Thirty Nine (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

When You Think It's the End

I'll see you.
Sorry. I rushed over
without even taking off my makeup.
-Go study for your exam.
See you.
Go on.
-Oh, come on.
Is Ms. Park Jeong-ja's guardian here?
Goodness, guys.
-Oh, right.
-It's me.
Those three care for her
a lot better than any husband would.
I know, right?
Mom, let's keep this to ourselves.
Chan-young is sick,
and Joo-hee's having a hard time
because she quit her job.
Come whenever you want.
I will
tell you everything.
-My gosh.
-What's going on?
Did you drink?
Did you drive?
I can't sleep.
But you need to sleep.
You have work tomorrow.
Honey, get out of bed.
Come here.
Why did you guys even move out
if you were going to come so often?
Do you want some warm milk?
I'm sleepy.
Bye, Mom.
Stop wandering around
and just get some more sleep.
What? I'm going to work.
Mi-jo told me what happened.
And your acting is horrible, so just stop.
Mom, I'm looking
for a job at another--
Stop working at department stores.
You've worked long and hard enough
in that suffocating environment.
You can stop now.
Just take a break.
It's time you got married.
That's not easy.
At least send your profile
to a matchmaking agency.
Where's Dad?
He went golfing.
When you're pregnant with a baby,
do you bond with it?
Are you pregnant?
Of course not.
Then why are you even asking?
You know,
I was never inside your belly.
Does that mean the bond
between you and me is weaker than the one
between you and Mi-hyeon?
You're being strange.
It's not like you to ask such a question.
Although you never grew inside my belly,
I cared for you as if you did.
"I wonder if that kid will like me."
"I wonder if she'll like this house."
"I wonder what she's thinking.
She's so full of laughter."
"She must be in a good mood."
"I want her to always be happy."
"I wonder what makes her smile."
I checked on you
and thought about you, day and night.
That's pretty much the same thing.
Whether or not I was pregnant with you
doesn't really matter.
What is it?
Is something wrong?
Ever since
I was little,
I've loved it when people said
that I take after you.
It put me at ease
because it meant that I actually do
look like your daughter.
I'm starting to feel upset.
You don't just look like it.
You are my daughter.
You know that's not what I meant.
I'm serious right now.
I also have something to tell you.
To be honest,
if I gave birth to you,
you wouldn't have come out
looking so pretty.
Look at your sister.
You know what I mean, right?
I can't believe you!
Don't tell Mi-hyeon.
She's very sensitive about her looks.
My goodness.
Come to think of it,
what am I going to wear to work?
I have a patient in the morning.
You can wear Mi-hyeon's clothes. Hold on.
Do you think this is okay?
Hey. What?
These are her clothes.
Why are you wearing my clothes?
Those sneakers are mine too.
Have a good one.
-You too.
-You too.
Seon-u, were you busy during the weekend?
I had to attend a wedding.
When should we eat?
I'm busy with work.
I'll go once things are settled.
I want you to apologize to So-won.
Apologize? For what?
I just let her live her life.
She agreed to it,
which is why she accepted it.
You coerced her.
It's not like I blackmailed her
or threatened her with a knife.
So-won is unbelievable.
What's the point of returning
this money after all this time?
I could tell by the look in her eyes
as she grew up
-that she was really something.
She insisted on leaving.
I only asked her to sign
the inheritance disclaimer,
but she got upset
and wanted to disown the family.
-I don't owe her an apology.
-You adopted her,
which means she's our family
and has the right to everything.
Are you insane?
Why would I give my hard-earned money
to an adopted child?
Do you really mean that?
It's time you stopped
hanging around with orphans.
I got rid of one,
but you're dating another orphan here?
Come back to the States with me
so your Green Card won't be taken away.
Don't even think about coming back.
Find a job in the States.
Why are you standing there?
Even if your hair looks nice,
it's obvious you slept out.
At least my hair will look nice.
What kind of woman who's about to turn 40
goes to her parent's house to sleep out?
