The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

On a Rainy, Windy Day

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
It is pounding again.
Can I
check it?
Check it?
It isn't a dream.
Tae Ha, come to the hospital tomorrow at once.
Do you want the worst to happen?
(Hyun Wook)
(Tae Ha, come to the hospital tomorrow at once.)
(Do you want the worst to happen?)
Yes, Hyun Wook. It's me.
(Chapter 8: On a Rainy, Windy Day)
I can't believe it!
I'm subtly nervous.
I've never been awarded with holidays.
Me neither.
Someone else is paying for my trip to Jeju Island.
It's awesome, isn't it?
It is.
You're here.
- Hello. - Hi.
Who is her, though?
She is a close friend of Yeon Woo.
I asked her to come with us.
There are snacks made by Ms. Sa Wol.
- They are so tasty. - Goodness.
It's nothing.
Let's hurry, or we'll miss the flight.
- Thank you. - It won't be terrible.
I didn't know you were a close friend of Mourning Dress.
If you keep your mouth shut,
I will tell you a secret of Mourning Dress.
Sure. You have to keep your promise, though.
What? What is it? What promise?
We did not say anything.
- It's nothing. - What is it?
Gosh. She's so talented.
This is really good.
When I was young, I thought people lived there.
I see that it is the blooms of the cotton in the sky.
No. Is it whipped cream?
I got it!
It is that thing in the Choco pies.
Maro? Marshmero?
You mean, marshmallow?
We cannot eat clouds, can we?
I will buy you plenty of foods that taste better than the cloud.
It is the ocean!
- It is the ocean. - Wait.
Don't you love it? It's so exciting!
Why did you not tell me
how pretty the ocean is?
I thought I would never see this kind of world in my life.
Do you still think this island is lonely?
He said it was a big island.
A lonely one, because it was far away from the rest of the country.
I have been thinking
that I was like that island.
I think he feels
the same way too.
I wanted to show you
that loneliness has disappeared
for me
and for you.
It was a total success, then.
Yeon Woo.
Okay. I am coming!
Here I come!
Are these
supposed to cover anything?
Yes. They will only cover the parts that are needed to be covered.
Be honest.
They are pretty, are they not?
You wear them and cover all you want.
If not now, when are you going to wear these delicate ones?
- No. I said forget it. - My lady!
That is it.
Play with us.
I can't float with a floatie.
What are you talking about?
Hold on.
I really can't swim!
- Good job. - Wait.
Mr. Kang!
I said no.
You'll be fine.
That is it.
(Try being a haenyeo in Jeju Island.)
Mr. Kang.
What is Ms. Yeon Woo wearing right now?
I know.
It's so adorable.
I love it.
Water fight!
Did you know?
My father and I
liked you very much, Dr. Oh.
That was before you switched to become Chairman Kang's doctor.
My father told me you were honest and smart.
You smartly made a lot of investment
using a borrowed name.
(Building Sales Contract)
You know
why Tae Ha got married, right?
Be honest.
I'm not asking because I don't know the reason.
I'm just double-checking it.
Chairman Kang
has lied to Tae Ha and said he had a liver problem.
He told Tae Ha he would get surgery if Tae Ha is married.
Did he lie to Tae Ha?
I thought he got married because of the medicine.
- Medicine? - Does Father know
that Tae Ha has a heart problem?
That's not right.
What a loser.
I meant it's losing the juiciness.
If you flip them now, you'll lose.
You'll lose their flavour.
The right timing is now. Hurry.
- Now? - Flip them now.
Hey, here.
Thank you.
- Cheers! - Cheers!
Nice work!
It's so refreshing.
Here you go.
Yeon Woo.
Try it.
It is so colourful, pretty, and tasty, isn't it?
Gosh. It is sweet.
New Joseon is a great place to live.
It has great food.
I make money too.
Can we
just live here?
We do not even know how to go back.
So I was wondering
how far you went with Young Master.
Holding hands?
