The Victims' Game (2020) s01e08 Episode Script


[nurse 1] Mr. Luo, Mr. Chen's asthma
seems to relapse.
[Mr. Luo] Lay him down. Make him lie down.
Pull the blanket up.
Good, swap the oxygen mask over.
Be quick.
Swap it, quickly.
[foreboding music]
Why did you take his oxygen mask off?
You also know that we're low on resources.
It's his turn after he's done.
Why are we low on resources?
Didn't you apply for funding?
Yes, we've applied for funding.
It's just that it isn't due yet.
That's why we let him use it first.
He's more critical.
"He's more critical"?
Can't you see he's dying?
I'll definitely rat you out!
[Mr. Luo] All right,
don't get so worked up.
If you really wish to rat us out
and sue us, go ahead.
Get back here!
Get back in here!
[Chou Yang] Can't you tell
he's not going to make it?
[Ya-chun] Those who are lying here
are all people who have been forgotten.
Those whose family died.
Those whose family can't afford it.
Those who are abandoned.
[Chou-Yang] Excuse me,
can you help flip him around?
Can you help flip him around?
[Ya-chun] These people
Anguang couldn't drive them away freely.
So they left them in the hell
of the tenth floor.
They were just like corpses,
hanging by a thread.
Dragging out their lives without dignity.
[somber music]
[Ya-chun] But my Chou Yang
He was the only person
who was like a real living being.
What happened to your arm?
My ex-husband did it when he was drunk.
[Ya-chun] "In the dark,
rain keeps falling.
There's only loneliness, only despair.
But your hands are like an umbrella.
They hold the sky up high."
[approaching footsteps]
I knew it was you.
You wrote to expose us.
[Mr. Luo] Don't you know
who is feeding you?
Look at you. You're but an invalid.
Listen up.
Even if you make a police report,
Anguang has nothing to fear.
Frankly, you are trash that no one wants.
No one would care.
You'd better behave.
- [Chou Yang] I will jump
- [Mr. Luo] What are you doing?
- and punish all of you.
- [Mr. Luo] Hold him down!
- [Chou Yang] Let go of me!
- [nurses grunting]
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
[Chou Yang] Rights!
I will report you!
[Chou Yang grunting]
Let go of me!
I will jump!
Let me out!
I will report you!
Let go of me!
Let me out!
Let go of me!
I want my rights!
[Chou Yang groans]
[ominous music]
[thunder rumbles]
[theme music]
[foreboding music]
[disembodied whimpering]
[young Hsiao-meng screaming]
[Yi-jen] Hsiao-meng.
Please give me your hand. I'm begging you.
I'm begging you
You gave me my life.
Now I want to give it back to you.
[Hsiao-meng] Dad
I'm already home.
[ominous music]
Are you awake?
Where is Hsiao-meng?
[Hai Yin] When you fell off the cliff,
thanks to you,
she is fine.
You'd better not move around yet.
Where is she?
[Cheng-kuan] Your dad is awake.
But luckily, he's fine.
It's just some external injuries.
[Ko-yun on video] Mom
Don't be sad.
Don't be sad.
You just have to bury me in your heart.
[Cheng-kuan] We found these
at Li Ya-chun's home.
Did you film it?
I'll always
be in your heart.
[Ya-chun] Ping-yao
I don't know what matters
or what doesn't.
[Cheng-kuan] Li Ya-chun said
you killed all these people.
[Ping-yao] I just want
to be like everyone else.
She also said you stole fentanyl
from the hospital.
[Cheng-hao] Just because I'm different,
why do I have to be bullied
and pushed around?
[Liao] Why do you keep nodding?
Did you do it?
Tell us.
[Ping-yao] I'm a sinner.
[door opens, closes]
[female officer] Officers, excuse me.
Time is up.
Excuse me, officers.
Hsiao-meng is an exceptional case.
Please be understanding.
Let's go.
[somber music]
[somber music continues]
[water running]
[exhales sharply]
[gloomy music]
[rain pattering]
You know these people, right?
[Cheng-kuan] Apart from her,
they are all dead.
You deliberately shared
the Last Wish video clips
to make Chiang Hsiao-meng
take the fall for you, right?
You stole fentanyl from the hospital
and killed them, right?
- I was helping them.
