Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e08 Episode Script

Se busca

Almudena Lobo,
Will you marry me?
I won't allow you to harm Almudena.
Let go.
I said let go!
Clara!, whats wrong?
For God's sake, open the door!
this has to be for you.
Rosa is dying and
Nieves is pregnant.
Yet you spend your time
writing letters to that stranger?
Lobo help me!
Please don't leave!
We need the pump today.
I said no. I don't want any problems.
The smith helped them.
He went to the well.
I witnessed the whole thing.
Anibal said if I prove myself
-What have you proven?
I don't deal with snitches.
Anselmo is inside!
He's inside!
It's your fault!
This is what I get for helping you!
I met him before we were engaged.
Have you slept with him?
I challenge you to a duel.
Do what you will,
but don't kill him.
[Distant howling]
[Crow caws]
[Owl hoots]
[Snake rattles]
This is private property!
[Bird calls]
[Wolf baying]
I'll shoot!
So this is what the Swiss
do with our water?
And sell each one for about a peseta.
That's way more than they pay us.
It goes to bottling and labeling
What, is the bottle made of gold?
We should do our own labeling as well.
-That's it!
That's twice the work!
Not to say, you would,
right, Roman?
This is quite nice.
Its us!
What does it say?
-It's in portuguese.
It says:
"Wanted. The Santo gang for"
for murder.
"And for the theft of 3000 reales"
"A reward is offered".
That's a lie.
You're fugitives and you didn't tell us?
The bastards!
There was nothing but pebbles!
Why would you steal pebbles?
It's clear, that the bank needs a fall guy.
And the murders?
Lola, please.
They've found us.
Do we leave or stay.
No Roman, this is all wrong.
Why haven't they turned us in?
-Blackmail, perhaps.
Who would know that we're
from the Santo gang?
-She hasn't said anything.
And Lobo?
- If he knew, we'd be behind bars.
Or dead.
Four dead sheep.
Do you know what that costs?
Why do I have men patrolling my land?
We haven't seen anything. I don't know where those damned wolves hide.
It's just one.
A big one. Capable of
standing clear of our defenses.
-Come on, now!
If it were a pack,
the men would've seen them.
This one's a loner. He's used to hiding.
I don't care if it's one or two hundred.
I don't want anymore losses.
Organize a hunting party.
-We've already combed the countryside
and nothing.
Well search again.
Anibal has a point.
If they haven't found him by now,
it's useless.
You have to build a trap.
Isabel please, this is a man's affair.
You will go everyday if you must.
If I lose another animal
I will hold you responsible.
Alright. We will hunt tonight.
Father, let me hunt with them please.
I swear I won't get in the way.
Fine, let her join you.
Now let me read the paper in peace.
[Distant neighing]
What do you want?
I just wanted to see you.
Well you've seen me.
Thank you for sparing Felix.
I have enough deaths on my back.
Besides, he's the town doctor.
Have you told anyone
that we are fugitives?
Have you shown anyone the
news article, Almudena?
I need to know.
Why are you asking me this?
Do you know what they'd do
if they caught us?
What has happened?
Are you in danger?
Don't you trust me?
Honestly, I don't know.
I don't really know you.
After everything that's happened,
I don't know what to think.
I'm tired of waiting.
There's nothing between Felix and I!
When you decide what you want,
let me know.
[Door opens]
I've already decided.
I decided the first day
you laid eyes on me.
He's back! I saw him, I swear it!
Calm down. Breath.
Who have you seen?
-Are you sure?
As sure as you're standing in front of me!
On the outskirts of town.
His face is disfigured.
It's horrible.
It can't be, that's impossible.
-We paid you to kill him!
He's here for revenge.
It can't be Fidel.
-I swear it was him!
Rosario, we should close for a few days.
-Yeah right.
Nobody's closing anything around here.
I dare him to set foot in here.
I can help you. I'm a good shot.
Then I'll stay too.
I'll bet you anything, I shoot him first.
It's this one, see?
If you're in pain, use it.
I'd be crazy to get back on that thing.
So am I completely recovered now?
I haven't said that but almost.
If you need anything,
have them call me right away.
How nice!
I'll be leaving now
You've been avoiding me since the duel.
