Thicker Than Water (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

The Sacrifice

[birds squawking]
[breathing heavily]
What do you want?
- I've come to see you, son.
- No.
No, don't call me son. I'm not your son.
What do you want?
- Let me help you.
- Help me?
Are you for real? You want to help me?
All these years of not being around,
now you want to help me?
It was more complicated than that.
[scoffs, sniffles]
Go on. What was complicated?
Go on. Is that all you have
to say for yourself?
Go on, tell me!
Go on. What was so complicated?
Tell me, then!
Go on, talk!
What was so complicated, huh?
What was so complicated that you left
my mom to work three different jobs?
You left me to get beaten up
in the estate as a kid? Huh?
That you weren't there to defend me!
Where were you?
Where did you go when you left your wife,
my mother, huh, and my sisters,
all alone, without protection
while you just fucked up?
- Don't speak to me like that.
- I'll speak to you how I like.
You're nothing. You're nothing at all.
You're no one. I have no respect for you.
Is that a good enough answer for you? Huh?
Don't you get it? It's over.
We're done.
Look at me.
Look at me. It's too late.
It's over.
It's over, I'm dead.
- [Bachir] Come here, son.
- I abandoned them!
My mother!
- My sisters! I abandoned them!
- Come on, son.
I'm like you!
I'm like you, a piece of shit!
Come on, son.
Come on, my son.
Things will work out.
I'm finished. I'm dead.
[Bachir] It'll all be okay.
It'll all be okay.
[somber music]
[upbeat music]
[prays in Arabic]
Allah, protect my daughter,
bring her home safe.
- [Yasmina whispering]
- [Souhila] Protect my daughter
Allah, help us. We ask you. Protect us.
Forgive us.
He's so handsome.
[door opens]
Smells good.
Is the Top Chef winner back home?
[door closes]
[Rayan] How are you, Mom?
How are you, son?
- [kisses]
- How are you, Mom?
Don't run off again.
I was gone for two days, wesh.
- And we've been eating eggs for two days.
- He almost lost weight.
[Rayan] Even Dad's beard
has grown big time.
[Yasmina] Nonsense.
- [Rayan] Is all this for us?
- Yes. So, all this is for tonight.
I made, uh, crepes, there are pancakes,
- the way you like them.
- Ah, she's here.
I made I made some muffins,
there are msemmen,
and I made you pastries.
Are you getting a divorce?
What makes you say that?
Because Uncle was here yesterday.
They talked a lot.
And what did Dad say to him?
[Rayan] He kicked him out.
[Riad] He even said, "Forget your mother."
[Rayan] Even though
they have the same mother.
[Riad] Do you still love Dad?
[Rayan] Because Uncle was here yesterday.
They talked a lot.
He's upset. He knows he messed it.
Don't you worry, huh?
I'll talk to him.
I'll talk to your father.
- Talk to him soon.
- Yeah, 'cause I'm starving.
I love you, my little dumplings.
[Rayan and Riad]
We love you big time, too, Mom.
Oh, I
I'm I'm taking the car.
I'll bring it tomorrow.
It's no problem. I don't need it.
[Riad] Mom I'll tidy the house.
And I'll do the dishes.
And I'll
I'll change.
She's beautiful, tell her.
Yeah, yeah. She's stunning.
[Rayan] Too bad it's Ramadan.
Because that deserves a kiss.
- [Karim laughs]
- Thank you.
- [Rayan chuckles]
- [phone chimes]
All right then
I'm going.
["Lovely Day" by Bill Withers playing]
Enjoy the food, huh?
Enjoy your meal.
[Rayan] Bye.
You handled it, Dad.
You're actually a soft Arab.
- Oh, piss off.
- [all laugh]
And something without warning, love ♪
Bears heavy on my mind ♪
Then I look at you ♪
And the world's all right with me ♪
Hi there.
Just one look at you ♪
And I know it's gonna be ♪
A lovely day
Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day ♪
Lovely day, lovely day
Lovely day, lovely day ♪
A lovely day
Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day ♪
Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day
Lovely day, lovely day ♪
A lovely day
Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day ♪
Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day ♪
A lovely day
Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day ♪
A lovely day
Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day ♪
[Souhila] Don't overload them.
- All right.
- Or we won't be able to carry them.