How dare you!
- Kissing, my foot. - My goodness.
- You touched the first base! - What base?
When, where, and how?
It just happened Before I knew it
It is okay.
People get close before they know it.
They kiss before they know it.
They share the bed before they know it too.
Sharing the bed?
When he gives you a signal, take it.
Throw yourself at him, and
Throw myself?
Why would I?
I'll sleep on the floor, so you can sleep comfortably.
What do you mean? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.
You can sleep on the bed.
No, you can use the bed.
- It is all right. - What are you doing?
Just listen to me.
I have an idea.
Signal, my foot.
What is this?
What are you doing?
You want to remove Tae Ha?
I think it's a necessary measure for SH.
A necessary measure?
Vice President Kang is suffering from heart disease.
What? Heart disease?
What are you talking about?
- A heart problem? - His heart?
Is it true?
- Chairman Kang. - Ms. Min.
you tried to make him a president
knowing about his condition,
I will never let it pass.
It's because SH isn't a company that belongs solely to you.
On that note,
I officially propose
the dismissal of Vice President Kang.
That's good.
- Let's take a picture. - Yes.
- I don't want to take it. - Come on.
- Don't forget about us. - Come here.
Ha Na.
Here we go. Make a V.
One, two, three.
You are here.
Was it good?
Last night. I could hear the thumping noise.
Nothing happened. We just slept well.
Why would he when my pretty lady is right before him?
Let me think.
When did you become lovers?
A several days ago?
You are mine, and I am yours.
It is our first day of dating. When did you say that?
We did not say anything like that.
I get it now. Listen.
One has to take the other
and say, "You are mine."
Young Master hesitated because you two didn't do that.
You should go for it.
You like each other, so why would you hesitate?
Do you like her that much?
I see love dripping from your eyes.
You're right.
I get happy just by looking at her.
That's why I'm worried.
I wonder if I can make her happy.
You shouldn't worry about that.
I can tell just by seeing her face.
Yes, Director Choi.
Ms. Min
is trying to fire me?
That isn't the only problem.
Chairman Kang heard about your heart disease.
Yes. Come back as fast as you can.
what are you going to do now?
It is obvious.
I'll solve the matters reasonably
one by one.
(Hyun Wook)
Hey, what's wrong? You don't sound too well.
I'm just a little tired.
Why? What's up?
I got the results of the tests we ran before you left for Jeju.
Your heart is a mess right now. You need to come back at once.
Come back today.
Are you listening?
It's serious.
Okay, I'll call you back later.
Kang Tae Ha!
One, two.
Let's go, Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
Ms. Vanessa!
How I fainted on the day of our wedding.
How could I forget that day?
I have done so many bizarre things since coming here.
Do I now look like someone who lives in New Joseon?
Back then, I truly did not know
that I would end up falling for you,
who I thought looked like a swindler.
Be mine, Mr. Kang Tae Ha.
I will cherish you more than Chokho.
Yeon Woo.
Let's end our contract.
You wish to start over?
No. Let's end it.
All of it.
"End it?"
I'm not interested in dating,
and I have no time for it.
The contract is up anyway.
I'll find a place for you to stay, so until then
Then what have we been doing all this time?
Laughing with me, holding my hand, kissing me,
- and bringing me here - That was just
I just got swept up in the moment. That's all.
I'm different from other men.
I can't live a normal life.
Do you truly mean it?
Did you truly
like me? Even just a little bit?
No, I never liked you.
So, you are a swindler after all.
My lady, where have you been?
Everyone has been looking for you.
You did not answer your phone.
Right. I went out for a walk and lost track of time.
I see.
Oh. You know that Young Master has left, right?
What is going on?
Tae Ha left?
You did not know?
Oh, he said something happened at work. I guess he already left.
Yes. I thought he left without telling you.
Come on. Let us go inside and have dinner.
All right.
So, Mr. Kang.
Your ejection fraction has dropped to the 40-percent range or lower.