You'd prefer I was dead.
Say it.
That's not true.
You've humiliated me.
Both of you.
Is everything alright?
As you know, Rosa is much better.
I see.
Everything going well?
I need the medication that
should've arrived from Madrid.
If you'll excuse me
Tell your father that I'm
expecting him for dinner tonight.
We have to set a date for the wedding
and finalize some details.
We've waited long enough, don't you agree?
Maybe it was Fidel who hung the poster.
It can't be.
I saw his head smash against the ground.
No one survives that.
But if it's him, what the hell does he want?
Why hasn't he turned us in?
Why not face us?
-If I see him, I'll shoot first and ask questions later!
If I was him,
I'd stay away from the brothel.
And it is clear that no
one in town has seen him.
He must be hiding out in the mountains.
Let's go.
Come on.
Be nice. Let me have a bottle.
Come back later.
It's crowded right now.
Give me a drink and I'll leave.
I said no.
Give me some wine.
Anselmo, It's better that you leave
Herminia said
-Don't touch me old man!
Don't touch me!
Nobody touch me!
Damn you all!
You heartless bastards!
Go to hell.
All of you.
Julio, go with Antonio.
Juan and lsabel, come with me.
Anibal we're near the pass.
We should set up a trap here.
Beg your pardon?
He has to come this way
to go down the mountain.
This is the natural path.
Be quiet for a moment, hmm?
You're burden enough as it is.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
-To tie up my horse.
Get back on the horse.
Do you want to catch the wolf?
Enough. Stop talking nonsense.
-You won't find him like this.
We need to build a trap, together.
And have it ready for tonight.
lsabel, keep your mouth
closed and come with me!
Give me the shovel.
Thank you.
Anibal, I'm going to dig.
Why do you have to be so stubborn!
Whoever wants to help can stay.
Move out!
I've been thinking about
the reward money
in exchange for the Bravos.
What are you planning? To turn them in, huh?
But, why would I do that?
Do you think I'm capable of doing such a thing?
I just want to know the sum.
I can be very discreet when I want to.
But our silence is worth money.
How un-un-un
We welcome you,
and you bite the hand that feeds you?
Unbelievable! Utterly unbelievable!
Jean- Marie, stay still.
Look how the sun lights you!
You're so handsome when you're angry.
Lola please!
-Come here.
L-Lola, please, no. What, you want
[Door closes]
Is that whore seeing another man?
Behind Lobo's back?
Who is it?
I don't know, and don't want to know.
Does anyone else know?
I don't think so.
What's important
is she a virgin?
Father, please!
Be quiet, and answer me.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know why but
I care for Almudena.
Oh, you care for her!
I see your mother has
turned you into an imbecile.
For God's sake.
We'll go to the dinner tonight
and tomorrow you leave.
Just relax until your wedding day.
You don't understand.
I don't think I can marry her.
It's you who doesn't understand.
You're going to marry Almudena,
whether you like it or not.
Sagasta says that he misses me.
He says we're going on vacation for a year!
Wherever I want!
Where would you go?
You're so tiresome!
There's more to life than your constant pining and worrying.
I'm not going to marry Felix.
You know father won't allow that.
You know it.
I'm eloping with Cesar.
I can't bear it anymore.
You can't do this to Felix.
Take anything you want,
but please don't hurt us.
Where are the Bravos?
I don't know.
They should be home soon.
If they find you here, they'll kill you.
What do you think they'd
like to find when they get here?
Your throat slit?
Or her carcass hanging from the porch?
Don't you dare touch her.
And if I do
Take me.
Do what you want with me.
But please leave her alone.
You have a point.
Tie him up
That coward is afraid of us.
Lets go.
What are you doing here?
This is my father's land.
Casa Grande ends across the river.
That's not what he says.
Need any help?
From you guys?
Of course not.
Good day then.
We haven't had any luck.
We're going home.
If you had helped me,
the trap would be finished.
Come on, leave it alone.
What do you want to prove?
Why are you always like this, Isabel?
You won't listen to me,
because I'm not a man.
But I do know how to trap that wolf.
I grew up in these woods,
so you're not giving me any lessons?
And I've read books!
Everything was in flames.
Relax, there's no fire.
No! There's nothing left.
