The Winchesters (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Hang on to Your Life

Oh, hard times, come again no more ♪
'Tis the song ♪
The sigh of the weary ♪
Good night, Brock.
Hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
Oh ♪
Hard times, come again no more ♪
Come again no more ♪
Are you sure we shouldn't
take him to a hospital?
According to Ada, the
only cure is magic,
which is what the tea is for.
You did it, Mary.
You found him.
We found him.
Now that he's back, are you
are you out?
I have to make sure he's okay first
as much as I wanna sock
him as soon as we wakes up.
Are you trying to get
rid of me, Winchester?
Well, this tea is not gonna brew itself.
- I'll make some more.
- Thanks.
I still can't believe
he did what he did.
He busted in all guns
blazing with this thing.
- Dad?
- I think I found a way.
A way for what?
To find the queen.
A way to find the queen?
Well, did Samuel say anything else?
No. He passed out.
What about you two?
You guys find anything?
Nada. I mean, we've been
keeping our ears pressed
at the police scanner, but
so far, it's been quiet.
Like, the Akrida have just disappeared.
Well, it makes sense
that they'd be in retreat.
We hit 'em pretty hard.
We did find something
else that was interesting.
Um, reports of a musician who burned up
outside the Knave of
Hearts in Kansas City.
All that was left of him was
a pile of ash and his guitar.
The cops' best theory is that he
got lit up by an arcing power line.
Is there a reason to believe
that's not what happened?
Because you need a power line to arc,
and the closest one is across the street
- from where he got
zapped. - Mm-hmm.
The Knave of Hearts, why
does that sound so familiar?
Because it is one of the most famous
underground clubs in the Midwest.
If you wanna make it in
music, you play the Knave.
You all should definitely check it out,
but I'm gonna wait here
for when my dad wakes up.
Maybe I'll stay too.
I'll allow it.
Lata, let's boogie.
Have fun.
Being a hunter, it means
living a life of sacrifice
not a lot of room for dreams.
But you open your heart
and get a little lucky,
you'll find you gain more than you lose.
What is that smell?
Mmm, the smell of stars being born.
You sure it's not stale beer and B.O.?
Pay your respects, okay?
This is a cathedral.
Yeah, that is not the
word I would've chosen.
I'm gonna go distract
that sulking bartender
see if he can tell us
anything about our guy.
Maybe you can go to
Brock's dressing room
and see what you can find?
What'll it be?
Uh, rye whiskey, rocks.
Uh, make it a double.
I saw Brock's show last night.
I didn't know it would be his last.
The fragility of life, man
I don't know why everyone that
comes in here thinks I'm a shrink.
If you wanna cry about something
Cry into your glass.
Nice to know that the
locals are mourning.
Hello, Brock.
Please tell me you found something.
These were on Brock's mirror.
They're protection sigils.
If he was digging into this,
then he knew he was in some
kind of paranormal danger.
Could you tell from the
sigils what had him spooked?
I'll have to check my books.
Luckily, I brought some.
You do realize your mobile library
has single-handedly
destroyed the shocks on my
Rivers Gemini?
As I live and breathe!
- Oh, my God!
- Come here, hey.
Oh, it's what the
hell are you doing here?
Jericho, I could ask
you the same question.
Uh, actually, I'm headlining.
You're you're headlining
here at the Knave of Hearts?
Yeah, lots of changes
since we saw each other.
Who's, uh, who's your friend?
Hi, I'm Lata, and
you're clearly Jericho,
but, I'm sorry, who is Rivers Gemini?
No one.
- She doesn't know?
- No, she does she doesn't.
The old stage name
for this dulcet-toned crooner.
- Ah.
- We had a two piece.
It was "Rivers Gemini
and The Jericho Kid."
And you do not get to call me that.
Oh, whatever you say,
Rivers Gemini.
Um, I'm glad that you stuck with it.
How's the tour going?
Yeah, I mean, it was
roses until last night.
I mean, did you hear what happened?
- Yes.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.
It was horrible.
Well, perhaps you'd like
to join us for a drink?
It's the least we could do.
Yeah, yeah.
Come on, Rivers.
So Ada's magic tea is just
a bunch of sticks and leaves?
Well, the healing power
of plants, I guess.
I'm just following
the recipe she gave me.
Well, whatever it is, it's working.
His fever's down.
Good. Well, let's keep it coming.
Why don't you take a
moment for yourselves?
What happened got me thinking
about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Uh, I assume the Akrida are
Khrushchevs in this scenario?