The pacemaker is probably not working.
This means that it's impossible to avoid heart failure.
When the left ventricle deteriorates,
blood clots can form in the heart,
leading to a stroke or even a heart attack.
I have never seen things getting worse in such a short time.
What exactly happened to you?
So? Am I going to die?
Crazy idiot.
Pour me some too.
Do you think I've gone mad?
I am your doctor.
Here, you can drink this instead.
Just drink this.
I was thinking all sorts of things.
"Why did his heart suddenly get worse?"
"Is it because of that harmful woman?"
"Has his heart been racing like crazy because he's in love?"
But that's a bunch of nonsense.
Does it make sense to you?
I mean, your heart
I'm telling you. It's a complete mess now.
It makes no sense at all.
You're right.
I've been told that I could die anytime,
but she's the only person I can think about.
This really makes no sense, right?
So, you are a swindler after all.
I feel bad that I made her cry.
I'm afraid I'd never see her again,
and I'm worried she'd hate me.
I guess you're right
that I'm all broken in here.
What? What do you mean?
"Contract marriage?"
With Yeon Woo?
I couldn't get married, knowing about my heart problem.
But I still wanted to protect the company and you, so
And that was the idea you came up with?
How long did you think you could continue to deceive me?
I just didn't want to worry you.
Did you really think I wouldn't know about it?
About your heart.
What do you mean?
I received a full report after your surgery.
That's why I rushed you to get married.
I did it all for you. For your own sake,
I pretended not to know about it.
So how could you let this happen?
Whether it's about your marriage or your heart, you should've told me.
What can you do without me?
Anyway So, what will you do now?
Hye Suk is one thing, but what about Yeon Woo?
Yeon Woo and I have decided to terminate the contract.
You've already ended things with her?
All right.
Perhaps, that is the right thing to do.
Well done.
I'll take care of the board members.
Just focus on the upcoming shareholders' meeting.
We'll take care of Hye Suk for good this time.
Yes, understood.
Ms. Yeon Woo and I have arrived in Seoul safe and sound.
She'll head home shortly.
(Thank you for everything.)
Thank you for everything.
I wish you all the best.
The phone is turned off. Please leave a message after the tone.
Mr. Hong, it's me.
Ms. Yeon Woo?
I took her home, and that was it.
Yes, sir. Got it.
(Young Master Kang Tae Ha)
Stop buzzing. Gosh.
Ms. Yeon Woo.
I suggest you go home
and speak with Mr. Kang first.
No, I will not allow it.
That jerk dared to dump my precious Lady Yeon Woo.
Why should she go to him?
He did not dump me, per Se.
What are you talking about?
My lady,
you confessed your feelings to him, which was not easy to do.
Who does he think he is?
This is hilarious.
No, it is not hilarious.
I'm sure he had his reason.
I understand that you're upset, but how could you call him a jerk?
"Reason?" What kind of reason?
I see. They say, "Like master, like servant."
Are you taking his side right now?
Packing up and leaving
just because she got rejected is not something to be proud of.
Well, I would not call it a rejection.
She should be proud of it. She did the right thing.
Then what? He rejected her.
Was she supposed to stay there and feel miserable?
I never said she should stay there.
Yes! I got dumped
and rejected. He turned me down.
I feel miserable. Happy now?
Are we good now? Are you satisfied?
Are you satisfied now?
Sung Pyo.
I'm sorry.
No, hold on.
This is my place.
Please be honest with us
and tell us the truth about your condition.
Thank you for your concern about my health, but
No, this isn't just about you. This is about SH.
Director Ko, calm down.
It's not like something will happen right away.
This will turn into a huge risk once the shareholders find out.
Hurry up and decide what you'd like to do.
If you don't act on it, we'll have to approve your dismissal.
Did you have fun in Jeju?
You have a heart problem. You shouldn't travel far.
What if you collapse?
You're worried about me?
Thank you for your concern.