- What the fuck are you talking about?
[Cheng-kuan] They were killed by you!
I killed them?
You don't know them at all.
Li Ya-chun.
With the evidence we have,
believe it or not
we can have you convicted.
Is it the death penalty?
Sir, do you know?
For some people,
their deaths mean more
than their survival.
[Ya-chun] I helped them find
the significance in their deaths.
I have to die because I helped them.
That's good.
- You're a nutcase.
- [Ya-chun] I'm not a nutcase!
I understand them.
I understand their pain!
[gloomy music]
Everyone says that
committing suicide is foolish.
But I don't think so.
[Ya-chun] We own our lives.
How we live and die
are all up to us.
No one gets a say in it.
Trust me.
Death can be meaningful.
I can help you.
Why do you want to help me?
[somber music]
[Ya-chun] Those who have died
can understand
the loneliness of staying alive.
They are unaccepted,
trampled on,
as if they were living in a dark cave.
However much they own,
they feel as if they own nothing.
If you die because of your own suffering,
you'll only die in loneliness.
But lives
Lives can be sacrificed for others.
The life that was sacrificed for you
can bring you a life that completes you.
You can have the freedom
to die without regret
to complete the life of another.
It might be death,
but it is also a whole new life.
[gloomy music]
[Ya-chun] In order for them
to accomplish a wonderful deed,
I gave them
a gift that will make them
face death with courage.
Their deaths mean much more
than their lives.
It didn't all go so well, did it?
Take Liu Kuang-yung for example.
In the end, he didn't want to die.
You killed him.
[muffled groan]
[Cheng-kuan] You did it for him.
Chou Yang, right?
Unknown cause of death, kidney failure.
Tell me, how did you do that?
[Ya-chun] I
I was helping him.
He was a man of opinions.
He said it once.
People should die
for something worthwhile.
That's why you killed him?
[foreboding music]
[Ya-chun] It's because I love him.
I love him.
So I had to help him.
I want to realize his ambition.
I'm doing the right thing.
I'm doing the right thing!
[Ya-chun laughs, pants]
[gloomy music]
[metal door opens]
[female officer] Hsiao-meng,
it's time for your meal.
Remember to take your medicine
after your meal.
I'll get you some water.
[metal door closes]
[clears throat]
This is as far as I go.
[Hai-yin] I'm not of much help later.
I have to finish writing this article.
I won't give you more information.
I have ways to get it.
I realized that all this time,
there's one important perspective
that's missing.
I'm going to fill that in now.
[Cheng-kuan] Hey.
Who are you?
Who let you in?
I am his friend.
Hey, you. Aren't you colleagues?
[Hai-yin] Why do the police only question
but not visit him?
A reporter?
Excuse me,
I need to talk with Fang Yi-jen.
[Cheng-kuan] Please step out.
It's okay, I don't mind.
[Cheng-kuan] I don't care if you mind.
Get out!
[Cheng-kuan] Do you trust her?
[Yi-jen] I don't.
[Cheng-kuan] Do you hear that?
But she does know about it all.
After witnessing what the events
meant to this group of people,
she hasn't published any articles.
She knows what she can write
and what she can't.
Chao Cheng-kuan!
[Yi-jen] Has Hsiao-meng spoken?
- [Cheng-kuan] Not yet.
- Let me speak with her.
Fang Yi-jen.
I really hate your arrogance.
[Cheng-kuan] Do you really think
no one knew what you have done?
- You knew she's involved from the start!
- I
I know what I have done.
I'm not talking to you
as a forensic investigator.
I'm talking to you as
Chiang Hsiao-meng's dad.
Let me speak with her.
If you were me
How would you get Hsiao-meng to speak?
Tell her the truth.
[Hai-yin] You are the only family
she has left in this world.
Let her know that you care.
Do your best to let her know
why you wanted her to live.
I've tried.
She jumped.
Then try again.
If once isn't enough, try it twice.
Never give up.
[Cheng-kuan] Hey.
Let's go.
[gloomy music]
[car engine revs]
What is it?
[female officer] Officer.
I just found out Hsiao-meng has been
hiding the sedatives I gave these days.
[Cheng-kuan] Didn't I tell you
to watch her 24 hours?
[female officer] I'm sorry,
I'll be more cautious.
