The Trust: A Game of Greed (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

The End of the Rainbow

[Brooke] This is a trust.
Do you want to share the money
or vote to cut someone out
to keep more for yourself?
[Brian] We can be a family,
we can be a team,
and that's what I'm hoping happens.
I would like to vote for Juelz.
[dramatic sting]
[Juelz] Didn't have to be like this.
I'm going to vote Simone out of the Trust.
[Simone] I don't know what happened.
The cancer is too deep.
[Brian] I do not have a good read
on this group.
I do have something to share.
Uncle Brycey is the millionaire.
Your ass gonna be flying home first class.
The stakes are only gonna get higher,
and the choices more difficult.
They are dangerous.
And I'm coming for you.
Is this about trust
or making some more dough?
[dramatic music plays]
[clicks tongues] Fuck it.
People are playing a game.
-They're not my real friends.
-[Lindsey] No.
I cannot say that I trust her,
especially when it comes to Jake.
Jake does not like you, babe.
You just destroyed the two friends
you had in this house.
Who is your most trusted ally?
-[Brooke] Lindsey.
So, Lindsey blew my shit out.
-That's who's been playing this game.
-No way.
[Jay] $25,000 from the Trust is mine,
and I will take that.
[Winnie] I'm not stupid,
and I know this is still a game.
If you think I'm about to leave this house
without blowing some shit up,
you're absolutely mistaken.
You're the biggest snake in here.
The person who received the most votes
is Winnie.
You align with whomever you believe
has the power in the house.
And if the men didn't hold the power,
you would've stabbed 'em in the back
the same way you did us.
You guys outed your spy, and it sucks.
I'm pissed.
We're down to five.
[Tolú] My parents came to this country
with nothing.
I'm gonna leave with
as much money as possible.
[Gaspare] I like to think
we could all share this money,
but I didn't leave my family for a month
to not financially benefit.
Money can very much poison your thoughts
if you let it.
I need to be financially stable
for the state to say,
"Yes, you can adopt Rooster."
[Julie] I wanna believe in the group
and not wanting to be selfish,
but also, selfishness is how I survive.
It only takes one bad apple
to spoil the bunch.
And if you gotta get rid of 'em,
then you gotta get rid of 'em.
[Brooke] You all started as winners.
But will you leave as winners?
[dramatic music playing]
[music ends]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Gaspare] This is it. The five of us.
We've already made it this far.
We hope that you see that we trust you.
We trust you. We trust you. We trust you.
You trust me, hopefully.
To just cut somebody at the very end…
It's just… Don't.
I did not vote. I swear on my dog's life.
I did not vote. I don't know
how is there multiple votes cast?
-I didn't put a vote in either.
-Neither did I.
So, if I didn't vote, you didn't vote,
you didn't vote, you didn't vote…
I did cast a vote.
You casted a vote?
-Of course.
-Yeah, I understand. Lindsey--
You probably voted for each other--
[Jake] And then her vote was the one
that didn't count.
It was one against one,
and hers just didn't count.
[Brian] It would have
canceled each other out.
It was by mere chance.
I'm struggling morally about coming clean
because I've been nothing but honest
this whole game.
Voting for Lindsey,
I felt like I needed to protect the people
that I cared about in this house.
I feel bad about it,
but I feel in my heart
that it was the right thing to do.
And I only think that telling them,
at this point,
could only harm my chances of winning
and not really help it.
[Brian] I can't believe
we were on the same page. [chuckles]
-[Brian chuckling] No vote.
-Welcome back to the herd.
-[Tolú] Thanks, guys.
-Welcome back.
-[Tolú] I hated being a maverick.
Ding dong, the witch is dead [laughs]
[all laughing]
[Tolú] I woke up this morning so defeated,
thought I was going home,
and that just goes to show
that a lot can happen
in just 12 hours in this house.
But at this point,
do I know can I trust these individuals?
No way.
One of them decide
at the last minute they want Tolú out…
It's gonna be "kill or be killed."
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[percussive music playing]
All right, let's not do our usual,
"All right, guys,
we're right there at the end."
Well, listen, we are now at the end.
[Jake] I'm telling you,
the end of the rainbow is right there.
Like, there's maybe truths coming out.
There may be anything coming out.
The idea is there's a line,
and we all wanna cross it.
[Julie] In the beginning of this,
I didn't feel bad for lying.
Because I usually don't care about
who I'm lying to.
Cheers for everyone that's here.
[Gaspare] Cheers for making it to the end.
[Julie] But I'm honestly sick of lying.
Brian and I have a lot
of the same experiences,
and yet Brian still chooses to trust,
and he seems very innocent and just loves.
