Thunder in My Heart (2021) s01e08 Episode Script


Hi. This is Sam's voicemail,
but you already know that.
I can't take your call right now,
but I'll call you back.
Yes, you can. I know someone who
went through exactly the same thing.
He manipulates you by making you
think you can't survive on your own.
But you can.
You're even better off without him.
I asked Annika over for breakfast.
Take a seat, sweetheart.
Have a bite to eat.
I was just suggesting
a party at your house tonight.
We have to celebrate
that the house got sold.
-I don't know.
-Wouldn't that be so much fun?
I'll help out with cleaning
and shopping and all that.
-I can do some shopping too.
We could have some wine.
Well, maybe not me.
-It sounds nice.
Who do you want to invite?
The agent who sold the house maybe.
Or not.
-Britt. The neighbour.
-Yes, let's invite Britt
We could ask Antonia and Janice,
and you can invite Sam.
Yes, definitely.
What are we going to wear?
-Oh my God
-And we need--
Yes, and we have to
Hi. This is Sam's voicemail,
but you already know that.
I can't take your call right now,
but I'll call you back.
Hey. I feel a bit like a stalker,
but I
I just wanted to say I'm sorry again.
I get it if you don't want to talk.
But I haven't heard from you
for quite a while,
and Alex is not answering either,
so I'm starting to worry a bit.
Rebecca hasn't answered either.
I don't know if you all hate me
or if something happened.
Could you just text me one letter
so that I know you're alive?
And I also wanted to ask you
My mum is having a party tonight
in our house.
It would be great to see you there.
It's fine if you don't want to.
I know I haven't been
a very good person lately.
I promise I'll be better.
-How long have you got left to study?
-Just one semester after this one.
How old are you?
You look so innocent and fresh.
Thanks. Let's
focus on you now instead.
How are you feeling today, Sigrid?
I'm not feeling very good.
I feel very lonely.
I've started to realise
no one gives a shit about you
when you're an adult.
It's probably supposed to be like
that, but I really miss my mum.
To understand everything
is to forgive everything.
That's the Buddha.
I found your sock.
We could meet up today
so I can give it to you.
You seem affected by what you read.
Who was it that texted you?
Edwin. That's the
guy who's texting me.
He sends me strange text messages.
And he's treated me badly
for many years.
And who is Edwin in relation to you?
Edwin He's my boyfriend.
I want to stop seeing him,
but I feel I am not allowed to.
Have you told him
you want to break up?
I could block his number.
I've considered that a lot.
-But It feels a bit too harsh.
-I see. Okay.
No one has a right to a relationship
with you that you don't want.
Imagine that your life is a horse.
-You're the rider.
You're the one holding the reins.
You're the boss of your own life,
do you see?
I should ride the horse.
-How are you?
-I'm good.
Well Come in.
-Have you still got my tea?
I didn't throw it out.
so it's an important challenge
to me to be able to develop--
The antibiotics for your chlamydia
gave me a yeast infection.
-It was like "buy one, get one free".
-That sucks.
-It's all cleared up now though.
-Did yours clear up?
-A long time ago.
-How are you, by the way.
-Good. Mum and I are going away.
-To Vietnam?
That's good to hear.
That will be fun.
Those two are in my gang,
but I have to kill his cousin.
I'm friends with him too,
so it's like a test of loyalty.
And now I have to
kill those sex workers too.
That's why
I'm running around with a chainsaw.
Hey, I was thinking
Don't you want to talk a bit?
-About what?
-That it didn't work out between us.
-I don't care, Edwin. Chill out.
-Are you sure?
Oh, shit.
-You look so pretty.
-Thank you.
-Shit, I'm going to come soon.
-No, I want to come too.
-But you usually can't.
-I'm going to come, shall I pull out?
-Come inside me.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
-Why did you do that?
-It's sexy.
Do you want a cheese toastie?
If you contact me again
I will block you.
-I haven't contacted you.
-No, but just so you know.
We don't grow
when everything is going our way.
We grow when we encounter obstacles.
-Do you want a hand?
Or actually, take this bag
-and pack the coats from the hall.
-This one is mine.
-Janice may have worn it to see you.
I thought you were coming later.
I didn't mean to Sorry.
That's okay.
-I can wait outside.
-Should I stay here?
-Stay here.
Are you smoking inside?
You don't live here anymore,
so I don't need your opinion.
Don't forget anything this time.
Take every last little thing.
You can take the elephant.
I'll leave
Here you are.
-Do we have to make a big
-I don't get it.
-Don't you want any of our stuff?
-Of course I do.
-Three years mean nothing to you.
-Please, Eva.
-You never loved me.
-I did, and I always will love you.
Just take it.
-Was that tough?
It's you it's tough for, isn't it?
You know,
it's okay if it feels tough.
Yeah, but it doesn't.
-So what's the matter?
Why did you say
that you will always love her?
That's a bit weird.
I just What?
