in a group,
it might attract small fries.
Yes, you're right.
How much should I spend?
The owner filed for bankruptcy,
so it's being sold at a cheap price.
You don't need to pay too much.
Just add 10,000 dollars more.
Then it'll be ours.
There you go.
What is this?
My goodness.
Pretty soon,
we're going to have
the most cash in Korea.
10 minutes until we're done.
(Tender Box)
This kind of investigation is
unjust and unacceptable!
What do you think you're doing?
(Stop carrying out
a biased investigation!)
You darn punks! My house was
given to me by my ancestors!
Gosh, what is he doing?
(Tender Envelope)
Just kill me instead!
- Get out of my way!
- Stop him!
- Move!
- Do something!
Get off me!
(Oh Yoon Hee)
Don't you dare get in my way!
My gosh, what a passionate, old man.
Su Ryeon.
I used my name for the bid
because your husband can't find out.
I raised 30,000 dollars,
so we'll get the deal.
Who got it? Oh Yoon Hee?
No way. How could she know
about that building?
I swear it was Oh Yoon Hee!
Without that building,
there can't be a reconstruction.
What are you going to do now?
If the construction gets delayed,
we won't get the money back.
And how are we going to deal
with all the interest?
My friends took out loans
with high interests!
We put in 150 million dollars
into this project!
150 million dollars, okay?
And from that money,
90 million dollars is mine!
So stop causing a fuss, will you?
You were the one who came up
with this in the first place!
I put in 30 million dollars!
I even asked my mom for money!
If I lose that money,
she'll kill me, okay?
Take your hands off me!
How dare you!
What do you think you're doing?
I trusted you enough to invest,
so you'd better take responsibility.
What? Is that how you're
going to speak to me?
Yes, that's right.
I don't care about manners anymore.
You darn punk.
What did you just call me?
You made me lose all my money
including my friends' money!
You have no right to call me that!
We have no time for this!
We need to come up with a plan!
Do you want to see me
get sent to jail?
Shut your mouths!
It's not even over yet.
Stop acting like it's the end!
I'll deal with it myself, okay?
I'll meet Oh Yoon Hee myself.
I'm so nervous.
I had no idea
we'd actually get the bid.
Do you really think that building
will be worth something?
In order to carry out
a reconstruction,
they must get rid of that building.
I'm sure your husband knew that,
which is why he wanted to buy it.
It's right in the center
of the area.
Thank you. It really feels like
I got myself a younger sister.
I know we promised to split
the money in half
once the building gets sold.
But this is something
I want to express my gratitude with.
Please take it, Yoon Hee.
It'd be great if I could decline it
with class.
But I'm not very well-off, you see.
I'll put this to good use.
Thank you.
Why don't we drink another glass?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Ro Na, I'm home.
Mom, why are you
Gosh, did you drink?
Ro Na, do you know what this is?
This is your present.
What is all this?
I got you clothes.
You don't have a trench coat.
- I got you a coat.
- Really?
- I even got you a pretty dress.
- Why did you buy so many?
Oh, wait. I even bought you
a flower-patterned dress.
Isn't it pretty?
It looks great on you.
Ro Na, I know I haven't been
able to provide much for you.
But from now on,
I'll make up all of that.
I'll make sure you have
a bright future ahead of you,
so just trust me.
Sweetheart, will you let me hug you?
- My goodness, this is nice.
- Gosh, you reek of alcohol.
Go away.
No, give me a kiss.
Why are you running away from me?
Come and give me a kiss.
- Give me a kiss.
- You reek of alcohol.
This is nice.
I love you, sweetheart.
I love you so much.
I love you too.
Please help. Please help me.
Yes, I remember now.
I met Min Seol Ah that day
at Hera Palace.
Sugar, what's the matter?
Sugar, you'll wake people up
if you bark late at night.
Come here.
Stop it. That's enough.
Sugar, where are you going?
Ma'am, I asked you for help.
Mom. Mom.
What's the matter?
Ro Na.
Sugar is weird.
Sugar won't breathe.
What do you mean?
Sugar kept barking until just now.
Sugar, don't die.
Mom, what should we do?
Sugar. Sugar.
Sugar, wake up.
(Min Seol Ah)
Sugar was Min Seol Ah's dog?
Sugar. Sugar. Wake up.
(The Penthouse)
Let's move.
Chairman Joo is very angry.
I know you met up with Yoon Hee.
That means there's someone
who's giving real estate information
to Oh Yoon Hee.
I feel like your wife,
Shim Su Ryeon, is putting on an act.
I might know your wife's secret.
If you don't want to die, keep your
mouth shut and just talk to me.
She's being blackmailed?
Honey, did you kill Min Seol Ah?
I trust you, honey.
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