The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

How's the Korean food?
When will you be back?
The hunt's taking quite long.
It's quite interesting here, Papa.
Can I stay a bit longer
to watch these two gangs?
Of course.
Whether it's meat or people,
you have to weigh them yourself.
Take all the time you need
as long as the job's done right.
You stupid motherfucker!
Sorry, ma'am.
Haeryun must be having
a good time in Seoul.
The Korean carrier.
Have you decided who?
Jung Gicheul.
We showed him mercy by allowing him
to leverage our trust to build wealth.
So he'll have to pay the price
for ruining the deal.
- Jinhwa.
- Yes?
Give the kids their tea.
Raise your cups!
This is Father's blood
and our brothers' sweat!
Drink with gratitude!
We're a family who shares blood and sweat.
If you ever betray the family's trust,
you'll have to pay the price!
Your wish is my command!
Your wish is my command!
Such poor hospitality.
What is she saying?
By the way,
both your father and the Japanese boss
deserve to have books
written about their lives.
So I just don't understand
why such great people worked with a nobody
like Jung Gicheul.
Thirty million per kilogram.
And ten kilograms.
Will you accept this deal?
Normally, I don't deal with drugs.
Okay, 20 million per kilogram.
I'm pretty sure I just spoke in Korean.
Make it 25 million.
How dare you look
right into my eyes, young lady?
- Hey, Bboknam.
- Yes, Boss?
Is that acceptable etiquette
in our country?
Her father may deserve his own book,
but he didn't teach her manners.
What a money-grubber.
That's an incurable disease, you know.
Should I drop by a pharmacy?
Go get her some medicine.
Am I here to make a deal
with a mom-and-pop store?
Not knowing your place
is also a disease, you know.
Fine. 30 million.
Thirty million it is, okay?
We have to take out Jung Gicheul.
He won't just let us
take away his cash flow.
We have to get rid of him
before he makes a move.
He personally owes me too.
So you want to cause a stir
and let everyone know
that you're dealing drugs?
In China, you get
the death penalty for that.
My father told me to have fun quietly.
But this place is
too loud.
Help me.
Damn it.
To page, press one.
To leave a message, press two.
This is Jung Gicheul.
I can't seem to reach you.
I'll be waiting for your call.
He checked
Euijeong's background.
Do you think Jung Gicheul is
onto something?
I checked Cheon Jinpyung's call log,
and he didn't talk with Jung Gicheul
before the incident.
Jung Gicheul doesn't know about this.
That means
our investigation is going smoothly.
If it's going smoothly,
then how did Cheon Jinpyung
find out about us? Eh?
Euijeong and I could've fucking died!
Junmo, calm down!
- It was my mistake.
- Fuck.
God damn it.
It's true that we didn't know
he'd look into it that far.
But if he was certain
about his suspicions,
he wouldn't have let
Euijeong go like that.
And you made an excellent decision.
If you'd let him report to Jung Gicheul,
we would've had to stop our investigation.
Who are you?
I'm Mr. Cheon's client.
We got a call
that Mr. Cheon was in an accident.
What accident?
He fell from a building and died.
I got a call from Lee Haeryun.
She wants to meet me tomorrow.
I'll make sure
to wrap things up with the Chinese.
What did Jungbae ask you to do?
To check
if Yu Euijeong lived in Wonju,
if Kwon Seungho went to the same school,
- and if he lived next door.
- Also,
there's a chance
the Chinese and Japanese
could've found a new Korean carrier.
Let's keep an eye on the Japanese
and see if they're up to anything.
Yes, sir?
You seem to care about this
even more than I do.
Remember what I told you before?
I want to be successful.
I will
care about this even more.
So don't worry, and trust me.
I'll wrap it up nicely.
Cheon Jinpyung was Jung Gicheul's partner.
So he was one
of our investigation targets.
So since he's connected
to Jung Gicheul, it's fine if he died?
Detective Park's cover was almost blown.
Anyway, he witnessed a man's death,
so he must be pretty shocked.
Until this is over,
I want you to call him often
and keep him centered.
Sir, this can't be solved
with just phone calls.
After you forced him
into a deadly situation,
you expect words of comfort to work?
What Junmo needs right now
is more people. He needs backup.
Do you think I don't know that?
Then, how could you
leave him in there alone?
You can't have an entire group
go undercover!
It's me, Gicheul.
Hey, Euijeong.
Why did you call at such a late hour?
Did something happen?
I was wondering if you got home safely.
What's your plan for tomorrow?
I'm off tomorrow.
I don't have any plans.
Do you want to meet up?
It's just
You seemed to have a lot
you wanted to talk about.
And I kind of felt bad
that I only thought about myself.
Okay. Let's meet tomorrow.
