The Traitors (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Cabins in the Woods

- Previously on "The Traitors,"
after losing eight players
to murder and banishment,
the faithful finally caught
a traitor.
- Cody, I voted for you.
- Cody.
- My vote was for you, Cody.
- Cody.
- I am a traitor.
- We actually got a traitor out.
But their winning streak
didn't last for long.
- Who are we murdering?
- Anjelica.
After losing Angelica
in the dead of night,
another faithful fell
at the round table.
- I am a faithful.
- Oh.
- Shelbe, you are banished.
And there is about to be
another twist in the tale.
Tonight, you will recruit
a faithful to join you.
That person can either accept.
Or refuse.
Choose wisely.
This is fine.
It's fine.
What does it say?
Take a look at it yourself.
"If you accept our invitation,
you must join us immediately.
Signed, The Traitors."
- Let's talk about this.
Would anybody accept
our invitation?
I want to recruit someone
who wants to do it,
someone that would take risks.
I'm on course to potentially
be in the end of this game.
But if you make the wrong move,
after all of this time,
and coming so far,
it could just blow up
your entire game.
- Let's think this through.
Okay, so, there's Andie.
- Andie. No.
They will immediately
say "no."
- Right.
- Quentin?
- No.
- He will immediately say "no."
- Kate?
- No.
She's a shield.
- Right.
What? What, what?
Say it.
- Arie?
- I'm thinking Arie, too,
because Arie is inconsequential.
- Let's do it.
- It has to be Arie.
- That's it.
- Oh, no.
- "Dear Arie,
We wish to recruit you
as a traitor."
I am
internally working the emotions
out of becoming a traitor,
after laying awake at night,
trying to figure out
who they are this entire time.
I've been a faithful
for this entire game.
I don't know if I can actually
betray them now.
this instantly
gives me an advantage.
- I don't think he will accept.
I don't think he's gonna accept.
- On the flip side of things,
they may feel like
I'm on to them.
My heart is racing.
We're getting close to the end.
I've had such, like,
an amazing experience
with the people
that I've trusted the most,
so it also just, like,
will immediately tarnish that.
I don't know.
- If Arie accepts,
I'm one of the people
that he trusts.
- Same.
- He's going to be
- Shocked.
- Oh, my God.
I'm going to die
if Arie walks through that door.
- It's got to be Alan.
It's not him.
That's what I'm saying.
Oh, my God.
- No way.
- Are you shocked?
- I am so shocked.
You guys have just been
crushing it.
I trusted you.
And you, too, bro.
- I know.
And you're just
so sweet and innocent,
I would never even.
Oh, now I struggled.
I was about to tear it up,
and I was like, "You know what?
I'm gonna get murdered
or I'm joining you.
I'm gonna join you."
How's it being
How is it to be a traitor?
- It's It's It's hard, bro.
It's hard.
- You're gonna find out.
- Yeah, you're gonna find out.
It's hard,
but it's so rewarding.
I'm just excited
for all the power.
- Yeah, you get a lot of power.
- Can I murder the first person?
- Yeah.
You can You can decide it.
So, tomorrow night
will be your first murder.
- Okay.
- Officially.
- I'm ready for it.
- Arie!
And just But you ch
You don't change.
You just kind of do
your same thing.
- Right.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Because look at
Look at who we got.
Andie trusts us.
- Yeah.
- Quentin trusts me and her.
- Rachel trusts me.
- Rachel trusts you.
Yeah, so, we're good.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, we're making it to the end.
- Oh, 100%.
This is the most epic moment
in the game thus far.
And I was hyped.
I just hope Arie's ready to
jump into the game,
and crush it.
But I'm looking forward
to tomorrow,
it being his first day
as a traitor.
- Hoods up.
- Hoods up.
And just follow my lead.
- Okay.
All right.
Let the games begin.
- With the traitors strengthened,
how will Arie adapt
to his new role?
And how will the faithful react
when they discover
there has been no murder?
Did I win?
They all left.
Can I lock this?
I'm never surprised
when I walk into breakfast,
but always disappointed.
At this point, I have accepted
that I'm most likely
not to get murdered at night
because I have become
the scapegoat shield
for the traders.
- But Rachel shows up.
Oh. What's up?
What's up?
- I'm glad to see you.
- I'm glad to see you.
I'm surprised you didn't
get murdered, to be honest.
- Me?
- Yeah.
So who do you think's
murdered, then?
Do you think Cirie is?
I don't think she is. Right?
- No.
But what about
What about Arie?
Come in.
Oh, what's up?
What's up? What's up?
Wait a minute.
- I'm just surprised.
- Hi, Kate.
You wasn't excited to see me.
- I was. I was.
But I wasn't surprised.
Kate was actually happy
to see us, which is
You know, in Kate World,
that's that's great.
Like, I'm stoked
she's happy to see me.
- Does anybody want fruit, or?
I want sedative.
That's what I'd like.
- Okay.
I got so many things running
through my head right now.