Couldn't you go somewhere better?
Like where?
For example,
Kim Seon-u's place.
Do I look weird?
It's nice. You look like a quack.
How about I just wear only my bra inside?
Good idea. Way to look insane.
How could you leave only
a sweatsuit at our parents' house?
Why would I want to look nice there?
It's all about comfort.
And you're one to talk.
You never leave anything there.
What are you, a stranger?
Don't say that. A stranger?
Are you trying to say
I'm not your real family?
I haven't seen you like this in a while.
Okay, fine. Don't be upset.
Mi-jo, you're my beloved,
one and only sister
who means so much to me.
But stop acting up.
It really pisses me off, okay?
This is a semi-basement,
but you still get a lot of sunlight.
It's really spacious too.
And it's impossible
to find a place like this at this price.
The landlord is very kind,
so tenants end up staying for a long time.
I see.
Didn't you also stay here
for quite a while?
-Oh, yes.
Where are you moving to? Nearby?
I see. If you're done looking around,
you can check out the extra space.
Oh, really?
Okay. Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm so excited.
I'll get out here.
How much is it?
It's 6,000 won.
Yes, here you go.
Come in.
You didn't eat, did you?
No. You?
Me neither.
Let's drink this.
Thank you for this.
Is something up with So-won?
It seemed like you went for a run.
You even skipped lunch.
It's nice to get your attention.
Why didn't you eat?
Oh, you went home to get changed.
Come in.
Are you both on a diet?
She doesn't need to go on a diet.
How annoying.
Dr. Kim, you need to go to the States
because of your Green Card, right?
Yes, that's right.
I'll be back right away.
It won't take long, so don't worry.
Dr. Cha, when's the seminar?
Make sure the dates don't overlap.
You're going to the States?
I was going to go in the summer,
but it turns out I need to go earlier.
It won't take long.
Also, my parents…
In other words, her parents
would like to eat with you sometime.
Can you make time?
Why do you think?
Maybe to ask about you two,
to see if he's adjusting well
at work, and so on.
There could be many reasons.
Dr. Kim, is your father still in Seoul?
He doesn't come here often,
so why don't you ask him to join as well?
I don't think it's the right time.
I guess you're right.
He doesn't come often, so I bet he's busy.
Then I guess you could just eat with us
when you have time.
That's all right.
You guys should get to work.
Let's go, Dr. Cha.
Have a good day.
Okay. Thanks for the drink.
You're all done.
It didn't hurt too much, did it?
Not as much as I thought it would.
Wait here. It's time for your skin care.
I don't think it's the right time.
You should apply a lot of serum
after receiving laser treatment.
That feels nice.
It does, right?
You should apply it regularly.
I'm working.
You really got it?
I'm so happy for you!
I knew you'd make it.
This calls for a party.
What time?
But my part-time job--
We're going to close early today.
What? Why?
I have plans.
Okay, I'll talk to you later.
Are you closing early for me?
I have important plans tonight.
My gosh. I can't believe this.
I'm so excited for you.
Who's playing the male protagonist?
That's all you're interested in, isn't it?
By the way, why isn't Jin-seok here yet?
He's going to be late.
One of his actors caused trouble.
He should be focusing on you.
I don't belong to his agency.
He doesn't need to worry about me.
Why didn't you bring Seon-u?
What's going on? I smell something fishy.
Did you fight with him?
Why would we fight? We're not kids.
I think Hyeon-jun and Hye-jin
are the ones who had a fight.
He seemed down all day,
so I walked on eggshells.
Why walk on eggshells?
You need to stay alert.
This is your time to attack.
Gosh, it's really not.
Speed things up, you two.
At least one of you should get married.
Even if you fix a date today,
I might not make it to your wedding.
I swear I'll rip that mouth of yours.
I'm holding a knife.
Think before you speak.
What's the matter with you?
My gosh, seriously.
He's here!
What is that? You're so sweet, Jin-seok.
Why are you so surprised?
I'm always sweet.
Sorry I'm late.
