The Traitors UK (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

This programme contains
some strong language
Previously on The Traitors,
the players arrived here
at this Scottish castle
to play the game of a lifetime
and to hopefully win up to £120,000.
But hidden amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
With the Traitors on the back foot
after failing to seduce Alex
Alex rejected your offer
of seduction. No!
I've seen how heavy the crown
of being a Traitor weighs.
..the Faithfuls' confidence
was riding high
Oh, my God! Doesn't it feel like
the Faithfuls are getting stronger?
That's it, guys. Well done!
..until the Round Table,
when tempers started to flare
Today, you've avoided me.
And I almost don't want to talk
to you any more.
I am a Faithful. And I have been
a Faithful from the very start.
Sorry, Maddy.
..and another Faithful
left the game
Rayan. Rayan. Rayan.
I am a Faithful.
..leaving the Traitors
to murder again.
We need to get those Faithfuls
to start disliking each other.
Alex or Amos.
One of them has got to go.
This is The Traitors.
# They're hiding
in the darkness #
It is getting really tough.
It's getting difficult,
just seeing them Crumbling
Yeah. front of us.
The person we have chosen tonight
is never going to be banished
from the Round Table.
They have to be murdered.
# Don't close your eyes #
Last night, the Traitors decided
to murder either Amos or Alex
..and now the surviving player
is on their way to join
the remaining Faithful at breakfast.
Oh! We're first down.
Did you sleep all right last night?
ErmI don't know.
Not really. I feel
I feel like
Yeah. I don't know.
I think I've had a bit of a thought.
I'm currently working in a care home
and I'm an actress,
but I haven't told them that cos
I just wanted to come in as myself
and them not think that I was dodgy.
And I need to just be honest.
Good morning! Morning! Morning.
Don't think anyone around that table
didn't feel the pressure last night
and felt the How intense it was.
And it's not
an enjoyable experience.
It was really hard to deal with
last night. Yeah.
But I think it was just
too emotional.
Like, I did think I was going to,
like, be banished last night.
So I do want to say, guys
..I'm working in a care home,
but I have done some acting work.
I was, like, a homeless woman
in EastEnders.
And I did Casualty.
Ah, right!
I feel like, now, I'm at the point
where I've got nothing to lose
and I actually don't mind
everyone knowing.
So what?
That I've not lied about my job.
I've just not said it.
But I do still work, like, full time
at the care home
and sing and play the guitar.
We build up trust with somebody
and then they drop a bombshell.
I mean, come on, guys!
If you're Faithful, stop lying!
It's not hard!
The only people that should be lying
in here is the Traitors.
Was that playing on your mind?
Was that playing on your? Yeah.
I just didn't want you guys
to think I was dodgy.
I was really taken back.
Whoever the Traitor is must be
a ten out of ten actress,
and then Maddy turns around
and says that she's, like,
she's an actress.
Like, this is a big thing.
I just thought you'd think if I came
in here and said I was an actor
on the first day, you'd think
I was dodgy No, no.
That is right, yeah. ..and you'd get
rid of me Cos the Traitors have
got to act, haven't they? ..whereas
I've just played it as myself.
It's quite a shock because
it's another layer peeled off
another player.
But for me as a Traitor,
this is so dynamic.
I can use this now.
I have to use this information.
Morning, ladies.
Oh, look at you! Pretty, pretty!
Just to say that I had
a very beautiful night's sleep
Ah! ..for the first time.
Every day that I come down
for breakfast, I'm just so grateful
I get to spend another day
with these people, especially Will.
He's a really, really good friend.
I thought I'd come into this,
play a game with a bunch of
strangers and then leave,
but these people really are
going to be friends for life.
Oh! You all right?
Am I the last one? No.
We've got one more person left.
One more. Alex or Amos.
I hope she hasn't gone cos she's got
really good theories. Yeah!
She's very clever.
Maybe none of us
have been murdered again.
I'm praying both of them.
Yeah, I hope it's both of them.
Come in! Come in! Come in.
Someone call for a doctor?
Am I the last one in? Yeah,
you're the last one. It's Alex. Aw!
So, are we agreed with Alex?
Yeah, 100%. OK.
Do you know what I love?
It's like, "You declined it.
"You tried to make a big show of it.
"Now we're here to show we'll follow
through with what we want to do."
"You should have accepted."
"Dear Alex,
you should have accepted. Bye-bye.
"By order of the Traitors,
you have been murdered."
This is a really hard game.
This is a lot harder than I thought
it was going to be, but overall,
I'd kind of proved myself
to the group that I was a Faithful.
And I'm happy about that.
However, in terms of the strategy
of the game,
that was probably my downfall.
Sorry to celebrate that,
but I'm not going to lie, I'm
If I had to pick, there's only
one winner there, so
A bit unfair on Alex, isn't it?
She's gone through all of that.
Then she got selected to,
you know, chosen a Traitor,
and then now she's been taken out.
Do you know what?
Credit to her for, like,
saying no to it, cos she would
still be here if she said yes,
cos no-one was looking at her.
I respect her for coming clean.
And she made herself a threat,
though, in terms of to them,
because she's obviously a Faithful
because she got the invitation
and she said no.
We wanted her on our side
so she could
We could utilise all her thoughts,
all her gameplay for our strategy
rather than the Faithfuls'.
