Theodosia (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

The Sound of Magic

[church bells chiming]
[metallic whooshing]
It wasn't your fault.
None of us could stop that
weirdo in the carriage.
- Yaret, Lord of Two Shrines.
- That was his name.
Like I said, weirdo.
I can't even get close
to my high score.
Maybe the Eye was
my lucky charm.
Pinball is not the
end of the world.
If the Serpents get their
hands on the Staff of Osiris,
it quite literally will be.
You won't let that
happen though.
You're always the
girl with the plan.
[sighs] Well, we need to
find the Eye and get it back
before the eclipse.
See, that's a great plan.
We have no way of finding it.
It could be anywhere
in the world.
Okay, we have no plan.
We have three days
before the eclipse.
And then the Eye will
show the Serpents the way
to the Staff of Osiris and
Game over.
[metallic whooshing]
Is that music?
What music?
[humming off-key]
I wouldn't exactly
call that music.
More like a bumblebee
in a jam jar.
No, not Artie.
The other music.
What can I get you?
Uh, ooh.
So close.
Who got Will the job.
Both: What?
[suspenseful music]

[exciting mystical music]

[intense music]

Soon we will have
the Staff of Osiris,
and then Aapep's power
can be unleashed.
All: [chanting] All hail Aapep.
[mysterious music]

You'll have to find
him a new bed for now.
Okay, I think we can fix this.
Yes, but what about
everything else?
People come to see the Eye.
Without it, we can't
afford repairs.
A fundraiser, maybe?
Your mother will
be in her element.
How many times do I
need to say I'm sorry?
Let's start with a
thousand and go from there.
Okay, it was wrong of
me to let Will think
you got him the job.
- Hold the front page
- World first.
"Theodosia Throckmorton
admits she's wrong."
I was gonna tell you,
but a mummy sort of
came to life yesterday,
and I needed to deal with that.
Well, as far as excuses go,
that's actually a
really good one.
Safiya, truly, I am sorry.
Forget about it.
[tender music]
Do you think Will'll forgive me?
- No chance.
- You went behind his back.
But he'll get over that.
- You were only trying to help.
- No, I wasn't.
I was being bossy,
and I was interfering.
As always.
But those are your
best qualities.
Along with
perseverance, uh, punctuality,
and and playfulness.
I'm sorry. I got stuck
on words starting with P.
[metallic whooshing]
There it is again.
[metallic whooshing continues]
The music, I think it's
coming from the Eye.
You getting anything?
Ear strain, if that's
medically possible.
It's like it's calling to me.
How come you're its best friend
when it curses anyone
else who touches it?
I don't know.
I felt a connection with
it ever since I found it.
Now that we're
apart, it's like it's
like it's getting stronger.
Like it's tugging at me.
I get that feeling every
time I pass a dress shop.
[metallic whooshing]
There it is again.
If you can hear it, maybe
it's still in London.
Wait, you're right.
If I can find
where the music is,
I can find the Eye.
[upbeat music]

- [thump]
- Whoa, easy on the China.
All right? I can't
afford new plates.
- Sorry, Artie.
- [sighs]
Didn't mean to take it
out on the washing up.
She was only trying to help.
I asked her not to.
I can look after myself.
- So you hate this job?
- No.
I love the job.
Which I wouldn't
have offered you
if she hadn't suggested it.
- That's a good point.
- Mm.
I might have overreacted.
Behold perfection.
Velvet chocolate with a
zesty twang of orange.
I'm not hungry.
It's for Theo.
- [whispering] She's not here.
- Oh, oh.
So let's think of a solution
to this problem, all right?
Ooh, a bit tricky. Bit tricky.
Oh, but wait.
Are those two legs I see?
Maybe you could use them
to take it to her?
And then maybe you can use
that silver tongue of yours
to say, "Thank you for
getting me the job."
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
[mysterious music]
Oh, come on, help me out here.
You can hear a mouse from
like a hundred feet away.
Just me then.
[dramatic music]

[Eye warbling]
- Any luck yet?
- This is taking ages.
- Shh!
- Sorry. I hmm.
It's so quiet I
can barely hear it.
If only it were louder.
I think I can help with that.
[plucky music]
Good boy.
There you are.
It's a crystal
radio amplifier set.
It can magnify the sound of
the music you're hearing.
[feedback screeches] Sorry.
Sorry, I just need to
Just need to tune it in.
Okay. [Radio whirring]
Not picking anything up.
Maybe if you replace the crystal
with something that
can tune into magic?
Great idea.
What about the carnelian
beads I use in the amulets?
- That could work.
- Where are they?
Somewhere safe.
- Somewhere safe being
- I don't know.
I can never find anything when
Mum makes me tidy my room.
[lightly edgy music]