And I have this hardness,
and I don't trust.
Like, "You're stupid if you trust."
-Can we talk quick, one-on-one?
-Yes, ma'am.
Brian gives me hope in loving
and trusting people,
in believing to see the best in people,
and he's allowed me to see that
I can see the world in a different way.
So, I wanted to let you know
there's one thing that I lied about.
And I feel guilty about it,
but especially guilty with you about it.
[suspenseful music playing]
I took the offer that day.
I wanna take the offer.
People like me don't always get offers
because life isn't fair outside of here,
and it's not equal.
I don't think this idea of selfishness
is as black and white
as a lot of the group makes it seem.
[music fades]
I'm sorry for lying, Brian.
[tense music playing]
Do you think
they'll understand if I tell them?
-I don't know.
-[Julie] I'm scared.
I'm highly disappointed in her,
not for taking it, but for lying to us.
I feel misled, used,
and I feel exceedingly gullible.
This is someone that we elected
to bring to the final with us,
to share everything with.
I was rock-solid
going into this final vote,
but as of right now, I'm a little nervous.
I told Brian that there is something
that I wanted to come clean about,
that I haven't told even Tolú,
or any of you, obviously.
[pensive music playing]
I took the offer
the day we were at the Vault.
-I figured.
-[Jake] Oh, you did?
I did, and I said I didn't, so I lied.
So, I had to apologize to Brian first.
What was the offer?
The offer was $15,000
if I voted someone out,
and they went home.
So I walked into the house though,
and Tolú pulled me aside and said,
"We're voting for Bryce tonight."
And I just said, "Okay."
You know what's funny?
You knew?
I fucking knew.
I was like, "When she's ready,
she'll reveal the truth."
I wasn't ready, but…
I'm ready now.
it's not even that I feel so betrayed
that she took the 15,000,
but it's the fact that you lied to me
consistently afterwards.
But best believe she's gonna take me out
for the world's most expensive dinner,
and I'm ordering all the crab cakes.
All of them. And lobster and steak,
caviar… I haven't had that.
I don't even know if I like it,
but I'm gonna get it,
just 'cause it's on Julie.
[contemplative music playing]
I definitely feel
differently towards Julie.
You're taking money essentially from us.
It does make people question,
"Is this person really here for the money,
and not here for the greater good
of the group?"
I'm glad I took it
because someone was gonna go home anyways.
So, you're gonna throw me
a couple thousand then from that?
I'll take you to dinner.
[Jake] I think it's a shady thing to do.
I don't care what your "why" is
behind taking the money.
It's not your money to take.
It's everyone's money.
There shouldn't be a reason
to wanna take it
if you really trust
the other individuals in the house.
Hey, something tells me
vaults are not done yet.
So, wait until the next one.
I really don't even wanna
think about it, man.
She's better than that.
Julie knows she's better than that.
[music ends]
[groovy music playing]
It's like, I understand you,
and I respect you for it…
[Tolú] Remember when
we all first saw each other?
[Tolú] Julie walked in,
I was like, "Another young girl."
I know. I was like,
"We're either gonna be friends
or worst enemies."
Turns out, we've been both
in this experience.
[all laugh]
[Brian] The girls were all
on the same team at the very beginning,
and they were all for self.
They have not been 100% trustful
this entire time.
Matter of fact, they've kind of not been
trustful, really, at all.
-[Tolú] And then there were five.
-[Brian] Yeah.
[Tolú] This five is a very deserving five.
Brian, you deserve everything
that's coming for you.
And that sounds ominous. But, I mean,
great things are coming your way,
and you are one of the most genuinely
Oh my God, I've never…
I… I honestly can say
I've never met anybody
as kind as you and Gaspare.
And I… I just pray that the love
that y'all have poured into this house,
I pray that God blesses you guys tenfold.
-Oh, so, now you wanna make me cry?
-[Tolú laughs]
I like Tolú.
She's always been kind to me,
but let's face it, there's potentially
a lot of money on the table.
Can someone like Julie and Tolú
resist that temptation and that urge
to cut someone out right now?
[clicks tongue]
[Jake] Because if you take it away,
that doesn't do it.
-[Gaspare] Yeah.
-[Brooke] Hi, guys.
-[Gaspare] Hi!
-[Tolú] Hey, Brookey-boo.
Come on over. Come on over.
Come gather around me.
It feels good to be this close
to the finish line,
but I'm just ready to be finished.
Because, like, every day that we are like,
"Yeah, there's seven of us!"
And then the next day it's like,
"Oh, there's six of us!"
"Oh, the five of us!"
It just seems like every time
things are going good, they're not.