So, by her declining to join us,
she signed her own death warrant.
Morning, everyone! There she is!
I tell you, this table is getting
smaller and smaller.
You know how this works.
This is when somebody takes
the portrait down.
Please, could I have somebody
quite tall? Theo?
I'm in my pyjamas, Claudia.
Sorry. You look divine.
Thank you. Fabulous!
Thank you.
You can go back now.
Could everybody say,
"Bye-bye, Alex"?
Bye-bye, Alex!
It's nearly time for a mission.
And I have a little rhyme for you.
"When you go down
to the woods today,
"you might win a pretty big prize.
"Word of warning, though,
it will be no picnic."
I'll see you soon. Oh, God. Bye!
That's so creepy. Are we going to
get mauled by a bear?
Like anything with the missions,
expect the unexpected.
So, we're in the woods
and God knows
what you've got in store
for us today.
Oh, but I'm really
I'm really sad about Alex.
I know. Same! I think she's
really, really brave as well.
Yeah, she was.
And she didn't have to
We all knew she was Faithful. Yeah.
So she could have just stayed in
and played the game, couldn't she?
She was really brave.
I don't think my heart would be able
to deal with it.
I'd rather be murdered.
I'm really weak, guys.
I wish I was strong.
The only thing The only thing is
the acting with you. Yeah.
Cos she's been in EastEnders,
she's been in Casualty. Have you?
So, I was a homeless woman
called Rita. Oh, oh!
I've got this information.
I've got to feed it around,
sow the seed, to get people
to start looking at her,
questioning her, seeing if
she could act this whole role out
as a Traitor.
What's your thoughts on
the Maddy bombshell?
Huh? Huh?
Maddy's an actor.
WTF! I just feel so, like
You trust somebody and then
they just go, "Boom!" Yeah.
Did she offer up this information?
She told us this morning.
Wait, I feel really weird now.
But why would she not just say that?
Now I'm thinking, "Is that why
she's on at these two all the time?"
Cos she knows they're
I'm shocked.
I'm, like, truly shocked.
But it's good for me. Like, Maddy's
always going to keep going for me,
so I need to manipulate now.
How do you feel? What, with Maddy?
Yeah. I just
Honestly, I can't believe it.
She has been an extra
in EastEnders or Casualty, mind.
She's had scenes.
So she's a really good actress.
And she can fake cry. She can fake
cry. That's not very good
Do you know what, though?
I have thought it was a bit weird.
Not a bit weird, but I thought
it was inconsistent,
the Maddy that we met at first
and who she is and who she acts as.
When we get into that Round Table,
she's not that same Maddy any more.
I'm not sure about Maddy.
Like, it's all of a sudden
just come out that she's an actor.
I don't know why she kept it
to herself.
And I think finding out
that information,
it kind of makes you have a look
at someone a little bit differently.
The worst thing is,
is that she's an actress.
We're not going to trust anything
she says at the Round Table anyway.
I'll tell you my first role,
though, Andrea. Yeah, go on.
Tutankhamun in the Tutankhamun show.
But it was only
What were you? Tutankhamun.
Oh, were you dead or alive?
Oh, I was alive, yeah.
It probably would have been better
if I was Had no words.
I'm feeling really all right now.
And it's made me so happy that I can
finally tell stories about acting.
Didn't you do nativity plays,
where you had to be angels? Yeah.
I was the shed, you know?
In the nativity, I had to just
stand there like that
while Jesus was born.
Who are you with? On my own.
I just had to come and process
some thoughts about Maddy.
Maddy? She's been in EastEnders.
She's been in Casualty.
She's been in the theatre. So you
think? She's done adverts.
Shut up! Yeah. Oh, my God.
Of course she could have.
Oh, don't tell me!
Why are you telling me this?
Yeah. I know.
And that's why I came on my own and
sort of just Oh, my God! I know!
I've always got on very well
with Maddy.
I've now got to be very careful
because, you know, that's
Your emotions get in the way.
You know, I've got to listen to
what other people are saying
and perhaps try and mingle
with some fresh faces.
Maddy See, and my theory is
No, I am, 100%.
So you think, like,
he's mirroring you? Yeah.
I really don't want it to be him,
but I can see the pattern there
because I did it last night.
I went for Maddy.
Aaron went for Maddy as well.
Strange, that.
And the only thing Aaron
did say to me yesterday,
he said, "If you were
a Traitor, Amanda,
"I'd vote to keep you in, anyway.
"I wouldn't vote you out
if I knew you were a Traitor."
And I said, "Well,
you would vote me out!
"Cos that's what we're here to do!"
But he knows, though, that He
knows I'm not.'re a Faithful.
Absolutely, that's the difference.
Yes. Yeah, that's why he said that.
Yes. I'm sorry.
You've got to spin it all the way
back round, haven't you? Yeah.
Go on, then. Right. Does anyone
know the rules of bowls? Oh, no!
I think you're meant to bowl it.
Why lie? Yeah. I don't understand
why people
are hiding relationships It was
a peculiar tactic. ..or hiding jobs.
Like, why hide it? Just go be
yourself, unless you're MI5.
But that's why I am kind of
looking at Maddy a little bit now,
because I am Do you not think
it's a man? FAY: I do.