The lift's not working.
Yeah, I know.
Why are you both dressed like that?
We're doing a break-in, aren't we?
[panting continues]
- Are we going to take it all down there?
- [Louiza] No, I have a better idea.
- Bismillah.
- Let's go. Yallah. Bismillah.
Okay. Follow me.
[Louiza grunts]
Let's go.
I'm lowering the bag down! Watch out!
Go ahead!
- It's true.
- But you were with your dad.
Hey, it's a shame they're girls from here.
[indistinct chatter]
Look how stylish they are.
[boy] You really think you're up to this?
[boy chattering]
[Souhila] She's coming, she's here.
Okay, get the bags in the car, come on!
- [Louiza] Have you got it?
- Hey, you lot! Give us a hand here!
[Souhila] Let's go!
- Not laughing so much now, are you, bruv?
- [Souhila] Watch out there!
What the hell are you doing?
The elevator's down.
Oh, shit.
[boys chatter]
[Nour] My arms are killing me.
Wesh, this bag is really heavy.
What have you got in here?
Clothes donations for the end of Ramadan.
Are you sure it's not a dead body?
Keep talking and that's how you'll end up.
- [Nour] Go down the stairs.
- [Souhila] Pull the rope back up!
- [Louiza] Okay.
- [Souhila] Pull it!
[Louiza] All right.
[machine beeping]
- [beeping]
- It's the watch.
- Cheers.
- Have a good day.
[Mayo] Room service.
[Lina sniffles]
Well, eat.
You're not eating.
What do you want? A magazine?
Do you want to watch TV?
- What kind of music you like?
- I don't know.
[Mayo] What kind of music?
- Don't know.
- How old are you?
- Well, I'm talking. How old are you?
- I'm 17.
I'm going to play you something real.
No way you know it.
["Tout Saigne" by La Clinique
featuring Les Sales Gosses playing]
[rapping along with "Tout Saigne"]
- [receptionist] Hello.
- Hello.
- Delivery for the news office.
- I'll give them a quick call.
- Lovely smile you have there.
- Thanks.
- What's your name, love?
- Samia.
Nice to meet you.
- And where are you from?
- Algeria.
Mm, I'd have bet Puerto Rican
with those eyes.
I've been told that.
May I go up?
I think it's on the fifth floor, right?
- Yeah, it is. Over there.
- Thanks, Jessica Alba.
- [laughs]
- Mendes. Lopez.
["Tout Saigne" continues]
[rapping to music]
I should have been a rapper.
But cruciate ligaments and all that,
you know what I mean?
I can tell you're hungry,
and you're just being shy.
Why do they call you "Mayo"?
An old story.
First hold-up with Ketchup. We were 12.
Dad had just killed Mom. Mmm.
I had to make some peas.
We walked into the McDonald's in Drancy.
"Don't move, motherfuckers!
Money in the bags! In the bags!"
The guy didn't take us seriously.
"Motherfucker, hand over the money!
I said, in the bags!"
It took him two minutes to fill the bags.
We took the full bags to the ends.
When we opened them,
it was just ketchup and mayo.
They had a good laugh,
and the rest is history.
You should have robbed a kebab shop.
- You'd be called "Samourai."
- Yeah.
Not bad.
When can I get out of here?
When you're older.
[Philippe] Favor. As long as the cab
is here by 7:15, that's fine.
I can't be late.
[crew chatter]
Hey! Hakuna Matata!
Mufasa, my brother!
I thought you were gone!
What on earth happened?
[staff] Fara is on set.
Are you serious? What's with the hair?
[staff] Can you set the cameras, guys?
Hey, guys! Does she fit in the frame
with all those noodles?
Fuck you, asshole.
[Yasmina sighs]
[indistinct chatter in distance]
Thanks, girls.
Thank you for helping Lina.
- Don't worry, Auntie, it's all good.
- She's our sister.
- I know, love. Go on, you have to go now.
- Go.
[Noémie] Look, he's there.
- We're leaving now, Mom.
- We have to get going.
[Louiza] No, no, no. Hold on.
You are great women.
May God protect you. May God protect you.
[Yasmina] It'll be okay.
- All right?
- Yep. Yeah, I'm good, bruv.
- Bye, Mom.
- It'll be okay. Promise.
