Thunderbirds (1965) s01e08 Episode Script

Desperate Intruder

'Thunderbirds are go! ' London Tower to Fireflash 3, you're clear to go.
- That's certainly some aircraft.
- Yes, sir! Fireflash to London Tower.
Height 15,000 feet.
Climbing to 150,000.
'Permission to leave London area? ' Clear to leave control area.
Report position as you cross the coast.
'Thank you.
Will do.
' (Sonic boom) She's through the sound barrier.
International Air Minister? Chief Controller, London Airport, here.
Fireflash 3 took off without mishap a few minutes ago.
'This is Fireflash 3.
'Position TS 757/AR 436.
Losing height rapidly.
Engines ' This is London Control.
Can you hear me? (Alarm sounds) Rescue Station.
Mayday from Fireflash 3.
Last position TS 757/AR 436.
Start search operation immediately.
'Air Sea Rescue.
0peration Seahawk.
Places immediately! ' Naval Rescue HQ.
Please divert all ships nearest to TS 757/AR 436 to search the area.
- Search aircraft launched.
- Good.
Approaching rescue area.
Commence 0peration Seahawk.
'0peration Seahawk.
Search negative.
' Roger, Seahawk.
Return to base.
Air and sea report search negative, sir.
Fireflash 3 has disappeared.
It's fantastic! All right, cancel 0peration Seahawk.
That plane cost not only £5 million, but 600 lives as well! As International Air Minister, I must ground all Fireflashes at once! - Is that clear? - Yes, sir.
Furthermore, I want the whole project tested.
But, sir, we already HAVE carried out exhaustive tests on Fireflash.
Then, re-check the whole works! - Understood? - Yes, sir.
No blame is attached, but there is a fault which must be eliminated.
Fireflashes are to be grounded until certified air-worthy.
(TV) 'This morning, Fireflash disappeared on a flight to America.
'Earlier this year, a bomb was fixed to its undercarriage.
'Due to International Rescue, the plane and passengers were saved.
I doubt it.
With the precautions they take now, it's unlikely.
Why should an aircraft like that suddenly disappear? Metal fatigue? It could be anything.
We'd better watch the tests closely.
Despite everything, it's a great aircraft.
International Rescue Space Station, this is Jeff Tracy.
'Go ahead, Father.
' I want you to monitor all transmissions on the Fireflash tests.
'Right, Father.
'I've checked on the crash.
'The crew radioed a wrong position before vanishing.
'They were 50 miles out! ' That's strange.
- Anyway, Alan, keep listening.
- 'FAB.
' - 'Scott, Virgil, Gordon? ' - We're here, Father.
All stand by.
Fireflash is having more tests.
It could mean trouble.
(Engines whine) How's it going, Patterson? Metal fatigue is eliminated.
We're awaiting the results of the radiation test.
Ah, that could be it now.
Well, all tests show the Fireflash to be completely 0K.
So, over to you.
Fly the same course as Fireflash 3.
The plane is in perfect order.
Keep in constant touch with Control.
- What height do we fly? - 150,000 feet.
Anything else? - No, sir.
- Good.
I can't emphasise enough how important it is to keep in touch.
Good luck.
Fireflash to Control, over.
'Loud and clear.
' I'm about to start final ground tests.
' Maintain continual contact with Fireflash until she arrives at San Francisco.
'Fireflash to Tower.
Pre-flight test over.
' - Take-off clearance.
- 'Clear to go.
' Full power.
Fireflash to Tower.
Airborne at 2,500 feet.
Climbing to 150,000.
'About to go through sound barrier.
' (Sonic boom) (Radio) 'Fireflash to London.
Crossing coast at LS 749/AP 428.
' The automatic fixer puts them - 'Everything 0K? ' - Yes, sir, fine.
'We're 50 miles from the crash area.
' - Take a position check at the area.
- 'Will do.
' Switching to automatic flight.
So far, so good.