I think it's a man. Yeah. Why?
Because you wouldn't have
You wouldn't have all women
I'm not saying you wouldn't,
but I just think for the game,
you might have a man.
And if there was three,
cos Alyssa Who are the men left?
Well, there's only four men left
now, cos Rayan gone last night -
me, Amos, Aaron and Will.
But I'm so confident
in all four of you.
I do know that Will
I know that Aaron is as well,
but I'm 100% sure about Will
that he is Faithful.
I do trust Will completely.
I can't second-guess that now
because I've trusted him
all the way through.
And for me, Will has just
proven himself
over and over and over again.
With the prize pot
sitting at £65,100,
the players now have the chance
to add to it further
by taking a trip deep into
the woods.
Here we go!
These missions have been hard.
I'm worried that the woods
Maybe there's going to be some form
of animals or creepy crawlies,
maybe something like that.
I'm just going to roll with it.
I reckon we've got to
find something. No!
I've given up guessing, though.
Hello! Welcome, all.
Are you ready for your next mission?
Here's how it's going to work.
Just back there, I've got
a fishing cabin,
and everything in it
is related to fishing.
I'm going to be upfront about it -
it hasn't been done up recently.
As soon as we went into the woods
and we saw that dark, eerie cabin,
I kind of knew it was going to
be bad news.
And it looked so creepy.
It was quite terrifying.
This mission is about one thing -
You are going to split into
two teams.
Each team will take it in turns
to escape from the cabin.
Your mission today is quite simple.
You have to go in the cabin
and then you have to get out,
but you have to get out
within 25 minutes.
Think of this, if you will,
like you would an escape room.
If you can get out in 25 minutes,
£3,000 is added to the pot,
so there's a total of £6,000
up for grabs today.
Quick question. Did anybody
wash their hair today?
I cannot apologise enough.
Bloody hell! Cobwebs! Please get
into two groups now.
We're sticking together. Half, half,
All right, this group,
you're going to be Green.
This team, you are going to be Blue.
The fastest team out of the cabin
wins passes to the armoury.
Enormous luck.
Please, let's do it.
Come on.
They're going to split us up.
There's two doors. Yeah.
As long as we've got two vocal
people on each team, it's fine.
I will be vocal.
I'll be screaming like a little cow.
OK. I'm excited. Right.
One, two, three!
Team Green!
Let's go!
Each team will split up and enter
the cabin via two separate doors.
The minute the door closes
behind them, the time starts.
Come on, guys! Woo!
Oh! Oh, my God!
Good luck, guys. You'll do
You'll smash it. You'll smash it.
Bloody hell! That stinks, man!
Oh, my God. Right, we need to
do something.
I can't do it. I can't do it.
Theo, there's literally just worms,
creepy crawlies.
There's dead fish, and that's it.
Come on. Come on.
Right. Right, so
Oh, God!
I feel sick. Right, so I'm guess
God, I wish I'd gone through
the other door.
Oh, the creepy cabin
was bloody awful.
I'll tell you what,
when we walked in,
it was just the smell. There was
a right stench
coming in from that cabin.
It was just grim.
What have you got on your side,
Guys, can you hear us through
this little thingy?
Say it again. Hello?
They can just hear us anyway!
What are we doing?
Oh, yeah. "Something equals kg.
Equals kg. Fish."
That's right. Look at that.
Look at that sign.
Right, we need to do something
with weight. Something with weight.
OK, guys, look at the ground.
There's maggots, there's worms
and there's fish.
Which clearly means we need to put
things inside the bucket
and then somehow weigh it.
And then that's obviously
going to give us
some sort of clue to get
to the next stage, OK?
So the maggots, worms and
the fish
Yeah, and there is
Oh, my God!
It's wet! It is wet! It is wet!
What is it?
We're in a wet room.
OK, did you guys? Did you guys
just do something?
We're wet! We're wet! We are so wet!
Oh, my God!
We are so wet!
Right, listen. Can you?
Have you got?
Right So we've got a padlock
with a code on it.
Will! Will! Yeah?
Is it fill up the water?
No, we have to fill up buckets
full of fish and maggots.
So, what, maybe the fish weighing
will give us
the code to get out, maybe?
They had maggots,
live worms and fish.
They had to weigh them.
And then they would give us
the code.
We then had to put the code in and
let ourselves into the next room.
However, we were just pummelled
with buckets and buckets
of freezing cold water.
So we can't We're just in
here getting absolutely battered
until we get a code, basically.
So suck it up, everyone.
It's shower time!
They feel so weird!
You're getting it onto the floor!
It's weird. It's weird. It's weird.
Just say how weird it is!
It's weird!
Today's mission wasn't
It was not for me.
One of my worst nightmares. I just
hate bugs. And the smell
Tell me how weird it is!
It's weird!
It's just nice. It's fairy dust.
It's fairy dust.
Fairy dust, fairy dust, fairy dust!
Oh, shit!
It's freezing here!
This is so grim!
I'm the worst vegan alive.
This is not good.
Don't squash these, man.
Oh, Aaron, for Christ sake,
fuck off.
Just get on with weighing
the things!
Sorry, maggots. This is not me.
How are you doing? It's horrible.
Are you joking, Claudia?