In 'Nam, some of the older guys,
they would tell stories
about how everybody thought
that they were gonna die.
So they would do all
kinds of crazy stuff,
like get drunk and boost
cars, just 'cause they thought
they didn't have to live
with the consequences.
Are you saying we
should've boosted a car
while we had the chance?
I'm saying that
our kiss, it wasn't that for me.
I wanna live with the consequences
and I hope that you do too.
I don't regret what happened.
But with everything going on,
and now my dad being back, I
I'm not sure what I'm ready for.
So I I just need time.
Of course.
Oh, God.
This is the greatest
photo I have ever seen.
We really were something, huh?
Yep, I wish you would've stuck around.
I mean, the stages I have
played the last few weeks,
- I mean, whoo!
- Nah, no, no, no, no.
The fame would've gone to my head.
Mm-hmm, yeah, like anything
could inflate this ego more.
So was Brock a replacement for Rivers?
No, nobody could replace Rivers.
He could make an entire room weep
with three chords and the truth.
Notice how he doesn't
say why they were weeping.
Yeah, Brock was no Rivers.
It was a real shame what
happened to him though.
They're saying it was an accident.
Yeah, I was on stage when it happened,
so I didn't really see anything.
Oh, you know what? I gotta, um,
I gotta go talk to the band.
But listen, um,
come to the show tonight.
It would mean a lot to me, all right?
- And we can catch up after.
- Yeah, um,
I I don't think we'll have time.
Just hang onto 'em.
Just in case, okay?
Well, he is a ray of sunshine.
Yeah, well, I've had
enough sun for today.
So, um, Jericho might
not have all the answers,
but those sigils you have might.
Oh, um, sorry.
Nice chapeau, by the way.
Um, hope I didn't scuff it.
Not at all, mon ami.
You two kids have a fun night.
Brock was thorough.
Each of these sigils is
from a different culture,
but the purpose is the same
protection from dark magic.
So we're looking for
a dark magic wielder
from we don't know where.
Really narrows it down.
You sure you don't want
to go to the show tonight?
It's like looking in a funhouse mirror
of what my life could've been,
so no, thank you.
You miss it, don't you?
A part of me does.
But it was never gonna work.
You're on the road for so long,
it's a matter of time before
you come across a monster,
and then something has to die
the dream
or the monster.
I have an idea.
Roadies see all, and better yet,
have an opinion on everything.
Hey, um, you need a hand?
Beat it, kid.
Sorry, uh,
after what went down last night
I've been all over the place.
- Thanks for the assist.
- Yeah last night?
Um, you mean what happened to Brock?
Never mind.
- Forget it.
- No, he
he was our friend.
We're not sure we buy
the official story.
When we talked to him last night,
he sounded paranoid,
like someone was following him.
Look, you didn't hear this from me,
but fans have been following us
- obsessed with the musicians.
- And let me guess.
- The feeling wasn't mutual.
- Bingo.
He was at Brock's set.
When it ended, he followed him out.
What did he look like?
About yea high,
had a cool hat with a feather in it.
Anyway, I gotta get
back to it. Thanks again.
He was there, the guy that
I bumped into at the bar.
What if he's targeting singers?
Then Jericho could be next.
Who are you, and what
are you doing in my house?
Millie Winchester.
You saved my son's life.
The boy with Mary.
Ugh, whatever that is,
you can pour it down the drain.
Doctor's orders.
Doctor who?
She also said to get some rest
and not to be a jackass.
Her words.
That sounds like Ada.
Where is she?
Trying to find some kind of magic
to kill these human-sized cockroaches,
now that the Monster Box got destroyed.
Where's Mary?
Taking a beat.
That daughter of yours is a good kid
been teaching John
his way around hunting,
much as I don't like the
danger it puts him in,
I think it's actually good for him.
Well, fighting monsters
isn't for everyone.
The only thing I like fighting
is the wear and tear on a timing belt.
I'm a mechanic.
- Oh.
- I've had the bad luck
of marrying into this craziness.
If your husband's a hunter,
you thought I'd heard of him.
Before he died,
he was a Men of Letters.
You mean to tell me
that my daughter's
teaching family secrets
to the son of a mole man?
A mole man?
Men of Letters,
buried underground with all their books,
while hunters are out there
getting their hands dirty
or worse.
Well, enjoy the tea.
And for the record,
if it wasn't for my
mole man of a husband,
you, your daughter, and my son
would all be dead right now.
Uh, for anybody out there tonight
going through hard times,
this next one's for you.