- Hey, Saf!
- [screams]
- Keep it on.
- It's an improvement.
Found them.
[metallic whooshing]
Is that Is that
what you're hearing?
Yes, that's the Eye.
That's the sound of magic.
I can barely hear it.
Signal's too weak.
I think we need a bigger
hunk of carnelian.
I reckon I found the
perfect thing in the stores.
The Grave Cave.
Well, good luck with that.
I will be in the garden.
Have fun while we
do all the work.
What have they done to my dear
Harold's beloved collection?
The only comfort I
can take [sniffles]
is that he is not alive
to see this tragedy.
- I'm sure
- How could you
let this happen?
You are tainting
the family name.
[scoffs] Now I
suppose you expect me
to sort out this mess.
There's really no reason
The Throckmorton
coffers are running low.
Can't imagine why.
So we will have a fundraiser.
Well, that's exactly what we
You, man.
We will need a new exhibit.
What happened to
that hippo statue?
The god Taweret?
- It's in the stores.
- Ugly old thing.
That statue was the
jewel in the crown
of my Harold's 1880 Giza dig!
[softly] Thank you.
I wasn't talking
about the statue.
Has it got any bad magic?
It's a harmless pooch.
[dramatic orchestral sting]
Well, so much for that theory.
Where are you going?
[metallic whooshing]
Tell me you can hear that.
- Loud and clear.
- It's a bit spooky.
[whooshing continues]
Where's it gone?
[intriguing music]
All we need to do is mark the
signal peaks onto this map,
and then we can
locate the source.
- Stop nudging me.
- Hi, Will.
Hi, Will.
Artie made a new cake.
Thought you might
like to try it.
Oh, don't mind if I do.
Cheers, mate.
We don't really have
time for that, Henry.
We're sort of on a mission here.
I can eat on mission.
What mission?
We found out how to
get the Eye back.
Look, about earlier, Will. I
Theodosia Throckmorton!
Your room is unfit
for human habitation.
You have 30 minutes
to make it spotless
or I'll have Clive throw
out all that clutter.
No, I need that for my spell
Spellings. I need
that for my spellings.
The clock is ticking.
Right, well, you'll have
to do it without me.
Mark as many points on
the map as possible,
and bring it back so
we can locate the Eye.
Come on, Will.
We've got this.
Why don't you stay
and help Theo?
I don't think she wants my help.
A chance for you to
get your own back then.
"That statue was the
jewel in the crown
of Harold's Giza dig."
I bet he only went
to get away from her.
- Hello?
- [growling]
Someone there?
If this is you kids
playing a game,
- I'm gonna
- [snarls]
- [barking]
- Ah! There's a good doggie.
- Please don't bite!
- [barking]
[clears throat]
I'm sorry,
for being angry at you
for getting me the job.
I'm the one that
should be apologizing.
I should never have spoken
to Artie behind your back.
- I'm sorry.
- Working at the arcade
is one of the best things
that's ever happened to me.
The cake was meant
as a thank you.
Yeah, Henry really messed
that up, didn't he?
I'm not used to people
doing nice things for me.
For caring about me.
It's no biggie.
It's what friends
are for, isn't it?
Helping each other.
That's what they do.
Where's the Taweret statue?
I was thinking the, uh,
that lovely Hathor figurine
might make a better exhibit.
It's in the office.
Well, Mother was
quite insistent.
Yeah, but, uh,
you're in charge.
And, with respect,
- she's just a bossy old lady.
- Oh, she's
Uh, really not that
old. [clears throat]
She's right behind
me, isn't she?
There must be a very good reason
why my statue isn't here.
There's a wild
dog in the stores.
Don't be ridiculous.
You're just being idle.
Now get down there
before you make this bossy
old lady really angry.
Well, I suppose its bite
can't be worse than her bark.
- You've lost the signal.
- Now we'll never find the Eye.
- [metallic whooshing]
- Wait, I'm getting something.
There's another peak.
Okay, mark it on the map.
We only need a few peaks to
locate the source of the sound.
I need something to rest on.
Turn around.
- Ow.
- Don't be such a baby.
Left at the end of
the road, please.
[mysterious music]
[dog growling]
- [screaming]
- [barking]
I cannot believe Granny
has got me doing this.
I should be looking for the Eye.
- It's okay.
- Henry and Saf are on the case.
[footsteps approaching]
Whatever you do,