Prepare to check our position.
(Alarm beeps) Elevator power unit negative! Control, this is Fireflash.
We're (Crackle of interference) ' stabilisers showing ' Fireflash is in trouble, but I can't read them.
'Fireflash to London.
Also having trouble with our gyro.
' - Fireflash, please repeat.
- ' gyro stabiliser trouble.
' Our position is TS 749/AP 428.
Just as we feared.
The same trouble in the same position.
Emergency stations! Instruments gone haywire.
Controls not reacting! (Bleeping) Go ahead, Alan.
Fireflash has sent out a Mayday, but the signal was too weak for London.
I can barely hear it myself.
They're 180 miles from their stated position.
- 0K, try to get another fix.
- FAB.
(Mr Tracy) Fireflash is in trouble.
Come up for the details.
Here we go! Hey, Bob, help me! It's jammed! Quick! We're going under! Come on! It's no good.
It's jammed.
establish a base near the crash area.
- Then scan the area.
- Yes, Father.
Virgil, go with Gordon and Brains in Thunderbird 4.
- Right, Father.
- Keep in touch, Scott.
(Irish music) (Thunderbird roars) The saints preserve us! Will you take a look at that! (Scott) This is International Rescue.
- Can my equipment go in the barn? - International? - Sure, but the cows are in it.
- They can move over! Approaching danger zone.
Ah Virgil, get London Control to send the circuit diagrams of Fireflash's electronics.
By radio-photograph? - Yeah.
- 0K.
(Moos) Quiet, Kathleen! Now ah the trouble could be here somewhere.
Ah! I I think I got it! No.
I I HAVEN'T got it.
There's not a thing floating in the whole area.
Yeah, I I got it! If the gyro shaft sheared, it could have damaged the main hydraulic power supply to the flaps.
Yeah, that would cause the aircraft to crash.
Could they have crash-landed on the sea? It's possible.
It depends on the skill of the crew.
Well, if they had the best crew But we'd have received a distress call from their lifeboat.
Unless Unless they were trapped inside.
And if the hydraulic system jammed, the escape hatches would fail.
Do you realise what this could mean? I realise all right.
They could be alive, trapped in the flight deck at the bottom of the sea! London Control? Can you hear me? It's no good.
They can't hear.
Not even with the new transmitter.
We've had it.
'Thunderbird 2 from Mobile Control.
Searched complete area.
'Result negative.
You're near danger zone.
' FAB.
Launching Thunderbird 4.
Crew may be trapped in aircraft on seabed.
Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 4.
Commencing launch.
Mobile Control, I need a course to take me to Fireflash crash site.
Thunderbird 4, steer 107 degrees, magnetic.
Steering 107.
'0K, Gordon, you're approaching crash area.
Commence search.
' FAB.
Look! Quick! Put on the lights! Say, that looked like a light! Keep flashing! It fused! 'Brains, I've found her, and she's in one piece! ' I can't see any sign of life yet.
'Nice work, Gordon.
' Now ah yeah Now, let me see.
Ah it's the engines - Could they be ALIVE?! - Please, Virgil! Gordon, cut off the engines on the tail-plane with a laser beam.
Fireflash will float up.
- Then we can rescue the crew.
- IF they're alive Bob! There's a frogman! They've found us! Virgil, they're alive! I can see them.
I'm going to send them a message.
Let's pray Oh I can hardly breathe.
It's so hot - 0K, Gordon, she's surfaced.
- 'FAB.
Coming up alongside her.
' (Electrical buzz) What's that smell? Can't breathe! - We're on fire! - I'll get the extinguisher.
Are you mad? We can hardly breathe.
We'll be burned to death! OK, you guys, as soon as the rescue capsule arrives, climb aboard.
Come on! Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 4.
The co-pilot is aboard the capsule.
The pilot will be aboard soon.
' 'Are you aboard the rescue capsule? Sing out, if you are.