Let us pause in life's pleasures ♪
And count its many tears ♪
While we all sup
sorrow with the poor ♪
There's a song that will linger ♪
Forever in our ears ♪
Oh, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
'Tis the song ♪
The sigh of the weary ♪
Hard times, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
Many days you have lingered ♪
Around my cabin door ♪
Oh, hard times ♪
You rock, Jericho!
Come again no more ♪
While we seek mirth and beauty ♪
And music, light and gay ♪
- Come on, come on, come on.
- Hey.
Oh, sorry.
I I thought you were someone else.
If you wanted to join me on stage,
all you had to do all
you had to do was ask.
My mistake.
I thought I saw a light coming
down from the rafters, all right?
I never took my eyes off of him.
But then he was just someone else.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry.
Going somewhere?
Hell yeah anywhere but here.
we're on your side here.
You can talk to us.
You're not gonna believe me.
I had to go solo, and
then things took a turn.
What do you mean?
Nobody wants to hear Jericho Kid
without Rivers Gemini, 'kay?
But things changed a few weeks ago.
What happened?
I was playing this
dive bar at Nashville.
There was a suit.
He bought me a couple
drinks after the show,
and then he asked me what I would give
to have the kind of music
that shook people's souls.
And how did you seal the deal?
Well, the rest of the
night was kind of blurry.
But the next morning,
I woke up with this.
I mean, that night,
I played the same set.
This woman, she looked at me
like I was the second coming,
and it was
it was intoxicating.
And then she burned.
I didn't I didn't put it together
until it happened again.
And I was done singing in Nashville,
But the tattoo
I mean, he said if I
don't sing to someone,
then it'll burn me up instead.
And then Brock figured
out what you were doing.
That's why he surrounded
himself with the sigils
for protection.
He wanted me to cut him in.
I had to nip it in the bud,
but that bartender
okay, I don't know.
That must've backfired or something.
That is not who I was singing to.
- Then who?
- That suit from Nashville.
He called himself Loki.
As in the Norse trickster demigod, Loki?
That that Loki?
How is none of this fazing you?
You asked me why I walked away.
Helping people with
weirdness like this is why.
Dad, you should lay down.
I'll lay down when I'm dead.
Oh, right.
You must be John.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I wanted to thank you.
Save it, save it. I
know. I saved your skin.
But tell me something.
I heard your dad was Men of Letters.
Hey, give John the third degree later.
I wanna hear about this Akrida Queen.
You said you know where to find her.
Get my bag.
I was searching for
the queen's burial site
when they found me.
She's the key to their
whole damn invasion.
I wish I knew, but I don't
well, not yet.
So how did you even get on the
Akrida's track to begin with?
When you've been hunting
for more than five minutes,
you make contacts, and you hear things.
I caught wind of a sighting
a few months back
matched the description of the Akrida,
along with information
about the weapons, so I
- I ran 'em down.
- Alone,
without telling me.
John, why don't you
go sharpen some stakes
and give us a second here?
- Yup.
- No.
Anything you can say to
me, you can say to John too.
Start by telling us about the queen.
Everything points to
the queen's burial site
being at one of these locations.
These recon photos?
Yeah, we study those photos,
we can find out where she's hiding.
Let's go set up the darkroom.
I know I've only been
hunting for five minutes,
but she hasn't slept a good
night since you've been gone.
Least you could do is treat
her more like a daughter
and less like a soldier.
He's a trickster, right?
So he could be hiding
anywhere and look like anyone.
Explains how he got away
probably just shape-shifted
into someone else.
Well, let's just hope
that one of your books
has the trick to see through
his smoke and mirrors.
I know what you're thinking.
What a twist!
I must say, Jericho, you
were right about this one.
He's got pluck.
Er Jerri didn't mention that, uh,
he and I, we
Wow, um,
I guess I know why the band broke up.
Carlos, I'm sorry.
You set us up?
He did
little addendum to
the contract I threw in
just to spice things up
an exit clause, if you will.
But I always make a point
to get to know the new talent firsthand
before I make a deal.
I was skeptical at first.
Seeing you up close won me over.
I'm not making a deal with you.
Oh, my sweet, little summer child,
you will if you wanna save Jericho.
You know,
you have a very impressive résumé.
"Love of modern dance." Useless.
"Gifted typist." Now that's a skill.
"Musician, hunter,
hair model." Samesies.
But what I don't see here
is somebody who will just walk away.
We're nodding, we're nodding,
but we're not speaking.
You gotta say the words, kid.