To just constantly be like,
"Is it me? Is it him? Is it her?"
Just playing this game of "what ifs"
is mentally exhausting.
[Brooke] Well, you've all been through
quite a bit.
It's not quite over yet.
There's one more Test
before tomorrow's final Trust Ceremony.
You're all going to enter the Vault.
[tense music playing]
One by one.
This will be your last time in the Vault,
so you can imagine
it'll be mighty tempting.
As of this moment,
the total amount in the Trust
is $268,000.
-[Jake] Let's go.
Let's see if it stays that way.
That's a lot of money
coming to each of us.
Comes out to over $53,000 a person.
We just have to make it through the Vault.
I want to believe
all five people are gonna
make the right decision for the team.
But there's always that seed of doubt.
[dramatic music playing]
I'm gonna go and turn down
whatever is in there,
so we can come out
with the most money together.
If there is one concern I have,
it's the fact that 48 hours ago,
we were not cool with Tolú.
We were ready to get her out of the house.
So, the fact that
this is Tolú's first vault,
she doesn't know
what it feels like to be tempted,
and I have an uneasy feeling
in my stomach about it.
Tolú, you're up first.
Follow me.
-Go get it, girl. Let's go.
-[Julie] You got this, Tolú.
I really, really am hoping
that the offer isn't too good,
so that I can just say,
"You know what? No, I reject the offer,"
and feel like the kind,
moral human being that I know I can be,
and make everybody in the house proud.
But I'm shitting gold bricks.
[exhales sharply]
[percussive music playing]
-[access beeps]
-[door unlocks]
[Brooke] Here we are.
First trip into the Vault.
First and your last.
I'm really nervous, I'm not gonna lie.
I don't know, my spirit is just telling me
that this is gonna be
a really crazy offer,
but I don't wanna disappoint
the rest of the people in the house.
You ready for the offer?
No, but…
[suspenseful music playing]
[smacks lips] Yeah.
Read it for me, Tolú.
[music continues]
"Name an amount up to $25,000
that you'd like to take from the Trust."
"If you bid the highest number,
it's yours to keep."
Only one person
will actually get the money.
The one who names
the highest dollar amount.
This is your chance.
No one will know unless you tell them.
But you don't have to make a bid at all.
No one does.
So if everyone passes,
all that money stays in the Trust.
The choice is yours.
[music intensifies]
[dramatic sting]
Talk me through what you're thinking.
Twenty-five thousand dollars.
[contemplative music playing]
We came to this country with zero.
Nothing but basically
the clothes on our back.
I wanna be able to go home
to my parents and say,
"Hey, look what I did for us."
I'm concerned 'cause Julie is coming.
She's already taken an offer once
and did not disclose that until
last night.
She comes from a similar background.
We both came from nothing.
I really feel like she'd take this offer.
And I'd be so remissed
if I said, "No,"
and I saw somebody else say, "Yes."
I don't know, truly, how all the people
in this house feel about me.
Like, it just takes one vote
for me to be out
at the last Trust Ceremony.
So, I don't know
if somebody's gonna vote me out.
I could take this guaranteed 25K,
and then whatever happens happens,
or I could leave everything up to chance.
Yeah, I don't like this feeling at all.
I'm not gonna lie.
Loyalty to the group.
[tense music playing]
Loyalty to my family.
[dramatic music playing]
"If you bid the highest number,
it's yours to keep."
-I was not expecting this.
-What did you think it was gonna be?
I don't know. This is really direct,
so it's kinda…
it's kinda how I operate, so…
-What's going on in your head right now?
-It is a little tempting.
-It's a lot of money.
-It is a lot of money, for sure. It is.
I don't wanna be one
that went behind everyone's back,
stabbed them in the back just to take
a little more money out of the Trust
when I know I can happily share it
with all four individuals.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brooke] How are you feeling after today?
When I get so close to something, I just…
I don't want it to get taken away,
I don't want anything to mess up.
-[Brooke] Yeah. Yeah.
Do you feel tempted?
I can't imagine taking something
that would hurt them.
The other part of me thinks
my place in this house
still might not be secured.
So, do I take an offer
that could benefit me?
I don't know. My gut is telling me
to not take it.
But knowing that that money
would really help…
I don't know,
I feel like, like,
"What's the harm of taking some money?"
-You've been through this before.
-[Julie] Yes.
You know that sort of internal conflict,
what that feels like.
What I'm hearing is
that you're thinking of the group.
-And maybe thinking of yourself.
-[laughs] Yeah.
-[Brooke] Maybe that's not a bad thing.
It's just entirely up to you, Julie.
