The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Bizarre BnBs

[upbeat music playing]
[Megan] We are officially in transit
to the wild, the wacky,
the bizarre places of the world.
-Jo's here.
-I'm here.
I'm happy we're going to Finland.
-Are you ready?
-I am Yes.
[Megan] Seventy-one percent
of millennial travelers
want to stay in a bizarre vacation rental.
They're some of the most
lucrative properties,
and we're gonna test out
some of our favorites.
From an affordable igloo
in the Arctic Circle
[Jo] To an unexpected apartment
inside of a snake.
To this luxury cave here in the Ozarks.
[Megan] We woke up in places we never
could've dreamed existed.
[opening theme music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
[all chanting]
Look at this, look at this. Look at that.
Guys, let's explore this. Let's go!
[Jo] You see how high this snow comes?
It snowed a lot up in here.
We haven't seen a person
in two hours on this drive.
It's just us here in the Arctic Circle.
For my budget bizarre rental,
we are headed into Finland's
remote Northern Lapland region.
To get here requires
a long international flight to Helsinki,
another flight to Rovaniemi,
and a couple-hour drive north
to reach the town of Pyhä.
I've always wanted to stay in an igloo.
-Have you ever seen the Northern Lights?
-[Luis] Never.
The whole goal to stay in the igloo is
I wanna see the Northern Lights so badly.
[Luis] Yeah.
-[Megan] Welcome to Lucky Ranch.
-[Luis laughs]
Get out!
[Luis groans loudly]
-[Jo] We are definitely in Finland.
-[Luis] Wow, this is amazing.
[Megan] Looks like a Christmas card.
[Luis] Ooh!
[Luis laughs]
-Oh my God!
-I didn't even see it.
[Jo] I thought that was
just another pile of snow.
[Luis] Wow, this is so cool.
[Jo] We're about to sleep in an igloo.
[Megan] In winter, Lucky Ranch consists of
several seasonal one-bedroom igloos
that can each accommodate
two to four guests.
The bathrooms and a kitchen
are located in a nearby resort building.
But at $155 per night, per igloo,
it is definitely different
and worth every penny
for a chance to see the Northern Lights.
This is wild!
I've only seen these in cartoons!
-[Jo] Whoa! Oh my God
-How moody is this?
[Megan] You know what's crazy?
People have been building igloos
for thousands of years.
-[Jo] Nice.
-[Megan] What?
-[Luis] This is so cool.
-So hard.
You can, like, almost touch the ceiling.
This is like engineering at its finest.
[Megan] It's beautiful.
[Luis] This is so nice.
It's not actually that cold.
-[Jo] Yes, it is.
-No, I'm freezing.
-[laughing] Yes, it is.
-[Luis laughing]
-[Megan] This would be so fun to do.
-That's sculpted.
This is like graffiti street art,
igloo style.
-[Luis] We gonna take a look
-[Megan] This is the first igloo.
[Megan] Every winter season,
the owner builds multiple igloos
on the property,
and we're gonna be staying in two of them.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's officially
the coldest I've ever been in my life.
I can't believe I'm speaking,
because my lips are freezing off.
But at least I could distract myself
by appreciating the architecture
of these igloos.
They're made by combining
blocks of ice with packed snow
to form a dome shape that can support
the weight of the structure.
And while it is very chilly,
I'm talking
-4 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit outside,
the inside of the igloo
is around 23 degrees Fahrenheit
because the snow acts as both insulation
by trapping in heat
and by blocking out the wind.
-It's so crazy!
[Jo] This is a small space, lots of beds.
-[Luis] We need a lot of bodies.
-Hello! Hello!
-[all] Hi!
Hi. Megan. Nice to finally meet you.
-I'm Antti.
-[Luis] Nice to meet you, pleasure.
So, do you build these every season?
[Megan] In the summer,
this is a popular lakeside resort.
But in the winter,
in order to supplement his business,
the owner builds these igloos by hand.
-When was this one built?
-Beginning of December.
