Tiger & Dragon (2005) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Those things called vintage clothes,
I don't get them.
Why do I have to pay
to buy clothes somebody else has worn?
Filthy jeans
that cost several thousand yen.
I just don't get it.
Guess who?
Oh no! I got the wrong person!
Another thing I don't get.
How do you eat
that sweet thing while you walk?
This is so good!
Let's go where you want to go, Ryuji.
Where to?
Why are you bent down like that?
Sorry for being short.
Me too! Sorry for being tall! Whoops!
And I especially don't get…
manga cafes.
What's the fun in reading manga
when you're reading it together?
I don't get it.
"I'm Gu-gu-ganmo."
You're funnier than Ganmo.
What's wrong?
"Please outlive me,
even if it's just one day."
I can't concentrate,
because you're so funny.
And what I really don't get
is the recent popularity of rakugo.
A handsome performer
gets all the attention.
Becomes overconfident.
The world's coming to an end!
So hot!
What the hell? Who the hell are you?
Kotora, may we take pictures?
Okay, sure.
Hey, Don!
Get off, Donta!
-Don't mess around!
-We don't want you!
Kotora! Tiger, tiger…
Not you!
Not you! Not you! Rio de Janeiro!
I really don't get it.
But you don't get who I am either, do you?
Wait 15 seconds.
Well, Tiger and Dragon!
Forgive me for being late!
You're 15 seconds late!
It's okay. Come sit here. You're late.
Do you do it with her?
I can teach you.
You know how to make a baby?
Well, let us begin.
The chairman's speech.
Let's get it over with.
The recent trend worries me.
In our desire
to educate the younger generation,
we have failed
to give due respect to elders.
This will lead
to the deterioration of rakugo culture.
Deteriorate, meteorite. How is it?
Veterans must transmit
the classic form to the youth…
"Transmit." Transmit, vomit, dammit.
…and be role models.
Lead, Lead, Led Zeppelin. How's this?
Go on. I'll play Space Invaders.
What's your opinion?
Me? Well, I completely agree.
-I guess you weren't listening.
Kotora has been your pupil
for less than a year, right?
-That's correct.
-Why was he promoted before his seniors?
Well… He's funny.
The audience laughs a lot.
He's funny?
Everyone, is his rakugo funny?
Techniques aside, he's original.
Didn't ask you!
Turn that down!
Rakugo is culture.
It's traditional entertainment.
Don't let yourself be swayed by fads,
and work hard to transmit proper culture.
That is all.
-What are you laughing about?
Ryuji's story is so funny.
What is it?
He said he saw Death Kiyoshi again.
Death Kiyoshi?
That's right!
Death Kiyoshi of Death Romantic.
Sorry, may I check your bag?
I can't let this go.
It's your second time!
I'm calling the cops!
What? I can't hear you!
I couldn't find it anywhere.
If I get volume five,
I'll have the full set.
Isn't that Death Hitoshi?
It's Kiyoshi!
Why does he collect "Shima Kosaku"?
I have to go back to my shop.
So, what brings you today?
Huh? Well,
I'm troubled about something.
You're troubled?
Know Yanagitei Koshin?
Chairman of the Entertainer Association.
I know of him.
He's going around
telling people my rakugo is toxic.
What do you think?
What do I think?
Well, Yanagitei is a conservative.
And I'm a reformist. So I don't like him.
He only does tearjerkers these days.
And he would cry even before the audience.
It creeps me out.
"I got it from Daddy!"
"From your daddy?"
I do think his rakugo technique is great.
But I don't want him
to tell me how I should perform.
That's right!
-So I was thinking…
Well, I'll let our ace talk for now
while I eat my soba. Please!
Your Kotora, me, and one more person.
The three of us will do "visual rakugo."
Visual rakugo?
We'll fill the theater with young people.
We'll make Yanagitei concede.
The team will be named after Awashima,
Tora, and Ryu…
The Everyday Trouble Boys!
Isn't it good?
The team names
have no connection to their names!
-My pupil's good!
-One question.
By Ryu, do you mean my son Ryuhei?
-"Ask me out!"
What's going on?
Today we are at Matsudo, Matsudonald!
He's useless. His comedy is bad.
Besides, he hasn't got the looks.
-Then, do you want my Kotatsu?
-Yes, yes.
Let's ask Shinoyama Kishin
to photograph us at the Kaminarimon Gate!
Good idea.
-Let's also go on TV! Do lots of TV shows!
Have Tsunku produce our CDs!
-No, no way.
-Why not?
I've already expelled him.
But you're his father. If you beg…
Who's going to beg that punk? No way!
I'm going to pretend
that I didn't hear any of this.
If you bow…
-I didn't hear anything! It's no joke!
You mean, you can only tell rakugo
that is based on a real story?
How do you make up a fake story?
But rakugo is basically made-up.
-It is?
-Of course!
