Thou Shalt Not Steal (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[dramatic Western-style theme music]
[moody accordion plays]
- [moody piano arpeggio]
- [bees buzzing]
[Robyn] Ringer reckoned thou shalt
learn about the birds and the bees
[horse snorts]
- before it hits you in the face.
- [horse neighs]
- [whips cracks]
- [Shirley Bassey] If you go away ♪
- On a summer day ♪
- [birds twittering]
Then you might as well
take the sun away ♪
[clock ticking]
All the birds that flew
in a summer sky ♪
When our love was new
and our hearts were high ♪
When the day was young
and the night was long ♪
And the moon stood still
for the nightbird's song ♪
[toilet flushing]
If you go away
If you go away ♪
If you go away ♪
Well, that root was
fuckin' disappointing.
Yeah? I'll see you next Tuesday.
- Oh, yeah, righto.
- But if you stay, I'll make you a day ♪
Like no day has been
or will be again ♪
We'll sail the sun ♪
We'll ride in the rain ♪
We'll talk to the trees ♪
And worship the wind ♪
But if you go, I'll understand ♪
Leave me just enough love ♪
To hold in my hand ♪
If you go away ♪
- [door opens]
- If you go away ♪
- [door closes]
- If you go away ♪
[dramatic orchestral flourish]
[song ends]
[Steve] Good boy. That's it, come on.
- Come on.
- [Karen] Have a look at him, Steve.
- He's ready to go.
- Don't be a bastard.
Come on, it's time.
Don't fuck around.
- [Karen] Look at that.
- [Steve] Come on, for fuck's sake.
[Karen] There we go.
Look at the presentation on that.
- Get in the mood, mate, come on.
- [horse grunts]
- What are ya doin'?
- [horse whinnies]
Alright, alright, alright,
fuck off then.
Fuck's sake.
What are ya doin' here?
I thought we was going riding?
- But you said.
- No, I'm workin' here.
Do you do you know what
you just cost me?
The mare was pickin' up on your bad mood.
That's why she didn't cooperate.
- Yeah, and whose fault's that?
- Yours.
For sinkin' a shitload of piss yesterday.
[muttering, to himself] See, this is why
I don't want fuckin' kids.
Always wantin' shit.
Nice one.
[Robyn grunts]
[Steve] Hey, hey!
[Karen] She's not interested.
Chuck her in the float.
[fast-paced intriguing music]
Where's my pipe?
[Cheryl grunts quizzically]
Thought you were going riding?
[beer trickling on floor]
- [music ends]
- What are you doing?
Is that mari-ju-ana?
You can't do that under my roof.
Not your roof.
I'm done here.
[Cheryl] Wait.
Somebody called for you.
What? Who?
A young man.
[Gidge, on recording]
Robyn, it's, um it's Gidge.
Listen, things have
well, they've gotten bad
and I don't know what to do.
I think this is the end of the road.
I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
it was really nice
getting to know you.
- [beep!]
- [breathing rapidly]
How do I call him back?
You can't.
["My Pal Alcohol" by Slim Dusty plays]
I've been drinkin' since I was four ♪
Ain't had enough and I still want more ♪
Fill 'em up again
Place the glasses in a row ♪
I've been in the horrors
and started to shake ♪
But good hard liquor is what I take ♪
- And my pal alcohol ♪
- [muttering angrily]
I love you so ♪
When I'm far away from home ♪
If there's no pub, I'll brew my own ♪
Out of vegetable
or anything that grows ♪
I'll drink it till my eyes bulge out ♪
Then I'll scream and rave and shout ♪
'Cause my pal alcohol ♪
- I love you so ♪
- [gas cooktop clicking]
- [groaning] Bloody hell!
- [gas cooktop continues clicking]
- [loud clattering, bottles clanking]
- [grunts]
[caravan crunches]
Fuckin'! Gidge!
- [metal squealing]
- Hey!
What the fuck do you think you're doing?
Where where are you going?
Don't leave me here, mate. It smells.
- And I need a lighter!
- [car door opens]
[engine starts up]
- [tyres screeching]
- [metal crunching]
[engine switches off,
handbrake cranks]
[Robert, tapping on window] Hello?
You need these.
[Dick] Hey, Gidge.
Morning, Dick.
Looks like you're taking care
of business, ay?
- [Gidge] Yeah.
- Ahh. I mean, the poor bugger.
Have you got anything
that can cut a lock?
Well, bolt cutters?
What do you need them for?
Have you got any?
[Dick] Nah. I used to have a pair.
Leant 'em to someone. Never come back.
Yeah, oh well, I've got a hacksaw?
- Oh, yeah, that'll do.
- [Dick] Yeah?
[Cheryl] Where does he live?
- Adelaide.
- What's his address?
- I dunno.
- Maybe you should just wait here.
- [door opens]
- He might call again?
[Karen] Come on.
Come on.
Alright! Family meetin'.
- What for?
- [Steve] I'm turning over a new leaf.
See, Robyn here
Robyn here's just given me a spray
that's got me thinkin'.