It's just what you say.
So it's just what you say
to me as well?
Of course not.
I love you now. For real.
Now. Forever. Forever more.
Always. Forwards.
Alright? You're nitpicking.
-Oh well.
-Oh well.
It's just a bit tangled
-Did you buy hot dogs?
I did buy hot dogs.
-Hi, Sigge.
It looks lovely.
Yeah, check this out.
-How are you doing?
-Not too bad, I don't think.
-Does it hurt?
I'll put a plaster on.
-Do you know what?
Would you like an ice cream?
Two ice creams? Three, four, five
Are you lying straight to my face?
You can't lie to me.
Nobody lies to me.
-Tell the truth!
-I didn't take--
If I say something,
you need to listen.
That's very important.
-But I didn't take--
-You took my phone and it's broken.
-I didn't!
-Are you daft?
I didn't take your phone.
Is Sam coming?
I could call him.
I don't think he'll answer.
He will. I called him this morning.
-Did you? Did he pick up?
-What did you talk about?
-He was having some cereal.
Are you sitting in here?
My darling
-Why are you sad?
-I don't know.
Toni and Janice are here!
Let's go then.
-Hi, Toni.
-Sigge! Did you speak to Sam?
-Have you?
-No, he's still not answering.
What did you argue about, apart from
the crap sex you've been having?
-Did he tell you we had sex?
-No, but now I know.
That's great, Sigge.
Congratulations. Was it weird?
No, it was really good.
It just got a bit funny afterwards.
-It kind of ruined everything.
-I don't think so.
-It did.
You're really good at sex.
Hey, I promise it will be alright.
He probably just needs time.
-Have some punch.
-I will in a bit.
Hi, honey, it's daddy.
Are you with mum? I can't get hold
of her, so can you call me back?
I'm in the car
and wanted to know what you're doing.
It would be great to meet up.
No, you've got to stop.
That's not the right way.
-I am British and I am a girl, and
-Oh, what's her name?
-Oh, wait, wait.
-That was lucky.
-She's great.
Britt, Britt, Britt
He lives in Gävle.
-Robert Wells.
Gävle? Who is from Thomas di Leva!
Would mum like these?
-Long braids.
Or these perhaps?
I'm at the square, I'll be right
there when I've chosen some flowers.
talks a bit funny.
-Where are you going?
-I'm just going to buy something.
Hi, Sigrid. Are you out for a run?
Hi. Take it easy, honey.
Nice to see you.
I don't think
you should go to the house.
Mum doesn't want flowers.
You should leave.
-I was just going to leave them.
-I've thought of something.
I don't want you
to contact me anymore.
Don't text me.
And don't show up where I am
to try to meet me, okay?
I'm your father, Sigrid.
I'm not just some friend you can just
ignore, or some boyfriend--
I've waited for so many years
for you to apologise.
I see.
Or for you to show me
that you're going to change somehow.
For example, when I try to tell you
what you have done to me
For you to say: "Yes,
I did those things, and I'm sorry."
But I realised
I don't need to hear you say it.
I know what you've done to me.
I've had to live with you.
You haven't had yourself as a dad.
I wish I would have had
myself as a dad.
Do you know what my dad was like?
He drank and hit me every day.
I know that, and I'm sorry
he did that to you.
But that doesn't give you the right
to treat me the way you have.
If you contact me again
I will block you.
-Go and leave us alone.
Be kind to Benjamin.
Don't scare him and push him
and say cruel things to him.
Listen to him
when he's talking to you.
He's so funny and clever,
and you are missing all that.
I didn't think you would come.
Benjamin has texted me
a thousand times about the party.
I see.
-I've seen--
-I've started--
-You go first.
-No, you first.
I've started therapy.
But I'm not sure why I said that.
Why I wanted to say it.
But I have anyway.
I have.
What were you going to say?
I wanted to say that I've seen
how much you've called me, but
Something happened to dad,
which meant I didn't have any energy.
-That's fine.
-What happened to your dad?
-We'll talk about that another time.
It just makes me
sad to talk about, so
-Hi, Sam.
We're doing karaoke.
-Can I join you?
-What are you going to sing?
-I don't know.
Don't you?
Lie down.
Are you going home?
Or actually,
I'm going to another party.
I see.
With whom?
Her name is Louise.
Do you know her?
No, I don't think so.
What's her last name?
-She's a bit older.
-I see.
That's exciting.
Is it like a date, or what?
I don't know.
How can you not know if it's a date?
It's not always easy
to know what's what.
No. It's not.
I was going to say this before,
but I'll say it now.
I'm really proud of you
for starting therapy.
Thank you.
Maybe I can become a good person.
You are a good person, Sigrid.
Thank you.
You're much better.
Don't fall in love with her.
What's that?
I like your jacket.
-I like your jacket.
What did you say?
I like your jacket.
-This one?
-What did you say about it?
-I like it.
Well, thanks a lot.
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