Do you wanna bid?
Do you wanna place a number
or not?
[music continues]
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
[Brian] "If you bid the highest number,
it's yours to keep."
Okay, that's a little scary.
Where are you
on the temptation scale tonight?
[inhales deeply]
We're talking about a big chunk of money.
And then you add on the $30,000
from the… from the previous vault on top.
That is life-changing money
that's gonna
help create financial stability,
so that when we go to petition
for the adoption of little baby Rooster,
they're gonna be like,
"Oh yeah, you guys are rock-solid."
[suspenseful music playing]
Uh, the highest offer,
I'm assuming, has to be 25,000.
I'm kind of torn.
Any financial motivation
for me is not really for me.
It's just to make sure that my kids
and my family have a better life.
But at the same time, if I take the money
and I piss everybody off,
what kind of example
would that set to them,
you know, to my students
who are gonna watch this one day?
What's that gonna show them?
Do you feel tempted, walking in this room?
I mean, it's good, 25,000,
but I don't want it.
[dramatic sting]
[suspenseful music playing]
I do not wanna put in a bid.
[Brooke] Do you wanna bid?
Do you wanna place a number?
Or not?
I just wanna stand on
what I've kinda come into this house on,
and I know that I can't make a bid.
I'm a man of integrity,
and I'm not gonna let this offer
buy me out.
Close that sucker on up, Jake.
My first instinct is to make a bid.
And I really think
I will probably regret this
because I know my position isn't
totally safe in the house, but…
[music continues]
We said
that we were gonna share this money,
but I've sold out my integrity
before in this game,
and it's left me feeling
really guilty and really bad.
I've told enough lies.
I don't wanna lie again.
So, I do not wanna make a bid,
and I wanna continue to share
this money with the group.
[dramatic sting]
[dramatic music playing]
So what are you gonna do?
I'm the last hope for my family.
I got to think of my parents.
I think I wanna accept the offer.
[music fades]
[Brooke] How much are you gonna take?
Twenty-five thousand dollars.
[dramatic beat]
You've chosen to accept the full amount.
[tense music playing]
I don't know
how I'm gonna explain this to them.
Thank you, Brooke.
[music continues]
[music crescendos, ends]
[contemplative music playing]
[Tolú] Now, y'all gotta understand
where I'm coming from.
I'm coming from
I didn't even have real diapers
'cause we couldn't afford Pampers.
So, 25,000?
For me to be able to take
that back home to my parents?
I'm sorry.
No amount of promises
that I've made to this group
would make me break
the first promise I made to my parents.
I do feel bad though.
No, no, not that bad.
-Come here, friend. [chuckles]
-[Julie giggles]
I wanna hope that if I told the truth,
they would understand,
but that's not a risk
that I'm willing to take.
This is going to be
the hardest secret to keep,
'cause if they get
any inkling that I'm lying,
I could be cut out of the Trust,
and I could miss out
on my share of the remaining $242,000.
Did I do that math right?
Who cares? [chuckles]
-Why're you so excited?
-[Julie] I did the right thing. [chuckles]
I didn't want to.
And to be honest, I just wanted
to get the hell out of there.
It was, like, a… It was no-brainer for me.
[Tolú] It wasn't as hard as I thought
it was gonna be.
I am so excited
that this time I'm telling them
I did the right thing,
but I'm actually not lying.
So, I want there to be a parade.
I want there to be marching bands.
Like, I want confetti. I want champagne.
Let's get drinks.
After a whole lifetime of making
a "me" decision and "I" decision,
I want to be able to prove to them,
but I also want
to be able to prove to myself,
that I can be trusted.
You know what though?
I thought of you when I was in there.
-I heard your voice--
-[Jake] Stop it.
No, I heard your voice just being like,
"You don't even know
how good it could be."
-Y'all are so fucking cute right now.
-[Jake] I think I said--
-No, I was saying…
-[Jake laughs]
Tolú and Julie,
they're two individuals that have
knocked a lot of people out of the house.
They had different intentions
coming into this experience.
But the reaction I got makes me think
they did the right thing.
I give people the benefit of the doubt.
-[Julie] No--
[Julie screaming] Brian!
[Tolú] Brian! I'm so excited.
[Julie] Brian, guess what we did?
Guess what we did?
-We did the right thing!
We didn't take the money
We didn't take the money ♪
I'm so proud of you.
The "reformed tricksters."
Julie was presented
with an offer in the past.
She didn't have to accept, but she did.
And she lied directly to my face.
When it comes to Tolú,
this is her very first time in a vault.
My heart, my intuition believes
that she's in it for the team.
-Guess what we did? Guess what we did?