'I can hear you on the radio.
' - All aboard.
- 'Right, hold tight! ' Thunderbird 2 to Mobile Control and Thunderbird 4.
She's going up any second! (TV) 'The test crew of Fireflash are safe.
'International Rescue saved the day.
We understand from the Air Ministry 'that a report by the International Rescue eggheads 'may provide an answer to the technical fault 'which has bugged the Fireflash in recent weeks.
' Boys, I'd like to add my thanks.
Well done, all of you.
- Where's Scott? - He flew in a few minutes ago.
His take-off from Ireland was delayed for some reason.
Sorry, folks.
I had to milk the cows before I left.
(Bleeping) Go ahead, Alan.
'I've been listening to bulletins from London, Father.
'There's a top-level meeting about Fireflash right now.
' EPU faults originate in the WING.
And the hydraulic faults point to a problem in the original design.
Super-tension simply wouldn't Gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? Thank you.
It now seems certain that the Fireflash fault has been traced to the hydraulic system.
But the CAUSE remains unclear.
So far, we have three different theories.
All place the trouble in the starboard wing.
We must pursue these three theories.
The cause of the Fireflash crashes can only be found when she is flying.
If only WE could fly it, with Thunderbird 2 alongside to help.
Could we? OK, we'll contact London straightaway.
Tin Tin, take a letter.
I think it's time for International Rescue to act! International Rescue want to test Fireflash over the same route.
If anyone can find the fault, they can.
They're the best in the business.
Still, Captain Hanson had better go with them.
He knows them.
They saved his life on the maiden flight.
And contact Security.
The operation must be top secret.
No one must fly within a 100 miles of the flight path.
At the airport there's to be clearance for International Rescue.
Er, where was the letter posted, sir? It may let us know where International Rescue are based.
- London Airport.
- They never miss a trick! I've contacted London, Father.
Preparations are under way.
Thank you.
Virgil will be there at noon.
- What type of rescue is it? - Hard to say, but Virgil has Pod Four, the diving escape bell and the laser cutter.
Keep in touch with London Control.
They may need help.
Will do, Father.
Thunderbird 2 is crossing the British coast now.
Over the coast now! Good.
Let's prepare for touch-down now, fellas.
They're crossing the coast now, sir.
Line up Fireflash on runway 27.
Yes, sir.
Fireflash from Control Tower.
Taxi out to the end of runway 27 and await instructions.
'Yes, sir.
' Fireflash in position, sir.
Instruct all personnel except Captain Hanson to leave the plane.
Where are International Rescue now? - ETA now six minutes, sir.
- Good.
Seal the airport.
(Alarm blares) (Police siren) - Security is operational, sir.
- Right.
What time is it? Don't worry.
They'll get here on time.
International Rescue craft approaching on flight path 29.
- London from International Rescue.
- 'Come in.
Loud and clear.
' Request permission to land.
International Rescue, clear to land.
Do you require runway? - 'No, will not require runway.
' - Roger.
Airport has been sealed.
'Fireflash standing by on runway 27.
' Thank you, London.
- 0K, Virgil, everything's laid on.
- Losing height now.
- 12 o'clock, sir.
- Here she comes.
What timing! You've gotta hand it to those fellas.
Thunderbird 2 has arrived, Father.
'Right, hear this, Alan.
' Maintain constant contact with Thunderbird 2 and Fireflash.
- 'Clear? ' - Yes, Father.
Nothing must go wrong this time.
Nothing! Scott is with Captain Hanson now.
- Can you hear us, Alan, Virgil? - Hearing you, strength 5.
Me, too, Scott.
I'll maintain contact throughout the flight.
OK, we're switching to open contact.
Thank you, Fireflash.
Good luck.
London from International Rescue.
'Ready to start test.
' All right.
Clear to take off.
- Scott, we have clearance.
- Thanks, Alan.
It's swell of you to help us out, Captain.
It's ME who is grateful.