Flowers? This is so childish.
It took me a while to pick ones
that aren't as pretty as you.
I think I'm going to puke.
I feel sick.
They're really jealous.
Should I make it worse?
Hey, Mom.
Right now? I'm home.
What? Now?
Why do you want the girls…
Mom. Hello?
-What is it?
-She wants me to come over.
With you guys.
Your mom's calling me too.
Answer it.
Hey, Mom.
I'm actually busy right now…
Right now?
She wants you to come?
Is something wrong?
Hey, Mom.
Yes, I've been well.
Okay, bye.
I wonder what's up.
Does she want to see me too?
I think she knows.
That you're sick.
Chan-young, get up. I'll drive you there.
No, I think it's best that you stay here.
I'll find out what's up.
-Let's go.
So your conclusion is to break up with me?
What's wrong with you?
I'm sorry.
I wanted to be a good boyfriend,
but I guess I can't.
So your restaurant is
more important than me?
Being a hotel chef is more prestigious
and that's a fact.
Did what I said upset you?
I was angry when you said it,
but not anymore.
I understand.
Then why not do as I want?
I like things the way they are now.
It's just a small restaurant
in an ordinary neighborhood,
but it's better than the hotel.
What about your future?
Aren't you worried about that?
I think I'll prefer this
even when I get old.
I'm that happy now.
But if my happiness makes you feel uneasy,
-that's just sad.
I just don't think
either of us is going to change.
I'm really sorry.
I'll go inside by myself.
Now that I'm here,
it feels wrong to drag you into this.
Your mom asked us to come.
We should go too.
Chan-young, don't cry.
It's going to break her heart.
Honey. Wait.
-Chan-young, how could you?
-Mom, what's wrong?
-Come here!
-Honey, put that down!
-What's with you?
-Calm down!
I was going to tell you everything!
-Come here.
-Mom, wait.
-Calm down.
You two are no different.
How could you all make a fool out of me?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Mom. But calm down first--
Mi-jo, you should've known better.
Joo-hee, you're too soft,
so let's say I understand.
But Mi-jo, you're a smart girl.
You should've stopped her.
You're her friends!
Don't take it out on them.
Mom, why are you so angry?
It's nothing to bawl over,
but I didn't expect you'd react like this.
-Shut your mouth!
I never raised you to be like that.
I trusted you and waited even though
you went around trying to be an actress.
How could you live like that?
Do you take me for a fool?
Honey, come on. Let's sit down.
Have a conversation. Talk to her.
Talk to her about what?
We didn't think it was our place
to step in and tell you.
Chan-young wasn't ready yet.
She wasn't ready for what?
Oh, I see.
Did she need to get ready
to have an affair?
Mom, what exactly is this about?
Why are you angry?
Why in the world
would you date a married man?
You deserve more than that!
Mi-jo. Joo-hee.
You two should've stopped her!
But you teamed up with her and fooled me!
I had no idea and treated him like…
I can't believe you three
just sat there and laughed along.
How could you guys do this to me?
I'm sorry.
I don't know what to say.
I'm sorry.
No! I never want to see you again!
You give me the creeps!
How could you make
a complete fool out of me?
I had no idea he was married,
so I treated him like…
Don't ever call me Mom again!
I'm sorry.
We should've known better, Mom.
Mi-jo and Joo-hee did nothing wrong.
-You know what?
I shouldn't blame you two
when my daughter is the worst.
Chan-young, you move back in here.
As for you two,
I never want to see you again! Understood?
Mom, don't.
Honey, she's right. They're all grown up.
Let's hear them out first and…
What an amazing friendship you have.
I like him a lot.
He's about to get a divorce.
That's why I didn't tell you.
What? A divorce?
You fool!
His wife came to see me!
She's not even
thinking about getting a divorce.
You're having an affair!
You're her friends!
You should've stopped her!
Did you celebrate when he said
he was going to get a divorce?
They tried to stop me.
They tried to stop me dozens of times.
Then why did the three of you
fool me that day?