The paranoia in the castle
is so thick
you could cut it with a knife.
- I don't know who it's gonna be.
- Arie?
- Arie or Stephanie.
And then, there's Arie,
who just joined the traitordom.
But I don't know if Arie knows
how this works.
Just got to breathe.
At this point, like,
whoever's doing this shit is
I mean, we got one, though.
And it's like,
"Who would be with him?"
Rachel is a greedy,
lying, game player.
She sat next to me,
and she was like,
"I just want to know, like,
I do think you're a traitor."
And I was like, "I know you do.
And I think you're a traitor."
And she was like,
"I know."
And then, we kept figuring out
the other ones.
I'm like,
"'Cause, you know, traitors,
they are greedy,
and they are liars."
And she, like,
she got defensive.
She was like,
"It is just a game."
And I said,
"Don't get defensive."
She said it was just a game
to you?
When I said, "You know,
traitors, they're greedy liars,"
she goes, "No, they're not.
It's a game."
- Come in.
- Morning.
- Another morning.
- I'm so relieved.
I can be an actor, too.
1000% not surprised that Kate
is still in the game.
- I do love your outfit today.
- Thank you.
I like your paint.
- Thank you.
Kate has done so many things
to prove that she's a traitor.
Kate was throwing money away
at the mission the other day.
So I'm really hoping
that everyone
is gonna be on the same plan.
Let's banish Kate,
and get her out of here.
Did you get your cape
dry-cleaned last night?
I like the blood stains
from each person I've murdered.
Kate and Rachel
argue a lot out loud.
It's like a scrapbook
A DNA scrapbook.
Which would lead you to believe
that they wouldn't be working
with each other,
because they don't like each.
- Do you save hair swatches, too?
Nope. Just blood.
Just the blood.
But Rachel and Cody
did a lot of arguing, as well,
and Cody was a traitor.
So, what I'm thinking
right now is
Rachel and Kate
are the traitors.
Who's not Oh, my gosh.
- Arie or Stephanie?
- Wait a second.
- Yeah.
- Arie or Steph.
- Oh, here we go.
Here we go. Here we go.
Here we go. Here we go.
- Hey-o.
Am I the last one?
Oh, my gosh.
This is a new day,
and a whole new game for me
Being a traitor.
- Wait, what?
I'm like, "Man,
Cirie and Christian
are just masterful
at this."
They have done an amazing,
incredible job.
I slept good last night
I had the shield.
- Two times in a row?
And now,
I have a lot of questions.
But first,
I have to get through breakfast,
and that is giving me
a little anxiety.
This is just weird.
- This changes everything.
Stephanie has been murdered,
which is wild,
because I figured
there was no way
Rachel was going to get rid of
her evil stepsister accomplice.
- Man.
Is there honey anywhere?
- Wait. What?
- Come in.
- Why would Alan be knocking?
- What?
- They took a shot at Arie.
- You think?
- You have the shield.
- I didn't get a death warrant.
Does that
Is that how it works?
- I thought that's how it worked.
- Wait, is everybody here?
- Everybody's here.
We thought you were murdered.
- I did, too.
- I got something to say.
Christian has something to say.
I have something to
tell you all now.
- Oh, geez.
It's not really bad
For y'all.
after the last roundtable,
I was recruited
to be a traitor.
- What?
I have something to
tell you all now.
- Oh, geez.
- What?
After the last roundtable,
I was recruited
to be a traitor.
- What?
- I'm completely shocked.
I did not know Christian
would do that.
I don't know if something
happened last night
that I didn't know about.
- I clearly said "no."
- Oh.
And I know this puts
a massive target on my back.
I don't really care.
What are you talking about?
Like, what are you doing?
I really don't know if anybody
is buying it.
It's, like, cringe-worthy.
Horrible, horrible acting.
- This is, like, out of control.
It is what it is.
Now I'm really a target.
I don't think Christian
is seeing the bigger picture.
It could potentially put targets
on all of us.
But he can't stop.
I was just, like, "Do I"
Walk me through that again.
What happened?
There was, like, this, like,
letter with, like,
a stamp thing on it.
Going into breakfast
this morning,
I had a plan to tell everybody
I was recruited.
I know nobody's
getting murdered,
so there was an opportunity
for me to drop that card.
It just said, "To Christian,
you have been invited
to join our team because"
And it just the faithfuls
are dwindling.
And then, it was like,
"Do you accept?"
The other traitors
are gonna be so pissed.
However, this buys me cover.
I prove to everyone
I'm a faithful,
which I figured
would guarantee a pass
to the final day in the castle,
and hopefully win this money.
I didn't really think about it,
but I was like,
"It would be the easier route
to just go with the traitors."
- Yeah.
- But I was like, "I can't."
They recruited Christian.
He says he said "no."
But then, he said
a bunch of other things.
That's like, "Huh?"
Oh. Here he is.
- There he is.
- Oh, what a beautiful morning.