Remember, the fastest team
gets to the armoury.
Oh, God!
How many? So weigh the maggots.
And what is the kg of the weight
of the maggots?
Five and a half!
Right, weight of the worms?
And make sure you get everything in
before you give us the number
Yeah. ..before we drown. Yeah.
Come on! You've got to go faster!
Weigh the worms.
The worms are15!
15. Right, go for the last one!
Do it in the bucket if you're
going to do it.
17. 17.
Go, go, go!
Nip through!
"Fix me. Fix me." Right, hang on.
Oh, something's happening there.
There's all smoke.
Guys, help!
Help us! What do we need?
And now, on the worms, it's either
12 or 13.
I'm fairly sure it's 12, though.
Got it. Got it! Got it! He's got it!
Got it. OK, we're there.
You got it?
We're there. Oh, thank God!
OK, now what? Now what?
We can't see anything cos there's
loads of smoke coming in, OK?
So just keep looking. Fuck!
Keep looking for a key.
You might need to make something.
You might Come on.
Something might need fixing.
What needs fixing?
"Fix me! Fix me!" Here!
Fix me, yes. Come on, quick.
We had to then put our hands
into these holes
and find certain items to put
a fishing rod together.
Here! Here, here! OK, there. Yeah.
You've got seven minutes left.
You have to hurry up.
Oh, guys! Guys! Listen! Listen!
Guys, listen to me!
You've got a fishing rod,
and there's a key right here
on my side, OK?
Well done, Aaron! Well done!
Give it here. Give it here.
Give it here.
OK, how the hell? Argh!
How the hell are we going to
get that? Is it a magnet?
Guys! Guys, we need a magnet!
We need a magnet on the end of this!
End of a fishing rod.
Have they got a magnet?
Have you got a magnet?
Have you got a magnet? Yeah, we're
trying to find the other part
of the rod. So we're literally
We might be able to get it
with just the short rod.
Let's try. Do you want to try? Yeah.
We're missing a piece of the rod!
But I'm not being funny, look.
Come on, keep it going. Go on, Fay.
Yes! Here we go. Come on.
Bring it up.
Look, there you go, Will.
Get the key.
Quick, quick, quick. Ah!
They're spraying me so much!
I've got it! I've got the key!
Let's go in.
One more part of the puzzle.
Minutes remaining.
The keys to escape the cabin
are inside a ball,
which both teams must guide out of
this wall before the time's up.
They are so close, but the time
is about to run out.
Put your hand in to tell us if
there's anything in it, Meryl.
It's the ball we're after.
I can see the key!
One, two, three.
Yeah. Right, up! Up?
Well done. Well done. Well done.
Right, ready? Here, here, here.
Ready? Yeah.
Put it on the slide!
Fuck sake. Back down.
Go, go, go!
Good, good, good, good. Come on.
Quick, quick, quick, quick!
There you go.
OK, so what have you guys got? What
have you got? It's a little key.
OK, guys, I've got a ball.
I've got a ball.
So you're up and right.
Up and right.
Yeah, we can see your hand.
OK, that's it. That's it.
Good. Go up again. Top left. Yeah.
Good. Top left.
Right, I've got it. I've got it.
OK, we've got a key.
We've got a key.
OK, there's 30 seconds left.
Hurry up.
How do you get into it?
Oh, that's a way to do it.
Slow! Really, really slow!
Slow and steady! Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Wait. Now get it out. Yeah.
Argh! Why is it? OK, give me
your key!
Give me your key! It's not working.
Swap keys! Try it. Try it. Try it.
Try it!
Yes! Yes!
Come on! Did we make it?
I touched maggots!
And worms!
That's disgusting. And fish.
Guys I've got it! I've got it!
I've got it!
Three, two, one, go.
OK, go, go, go, go, go!
We're out. We're out.
You are out. Hurray!
But you were 40 seconds over.
So, unfortunately, you haven't
to the prize pot today.
I'm sorry. We did what we could,
We did complete
the escape room,
but we were 40 seconds out,
which is wounding.
I've got no words.
If we'd have passed those keys
through straight away
Yes, yes, I know.
We did it. We did it.
Come on, we got out.
I wish maybe we would've just got
on with it a bit quicker,
and then we would've probably been
able to win the challenge.
So I was a little bit disappointed
on that front, but it is what it is.
Come on, Greens. Oh, they're
so cold and wet.
OK, Greens, tell the Blues.
Did you do it? GREENS: Yeah!
Do you know what? It's great for
the team as a whole
because you have added £3,000.
That means, Green team, you do
get to visit the armoury.
That's money for all of us!
All of us!
You have all been through a lot.
Question for you -
who here fancies a drink?
Do you fancy a really glamorous,
stupendous dinner party?
That is what you're going
to have tonight.
So you can go back to the castle,
put on your glad rags
and look glamorous,
and I will see you there.
Well done. Well done to all of you.
Off you go. Off you go.
That was hard!
I feel so sick, bro.
What is that? What's that?
I don't know what this is.
I think it's from fish.
I think it's from the fish heads.
I don't know.
We're thrilled that the other team
managed to get it done.
So well done, them.
That's very good.
It makes us, we feel,
more vulnerable.
No shield, of course,
but that is the game.
I'm so happy I got a shield.