That day, I was…
It was because…
Mom, I'm…
I'm terminally ill.
Honey, what…
What is she saying?
What did you just say?
I'm sorry.
Chan-young. You…
You're what?
I have advanced pancreatic cancer.
I don't have much time left.
-Mom! Goodness!
Mom, wake up.
Wake up.
Do you think she'll be okay?
I bet she's so shocked.
Maybe we should've told them sooner.
I know, right?
We should've come to tell them
even if Chan-young stopped us.
This is all new to us,
so we don't know what to do.
Chan-young's mom is being strong.
She's bearing it.
I'm starting to get scared, Mi-jo.
It feels like
things are progressing one by one.
It feels like
we're all getting ready
to say goodbye to Chan-young.
Will we…
be able to get through this?
The stars are
so pretty that it makes me sad.
How were we
when we were 29 years old?
I don't even remember.
How about when we were 19?
My mom was sick.
I remember when she was
diagnosed with colon cancer.
She was sick.
I know…
who your biological mother is.
Come whenever you want.
I will tell you everything.
Can you hug me?
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
I had no idea you were sick.
I was too busy running my restaurant
to notice you were getting sick.
This isn't your fault, Mom.
Chan-young, why don't you…
I'm not going to get treatment.
I don't want to spend
the rest of my life in the hospital, Dad.
As if I'm not sick…
I want to live the rest of my life
as if I'm not sick,
and go when it's time.
Why don't you live here?
I want you to live with us.
Mom, I have some stuff
I need to take care of.
And there's something
I want to try while I still can.
Mi-jo and Joo-hee take such good care
of me that it gets annoying sometimes.
Jin-seok too.
All right.
take our time to think about it.
Sleep here tonight, at least.
You can do that, right?
They're pretty shook up, aren't they?
Yes, naturally.
How about you?
Are you okay?
My parents were
trying so hard to look okay.
That kind of broke my heart.
I'm going to sleep here tonight.
You guys can go back without me.
Didn't they ask you to move in with them?
They did.
But later.
I'll come later.
Go on. It's late.
We could stay too, you know.
We should let her
spend time with her parents.
I'm sure she has a lot to say to them.
-I'll see you.
Go on.
Let's call Chan-young tomorrow.
Okay. Drive safely.
You must be tired.
I'm okay.
Make sure your mom takes her meds.
Why are you suddenly
concerned about my mom?
Let's be good to our parents.
Right. Let's.
-I'll see you.
Come whenever you want.
I will tell you everything.
I don't think it's the right time.
Where is she?
This is driving me crazy.
We haven't done this in ages.
I normally ate lunch and dinner
with my friends or colleagues.
But I always had to eat breakfast alone.
It's always like this
with parents and children.
They fight like cats and dogs,
but all it takes is
a simple meal to reconcile.
Are you leaving tomorrow?
When will you be back?
It's time you came back.
You worked so hard to get a Green Card.
You don't belong here.
I'd also love for us
to have breakfast together
and meet more often.
-But at this rate,
that won't ever be possible.
So-won is my little sister.
She may not be your daughter,
but she's still my sister.
What's your point?
I get that you have no desire
to apologize to her.
But if you don't
apologize to So-won,
I'll have to cut ties with you.
worked so hard to raise you well,
and this is what I get in return?
I'm sorry, Father.
Why are you making
such a fuss for the orphan?
You may have used her
to get what you wanted,
but Mom and I welcomed her
into the family with love.
I'm the one who paid
for her education and college tuition.
You ruined her life because you didn't
want to share your money with her.
You little…
Enjoy all that wealth on your own.
I don't want it either.
I paid for your--
I'll pay you back.
Also, Mi-jo is someone I love dearly.
Don't ever talk badly about her.
She's an amazing person.
Have a safe flight.
Your dad went and bought abalone.
I chopped them into small pieces
because you don't like them big.
It's going to be so smooth
that it'll just slide down your throat.
I prefer chewing on abalones.
See? I told you not to chop them
into small pieces.
