Threesome (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

I love him

A bit more over there.
Can you see the old color
coming through just there?
How's that?
Looks good.
-Looks good.
-I like the white with the beige.
Or do you think we should have
painted the whole wall white?
Hell no. This is good. Right?
I got a text from Camille earlier.
They're having a big party
and wondered if we wanted to come.
-Do you want to go?
Are you kidding?
What should I say?
-Why? Do you want to go, then?
I just don't know what to say to her.
I don't want it to be awkward.
Just write whatever.
Say you have to study or work
It makes me feel like shit
just thinking about it.
-What do you mean?
-Makes me feel like total shit.
That's the first time you've said
something like that to me.
It's a big deal.
You feel shitty. That's sweet.
You're crazy.
-I want to go.
Because Because I don't want it
to be cringey.
Going will be more cringey.
No. It's worse if we don't go.
Because then she'll think
we're not there
because of what happened.
I don't want her to think
it complicated things for us.
Because if I were her,
that's what I would think.
But it doesn't matter
what she thinks.
It does to me.
You have to face your fear.
I send tons of nudes but I don't have
a seven-year relationship.
-And I wonder why that is.
-That's the question.
-OK. Yeah.
-Never have I ever
peed myself as an adult.
-Oh, come on. Pathetic.
-Of course.
You actually have major, like,
pee-as-an-adult aura.
I do? Thank you.
That's what I'm trying to pull off.
So, thank you.
You have. And he hasn't?
I'm not supposed to do this.
Never have I ever had an orgy.
What constitutes an orgy?
One more person?
Three more people, four more people?
-I don't know.
-It's gotta be more than three?
Well, there's a threesome, there's
a foursome, there's a fivesome
I don't think that's
And then we have the pentagon
at nine. What?
Have you guys never thought of
doing that? Somebody extra?
From time to time.
Does that not help?
-You mean an extra set of hands?
Yeah, I do actually.
Fucking sick.
Oh, hi!
-So good to see you. How are you?
Oh, my God, you are so pretty.
-Of course I'm pretty.
-You look great. Awesome.
-Thank you.
-Love your heels.
Thank you. Those are
my butcher's shoes. It's a replica
of shoes the butcher used to wear
in the middle ages
to avoid having their feet
covered by blood.
-That's fucking cool.
-Yeah, it is.
The bar is over there. You're welcome
to take whatever you want. See you!
OK. How many? Four, five?
Can I just order four beers.
-I have to go to the bathroom.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Can you get us something to drink?
-David. David.
-I've got to go. I feel like shit.
-You feel sick?
Yeah. I just threw up.
I've got to go. Stay if you want.
No, I'll come with you. Hang on.
Hey. Siri's feeling sick.
-We're gonna go.
-Oh, right. Are you wasted?
Love you, man.
Hey. Are you having fun?
Wanna join me on the rooftop?
Babe, where the fuck have you been?
This is David and Siri,
my fave Swedish people.
-Hi. How you doing?
-What's up?
So, rooftop, everyone?
-No, I think we're just gonna leave.
-Really? Why?
I have this massive headache
and I feel like shit.
I have these killer pills. You could
literally break both your legs
and you wouldn't feel a thing.
No, I think we're just gonna go.
Thank you for everything.
Sorry you're not feeling well, babe.
See you tomorrow
for brunch or something.
-Get home safe. Bye.
-See ya.
Are you OK?
Think you can handle the train?
Or shall I call a taxi?
I just need to get some air.
-I'm going to be sick.
I'm going back to the bathroom.
-Shall I come with you?
-Fuck. No.
-How have you been?
How's the, um migraine?
What the fuck's going on, Siri?
I mean, this is I don't know
I'm really trying to
get my head around
what the fuck's happening here.
I'm sorry.
Are you?
Cos from my end, it seems like
I don't know
And, sure,
I knew the premises, but
but we spend
all this amazing time together and
In many ways,
I think I revealed myself to you
in a way that I haven't done
to that many people.
In my world, that means something.
But then you, um
just cut me out.
Without any explanation,
without any further notice.
You just sent me a fucking text.
Erased me from your life.
It was that easy for you?
How then?
How was it?
I didn't know what to do. I
I couldn't keep doing
what we were doing.
But I haven't erased you
from my life.
I just really fucking miss you.
I miss you.
-Taxi for David.
-Just waiting for my girlfriend.
She'll be right out. That OK?
Is she coming, or what?
Yeah, sorry, any second now.
I can't.
I love him.
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