Funny things can't happen that often.
That story about Death Kiyoshi I told?
That was a lie.
-Damn, you totally got me.
-It's too much of a coincidence!
-You're a liar?
-The funny one wins.
You know the rakugo "Kubi Jochin"?
A drunk goes to get a prostitute.
When a samurai cuts his head off.
But the samurai was so skilled,
the man doesn't realize
his head's been cut.
As the drunk talks,
his head begins to sway…
And holding his head like a lantern,
he runs through the crowd shouting--
That's impossible! Dead men don't walk.
Making people believe
an impossible story is fun!
"Senki no Mushi"
has a worm for a protagonist!
"Rinki no Hinotama" has a mouse--
Hang on.
You know them all?
I do.
Not that it's of any use to him now.
Teach me. All of them.
Not today.
Nor tomorrow. Not ever.
They go on dates everyday but
have yet to do more than kiss. How gross.
One moment!
-Let me punish her first.
-Let go!
-Let go!
I'm sorry Risa!
-I don't dislike it. I actually like it.
I have fun when I'm with him.
But he's so funny that it's tiresome.
I don't get it.
Isn't it better than being bored?
True. And half of it is my fault.
I've never fallen for a guy
with a sense of humor.
I shouldn't have said that.
He seems to want me
to react to everything he says.
When I don't laugh.
Huh? Wasn't that funny?
No, it was funny.
How about this one?
How about the story of my
Chinese roommate falling into the toilet?
That's funny.
Why now?
How about this, then?
My friend got a punch perm
and told me not to tell the teachers.
That's funny!
So why now?
Every time I laugh, he tries to kiss me.
That's not what I meant
when I said I like funny stuff.
If he loves making people laugh,
he should be a comedian.
I thought so, too.
You're right. If he's so obsessed
with comedy and rakugo,
he should get an audience.
He did use to be a storyteller.
The boutique will go under anyway.
What were you saying?
How much did you hear?
Let's go.
I won't!
No rakugo! Even if I'm reborn thrice!
So yummy!
Hey, Donkichi.
Why are you eating here?
Why aren't you eating
with your sweet honey?
I forgot.
What should I do? I've already eaten!
What's wrong with you! You fool!
You can still have sweets.
What's wrong, Kotora?
You're not eating at all.
When he's quiet, he looks smart.
I met Ryuji today.
-Hey, Kotora.
-It's fine.
Donkichi, you go. Hurry.
-He told me a lot about rakugo.
Stories about worms, rats,
and the one about a cut-off head.
And I was thinking
he really should be doing rakugo.
Everybody talks about him today.
He seems so happy
when he talks about rakugo.
I think he's like you in that way.
Guess you're father and son after all.
And I really want to see him perform.
What do you think, everyone?
Do you want Kotatsu to come back?
His personality aside,
he was the most skilled among the young.
I haven't seen him perform yet.
It was before Unadon's time.
It's Udon.
He really is good. He draws people in.
Some said his "Shinagawa Shinju"
was better than Shinsho's.
People loved him.
That's an overstatement.
He was called a genius in his teens,
but he's 24 now.
He hasn't performed for years.
If he tries again and it doesn't work out,
he'll only end up getting hurt.
-And most of all, he has to want to do it.
-He does.
He wants to do rakugo.
It's just that he hasn't realized it yet.
Donta, what do you think?
there isn't enough room in the house.
-Then we can rent an apartment.
-What about our big family home?
We won't move far.
I don't want to!
I'll leave!
I'm not family anyway. I don't mind.
Master, can't you take him back?
You're not family anyway?
What the heck? Don't be stupid.
Who the heck
gives a non-family member such good food?
Especially when the person is
a scary debt collector?
The moment you set foot in this household,
you became family!
So don't be stupid…
Or you'll make Sayuri-chan cry.
She's not crying yet, but she will, soon.
There she goes. She's in tears!
Hear me?
You made her cry, Kotora.
Apologize to her.
Mother, I'm sorry.
It's fine.
I'm so sorry.
Enough with Kotatsu today.
Stop crying, Sayuri-chan.
It's dinner time.
Let's start fresh.
Thanks for dinner!
Eat up!
You like sweet potato croquettes!
Help yourself, Kotora.
-Enjoying dinner, Unadon?
-It's Udon, sir.
Like it? Good!
There's a weird bug!
It's not a bug.
It's the Levi's
S501 XX World War II model.
-Right, jeans.
Guess how much a pair costs.
About 50,000 yen?
680,000 yen.
-You're kidding!
-I'm not!
The tag is different from replicas.
1944 model. Only a few left in Japan.
-You want it?
-I sure do.
Know that I'm not a collector.
I want to add my designs to this vintage,
like printing rows of
Urahara Dragons on both legs.
The value won't go down. It'll go up!
It'll sell for 1 or 2 million!
I want to be a man who can do that.