Well, we might have one.
Oh! Shoes off straight away.
Oh, sorry, guys.
I'm actually going in the fire!
Do you know what?
Even though we didn't win that task,
it was kind of It was fun.
It was fun and You've got a very
interesting sense of fun.
Oh, my God. Oh!
I don't even want to sit on here.
Oh, my God.
I smell like fish.
Listen, guys. Listen. Don't tell
anyone if you get the shield.
Not even anyone in here.
Cos we're safe.
Don't tell no-one. As winners
of the mission,
the Green team now have the chance
to visit the armoury
and potentially win a shield
which will protect its owner
from being murdered tonight.
How exciting!
It felt like something out of,
like, Harry Potter.
Or like Narnia, you know,
like the Narnia door,
and then I'm in the wardrobe.
It felt like that.
I don't know what one to go for.
Yes! I got the shield!
I feel amazing.
I told everyone this morning that
I have done a bit of acting.
And first time in the armoury
and I get the shield!
And I'm not telling anyone.
Even, like, the people that I love,
I'm not even going to tell them.
Felt so lucky.
Right, is that us done?
Yeah, that's all of us done.
I feel comforted that we'll sleep
well tonight, guys,
cos we're all protected.
We are all protected.
We're all a little bit protected
with the shield now.
But I don't feel super safe
because we know we have to go into
the Round Table tonight
and banish someone,
and then the Traitors just might
be like,
"Do you know what, I want Hannah
to leave. Let's just try it."
You all right? Huh?
You all right? Yeah, I just feel
like if I get through,
in terms of, like, getting murdered,
it'll be between us five.
So I feel like I'm probably going
to be the one
that gets the murder tonight.
Like, everyone's got a shield.
And our team that hasn't got
a shield,
I'd say a quite strong team in terms
of, like, just strong people,
so I feel like I'm just not
going to make it.
Theo's, like, you would say
is favourite
cos everyone wants him
Was protecting him yesterday.
Andrea's like the grandmother
of the group.
There's you, which is
the brains, Amos.
And then Amanda, there's just no
way it's going to be her.
So, then, I'm not going to lie
to you.
Like, if I was one person
outside of this group,
I would vote myself.
That's the only thing now.
And it's fabulous with the shield
because it protects the team
that's got the armoury.
But we've made it harder
for ourselves
by doing that Yes, we have.
..because now we've narrowed
the numbers down, haven't we?
Logically, we should vote off -
ourselves, as Faithfuls -
somebody from the other group.
Ooh! Maddy.
Yeah, that makes sense!
That's the logic, isn't it?
Cos then we have a chance of getting
the person with the shield.
But that's kind of We are playing
the game, but it makes sense.
Well, we've got to protect ourselves
now as well.
I wanted to go for Maddy
just because she kept a secret
from me and Amanda, and we kind of
have that little bond there.
She lied to us so I felt like that
was a good enough reason
to banish her.
I mean, I'm very fond of Maddy.
I'm very, very fond of her.
And I think that's why I've
been quiet today,
cos I feel let down.
The acting and I'm just keeping
that seed there.
With Maddy, every time somebody
starts saying,
"Yes, you know, she's a Faithful,"
and I go, "Yes,
"but the only thing that worries me
is the acting."
So it's putting that doubt back
in their mind again.
So as long as I keep doing that,
it just keeps the attention off me.
Are we all agreed in here? Maddy?
Guys, guys, guys! We're all agreed?
Yeah, OK. Agreed. Agree, Maddy.
In a game that's about honesty,
lying about something fundamental,
about who you are
makes it difficult for me
to trust you.
And I think, the Round Table,
Maddy will be probably one of
the first names
that people put on the board.
Are we agreed and is
the logic sound?
For me, the logic's sound.
Yeah, I think you're spot-on there,
If this is my last day, I don't want
to spend it paranoid
that I might get killed.
Do you know what I mean?
Let's just enjoy it.
We're proper playing a game
right now.
We're playing the game, like,
properly, aren't we?
As the gameplay continues,
it's time to heat things up even
with a well-deserved dinner party.
# It's about to get crazy
# It's about to go down
# It's about to get crazy #
I'll take one of them.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
# This is our house
# We do what we want #
Hi, ladies.
You look stunning, by the way.
Oh, what a perfect setting!
We're all dressed up.
Evening, gents. Hello!
Thank you very much, sir.
Cheers. Lovely.
I feel less guilty now about
murdering people
because they've had their
nice champagne.
How are you guys?
Oh, good. How are you?
You look fantastic.
You did brilliantly today.
The prize fund is currently £68,100.
So, well done.
To celebrate, I've got some lovely
news for you.
There is no Round Table tonight.
You really deserve a great night.
I want you to drink.
I want you to eat.
Who here likes party games?
Yes! Yeah!
We'll have a party game later.
With no twists, though? No twists?
No, I don't like them.
No twist?
What's the name of this show?
There you go. I'll see you later.
Oh, no. Bye!
I don't like that. Oh, shit.
Nothing happens in this castle
..without a twist.
I'm expecting just to banish someone
in the middle of my amuse-bouche.
Excite us and then, yeah,
now shit ourselves.
Let's all enjoy it like it's our
last night.
Yeah, let's do that!
Like it's our last night.