Oh, wow, so they stay
for the entire winter?
-Yes. Four months.
-[Luis] But it's a great business, right?
Because you're building based on
on natural elements.
-We wanna see the Northern Lights badly.
Just outside the igloo, you can see it.
-Think tonight we'll see them?
-Weather stays like this, yeah.
I have sold a lot of real estate,
but one thing I haven't sold are igloos.
I wanted to break down the things to know
when it comes to igloo real estate.
Number one, location, very important.
If you can build in front of a lake,
hopefully in front of a sunset,
that is a great asset to have
when it comes to charging per night.
Number two, furniture.
You gotta build around your furniture.
If you build the igloo before,
then think about the bed,
there's no way
you'll get that bed in there.
Number three,
now, this is a short-term investment
because these things will melt
when the summer comes.
And number four, the most important part
is you gotta find a good agent.
You gotta find someone
that understands the igloo market
because there are no comps
when it comes to igloo selling.
-[upbeat music playing]
-[dogs howling]
-It'll slowly cook.
-You leave it like that?
Yeah. Two hours.
[Megan] As part of our stay,
Antti has made usan incredible
Finnish meal over an open fire.
-[Antti] Nice to have you here.
-[Luis] Thank you.
-How do you say "cheers" in Finnish?
[Megan] Kippis!
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] I learned that one of the best ways
to stay warm in an igloo is body heat.
Double heat, baby.
[Luis] So I moved out of my igloo
into the igloo with Joanna and Megan.
It is actually very cold in here.
-Like sleeping in a freezer.
-[Luis] No.
-There's no warmth.
-[Luis] True.
-Feels like sleeping in a freezer. True.
-You're sleeping in a freezer.
[exhales] It's cold in here. 
So this is how you stay warm in an igloo.
Exercise. If you increase your body heat,
you increase the igloo's heat.
We're all about that natural heating
in this igloo.
-[Megan] Hey, you took my pillow.
-So this is what you do.
Best idea we've ever had,
all in one bed.
-Look at this.
-[laughs] You look like a caterpillar.
-More like a mermaid.
-This is nice.
[Jo] I should probably
take off my glasses, too.
[Megan coughing, spits]
-Okay, that's the
-All right, so I'm gonna go over there.
[laughing] Sorry. There's a feather
that went in my mouth
[Jo laughing]
from this pillow.
[Megan] So, we didn't get to see
the Northern Lights,
but we still have a day,
so I'm hopeful that we still can.
[Jo moans]
-My nose is frozen.
-So is mine.
You slept without something
covering your face?
Yeah. I need to get out of here.
He's not even out of his sleeping bag,
trying to leave the igloo.
I like the idea of an igloo
but I don't think this is for me.
[Jo and Megan laughing]
-Look at us. In a snow globe.
-Look at it!
-[Luis yells]
-[girls laughing]
[Megan] After our night, I set up
a surprise adventure for Luis and Jo
in the beautiful landscape of Lapland.
[dogs barking]
-[singer] We can go anywhere, anywhere ♪
-[Megan screaming]
-We can go anywhere ♪
-We can go anywhere, anywhere ♪
Oh, man! Whoo!
[all laughing and screaming]
Oh, God!
[Jo] You would not get these views
if you were in a car or on foot.
-This is beautiful. Great.
-[Jo] That was intense.
-[Luis] Yeah, great.
[Luis] After dog sledding, I finally
get to try out the sauna and cold plunge.
[Antti] So here we have the sauna.
[Luis] Basically, you go into the sauna
at 80 degrees, sweat everything off,
your heart rate goes very fast,
and then you go straight into the hole.
[Antti] Yeah, good for your muscles.
It's really compress quickly.
And then in the sauna, it releases.
[Luis] Good for the body.
It reverses the aging process.
-[Antti] Don't catch the flu so easily.
-[Jo] So it's like immunity booster.
It's an immunity booster.
Makes you a stronger person.
-[Jo] God.
-[Megan] Can't believe he's doing this.
-Even the dogs are
-We're safe?
