Thin Ice (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Del 8

She's been manipulating us the entire time!
She leaked my emails!
You cost me my marriage!
You did this to me!
You brought this on yourself.
All this happened because of you
being with her!
You suggested I should spread the emails!
The world's largest oil well.
- Big enough to kill for?
to announce that the government
of Greenland has successfully
negotiated the exploitation
of those resources
with a Swedish company
named Berger Oil.
I'm pulling out now.
You agreed to this, Ville.
- Killing people? I don't think so.
Ville Berger just hanged himself.
claim what rightfully ours, with force.
- We must reach out to Russia to prevent retaliations.
Ina, Enok's wife, saw me kill him.
Do you speak English?
Wake up!
Hello, friend
- Dad!
Welcome to Tasiilaq.
Did you have to go alone?
I didn't know who to trust.
I'm sorry.
Never mind.
Good to have you back.
Mom's going to save the world!
That's sweet!
- We're having our own little party.
We're proud of you!
- I can't wait to be back.
So do we, but now enjoy the moment.
Wish me luck now, girls!
Good luck!
Thanks for watching Aaja.
She's with Ina
- What?
I was forced to work late.
I didn't know who to ask.
Did she seem ok?
- Yes.
They're home.
This is Ina.
I can't pick up now
"Andrej Sokolov".
Is that your real name or just something
you planted to lead us to the Russians?
You want to know
what's about to happen?
We're sending you to Denmark
where you'll be interrogated
relentlessly by
a counter-terrorist unit.
They'll find out what happened
and they'll prosecute you as the mind
behind this whole operation.
Cooperating now could ease your sentence,
you know that.
He'll give us nothing.
Lock him up.
It's so good to have you back.
When are we going back to Nuuk?
- Today.
Hi! Welcome back!
Sorry to interrupt you.
Make sure to recover.
- Thanks.
What is it?
- We have to talk. - Now?
The Berger Oil deal is cancelled.
Lawyers say it's coercion
and thus not binding.
Thank God.
- We can still use the oil well.
Didn't you see what happened?
It's not worth it!
Is it not worth
our country's independence?
I've had enough,
I'm done playing this game.
Ok obviously this isn't
the right time to discuss this with you.
Forgive me for interrupting you.
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
- Aaja!
I'm freezing!
Help us!
I spoke to Gustav.
- What did he want?
They're worried about
Russian activity near our borders.
They won't act,
they're just showing their muscles.
We did nothing to them.
Today we must only focus on the treaty.
He's in contact with the US and NATO.
I've set up a meeting with Deborah.
She's on her way now.
I've had discussions within my cabinet
and the US is willing to offer
a bilateral defense treaty,
much like the one between US and Iceland.
But this is all just too
- Listen
We'll defend Sweden from the Russians.
We're the only army they won't go to war with.
I don't know what to say I need to have
this kind of decision confirmed at home.
But I understand you are already
in talks with the relevant ministers there.
The US must always be ready to defend
their allies when they face tyranny.
And of course we will defend you
on the condition that you retract the treaty.
- What?
I thought the US supported the treaty.
I'm so sorry, Elsa
I was all for your treaty, but now
it's just not the right time.
It was you
Wasn't it?
Of course
It's straight out of the US playbook.
Just like you did in Kuwait.
You went in,
drove the Iraqis away
and secured an oil deal.
"Divide and conquer"
for oil.
To be clear,
if the treaty is not retracted,
the US will not assist Sweden
in any upcoming conflict.
And further more, we will veto
any NATO resolution to offer assistance.
I won't be extorted like this!
Hi, I'm looking for Ina.
You know where she is?
There was no one at home.
Have you talked to her?
I'm sorry, Enok,
but it's important for us
that our conversations
stay confidential.
My wife and daughter are missing
and you yap about AA rules?!
I can't find them!
She said something about
a Danish policewoman.
Where's Katarina?
- I don't know, I haven't seen her in a while.
Was Aaja here?
Not while I was here.
This is yesterday's newspaper
and this is Aaja's drawing.
When did you leave?
- Late.
Was anyone here?
- Katarina was here when I left.
This is no accident.
Nakinngi's file.
Signed 'Katarina'.
Andrej Sokolov's file.
Signed: 'Katarina'.
My dismissal, "at your own request"
Did she file a flash drive as evidence?
- No.
Are we going to drown?
