The World of the Married (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

A window was smashed in.
I'm afraid it needs to be handled quickly.
Aren't you heading inside?
It looks like something happened.
There's no camera in the back,
so I'm afraid it'll be difficult
to know who did it.
We reset the security measures
and will be patrolling in the vicinity,
so don't worry.
I see.
You heard that, right?
It's no big deal, so don't worry.
We contacted your insurance company too.
Someone will be out here in the morning
to replace your window.
Good night, then.
Thank you.
Isn't it weird?
-What do you mean?
-This happened
soon after Lee Tae-oh moved back to Gosan.
That's just absurd.
Anyway, I'll wash up first.
Who is it?
It's me.
What do you want at this hour?
Just open the door.
I called Dad.
Are you all right?
You're not hurt?
I'm fine.
I'm not injured either.
will at least block out the cold air.
I could've done that much, you know.
There's no need to feel like you owe me.
Just call me any time you need my help.
A man's touch is needed for these things.
That'll never be the case,
so cut the crap.
We've been fine without you.
Why don't you let Jun-yeong
stay at my place
for the time being?
It's dangerous to stay
at an insecure house.
Who knows what else might happen, right?
This won't ever happen again,
so there's no need to worry, Jun-yeong.
If you're done, please leave.
Oh, wait.
Don't forget your bat.
I'll get going then.
Lock up safely.
What if its ears are hurting?
They hurt?
It took you a while.
Sorry about that.
Why are you still up?
She's been fussy
because of her mild fever.
Is that so, my princess?
Why weren't you picking up though?
Did the meeting end late?
I stopped by to see Jun-yeong.
A window got smashed at the house,
so I went by to fix it.
Lee Tae-oh, you're quite the loyal one.
If that's how you feel,
be a good messenger.
Consider it my way of returning
all the favors you did for me.
Don't worry.
Director Gong is a greedy man.
are you serious about
kicking Seon-u to the curb?
Is that what you're aiming for?
Must you make me sound so tacky?
I just want to do something nice,
that's all.
Da-kyung, you're a natural.
I've been practicing.
I'm not one to do things
half-heartedly, you see.
She's just like me in a way
and does everything to a T.
So who's next?
It's me.
-Like I said, it's delicious.
I heard that the land surrounding
the set of TO Pictures
has been on the rise in terms of price.
That's not all.
The premium on the buildings nearby
has at least doubled.
According to my husband, the mayor
will be present
at the groundbreaking ceremony.
The regional economy
is sure to be in bloom thanks to that,
so of course he'll be there.
Anyway, today's lunch will be on me.
It should be on me.
After all, it's my initiation day.
Mr. Lee Tae-oh already paid in advance.
-My gosh.
He did?
What's this?
It's the gift Mr. Lee prepared.
He ordered them in advance for
each and every one of you to take home.
-My goodness.
-How sweet.
This is how sweet my son-in-law is.
He only has eyes for my daughter.
Mr. Lee sure is thoughtful, isn't he?
Please tell him I said thanks.
Sure thing.
The housewarming party
was enough for your initiation.
This is making me uncomfortable.
Aren't we gathered here
to just have some fun?
To have a husband
pay for everything
without discussing it in advance
doesn't seem to fit
with the purpose of this gathering.
I see.
Was it too burdening for you?
Look here, Ye-rim.
It's never charming
to be a stickler for rules.
That's not how you accept
someone's kindness.
What she said isn't entirely wrong.
Ye-rim has a point.
From now on, let's keep
our husband's wallets tucked away.
What do you say?
Please consider the gift received.
Thank you for lunch, Da-kyung.
I'll enjoy the wine, Da-kyung.
The food here isn't even nice.
Mrs. Gong!
-Here you go.
-Goodness, no. It's quite all right.
I told them that it was for me.
Please take it with you and enjoy.
Should I, then?
Hold on. What's this?
While in Seoul yesterday,
I bought it because it reminded me of you.
You shouldn't have.
I can't take gifts like this.
My husband will have a fit.