[Cheng-kuan] What the heck?
Can I
Can I speak with her?
- Is she all right?
- Yes.
Okay, go in.
- Hey, Kuan.
- What?
- Is this a good idea?
- What?
He's in the Forensic Department.
He's normal when he's on the crime scene.
What if he acts up
when handling such a situation?
How would we know if we don't try?
It's not that, you
[Cheng-kuan] Do you have a better idea?
- Then just shut up, okay?
- Yes.
Are you okay in here?
The police has enough evidence
to convict Li Ya-chun.
But they listed you as her accomplice.
I'm sorry that it turned out like this.
Yu Cheng-hao passed away as a woman.
He made everyone remember
Su Ko-yun's voice.
Su Ko-yun set herself on fire.
She exposed Yu Ping Construction's
horrible deeds for Chang Tsung-chien.
Chang Tsung-chien injected fentanyl
to take back the glory
Chuang Ping-jung rightfully deserved.
Chuang Ping-jung died in Jiuyi Pond
in front of Peng Yi-ling
for Liu Kuang-yung.
He redeemed Liu Kuang-yung's sins.
Liu Kuang-yung jumped out
of Anguang Nursing Home
to expose them for Chou Yang.
He also upheld justice for the patients.
They all seek empathy from assailants.
I believe that death isn't the key.
[Yi-jen] We're all afraid of deaths
that can't be acknowledged.
We all seek understanding.
Have you thought of lending them a hand?
I want to lend you a hand.
You are still alive.
We still have a chance.
I was never a part of your life.
What is "we"?
You've always been here.
[Yi-jen] I knew you
before you even knew yourself.
Jan 9, 2002.
1:35 a.m., that's when you were born.
You weighed 2,700g.
May 14, you were four months old.
You turned over for the first time.
August 22, you sat up.
September 2,
you can already crawl
from the living room to my desk.
February 19, 2003.
You said "Mom" for the first time.
March 22, you called "Dad."
Three months before that,
you would cry four to five hours
every night.
April 2, we found out that
you like the sound of the ocean.
[somber music]
March 3, 2008.
The day after I had a chemical burn.
[Hsiao-meng] You chose to leave us.
March 18.
1:43 a.m.
I unplugged Mom's respirator.
I killed her.
I know you didn't want her to suffer.
I know you did your best.
[whimpers, sniffles]
I'm sorry for leaving you there alone.
[Yi-jen] I'm sorry that you
[sobs, sniffles]
[Yi-jen sniffles]
[somber music]
[chair clanks]
[somber music]
[Cheng-kuan] Okay, thanks.
- Have some water.
- I know.
- Okay.
- I'm not thirsty.
We'll talk when I get back.
You talked so much in there.
Aren't you thirsty?
All right, let's go.
Fang Yi-jen, let's head back together.
Can I stay?
Why are you staying here?
There's another visiting session
in three hours.
She said she doesn't want to see you.
It's pointless to stay.
There are two more
visiting sessions tomorrow.
It's at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.
[Cheng-kuan] You've been charged
by the police.
If not, there's the day after tomorrow.
Let me stay.
All right, let's head back.
No, Kuan
Or you can stay with him.
[Ta-tse] Hey, Hai-yin.
- I'm sorry about that.
- It's fine.
Hey, do you know what Yu-hsuan get?
The medical record of that witch
in the Last Wish Murders.
Apart from Zhen Xin Hospital,
she also brainwashed
a lot of self-help group members
to help each other commit suicide.
Isn't that cool?
How are you going to report this?
[Yu-hsuan] What's wrong, Hai-yin?
This news report can be infectious.
This might have an impact on people
who feel down
or encountered difficulties.
Even if we don't report it,
other agencies will.
It's only a matter of time.
Hai-yin, stop being competitive.
I've shown Mr. Liu,
Yu-hsuan's news article.
Mr. Liu would like Yu-hsuan
to join Light Media.
[Ta-tse snickers]
[gloomy music]
[gloomy music]
[Cheng-kuan] Hey.
Fang Yi-jen.
Where will you be going?
I have to report to the Disciplinary
Sanction Commission in three hours.
I mean in the future.
What are your plans for the future?
I don't know about the future.
You don't have to go to the commission.
I've fixed that for you.
What does that mean?
That plug.