All right, then.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
I'm not the one hanging around
with cops. It's you!
Weird things keep happening to our gang,
and yet, you never suspected him!
Hey, Yongdae. It's me.
Hello, Boss.
Come to my office tomorrow morning.
Don't tell anyone.
Yes, Boss.
Boss, what are you doing?
We're having a guest today,
and the office is dirty.
A guest?
- Give it to me. I'll do it, sir.
- No, I'm done.
Go get ready now.
Aren't you meeting Lee Haeryun today?
Yes, sir. I am.
Make sure to get it done right.
Yes, Boss.
Wear that.
What is this, sir?
Thank you, sir.
You said before
that you wouldn't let me down.
I really hope you won't.
I won't, Boss.
You look handsome today.
Thank you.
You too, Mr. Jung.
You look great.
Did you come alone?
Yes. It's a date, after all.
- Shall we?
- Okay.
Hi, Gicheul. Were you waiting for me?
Hey, Euijeong.
Are you going somewhere, Seungho?
But what brings you here?
Open the door. It's our first date.
I hope you two have a good time.
Have fun. Call me if anything happens.
I will, Boss.
-Let's go.
- Okay.
Mr. Jung's girlfriend?
Where would you like to go today?
Who was that lady next to Seungho?
One of our clients
who's running a liquor business.
I see. So it's for business.
She likes Seungho.
How do you know?
When you really like someone,
it shows.
Let's go.
This is where my employees work.
That's a sofa.
There's also gym equipment for fitness.
Do you live here?
No, this is where Seungho lives.
- Euijeong.
- Yes?
- Come this way.
- Okay.
This is where I work.
Have a seat.
So what do you think?
It's nice.
Want something to drink?
Hello, sir.
I've arrived on your orders, sir.
One second.
Follow me.
Yes, sir.
Who is that outside, sir?
It's none of your business.
I'm about to give you a job.
Can you do it?
Yes, sir.
I can do it very well, sir.
Yes, sir!
I understand, sir!
Sorry about that.
I asked him to do something.
Am I interrupting you on a busy day?
No, I'm not busy.
It's always a pleasure to meet you.
What should we do today?
Since it's a rare day off for you,
there's a place I want to take you to.
What do you think?
It's over!
There's a lot of great places
in Seoul, but why here?
I want to invest in land.
I heard this area will be redeveloped.
But it's even
worse than where I used to live.
I grew up in a place like this,
so I'm used to it.
I see.
I heard
Mr. Jung also had
a tough childhood like me.
There must be a reason why some people
are so dedicated to dangerous jobs.
What games did you play
when you were young?
Why would you suddenly ask that?
It's a Chinese saying.
To know someone,
you must first know their history.
I want to know about your childhood.
Now, use a toothpick
or a needle
to cut out the shape, and if you succeed,
you get another one.
Oh. I get another one?
This is what you did for fun?
Now, that one is a failure.
Darn it.
"Free International City.
Tourism and entertainment district."
I've been working really hard
to get land development rights.
And I'm just about to sign the contract.
I didn't want my childhood dream
to end in Gangnam.
Just picture it.
There will be a hotel here,
a casino, swimming pools,
and an amusement park.
There's also Jung Gicheul,
the successful business man.
And by my side is you.
I didn't know
you were also doing these things.
I really hope it goes well.
Then, what did you think I was doing?
I want to be honest with you.
And I hope you can be too.
I am honest with you.
Are you busy?
No, I'm not.
I'm starting to get
a little upset.
I'm sorry.
I did it well, right?
That's a really hard one.
The bigger one is mine.
Excuse me, sir.
I'm sorry, but what does that say?
"Retired Police Association Hall
and Publisher."
Retired Police Association Hall
and Publisher
Wait, sir. What is this place?
It looks like a group for retired cops.
Oh, cops.
Thank you, sir.
But why do you keep calling me "sir"?
Whoever knows more
than me deserves my respect.
One second.
Okay. Go ahead.
I went to
Eunpyeong Police Station and asked.
They said that man fell
from the roof by accident.
By accident?
Why did he go up there?
Well, that's
I'm not sure.
What about his phone?
He didn't have a phone. Only a wallet.
There was no phone?
I asked them twice,
and they said there was no phone.
Also, as you requested,
I checked if there was
anything special in Nokbeon-dong.
There's a community service center,
a gambling parlor,
and something called
Retired Police Association Hall.
- Retired Police Association Hall?
Yes. It's some police society.
Listen carefully and do as I say.
How may I help you?
I'm from Gangnam Police Station.
When my mom passed away
and when we held
my mom's memorial service,
I realized how genuinely
you cared about me.
Are you sure?
What do you mean?
You've never lived in Wonju, right?
No, I've never lived there.
