The Valhalla Murders (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Monster in the Dark

- Hi.
- [Hakon] Kata, what were you thinking?
- You're breaking the law.
- It was the only way.
The only way?
We found that evidence together.
I had to get it out there.
You should have asked me first.
Hakon, I'm going ask
the state prosecutor to
reconsider the request
for an investigation into Magnus.
Kata, this is not the right way.
I will not be a part of this.
No, it's not that, you just
- Thank you for meeting me so late.
- Don't mention it.
- Please, come in.
- Thank you.
He hasn't been so directly involved
in a case for years.
He saw everything!
Our wall, all our memos,
the whole goddamn investigation.
No wonder he was always
one step ahead of us.
- Is this everything you've got?
- Yes. Oh, and a blood sample.
- Blood sample?
- Yes.
It's from Valhalla.
We believe we found the room
where Tomas was murdered.
You and Arnar?
No, Hakon, the chief
of police in Borgarnes.
This is quite something.
This is enough to open
an investigation into Magnus.
I can't imagine
why the request was denied,
but I'll see to it that
the decision is reversed.
- I'll come with you tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
No, we'll take care of it now.
Time is of the essence.
- What was the name of the judge?
- Elvar.
- Elvar Thor Sigurdsson.
- Oh yes, I know him.
Elvar? Yeah
What did he say?
Elvar also saw the interview.
He told us to come by tomorrow morning.
He promised me that an investigation
into Magnus' affairs would be opened.
Would you care for a drink?
Yeah, sure, thank you.
Okay, this is excellent news.
- Thank you for helping me.
- You're welcome.
You look so serious.
Isn't the investigation closed?
Yes, but we reopened
it due to an issue
related to the
police commissioner.
Yeah, I saw the interview.
What a fucking scumbag.
Do you know if he knew your dad at all?
I have no idea.
Dad knew pretty much everybody.
That's a nasty scar you've got there.
- This?
- What happened?
Just some old shit.
Okay. I thought
it might have been self-inflicted.
No, this happened
on a fishing trip with my dad.
You went fishing with your dad?
Yeah, Dad mainly just sent me out to get
bait, preferably when it was raining.
It was supposed to toughen me up
and make a man out of me.
This one time, I'd been out there
for two or three hours
and had a ton of worms.
- Remember those ice-cream containers?
- Sure.
I filled a big one
and put it in the fridge.
Twenty minutes later I heard
a blood-curdling scream from the kitchen.
My sister had opened the container,
hoping to find something exciting.
She thought it was
leftovers or something.
Do you remember
if Police Commissioner Magnus
was with you on the fishing trip
when you got that scar?
Why are you so
interested in the fishing trip?
If we can prove he was there,
it could really help
us with our investigation.
It was just a regular fishing trip.
They were businessmen,
friends of my father's.
Three sheets to the
wind, all of them.
I've got a photo album somewhere.
Is this the man who gave you the scar?
Is that him?
Ragnar, is that him?
Help me catch him.
Help me catch that motherfucker.
Dad's friend, Petur.
I want Magnus brought in
for questioning tonight!
We have to find out how involved he was.
- Okay? Tonight!
- Yes.
- Hi.
- Hi.
We have to talk.
Okay, make it quick then.
You have to open up a new investigation.
- What are you talking about?
- Into Petur Alfredsson.
The state prosecutor?
What happened to your hand?
This is Omar.
And Ragnar.
Everything points to the fact that
Petur molested Ragnar on this trip.
What do you mean, "points to"?
What are you talking about?
Ragnar thinks so.
Did Ragnar tell you that Petur
molested him on this trip?
No, he didn't use
those words exactly.
- Arnar?
- Yes?
So you're asking me to open an
investigation into the state prosecutor,
and the only witness doesn't even
know if anything happened?
I have a strong
suspicion that Petur is
A "strong suspicion" has gotten us into
a lot of trouble in this investigation.
- You don't understand.
- Arnar! Yes, I understand very well.
You and Magnus have a history together.
He was there for you,
and you feel you owe him something.
This has nothing to do with that.
What's most important
now is that we find Magnus.
- Everything else can wait.
- Petur oversaw the Valhalla investigation!
He is in the perfect position
to cover his tracks.
- How can you possibly ignore this?
- Thank you, Arnar.
This conversation is over.
[Erlingur] These old timers aren't
exactly prioritizing security.
- Oh? Is that Magnus' computer?
- Yeah.
His password was Elsa's birthday.
It was almost too easy.
I need to ask you a favor.
Can you look up Petur Alfredsson,
the state prosecutor?