Isn't it nice to wake up
in the morning,
and find out that
one of your friends
hasn't been murdered
in the night?
However, the day never
really starts
before a strong coffee
and some mind games.
You know, I might get that
on a throw cushion.
Talking of mind games,
let's just say,
if you go down to
the woods today,
you're in for
a pretty big prize.
But I'm afraid
it certainly won't be a picnic.
So, finish up your toast.
I'll see you down
at the woods shortly.
- Oh, my God.
Now I can eat.
What would I do
if I were a traitor right now?
I don't think we got
a lot of time.
Let's go see where the rest
of everyone is.
Christian saying that
he received the letter
was a power move,
but also a little risky.
I honestly thought, like, if
they were to recruit somebody,
I thought they would probably
recruit me.
Maybe that's my paranoia
of not wanting to be recruited.
Rachel is, like, one step
ahead of the game,
like, she has been
the entire time.
And she, I feel, is the biggest
threat to figuring this all out.
- Can I come in?
- Yeah.
- What are you guys up to?
- Just, you know, gaming.
- Strategizing.
I trust both of you.
- Same.
- Same.
- I'm a faithful.
- I'm a faithful.
- I'm a faithful.
- I know they are a faithful.
- I believe that.
So, I'm gonna put it out there.
My theory and keep
Keep this here.
Keep this here.
My theory is
- I
Cody kept saying, "Rachel,
you're cutthroat."
And he said, "I'm not
talking about 'Big Brother.'"
And I have long believed
that if there was a traitor
to betray a traitor,
it would have been Rachel.
- It's difficult because
we're all building
personal relationships
and friendships
with one another.
But with Rachel, there's just
some suspicious behavior.
Kate said this morning,
about her saying,
"Don't get on
the traitors' case.
It's just a game."
That was a red flag for me.
At this point in the game,
anybody can be lying to anybody.
I think I've just been
so blinded
by the personal relationship.
I think we should not spend
too much time just stuck here,
because y'all got to
get information.
- Yeah.
They're mentioning Rachel a lot.
And Rachel is an ally for me,
so I don't want them
to banish her.
I need to have a conversation
with Rachel,
to let her know that her neck
is on the chopping block.
But these conversations
are very, very, very delicate,
and could easily
go the wrong way.
- Is anyone in here?
- No.
I, uh I messed up.
I messed up big time.
- Rachel's on to me.
However, thankfully,
I got my other two traitors.
So, we're gonna
We're gonna wipe that little
rumor off the map real quick.
- Rachel's just frickin' smart.
But I just left the room
with Quentin and Andie.
And Quentin was just spinning it
on your real hard,
to the point where Andie's
almost locked in on you.
'Cause Quentin just
came in here, like
You can't say to Andie
that this came from me
that they're on you.
You can't.
- I won't. I swear on my life.
I don't know how
you could turn it around.
I'm genuinely concerned.
I could be in real trouble.
So I've really got to work
on convincing people today
because I don't want
to get banished.
- Well, let me go talk to Andie.
But listen, let them know
genuinely that you are faithful.
- Yeah.
- You got to be as genuine
as you can muster up,
because I think if they feel it,
then you can get them.
Yeah, I think you're right.
Andie is literally
the one person
that we all know is a faithful.
I feel like everyone
definitely trusts them,
which could totally work
against me
because they could be totally
wanting to screw me over.
- Andie, could I talk to you?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Thank you.
I I'm not sure that I have
your vote.
I feel uncomfortable.
I feel unconfident about it.
- Why?
- Let's go talk.
- Personal relationships
are really starting
to cloud my judgment,
and I'm really,
really trying consciously
to not allow that to affect it.
Quentin and Kate are both trying
to really push me.
But, like, I heard that,
like, they're swaying you,
and I just wanted to make sure
that you're not being swayed.
- Yeah, of course.
But then this is the problem.
There's a possibility
that we might not have
the votes to keep me here.
I literally could get banished.
- It's very difficult to look at
people that you had deep
conversations with and be like,
"Are you lying to me?"
- It's so hard for me.
Like, I'm just going off
the genuine connections.
You know what I mean?
- Yeah.
And that's the only thing
I have. That is my game plan.
Because of the relationship
I've built with Rachel,
I don't think that
she could deceive me.
And I've always had
solid rapport with you.
- Yeah.
But I also need
to be conscious of the fact
that she looks at this
as a game.
Okay. Then I think that then
I'm not worried
That I shouldn't be worried.
- Okay, yeah.
It's all good.
- Rachel could be playing me.
- There he is.
- When you got a smile like that
on, I'm scared.
- Yeah. What are we doing?
- Well, lovely Scottish weather.
Perfect weather for a mission.
How are you feeling?
- Scared.
Well, things are about
to get even more grim
than you might imagine.
- Oh
You are about to come upon
my two hunting cabins.
For this game, you will split up
into two groups of four.
Then each team will enter
one of the two identical cabins,
where you'll find
a series of puzzles.
The task of the game,
quite simply,
is to solve those puzzles
to escape.