-Oh my gosh.
You took the money and ran?
I wanna believe that everybody kinda felt
the same way as me.
-Our reformed tricksters.
-[Gaspare] Yeah.
-Unless they're tricking us now.
-You know what they did?
[Gaspare] I think Tolú is just happy
to be here, still.
But also, Tolú could feel
unsafe in this house
because she knew
people were coming for her.
Julie has proven that she takes the money
when presented to her.
So, maybe she does take the money
and kind of "run," hypothetically.
But I wanna believe nobody took the money.
All right, guys,
this whole experience has been really fun.
I'm glad we've all, like, come together,
and we don't have to make a decision
to get anybody out.
So, let's just keep it going.
We'll say "the Trust" on three.
-The Trust.
-The Trust.
-One, two, three, Trust!
-[all] Trust!
[soft rock music playing]
-[Brian] Oh man.
-[Tolú] Oh yeah, shade. Thank you, Jesus.
I was so nervous coming into this.
I was so very nervous.
I didn't know how I would be perceived,
and it's been tough. It's been tough.
Because, you know,
the whole time, I'm like,
"I wanna keep everyone together."
And I just keep seeing people leave.
The first big shock, of course, was Juelz.
That's when I realized that
this now is gonna be
something far more different
than what I thought
it was gonna be. [laughs]
So, you know,
I came in here very competitive.
I was like,
"It's gonna be 'kill or be killed.'"
-"I don't know these folks."
-[Brian] Yep.
But I do wish I had entered in
more with your mentality.
-[Brian] The Lord's looking out for you.
-He does.
And I could not be
more thankful, you know?
-Because you deserve to be here.
-Thank you.
And I am very, very sorry
for misunderstanding
the situation with Lindsey.
-I'm very sorry. We were misled.
-Thank you, Brian.
Yes, ma'am. I do love you.
-Love you.
-From day one.
I'm so glad you're here.
-We got this.
-We do.
-[Brian] We got this.
-No vote.
[Brian] Yeah, no vote.
-No votes.
-We're gonna do big things.
-Yes, we are.
Tolú has very much grown
in this experience.
I look at her, and she's a beaming light.
We get each other, I guess.
But at the exact same time,
moving into the final Trust Ceremony,
thinking about this
based upon past experiences,
she is a big, giant question mark.
[upbeat music playing]
[Jake] I'm gonna miss this.
[Julie] I know. I'm sad.
[Jake] Why are you sad?
[Julie] Because it's, like, over.
When is the next time
I'm gonna be able to look at all this
and, like, experience something like this?
But most important, like,
experience it with you.
Because it's been…
It's kinda been life-changing for me, so…
[soft guitar music playing]
I don't know, I just, um…
There's been a lot of noise,
I think, going on
with this experience and everything.
And I think,
there's, like, one thing I need you
to get across you
that's really important to me.
It's that I really want you to know
that I… I see you,
and that I appreciate you,
and I value you.
I really wanna know someone,
and that starts with the heart.
And with you, I feel like
that's where I connected
with you the most.
I'm just happy I know you,
and I wanna continue to talk to you
and know you more.
So, outside of this,
I still wanna explore things
and be connected to you.
I mean, when I first, like, met you,
I'm like, "Oh, whatever."
Like, "Doesn't hurt to flirt, but…"
-I thought I felt the same way.
Like, I'm also surprised
how much you've, like, put up with.
You believed the best in me,
but even when I admitted
to you that I wasn't
always honest,
or I wasn't always the best, I was like,
"He's not gonna like who I actually am."
And time after time,
you still did, and you were still there,
even though I lied and did this.
Like, just the fact
to have someone be, like…
You see all of me, and something
that, like, I have rarely experienced,
like, an unconditional sense of safety
and unconditional place of support.
[Jake] You just mean a lot to me.
And I want you to know that.
[uplifting music playing]
-Yeah, it was good.
[uplifting music continues]
One for good luck, huh?
[music fades]
[dramatic music playing]
Going into the last Trust Ceremony,
my head is super clear.
I'm excited.
I'm ready to go collect
our $268,000 and walk out.
But every time I think I know something,
I… it's not that.
So I don't know.
We're almost on the finish line.
I wanna leave together.
I wanna leave with as many people
that are dedicated to the sole purpose
of leaving as a team.
That's all I know. It's always been "we,"
it's always been "us."
In the military? The same way.
My same worry from the beginning is
that one person can take this
away from you.
Now that I'm this close
and have gone through so much,
I don't wanna leave the power
in someone else's hands.
[Tolú] I had to do
what I needed to do for my family,
and it's not a decision
that I regret at all.