Yeah, yeah, good to go.
How are you feeling?
[Luis] We'll talk later.
[Luis] No time to hesitate.
He's praying right now.
[ethereal music playing]
[mouthing] Oh, my God!
[Jo] Oh my
[uplifting music playing]
That's the longest time
that I have seen, uh underwater.
He's still outside.
[Luis breathing deeply]
This is the most beautiful sunset
I have ever seen.
It's like being in a whole day
of natural spa here at Lucky Ranch,
and it's incredible,
it's amazing, it's unique,
and it's a very must-do experience
in your travel life.
[Megan] This place is more incredible
than I could've imagined.
Antti has created
the ideal escape from the modern world.
The simple design of the igloos
blends seamlessly with nature,
allowing guests to have a perfect moment
of peace without distraction.
[peaceful music playing]
[Luis] I'm laying on a frozen lake
here in the Arctic Circle.
I get it. Finnish people are so happy.
They say that they have
so much nature for themselves.
Five million people
in such a big country.
For them, nature is like their church.
And that is extremely special.
Here we are. We're alive. We're present.
Enjoy the moment. The journey continues.
[Megan] And to top it all off, we finally
got to see what I came here for.
[upbeat music playing]
[all shouting] Oh my God!
[Luis and Megan] I saw it, I saw it!
[Luis] It's kind of like a tail.
-[Jo] It's moving.
-[Luis] Like a fine tail. Beautiful.
-[Jo] Awesome.
-Let's take a picture.
[Jo] Guys, we did what we came to do.
Let's go back inside. We're freezing.
-I need to go to the sauna.
-[Megan] Sauna.
[Luis] Oh, viva Mexico!
[girls laughing]
[Jo] For my unique bizarre property,
we're going from icy cold Finland
to the high altitudes of Mexico City,
where we'll be sleeping
in the belly of the beast.
If we're going
to a property that is insane,
our car also needs to be insane.
[Megan and Luis laughing]
-[Jo] Oh my God.
[Luis speaking Spanish]
[tires screeching]
Oh, very nice!
[Jo and Luis speak Spanish]
-[Luis] Ho-ho!
[Jo] So, the place I'm taking you guys to,
it is a dreamland.
It's nothing you've ever seen before.
We'll be living inside
of a snake.
-What? That doesn't make sense.
-Like, a snake.
-An actual snake?
Like, okay, right. Just picture
Picture this. This architect was inspired
by Antoni Gaudí.
But what he created is
like a mix of Salvador Dalí
meets Tim Burton in Mexico City
on the outskirts.
Oh my gosh!
And it's not just the property
we're gonna have access to.
It's acres of a wonderland.
-That's unique.
-I love it.
[Jo squeals]
-[Luis] Here we go!
-[Jo] Gracias.
[Luis] Soon as you cross the gate,
you're no longer in Planet Earth.
[Luis] Everything is a snake. Snake here.
-Look at this one.
-[Jo] Snake here.
-Oh, this is the tail.
-Snake here.
-Look at that one!
-[Luis] Ha!
[Jo] What?
-Okay. Come on.
-This is what a snake property looks like?
Wow! Look at this snake.
This is the head of a snake!
-[Jo] Yes!
-[Luis] My God. Hold on, let me go first.
Oh my God! Ah! This is crazy!
[Jo] This is the throat of a snake.
-We're sleeping in the belly of the snake?
-[Jo] Yes.
Look at the size of this building.
This is a massive snake.
I can't believe
you can actually rent this.
These are residential units.
We're staying there.
[Luis] Wow!
This is crazy and weird and wild,
and I'm into it.
[Jo] Quetzalcoatl's Nest is an almost
50-acre nature-inspired sculpture garden
with impeccably landscaped grounds,
a reflecting pool, and a greenhouse.
Created in 1998
by organic architect Javier Senosiain,
the centerpiece is an apartment building
in the shape of a snake,
which contains ten apartments,
two of which
happen to be vacation rentals.