I thought you didn't like
the texture of abalones.
My palate has changed.
I'll add bigger bites for lunch.
Again? I'm having porridge again?
It helps you absorb nutrients.
Just eat it.
I'm not sick enough to have porridge yet.
Later on, I'll have to…
Here. Eat this.
Pack me the rest for lunch.
I'll eat it at home.
-You're leaving already?
-Go tomorrow.
I have to take care of something.
I need to vacate the studio too.
There's a lot to do.
I'll come this weekend.
Your dad will pick you up.
I can come on my own.
Don't bother. I'll go pick you up.
Right, I always loved riding the truck.
But can you unload
the green onions this time?
I can't stand the smell.
Gosh, I'll have the truck cleaned.
-Get a new car.
-Get a new car.
Get a sedan.
Really? A sedan?
Then is it okay if I buy one today?
Get one that's available right away,
even if it's expensive.
This is unbelievable.
Are we really getting a sedan?
My gosh. Dad, do you remember?
We went to a department store
in our truck,
and the receptionist threw a fit
saying we weren't allowed
to park our truck in the parking lot.
Mom almost cussed at her
saying we were customers too.
"Almost"? She kind of did.
-That wench.
Eat your porridge. It's going to get cold.
I'm eating.
-Eat up.
Sorry, we're not open yet…
I'm giving all your gifts back.
Throw out my gifts.
Have a good life.
Hands off.
Take it back.
No, thanks.
Take it while I'm being nice.
Or I'll start cussing at you and
you'll regret it like many others did.
What's it to you, old lady?
I'm not an old lady.
Anyway, just take it back.
It's better to end things amicably.
Or you'll regret it later.
Gosh, you're getting on my nerves.
I'm sure he put a lot of thought
into picking out these gifts for you.
Each gift shows how much he loved you.
You can't just
throw his gifts away like this
just because you can no longer see that.
You loved him too.
You should treat each other with respect.
If you want to throw it away,
do it yourself.
I'll kill you if you throw it away
in this neighborhood.
Who do you think you are?
I'm a part-timer at a Chinese restaurant.
Are you going somewhere?
So-won's coming,
and I wanted to invite you to lunch.
I have plans.
Oh, I see.
When are you going to the States?
Tell me your schedule in advance
so I can check mine.
I'm not going.
What about your Green Card?
I'm going to live here,
so I don't need it anymore.
Why are you being so capricious,
Mr. Kim?
You're returning right after lunch, right?
I'm going to be late.
Are you okay?
I told her that she should take it back,
and she agreed with me.
Hye-jin is a kind girl.
That's good.
Just go apologize to her
if you didn't mean what you said.
I was torn for a bit.
"Should I close the restaurant
and go back to the hotel
since it's what she wanted?"
But this could always happen again
even if I go back to being a hotel chef.
It's not her fault. We're just different.
How does the tea taste? It came in today.
-It's bitter.
-It's bitter?
Doesn't it smell nice?
Eat this too.
Okay, thanks. You should eat too.
What took you…
so long to tell me the truth?
I just can't help but want to know that.
It must've eaten at you
since you first met me
when I was in high school.
Because you were…
so beautiful and pure-hearted.
When you first came into my snack bar,
I couldn't believe how beautiful
and pure-hearted you were.
But when I heard you
talk about your biological mother,
my heart sank.
I never thought
that I'd get to see you grow up
for such a long time.
Fate can be so funny.
You could've just told me.
As time went by,
you became more beautiful.
You were always so radiant.
So I couldn't…
I guess she's a disappointment.
My biological mother, I mean.
Do you want to know?
Seon-u, do you not eat breakfast?
I eat toast.
Then why do you look so famished?
Slow down a bit.
This is my first meal today.
Maybe it's because I feel better now.
I suddenly have an appetite.
Anyway, it takes me longer
to come here now.
Take that into consideration
next time we eat together.
I'll get you a small car.
No, it's okay. I rarely go anywhere.
No. Let's go check out some cars
since you're out here.