If you manage to escape
the cabin within 30 minutes,
you will earn $17,500.
- Whoo!
So that's a potential $35,000
up for grabs.
Not too shabby.
And to make it
even more interesting,
the group that escapes
the fastest
will have a visit to my armory.
- Ooh.
- Okay.
- So let's see those groups.
- Alright.
- We're doing it.
- Who are you participating
I know where
the hunting cabin is.
- I thought he was
- I don't know
if we have to run there,
but I know where it is.
- So on my team, I have Andie.
This is, like, my chance
to make sure that they trust me.
Uh, puzzles indoors,
possibly guns? I'm in.
- Okay.
- Kate sucks at missions,
but there's a shield in play,
and I can win the shield
that gives me another night,
so I need Kate to show up.
There may be a few surprises
in there, too.
I'm really excited to hear
what you think of them.
In fact, I think the whole
of Scotland might hear.
- Oh.
- What?
So, off you go. Have fun.
And don't worry,
hardly any horror movies are set
in remote cabins in the woods.
Go for it, teams!
I actually filmed
a horror movie in a remote cabin
in the woods.
- Oh, God.
- Was it called "Your Honeymoon?"
- They were never seen again.
We'll try our best
to calm each other
- Please.
- If we get worried
about something to not,
like, exit.
- Whoo!
- Stay calm.
- Just don't freak out.
- Oh, oh, oh, I do not like this.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh.
This looks like every
horror movie I've ever watched.
- What are we doing right now?
I got to say,
I'm slightly terrified.
Not what I expected.
Okay, So, I think
we remain calm.
- Yes.
- And we win.
- We need to win it.
- Life or death.
Literally. There's literally
three traitors
in the other group.
So if we don't win
- I believe that.
- we are in big trouble.
- Hey, good luck.
- Alright, y'all.
- See you guys.
- We got this. We got this.
- Let's just stay calm.
- Just be calm,
and just read the instructions.
The teams must split into two
and enter different
sides of the cabin.
- Okay, go on.
Each side holds
a different fate.
- Our time started.
- Oh, it's a lovely, Cirie.
You're going to love it.
- Oh, my gosh.
What in the world?
- This isn't that bad.
- Ugh.
Oh, bro, I smell,
like, formaldehyde or something.
- Yuck.
- Look out, look out.
So we have to look around
and get a key.
Brown = ♪.
White = ♪.
The players are locked
in separate cages
next to each other.
They must solve a puzzle
to figure out the combinations
to each other's padlocks
to escape.
Hey, guys, can you hear me? Oh.
- Oh!
- Oh!
I know you lying!
These is big rats!
- Oh!
- Oh!
That is a huge
- It's okay, they're going
- rats.
- Talk to the can.
- Talk into the can!
I have no idea what the girls
are going through.
I hear them screaming like they
are getting murdered to death.
- Ladies, calm down!
- Can you hear us?
- What is this?!
I am officially
in the seventh layer of hell.
Kate, use the rope.
Use the can, Kate!
- I am using the can!
Are you talking into the can?
I can't hear you.
If we want to get out of here,
you have to stop screaming.
- Okay. Okay.
- Talk to me through the can.
- Oh, we're screwed. Okay.
- Okay, alright.
If a player screams
in the woods,
does it make a sound?
- Oh. Oh.
- There's more.
There's mice
everywhere now. Ugh!
We have brown = ♪, white = ♪
black and white
- She's saying pound.
- Brown = ♪?
- Do you have anything brown?
- Count the mice.
- You count white.
- I'll count white.
- You count brown.
We're in this weird cabin
that is just nasty,
filled with rats.
A couple start crawling
across my feet or whatever.
And then we realized, to unlock
Rachel and Andie's padlock,
we need to start
counting the rats.
- There's 11 white mice.
- Okay.
- Oh, my God!
- They're just millipedes.
It's okay.
It's just millipedes.
- What's happening?
- I can't!
I can't do it, guys!
- 11 what?
- White.
- White.
- I can't hear you.
You have to scream. Scream!
- White! White!
- Scream, guys!
- White!
- 11 white!
- 11 what?
- White!
- White mice!
White mice.
Both: White mice?
- I can't! I can't! I can't!
- No! Don't panic!
- Okay, okay, okay.
We have to communicate
with the guys next door,
and I can't function at all.
Cirie, you gotta stop screaming.
- Alright, alright.
- We're stuck in this hellhole.
- Okay, okay, go ahead.
- If it wasn't for Kate,
I would have quit.
I would have quit.
- Chris?
- Yes.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Yes?
- Oh, my God!
- Do you have any numbers?
They're right behind you,
right behind you.
- Right behind you.
- Wait, maybe it's the mice.
- Count the mice!
- Okay.
- Count the mice.
- Okay.
There's 11 white.
There's 9 brown.
- Okay.
- 11? 9 brown.
9, 11, then what?
We need five numbers.
Are you counting brown and
white or black and white?