Our 2,200-square-foot apartment
has five bedrooms
four bathrooms
sleeps eight guests
and all of that starts at $325 per night.
[Megan] This feels like
Alice in Wonderland.
[Luis] This is amazing. You have
to cross this to get to your apartment.
Literally, you feel like
you're in a storybook.
[Jo] So we're actually walking
on the back of a snake.
[Luis chuckles]
Can I point out how much
I love these steps? Look at this art!
This is mosaic.
Then you've got iridescent circles.
So it makes it feel, like,
reptilian, doesn't it?
-[Luis] All the way.
-[Jo] Our house is here.
-[Megan] Here?
-[Jo] Yup.
[Jo speaking Spanish]
[Luis] Yes!
[Jo speaking in Spanish]
[Luis] Oh, wow, this is large.
It's super minimal compared
to the outside, which I like.
Right? You wouldn't expect this.
This is great. I thought
it was gonna be like a small studio.
That's what you
expect in a place like this.
[Jo] Notice there isn't one straight line.
-The entire house is built of curves.
-Mm-hmm. Even the furniture.
The coffee table, the dining room,
the base. All of it.
-[Luis] Yeah, even the kitchen.
-[Megan] Look how cool the windows are!
It's almost like an oculus window
from Gothic architecture.
It's like the focal point
of "we are still in nature."
Let's see the bedrooms.
-Bedroom one.
-[Megan] Okay.
[Luis] This is great.
For people that want to sleep in,
you have blinds.
-Oh, and they're custom tailored!
-Even the curtains are curvy.
-Okay, this is intention.
-This is a first.
-This is a first.
-[Jo] Bathroom with the coolest glass.
[Megan] Look at that!
Look at the showerhead.
It's so Dr. Seuss.
I love this window. It's so fantastical.
-[Jo] Primary bedroom.
-[Luis] Nice!
-[Megan] Wow!
-[Jo] I found my nook!
-That's great!
-[Megan] This is amazing for you.
[Jo] Wow.
The idea behind organic architecture
is going back to nature,
and nothing in nature
is truly a straight line.
-[Megan] Mm-hmm.
-Everything is beautifully curvy.
-[Megan] Even the bookshelf.
-[Luis] That's so nice.
[Megan] It's a suede cubby.
[Luis chuckles]
[Jo] The fact that it is a snake
is bringing so many more people here
because they want
to stay in the crazy snake.
I think it's very easy to confuse this
with a gimmick when you see it on a page,
but this is not a gimmick,
not a theme park. It's real.
It's so well done,
and that rarely happens.
[Jo] The body is where we're staying,
and the head is representative
of Quetzalcoatl's Nest.
And in Aztec culture,
Quetzalcoatl was a serpent god with wings
to represent building
the space between heaven and earth.
All I can say is
this place feels otherworldly.
You can't make this stuff up!
I've never heard
of this architect before we came here,
but I feel like
he's taking notes from nature
and showing us visually
how we could be living.
And possibilities are literally endless.
-[Luis exclaims]
[birds chirping]
[chuckles] Good morning. [inhales sharply]
I have never slept inside a snake before.
Wow, and it is very quiet.
So the belly of a snake,
it's extremely quiet.
Travel tip.
[mellow music playing]
[Jo] In Quetzalcoatl's Nest,
the experience is right outside the door.
So to start our day, our host Patricia
offered us a guided meditation.
[Patricia] We invite you to relax.
Please close your eyes
and start breathing with your nose.
I will invite you
to put your hand on your heart.
[uplifting music playing]
You're going to be reborn.
So when you are ready, inhale deep.
[all inhaling]
And push out to life and open your eyes.
[Jo] After our morning meditation,
we left the cave
for a day of exploring
the 50-acre nature-inspired property.
-[Megan] What?
-[Jo] Yes.
-[Megan] Stop.
-[Luis] This has just begun.
-[Megan] So wild.
-[Jo] Are you ready?
-[Megan] Oh my goodness.
-[Luis] Go, Jo.