It's time I stepped up
and became a father.
So that's what I'm gonna do.
- [slurping]
- Whatever. I gotta find Gidge.
- Who's Gidge?
- My boyfriend.
- You got a boyfriend?
- Robyn needs our help to find him.
- Don't you, Robyn?
- Cheryl, I told you last night.
You can't just get rid of her.
Oh, darling, I'm only trying to help.
- Hmm?
- [car doors closing]
Oh, yeah, and, um
Karen's pregnant too.
[Cheryl] And?
[doorbell ringing]
Yeah. So that makes three.
Only three, ay?
Well, actually, there might be
a few more down the highway.
- [doorbell continues]
- [Karen laughs]
They can come and live
with us as well.
You philandering fuckhead!
- You what?
- Don't think you're gonna get a cent,
you gold-digging trollop!
[Karen] That's rich comin' from you.
Everyone knows you only married him
for his old man's money.
- How dare you!
- Ow! Ow!
[both grunting]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Girls, girls, girls!
- Relax!
- [Tracey] Hello, Robyn.
- [Karen] Get off me!
- G'day, everyone.
I'm Detective Burke.
This is Detective Wills.
- Oh, you took your fuckin' time.
- [Tracey] You're coming with us.
- No. I gotta go find Gidge.
- [Tracey] Nah, come on.
- Hey. Hey, hey, hey
- Calm down, Robyn.
- Don't touch me!
- Get your hands off my bloody daughter!
Nah, come on.
You must be the father, then.
- [Robyn struggles]
- Yeah.
[Mick] Well, you can come too, mate.
[Tracey] She needs a guardian.
No bloody way.
I got responsibilities here.
I got a stud to look after.
Got a couple of kids on the way.
- Come on, mate.
- Hey, hey!
Get ya bloody hands off me, mate!
- [can thuds on floor]
- [Mick] Hmm?
[Steve grunts, struggles]
[Steve groaning]
It's alright, sweetheart.
I got ya.
[handcuffs clicking]
Yeah, and she did all that for me.
I did it for my pop.
Why? You only had three weeks
left on your sentence.
Don't say nothin' until we see a lawyer.
[clicks tongue]
You gotta find Gidge.
Hey, look, forget about this Gidge.
- He's in trouble.
- What kind of trouble?
I dunno.
Probably got something to do with that
dead woman in his father's caravan.
- [tyres screech]
- [Mick gags]
What dead woman?
Gidge's dad killed a woman,
and then we found the body.
Now he's in trouble.
And he's at home.
Bob killed a woman?
Yes. That woman he was with.
- His wife?
- [Robyn] No, that's not his wife.
[stammering] I don't believe it.
Bob wouldn't do that.
Psst! Psst!
Well, I seen it.
- Mick, turn around.
- What?
- Do it!
- [huffs]
[tyres screeching]
[soft, pensive music]
[flies buzzing]
- [sawing]
- [Robert, tapping at window] Ha-ha! Gidge!
Gidge, it was the lamp!
She electrocuted herself!
I didn't kill her.
Isn't that great news?
You can let me out now!
Why are you wearing a suit?
Oh, she deserves a decent burial, son.
- [Dick] You leavin' that caravan here?
- [Gidge] Uh, yeah.
You know, lost the, uh, lost the key,
silly me.
Oh, just forward on that hacksaw.
You'll fuck the blade.
- Right.
- Lucky for you, I brought in the big guns.
- Oh, no, that's--
- Just need some power.
- [Gidge] Dick, you don't have to--
- [Dick] No.
[Gidge] I appreciate it
but really you don't
Oh, Jesus! There's a smell. Oh!
Yeah, the dog.
Blood and bone. Someone's doin'
a bit of gardening, is what that is.
Dick, I really--
Hey, Rob! Rob, what are you--
[flies buzzing]
Look, here's your, um
Here's your
- Keep it.
- Yep.
See what you've done now?
We're fucked!
No, you're fucked! [huffs]
[taps window] Hey, Gidge.
The money! Her money. The money.
You can have it all!
I-I don't care, you can have it,
just let me out!
[banging] Let me out, will ya?!
I'm going now.
If there's anything else you got to say,
now's the time.
[sighs] I really need a lighter.
- Jesus.
- [Robert] Hey, hey! Here. Here.
- [slow, curious music]
- [flies buzzing]
[chain rattles]
[saw clangs on ground]
[electricity buzzing]
[engine starts up]
[Mick] This place smells ripe.
Living next door to a sewerage plant
would almost have me off me lunch.
Bet the houses are cheap, though.
[sighing] Yes, Mick.
[lawnmower whirring]
I'll go talk to him, see what he knows.
[car door closes]
- [Tracey] Hey.
- [fast-paced music]
Not against the law to mow your lawn.
Didn't say it was.
[Mick] Be nice to rekindle
a father-daughter relationship, ay?
[Robert] I love you, son!
I love ya!
[exasperated scream]
[fast-paced music continues]
[Tracey] Mick, can you get over here?
[Mick groans]
Stay here.
- [car door closes]
- Hey.