But I felt stuck
between choosing to be the person
that these people
really truly believe that I can be
and choosing to be
a good person for my family,
in the sense of coming home
with as much as I possibly can
to provide for them.
I mean…
I don't know.
[music continues]
[Brooke] Hello, everyone.
You've made it to your last day.
Just let that sink in for a second.
It's sinking.
-It's been quite a journey to get here.
[pensive music playing]
We started with eleven strangers,
and now there are only five of you left.
And you definitely aren't
strangers anymore.
This whole experience,
every choice you've made,
has led to this moment.
Your final Trust Ceremony.
One last time, you'll have to decide
whether to cut someone out of the Trust
or share the money equally
with one another for good.
Like always,
whoever receives the most votes
is cut from the Trust
and goes home with nothing.
just one vote could send someone home.
So, take a minute, look at each other,
one last time here, at the table.
Are these the people
you want to share this money with?
Or is there one person
you still don't fully trust?
Today's Trust Ceremony will be
a little bit different.
I want you each to have some time alone,
really think about your journeys here
and your final decision
you all have to make today.
Each of you will get
one of these envelopes.
Inside, there are cards
with everyone's name, except your own,
and one card that reads, "Share."
You can take as long as you need
to think about your choice.
And once you've decided,
put your vote into the envelope
and seal it.
Then, you'll all bring your envelopes
to the Cliff's Edge
where this journey began.
That's where we'll all find out
what everyone has decided.
Will you each continue
to share the money equally?
Or will someone be cut from the Trust?
One last time,
I'll give you all a chance to talk it out.
But first, here are your envelopes.
[suspenseful music playing]
I'll see you soon.
[Brian] It has been an absolute honor
and a privilege
to meet every single one of you.
I wanna thank you
from the bottom of my heart
for accepting me,
for accepting who I am,
and trusting me.
I appreciate you all.
-[Gaspare] I appreciate you, Brian.
-[Julie] Thank you for…
It's like that's how I feel. Like,
thank you for accepting me.
And thank you for giving us the space,
you guys,
to, like, make mistakes,
to grow and change and evolve.
People are gonna make mistakes in life,
and it's so easy
to just, like, write them off.
But, like, you guys kind of showed me
that people need
chances to fix their selves.
Even, like, my students, my kid,
everybody in life,
like, people are gonna make mistakes,
and we just need to give people time
to figure it out and rise up
to being the people that they are.
Aw. Thank you, Gaspare.
[Tolú and Julie] Former tricksters.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Tolú] I'd like to think
that we could all come together
and share this money.
But I live in the real world…
[chuckles] …and I know that,
more than likely,
that's not how things are about to go.
[tense music playing]
You can't help but question,
"What is this money gonna do for me?"
It's gonna help me continue
providing this life for my future son.
So life-changing is an understatement.
[Gaspare] I think that this is
a good group of five people.
People are what you expect them to be.
And if you expect people
to be crappy people,
there's no reason
for them to be anything better.
When you set
your standards high for people,
they're gonna reach up
and try to exceed those standards.
[Tolú] My end goal is to walk out of here
with as much money as possible,
but 72 hours ago everybody wanted me gone.
So, how am I supposed
to sit here and trust
that they're not gonna try to cut me out?
I did what I needed to do.
I know I have to trust my gut.
She's never steered me wrong.
[Julie] I'm back and forth
on if I can really trust Tolú.
On one hand,
I know she deserves this money,
and I feel like I wanna trust
that she knows that I deserve it too
and that I wouldn't hurt her.
But I also know she felt like
I should've voted to protect Winnie.
She felt like
I should have voted to protect her.
So I'm just worried
she's gonna hold these as grudges
and cast a vote against me.
[Jake] I don't have 100% certainty
that this is gonna come out great.
I just hope I'm not made the fool here.
I gotta rest confidently
that we're gonna be leaving together
with money in our pockets
because we genuinely know
we can trust each other.
[tense music continues]
Here we are, back at the Cliff's Edge,
all together one last time.
When you all first arrived,
you were given a trust
and asked one simple question,
"Would you share it,
or would you cut each other out
to get more for yourself?"
You were put to the test
time and time again.
And decisions were made
that affected the value of that trust.
The votes are now locked,
and I think we can all agree
that a lot of money is on the line.
A trust worth a final total of $243,000.
[dramatic sting]
[tense music playing]
Uh, what?
Like, am I missing something here?
Because I'm pretty sure
yesterday it was 268,000,
or my math just fricking sucks.
[tense music continues]
I… I am mind-blown right now.
Like, we literally just talked about this,
that we weren't gonna do this.