When Fireflash hit trouble on its maiden flight, you saved my life.
It's a privilege to be able to pay you back.
So long, Scott.
(Sonic boom) - Through the sound barrier.
- Levelling out.
Scott made a good take-off.
He's handling the unfamiliar controls.
- 'And Virgil? ' - London's given him clearance.
How are you doing, Virgil? OK, Scott.
I'm catching you up.
Alan, I want a position check.
- Scott.
Give me your present fix.
- 'LS749/AP 428.
' No, Scott.
Your reading is wrong! 'You're 20 miles north-west.
' Gee, that's some miscalculation.
Yeah, it's sure way off-beam.
All right, Alan, thanks.
- 'Tell Virgil.
' - Will do.
Fireflash should report soon.
(Radio buzzes) - Go ahead, Fireflash.
- The automatic locator is faulty.
- 'Fireflash gave a wrong position.
' - Well, that could explain a lot.
There's a problem with the trim.
'The EPU seems ' (Silence) Fireflash! Come in, Fireflash.
They've gone dead, sir.
The same pattern.
First the EPU, then the radio goes.
London from Fireflash.
London from Fireflash.
Come in, London.
The radio's dead.
- We've lost contact.
- No, we haven't.
Not altogether.
- Virgil, do you read me? - Loud and clear.
The radio is non-functional.
We'll have to relay messages to London via Alan.
So it's pretty desperate.
- The EPU is negative.
- How about the stand-by? No good.
Fireflash is taking one colossal crash-dive into the ocean.
I just can't get the nose up! Scott, I've explained to London about the EPU and radio failures.
They want you to bail out.
Then we'd NEVER know what the fault was.
We'd be back to square one.
OK, Scott.
Let's try that scheme we discussed earlier.
How long before we hit the water? Well, judging by the present rate of descent, I'd say we've got about 15 minutes.
Did you get that? We've got 15 minutes.
Right! Be seeing you I hope.
Hold the Fireflash dead steady.
We can do it, if there's not too much turbulence.
All right.
Is Gordon ready? - 'All set, Gordon? ' - Ready to go.
'0pen up! ' That's funny I thought I saw someone.
What did you say? - 'Nothing.
I'm just seeing things.
' - Right, stand by to enter wing.
Father, Gordon is checking out the Fireflash wing.
- How long will that take, Alan? - It depends on what he finds there.
Where should I start, then? The EPU is near the cylinders.
Yeah, I think I can see them.
- 'I'll get closer.
' - What's the height now? We've got less than four minutes.
Three minutes.
Hey, how did THAT happen? The wires have been interfered with.
The leads into the EPU have been cut! What?! (Gunshot) What the blazes was that? It sounded like a shot.
It couldn't be! Come on out, International Rescue.
I don't know what your game is, but there's some vital equipment here that we don't want to smash.
You know this aircraft is finished! Soon it'll splash into the ocean and disappear like all the others.
- 0ne-and-a-half minutes.
- What's going on? I shouldn't jump.
Your parachute wouldn't open in time.
Oh, yeah? (Gunshot) Gordon! What's going on? Answer, please! Come in, Gordon? There's no time to explain.
We've had an uninvited guest lousing up the works.
But he won't give any more trouble.
We've got 30 seconds.
It's too late to bail out.
Can you fix the EPU? No, Scott.
I couldn't re-make the join in time.
Ten seconds.
'Thanks to International Rescue, 'the Fireflash run to San Francisco is to be resumed.
'Police authorities have investigated the sabotage of the aircraft.
'They have unmasked the international gang bent on aircraft espionage.
'Particular stress was laid on ' - For Pete's sake.
- At the best part! Oh, dear.
I AM sorry.
We were putting the pies in the oven, and the darn fuse blew.
Gordon will soon fix that, Grandma.
Gordon, what was it you said after the Fireflash episode? "Just like fixing a fuse"? Here I go again! (Laughter)
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