I was kind of gutted about
the Round Table
cos I sort of knew what way it was
going to go.
Because I've been slowly
planting seeds
and jumping on the bandwagon
with certain things.
But at the same time, it's nice
that everyone can relax.
Yeah. Cheers. Cheers.
Cheers. Party, party!
Aren't we lucky?
Look at that.
This is actually
That's beautiful. This is beautiful.
Oh, wow!
I'm very worried about this
What? game.
"There's no Round Table tonight,
but there is going to be games."
And then as soon as she said it
But that could be anything!
I feel like it's going to make me
want to have the Round Table.
I just want to say, I love you all
so, so much!
Love you, too. Love you, too.
Cheers. Cheers. Cheers.
Ugh! No Round Table,
but at least we don't have to sit
there tonight and
And just try and pick
Yeah, pinpoint and try and shoot
in the dark Yeah. we've been doing every
single night. Yeah.
And it means we can maybe confront
and talk to Maddy a bit more.
Think they'll still do a murder?
Do you think? Yeah. I hope not.
Just one day of just Because, why
shouldn't they?
We just all ..not kill anyone.
..all just have a nice evening.
And, you know, that's it.
So there might not be
a banishment tonight,
but that doesn't mean everyone's
got the night off.
I'm about to give the Traitors
a super secret mission,
because that's what everyone wants
at a dinner, right?
Oh, my God!
"Dear Traitors.
"Tonight, there will be no
meeting in the turret.
"Instead, you must murder
in plain sight."
"After dinner, you must
secretly discuss
"with your fellow Traitors
who you want to murder."
"Once you have made a decision,
you must signify your choice
"by giving a Faithful a kiss
"A kiss of death."
Oh, God.
"Only one of you may deliver
the kiss,
"and you must do it before the clock
strikes midnight."
"If you fail, there will be no
murder tonight."
Oh, why is this game never
straightforward, man?
OK, that's the only thing that's
going to be difficult,
because everybody kisses
everybody goodnight.
So we can only give one kiss.
..I'm not going for anybody who was
on the winning team today.
So I need to think about
who's got the shields
and who was on the opposite team.
People like Aaron, Theo.
There's Andrea, Amos.
We have to keep people in the game
that are going to be assets
to our missions.
So, for me, it's really important
that I stick to my game plan,
friend and betray.
So I'm close to Andrea and I just
don't feel like people
would think I'd do it.
The only one that would be really
hard for me is Andrea.
That woman is so inspirational.
She's Iron Lady.
I think it's the right decision
to make, but obviously
I can't make that decision on my own
at the moment.
But I think I can persuade Amanda
to choose Andrea.
OK, game on.
That is so cool!
Oh, my goodness me!
This is a very short
It's a very small table
Aw! Oh, "Fay", I'm over here.
Next to Theo!
It's good to see everyone relaxed,
I think it's taken a lot of
the weight off
that we've not got a Round Table
I just, like, love seeing everyone
in a relaxed setting.
Why? Why am I next to you?
I'm always next to you. Yeah.
Cheers, everyone! Cheers! Well done!
We're having cocktails
and a vegetable Wellington
or something.
It's so nice, cos I feel like,
in here,
it's just sort of been, like,
people dying.
Wow! OK, can I reply?
Can I say how lovely?
I live alone now and it's lovely
to be here with you all.
Different ages, different thoughts,
different personalities.
I'm having such a ball. Aw!
Last night, I suddenly thought,
I wonder why people
think I do things quite strongly.
When I was looking back last night,
I thought,
"Actually, what I do,
"I just try to get on and
do my best. It's what I've got."
I don't No, stop it. Listen now!
And you've 100% done the best
That I could do. could,
and that is absolutely spot-on
the way we should all live life.
And I'd like to tell you all that
this is such a joy for me. Aw!
And I have you all in my heart.
And I'm so pleased. And we're
pleased to have you.
So what I want to invite you all
to be in my heart,
because that's the place I've got.
Might be a bit sardines, kids,
but I'd love you all to be my
friends and be my heart.
Oh, absolutely.
To friends!
Yeah, to friends! Come on!
To friends!
To us all!
Oh, this game, man.
I'm struggling if I want
to murder her, actually.
I didn't expect it to be so hard.
I thought I could detach myself
from emotions.
I didn't think I'd get
emotionally invested.
Come on. I've got so many
new grandchildren.
Lots of presents. I haven't got much
money. OK?
So emotive for me, this.
I didn't know.
I can't go back to Belgium and be
the same, that's for sure.
We're all going to take part of
this back with us.
For 33 years, I've had children,
been married,
So I came in to really have time
For you.
..for me For you. digest
me again.
And I've met people like
I would never
You know, cos in the Welsh valleys,
we have rugby players - that's it.
We don't have writers, we don't have
comedians, we don't have
You know? And you will all be
my friends.
Since the beginning, they were just
faces that I just got to know.
I hadn't got to know their lives.
I hadn't got to know
their personalities.
But now we've got to know
each other,
I'm very close to them all.
It's not personal, you know?
It's really, really difficult.
I think, for me, the main thing
is probably
Cos it's never easy being gay.
We're in a modern world. It's still
really, really tough.
But a big thing for me is
knowing that can be accepted, in no matter
what kind of way of life.