The fire took it all.
The fire
has taken everything.
Anselmo, you can't stay there.
Come on.
Come inside.
You have any wine?
I have wine.
If no one's seen him,
then he must have left.
[Guns cocked]
Don't move!
Don't move!
Lola. Lola.
Don't move.
Lola, calm down.
Its us.
Calm down.
What happened?
Jean Marie!
He's taken Jean Marie.
He's at a cabin, 6 miles from here.
Near the river. -Son of a bitch!
He said to go alone.
No guns.
If he senses something wrong,
he'll kill him!
He says he'll kill him.
[Lola Cries]
Another one.
Do you know what it's like
to be manipulated by everyone?
Of course I do.
I've been a whore all my life, doctor.
Give me another.
Doctor, don't you think
you've had enough?
No. I haven't.
Give me another.
You know that your father and
Lobo are waiting for you.
This is the last time
someone tells me what to do.
Rosario, take it away.
Please stop looking at me that way.
Rosa, I know that you're angry with me.
I know Felix has done
so much for you.
But you'll understand,
when you get older.
You can't abandon him.
To marry him would be a lie.
To him, to myself
to Cesar
What about us?
If you leave,
we will never see you again.
But it's clear
you don't care about that.
Of course I do.
We'll never stop seeing each other.
Promise me that you won't abandon us.
So did you get the wolf then?
Go on, get dressed
Or you'll be late for dinner.
What's wrong?
What have you done?
They didn't want to help.
I had to dig by myself.
Are you crazy?
I plan to continue tomorrow.
I'm catching that wolf.
Are you ready?
Do you need any help?
Go ahead Tata, give us a bit more time.
Let me see your hands.
This happens for doing
what you're not meant to.
For trying to be what you're not.
And what am I?
A young lady.
[Clock chiming]
Your daughters are
more beautiful each day.
If I may.
I don't know what's happened.
He's never late.
I see.
I'm sure he has a good reason.
Perhaps he can't make it tonight.
He'll come.
Stop! I'm fine!
Are you sure?
I'm a doctor!
Whatever you say, doctor.
Wake up.
I'm dead
I'm dead.
Wouldn't you like that!
Not just yet.
Please. Don't kill me.
Don't kill me, please.
Don't kill me.
-Shut up!
Did you know that your partners
were bank robbers?
How would I know!
I don't know anything.
Bank robbers you say?
How shameful!
I don't have anything to
do with that, I swear!
Shut up.
Did you know that there's a
reward for them in Portugal?
You want to turn them in?
Turn them in?
What would you do
with someone who has done this to you?
Make them suffer.
They will scream and writhe in pain.
They will beg me to kill them!
You can't do that.
They will catch you,
and they will hang you.
We can discuss this!
I'm a man of science.
Really! Can't we discuss this?
Well, I think we've
waited long enough.
Please don't take it as a slight.
There must be a good reason.
Good evening.
I apologize for my tardiness.
I had an emergency in town.
Am I still in time for supper?
Yes, of course.
Put the coat back on!
Good evening.
Good evening.
Thank you.
Was it serious?
Well, we'll have to wait and see.
What is this"Syphilis"?.
-It's Syphilis, Rosa.
Believe me darling
It's best he spares us the details.
Seeing as it's very late,
I suggest we get to the point.
Let us begin by setting
a date for the wedding.
Want me to help set a date?
Why not marry us now?
That's what you both want.
Well go on then.
You just want us to believe that
Almudena and I have
a say, in this matter.
I will not tolerate your
speaking that way to Mr. Lobo.
Are you not tired
of everyone always flattering you?
It must be unsettling,
not knowing if people
are telling you the truth
or just saying what you want to hear.
I think your son has had
a bit too much to drink.
It's best that this
dinner be terminated.
Get out!
Please accept our apologies.
Is this how you repay
Mr. Lobo's hospitality?!
Let's go!
You've made us look like fools!
Just a moment.
Mr. Lobo.
I want to make an announcement.
I want to cancel
I want to cancel
my engagement to miss Almudena.
What are you saying?
Felix, please shut up.
For what reason, if I may ask?
I've thought about it,
and I've realized that
she's not the type of person
that I thought she was.
I'm going to kill you!
