The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

An Ordinary Date

(music playing)
(doorbell ringing)
Who's ready for our Tuesday night dinner?
Oh, moi!
Well, then, shall we?
Oh! Forgot something. Be right back!
Mickey One to Eagle's Roost.
You in position? Over.
We're good to go!
(birds chirp)
Oh, Minnie's gonna be so surprised!
She thinks this is just
our ordinary Tuesday dinner date.
Minnie One to Eagle's Perch.
Come in. Are we ready?
The package is ready to fly.
I love you, Mickey. (laughs)
(giggles) He's going to be so surprised.
He thinks this is just
our ordinary Tuesday dinner date.
-With your help
-With your help,
-we'll make the ordinary extraordinary.
-we'll make the ordinary extraordinary.
-Then she'll see just how much
-Then he'll see just how much
-I love him. (giggles)
-I love her.
-Our ordinary Tuesday dinner awaits.
-Sure does.
-(both chuckle)
Your chariot, m'lady!
(birds chirp)
Oh, how adorable!
-Oh! (giggles)
-(birds chirp)
Hiya, handsome! Wa-dah, ba-dah, ba, ba!
Wait! Hey.
Oi! You got some nerve
showing your beak around here.
You still owe me money. (squawks)
BIRD: Get the geezer!
(Mickey and Minnie grunt, scream)
Oh, where'd that parrot come from?
And those Cockney birds!
So, uh Oh, I know!
How about we take the scenic route?
-Through the park? How romantic!
-How romantic!
Minnie, look!
Shucks. I'm just wild about wildlife!
-That's the signal.
-The signal?
Wait ‘til she sees this.
You know, it's such a beautiful day.
Why don't you look at the clouds?
You might see something
to inflate your heart.
Oh, I will, as soon as I finish enjoying
all the pretty trees and rocks! (giggles)
(gasps) We're on.
Woo-hoo! Let's rock!
-(gasps) It's huge!
-It's huge!
-Look! Look, look, look, look, look. Aw.
-Look! Look, look, look, look, look. Aw.
They'll be here any minute.
Oh! I gotta get my camera ready
for posterior's sake.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy!
(wind blowing)
No, really, he's gonna cry.
Like, ugly cry.
(both scream)
(all scream)
Ah! Whoa. Oh, dear!
(tires screech)
Maybe we should just stick to the highway.
MINNIE: I think you're right.
I'm starting to think Mick
should just tell Minnie how he feels.
Yeah! Why do we gotta do the dirty work?
This is getting ridiculous!
Ugh. That's it, I quit.
Oh, no.
You're not leaving me high and dry.
(airplane rumbling)
-(laughs) Minnie, Minnie, Minnie, look!
Mickey, Mickey, Mickey, look!
MINNIE: (in thoughts)
This date is a complete disaster!
MICKEY: (in thoughts)
Oh, no. She's hating this.
Oops! (chuckles) Well,
I guess I better go wash this stain out.
(yelps) Me, too!
Oh, fellas, it's not working. Minnie is
Totally miserable!
We're gonna have to employ
the nuclear option.
(all gasp)
-You don't mean
-You don't mean
-That's right. Pulling off
-That's right. Pulling off
-all the remaining surprises at once.
-all the remaining surprises at once.
Minnie, why don't you just tell Mickey
how you feel?
Yeah! What Daisy sai
Uh, I mean, what Donald said.
Oh, my dear Goofy.
Can a drop of rain put into words
the beauty of the mighty ocean?
Do you skip to dessert
when the meal is so magnifique?
Does the lark cry when the candle
is made of such fine honey?
-Okay, okay!
-We'll help you.
-Just, please
-Let this be it.
-Just wait for my signal!
-Just wait for my signal!
-A toast
-A toast
-to our ordinary dinner.
-to our ordinary dinner.
-The signal!
-The signal!
(customers scream)
(band plays music)
(music stops)
I'm gonna tell you just how much I
-(screaming continues)
(Mickey and Minnie scream)
(Goofy screams)
Oh, this is all my fault.
I tried to make
our ordinary date extraordinary.
But it all turned into a disaster.
I just wanted to show you
how much you mean to me.
No, it was my fault!
I tried to make it extraordinary, too.
Aw, we don't need fancy displays
to show how we feel.
-All we need is each other.
-Each other.
I guess we should've just done
a simple dinner.
(romantic music playing)
(music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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