-[Megan] Whoa, look at that!
-Oh my God. Oh, no!
-Oh my God!
[Jo] With almost 50 acres
of beautiful landscape,
you could easily spend hours
roamingaround this property.
Turn around, let's see the booty.
From art installations
Let's take a selfie
of him taking a selfie.
[Luis laughs]
to unique functional facilities
-What the heck is that?
-[Megan]A bathroom!
I actually I gotta go.
this place
has no shortage of inspiration.
[Megan] Oh, look, they're floating chairs.
This is a lesson in going with the flow.
[Megan] It is super dark in here.
[Jo] Yep. Let's go.
You just gotta trust me on this one.
[Luis] Okay.
Look at all the beautiful tile work.
-[Jo] Welcome to the greenhouse!
-[Luis] Okay.
[Megan] Gorgeous. Gorgeous!
[Luis] This is a piece of work.
I need to meet this guy.
[Megan] Whoa!
[Luis] Oh, my heart is beating fast.
This is very Oh my God.
[laughs loudly]
This is crazy!
Yeah, I'm joining this sudden situation.
-Good job, Jo.
-[Jo] I'm happy you guys love it!
When you see a good piece of art,
it makes you feel alive.
[Megan] I'm crying.
[mock cries]
You don't have to say anything. Just
It feels like the
the physical manifestation
of my favorite movie, Willy Wonka.
It takes my breath away,
makes me feel like a true kid.
Like, I've always wanted to go
into that world
because it's so imaginative.
[Luis] I'm glad it's touching you.
That's what it's supposed to do.
Did you ever in a million years
think you'd come up to this room?
-[Megan] Never.
-[Jo] Okay. You enjoy your moment.
-Oh my God.
-Oh my word!
-[Megan] This is a slide.
-[Luis] No, stop it.
-Yes, it is. Go, go, go! [laughing]
-I'm sliding down!
[Jo] This is amazing!
Yes, we slept inside a snake last night.
That is the wildest idea I can think of!
And honestly, it gets me thinking,
these type of properties are most likely
gimmicks to bring in people,
but not this architect.
Everything you see here, look.
This is absolutely no gimmick.
Because everything here
has not only been imagined,
it has been executed to perfection.
To me, that is a pure form of expression.
That is him sending a message
of how the world should live.
Not linear but like nature, all in one.
I was lucky enough to get to meet the man
who created this incredible
work of art, Javier Senosiain.
[in Spanish] The straight line
hardly exists in nature.
In the plant kingdom and animal kingdom,
it typically does not exist.
-So, the natural space of man is curved.
So the objective of these works
is to make spaces adapted to being human.
Thank you for doing what you do
and for believing in yourself.
-Because you make us believe in ourselves.
-Thank you.
A pleasure.
[Megan, in English] We know you do unique.
We get it.
-I love unique.
-But this is out-of-this-world unique.
It is bizarre
because it's out of the norm.
But to me, this guy has a point
that we have all missed
as a human species.
We should live like nature.
Everything should blend with each other.
Everything should flow naturally.
That's his legacy, right?
-Where are you taking us next?
-We're going back to the US.
We're gonna go into the wildest cave.
It's a real wild cave
in the middle of, like, nowhere.
-I know it's wild, but-but, yeah.
-It's bizarre.
-It's bizarre. There you go.
-All right, well, bottoms up.
[Jo] Mm.
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] Here we are in Missouri.
We're gonna drive two hours
to Arkansas and stay in a luxury cave.
I never thought I'd say that,
but here we are.
Okay, so here we are in Jasper, Arkansas.
This is the heart of Ozarks.
[Luis] We've traveled from Mexico City
to Jasper, Arkansas,
in the middle of the Ozark Mountains.
The region is known for the mountains,
which span across five states
and attract outdoor enthusiasts.
While most visitors come to experience
the views from on top of the mountain,
we'll be going inside of one.
This is as luxurious as you would think
any mansion in the United States is.
It's just built in a cave.