-No father
Let go of me!
-Let me go!
It's my fault.
I'm in love with another man.
What did you say?
What did you say?
That I am in love with someone else.
Come on!
Lets go!
Where do you think you're going?
Are you crazy?
Father! Father!
Are you trying to ruin my life, or what?
You fool!
Let's go home. Come on!
Lets go!
Lets go!
Damn you!
Come now!
Get inside!
Who is it?
I'm not telling you.
Answer me.
If you don't tell me
someone else will.
No one knows.
You won't get away with this, Almudena.
You will marry Felix.
And you'll stay locked in here
until your wedding day!
You can't do that to me!
Of course, I can!
No, no!
[Signal whistle]
Get down.
Look at him.
There he is, sitting by the fire.
"No guns", said the bastard ,huh?
We'll go around each side, flank him.
Cesar, leave it to me.
No. We have to get this right.
Think about Jean Marie.
Cover me.
Put your hands up.
Don't move a muscle.
Drop the gun or I'll shoot!
Don't listen to him.
Cesar, shoot.
Blow his head off!
Shoot, and you'll go down first.
But I'll have gotten my revenge
on your bastard brother.
Bitch, you'll suffer
Cesar, shoot, damn it!
-Quiet, Roman!
I'll kill him!
Put your gun down.
Put the gun down.
Son of a bitch.
That's better.
Almudena never goes out alone.
That's impossible, sir.
I'm sure you'd tell me,
if you knew something.
We're talking about my daughter.
Of course.
What do you want?
I said, what do you what want?!
Almudena hasn't come down
for breakfast this morning.
Almudena has dishonored us.
But she's a good person.
She didn't mean to anger you.
It's very noble of you to worry
so much about your sister,
but she's not leaving her room
until her wedding day.
You can't do this to her.
You can't lock her up like some criminal.
-Do you want to keep her company?
There's only one way I'll let her out.
And it's that she tells me
who this man is.
We know nothing of that, father.
I swear.
If any of you knows something
and is keeping it from me
if I find out that one of you is lying
don't expect any leniency from me.
I'll ask you one last time.
Who is this man?
You look much better.
I'm happy to see you this way.
You're the same size as Manuel.
May he rest in peace.
I can't even drink coffee.
It's the alcohol.
I should know.
Manuel had a drinking problem.
Don't worry about it.
You'll get better.
How has it come to this, Herminia?
I have nothing.
Not even a place to drop dead.
Work here, at the saloon.
My son isn't here
and I could use another pair of hands.
I couldn't pay you much, but
-I may be a nuisance
I've never worked in a pub.
Nonsense it's easy!
You just wait on tables!
I wouldn't be a burden?
Thank you, I
-Save that for the customers.
What you're doing for me, Herminia
I will change.
You'll see. You won't regret it.
Drink your coffee.
[Shot fired]
He's wounded.
Your fly is open.
Let's go.
[Door opens]
What are you doing in here?
Tata looked the other way. Here.
I'm not hungry.
And I don't have time for this.
So eat.
Rosa says she's sorry.
Poor Rosa.
I've shaken her.
Felix comes every day.
They won't let him see you.
Well, no one actually.
Father can't find out that it's Cesar.
You haven't told him, right?
What about you?
What about your sisters! and your family!
You need to worry for yourself.
Please, father can't find out!
No matter how much you disagree!
Don't worry, I haven't said anything.
If I'd kept my mouth shut
we would be together now.
I don't know how I can help.
I don't.
Now we're all going to die.
Be quiet, damn it!
We came to rescue you!
I see.
And who will rescue us?
You call yourselves bandits?
You fell for his trap, like fools.
I don't even look like him!
Be quiet!
He wants to kill you! He's demented.
Don't speak to him,
or look him in the eye.
-Hush now.
Son of a bitch!
You were ugly before.
But now even god can't stand to look at you.
I should have killed you.
Please.. I'm of no use!
I'll leave! You'll never see me again!
Let Jean Marie go.
Let me tell you what's
going to happen.
First, I'm scalping the Frenchman.
I'm Swiss.
My parents are Swiss.
I'm quartering your brother.
Right under your noses.
And for last
No please!
Come here. Come here.
Come here.