don't go into the
The stores.
Into the arches. Into
the Egyptian floor.
Clive, what is going on?
There's a ferocious dog
that's loose in the stores.
Well, it was a moment ago.
Could be anywhere by now.
[metallic whooshing]
Somebody has forged
a connection.
It must be the girl.
She really is most impressive.
Hear me, Aapep.
Set, bringer of
storm, chaos, and war.
Blind Horus with your arrow
and keep Thoth from
lighting the way.
I think we've lost the signal.
Great. All this for nothing.
Back to the museum,
please, driver.
Fast as you can.
Giddy up. Giddy up.
Could this carriage
be any bouncier?
Giddy up!
[whistles] Here, dog.
Are you okay?
Can't hear the Eye anymore.
I really hope that means
Safiya and Henry have found it.
- Let's go and wait for them.
- There's no dog here.
I reckon Clive's the
one who's been barking.
Or maybe not.
Where's Anubis?
[dramatic music]
What a mess.
Well, I guess that statue
really was magic after all.
And hungry after 2,000 years.
That's one big dog.
- Anubis was a jackal.
- God of the underworld.
In charge of weighing the
hearts of the dead people.
You didn't think that might
need a protective amulet?
Well, I didn't see
any magic on it.
Unless it was the stone.
Oh, the stone.
It must have absorbed
all the bad Heka.
Let me get this right.
We're tracking down
a monster jackal
filled with bad magic
that wants to eat us
and then weigh our hearts?
In your face to whoever says
museums are boring, I guess.
Will, look at this.
There is so much Heka here.
The heiroglyphs almost
seem to say "vanish."
That doesn't sound
like good Heka.
It could only be good Heka
if it made my granny vanish.
I'll have to hide this.
- [barking]
- Oh, I think we found Anubis.
- Ra's in there!
- I've got an idea.
Be right back. [Ra yowling]
If you touch a hair
on that cat's head!
If you hadn't stuffed your
face with all that cake.
I've never met such a gross
Henry, I think you've done it.
Yep. All over the pavement.
What took you so long?
- Oh, I don't know.
- A ton of metal?
[growling and yowling]
Hey, Anubis!
Pick on someone your own size.
- Is that all you got?
- [growling]
- [hissing]
- Let go of him.
- [yowling]
- Will!
[loud crashing]
Ra, let's get out of here.
[pounding, thudding]
I don't think I can
hold it for long.
[glass breaking, silence]
Open the door.
I would do a room
check twice a day
when Alistair was a boy.
Go find Anubis, okay?
[Ra meows]
Theodosia Throckmorton.
I asked you to tidy this room,
and you've done
the exact opposite.
Theo, honey, what
happened in here?
The Anubis statue in
the stores came to life,
trashed my room, and
escaped through that window.
The child is beyond the pale.
Only the strictest of
strict boarding schools
- will save her.
- Sorry, I've got
a bit of an emergency Can
we please talk punishment
later? Thank you.
If it's not too late
to save her already.
He landed over there.
He could still be in the garden.
I heard your granny.
Was she serious about sending
you to boarding school?
It's what she's always wanted.
She's got all the
ammunition she needs.
So I wouldn't see you anymore?
- I'll be back on the holidays.
- I'd really miss you.
- Guys!
- No shh!
I think I know where the Eye is.
- Oh, yeah.
- That's what I was gonna say.
Look out!
[snarling, magic whooshing]
- [panting]
- We did it.
We got him!
[tender music]

You got him.
Thanks for saving me.
What's been going on?
That's what I'd like to know.
Nothing. No, really.
[mysterious music]
Where is Safiya?
Doing her makeup, I think.
She looks just as
good without it.
Hold that for me, Will.
And now the stones.
These are all I could find.
Should be enough
to make it work.
Now, let's hear
the sound of magic.
Do we need more stones?
No, I don't think
that will help.
You know, I have a feeling
the Eye's been silenced.
So how are we gonna find it now?
We already have.
Just loads of random dots.
That's what I thought
until I saw them
from a difference perspective
On the back of Henry's shirt.
Still looks random.
Oh, that's the Eye of Horus.
Nicely done, Safiya.
I bet the eye is
That's Cleopatra's Needle.
Talk about hiding
in plain sight.
Well, then, that's where we go.
We're getting the Eye back.
[exciting mystical music]

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