When you leave the company,
you should focus on taking better care of yourself.
Yeon Woo
can't find out about my dismissal
and about my heart problem too.
Yes. Understood, sir.
Wait, you knew? That she's staying with me?
Her husband
died from the same disease.
After her husband died,
she threw herself down a well.
A well?
You mean, she tried to kill herself?
Yes, I think so.
I don't want her
to experience the same pain again.
So don't let her find out.
Yes. Well understood, sir.
You would like me to design my own collection?
At the grand opening of SH's New York location,
you'll launch your own brand along with Midam.
Can I really do that?
Yes, of course.
Ever since the show ended, so many people have been asking
if we weren't planning to do a pop-up with you at SH,
which is why I prepared this.
This is our proposal for the pop-up store.
(Proposal for Yeon Woo's Pop-up Store)
I suppose Mr. Kang hasn't told you about it yet.
The more I think about it, the angrier I get.
How dare he dump my precious Lady Yeon Woo?
She is too good for him.
I have no time for this.
I should pack up and leave too.
- Hello, sir. - Hello.
That's good enough. You can go.
Why is that here?
Was I mistaken?
There is no way that watch is here.
No, that is not important now.
Where are you going, holding that thing?
Oh, hello.
You look like you've been caught while sneaking out in secret.
Why? Are you going to Mourning Dress?
Where would I go at this late hour?
Let me tag along.
I wanted to see Mourning Dress too.
You will tag along? What are you talking about?
You are funny.
You said you'd tell me her secret. I bet that was a lie.
Fine. With this, we can call it even.
Okay, we're even now!
I know why Ms. Yeon Woo is here.
But why are you here again?
who is this handsome guy?
Also, what's with all this food?
As they say, "Where the needle goes, the thread follows."
And I wanted to cook dinner for her since I was here anyway, you know.
And I'm here to see my co-worker.
I'm sorry, Na Rae.
Yeon Woo, try this.
I have never seen such huge, juicy grapes.
It is sweet and crisp.
It is delicious.
Have some more.
Okay, but
why are you to be doing all this at my place?
I am Sung Pyo's girlfriend.
- Really? - What?
You didn't know?
They're very close.
Ms. Yeon Woo.
Sa Wol, I'm home.
Hong Sung Pyo!
My, I am much obliged.
Mourning Dress is seeing me off.
Don't tell anyone at work.
About me moving out.
Then do me a favour.
Do not follow me!
- Are you hurt? - Forget it.
Hold on.
I'll keep on liking you, so don't push me away.
That's what you can do for me.
Take this. I will pretend I did not hear any of it.
What? I can't hear you.
- Tae Min. - Stop.
Drop it, or I'll be embarrassed.
I'm off. Sleep well!
It contains photos of Kang Tae Ha I took.
Ms. Min.
I need proof that Tae Ha's marriage was done by contract.
I don't care what it is. Bring me proof.
Yes, ma'am.
And just like those tabloid articles,
I want you to spread rumours that Vice President Kang Tae Ha
will be stepping down from management
because of his heart disease.
Yes, consider it done.
Get home safely, ma'am.
So, she'll use his heart condition against him just as we expected.
It means
she wants to finish him off for good this time.
Do not harbour too much resentment.
I wish you a peaceful afterlife.
That voice sounded so familiar.
I have some updates for you.
What is it? Did something happen?
I found the person who tried to ruin our fashion show
and also secured some evidence concerning the design leak.
Here, have a look.
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
What should we do?
Go talk to her now.
Ms. Yoo, we've confirmed that you were the one
who leaked the designs onto the Intranet
and changed the models' schedules as well.
We have evidence.
Mr. Kang said
to leave the company as quietly as possible by the end of the month.
As of today, Ms. Oh will take care of all your tasks.
he won't even see me now?
Thank you for your hard work.
It's me.
I must meet with you.
Yes, that's right.
What about the thing I asked you to look into?
Do it properly if you want to get paid.