- Them's the rules.
- Carlos, you don't have to do this.
I don't recall asking you.
You have a deal.
Atta hippie!
Let's tango.
Am I free now?
Oh, as a matter of fact
What did you do to him?
Oh, please, nobody
cares at least, I don't.
He's like a security
deposit. Move on from that.
Let's focus on you.
Here's the lowdown.
Song by sunup, or things
are gonna get toasty.
One night only.
Okay, so you sing a song tonight,
someone burns, and then
the curse is lifted?
That's the gist of it.
Can't we just figure out a way
to remove the tattoo?
If it was weaker magic, perhaps.
But a demigod like Loki,
defeating him is the
only way to save Carlos.
Maggie's books
her lore on gods and demigods.
Surely there's something
in there about Loki.
All right.
I'll start over here and we'll see
Okay, what is it called?
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking that a lot
more changed than I realized.
When I first met Carlos,
he was a feral kid
with a knack for hunting
and getting into trouble,
and Lata, she was terrified.
She was, um, content
to read about what we do
in the safety of the library.
It's only been a few
months since I've seen them,
but now look at 'em.
Well, it's all because of Mary.
She brought us together.
She didn't get that from me.
Hey, guys, monsters that kill
To feed and survive are one thing.
Ones that kill for kicks
we're in for a fight.
Okay, weird sensation, but
contemplating my mortality
has surprisingly made me hungry.
Read this for me, and I'll make you
one of my family specials.
I don't
What's the family special?
You know, I always imagined
my last supper would be on a yacht
in the middle of the Mediterranean
on the lam with my lover
after a heist gone wrong.
I think I found something.
"Loki's magic is tied
to a powerful symbol
of misdirection and trickery
that he carries with him
a hand mirror."
So what's the plan?
Smash the mirror, no more curse?
No, the mirror's indestructible,
but there might be
another way to kill Loki
"using a reflective
blade like the mirror
that's been enchanted using
a warrior's own blood."
Reflective like this?
Are we ready?
Dad, what are you doing?
There's a monster out
there that needs hunting.
Let's go hunt.
No, you're in no condition for this.
I'm going.
Can we talk for a second?
You don't get to do this.
I taught you how to hunt.
I don't need your permiss
You can't disappear and
then waltz back in here
and pretend like nothing ever happened.
I know that I owe you an explanation.
That's why I tried to
talk to you earlier.
Why didn't you tell me
where you were going?
About the Akrida?
- Mary
- You left me in the dark!
What gives you the right?
'Cause you're a stubborn jackass!
Just like me.
Had I told you what I was doing,
I know you would've
charged in headfirst.
I did everything I could
to get you off my trail,
because I couldn't I I
I can't let you turn out like Maggie.
You could've been
anything, Mary, anything.
But when I put that knife in your hands,
I chose this life for you.
I forced you to follow in my footsteps,
just like my dad forced me.
It was wrong.
I don't want you to
hate me like I hated him.
- Dad
- I heard tall tales
of an Oppenheimer
someone who found a way
to nuke all these damn monsters,
so that you could be free
of all of this forever.
But you found the Akrida instead.
I can't give you back all those years.
But I'm your dad. I have to try.
He's not here.
Then where is he?
Oh, goodie.
Brought your own adoring fans.
I was secretly hoping you would.
You know, I booked this whole place
just for you
not cheap, but you're worth it.
What'll you have?
Dirty blades.
Dirty pool.
How about we even these odds?
John, look out!
It's not working!
Because they're not the real ones.
You might feel a little pinch.
- Got him, Dad.
- Yeah, thanks.
I'm not falling for
anymore of your tricks.
You got me.
How did you know it wasn't me?
I found his tell.
You're not left-handed.
I know my daughter.
Oh, wow.
Is it dusty in here, or is it just me?
That was wait
That was a beautiful
father-daughter moment.
I mean
No notes.
Oh, yeah!
After all, every great trickster
and of course, I am the
greatest trickster
has to have at least one
last one up their sleeve.
You should be dead.
Oh, for the brains of this operation,
you are not the smartest cookie.
Cookies aren't smart to start with.
Think on that. Take a look-see
at the translation of the incantation.
Oh, it's a hoot.
- Let us go.
- Zip it.
For someone your
height, you're very loud.
All right, music man,
time's almost up.
Thought about who you're serenading?
I made it easy.
What did you do to him?
Oh, come on, man.
Don't get all high and mighty on me now.
You sacrificed everything to be a hunter
so broken people like Jericho can live?