The words "luxury" and "cave,"
I don't think I had
ever heard them put together.
It's an oxymoron,
just saying "luxury cave."
[Luis] Here we are. This is it.
We've arrived. Beckham Creek Cave Lodge.
[Megan] Ohh!
-That is the front door.
-[Luis whistling]
-[Megan] Wow. Truly the side of a cliff.
-[Jo] What?
[majestic music playing]
[Luis] Welcome to Beckham Cave,
one of the most luxurious caves
you'll ever see in your life.
This is an American treasure.
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] Beckham Creek Cave
is a 6,000-square-foot luxury rental
built inside an actual cave.
It was first developed in the 1980s,
but its history goes way back centuries.
It has four bedrooms,
four bathrooms,
and sleeps up to 12 guests.
It's completely secluded on 256 acres
with its own private helipad.
And rents for around $1,500 per night.
-So shall we go explore? Open our gift?
-[Jo] Please!
[uplifting music playing]
[Megan] This place is incredible.
[Jo] What? [chuckles]
This is crazy.
[Megan] I can't believe
we get to stay here.
Look at the ceiling.
[Luis] Okay, okay.
[Jo] This is the most spectacular thing
I've ever seen.
[Megan] I have to agree with you.
-[Luis] Look at the kitchen. Man!
-[Megan] Oh!
[Jo] Interesting that they have
industrial elements in here.
That works so well.
I love it, I love it, I love it.
I like the constant sound
of water in here.
[water gurgling]
[Megan] Look at how this space
is pushing us to this, though.
There's no furniture in the way.
And now we have the focal piece.
No, this is a water spring
that comes naturally into these pools.
The water keeps coming down.
It's almost like an altar of some sort.
-[Jo] Yeah.
-[Megan] Oh, yeah. It is like an altar.
[upbeat music playing]
Okay, so the bedrooms are here.
Wow, this is great.
-[Jo] Is this the second floor?
-[Luis] Okay, okay, okay.
Oh, it just got real cave-y real fast.
You guys, this is ridiculous.
-Oh my God!
-[Jo] Hold up.
-[Luis] Wow, come here! Megan!
[Megan] This
-Wow, this is great!
-[Jo] This is wild. Unexpected.
Isn't it interesting how if you look at
just the way that the rocks are forming,
it's like its own ceiling.
It's a doorway. It's a canopy bed.
It's like this place
is dripping architecture.
-[Luis] Literally dripping. [laughing]
-[Megan] On top of you.
[Luis and Jo laughing]
[Megan] Whoa!
-This, my friends This!
-This is sweet!
-But look, a desk! [laughing]
-This is the primary.
This must be your room
because you're the freak of the desk.
But who's getting work done in a cave?
I am. I'm not leaving this cave
until I come up with the next big idea.
-Oh my goodness.
[all] Wow!
[Megan] This stone
I love how you look at the counter.
She looks at this.
-I'm never gonna take my eyes off this.
-I was too busy looking at this.
[Megan] No, this is it. Right here.
-I love it.
-All of it. All of it together.
-Look at the shower!
-[Megan] This is so cool!
-This is a Look at this. This doesn't
-[Luis] Not your everyday thing.
-We have no idea what time it is.
-This could get dangerous.
-In fact
[Megan gasps]
I'm gonna look at no time.
I'm not gonna look at the windows.
I'm going to be here until I become
-A bat?
[all laughing]
Or a bat, whichever comes first.
[all laughing]
[Luis] Beckham Creek Cave
is a naturally formed cave
whose first inhabitants
were local indigenous people.
It was later rumored
to be a hideout for an outlaw
and then a secret spot
for brewing moonshine.
Then, in the '80s, it was converted
into a fallout shelter for $6 million.
And then it became a nightclub.
Now the current owner has renovated,
spending another million dollars
to turn it into this amazing
luxury vacation rental it is today.
[Megan] I never would have thought
designing a cave to live in
could be cost-effective, but it is.
It's probably
90 degrees and humid outside.