- Black and white, I think.
- I need an extra number!
I'm getting bitten by bugs,
Okay, I'll count brown
and white,
you count brown and white.
- Literally getting bitten!
- God! God damn it!
- What are they even saying?
- Should we start over?
- Okay. We'll start over.
- Ugh! Guys, I can't. I can't.
I can't have anything else
touching me.
I'm, like, freaked out.
We need the brown first!
- The brown first.
Okay, here we go.
One, two
Okay, 8, 9
- I'm thinking 15 15 or 16.
- Shut up!
- You shut up!
You're halfway through.
15 minutes have elapsed.
16, 16, 9?
- Yeah.
Hey, six
- Oh, gosh.
Just start yelling.
Hey, listen up!
- What?!
- Sorry!
-16, 16, 9. Try that.
No, it's not!
Your numbers are wrong!
Rachel, I'm getting to my point.
No, you're not.
Do not say that.
Andie's fine.
Andie, you're fine.
Andie, it's fine.
- Guys, please hurry up!
Andie's We need your help!
It's okay. It's okay.
You're okay.
Andie is having
a mini panic attack.
I have to be Andie's rock
right now.
Just keep your head down.
I've got it.
That's why we're a team. We're
here for each other, right?
-18 brown.
-18? Okay.
-13, 14, 15.
- You're getting closer.
- 16.
-16 white!
- 16 white!
- 16 white!
16 white! Alright. Good. I got
it. How many black and white?
- Try 8 or 9.
- Try 8 or 9.
9 was the right number!
We got it! We're through!
We're through!
- Bravo, bravo, bravo!
- Okay!
- Ohh!
Guys, we got to
get through, though.
- 12, 13.
- Got it!
- You got it? Open it.
- Yeah.
Oh, my G Aah!
- 15.15!
- 15.
Oh, they're out.
"Put your head
in 2 boxes each."
I'm not putting my head
- It says "head"?
Hey, we still need
to get our combo through
so we can get out with y'all!
- Could you wait a second?
- You don't know
I know. I know. Just
I know. That's fine.
Just Is it 1 brown?
- I put my head
"Put your head
in 2 boxes each."
- No! My God!
- You can do it.
I'll do it. I'll do it, Andie.
I'll do it.
Andie is freaking out.
And now we have to put our heads
inside cages full of bugs
so that we could get
to the numbers
so that we can
unlock our teammates.
There's scorpions, there's rats,
there's worms,
there's white locusts,
but my back is up
against the wall,
and I will do anything
when my back
is up against the wall.
-8-4 or 4-8.
- 4-8
- 4-8
- Come on, guys. One more number.
- Ugh! My God!
-2 minutes remaining!
Oh, it's a 4.
So, 8-2-4 we got so far.
- 8-2
- I don't do bugs! Listen.
I've played a few games, done
extreme physical challenges.
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
I damn near drowned
once or twice.
But this is one
of the worst days of my life.
- Sorry, animals.
- I believe in you, Kate.
You can do it, Kate.
- Y'all got it.
- Bravo, Kate! Bravo!
Oh, Rachel, Rachel.
Great job. Great job.
-5! 4-8-2-5!
- 30 seconds!
- 4-8-2-5! 4-8-2-5!
- I have to win this
because if we don't win,
then our whole team
is up for grabs for murder,
and I'm not about to
let that happen.
- Got it.
- Time is running out.
- Yeah We got it! Good job!
- We got it. We got it.
- Come on.
- Guys, get out.
- Come on, ladies! Yes!
- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Aah! We did it!
- You know how people always say
what doesn't kill you
makes you stronger?
I don't want to be any stronger.
- Come back, Kate! Kate, you
- Aah!
- You
I am so proud of Kate
because she chose to show up.
Kate can show up
if Kate wants to show up.
You guys did so good.
You guys did so good.
You overcame all your fears.
You were so brave.
- You're okay. You're okay.
- You were so brave.
- Rachel was a rock for me.
I wouldn't have gotten through
the challenge today without her.
- Well, everybody, I am so sorry.
there were some bugs there?
Fergus really has to
up his feather dusting skills.
I'm so sorry about that,
but the good news is
you all managed to raise $35,000
for the prize pot.
- Good job!
- Great job!
- Good job!
There was also the question
of the visit to the armory.
Since both teams managed to
escape their cabin successfully,
it all comes down to who managed
to get out the quickest.
So now I can reveal
that the team
who escaped the fastest
and has won a trip
to my armory is
- Now I can reveal
that the team
who escaped the fastest
and has won a trip
to my armory is
the Green team.
- Oh, yeah!
Oh, good job!
Stephenie, Arie,
Rachel, and Andie,
you will be visiting
my armory later.
- Whoo!
- Yes!
So let's get back to the castle,
but please have
a good wash first.
Do not touch any of my tchotchkes
until you have done so.
Okay? I'll see you later.
I'm pretty sure I had maggots
in my thong.
- Kate, give me some.
You showed up.
