The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

1 No! Anna! Buell! No! I'm coming, Emma.
Come on, Anna.
It's just fucking rain.
You got some of their mail by mistake, Miss Anna.
I was just trying But if you're not the killer, then who who Neil.
- Daddy, no! - Don't hurt her! Huh? Emma.
People always underestimate children, underestimate what they're capable of.
I even surprise myself.
I mean, I didn't know I was capable of murder.
Oh my God.
You killed Lisa.
You're smarter than you look.
I don't understand.
Why? Okay, kiddo.
I gotta go to the airport.
I'll see you later, little lady.
Oh, Lisa, before you go, could you buy some chocolate bars? Oh.
I wish I could.
Remember what I always tell you? Sugar is the worst thing you can put in your body.
Hey, Lisa? Yeah.
I don't think sugar is the worst thing you can put in your body.
I think this is.
How could you do something like that? I didn't do it.
You did.
Don't the police have a palette knife with your fingerprints on it? - I'm gonna go get my checkbook.
Okay? - Okay.
I remembered you keep your checkbook upstairs, which gave me the perfect opportunity to steal your palette knife and frame you for murder.
I don't understand.
Your dad was here when you killed Lisa.
How did he not h hear anything? How did he not know? He was upstairs in the bathroom with the water running.
He didn't want anyone to hear him practicing his ventriloquist act.
His act sucks by the way, which is why I killed him.
You're a monster.
My mother was the monster.
Can you believe she decided to have another baby without even asking if I wanted a sibling? Well, I had something else in mind.
I spent all summer on my underwater project, and on the last day of our vacation, it was finally ready.
I just needed to lure her to the end of the dock.
Emma? Emma.
You know what? I think I prefer being an only child.
What are you doing? What are you doing? No! You're not gonna get away with this.
Oh yes, I will, because you're the only one who knows the truth.
And now I'm gonna kill you.
In self-defense, of course.
The mean drunk lady across the street tried to kill me.
You're fucking crazy.
That's what my teacher said before I pushed her off the lighthouse.
Shit! Those are just baby teeth, you stupid asshole.
Where's his gun? Where does he keep it? Where is it? Looking for this? You little bitch.
Come on.
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
What's your emergency? Our crazy neighbor killed my daddy.
I think I killed her in self-defense.
It's okay, honey.
Where are you? What's your address? 407 Canterbury Hill.
We're on our way.
Just stay on the line with me.
Are you somewhere safe Well, well, well.
Someone doesn't know when to die.
Pick up.
Pick up, pick up.
You know, it didn't have to end this way.
I tried to warn you.
By the way, your casserole tastes like shit.
Oh my God.
Stay with me, Anna.
You're gonna be okay.
Yeah? It's all gonna be okay.
Knock, knock.
How's the patient? I brought you these.
They're beautiful.
How are you feeling? Like I was hit by a Mack truck driven by a nine-year-old.
Anna, I owe you an apology.
You were right about all of it.
You have no idea how long I have been wanting to hear that.
H how's the patient? This guy.
You're lucky he showed up when he did, otherwise you might've been charged for murdering Neil and Emma too.
And Buell.
Oh, poor Buell.
- Buell made it, Anna.
- What? Yeah.
He's in intensive care, but he's he's gonna make it.
Thank God.
Well, I better get back to the station.
You take care of yourself, Anna.
Thanks, Detective Lane.
Call me Becky.
I I brought you these.
They're beautiful.
How you feeling? Like I was hit by a Mack truck driven by a nine-year-old.
Anna, I I owe you an apology.
I kept telling you that old houses creak.
Oh, Douglas, no.
I I should've listened to you.
- I should've believed you.
- It's okay.
I barely believed myself.
Well, that's also something I should apologize for.
I realized I had you on a 50-gram dose of a class-four psychotropic, and I Well, I probably should have just had you on, like, a prescription for Wellbutrin or Zoloft.