But right when you walk in,
it's 65 degrees,
and it stays that way, so you're saving
on heating and cooling costs,
and that's only the beginning.
Secondarily, this!
The structure. When you buy a cave,
all your ceilings, all your walls,
all of your big fountains
are already there.
But obviously,
there are gonna be downsides.
Mainly this is a living cave,
so we have stalactites that are dripping,
so where you have to have
these little pots to catch all the stuff.
Who needs carpeting anyway? That's so out.
[upbeat music playing]
[Jo] This is definitely the oldest place
we'll ever go on our trips
because this is easily
over 100,000 years old.
[Luis] Older than Picasso,
da Vinci, Michelangelo
Older than anything.
Older than, like, Homo sapiens.
This is the type of stuff we'd do to come
up with creative ways to sell a place.
"The oldest house, the oldest home
in the planet." Like, you know?
-Any takers?
-The marketing twist.
-The oldest home
-Oldest home in the world goes to market.
-[Jo] Oh my God. That's ridiculous.
-[Megan laughing]
[upbeat music playing]
-I slept so well.
So good! How about you?
This is the place people go when they need
to catch up on years of sleep.
I'm excited to go outside.
Like, can I see the outside world, please?
It's interesting that I am not craving it.
-You're not?
-And I love sunlight.
But I haven't really thought about it.
-Oh my goodness.
-[Jo] What is this?
Is he dead?
Open your eyes.
Do you know what time it is?
-Do you care?
-[Megan] It's 4:52.
-[Jo] It's basically the afternoon.
We're going ATV-ing. You wanna come?
-You're gonna stay here, really?
-Okay, well, you do you.
-[Megan] We're gonna see the sights.
Take pictures. Okay.
-[Jo] Bye.
-[Luis] Ciao.
[Jo] Luis is committed
to staying on the property,
but I need to get outside,
so Megan and I are going out to explore
256 acres of this beautiful property.
-Oh my God.
-Here we go!
[Jo] We're out here!
The property's also home
to another cave nearby
that was once used as a kitchen
by indigenous people over 100 years ago.
This is like
the original mortar and pestle.
[Jo] And we get to see the Ozark Mountains
from the best vantage point
on the property.
-[Megan] Look at this!
[upbeat music playing]
We don't normally let people go back here.
-But a special sneak peek. Yeah.
-Just a peek.
-[Luis] It's a mile and a half of cave?
It goes way back into the interior.
This is an example of the living cave.
The water carries the minerals,
which lays on layers.
-[Luis] So this is growing every day.
-Yes, you see the little creek down there?
-[Luis] Ahh!
-[Rayne] That goes under the floor,
which flows down the mountain
into that pond out front,
-which flows into the river.
-Oh my God! This is great.
When you're at any property,
try to look for that special spot.
That one little place
that somehow inspires you,
even if it's for a second.
Because I can guarantee
you're always going to be compensated
with something extraordinary.
After exploring the cave, I thought
we should enjoy an experience
this property is perfect for
[gong resonating]
sound therapy.
[woman] Just relax and let your body
just do what it naturally does.
[Luis] This place
can help you find inner peace,
-or you can throw an amazing party.
-[Jo and Megan laughing]
-La música!
[Jo] Chop-chop!
-[dance music playing on speakers]
-Now we dance.
[girls] Now we dance!
Oh my God! [chuckling]
[Luis] Wow! Look at this snake!
You know, I can't believe how many
unusual places are available for rent.
[Megan] I love Beckham Creek Cave
because I never thought luxury and cave
could be in the same sentence.
It was wild, but it was so beautiful.
[blows] It's cold in here.
Okay, so my favorite stay
was at Lucky Ranch igloos
because I got to live out my
childhood dream of sleeping in the snow.
[Luis shouting]
[laughing loudly]
My favorite was Quetzalcoatl's Nest.
This is crazy!
Because the artist's design just took you
into a completely different world.
[Megan] I will never look at
a vacation rental the same way again.
["All Around the World" playing]
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
[horn honks]
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