- You did.
- So thank you for that.
Where are we at?
Like, are we gonna?
Well, we have to be coming
to a smart decision.
We have to make sure
that we come to an agreement
on who we vote.
He's so sketch, but, like,
I think we attack that later.
I think we go after
what we know for sure.
- I've heard, Kate.
- I have, too.
- So are you all thinking Kate?
- Yeah.
- I agree.
That's fine. Let everybody know
we're voting
- Steph is, too.
Stephenie is, like,
Rachel's bestie in this game
and loves to, like,
chat and talk.
So if it's up to me,
I say we banish Rachel tonight
and then murder Stephenie
later tonight, so
- Bro
Who's this?
- Hey. Can I come in?
- Yeah.
- Um
It's interesting because, like,
I didn't think she was
gonna, like, play as a team
player today, but she did.
And I don't know if that's,
like, a tactic to be, like
All of a sudden
now she's on board.
- Yeah. "Now I'm on board."
I'm like Ehh.
I don't really know.
- Oh, with Kate?
- Kate.
It just doesn't make any sense.
Do you think Kate's the traitor?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Oh, 100%.
- Are we voting out Kate tonight?
Yeah, I think
I think she's been, like,
just lingering around
and everyone's been
letting it go and go and go.
That's that I think, too, but
I think we need to be careful
because I'm terrified
someone's voting me out.
People are putting my name down,
and the votes
are getting smaller.
- Hm.
- But I just want to make sure
that I have everyone's support.
- Yeah. Relax. You're fine.
- What do you think?
I'm just having
a really hard time
because Rachel was, like,
my rock in today's mission.
Do We have to get this right.
I know.
And you don't think Rachel is?
Who else would be
a good traitor?
Because I know it's not Arie.
I know it's not Arie.
- Mm-hmm.
- I feel that deep in me.
- Same. Same.
- And I know it's not you.
I only talk my complete honesty,
transparency to you.
I almost want to vote Kate.
I want to grab Andie
and be like, "Listen to me.
It's not Rachel."
I know that Andie trusts me
and my judgment.
If Rachel's a faithful,
then what do we do?
But they are just being flooded
with Rachel, Rachel,
Rachel, Rachel. Rachel.
We're at the finish line.
We're right at the finish line.
I know. We got to
get through this night.
- We can't make mistakes.
- We can't.
- Get the shield.
- Yeah.
- Get the shield.
Can't fight too hard
'cause they're gonna be like,
"How could you be so sure?"
I laid the groundwork.
But we'll see.
God, this game, dude.
Now it's time for today's
winning team to enter my armory
to be in with a chance
of protecting themselves
from murder.
Not that all of them need it.
- Hey.
- Good luck.
- Which book is it?
- The one that's sticking out.
The one that's
One of them's sticking out.
- I've never been in the armory,
but it's getting down
to the wire.
It's getting down to the wire.
This is really rad.
So I need to get the shield.
I want to be saved from murder.
It's just an unsettling feeling.
I think I'm saved
from banishment,
but I never feel safe
from murders.
I don't know what to do.
I really need that shield.
Gutted. Literally crushed.
I definitely think the traitors
are threatened by me,
and we only have so many murders
left to try to survive,
so it's like do-or-die.
So now I am a sitting duck.
I've gotten the shield
twice in a row now,
but this is my first time going
into the armory as a traitor.
So, honestly, this could
change the game completely.
Yet again. Guess who gets the
shield. Three in a row for me.
This is the ultimate power
in the game.
To be a traitor,
to have the shield,
and to know that no one is safe.
Going into tonight,
I'm full of nervousness.
Being a faithful, it's a really
difficult position to be in.
You know you're being lied to.
You just don't know
who's doing the lying.
At this point in the game,
we're realizing that the people
that we're sharing
intimate things with,
people that we have
deep connections with
are lying straight to our faces.
I have my suspicions on Kate.
I have my suspicions on Rachel.
I'm like who could
feel comfortable doing that?
This is the first round table
as a traitor.
I have more control now,
and having the control,
you know,
gives me a lot of confidence.
Because I don't want Rachel
to go.
I don't want Rachel
to be a casualty.
But I have to vote
with the group.
If I don't, it's gonna put
too big of a target on me.
I slipped up today and
put myself in a bad position.
So my plan is to sit back,
shut up,
and say nothing until asked.
So we meet again
at the round table.
Your prize pot currently stands
at $168,800.
Pretty sweet.
But I get the sense
things are about to turn sour,
as it's time to banish
once again.
Who do you trust?
Who has your back?
The floor is yours.
I'm voting for you tonight
'cause I think you're a traitor.
Okay. I'm voting for you
'cause I think you're a traitor.
Do you want to elaborate
why you think I'm a traitor?
- Sure.
You are someone
who has proven already
that you are good
at this kind of situation.
In fact, your special talent
is having no issue
lying to people's faces,
turning the tears on,
turning the tears off.
You treat this like a game.