..I know we're playing a game,
but it just goes to show
you can be yourself and a bunch
of strangers
that you've never met in your life
will always accept you
for who you are.
I've met some lovely people
and to me, Kieran,
honestly, I've met you two days
and you're like a father figure
to me. Ha-ha!
I've never had that in my
life before. Bless you.
I'm very fond of you, mate.
You know that.
I think you're an absolute diamond.
We've got a bond between everyone
in here now,
and every day is a blessing in here.
Like, a new opportunity to bond
with the team.
And it's nice to have a little
let-out, if I'm honest with you.
Rather than just attack mode
all the time.
I know it's the game, but it's nice
to have some just normal chats.
Loved that.
Hi. Oh, no.
Oh, God.
Oh, Amanda. You've been cut short.
I told you.
Did you have a lovely dinner?
Yes, thank you. We did.
I'm so pleased.
Are you ready
..for pudding? No.
No, please. Please, no.
You can never relax in here.
You just always have to be on the go
because you never know what is going
to happen.
I ask you all, please, to stand up.
Oh, God, God, God, God, God.
Just hold my hand. Hold my hand.
Come on. Come on.
It's time to play a little game.
Nothing's straightforward
in this castle.
It's never like, "Just do this,
have fun."
It's always like, "Have fun -
but this is going to happen."
I'm going to need a volunteer.
I'll do it.
Amanda, your hand was up first.
Look around the table.
You have made such great friends,
such great bonds.
I'd like you to tell me,
out of everyone here,
who do you trust the most?
Shit. Who do I trust most?
Who do you trust the most?
Thank you, Amanda.
Your emotions do change from
nine o'clock to six o'clock.
I know who I want to murder
at some point,
but at the moment, I've got him
on my side.
You can sit down, Amanda.
Thank you.
Theo, darling?
I'm going to ask you the same
Who do you trust the most
..of the people still standing up?
Oh, where is this going, here?
My thought process was, is the last
person standing going to get offed?
We don't know at this point.
Come on. Come on. Sorry.
It's OK, Theo.
You can do whatever you need
to do. It's OK.
Oh, thank you.
So I chose Andrea because,
that woman,
she's 72 years old,
she deserves to be here to the end.
Andrea, I know you love everyone
at this table,
but I'm just asking you,
who do you trust the most of the
people still standing?
You're all my 100%.
But I'm going to take Amos because
he was in the train with me.
Thank you very much.
Amos, of the people still
standing up,
who do you trust the most?
Erm, my older brother, Kieran.
Thank you very much.
Kieran, who do you trust the most?
I thought I would give a gesture
of goodwill to Will to say,
"OK, I got it wrong the other day."
Time will tell.
"But here's an olive branch."
I know you have made brilliant
friends here, so this is hard.
But who do you trust the most
of the people still standing?
Oh, God.
It's Fay.
Thank you very much, Will.
Have a seat.
I was going to choose Hannah.
I trust her 100% cos she's
not a Traitor.
But I still have to have people
think she could be.
So I chose Fay as a tactical move.
At one point, she's going
to get onto me,
so I needed to get her onside,
knowing that I'll be able to make it
up with Hannah.
Fay, who do you trust the most?
Aaron. Thank you very much.
Please have a seat.
The people still standing,
there's three -
Maddy, Meryl and Hannah.
Aaron, who do you trust the most,
Thank you very much, Aaron.
Please have a seat.
Hannah, you've made amazing
friends here, too.
Out of Meryl and Maddy,
I just need one name.
Thank you so much, Hannah.
I do trust Meryl.
She's probably the one that
I trust the most now.
No-one said me.
And I felt a bit like an outcast,
you know?
Meryl, please take a seat.
Maddy, you're the last
one standing.
Nobody chose you as their most
trusted player.
It's time to show you pudding.
Maddy, you now have the
unique opportunity
to prove just how trustworthy
you are.
This is £3,000.
That was what was made
on the mission today.
You can now choose.
You can take this and leave now,
effectively banishing yourself.
There is a Jeep outside.
Or can put this back
in the prize fund
and continue to stay in the game.
What's it going to be?
I did not see this one coming.
I want them to think that I'm
a team player, you know?
Because I am a team player.
But then three grand's
a lot of money
and I'm not good with decisions.
Are you going to take the money
and run
or are you going to stay
in the game?
She should've just taken the money.
It's only a matter of time before
she's going to get
enough votes to get her out.
..I'm not sure.
Maddy, have you made your decision?
Yeah, I'm a team player.
I'll stay in.
Yes, Maddy!
Well done, Maddy!
Maddy, you resisted temptation.
This goes back in the prize fund,
so it currently stands at £68,100.
OK, the rest of you will
be delighted,
that is the end of the games.
Really enjoy your night
because, for one of you,
it might be your last.
So there is a murder.
Goodnight. Goodnight.
Goodnight, Claudia.
Well done, Maddy!
Maddy, that's massive. Well done.
Maddy, well done.
I put myself in her shoes,
and I would've really, really
struggled to turn it down.
I know £3,000 is a lot of money.
To Maddy. To Maddy. To Maddy!
I think I was just more concerned
about, like, pleasing people
than, like, the actual money.
But, really, I should've just
thought of the money
and how much that would mean to,
like, my family and that.