Come on, man!
Clock in, Carlos!
Why should you pay for what he did, hmm?
That's right.
Go ahead, champ.
Let's hear those dulcet tones.
Jericho's waiting.
Groovy an acoustic jam.
I like the buildup. Very dramatic.
It's gonna be great.
That was a rental!
You're right.
I did sacrifice everything for hunting.
But I got so much more out of it
than I could've imagined in exchange.
I won't play your game.
That's stupid.
Isn't happening!
When the chips are down,
humanity always chooses
the selfish way out!
And you you are the
portrait of bad choices!
I am not gonna lose to you!
No, no, no, no, no.
You son of a
- Is this a trick?
- Great.
Thanks for nothing, Carlos!
Did you know that was gonna work?
No, I
I didn't.
Hey, easy, manicure. I can feel that.
This must be the price Loki has
to pay for losing the game
to be trapped inside
the indestructible source of his power.
Did you really mean what you said?
Every word.
You guys
you guys are my family.
Stop tapping me.
I said stop.
Where are you headed with
that useless piece of junk?
Figured I'd fix old cars.
Maybe I can fix it too
make that dream of yours for Mary,
a world without monsters, a reality.
It's worth kicking its tires
one more time, don't you think?
I've known you long enough to
know you're not really asking.
Listen, um,
thank you for helping
take care of me, Millie,
and, uh, for raising a good kid,
even if he is a son of a mole.
Take care of yourself, Samuel.
Hey, Dad, um, John and
I developed the photos,
but I don't think you're gonna be happy.
Light leaks on all of 'em?
The camera must've gotten damaged,
but we can go back to the location,
check 'em out together.
I'm gonna have to leave
that to you and John.
Ada called. She's got the lead
on some magic that might
help us defeat the queen.
So you're going with her to run it down.
Listen, after seeing you
and your team in action
It's clear you don't need
your old man hanging around.
Besides, what's the
point in finding the queen
if we can't stop her and the
rest of the Akrida, right?
Speaking of which
I want you to follow this pattern, okay?
Use those ingredients for the ink.
It's a tattoo you can
put anywhere on your body.
The Akrida can't possess
you if it's on your skin.
You better keep in touch.
Who's the parent here?
Don't worry.
This time, I will. I promise.
All right?
You two take care of each other.
Of course, Mr. Campbell.
Samuel's fine.
Thanks, Sam.
Samuel is fine.
Right. Ah.
All right, well, there's
only one thing I'm missing.
Was on the road. I lost my hat.
Oh, Mary found it, actually.
Well, then she lost it again.
Technically, she destroyed it.
Um, it's a long story. Hold on.
I'm gonna turn myself in.
Mm, that won't end with you in prison
if that's what you're aiming for
an institution, probably.
They can put me wherever they like.
I deserve it.
Can I give you some advice?
You can't change what's happened,
but you can still put
some good in this world.
I'm never gonna play again.
You have a gift
and an eye for talent, so use it.
I mean, come on, that's not enough.
Maybe not.
But it's a start.
Hey, listen, um,
there might not be
much of a crowd tonight,
you know, given what's going on, but
I begged the manager to let
my band play one more night.
Gonna need a singer.
Come on, you deserve
to be up on that stage.
No, no, no, no, no
Even if it is just one night only.
Come on. What do you say?
Play some Sabbath!
I'm more of a metal gal
than all that folk stuff,
to be honest.
This one's for my family.
Two, three.
Let us pause in life's pleasures ♪
And count its many tears ♪
While we all sup sorrow ♪
With the poor ♪
There's a song that will linger ♪
Forever in our ears ♪
Oh, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
'Tis the song ♪
The sigh of the weary ♪
Hard times, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
Many days, you have lingered ♪
Around my cabin door ♪
Oh, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
'Tis the song ♪
The sigh of the weary ♪
Hard times, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
Many days, you have lingered ♪
Around my cabin door ♪
Oh, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
'Tis the song ♪
The sigh of the weary ♪
Hard times, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
Many days, you have lingered ♪
Around my cabin door ♪
Oh, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
Oh, hard times ♪
Come again no more ♪
Go, Losi!
I don't understand.
I don't want to think about the Akrida,
whether the world has a future.
I wanna be with you.
Right here. Right now.
That's not possible.
I know this guy.
This is the guy that
gave me my dad's letter
when I got back from Vietnam.
Do you know him?
Then how is he in the background
of one of your dad's photos?
I don't know.
Who the hell is this guy?
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