Don't resent me later.
Do not harbour too much resentment.
I wish you a peaceful afterlife.
That's right. Yes.
Oh, hello.
What's wrong?
Did Mr. Hwang say something?
No, he did not.
He does anything and everything Ms. Min tells him to do,
so don't get involved.
Okay, I will not.
It is nearly impossible to see you even just once.
I kept contacting you.
What can I do? There are many eyes watching.
Are you sure you simply don't need me anymore?
You always try to confirm what you already know. Quit that habit.
I'll tell Mr. Kang everything.
I will tell him how you used me.
All the photos and text messages exchanged between
What about it?
I was worried about my grandson,
so I asked you to keep an eye on him. What's wrong with that?
You promised me
that I could be with him.
Tae Ha doesn't like you. There's nothing I can do about that.
I refuse to give up like this.
All right. Suit yourself.
If you feel like you've been wronged, it'll keep you up at night.
Oh, boy.
And you'd better be careful.
The next time you ask me to meet up, I might send someone else.
All right.
Here, it's done.
My gosh, Ms. Assemblywoman.
Why did you call me at this hour?
I have an urgent favour to ask of you.
A favour?
Park Yeon Woo?
Milk. Have you tried this?
It is milk.
Dol Soe!
Dol Soe.
A representative of the US Congress wishes to meet Yeon Woo?
She's a long-term client of mine
who fell in love with Yeon Woo's designs
at the fashion show.
That's great.
Is that why you wished to see me?
Not really.
Starting next month,
I'll be allocating most of my time on the launch of my brand overseas.
Along with Yeon Woo.
With Yeon Woo?
I felt guilty since you only just got married.
I called hoping to talk it over with you first.
When it comes to Yeon Woo, I keep getting carried away.
There are so many things I want to show and teach her.
Will you be all right spending time away from each other?
I can tell
for one's eyes never lie.
What I am looking at is not the trace of someone else,
but you.
Let's end our contract.
Did you truly like me? Even just a little bit?
No, I never liked you.
The living room couch has been killing my back.
Sung Pyo.
Is that girl Sa Wol really your girlfriend?
- She's a woman, not a girl. - Whatever.
I don't like her.
She seems like she has a bad temper.
It's why you two will get along great.
No, I don't like her!
Stop it, will you?
My head is spinning as is with Vice President Kang
close to being fired.
Don't make it worse.
Vice President Kang might get kicked out of his position?
What do you mean by that?
Ms. Yeon Woo.
Is Mr. Swindler in some sort of trouble?
The news about his heart condition spread,
and he's in a tight position at the office.
Because of you, Ms. Yeon Woo ended up finding out.
Mr. Kang swore me to secrecy.
How could I have known she'd be there?
Just feign ignorance.
All is well unless you get caught.
It's not like you'll see him this second.
Mr. Hong.
Mr. Kang?
Are you that happy?
Yeon Woo.
Why were you in the rain?
What if you caught a cold?
Did you run over here?
Are you out of your mind?
What if something had happened?
I thought you did not like me.
I don't care about what happens to me
as long as you're by my side.
I like you.
I like you.
I really like you.
I like you a lot.
Are you going to run away again?
Are you going to hide your pain like a fool
and not tell me about your hardships?
This part of me is malfunctioning,
and I hate to be a burden to you.
But I'm choosing to be selfish.
can you go back to liking me?
Have you already forgotten?
I already told you
to be mine.
It's our new Dol Soe.
I needed to clean the place.
It felt empty without you, so I got a new friend.
Did you welcome a new family member?
These little ones
are working hard even though they were not ordered around.
All right.
As of today, you will be the new Dol Soe.
And you will be Madang Soe.
By the way,
that What was it again?
I want to do this with them.
Would that be all right?
Actually, that could be done somewhere else.
Are you saying that this is all ice?
This is not a snowy country nor is it winter at the moment.
But it is cold
and everything is frozen which is fascinating.