Pick one you like.
You don't owe me a car.
I'll buy it myself if I need one.
But you returned the money to Father.
You're broke.
Did the director tell you?
I'm the one who delivered the money.
I wasn't there for you,
and I feel so bad.
While you were making
such painful decisions by yourself,
I had no idea because I was busy
working at the hospital.
I wouldn't have told you
even if you were jobless.
Because I wanted to keep
a good relationship with you.
If I told you everything,
you would've suffered too.
Just like now.
I'm completely fine.
It's all clear now.
Now I know
exactly what I need to do.
That's why my appetite is back.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Eat this.
You crossed the line.
You're in no place to say that.
I get that you feel anxious.
But you shouldn't have told my parents.
Do you really think so?
How selfish of you.
Then let me be selfish one more time.
Put up with me a bit longer.
You'll eventually be…
the last one standing.
Are you saying you won't end it now?
How can you be so brazen?
I can't make any plans
for summer next year.
I won't be here.
Are you emigrating?
Stop making excuses--
I'm not emigrating.
I'll be dead by then.
My days are numbered.
I'm sorry.
Mi-jo. Did you hear?
Dr. Kim doesn't need to go to the States.
I heard.
Why the long face?
I can tell something's wrong.
What is it? Tell me.
I'm just tired.
You can't fool me.
You're not tired.
A lot of things happened.
Chan-young's parents found out everything.
I feel so bad for them.
It's a good thing. They should know.
I get that Chan-young's sick,
but you're about to fall ill too.
You should get a vitamin shot.
I'll think about it. You should go home.
You too, Dr. Kim.
Come have dinner with us.
I'm not hungry.
You should eat. You look worn out.
He's right. Let's go grab a bite to eat.
Come on. I don't want to eat alone.
Please just…
Just let me get some rest.
Then make sure you drive safely, okay?
Go take a bath or something.
Okay, I will. I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
I'll be off now.
Let's go home.
Are you angry or sad?
Let's go for a run.
Although you never grew inside my belly,
I cared for you as if you did.
That's pretty much the same thing.
Whether or not I was pregnant with you
doesn't really matter.
Because you were
so beautiful and pure-hearted.
That's enough. You might get injured.
You said running would clear my head.
But it's still a mess.
-Let's keep running.
-Then how about we take a break?
Sit down for a bit. Sit down.
Why did you do that?
I get that you were taken aback,
but did you hate to have dinner
with my parents that much?
Oh, that. Mi-jo, that was because--
I didn't want to either.
Why would I want
to introduce you to my parents?
Don't say things you don't mean.
You'll end up regretting it.
Do I embarrass you?
Because I'm an orphan?
Because I was adopted?
Cha Mi-jo.
What? Are you scared
things might get serious?
Because you don't know
who my biological parents are?
Does that scare you now?
Get off me! Let go of me!
-I'm sorry.
-Let go.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
Why did you react like that?
Why did you do that?
I didn't mean it that way.
You were mistaken, Mi-jo.
Why did you do that?
It's because
I love you so much.
That's why.
I didn't think I deserved you.
I didn't think
I should meet your parents like this.
I was ashamed to be my father's son.
I wasn't confident.
That's why I reacted that way. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't explain.
I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry.
I'm thirsty.
Me too.
Let's go.
What do you think
my parents are thinking right now?
They're probably worrying about you.
My life is like a comedy.
She threw a rolling pin at me,
and she even hit me with vegetables.
Gosh, I should've been there to see it.
It's a pity that I wasn't there.
If you were there,
she would've beaten you up.
I guess I deserve it.
If that's what it takes to be forgiven.
Don't get divorced.
That's not your concern.
Jin-seok, I want us…
to part as friends, not lovers.
Let's think about it.
I want to go home alone.
Here. Have something warm.
What did So-won say?
She says she's fine, but I'm not sure.
I'm disappointed in your father.
I just noticed
that we both stopped using honorifics.
It's really nice.
I don't know about that.
Keep doing it.