But I visited Wonju often.
My father used to work there.
My mom had been ill for a long time.
So she had to go
to the hospital in Seoul regularly,
and my mom and dad had to live separately.
Because of that, I had to travel
between Seoul and Wonju regularly.
How did you know I used to be in Wonju?
I don't think I've told you about it.
Seungho told me.
He said you two were close
when you were young
and you moved to Seoul in middle school.
But the people at church
seemed to remember you
from elementary school,
so I thought that was odd.
I moved when I was in elementary school.
It was a long time ago,
so Seungho must've been confused.
But does that cause
any issues in our relationship?
I got the document, sir.
At first, I got a flat no.
So I had to do all kinds of cute things
I used to do as a kid.
Anyway, that document
Cheon Jinpyung got yesterday.
I have a copy of it right now.
Do you want me to read it?
- Yeah.
- One second.
"Yu Dukhoon. Work history."
All right. Thanks.
Could you turn around for a bit?
I'm sorry if I upset you.
It was just a misunderstanding.
That necklace is
the promise I made in high school.
I said I'd give you something nicer.
The wind is chilly.
Let's go inside.
"Address, 512-9, Bongsan-dong, Wonju."
How may I help you?
You're so beautiful.
Oh, sorry.
All right, Bae Yongdae. Nostradamus.
Let's give it a shot.
Thank you for your cooperation.
If that person or anyone
who wants to talk about this comes here,
please call me.
Yes, I will.
Is he your boyfriend?
It was on the way. And this was
the last one left.
- Is that for me?
- Yes.
- Please, take it.
- Okay.
- Sir.
- What is it?
You know Cheon Jinpyung, right? Mr. Cheon?
He died yesterday.
Who's that?
He worked under Chief at Namdaemun.
The one who got fired for bribery
and became a private detective.
I caught him for forgery last year.
What about him?
Did you know he was working
for Jung Gicheul's Gangnam Union?
Where and how did he die?
I couldn't play like this
when I was young.
You know the scary-looking guy
who always follows me around?
He's always been with me.
So I never had a friend.
Can you imagine
how frustrating that was as a kid?
Do you get it now?
What am I to make of
hanging out with you like this?
I'm trying to understand your past
as best as I can.
A bit corny, right?
So as you said,
you wanted to see how I grew up.
So what do you think? Hmm?
- Here.
-Thank you.
Being loyal, risking your life,
and risking danger.
Now I get why.
My father would love to see you.
Aren't you hungry?
Let's go eat.
Now, we'll do things my way.
Those fucking pricks.
Why aren't you eating?
Well, watching you makes me feel full.
The woman with Mr. Jung this morning.
Who is she?
His girlfriend?
I don't think so.
They must be.
They were looking at each other so dearly.
Are you suspicious of me?
Because I'm a cop?
I thought you already knew
what kind of work I did.
Yes, I know.
I know what you're doing isn't ordinary.
- But
- A thug.
That's what everyone calls me.
To be honest, they're not wrong though.
At first,
I thought we ran into each other
by coincidence.
I'd been hoping for a while to meet you,
so I often visited our old hang out spots.
But after meeting you again,
so many things started to happen.
Seungho and you knew each other.
And the timing of you showing up
You know how that happened.
I met Seungho
because of his father's drug abuse
and his cousin Kwon Taeho's case.
I was just as surprised
when we ran into each other.
Maybe all of this
wasn't just a coincidence.
Maybe we were meant to meet again.
Maybe this is our destiny.
I know it's ridiculous,
but I even thought about that.
I'm just as confused
and astounded as you are.
Mr. Jung is kind of
I'd like to talk about us,
not someone who isn't here.
I'd like to hear your answer
to the question you once asked.
When it comes to work,
what do you think is more important?
Your heart or money?
Here's a new offer.
As Mr. Jung promised,
we want to double the price.
Thirty million per kilogram.
And double the amount, too.
So 16 kilograms per trade.
But it could be risky
to suddenly increase the quantity.
For both us and Japan.
I need a good reason
to make my father feel better.
Okay. I'll ask the boss about it.
You make the decision.
You said you'd go independent one day.
You asked what's important
when it comes to work.
It's money, of course.
But I like you, Seungho.
So I'll follow my heart this time.
From now on, let's work together.
Okay. I'll be honest with you now.
To be honest, after running into you,
I checked if you had a criminal record.
The murdered man.
Seungho's cousin, Kwon Taeho.
I heard he was your friend.
And the number one suspect,
Jang Kyungchul.
He was missing.
You used to work with him and
So after running into me,
you learned I was the suspect.
Is that why you've been seeing me?
Including today?
No, that's not true.
I know you better than anybody.
I know you're not related to that case.
How can you be so sure?
Even if you are,
I don't care.