But this is just between us ladies.
The director doesn't need to know.
We really need someone like you
to be the associate director.
I'd actually appreciate your help
in that matter.
I'll soon set up a meeting
with you and Chairman Choi's wife.
That ungrateful skank
doesn't know her place.
How dare she.
Tae-oh must've spent quite a lot of money.
Tell him how grateful we are.
This coming from the woman
who disapproved of him.
If only he didn't have that son.
There's nothing he can do about that.
The ties he has with his ex-wife
need to be severed.
Gosh. Now I have a headache.
-Where did I put it?
-Try again.
Are you sure you lost it here?
It wasn't in my bag
when I got to the academy.
Maybe someone stole it.
Just tell the teacher.
As if our teacher would help me find it.
I'd probably get an earful
for even bringing to school.
This is unbelievable.
My mom will kill me for this.
Maybe you dropped it on the street.
I'm not that clumsy, you know.
Isn't it in your locker?
I already looked there.
How was the gathering?
Was it fun?
Yes, I thought it'd be dull
to hang out with old ladies,
but it was surprisingly pleasant.
Mom thanked you, you know.
She told me to tell you that.
It wasn't even a big deal.
It definitely helped me walk tall.
-Are you off to the office?
I won't be late though.
It's not that
I don't like Jun-yeong.
Obviously, I need a little time
to get to know him.
I know that.
Don't worry about it though.
Just let me handle Jun-yeong.
Let's invite him over for dinner sometime.
Thanks for offering, Da-kyung.
I heard that you offered
to make a donation to the hospital.
Is that true?
I was going to tell you
once things were final.
I'm sorry, sir.
Being the CEO
doesn't mean
that the company fund is at your disposal.
Where are you going to get the money
to make the donation?
I was going
to discuss it with you, Father.
I'll recant my offer if you don't approve.
Are you sure you can get it done?
Either be ruthless or give up.
Yes, sir.
I'll get it done.
You're already waving the white flag?
That's no fun at all.
Not everything is as it seems.
There's something you did
that I'm grateful for.
You know that, right?
You should be careful.
They're not easy to fight against.
Hello, Director Ji.
You forgot to take
the files you wanted to review.
Should I bring them to you?
Gosh, did I leave them there?
Actually, no.
I'll go pick them up.
Director Ji, you're here.
Did you perhaps see my son?
Dr. Ji, isn't today your day-off?
what are you doing here?
Why won't you answer me?
What are you doing here all by yourself?
What about you?
You're going as far as
to following me now?
you hiding something from me?
Dr. Ji, please calm down for a second.
Dr. Kim, tell me. What's going on?
Is there an issue with my son?
Mom, stop it.
He's a minor.
Why are you seeing him without my consent?
Just stop it already!
This is exactly why
I feel suffocated by you.
You know that?
What is it? Is something wrong?
-Hold on.
-Let go of me.
Give Jun-yeong some time to think alone.
Going after him
won't do anything to calm him down.
Why didn't you inform me of this?
If you had known, Jun-yeong…
wouldn't have come to me to talk.
Can you open the door?
Can you come out for dinner?
You should eat, you know.
If you don't want to come out,
I'll bring it to you.
I'll be in my room,
so tell me if you get hungry.
I'm going over to Dad's
for dinner tomorrow.
He's been coming to me
for about six months.
He feels guilty regarding your divorce.
He blames himself.
That's absurd.
He's well aware
of his dad's transgressions
which led to our divorce.
So why on earth would he feel guilty?
Guilt is very much a common reaction
among children with divorced parents.
However, Jun-yeong's case
isn't a typical one.
The camera memory card he discarded…
He found it in your room.
I hear it contained footage
of his father's infidelity.
He thinks
that's how you learned about the affair.
What do I do?
Where do I go from here?
I've been constantly reminding him
that it isn't his fault,
and he's shown progress.
I was busy picking up after myself
that I failed to notice
what my son was going through.
It's all my fault.
I should've made sure
to have kept it hidden.
Just have some faith in him.
