ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Warrior Maiden Invasion

[opening theme music playing]
[WilyKat] Twenty-one, 20, 19
Four, three, two, one.
Ready or not, here we come!
Got to find a spot.
Got to find a spot.
[groans] Tygra, not in here.
[WilyKit] Where are
you guys hiding?
For Thundera's sake,
let me in.
- We're coming!
- WilyKit, stop!
We have to finish
the countdown.
Or we could win.
[Wilykit] Can't hide from me.
WilyKit, come on!
You can't win
by smashing stuff.
You've got to be sneaky.
- [glass shatters]
- WilyKit, knock it off!
- You're gonna scare everybody away.
- Oh, sorry.
I didn't realize the game was
called hide and go rip one.
[Wilykat groans] Ah, toots.
I could have sworn
someone would be in here.
I bet you someone's
in the engineering bay.
[whispers] And we might
catch them if we're sneaky.
Man, they'll never
find me here.
[chuckles] Too easy.
- [glass shatters]
- WilyKit!
- Come on, you gotta be sneaky.
- [grunts]
- Oh, what? There's no one there.
- [chuckles]
- [screams]
- WilyKit!
- [Tygra] Just let me in.
- [Lion-O] Find your own hiding spot.
- [both] Uh-oh.
- WilyKit, come on.
- Let's check the kitchen.
- [WilyKit] Surprise!
- No, don't smash that!
- [objects clatter]
- Uh, let's get out of here.
- [grunting]
I don't know, man.
We looked everywhere.
They couldn't have possibly
gotten to the Safe Zo
- Oh.
- Hey, Thunderkittens.
- Great game.
- Sorry, kids,
but we could hear WilyKit smashing
stuff, like, a mile away.
- Oh, that's not fair.
- Listen, kiddo.
You really could learn
a few things from WilyKat.
It's just a dumb game.
On the contrary,
hide and seek
is a very serious
strategic training exercise.
Well, that may not be
exactly true,
but we could have at least
gotten, like, one guy
if you weren't so obsessed
with smashing all the time.
[grunts] I am not obsessed
with smashing!
- [alarm blaring]
- I didn't do it!
Uh-oh. Chaos is breaking out
all over Third Earth.
Yikes! Who would set fire
to the Troll village?
And using locusts
to attack the Berbils?
- [berbil] Help!
- [Cheetara] Only monsters would want to destroy
a cute house like that.
[Lion-O] And bullying
the Mole Master.
Wait. Who's
the Mole Master?
I don't know.
King of the Mole Men?
Only the Mutants
would stoop so low.
I don't think those are Mutants.
[narrator reading]
- Oh, my gosh.
- Hey.
- [grunts]
- What's up?
Oh, wow! [laughing]
Quit messing with
the camera controls, WilyKit.
Look at those muscles!
Guys, you're gonna
wanna see this.
It's a map of all the
incidents around Cats' Lair.
Wow! They're
everywhere except here.
Yeah. But just to be safe
I'd better go make sure
the door
Whoa, whoa!
[grunts and screams]
Ho, there. What is
the meaning of this?
Come on, you can
do better than that.
- [laughing]
- What a bunch of weaklings!
Who are you calling weak?
[narrator reading]
[narrator reading]
- What?
- Did she just catch a laser?
Let's see if she can
catch me.
[narrator reading]
You haven't beaten me yet,
you barbarian!
Whoa! You guys rule.
WilyKat, what are you
doing behind those boxes?
Look at these
cool buff ladies.
What the heck, WilyKit?
Willa says to search
this stronghold
for some kind of jail to imprison
these flea-bitten felines.
That looks pretty good.
[Lion-O] No, not the Thunder Brig!
[women laughing]
ThunderCats HO!
What? My sword's not working.
Yeah, my nunchucks
are weird, too.
Don't worry, guys.
I don't need weapons
to get out of here.
- Hey, so, Tygra.
- Uh, yes?
Remind me again
why your blueprints
for Cats' Lair
included a jail cell
that deactivates
all of our powers
and technology?
Even my Snarf
stopped working.
It seemed like
a good idea at the time?
[all groan]
Willa says figure out
how all this alien tech works,
so we can put it to use.
[controls beeping]
[engine revving]
[all exclaiming]
Uh, WilyKit,
what you doing?
Did you see those
Warrior Maidens?
They were like pow, bang!
They got you like right away.
That's not how
I remember it.
I wanna see
what else they can do.
They totally just grabbed you.
It was so funny.
That's enough, dude.
[gasps] Guys, I found a way
out of here.
[grunts] I can't fit.
[Lion-O] Hmm.
WilyKit and WilyKat
look like they might fit.
But what's this?
Panthro's even smaller.
Uh, Lion-O, I think
WilyKit and WilyKat
are better suited
for this kind of thing.