I trust you.
I mean it.
When your father passed away,
I shouldn't have let you go like that.
I should've stayed with you
no matter what.
Your dreams
I'll be by your side until they come true.
Everything I can do as a cop,
all the information I can get,
protection I can provide
I'll give you all that.
So you have to trust me.
Why do I have to trust you?
I love you.
I'll do my best.
Call the boss now.
The Japanese guys went
to Jaegeon Group. What should we do?
I'm on my way to the office.
Let's talk there.
What did he say?
He told us to come to the office.
Why the hell did he make us wait here?
Are you going back to the office?
Come with me.
I'll introduce you to my employees.
And I want to stay with you longer.
Now, decide.
Okay. I accept your offer.
I hope you don't change your mind
because of Mr. Jung.
You know me.
Don't worry.
Tell Father we're staying with Mr. Jung.
But this time,
with a different man.
This man here.
- Hello, Boss?
- Yes, Kangsan.
She decided to go with Mr. Jung's gang.
But she's switching the carrier
to Kwon Seungho.
Once the cup is cracked,
it loses its charm.
I prefer to embrace a replacement
even if it's not as charming.
Try to make her feel better.
And stay away from Jung
at all costs tonight.
Say hello
to my future wife.
-Hello, ma'am.
- Hello.
She's that lady from before, right?
Say hi when you see her.
Be nice to her, okay?
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, Boss.
Let's go.
Wrap it up.
Give me a cigarette.
What the heck is going on?
Why didn't you show me this earlier?
Because it's dirty.
No, it's not.
Can I look around?
Back then, I heard you worked as a DJ.
You had always liked music,
so I thought that's what you became.
Did you wonder how I was doing?
Can I listen to this?
Gicheul, can we talk?
One second.
She's a cop, right?
Did you assemble the boys
to introduce her?
I know you're into her,
but you can't bring a cop here.
Don't worry. Nothing will happen.
How do we know that?
Is this why you kicked Jungbae out?
Hong Heesung.
This is just not right.
What if she's trying to use you?
Use me for what?
Well I'm not sure.
But anyway, what we're doing is risky.
Also, I hate cops.
Just thinking about them
gives me the creeps.
Don't you trust me?
I trust you, but
Fuck, I'm just not sure
if this is right or not.
It'll be fine.
I can take care of it.
What about the Japanese
joining Jaegeon Group?
Seungho is meeting with the Chinese,
so let's wait and see.
Those Japanese guys can't do anything
without the stuff anyway.
And the Chinese have the stuff.
So you left it all to Seungho
while you went out on a date?
This is my choice and my decision.
Just trust me, Heesung.
All right.
Now that work talk is over,
let's go back to our date.
Remember how everything between us
suddenly ended?
Ever since that happened,
I've felt so lost in life.
My mom went to prison,
and Minju was so young.
We lived in an orphanage.
But the kids bullied me
and said I was a murderer's son.
So I ran away with Minju.
You could've come to me.
No, not in that state.
You're brave, loyal,
and kind.
And most importantly,
you're so handsome.
Want to sleep with me?
Then, the deal is off.
I had to survive any way I could.
Dreaming and planning my future
was a luxury to me.
I had nothing and knew nothing.
This was the only thing I could do.
But you changed my mind.
Now, I really want to be a good person.
You said you'd help and protect me.
You said you trusted me.
And you said you loved me.
You meant all that, right?
What is it?
Boss Oson has chosen Jaegeon Group.
And tonight,
Jaegeon Group will attack Jung Gicheul.
What's going on?
Tell me. What's going on?
Maybe this is for the best.
You'll be fine without Mr. Jung, right?
There will be good news soon.
Let's enjoy our drink while we wait.
The Gangnam Union.
we'll tear them apart.
Damn it.
This doesn't even taste good.
Don't you think?
I think it's fine.
Hi. How did it go with the Chinese?
Chief Seo,
Jaegeon Group is on their way.
You have to guard the office!
What's up?
He says Jaegeon Group
is coming to attack us.
What are you talking about?
We're being attacked!
What the fuck?
Those motherfuckers. Get the weapons!
-Yes, sir!
- Get the weapons!
Jaegeon Group,
those motherfuckers.
They must have a fucking death wish.
How fucking dare they?
Tell the guys outside to come in.
You motherfuckers!
You fuckers!
Gicheul, it's a war.
Gicheul, what's going on?
Come out!
Come on out, you motherfuckers!
What the fuck are you doing here?
You said you trust me, right?
You'll have to understand
and trust me
about everything you'll see. Okay?
You God damn bastards.
Why are you here?
You're out of your league.
To cut your fucking head off.
Don't ever leave this room.
God damn it.
Let's go.
You motherfuckers!
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