- I need information about him.
- What kind of information?
Everything. His whole profile.
Everything you have.
The state prosecutor?
I need Helga's permission to look him up.
I want you to do this
as a personal favor to me.
Yeah, but, Arnar,
I'm just not allowed.
And I wouldn't be asking
unless it was very important.
Sorry, I wish I could help you.
I'm just not allowed.
[doorbell rings]
- I'm done.
- Magnus.
I thought we agreed
we weren't going to meet.
I'm innocent!
Nobody forced you to take the money.
You were given an
opportunity, and you took it.
Just like Omar and the rest of them.
Now look, I can't say that I blame you.
You were the one who killed Tomas, not me.
Nobody cared about that troublemaker.
All eyes are on me now.
- What can I do?
- Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
How did Selma know everything?
Where did all that information come from?
Where do you think?
- Arnar?
- Try again.
- Kata?
- Yes.
How do you know?
She was trying to have you investigated.
- What?
- It's okay, I put a stop to that.
Listen, confess to nothing
and maintain your innocence.
They'll have nothing on you.
- What about the police report?
- Those old papers don't prove a thing.
Kata is clever, she'll expose you.
- And Gudmundur?
- Yes.
That idiot was about
to blow the lid off everything.
I had to get rid of him.
You go home now
and maintain your innocence.
I will make sure
you get out of this unscathed.
What am I going to tell Elsa?
The same thing you tell everyone else.
You were at Borgarnes at the time.
You wrote the report and
were part of the search party.
You're innocent, and that's the end of it.
Do you know why I marked the boys?
So that they would never forget me.
I just can't reach her.
She's not picking up.
She didn't pick up earlier today either,
when I tried to reach her.
When did you last hear from her?
I haven't seen her or heard from her
since she went to Borgarnes this morning.
Should I be worried?
No, I just need to have a word with her.
Tell her to call me if you hear from her.
This is Hakon.
Hakon? Did I wake you up?
No, no.
Sorry for calling so late.
I'm looking for Kata.
Have you spoken to her recently?
Yes, I spoke to her earlier. She was
on her way to see the state prosecutor.
- She was going to talk to him about
- What?
Yes, she was going to get him
to authorize the request.
What are you doing?
Magnus? You're still here?
I won't let you get away with this.
Not again.
- What do you mean?
- Where is she?
Where the hell is Kata?
How the fuck should I know?
Don't lie to me!
Calm down, man.
Calm down.
What's going on here?
Now, how are we supposed
to explain these injuries?
Magnus, what happened?
Where's Kata?
Where is Kata, Magnus? Where is she?
She She's in the boat.
He's going to kill her.
I told you
I know where Magnus is.
He's at Petur's house.
Seriously injured.
Petur has Kata and is going to kill her.
Find out what kind of boat Petur has
and which marinas are near his house.
I'll put you through to Erlingur.
Arnar is on the phone.
- Hello?
- Erlingur?
How many marinas are
there near Petur's house?
Hurry up!
There are three marinas
close to his house.
Which marina did he most likely go to?
- I don't know!
- Listen, Erlingur!
Erlingur! He has Kata!
He's gonna kill her! Can you help me?
- Neshofn.
- What?
Go to Neshofn!
Isn't it pretty late to be
going out at this hour?
No, no, I was just going to
put the boat into the water now and
maybe take the grand-kids out tomorrow.
I see.
- Need a hand?
- No! I've got it.
It's no bother.
I've got nothing better
to do since my divorce.
That's a damn fine boat.
They don't make them like this anymore.
What year?
Just leave it like this.
I didn't mean to
Just have it your way.
And enjoy your evening.
You too.
Fucking bitch.
[sirens wailing]
Yes, they're here.
Petur's car is at Neshofn.
Yes, Neshofn.
No. No, I don't see them.
Yes, hurry up.
I called for backup They're
They're on their way now.
- Stay awake.
- It's okay.
[sirens wailing]
I'm sorry.
It was nothing.
I thought I was going
to die in the water.
I just couldn't reach the surface.
The search for Petur Alfredsson,
the state prosecutor, continues.
He disappeared
after he fell into the ocean,
following an altercation with the police.
Petur is suspected of killing Tomas
Kristjansson and Gudmundur Finnbogason
and sexually abusing
the boys at Valhalla,
a boys' home that
he helped to set up.
Reykjavik Police Commissioner Magnus
Sveinsson is awaiting questioning.
Tonight's program will feature an in-depth
analysis of the Valhalla murders.
Subtitle translation by Sindri Eldon
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