It's too early to be in awe.
Dol Soe!
Go, Dol Soe!
Nice. Good shot.
- Good shot. - Good shot.
It is the best.
Gosh, my foot got in the way.
Tae Ha!
- Bang. - Get over here.
Come here.
That was a blast.
Can we do it again sometime?
Of course. As often as you want.
Why don't we put together
Team Park Yeon Woo, the curling team?
- Gosh. - No, wait.
Maybe we should build a new rink.
How much would it cost to build one?
Let us do just that.
It would cost as much as the king's palace.
Is it that expensive?
Watch out. Your ice cream.
I cannot believe she marched out of the house
only to return a few days later.
Come on. It's great that they reconciled.
I finally have my room back.
I was seriously worried
that Ms. Yeon Woo wouldn't take him back.
Not take him back?
My lady is too kind-hearted and forgiving.
Come on.
It takes a resilient woman to become a virtuous lady.
A virtuous lady?
- Who are you talking about? - Am I wrong?
But Mr. Kang spoke about some kind of well.
I knew something was odd.
Ms. Yeon Woo being chaste and virtuous
didn't seem to sync up.
That is ridiculous.
Since you're all present,
we will begin the vote regarding the dismissal
of Vice President Kang Tae Ha.
What? Is that true?
My family at SH Seoul, hello.
I am Vice President Kang Tae Ha.
I stand here to disclose something I have not been able to say.
For a long time,
I have lived with a pacemaker to regulate my heartbeat.
For not coming forth with my health condition,
- The Vice President? - as an executive of this company,
- How can he run the company? - I sincerely deliver my apologies.
I believe that my health
could be a burden on the company.
It is why I believe
a structural change must be made to prevent similar issues.
Rather than only being run by the founding family,
any management specialist
should be able to take the helm here at SH.
At the shareholders' meeting,
I will officially propose this to be discussed.
My dismissal from office should also be put to a vote
Come on.
It takes a resilient woman to become a virtuous lady.
No way. It cannot be.
My lady said she was snatched against her will.
My lady?
After snatching her up, why did they not take her away?
Why did they throw her down a well and leave her shoes on the ground?
Anyone would think that she took her own life.
It is as if someone wanted her to become a virtuous woman.
If that watch I saw was Lady Yeon Woo's,
then something is definitely wrong.
There is no reason for the Kang family to possess it.
Sa Wol.
Are you in here cleaning?
What are you up to?
My lady, we must go.
Let us get out of this place.
But I agreed to meet Tae Ha here.
Why is this here?
Someone must have kept it
after throwing you down the well.
- What are you saying? - Do you still not get it?
The Kang family
killed you.
You threw one big bomb at them.
Everyone's responding to it.
I don't care. It's why I threw it anyway.
Where are we heading next, then?
My lady, where are you going?
My lady!
My lady
My lady?
My lady?
My lady?
My lady!
(The Virtuous Woman)
What is that?
I asked what that was.
It is exactly what you think it is.
Why are you doing this to me?
What am I supposed to do?
All I want
is to show you
what could answer your questions.
It is arsenic acid.
Have Tae Ha consume it by his wedding day.
Yeon Woo
It belonged to Park Yeon Woo.
Do not harbour too much resentment.
I wish you a peaceful afterlife.
(The Virtuous Woman)
(The Virtuous Woman)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
This is the cruellest of fates!
Do you not hear me? Leave!
I'm sorry.
This is not our fault.
We just happen to be stuck with a nasty fate.
If you stay with Lady Yeon Woo
I will die exactly like I did in my past life.
Because fate is destined to repeat itself.
Vice President Kang Tae Ha will be dealt with as you wish.
Please, just stop this.
I have come too far to back down.
Mom, please.
I will resign as the vice president.
You'll give up on the company because of some girl?
I'm only going to think about me and Yeon Woo.
Do not worry.
I will not let fate conquer us nor will I run away from it.
I will protect you at all costs.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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