No, we're getting out of here I promise!
My little angel!
Mom's here it'll be alright.
No one has seen them since yesterday.
You search the old town, I check the center.
Say you might think
I'm a bit hasty
but can I have your number?
I'll get my old number back
when I get home.
It didn't work great
last time I called you.
Do I have to laugh??
Do I have to laugh??
I don't understand
it's like they know when to barge in!
- Sorry to bother you but I need your help.
Katarina was behind everything.
I'll meet you at the station.
It was Enok.
He needs help, it seems serious.
- Then you must help him.
Hi, where have you been?
I had an important talk.
- Now we have to focus.
We must talk to all delegations
and make sure the US
won't use this method with
Elsa, listen
- What?
I need to talk to you
about something serious.
I spoke to the Prime Minister.
He took away your authority and
appointed me as Deputy Foreign Minister.
I no longer work for you.
- Don't do that.
You told him about Deborah, didn't you?
He appointed you so
he can retract the treaty.
Will you give in to Deborah's threat?
- Yes.
You little bastard you can go now.
Are you ok?
Think about it
Nakinngi was killed, Ville was killed
the tower blew up where was she every time?
Aaja was here last night.
Katarina was here too.
Someone disabled the security cameras.
- Where is she now?
I wish I knew.
What the
Open it!
- What the hell?
I call for help.
- We're here! We're here!
We're safe.
- Katarina's been compromised.
"Asset 1" is been compromised.
We'll cope.
Oscar Mike.
Katarina's been labeled a threat to the operation.
Eliminate her.
They say his life is not in danger.
The Americans have always been behind this!
Will you let them get away with it?
I wouldn't but you
kicked Russia out yourself!
You had us apply economic sanctions to them
and now the US are offering protection.
Forgive me.
- I
I guess Liv told you everything.
- I would have done the same.
Now it's all over.
- What's over?
The treaty and Liam
has been appointed Minister ad interim.
He will retract the treaty
in exchange for US military assistance.
I see.
The Americans were behind this
the whole time.
Then the Danish are our last hope.
Do we have Sokolov's phone?
- No, we'll search in Nuuk.
Do it now.
There it is.
I went through everything on the cellphone.
It only received calls from the same number.
The last call was last night at 11.
It couldn't have been Ville.
- Why not?
He died at about 9 and the call was at 11.
What was the number?
This is Kimmernaq'a flash drive.
Where's Aaja?
Where's Ina?
Help me escape or they're both dead!
Everyone out!
Where are they?!
I will tell you
if you get me out of here.
Why are the Russians after you?
- He's not Russian he's American.
It'll soon be all over the news.
That the Americans
have obtained the drilling rights.
If the US are behind this,
they want more than just oil.
In the 20th century, the US
tried twice to buy Greenland from Denmark.
We need your help now.
- Let me just sign this and it'll be over.
The Swedish government set me aside
and they will back out of the treaty.
It's the condition to get the US help
against the Russians.
What the fuck is going on?!
The US just demanded Katarina Iversen's extradition
for being a terrorist!
The Americans tricked us.
They want the oil and possibly Greenland itself.
How can I prevent that
without the signed treaty?
Present the motion again,
only as a Danish initiative.
If you and another Minister sign it,
that will also apply to Greenland.
We have received an extradition request.
- From who?
The US.
She's not going anywhere until
I know where Ina and Aaja are.
I have to get out of here now!
- Why are they after you?
I led the operation for them.
- Great now where's my family?!
They want to extract you?
- They want to kill me.
Where is my family?!
Get me out first!
- You're bluffing!
Calm down.
Here, come!
She can't just take her!
- Now I'm back in charge.
Welcome to Sweden.
You think putting me on a Swedish ship will do?
- Legally, yes.
It's your turn now.
What's going on?
Come on, say something!
American intelligence was informed
that the Russians had found this oil well.
It was right in the US backyard, so
they started this whole operation
to get rid of the Russians.
And take the oil themselves?
- Yes, that too but
they also want to secure Greenland.
- So it's always been them?
The meant to stop the deal
and blame it on the Russians.
Then they would come as the "white knight"
and save the day.
And Ville Berger?
- He was the middle man.
Not to raise suspects, he was to extract the oil
then give it to the US.
But then he pulled out.
So it wasn't suicide.
My family
- They're fine.
Get me to safety
and you'll have them back.
My family is all I have!