[Cheng-kuan] Chiang Hsiao-meng's
fingerprints were very clear.
It matches the data on your computer.
You tampered with evidence.
You made it sound awful.
[Cheng-kuan] I've only restored
the evidence that you eliminated.
But you can thank me.
You didn't have to do that.
Do you want to know
about Wang Chung-hsiung?
I already knew.
Several years ago, I had a partner.
He was like a brother to me.
We were out on a mission once.
He was accidentally killed
by Wang Chung-hsiung.
there was a problem with the key evidence.
Wang Chung-hsiung wasn't convicted
because of that mistake.
Then he went and committed more crimes.
But he always got away
by using his connections.
What are you trying to say?
What I'm saying is
you and me,
we're not actually after different things.
We just use different means.
However, you committed negligence of duty.
I can't help you in terms of police work.
As for other jobs,
it shouldn't be a problem
for me to help you.
[Cheng-kuan] If you need anything,
come to me.
That's it.
[light music]
[car trunk opens]
[Yao-hui] Yi-jen.
About your daughter
I am sorry.
I wasn't of much help.
Come back when you can.
I'll buy you a meal.
Chen Yao-hui.
Thank you.
[car door closes]
[car engine starts]
[Cheng-kuan] Turn right here.
Where are we going now?
What do you think?
[engine turns off]
Kuan, what does this mean?
From now on, you don't owe them.
You owe me.
I Kuan.
[Cheng-kuan] All right.
Don't say anything disgusting.
- [car door closes]
- [car engine starts]
Remember, get this done.
[car engine revving]
[gloomy music]
[Yu-jung] I didn't expect it either.
There's actually a life
to carry on our love.
I hope this child will understand that
although his dad made mistakes
as a young man
and was seen as a cold-blooded killer,
he admitted his mistakes.
He regretted it deeply.
He also wanted to make up for it.
The man people remembered
was the moment he made that mistake.
But I remembered much more.
There was his guilt,
thoughtfulness, and kindness.
That was all he truly was.
This is my husband's story.
Please handle it well.
I will.
[gloomy music]
[Mrs. Su on recording]
I'm really mad at her.
I'm mad that she did this to me.
But deep down, I understood her struggles.
All her life, I had always asked her
to strive harder, to be better.
But I've never thought of
the grievances she had to put up with.
I've never even cared about
what she truly wanted.
All in all,
I never should have demanded
how she should live her life.
Now, I shouldn't hate her
for how she chose to die.
Perhaps, death was for her,
the true release.
A release
[Mrs. Su whimpering on recording]
[metal door opens]
[female officer] 6334, a visitor.
[metal door closes]
[metal door clangs open]
[metal door opens, closes]
What do you want?
I already know about the stories
of the other victims.
I'm here to listen to yours.
[Hai-yin] What were you doing
before you worked in Anguang?
[foreboding music]
I was married and moved from Indonesia
to Taiwan for just a few years
before my husband was admitted to Anguang.
[Ya-chun] I had been looking after him.
I was experienced,
so they hired me illegally.
After my husband died,
apart from Anguang,
I also worked as a cleaner
in other hospitals.
[nurse 2] Excuse me.
[Ya-chun] I was doing more or less
the same things every day.
Sometimes, I forget
whether it was today
or yesterday.
However, anything to do with Chou Yang,
I can always remember.
He once told me a metaphor.
"If a barley doesn't drop to the ground,
it is still one barley.
If it dies, buried in the earth,
- more barley can grow from it."
- [Mr. Luo] Hold him down!
[Chuo Yang] I want my rights!
- [Ya-chun] Chou Yang said
- Let go of me!
- if it was possible,
- Rights!
- he'd like to help the patients.
- [Chou Yang] I want my rights!
[Ya-chun] He said he was scared of
dying in here without a sound.
I couldn't watch him suffer.
That's why I decided to help him.
I collected everyone's medicine.
Medicine for heart disease,
high blood pressure,
I lied to him that those were vitamins.
He took them all.
[gloomy music]
Since he was frightened,
I gave him courage.
You were wrong.
It takes more courage to stay alive.
You know nothing.
Of course, I do.
[Hai-yin] My dad took our family with him
to commit suicide.
Only my mom and I survived.
What they needed wasn't the courage
to take their lives,
but a bit of hope to go on living.