He'll overcome this.
He's a smart and sensitive boy.
Anyway, I do suggest
you let him meet his father though.
It'll be a good way
for him to resolve his sense of loss
despite it being tough on you to see.
How about we spend Christmas
on Jeju Island?
You must be wanting to play some golf.
Maybe something else if it's too cold.
I see.
I'd enjoy golf too.
I'll look into a hotel for us.
You know what? Now that you mention it,
you probably need new golf wear.
All you own are out of trend now.
I'd love that.
Did you enjoy your meal?
My wife in particular.
Please sign.
Would you like your receipt?
Thank you.
-Are you done here, honey?
-Let's go.
-Please come again.
That was nice, right?
Are you even listening to me?
Sorry about that. What did you say again?
Jun-yeong's house. I feel like
someone's lurking around their house.
Didn't I tell you
to stop getting involved with them?
Those who should be scorned upon
have it good again with a baby and all,
but things didn't get better for Seon-u.
Life can be so unfair sometimes.
I'm also worried that
something bad might happen.
You're who I'm more worried about.
When you're home alone,
don't forget to lock up.
Sure thing.
did you put some thought into it?
You very well know
that this isn't an easily decidable issue.
shouldn't you report back to the chairman?
I'm sure you have a basic idea
of whom to put in the position.
Don't say anything to Director Ji.
You won't have to tell me twice.
Director Ji!
Enjoy your coffee.
Is Jun-yeong all right?
If there's anything I can do,
let me know…
Why would you help?
What? I'm just saying--
Just saying what?
What can you possibly help with?
forget I said anything.
Dr. Seol, you found the wrong tree
to bark under.
The chairman of Family Love Hospital and I
only indulge in personal conversations.
We don't ever talk about business.
But your husband has been
sponsoring our hospital for years.
You're being too modest, if you ask me.
Did you recently meet the chairman though?
Yes, but he doesn't seem to have a clue.
My husband, being the cautious man he is,
must not have briefed him yet.
I doubt that.
Don't we all know
how calculative Director Gong is?
Director Ji…
Well, her competency is well known.
Rumor has it that
she has the most patients.
Good job.
What now?
-Why don't I…
-Yes, go ahead.
Once the movie set
for TO Pictures is complete,
at least 100 staff members
will come to Gosan for filming.
I know he's my friend and all,
but it fascinates me
to see Tae-oh have such ideas.
At first, everyone thought
he was worthless.
Who knew he was
an unscratched winning lottery ticket?
Tell me about it.
That's still up for debate.
Even after making all that money,
he's spending it
to chase after his ex-wife.
That's not normal if you ask me.
Goodness, that's not the case.
I assure you that Tae-oh's motives
are as pure as they come.
He just needs something
to show to his father-in-law.
It's why he offered to donate.
Yes, of course.
It's easy to have
his motives misunderstood
since his ex-wife
is the associate director there.
Of course, I feel bad for Dr. Ji.
She devoted her career to this hospital,
but it could go to waste
due to a family matter.
But what can she do about it?
I never realized this
about you Dr. Seol, but…
you're quite the ambitious one.
Okay, I'm done.
Why don't you stay a bit longer?
No, I'm good.
I'll head out first.
It'll be all right.
Don't be too worried and sit tight.
My husband said he'll weigh his options
between what Dr. Ji brings in
and the amount of the donation.
I appreciate your reassurance, Mrs. Gong.
Come on. Hop in.
All right. Let's go.
Jenny must be fond of her brother.
I thought she couldn't talk yet.
She doesn't eat
in front of people she doesn't like.
Look at how she's devouring her food.
Honey, can you bring me
Jenny's diaper and some wet wipes?
-Eat up.
-Eat up.
You find me uncomfortable, don't you?
To be honest,
it's the same for me too.
But I'd like for us
to be on better terms now.
I'm truly sorry about
what happened between the grown-ups,
but I'm the person who loves your father,
and he cares about you a lot.
It's why I want you
to be more comfortable.
If you're happy,
he will be too.