Well, the only prescription I think I need right now is rest.
Thank you for always being there for me.
I'll always be here for you.
Douglas, do you ever wonder if we c What? Nothing.
I better get back to work.
- Okay.
- All right.
How's the patient? Carol.
I brought you these.
They're beautiful.
How are you feeling? Uh, like I was hit by a Mack truck driven by a nine-year-old.
You're talking about Emma.
Anna, I owe you an apology.
- Oh? - Yes.
I do.
You did see something that night, and I didn't believe you because I judged you, and that's wrong.
And it takes a big person to admit when they're wrong.
Well, I'd say it takes a big person to admit when they're wrong, but you already said that.
Thank you.
Well, um, I should probably get back to Scott.
Hungry for some lunch? - Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Uh, Miss Anna.
- Hmm? Uh, I wanted to apologize to you.
I should have told you I was living up here.
I just didn't feel right leaving you all alone at night in this big house after Mr.
Douglas left.
It's all right, Buell.
Your heart was in the right place.
I'm gonna turn him into a lamp.
It's like I got hit by a Mack truck driven by a nine-year-old.
Would you excuse me one second? It sold? Of course it sold.
Look at it.
It's stunning.
I don't know.
I just I am so proud of you.
Thank you.
- What was that? - What? - What "what"? What was that? - It's no one.
- Why are you being weird? - I'm not being weird.
It was nobody.
Who just called you? All right.
It's Graham and Prine.
- They made me an offer.
- They did? Oh, Sloane.
- Oh, congratulations.
That's amazing.
- Thank you.
I'm gonna turn it down.
Why? No.
Not again.
I know why you turned the offer down the first time.
You thought you needed to take care of me after Elizabeth died.
And I let you.
Look, you were never gonna talk me out of it.
Well, I'm gonna talk you out of it now.
You are taking this job.
- Anna - You are taking this job.
You have to, Sloane.
I'm okay.
I'm gonna be okay.
- Do it.
Call them back for me.
Please? - Hmm.
Okay, okay.
Will you come and visit me in New York? Obviously.
Of course.
Just call them right now.
Okay? Please? Are you leaving? I didn't get a chance to say hello.
Um, hello.
I'm just not yet feeling 100%, so Of course.
Um, well, the painting is stunning.
I think it's the best you've ever done.
Thank you.
Anna, this is Claire.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I've heard so much about you.
Thank you.
So how did you two meet? Oh, they just assigned her to me.
Claire's one heck of a forensic psychiatrist.
Oh, you work together.
What'd you think? May I walk you to your car? Sure.
I, uh, really, really want you to know just how beautiful I thought that painting was.
Thank you.
Of course, you're gonna have to help me figure out where to hang it.
You bought it? - Let's get you inside.
- Actually, wait.
I think I'm okay.
I'm gonna be just fine.
There's breast milk in the freezer, extra passies are in her room, and remember, you have to swaddle her tighter than you think.
Honey, we're fine.
Remember I've done this before.
You just try to relax and enjoy your girls' weekend with Sloane.
Okay? I know, I just You know I don't like flying, so Yeah.
You have your Xanax prescription if you need it.
I just miss you two so much already.
We miss you too.
Here's what I want you to do.
Have fun, okay, and not worry about a single thing.
- Deal? - Deal.
Excuse me.
Uh, red or white? Oh.
No, thank you.
I don't drink wine anymore.
I'll have a vodka.
I believe you're in my seat.
I'm kind of a nervous flier.
But I'm visiting a friend, so you have to.
What takes you to New York? Business.
Thank you.
No, you have to see the show.
It's imper Um, she she's dead.
- What? - Come look in the lavatory.
Come look.
Oh my God.
- Okay.
Let's get you back to your seat.
- What? All right? And I will get you some coffee.
No, no, no.
I'm telling you, she was in there.
Who was? The woman sitting next to me.
The woman in seat 2A.
Ma'am, there was no one in seat 2A.

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