You are wrong.
Everyone was calm
and peaceful
as they embraced their deaths.
That's because you drugged them
- to numb them of fear for death
- It's not a drug.
It is a gift.
[Ya-chun] It's a gift for those who are
determined to die.
What was it like for you
to lose Chou Yang?
I never lost him.
[Ya-chun] He never disappeared.
His helplessness made you suffer.
That's why you tried everything
to treat this agony, didn't you?
[Hai-yin] I also tried
all sorts of methods.
I even worked ambitiously
to numb myself of emotions.
But I realized that
there isn't just one way to do it.
I can understand you.
Therefore, if you're willing,
I can also help you.
My method is unlike yours.
What is your method?
Go on living.
[Hai-yin] Try every means to stay alive.
If Liu Kuang-yung gets
to live a bit longer
Let me put your shoes on for you.
[Hai-yin] He'd be able to walk his child
to the kindergarten.
And then to the primary school.
Is this a butterfly?
[Hai-yin] If Yu Cheng-hao gets to live
and receive the gift from his sister,
perhaps, he might have the courage
to wait until the day he can be
accepted by the society.
You know, there's a tree
in Chang Tsung-chien's home
that has never bloomed.
He had always wanted to know
what flowers it could produce.
If only he had lived a few months more,
he'd have seen them.
Although Chuang Ping-jung had always
lived in the shadows,
if he could ignore what others think,
he could have proven his worth
to the world a long time ago.
Su Ko-yun had an abortion
when she was at the peak of her career.
It was a trauma that haunted her.
Therefore, she had been sponsoring
children who needed help.
Even when she was on the run,
hiding from debtors.
[Hai-yin] If she could free herself
from the values of this society,
she would find out that there are
many out there who love her.
These are all the changes
that their deaths brought.
[sighs, sniffles]
Perhaps, on your list of last wishes,
it appears as if
you were proving your worth to the world.
[Hai-yin] However, you have to go
on living to have the strength.
Only by living can you
make changes and have hope.
Just like my dad.
He has to be alive to see
what kind of an adult I've grown into.
If Chou Yang were alive,
you wouldn't be in here now.
[somber music]
[metal door opens]
- [metal door closes]
- [sniffles]
[somber music]
[somber music continues]
Thank you.
For buying the house.
[light music]
[Mrs. Hsu] Since the house is now bought,
don't rent a place anymore.
Move back home.
[Hai-yin] Mom, here you go again.
[Mrs. Hsu] All right, I'll stop.
[gloomy music]
- [locks clanking]
- [gate opens]
Chiang Hsiao-meng will see you.
[gate closes]
[Yi-jen] The fingerprint pattern
classification we use is based on
the eight types of analysis adopted by
the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Fingerprints can be divided into three
categories according to their shapes,
- which means
- [watch beeping]
Class is dismissed.
Sir, but the class isn't over yet?
[male student] Let's go.
[indistinct chatter]
Where is your teacher?
[student 1] He already left.
- He left?
- [student 1] Yes.
Fang Yi-jen.
Are you sick?
Do you know how hard I convinced
the principal to let you teach here?
You even finish class early.
What? You want to quit?
I have important matters.
Why are you here?
I have a case. Take a look.
I already resigned.
I know. I'm here to ask you for help.
Please, take a look.
This case is really odd.
The murderer turned himself in,
but the body is missing.
I'll take a look.
What's the rush? What is it?
- Hsiao-meng is coming home today.
- [Cheng-kuan] Oh.
[Yi-jen] Captain.
Thank you.
Get going.
[car engine starts]
[light music]
This is for you.
Thank you.
Thanks for going with me
to visit Hsiao-meng all this time.
Waiting for her voice ♪
It's nothing.
To make the blues ♪
Drowning in the darkness ♪
Trying to find you ♪
'Cause all I ever wanted ♪
Is for you to see my world ♪
I don't seem to have an umbrella.
Do I look okay?
You're just you.
You're looking good like this.
- Hey.
- [car door closes]
Do you want to wait in the car?