And here we are, on the final step,
and still someone's taking money.
And one of the people
who I'm on this line with
is one of the ones who took it.
So, I'm pissed off.
Also, like, if you're not afraid
to take the money,
why are you not gonna be afraid
to cut somebody on this line?
[Julie] Knowing the fact that
one of them lied, I'm pissed about it.
I'm going against my human nature
because I wanna play fair
for once in my life,
only to find out I was just played.
[Tolú] I do feel bad, a little bit, but…
not gonna lie that
the happiness does outweigh the guilt.
Sorry if it hurt.
[Brooke] Remember,
if you all decided to share,
you will all walk away with the money.
But if just one of you decided
to cut someone out of the trust,
that person will go home with nothing.
[suspenseful music playing]
-Brian, let's start with you.
-Yes, ma'am.
[Brooke] Come stand next to me,
please, sir.
How has this been for you?
A wild ride.
There's so many ups and downs.
-What was the biggest up for you?
-Walking out of the Vault yesterday.
And the two young ladies running up to me,
saying they've made the right decision.
"This is what it feels like to…
to be good person," and stuff.
That was a huge up for me.
And what has been the biggest down?
Standing right here, right now,
realizing as I stand here,
it sounds like someone took
$25,000 yesterday in the Vault.
Ultimately, I've turned down
over $40,000 in the Vault, it turns out.
That's tough, to turn that down.
So you can understand the decision
that perhaps might have been made
in the Vault.
Of course.
I just don't understand the decision
to come out of the Vault
and say otherwise.
-[Brooke] I understand.
-Yes, ma'am.
-[Brooke] That felt duplicitous to you.
-Yes, ma'am.
Y'all are not gonna sit there
and make me feel like a shit person.
Brian has 30K just…
Okay, Brian.
-It's time to reveal your decision.
-Yes, ma'am.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote and share the money?
[suspenseful music playing]
I'm gonna choose to continue
to do the right thing.
And share it with everyone.
That's my choice,
and I really want
to believe in other people.
Because I tell you what,
I was right on at least three.
I was dead right. That's a win for me.
-Brian, thank you.
-Thank you, ma'am.
[Brooke] Gaspare, come on down.
Let's talk about what this experience
has meant for you, Gaspare.
Well, it was great up until now.
Like, now, I just feel betrayed.
Julie told us the truth
about taking the money.
We all welcomed it with open arms.
We said, "We understand
why you did what you did."
We've shown that we would accept you
for taking the money.
All right, Gaspare.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote and share the money?
[sighs] Well…
[suspenseful music continues]
I've shared with you, guys.
I wish everybody felt the same.
Do you still have faith that
that could happen?
That everyone's gonna share the money?
Ah, I don't know.
I had faith that no one took the money,
so I'm still gonna believe.
But I was wrong once, so…
-You could be wrong again.
-We'll see.
-We will see.
[Brooke] Gaspare, thank you.
All right, Jake. Come join me.
-How are you feeling tonight?
-A little confused.
You kind of have, like, a pit
in your stomach. Like, maybe…
Maybe I was naive for really thinking
that we could get to this point.
And now, this is what we're hearing,
you know?
I'm all about family and unity.
"We," "us," that's where I come from,
that's where I wanna go.
And I feel like
some of that just kinda broke away.
[Brooke] All right. So, Jake,
would you like
to vote someone out of the Trust
or not vote and share the money?
[suspenseful music playing]
Brooke, I'm gonna be sharing the Trust
with everybody.
And I could never see myself walking away
taking more money than… than I deserve.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
All right, Julie. Come join me.
All right, we've heard from the fellas.
How about you?
How are your head and heart tonight?
Honestly, devastated.
Because I shared with everyone
that I came in here in such survival mode
and that that's how I've lived my life
and that the only reason
I've been able to get out
of that survival mode
was because of how much I trusted everyone
and how safe I felt.
And now I don't feel safe.
All right, Julie.
It's time to reveal your decision.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote and share the money?
[music continues]
[Julie] Because I love everyone.
This wasn't a hard decision for me,
and I've made hard decisions.
I made bad decisions.
Made decisions I regret.
I made decisions that I also fully
understand why I made them,
but this one makes sense,
because I do believe everyone's deserving.
I feel like, towards the end,
I was making decisions
that shocked even myself.
Like, that is 100% not
who I came into this house.
But it was, like, these guys… That is why
I was finally able to change and mean it.
Do you think you'll be able to take
what you learned here home?
Yeah. As long as I still have
these guys in my corner.
[Brooke] Okay. Thanks, Julie.
[dramatic sting]
Tolú, come on over.