I'll give you a lot of money!
-Soon, I'll get lots of money for you.
More! All of it! From the heist!
The booty!
10,000 pesetas!
Where is this booty?
-We buried it.
At the ravine.
Excuse me.
What do you want?
I made it clear I was not to be bothered.
About yesterday. I apologize
If you came to apologize again,
I don't want to hear it.
Mr. Lobo
I didn't know.
I just want the name of that bastard,
so I can blow his head off.
My son swears he doesn't
know who it is.
No one knows anything!
My daughter is sneaking
around with some lowlife
and in all of Tierra de Lobos,
no one
Damned, son of a bitch!
Damned, son of a bitch!
Who did your son duel with?
Cesar Bravo.
I should've killed him the first day
he set foot in Tierra de Lobos!
What are you doing?
Remember that we have a
letter from the government.
You can't harm them.
We should find a legal recourse
to get rid of them forever.
Get out.
What if it isn't him?
-I told you to leave my house.
Let's go.
Aren't you going to say anything?
About how I saved your life!
- Yeah, by chance.
Why does it bother you
if a woman beats you at something?
Oh, so you're a woman?
You're a simpleton.
Isabel, it's you who's always trying to compete.
Great! Someone built a trap here!
By chance.
Cesar Bravo!
Where is he?
He's not here.
I see that. Now where is he?
He went out.
He went out. I swear!
Have I frightened you?
I just want to speak to him.
When will he be back?
I wish I knew.
You wouldn't be lying?
I'm telling you the truth, Mr. Lobo.
I don't know where he is.
How strange.
Lately, no one knows anything.
They got their horses
packed provisions and left.
They could be a couple of days.
That's fine.
No need to tell them I was here.
I'll be back.
It's empty!
Where are my belongings?
Where are my belongings?
What belongings?
I leave you alone and
You're drunk!
my belongings?
Your belongings,
got burned.
Because of you.
Because of your son.
How dare you?
Get out of here, this instant.
Get out of my sight!
Are you seeing this?
What a specimen..
Don't commend me.
Truth is, lsabel did all the work.
The trap wasn't such a bad idea, father!
Go celebrate, and take the men.
It was a good one.
Men! Prepare to go to town!!
Anibal, wait.
I don't want to stay here.
I want go to town with you guys.
You know you can't.
How is Almudena?
Did you kill the wolf?
-You must be happy.
All that money,
and you still work in a shitty well.
You're sick.
We needed to lay low for awhile.
In Tierra de Lobos,
there's no where to hide.
You'd better find this money soon,
before you end up doing it with a limp.
I'm looking for it.
We're close.
We're close.
You're trying to buy time.
You're right, son of a bitch!
There is no money!
Come on! Get him!
Shoo! Go away!
Get out of here, brats!
Leave him alone!
If I catch you,
I'm go straight to your parents.
Whoever throws another rock
Are you ok?
Of course I am.
Miguel. What happened?
Who the devil threw
-Got you!
You're bleeding.
I can't stand it!
I think I'm going to faint!
-Can you move?
For the last time, no!
-Well, keep trying.
I can't, Roman!
You're touching me!
Relax we need to escape.
There's no need to touch me that way.
How did you do that?
-Certainly not with your help!
Come on, let's go.
Is he dead?
We're not going to die!
We're not going to die!
Where is he?
I want to see him.
What a dirty trick!
The doctor won't be
back until tonight.
Damned Anselmo!
If I see him
-Let it go, father.
Don't you see he's crazy?
It's the last time I'll defend him!
-Tell me about it. That wretch.
I tried to help him,
but he won't have it.
What help? That man's dangerous.
What if he attacks Miguel?
-I'll kill him.
I feel sorry for him.
-Sorry, nothing!
He's a drunk, and should be thrown out of town
before things get worse!
Feeling better?
It hurts, but
Don't worry about him.
We gave him a good beating, and ran him off.
Well done!
If he has no job
there's no place for him here.
Son of a bitch! What did I tell you?!
He was there, Roman.
There was a steak through him,
and he was dead.
He couldn't have gone far.
Lets go.
I'm sorry, Miss lsabel.
Women don't come to this place.
Oh, no? I see plenty of them.
-But none of them are Lobo's daughter.