My hopes ♪
Are all for you ♪
Take me to where ♪
My hopes ♪
Are all drowned ♪
Release your goals ♪
Take me above the waves ♪
And pull back the waters ♪
Show them how to ♪
Deny ♪
My hopes ♪
Are all for you ♪
Lead me to where ♪
All of the memories fade ♪
My hopes ♪
Are all drowned ♪
Unleash your fate ♪
To where a promise is made ♪
And pull back the waters ♪
Show them why ♪
My heart ♪
Life ♪
[closing theme music]
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
If you can understand ♪
Stop hesitating now
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Do you truly ♪
Accept me for all that I am ♪
I'm willing to bet all my love on it ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
- I was helping them.
- What the fuck are you talking about?
[Ya-chun] For some people, their deaths
mean more than their survival.
I helped them find the significance
in their deaths.
I have to die because I helped them.
That's good.
- [Cheng-kuan] You're a nutcase.
- [Ya-chun] I'm not a nutcase!
I understand them.
I understand their pain!
I'm doing the right thing.
I'm doing the right thing!
Li Ya-chun is a tormented woman.
In order to go on living,
she needs to find some sort of
value in her own life.
In the end,
she chose
to let every person who wanted
to commit suicide have
To use disappearance to prove
that they once existed in the world.
She should be a character
that's almost insane
and yet still rational.
[Hsun-wei] It isn't easy
to portray such a character.
I'm Lin Hsin-ju.
In this series,
I played the character, Li Ya-chun.
[Hsin-ju] When I was cast
as this character,
I find the script really interesting
and also very profound.
It's a very dark character.
In the beginning, I was a bit hesitant.
But you know, as an actor,
when facing such a challenging role,
you'd want to push yourself to see
where your limits can go.
[Hsin-ju] I think her past should be
It's saying that the people
she trusted and loved
gave her some beliefs and told her
to persist on certain matters.
However, when the person she loved
couldn't go on, she couldn't take it.
It's because the reason
for her to go on living
was that she had this support.
"It's because I believed
when you told me it's right to do so,
but when I thought we should
do this together,
you retreated.
Even when I wish to help you,
you refused to accept it."
Then she thought they might
as well go down together.
[Wei-ning] Hsu Hai-yin's dad took
his family to commit suicide in his car.
But she and her mom were
the only ones who survived.
I think this is very traumatic
for Hsu Hai-yin.
[director] Okay, cut!
[Wei-ning] Those who are left behind
actually feel very insecure.
She didn't even want anyone to know that
someone in her family committed suicide.
[Hsun-wei] Hai-yin finally met up with
the villain in the series, Li Ya-chun
in the prison.
Li Ya-chun asked her,
"How do you treat your agony?"
Hai-yin said, "Go on living.
Try every means to stay alive."
I think there's no right or wrong
in facing your choices.
But people's point of view
is often limited by this world
or other matters.
But if we give ourselves a bit more time,
changes can actually occur in that time.
It can change many matters,
it can change a perspective.
It can change the world, perhaps.
If so, your life might
It might become different.
[Wei-ning] Not only do you have
to give them hope, but also
a strong belief and heart
to take it all in.
You have to support them.
You have to make yourself hang in there.
under such emotions,
I think Hai-yin had a hard time.
at the end of the series,
Hai-yin said, "Go on living."
There's hope only if you live.
You have to stay alive.
I think it does take more courage to live.
I've been thinking about
why Hsiao-meng wanted so much to die.
But in the end, she had so much hope.
[Li Mu] The director
kept reminding me that
deep in everyone's heart,
there might be a small, faltering hope,
but it definitely exists.
It's because of that reason,
Hsiao-meng's dad
managed to save her in the end.
[Hsin-ju] It's actually quite
a turbulent society.
There's a lot of unhappiness.
Not everyone faces life optimistically.
I think the issues
presented in this series,
be it suicide
or any sort of mental obstacle
that you can't overcome,
you don't get over them
just because you choose death.
The pain you bring to those around you
and your family
will always keep haunting them.
It's definitely not
a solution to problems.
[Han-hsien] In The Victims' Game, there's
a group of people who want to let go,
and there's another group
who also suffers from pain and oppression,
but still believes in the worth of life.
They are trying to bring back
those who wish to give up.
We hope that the series
can make their voices heard
when they are still alive.
It's not to have them go down
an extreme path
to make their voices heard.
This is a warm sentiment that
we wish to convey through the series.
- Thank you, everyone.
- Thank you.
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