[suspenseful music playing]
How has all of this been for you?
This has been
the craziest ride.
A lot of ups, a lot of downs,
a lot of lessons.
Because I came in here with my guard up,
and I figured, you know,
everybody sees the world like I do.
And so when I recognized
that this was an experience
about trusting strangers,
I was like,
"Ain't no way in heck people are actually
gonna be able to do that."
How do you feel about what you learned
just prior to coming up here?
The value of the Trust,
where it currently stands.
In all honesty?
[music continues]
I'm not surprised.
Because why?
I don't put anything past anybody.
[suspenseful music continues]
So, Tolú,
if you decided to share the money,
then all five of you
will leave as winners, but…
if you did write someone's name down,
that person would be cut out of the Trust
and would leave with nothing.
[tense music playing]
So Tolú,
it's time to reveal your decision.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote and share the money?
I decided…
[tense music continues]
to share the money.
[all laugh]
I hate you, Tolú.
-Never had a doubt.
-[all laugh]
There are truly
genuine people in this world.
You don't have to live your life
feeling like you have to be on guard
or on edge every single day.
Do you trust these people?
-Come here, darling.
-[Brian laughs]
-[Jake] Oh my gosh!
-[Julie] I was freaking out.
I'm so proud of you.
[Gaspare] Yeah. Oh my goodness.
I knew… I knew you…
I knew you were gonna do that.
-[Tolú] I would never ever cut anybody.
-[Jake] I'm so proud of you.
[Gaspare] Did you take the money
from the Vault?
No. [chuckles]
Yeah, I thought about speaking up.
I'm not an evil, callous person.
I feel like shit.
But also I didn't cast the vote.
I recognize that, you know what,
maybe sharing is caring.
So, I meant everything that I said
when I read that card.
And now, I get to take $73,600
home to my parents and myself.
I get to start a new life,
so I chose to keep quiet
even to that last, final moment.
[music ends]
You're all going home
with an equal share of $243,000.
That is $48,600 for each of you.
-[all laugh]
-I like that math. I like that math.
[Jake] Sounds good, man.
It took a lot of trust.
Oh my gosh.
[Brooke] And all that's left
is to celebrate.
-[Julie] Yeah!
I'm leaving with 48,600,
plus the 15,000 that I took. Like…
[Tolú screams]
[all laugh]
I thought I would have to do all of this
through being manipulative and deceiving,
and that's what I did in the beginning.
But I'm also leaving this through
being honest and owning up to my shit
and telling the truth.
And so it feels even better.
-[Brooke] Oh my Lord.
Someone took some money,
and you feel betrayed.
But at the same time,
that same person that did that
trusted the group enough to know
that, hey, they still wanna split money
with the rest of these individuals.
I just hope you use it in a way
that really enhances someone else's life
because that's most important,
pouring into the lives of others
and not ourselves.
-[Brian] To us.
-[group] To us.
-To you all. Congratulations.
Except for the person that took the money.
-[Brian] Ha!
-[Jake laughs]
This whole experience has just taught me
that trust can be built up.
Trust can be broken down.
Everybody has the reasons
for the choices that they make,
even if you don't understand them.
-[Brooke] Cheers, baby.
-And to adopting a little baby boy.
-[Julie and Tolú] Aw.
You know, I started this by just simply
wanting to set a good example
for my family.
I was tested, I was tried,
and at the end of the day,
I believe I can hang my hat
on the way that I've played this.
And ultimately, I'm walking away
with more money than anyone else.
[chuckles softly]
I mean, that's pretty big.
-You invite us to the adoption ceremony?
-Of course.
With that 48,000, I'm flying to Texas
and watching you bring that baby home.
[sighs] It's been fun, y'all.
["Pay Me My Money"
by BB St. Clair playing]
Make it rain, yo, every time I say so ♪
I got a craving for luxury
A taste for champagne ♪
So if you know what’s good
Put some respect on my name ♪
I got things to do
And can’t afford to play games ♪
Yeah, every night going to overdrive ♪
-I work all damn day ♪
-Uh-huh ♪
-So pay me my money ♪
-Uh-huh ♪
I got bougie friends
A need to spend ♪
-And damn I’m hungry ♪
-Ooh, girl ♪
-I got bills to pay ♪
-Uh-huh ♪
-And the rent's due, honey ♪
-Uh-huh ♪
I like to turn heads
Need some new threads ♪
Like a retail junkie ♪
So pay me my money ♪
Pay me my money ♪
Pay me my money ♪
Make it rain, yo, every time I say so ♪
So pay me my money ♪
Make it rain, yo, every time I say so ♪
So pay me my money ♪
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