I'm sure you can keep a secret.
What are you having?
I want one too.
What are you doing here?!
-I asked her the same thing!
Please Miss,
get out, before you make a scene.
I killed the wolf.
I have a right to have fun, too.
You're not drinking.
You want your father to kill us?
Kill us?
Come on.
I'm the one who killed the wolf.
I've earned it!
Fine. One drink.
One drink, and you leave!
-Thank you.
Throw the gun down.
What do you want?
I have some valuable
information for you.
[Shot fired]
I assumed he wasn't welcome here.
You told me to shoot to kill.
Take him away.
Looks like he's dead.
I wouldn't bet on it yet!
Drink, drink, drink!
Drink, drink, drink!
Come on! Drink up!
Drink, drink, drink!
Go, go, go go
drink, drink!
Drink, drink, drink!
drink, drink, drink
How did it get to this?
Because you won't admit
that I am better than you!
That's enough.
You give up?
Yes I give up.
I knew it!
No, it's not pleasant..
I won. By myself. Without any help!
When you kill a man,
there's always a before and after.
How do you feel?
Very good.
-Glad to hear that.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks for ridding us of Fidel.
The girls can work in peace tonight.
Have the Bravos been here?
-No no sir.
Tell Cristina I'm here.
Let Sebastian have one of the girls.
It's time to break him in.
Are you leaving?
Beg your pardon sir?
Are you retiring for the night?
We need some fresh air,
Julio's not feeling well.
You know the brandy.
Is this the gun that killed Fidel?
That's it..
Don't ever point a gun at me again!
Do you understand?
I need you to do something for me.
Of course.
I need you to spread a rumor throughout town.
Come on.
Watch your step.
We're almost there..
Ow, watch the step.
Never again, you hear me!
One more, good.
Anibal, kiss me.
Kiss me.
I want to know what it is.
What it feels like.
It's best you go sleep it off.
-No, please.
I want to know why you're
unable to stop Nieves.
It's not about the kiss
if the person..
-Be quiet.
You're the only person I can ask.
kiss me.
Come on.
Who's there?
Are you ok?
She's dizzy, and doesn't feel well.
- No I don't feel well.
What's gotten into you!
Leave her. She had a right to enjoy herself.
-Leaver her?
What do you think Lobo will say
if he sees her like this?
Go ahead and tell him.
Let him lock me up, like my sister!
But I've killed a wolf!
I've got it, Anibal.
I'll take her up to her room.
Where are you going with that?
To repair the smithy.
You two?
-No one else wants to help.
What about me!
What are you doing?
A little exercise.
In fact
we could use an extra pair of hands.
Are you coming?
We're going rebuild the smithy.
Anselmo can't go on like this..
Mother Lobo decides what
gets built around here.
Now you call me mother?
You haven't even come to
see me, since you left!
You can't do this!
-Yes we can!
Miguel, go home and fetch my tools.
I said you can't do this.
And what are you going to do?
Go against the whole town?
I'll start with you.
Is there a problem?
It was the girl from the grocery store.
The dangerous one.
And then, the whole town.
The youngest Bravo
joined them as well.
The Bravos are back?
Looks that way.
-Yes, sir.
Remove all surveillance
and give them all the night off.
Sir, how can we leave the
estate unguarded?
Not even a few men?
-I said everyone.
Come with us.
Come on.
Are you giving me some wine?
We're giving you something better.
What will you do to me?!
I haven't done anything!
Take it easy, Anselmo, come.
My smithy!
We know it's not complete but,
it was the best we can do.
He's angry, huh?
Cesar, I need to speak to you.
about Almudena.
Lobo has locked her up
until her wedding day.
Thank you.
Fernando Bravo isn't dead?
That's what they say.
You're back!
It's better this way.
But she doesn't love Felix.
Almudena won't leave her room
until I myself take
her to the alter..
I can't read.
You'll teach me!
I haven't mentioned it before..
But I am very ill.
You're very beautiful.
My necklace is missing.
They'll miss you soon,
we have to leave.
You can't do that.
How old do you think She was?
Me, waste my time with a maid?
-You're not interested in me.
To the cemetery!
I swear to God, that
I don't love Cesar.
Our father's picture.
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