Did you bring Selim's gun?
[car engine starts]
[motorcycle revving]
[tense music]
[rock music playing on radio]
[Souhila] Okay. It's on.
- [Fara] Well, hello, Philippe.
- [Philippe] Well, hello, Fara.
[Fara] Hello, everyone.
[Philippe] Today's headlines.
A team of officers from the drugs unit
will be filmed by 24 News
during an operation
which involves the destruction
of seized narcotics.
We're about to join Eglantine live.
Let's pray they love us.
You all right?
Don't worry, it's just flour.
Take a look at the driver.
He looks like Jean-Pierre Foucault.
[indistinct chatter on radio]
- Oh, we're going to a garage.
- Oh, we're going on a trip.
Her life is a journey.
Mm. Yeah. Yeah.
[Yasmina] Take it easy.
Oh, bloody hell.
Please tell me we have enough petrol.
[low tense music]
[scanner beeps]
[door beeping]
- Where's the studio?
- Door on your left. Set's on your right.
I'm going. Wait for my signal.
[Philippe] Today's headlines.
- A team of officers from the National
- [man] Is the duplex ready?
Duplex in 15 seconds.
- [Philippe] during an operation
- Duplex ready.
- Set in preview.
- Okay.
So, right now, we are joining
Eglantine Galtier at the incinerator.
- Eglantine?
- Well, yes. Hello, Fara.
Hello, Philippe.
I am currently at an incinerator
located in the Paris area
at a place that will remain confidential.
Because any minute now,
the hooded men that you see behind me
will incinerate 500 kilos of cocaine
recently seized in a raid
[Alban] Turn off the live feed.
- What are you doing here, Alban?
- Do as I say. Turn off the live feed.
Oh, come on, I can't do that.
- Please, turn it off.
- What don't you get?
- Hey, don't move! Stop right there!
- [woman shrieks]
Come here.
Keep going. All of you through here.
All of you, get your phones out.
Do what I tell you
and everything will be fine.
If anyone tries anything smart,
I won't hesitate to shoot.
Okay. Listen to me.
What's the longest story you have?
- We're gonna cut the feed.
- What do we have?
- [man 1] The fishing.
- The fishing story.
[Alban] How long does it run?
- Four minutes 30 seconds.
- Okay. Run it now.
[man 2] Okay.
[keyboard clacks]
- Please hurry.
- [man 2] It's live.
- It's on.
- [Philippe] Eglantine?
[Fara] Eglantine?
Can you Can you hear me?
- Cyril, can you find out what's happening?
- [Cyril] Yes.
I think we lost the connection.
Yes, so it looks like we have lost
our connection to Eglantine.
Why are they broadcasting a report?
You have 4 minutes 30 seconds
before the team starts asking questions.
Okay, let's go.
Are we live or is the report playing?
[Balou] No one fucking move!
- [people screaming]
- [gunshot]
- [thug 1] Everyone down!
- Oh, fuck.
[thug 1] On the floor now!
- [Balou] No one move! Got it?
- It's okay.
Everything will work out
as long as no one moves!
[thug 1] Be quiet!
[Balou] Move! Move! Move!
- Shut your mouth. Sit down.
- [all shouting]
- [thug 2] Move!
- Everyone on the floor!
You stay there and sit down. Go on, move!
Shut your fucking mouth.
You, lie down, bitch!
- Go on!
- [thug 3] Get up! You, get up!
- Take the camera and start recording.
- Nobody move.
I said nobody move.
And you, grab a camera.
I said, keep filming!
[Balou] You over there. Move!
What's going on?
[Oumar] You enjoy filming us
in the estate
Well, now the estate has come to visit.
[man 2] Oh, God.
- [Balou] Shut up, shut up!
- [Philippe whimpers]
Wait. Wait. Wait. Get off, don't kill me.
Please take someone else.
[Balou] I don't give a fuck.
Go on, sit up!
- [Balou] Sit up! Sit up!
- Wait. [sobs]
Did you piss yourself?
[Eglantine] Can you hear me in the studio?
Oh, God.
- Eglantine We're off-air.
- What?
- Can the Feds see them?
- Put him on, Jerome.
- Let them see the set.
- [woman screams]
- [Jerome] Done.
- [Oumar] Hey, hurry up, hurry up!