To Jun-yeong, his parents' divorce
was a loss of love.
Please understand him
having mixed feelings toward his dad.
This is bad.
Jenny might like her brother more
than she likes me.
-Have some fruit, Jun-yeong.
Jenny, have some grapes.
You should get ready to go home.
Enjoy your fruits. I'll grab my car keys.
Would you like to stay the night?
It's quite late anyway.
Your dad can drive you to school tomorrow.
But we don't have a proper room for him.
When did you get this all set up?
What do you think? Do you like your room?
How have you been?
I was suddenly reminded of you,
so I thought I'd say hello.
Help me, please!
Dr. Ji?
Dr. Ji?
Dr. Ji?
Who are you?
This is the police.
Can you open the door?
Did you see his face?
No, I didn't catch his face.
Dr. Ji?
What happened?
How badly are you hurt?
Let's get you cleaned up first.
Where's the first-aid kit?
I'm all right.
Sir, are you someone she's close to?
Yes, we're colleagues at the hospital.
Could you answer a few questions then?
I won't be long.
What is it?
Are you worried that she's not picking up?
She must've gone to bed already.
She never sleeps this early.
The insomnia often keeps her up.
Yes, Jun-yeong.
You called when I was washing up.
How was dinner?
Was it good?
can I stay the night here?
Is that what you want?
That's great.
Sure, spend the night over there.
Will you be all right alone?
Yes, of course, I'll be fine.
Sleep at your dad's
and make it to school on time tomorrow.
Sleep tight, my son.
What is it?
Did your mom disapprove?
She allowed me
to stay here.
Then it's settled.
How about another round?
You're to give your statement tomorrow.
Let me take you.
It seems like he ran into your neighbor
while running away.
She was the one who called the police.
Here you go.
You're rich, right?
An accountant, is it?
Anyway, my boss said
that you're loaded.
I'm not that rich.
You're rich enough to buy me
a designer purse.
And why would I buy you a designer purse?
I'll be your girlfriend
from this moment on.
Are you saying no?
All the glass shards have been removed.
Were you hurt anywhere else?
I'm good other than the fact
that I'm still shaken.
Who was he?
Was it someone you know?
I couldn't tell.
He was wearing a mask.
I'm too worried.
You should come home with me instead.
It's fine.
I just want to rest now.
Then why don't you go and lie down?
Come on.
Are you all right?
Stay here. I'll see who it is.
Who is it?
What's going on?
I thought you were staying the night.
That's what I suggested,
but he was worried
and insisted on coming home.
I see.
Mom, are you hurt?
Oh, I…
Only a little. It's no big deal.
It's only a scratch.
-Nothing happened.
Don't worry and head upstairs.
Everything's fine.
How did you get hurt?
Was it like last time?
That's none of your business.
-Now, could you leave?
-Did you call the police?
She needs to get some rest.
Please come back some other time.
My gosh.
Jeez. You should've stayed put
after calling the police.
Why go out there and injure yourself?
Let's go see a doctor
first thing in the morning.
I called you several times,
but you didn't pick up.
A former client suddenly contacted me.
I guess I got lost in our conversation.
Doesn't it hurt?
Gosh, these bruises will last a while.
Anyway, please don't get involved
in other people's business again.
It's been a while.
What brings you all the way out here?
Why did you
send me that text last night?
Because you seemed to be in a predicament.
What do you mean?
I heard that Lee Tae-oh is back.
He's trying to drive you
out of the hospital you work at.
Were you aware of that?
I heard you called the police.
No reason.
For a few days now,
someone suspicious has been
lurking around your house.
Was it Tae-oh?
I don't know if he was the one
who attacked you yesterday,
but he did come by your house once.
During the day when no one was home.
Why don't you let Jun-yeong
stay at my place for the time being?
It's dangerous to stay
at an insecure house.
Who knows what else might happen, right?
How may I help you?
You can't barge in here.
Where's Lee Tae-oh?
You can't barge in here like this.
-May I help you?
-Where's the CEO's room?