And I feel like when
Cody said you're cutthroat,
he was saying you're
being cutthroat right now
'cause you are voting out
a fellow traitor.
- So you think I orchestrated
this whole grand plan
to get out Cody?
- Yes, I do.
- Okay.
So you could have
more money in the end
and so you would
look like a faithful.
- That makes no sense.
- Okay.
I just find it hard to believe
that early in the game
a traitor would try to get rid
of another traitor Cody.
I just That makes zero sense.
I'm going back to
Don't make it so difficult.
- Yeah.
- Go with the obvious.
I mean, she and I
We did not vote Kyle out.
Kate did.
She and I were adamant
it was Cody.
Kate was not.
Kate, I still just feel
that you are a traitor.
- Okay.
- And if you're not, like, wow.
Does anyone else
have an argument
for why they think
I'm a traitor?
Please speak up. Do tell.
Nobody, Kate.
- I mean
This is so hard for me.
This round table
is really difficult for me.
There's so little
to go off of in this game.
And I know you're good at games.
And I know that, like, that
I don't even know, like
Andie, don't let Kate
manipulate you.
Just because
I've played these games
and just because I can separate
my personal emotions
from gameplay
doesn't make me a traitor.
I'm a faithful.
Somebody is lying.
Somebody is lying.
And I know that, like,
as good as you are
at separating personal and game,
that's how bad I am at it.
I don't even I'm at
a loss of words because
What you're saying
is basically, like,
there's, like, no fiber in your
being that could be a traitor
'cause you couldn't
continue to do it.
What you're saying
is that she could do it
because she considers it
strictly a game.
- Yes.
I'm not a traitor.
I don't know
what you want me to say.
Like, I promise you.
On our future friendship.
I am a faithful.
I will look each one of you
in the eyes and tell you this.
I don't know
how else to convince you.
I mean, is this
what you guys have all been
just talking
Backstabbing me tonight?
Like, is this really
what's happening?
- It's not personal.
I can't believe, Arie,
I didn't know
you were turning on me, too.
Cirie, what do you think?
I don't know, Rachel.
I just don't know.
Like, some of the things
that have been said
If it was me that said and did
some of these things,
you would have to consider it
at this point.
I don't understand.
Like, what
Like, how you think
I could lie to you.
- Somebody here is lying to me.
We all can't be faithfuls.
- Cirie!
- I don't want to believe.
I don't know, Rachel.
I don't know.
- I'm not a traitor.
I promise
every single one of you,
if you vote me out tonight,
I'm gonna stand in that circle
and tell you
that I'm a faithful.
And you are all
gonna be so disappointed
and you're gonna go and be like,
"Oh, shit, we were wrong again."
- I believe you.
- Thank you.
You're turning on me
when there's someone named Kate
who is sitting there
who every single week
we're like,
"Hey, Kate's doing this,
Kate's doing this,"
and every single week you guys
are letting her slide by.
I think you should all vote
for Kate like we had planned.
We know Kate's a traitor,
but I guess this is
I'm being blindsided, of course.
Bunch of idiots.
- So angry.
And I do take it personally,
- Such an asshole.
- Come on.
- Congratulations.
You got played.
There's the time for talk
is over. Please now
- I think you need to vote Kate.
That's the last I think
I can say.
- The time for talk is over.
Place your votes.
Cirie, I'll have to hurry you.
- I'm coming. I'm coming.
- Cirie, don't do it.
I'm not a traitor.
- You know I'm not.
- So the votes are locked.
Time has come
for you to share your votes.
- So the votes are locked.
Time has come
for you to share your votes.
We're going to begin with Arie.
What's the sad face for?
- I'm sad because, you know, I
I feel very connected to you.
You know? I think we
- So you stab me in the back?
No. I just feel
that you're a traitor.
And I feel like
we're at the point of the game
where we have to take friendship
out of it a little bit.
I'm sorry.
- You're not.
- Geez.
- Christian.
- Rach.
I'm going with you,
but at this point,
like Arie said,
it's not personal.
It is what it is. And, for me,
this isn't an easy decision.
But at the end of the day,
I am going with my gut.
I think you're a traitor.
- Your gut's wrong.
And it it probably is.
And guess what.
- Okay.
- I'll eat that.
- So that's two votes for Rachel.
Sadly, I don't think
it's gonna matter.
Rachel, I do believe
you're a faithful.
Kate, I do believe
you're a traitor.
And I just think we need to not
make this so difficult, guys.
We are gonna lose this
as faithfuls.
- Rachel.
- I voted for you, Kate.
I mean, it doesn't
It's just like
You're a traitor.
Like, you're a traitor.
And yet you are consistently
getting away
with murdering people
and traitoring
and banishing faithfuls.
- So congratulations, Kate!
- You're a great traitor!
- So that's two votes for Rachel.
Two votes for Kate.
- I voted for you, Rachel.
- Oh, shocker.
- And I'm not sorry about it.
Even if you are faithful,
I think that you can learn
a lot about a person
when they're under pressure.