[Jerome] It's good, we're connected.
[staff] It's done.
They should be able to see now.
Eglantine, you there?
Come! Come see!
[crew sobbing]
You have two minutes to load the coke
into the blonde's van, or I kill them all.
[crew clamoring]
Oh, God.
- That's all you got!
- [Reda] Can they see us?
- Yes.
- You, turn the camera off. Turn it off!
- Stop filming! Stop filming! Fred.
- [man] No, no, no, stop. Come on
[Fred] What's going on?
Warn the boss
and send a message to Samuel.
- Why?
- We need him for this.
[Oumar] What's going on?
[Jerome] They're out of shot.
Hey, keep filming,
you little piece of shit.
- [Fred] No, wait.
- The motherfuckers want their dope back.
[cop] No, what the hell is going on?
Come on.
[Jerome] Keep filming over there.
- Damn it, they're not answering.
- What do you mean, "not answering"?
- They're not answering.
- What do you mean, "not answering"?
[man] What's happening? What's going on?
- [Alban] Can you bring the camera back up?
- Just tell her!
- You tell her to get the camera back up!
- There's no reply.
- They're not answering.
- Hey, get the camera back up now!
- Tell her to respond! Do what I say!
- They're not answering!
Damn it! Can you hear me, Eglantine?
Eglantine? If you can hear me,
turn it on and put on the police.
If you don't do it, we'll go back on air.
[crew sobbing]
[Fara] And you can explain
to millions of viewers
why you did nothing to save
two journalists and the entire crew.
Turn the camera back on.
[Reda] Go on. Can they see us?
All right, okay. We'll load up your gear.
[Reda] Guys, let's load it up. Go!
[crew sobbing]
[reporter] On the bottom of the sand
at the depth of 20 to 60 meters,
the team has submerged to film any
[crew sobbing]
- What's the blonde's name?
- Eglantine.
Eglantine, get in the van
and get onto the motorway towards Paris.
I advise you not to follow her.
If things go well for us,
they go well for her.
[clamoring continues]
Do you want to see her again?
You let me leave this building.
Fara? Now what? What do I do?
Don't worry.
All right, move, go. Go on, move!
We're going with them!
[Balou] Let's get out of here!
[staff] Uh, what?
[breathing nervously]
[Eglantine] Oh, shit.
Get out!
Go on.
Go on! Hurry up, please.
Get out! Go on, get out, please. Hurry up!
- Out, out, out!
- [Eglantine whimpers]
That's it. Get over there.
[Yasmina] Don't move. Do you have a phone?
Did you film everything?
[Souhila] Don't move, we won't hurt you.
Hey, hey, hey. They're here!
- [Yasmina] Hurry up!
- [Souhila] We won't hurt you.
- Come on! Move the car!
- [Souhila] I'll wait for you, okay?
- [Yasmina] Come on!
- [Souhila] Don't move, okay?
- Don't move!
- [Yasmina] Come on, Souhila. Get in!
- [Souhila] I said, don't move!
- [Nour] We're leaving now, see you there!
[car engine starts]
[tires screech]
[tense music]
[Samuel] I'm on them.
The tracker hasn't moved.
It's still in the same van.
I'll send you coordinates.
I'm following them.
Guys, Samuel's tracking the gear.
Come on, let's go!
Let's go!
[Souhila grunts]
Pick this up.
Make sure to mix them up.
- No Yes!
- No, that's the fake stuff!
That's the fake stuff, damn it!
It's here. Here, Yasmina!
What are you doing?
You've mixed it all up!
- This is the real stuff.
- Here! That one.
- [Oumar] Bring the girl with you.
- Okay, got it.
[chains clinking]
[door closes]
Let's go.
- Where are we going?
- [Mayo] To get some air.
[unsettling music]
[Mayo] Go on, move.
[car door closes]
Where's my niece?
- [Oumar] Let's wait for your sisters.
- I said, they'll arrive.
Pain in the ass.
Hurry the fuck up.
[Mayo screams]
[Mayo] Fucking bitch!
Where are you?
What are you playing at?
Hey, answer me!
[suspenseful music]
[Mayo] Lina!
How was it, huh?
Don't worry.
Come on, guys, let's go.
And my daughter? Where is she?
- [Souhila] She should be here.