Ma'am, wait…
This is inappropriate.
Out of my way!
Do you have an appointment with Mr. Lee?
Tell him that Ji Seon-u is here.
Right now.
Mr. Lee asked you to come in.
What is it that you're after?
Kicking me out of the hospital
can't be your only objective.
Why don't you leave Gosan
before you hit rock bottom?
If you want,
I can find you a decent position in Seoul.
Was that it all along?
If you threw a rock through my window,
sneaked into my house
to rummage through my things,
and smashed your way in
to attack me in my own home,
did you think I'd get scared and run away?
You should've told me
about the danger you've been in.
He shouldn't stay with you.
Who's the man you sent to my house?
Stop it with the lies.
I know nothing about this.
it'll be in your best interest
to move away before you get hurt.
I'll look after Jun-yeong,
so don't worry--
Over my dead body!
I will never let you raise Jun-yeong.
Don't stir up his world
just so that you can
get your revenge on me.
Hasn't it ever crossed your mind
that you're providing him
the unstable environment?
I heard you need
to drink yourself to sleep.
How could you make him
constantly worry about you?
Now you're even bringing a man
to your house
and you didn't know
Jun-yeong was seeing a psychiatrist.
Can you really say
you deserve to be his mother?
That's enough.
Don't make life harder for Jun-yeong
and send him to me.
Then drink away and date other men.
You can do whatever it is you want!
Don't provoke me.
Leave Gosan.
That's all you need to do.
Got it.
Thank you.
Yes, come in.
Director Ji.
Gosh, I lost track of time.
You should call it a night.
That's not it.
I came to say you have a visitor.
Why were you at my husband's office?
Why are you asking me…
rather than your husband?
I thought we agreed
on an amicable relationship.
Isn't that what you agreed on?
Is that what you really want?
What other choice do we have?
Then keep your husband on a tighter leash.
My gosh.
What's wrong with you?
You don't know him as well as you think.
You have no idea what he's capable of.
I told you to scare her, not hurt her.
The scars on my face say it all.
We both know how she's not the type
to back out of a fight.
Don't you ever…
lay a hand on her.
Because of her,
I rotted in jail for a year.
I'm not a saint, you know.
I dare you to go rogue again
and hurt her physically.
If you do, our deal will be over.
You can kiss your money goodbye. Got it?
Now get lost.
Get out!
-Oh, is that what you do with it?
-And this…
-Does this go next to that one?
-Like this.
-My gosh, your mom must be back, Jenny.
You're home awfully late.
What's with her?
Did she and Tae-oh get into an argument?
Watch yourself.
You could easily end up like me someday.
Come on in.
My gosh.
Are you kidding me?
Is it something to be this happy about?
It seems like our team
won the bet this time.
You'll pay our penalties for us.
Just you wait and see.
It's not over until it's over.
-You did well.
-Thank you, Mrs. Choi.
You all seem to be having a blast.
I'd like to join
the Gosan Ladies' Society.
How can I make that possible?
You'll need the consent
of the other members,
so tough luck.
Will the approval…
of the majority be enough?
That will be all you need, but--
You should leave
before you humiliate yourself.
No one here
is fond of you joining our party.
Then let's not waste our time
and put it to a vote right away.
Sure. Let's go ahead.
If you approve of Dr. Ji
joining the Gosan Ladies' Society,
please raise your hand.
I do.
I do too.
I don't feel comfortable opposing
when she's the hospital's
associate director.
you didn't win the majority vote.
I also approve.
Thank you.
You want to join
the Gosan Ladies' Society?
What are you after?
This is my way of warning Tae-oh.
How could you leave our son at home
all by himself?
Are you guys in a serious relationship
or something?
That's enough.
She's not your wife anymore.
From what I heard,
the neuropsychiatrist from Seoul
also has a pretty good reputation.
Do you think it is solely my idea
to bring you down
from your position?
Are you afraid
that I might tell her what you did to me?
How much do you trust your husband?
Watch what you say.
Don't drag Da-kyung into our mess.
Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park
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