Hey, what are you doin'?
[handcuffs jangling]
You're pretty good at that.
[fast-paced music continues]
[Robert] Yeah, good boy.
Come on, son.
- [bangs window]
- Oi. Hey.
- [window smashes, lawnmower whirrs]
- [Steve] Hey! Hey!
[Robert] Yeah, come on, Gidge,
that's a good boy.
Come on, boy.
No, don't do it!
Mate, this is your last chance.
Alright? It's your last chance.
[tapping at window]
[Robert] Oi!
Oi, get back here!
Oh, no! Oh, bloody hell.
- Evil!
- [Robyn laughs]
[stammers] How did you
What's that smell?
- Oh, that woman's in there.
- Still?
[chuckling] Yeah, we were gonna
bury her in that hole.
You're an idiot.
- [fast-paced music continues]
- [Mick] What are ya doin', ya drongo!
- Are you fuckin' crazy?
- Mowin' me lawn!
- Turn the mower off, mate!
- [lawnmower whirrs]
- What?
- Turn it off!
Can't hear ya!
[engine stops]
You see, I shouldn't have to do that.
Oi. Robyn.
- Get back in the car.
- Who's this?
Oi! Get your hands off my son,
you Jezebel!
What did you call my daughter?
I called her a bloody Jezebel, you moron!
Now get off my fuckin' lawn, idiot!
Come out here and say it, mate, hey?
Hey? Who do ya think you are?
[both arguing at once]
If you won't come out here,
I'm comin' in there, mate!
You better be ready!
I'm comin' in! Nobody speaks
to my daughter like that!
- [gun fires]
- [Steve yelps]
[Robert] Oh, shit. Sorry.
[dogs barking]
[Tracey] Who shot that?
He's got a gun?
Oh, Jesus, me knees.
Agh Christ, that smell!
[Steve whimpering]
This is no good, this is not good.
[Robert] Yes, son?
Cops are here.
You got a woman's body in there?
[Robert] No!
[Mick] Your neighbour said
he's seen her, mate.
Ah, sorry, Rob.
They forced it outta me.
[Robert] Oh, fuckin' Dick!
Come out, Bob. Leave that gun inside.
[Robert] No, thank you.
I like it in here.
I can't stand the sight of blood,
so you're gonna have to
have a look at it for me, mate.
Alright, just breathe deep.
- Breathe in and out. That's it.
- Just be careful.
Bob! Come out, we need to talk.
I need a lighter!
[Mick] Who's got a lighter?
Yep, sure. Two ticks, I got one here.
Hang on.
There you go.
[Mick] Alright, Bob.
I'm gonna pop this
through your little hole here.
You light that durry
and then you come on out.
[loads gun]
[fast-paced brass music]
- [gas hissing]
- [lighter flicking]
[tense music builds]
[explosion booms]
[groaning] Oh, Jesus
[Robert] Ah, oh, ooh, ow!
- [slow, whimsical music]
- Agh! Ow, ow, ow, ow! It hurts!
It hurts! It hurts! Aghh!
I'm on fire!
[Robert shrieks]
Shit, shit, shit!
Get the fuckin'!
[Robert thuds on ground]
- Better get in and help.
- [Steve groans]
You're right.
[door creaking]
[Robyn] My pop Ringer reckoned
thou shalt not steal.
'Cause if you do,
you're gonna get locked up.
He had a lot of sayings, that old fella.
But he's dead now.
The only lesson I learned
from all of this?
If you're not gonna stick around,
don't stick it in.
- You're born alone and you die alone.
- Mate, I told ya yesterday you can't park there
[Robyn] And I'm sick of being alone.
[Robyn] So I'm gonna take a new road.
- [car door closes]
- With this fella.
I don't know where we're gonna go,
but thou gotta plan the escape first.
["The Biggest Disappointment"
by Slim Dusty plays]
They had my future
wrapped up in a parcel ♪
And no one even thought of asking me ♪
The day I turned 15
I caught the mail train ♪
To find what else
might be in life for me ♪
I rode on trucks and trains
and lived on nothin' ♪
Served me right for wanting to be free ♪
Ah, well, that's the way
society looked at it ♪
But it didn't seem
to be that way to me ♪
And the biggest disappointment
in the family was me ♪
The only twisted branch
upon our good old family tree ♪
I just couldn't be the person ♪
They expected me to be ♪
And the biggest disappointment
in the world was me ♪
A lot more dinner times
than there were dinners ♪
I learned a lot
that hurt me at the time ♪
Then this quiet country boy
went home a different man ♪
With a memory of distance on my mind ♪
But I always spoke too loud ♪
And laughed too often ♪
Maybe drank too many glasses down ♪
And perhaps my clothes
were older than I realised ♪
A relief to all concerned ♪
When I left town ♪
And the biggest disappointment
in the family was me ♪
The only twisted branch
upon our good old family tree ♪
I just couldn't be the person ♪
They expected me to be ♪
And the biggest disappointment
in the world was me. ♪
[song ends]
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla"
by Isaac Yamma plays]
[song ends]
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