They're going to think
I'm a right idiot.
I wanted to prove to you guys
that I'm not
You were a Faithful.
Yeah, and that I'm not untrust
Like, I'm not untrustworthy..
And let me tell you something.
To me now, you've 100%
proved yourself.
But I just thought to myself,
"Oh, my God,
"we've been quite close,"
haven't we?
And I thought, "She's never even
mentioned anything."
And it did hurt me because
But I haven't worked
But I haven't done that for, like,
eight months, you know?
But we know you are now.
You put £3,000 back in the pot,
haven't you?
Yeah, I just donated it to someone,
if I don't win.
If I don't win.
I am tempted to say,
"Claudia, can you come back in
and I will take it now."
She chose the team - which proves
that she's a Faithful, hopefully,
fingers crossed, and she wanted
to stay with us.
So I'm proud of Maddy.
So Hannah was really upset
because we are really close and
I didn't pick her as my 100.
It's not very nice to get down
all the people that you trust
and then To then just leave you
hanging. It's not a nice thing.
I thought that me and Will
particularly were very close.
That really shocks me, that he went
for Fay instead of me.
You could've left me, Aaron and
Meryl all sat there tonight.
I wouldn't have. Yeah, you would've.
No, I wouldn't have.
You didn't know that wasn't going
to happen. Yeah, I did.
If he would've come to question me
and tell me
that he was suspicious,
for whatever reason,
I would've been able to stomp
those suspicions down.
But he didn't. Andyeah, that was
quite upsetting.
God, I haven't bit my fingers
in so long, do you know that?
Five days ago, I started biting them
again, and now they're just ruined.
That was just all really weird.
It was. Very weird.
I didn't see that going
the way it did.
How do you mean? What sort of?
I think Will voting for Fay
when I was like
Yeah, but I don't see what reason
he would've done.
Especially the other night, when
I essentially saved his arse.
And then, tonight, for him
to just, like
Do you know what I mean?
I don't know what I've ever done
to, like, make him distrust me.
Shall we do this, right?
It could actually be one of our
last nights tonight.
We still want to, like, try and
have a good night.
We're just sat here right now
Oh, I'm not sulking. I'm just trying
to work things out.
I'm sulking. You're sulking
because of?
I'm just sulking, man!
It's not very nice to be low
down the line, is it?
No, I just don't want to go.
It's really annoying
because I'm like,
"There's a Traitor in here,
at least one,
"that's getting away with it."
And that's what's really upsetting.
Yes, please!
# It's murder on the dancefloor
# But you'd better not kill
the groove
# DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house
right down #
Oh! Oh, God!
Oh, come on! Come on!
Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup!
Hup! Hup!
Whilst the Faithful party
the night away,
the Traitors must now murder
in plain sight.
They need to choose their mark
and give them the kiss of death
before midnight.
And then together!
And then roll and clap!
Will and myself never really
congregate much as Traitors,
because you can't.
Everybody is watching every minute
of every day.
So I thought to myself,
"Well, when am I going to speak
to him?"
# It's murder on the dance floor
# But you'd better not steal
the moves
# DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house
right down #
Murder on the dance floor! Ah!
Right, let's sit down. Let's do this
quickly cos they've got music on
and we need to have fun. Right.
Yes, and we want to have fun.
So, listen, no matter what we do,
we've got to stick together
for 100%.
I think we need to look at
some players
that were not up for the shield.
So then it was between Andrea,
Aaron, Amos and Theo.
We can't take out Aaron. Yeah.
With Aaron, we've been in
the journey
from the start together.
He's like little stepson to me.
He's never, ever going to
suspect you.
And I don't think he's ever
going to suspect me.
Right, we've got Andrea.
At the end of the day,
she could possibly win this
if she stays in.
I think it's going to be impossible
to banish her.
I don't think she'll get
enough votes to go.
So we have to kill her off
at some point.
Looking at Amos, the cons are
..he's going to be the one to suss
us out later on. Oh, he will.
Yeah. Pros are he voted me and he
feels really bad about that.
That leaves me off the radar.
He's always referring
"Amanda's a good judge
of character."
So he's on-side with both of us.
Theo has bonded with me.
I thought he'd break and he'd be
He was stronger than what I thought
he'd be.
And he's become really influential.
And it worries me.
In terms of murdering tonight
You happy with that, yeah?
Yeah, very happy.
So who wants to do the kiss
of death?
Yeah, I'll do it.
Do you want to do it?
But don't kiss anyone.
I won't kiss anyone.
That's not the kiss of death! Yes.
All right, listen, you go first
because I've just gone.
Oh, my God. This game is ridiculous.
That kiss, that is so hard
because it's, like,
right in front of everyone. So it
needs to be really inconspicuous.
Everybody is watching.
How am I going to do this? How am I
going to deliver a kiss?
So I'm really stressing now.
The gongs go off and you're like,
"Oh, my God, she doesn't have long."
The deal was sealed.
Next time on The Traitors
What Claudia said is, it was agreed
out in the open
at the party last night.
We need to get one tonight
otherwise we've fucked it.
I know I'm a Faithful.
I can say definitely.
What about you?
People are going to see
a bit of a snake.
The more the game goes on,
the less I trust Amanda.
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