- Mm-hmm.
And, so, in this moment,
I'm learning a lot.
Hmm. You voted me out
'cause you're a traitor
and you need someone
to vote out.
- Got it.
- Cirie.
- I did vote for you, Rachel.
- I know you did.
I don't even need
to hear a reason.
Just please don't.
I can't with you.
Literally, my heart is broken.
At this point, Rach,
it's hard for me.
Like, I put my
- I know. I get it. I understand.
- Do you really?
- I swear.
- If I'm wrong, I'm so, so sorry.
- You're wrong. You know
Everyone at this table
knows they're wrong.
And this is me being emotional
and not thinking of it
like a business.
I try to separate the emotions
and the business
because if I don't,
I'll go crazy.
So I try to be brave
and I try to say things,
but I'm an emotional person
and I'm very dramatic.
But you say and do things
that make it hard for me
to defend you
and make it hard for me
to tell these people
that you're not a traitor.
- It's fine. I get it.
So that's four votes for Rachel.
Two votes for Kate.
Kate, if you vote for Rachel,
she will be banished
from the castle tonight.
- Rachel, I voted for you.
- Shocker!
- Yeah. Um
- Thanks, Kate.
- If I'm incorrect, um
- You don't care. I get it.
- Actually, if I'm incorrect,
I'm okay with it because
I find you really offensive.
- Andie?
- Rachel
I don't want to be
in this position right now,
and I don't want to be attacked
by your anger and your hurt.
Just know that from
the bottom of my heart
I'm sorry if you are a faithful.
Rachel, you have received
the most votes
and are banished from the game.
Please step forward
to the Circle of Truth.
Before you leave
the castle forever,
please reveal to us
are you a faithful or a traitor?
Kate, I don't care
if you think I'm offensive.
I'm hurt because
I've been backstabbed
by each and every one of you.
And it sucks.
I'm a faithful!
And y'all are a bunch of idiots!
Like, you're literally
being manipulated
by people
that are so freaking obvious!
Y'all better get it together
'cause none of you
are gonna win money.
So good luck.
you are once more lessened.
There are only two more
round tables.
It's time to
take the gloves off.
- Yeah.
I said I'd eat it if I up.
- Just her words alone.
- Right, but, like, it's like
Knew it. You can tell.
It's a freakin' joke!
We look like complete idiots.
Maybe not, if you're traitors.
- Hey.
Come here.
Come here. Come on.
It's okay.
You know, this feels weird
because since the beginning,
I was a faithful.
Now I'm switched
to be a traitor.
But I still feel
a real bond with Andie.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, it's just like
I have to win this thing
because I can't be going through
what I'm going through mentally
to not take something home.
Like, I just can't.
I feel so horrible.
I think that we made a big
mistake as faithfuls tonight.
If you're saying
straight-up it's not you
- I swear to God.
Once there's a theory
and suspicion
sort of gets around
to the group,
it's almost like a cancer.
Christian could be in trouble.
- Gosh.
- Do you want any
Is it in the other room?
I'll go grab it.
Do you guys want anything?
- No, I'm good.
- You don't want anything?
- Water? Alright.
I'm so shook, man.
Christian's playing it to loose.
Like, he's just taking
big risks.
It put me at risk.
And, for now,
I need to protect myself.
I mean, well, we're done.
If we don't get one tomorrow
- That's it. That's a wrap.
We have to hit twice in a row.
It's not me.
I don't think it's Cirie.
Could Christian have been
a traitor all along?
He was shady
about the recruitment.
It was a shady story.
Like, it didn't add up.
Christian and I have always
trusted each other,
but I feel like I need to think
a little more because
what Stephenie's saying
is kind of suspect.
- I feel like he's a traitor.
I don't know.
I don't even know anymore.
I knew it wasn't Rachel.
I shouldn't have voted her.
But who am I gonna vote?
I don't think you're a traitor.
- I promise. I swear I'm not.
People are all
When I came from
the billiards room,
Andie was saying,
"Well, it has to be Christian."
- Andie was saying what?
- They think it's Christian.
Christian is coming up a lot.
He wants to be a show stopper.
So he will go out of his way
to do things that put heat on us
Oh, my God.
At least y'all got the shield
on your team today.
You know what I mean?
- Yeah.
- We won the shield.
So I know that nobody is safe
from being murdered.
All the dominoes
are lining up and falling
in the way we want them to fall.
So our plan is so far
working phenomenally.
I just wonder, is it possible
it'd be Christian?
Because he got the recruitment,
but he turned it down.
- That was a little sketch.
What if he was
already a traitor?
Then why would you
put that on Ohh!
Because now
he looks like a faithful.
- That makes
He knew that
he would be knowing that
And, this way, nobody would
waste a banishment on him.
When you're so cocky
and confident
and not paranoid at all
because you've got it all
figured out,
you start to make mistakes.
Good night.
Traitors are going to bed.
- Good night.
- Good night.
That's when you get banished.
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