Whatever, Panthro.
You're just scared.
[both grunting]
WilyKat, you are in charge.
- Yes!
- Oh, really?
Head for the control room.
There's a button there
that will unlock
the Thunder Brig
- and set us all free.
- Got it, Tygra.
- [WilyKit mimics mockingly]
- But you have to be sneaky.
WilyKit, that means
no smashing.
[WilyKit] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Ugh, Tygra is so boring.
He's right about
not smashing, though.
We're smaller than
the other ThunderCats,
but we can use it to our
advantage with stealth.
So, what's your plan?
Watch and learn.
Let me out, WilyKat.
Those ones look scrawny.
Gotta have a few capsules
up your sleeve
when you're
a professional sneakster.
Hmm, let's see.
We've got some water
capsules, slime capsules.
Ooh, this one sprays
marinara sauce.
This one is just
full of ants.
This one sounds like
an old woman laughing.
It's very spooky.
Uh, chocolate,
vanilla, strawberry.
Uh, let's just use this.
- [clattering]
- What was that?
- [both grunt]
- Okay, that was kind of cool.
[inhales deeply]
- Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak.
- [all snoring]
Oh, whatever.
I could have taken them.
- Oh!
- Careful.
Who's got the stronger arm?
Okay, I'll challenge them
to arm wrestle,
- and when I beat them
- No!
Sneaky. Watch this.
See, there's a better way
to take enemies out.
I guess your
sneaking method works,
but I'll take this last one.
What? I mean, she's like
100 times your size.
I don't even know
how she got in the hall!
We have to quietly slip
past her, undetected.
Follow me.
[mimicking Wilykat]
- Whoo!
- [whines]
[WilyKat] Roll, roll,
roll, roll, roll, roll.
[WilyKit] Stomp,
stomp, stomp, stomp.
- [groans]
- Okay, you just stay here.
I'm gonna sneak across to the
Thunder Brig lock button and
- Look!
- Hey, they're using our stuff.
Wait, no. I think
they're doing good guy things.
They're using the Thunder hose
to put out the fire
in the Troll village.
And they're using
the Thunder tank
to protect
the Berbils' crops.
- [berbil] Yay!
- [WilyKit] And I think the Mole men are happy
that they beat up
the Mole Master.
- [all cheering]
- Yay!
They're good guys
like us!
Well, I don't know.
They're still smashing
that cottage.
[Warrior Maiden] Crush it!
Who dares attack
the summer home of Mumm-Ra?
Oh, it was Mumm-Ra's cottage.
That makes sense.
Smashing isn't
always bad, you know?
Okay, okay, new plan.
We walk over and politely
ask them to let everyone go.
- No, that stinks.
- Hello!
- Huh?
- We apologize for getting in a fight.
[chuckles] I believe there's been
some kind of misunderstanding.
- [all snarl]
- Or maybe not.
She says she's going to
put you in another cage.
One even a slippery little Mutant
like you can't escape from.
[yells] We're not Mutants!
We're ThunderCats!
[Willa] Huh?
What's she saying?
That one of you kitty cats is
finally speaking her language.
- [roaring at a distance]
- [building rumbles]
A fight? The Thunderkittens,
we have to save them!
Quick, everybody,
rush to the door.
- This is weird.
- [all muttering indistinctly]
WilyKat, here's the button
to unlock the Thunder Brig.
Huh? [laughs]
Use your finger, WilyKit.
Use your finger!
Like this!
How about I do it
with smashing?
[WilyKat winces]
[all yelp]
Let's head to the control room
to save WilyKit and WilyKat
- Oh.
- [Warrior Maidens cheering]
WilyKit, you're alive!
I'm more than alive,
I'm living!
- Where's WilyKat?
- I'm okay.
Turns out,
they're good guys.
- Good guys who like smashing stuff.
- Yeah!
I'm Nayda.
And we, the Warrior Maidens, used
to be the heroes of Third Earth,
but Mumm-Ra forced us to hide
away in the forests for years.
Now that he's
lost his powers,
we're just
letting loose a bit.
And smashing up
his little house.
Wow! We're the ones who
defeated Mumm-Ra, you know.
With a warrior like her
as your leader, I believe it.
- [laughs] She's not our
- Your leader, WilyKit,
has explained to us that
we're all on the same side,
so no harm done.
You locked us in jail
and stole our stuff.
Willa says to
lighten up, furball.
Yeah, Tygra, lighten up.
Am I right, Nayda?
Well, in the name
of friendship and new allies,
I declare the Warrior Maidens
honorary ThunderCats.
Oh, how nice.
I suppose you can be
honorary Warrior.
Nope! Only WilyKit.
[narrator reading]
That's great, WilyKit.
I'm totally not
jealous at all!
No, I'm really jealous.
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