- Enok calm down
I'm calling Viktor.
Just stay calm.
No, I understand
but that changes everything!
Ok, let me just
we'll talk later, ok?
Pipaluk will give the closing speech
then I will announce
my new submitting of the proposal.
Excuse me, what are you doing?
We're saving the treaty.
- You can't, you're not authorized.
You're going against our government
and putting whole Sweden in danger.
If the treaty is signed, we'll be
left alone to face any Russian retaliation.
Thank you all for showing up.
Although this has been
an eventful meeting,
it has been a true honor for Greenland
to have you all here.
I have an announcement to make.
After the events of the last few days
and having seen foreign leaders
try to meddle with policy matters
that truly should only concern us Greenlanders,
I think it is time to seek
Greenlandic independence.
I am confident that at last Greenland
will be financially able
to stand on its own feet,
with help from our closest neighbors
in North America.
What the
- My government will be calling a national referendum
on the independence of Greenland in the near future.
Thank you.
What the fuck?!
- They had this trick up their sleeve.
The treaty is not binding for Greenland
if they become independent!
Let me just I'll be right back!
- God
You want a story?
- Seriously?
Something better than Greenland's independence?
- You want it or not? Give me your recorder.
You'll get it back.
There she is.
I can help you out of this.
Can you?
- Yes, if
you tell the world what really happened.
I can't
- It's your only chance or you'll be handed over to the US.
My cooperation with the US
goes way back.
I was in Bosnia with
the peacekeeping force.
My group was attacked and
I was rescued by an American unit.
- It's Pipaluk.
I hear you got a prisoner there.
- Ok.
You must bring her over.
- Why?
We got an extradition request.
- I can't do that.
It's an order!
- You can't give me orders.
I work for Danish police.
Thank you.
- Liam.
I did my part.
The treaty is off.
Actually I had to give it
one last push.
Yes but you'll still honor our agreement, right?
There's still one lingering matter.
Your agent has a person of interest to us
aboard the Swedish ship in the harbor.
You hadn't been informed?
She must be extradited to the US.
Yes but we're in Greenland
It's Danish territory, not Swedish.
- Technically the ship is Sweden.
So, you can pick the prisoner up,
walk her trough town
as a prisoner transferred
and then extradite her to the US.
Once you bring this person,
we'll sign our agreement.
So I got commissioned to run this operation
with the help of the CIA.
The US will get away with it but I won't.
I'm a threat to them now.
Thank you.
This is Bojan Lisov.
- Elsa Engström.
How's going? I see you had to resign.
- Yes listen
You're going to war with the wrong country
and I can help you to prove
Russia's innocence on this whole operation.
Interesting, Elsa. Go on.
- Do you have a team nearby?
I can't either deny or confirm it.
- Then I have a proposition for you.
We have the Danish police chief Katarina.
We can put her in a small boat if you have the coordinates.
Can you see where I am?
Ok. Bye.
Ok, we're getting you out of here.
- My family then?
Go ahead.
They're out of town, southeast,
on a wrecked ship.
Is there anyone out there?
Where's Katarina?
- Not here.
Soon everyone will know
who you really work for.
- Ina!
- Enok!
Dad is here!
- Dad!
I'm sorry!
- I'm sorry!
Dad will never leave you again!
I didn't mean it to go this far.
Denmark sent me to Greenland to rot.
The Americans saw some potential in me.
What potential!
Sitting in a hole and taking orders
from people you don't even respect
You of anyone should understand.
I came for him.
You came for yourself.
Your life your happiness
It's how we are.
So you are taking her to Russia?
- That's not for you to worry about.
Thanks for helping me.
I got something on me.
Ok are you sure?
- Yes.
No going back.
- Yep.
This is mine
- Don't make any sound!
Hey! Welcome home!
- Welcome home!
I got him to sleep.
- You got him to sleep
It's beautiful!
And this?
- It's got a crack in it.
I wonder what's inside.
optimism and joy that we
today declare our cooperation.
They intend to start drilling
as soon as possible and
have already started constructions, so
our Greenlandic interests are in very good hands
with our American partners in Ittoqqortoormiit.
This is Arctic cooperation at its finest.
Greenland is finally independent
and we always rejoice independence.
Here we go
Did you hear what our divers found in the water?
Ten dead dogs!
They just chopped them up
and threw them in the water.
That's something
- Yeah savages.
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