- She's coming.
- [grunts]
- [glass shattering]
[Mayo] Shit!
- Call him.
- [Ketchup] Go ahead.
[line ringing]
[phone buzzes]
She got away.
It's okay, I'll find her.
Make it quick. Make it quick.
He lost her, bruv.
- What do you mean, lost her?
- I don't know. You know how he is.
What do we do?
- It makes no difference to us.
- All right.
Okay, thanks. It was a pleasure.
Where is my daughter?
She's on her way. Okay?
- You keep saying that to me!
- Hey, whoa! Souhila!
- I'm not a fucking idiot!
- Has she lost her fucking mind, or what?
I want my daughter now! Where did she go?
- Souhila, please!
- Bring her to me!
I haven't hurt her. She's coming here.
- Yeah?
- Why isn't she here?
Where'd she gone?
Hey, what's going on?
[Souhila] Tell me!
What are you gonna do? What are you
gonna do? Are you gonna shoot me?
Are you gonna shoot me?
Shoot it!
You ain't gonna do nothing,
- you fucking clown!
- Hey, we had a deal.
[Fara] You got your dope,
where's the girl?
I got my gear.
The girl's on her way. Okay?
Goodbye. See you around.
[Oumar] Let's get in the car.
[Yasmina] What are they playing at?
[Souhila] You're letting them leave
without Lina?
[Fara] Hey.
[gun cocks]
[Oumar] What are you doing?
You think you're in a film?
You should check the gear in the van.
Just like in a film.
[tense music]
[suspenseful music]
Fuck. She fucked us over.
[gun cocks]
Where's my gear, you bitch?
What did you do?
And what about my niece,
you fucking bitch?
[cop] Police! Drop your weapon! Police!
Lead me down ♪
Hear no sound ♪
I can't be judged, no ♪
We're without ♪
Any doubt ♪
A new shortcut home ♪
- Police! Get down!
- [shouting]
- [cop 1] Get down on the floor!
- [cop 2] Show me your hands!
Seeing double somehow ♪
And we're in trouble ♪
[Louiza] Why did you do it, son?
Your sisters tried to protect you, but
but they couldn't do it.
They shouldn't be protecting me, Mom.
I should be protecting you.
- [cop 1] Don't move!
- [cop 2] Come on, get your hands up!
[cop 3] Stay down! Stay down!
[Selim] No one should live
in these kinds of neighborhoods.
This place isn't fit for dogs.
- Get off me!
- [cop 4] Put yourself down!
- [cop 5] Shut up!
- [cop 4] Move! Move! Move!
[Selim] I just wanted
to give you a better life.
- [clamoring]
- [Ketchup] Get the fuck off me!
I did the best I could, Mom.
I wanted to get you away.
["Trouble" by Lissom playing]
[Louiza speaks in Arabic]
[Selim] Forgive me, Mom. Forgive me.
May God guide you, my son.
[Souhila screams]
- [cop 6] Let's go!
- [Souhila screaming]
We're in trouble ♪
[Selim] I tried to make you forget
that Dad had left.
Do what he should have done.
Keep the family together.
Seeing double somehow ♪
- [Souhila] No!
- [all shouting]
Above the dark days ♪
Oumar, stay with us, bruv!
Hey, say something! Oumar, hey!
You stay with me.
[Ketchup] Don't you die, bruv!
I'm here with you!
In-between outs ♪
The hum starts to phaseout ♪
We're in trouble now ♪
[heart beating]
[somber music]
[Fara] He'd already been abandoned once.
I wasn't going to let that happen again.
It's crazy,
but this is what it took
for my father to come back.
Well, that's it, sir.
[sighs] You know it all.
[scoffs] Are you sure?
I said it all.
- Where is my gear?
- Get us out of here.
My sisters and me.
And we can talk.
It's not that simple.
Well, you got him in here.
[Fara] Get us out.
[man] You think you can
just leave like that?
If anything was to occur,
we'll burn all of it.
We've done it once. You think we care?
[tense music]
[keys jangling]
[Nour] Can you imagine?
Thirty-five thousand euros times 500.
Hey, I'm so turned on,
I can't even do the math, bruv.
Are you crazy? What are we going to do?
Who can move all that?
[steel rolling shutter slams]
[closing theme music]
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