Do what?
Talking without honorifics.
What's the matter?
I can tell something's bothering you.
You're thinking about something.
You made it sound a certain way.
You should've been clearer
about the subject.
You made it sound vague.
I guess you feel better now.
I'm going to go ahead and eat.
Did you meet your father?
What did you say?
I told him to apologize to So-won.
He's not willing to.
I hoped I could convince him.
I told him I won't see him again
if he doesn't apologize to her.
I need to make a ton of money now.
I told him I'd pay him back
every penny he's spent on me.
It turns out…
he spent a fortune raising me.
You'll need a raise.
I won't refuse.
I have
a new dream.
You're almost 40, and you have a dream?
After I pay my father back,
I'm going to keep making lots of money.
I'll save up
and buy my own land outside the city.
Then I'm going to build a house
and adopt as many orphans as possible.
I'll have a huge family.
What do you think?
You'll have to make a lot of money.
But that's not the issue.
No matter how rich I become,
I won't be able to adopt.
I need to have a stable family.
So I need to get married.
In conclusion, my dream is…
that I want to be…
your husband.
Is this how people propose in America?
No, I came up with this on my own.
You know you can be
a little rash sometimes, right?
One of us needs to be rash
to push things ahead.
How about we go somewhere
and celebrate with some soju?
Celebrate what?
I'm not interested.
It's just a small wish of mine.
I told you that it's my dream.
Don't feel pressured. Okay?
It's drizzling outside,
so I figured we could drink some soju.
Not tonight.
My head isn't clear yet.
I'll drink once things are settled.
Try this.
You called us here this early.
Why aren't you saying anything?
It's about something important.
Let's wait until everyone's gone.
-Hey, Seon-u.
-Is business doing well?
It's strange that she called all of us.
What's with that serious look?
Long time no see.
Hey. You've become even more handsome.
-Don't say things you don't mean.
Chan-young, you look prettier than ever.
-I know that.
-I see.
Just tell us.
Why did you call us?
Why couldn't you just ask us
to meet in your clinic where it's quiet?
I know, right?
Can you please sit next to Joo-hee?
What's going on?
It's really important.
Chan-young and Seon-u.
Can you both lock arms with Joo-hee?
I'm going to leave.
I'm serious right now.
Just do what I ask.
Goodness, you're nuts. Like this?
Seon-u, you too.
Excuse me for a bit.
What is this?
It feels like I'm getting arrested.
I have shocking news.
I found my biological mother.
-My gosh. That's great.
What? When?
Keep your arms locked.
Oh, right. Okay. Keep going.
How? How did you find her?
Hold on tight to Joo-hee.
Joo-hee's mom…
told me.
Apparently, she's known for a long time.
Hold onto her.
-Take her phone away.
-Come on!
My biological mother…
has been convicted of fraud seven times.
She's still doing time in prison.
Are you scared things might get serious?
Because you don't know
who my biological parents are?
Does that scare you now?
Seon-u, I'm not done talking yet.
So I've decided to pay her a visit.
At Yeongwol Prison.
But as you probably know,
I have panic disorder.
If I get flustered
and end up getting a panic attack,
I might not be able to drive.
Who will come with me?
I hope Mi-jo doesn't collapse
because of a panic attack.
I should've gone with her.
We should've given her relaxing pills.
I was reminded of when I met Mi-jo
for the first time on the subway.
The day she went
looking for her biological mother.
Why is she out already?
She doesn't look too good.
Did she not get to meet her?
We never let it show,
but we were all desperate
to hear about her biological mother.
What's wrong?
Although it felt like a blessing
that the day came before I died,
I had no idea it would be
so heartbreaking for all of us.
Subtitle translation by: Ja-won Lee
Though I didn't have high expectations…
It bothers me.
I'll let you know every day
how much I love you.
It's my mom's last birthday
that I'll get to see.
Do you desperately want that?
So what if I'll be alone?
Every single day is so precious.
It's hard to be
the happiest terminally ill person.
Ripped and synced by
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