If I can do that, I can quit this job.
I can't quit until I can do that.
Don't tell this to anyone.
This is a secret between you and me.
Guess you wouldn't tell anyway.
It's stupid.
It's not.
It's interesting. It makes me happy.
It's the type of story I wanted to hear.
But it wasn't funny at all.
That's okay.
Everyone knows you're funny, Ryuji.
But only a girlfriend would know
things like your serious side,
your passions, and your dreams.
A girlfriend?
I'm your girlfriend.
Can we move to the next level?
We're home!
Ryuji, you cleaned the apartment.
That was kind of you!
Oh my gosh.
He drank three bottles
of Shaoxing liquor by himself!
I am totally drunk!
Sorry to intrude.
There's a Michiko London in the drawer.
Shut your trap!
-We were waiting for you!
Thank you all for coming.
Back when Tokyo was called Edo,
there was a business called douguya.
It's "Douguya."
No, it's "Neko no Sara."
I came today.
A douguya buys
good antiques at a cheap price
then resells it for a much higher price.
"We live in peace now. There is
no more war. Still, you shouldn't be using
an upside-down helmet as a vase.
I feel sorry for the flowers!
I happen to have
an expensive vase in my possession.
I'll give you the vase for that helmet."
So he gets an antique helmet
for a cheap vase.
But later, it turns out the vase
was actually a Myochin original!
What a curious story!
They're hopeless!
In a teahouse on the hill,
there were several cats.
"Old man, you've got a cat?
You have three!"
"That's right.
Two males and a female."
"How cute. Kitty, come over here."
"Meow, meow."
"You better not touch those cats, sir."
They might end up scratching you.
It's fine.
I like cats.
Get down.
You're getting your hair all over him.
Don't worry.
Isn't that Ekourai's Umebachi?
I can ask for 300 ryo,
and it'll still sell like hot cakes.
Yet he uses that dish to feed his cats!
He has no idea of its worth. All right!
This one is particularly adorable.
How cute. And it loves me!
Cats know it when you really like them.
I love cats. I really do.
Old man, please.
Can you give me this cat?
Not for free, of course.
How about three ryo?
To pay for all the food he's eaten.
Three ryo for a grubby cat?
The thing is, I don't have children.
My wife and I got a cat
to liven up things a little,
but it ran away a few days ago.
My wife has been depressed since then.
If I take this one home,
I think my wife will be very happy.
If that's the case, I'll take the money.
I'll take good care of him.
By the way, old man, did you
always feed the cat with this dish?
That's right.
They say cats won't eat
if their dishes are changed.
So let me take the dish.
I've got another.
Right here.
No, not that one.
You like this one better,
don't you, kitty?
It eats happily out of this dish, too.
It's just a dirty dish.
Why can't I have it?
I gave you three ryo!
"A dirty dish?
This dish is Ekourai's Umebachi.
You might not be familiar with it,
but this dish is worth 200, even 300 ryo."
"What? I had no idea!
If the dish is worth so much,
why do you let
this grubby cat eat out of it?"
"Well, it's funny.
When I feed the cats with this dish,
sometimes a cat sells
for three ryo."
You're the best!
He rocks.
That was fun.
Of all of Don-chan's performances,
"Neko no Sara" is my favorite.
It's short,
but it's a great story about human nature.
Oh really.
But is it okay for you
to be drinking at this hour?
I should have fun now and then.
And Don-chan has an Association meeting.
If we sit and wait for pupils,
no one good will show up.
-So we'll go get them.
Don't ask me what I mean.
He's going to talk.
He's going to talk like crazy,
and I'll be reading the tabloids.
Sorry, I have to read this.
We call for people who are interested
in comedy, not just rakugo.
From among them,
we recruit the ones with potential.
The Amateur Comedian Recruitment Caravan!
He stuttered, but he's got force!
Of course,
we don't use the Association's name.
-We don't want a bunch of rakugo otakus.
-That's right!
-Like him.
-I'm a maniac, not an otaku!
What's going on?
Sounds like fun.
It does sound interesting.
But what will Yanagitei say?
No worries.
He'll be the head judge.
I asked, and he accepted.
Koshin is a sucker for big titles
like "chairman" and "president."
We'd like to ask you,
Hayashiyate, to be a judge, too.
Fine, but will we get funny people?
Don't worry.
Speaking of "Neko no Sara,"
I have a bitter memory.
A bitter memory? What is it?
It was when Kotatsu was
about to become the headliner.
He had this solo performance coming up.
So he went to Koshin to learn a story.
Why not from our master?
Don-chan wanted him to do "Ko Wakare."
You don't know? "Ko Wa Kasugai?"
"Ko Wakare" is Koshin's specialty.
Well, Koshin…
He is conservative
and is Don-chan's rival.
He was against the idea
of his 20-year-old son
being promoted to headliner ahead of
30 pupils with longer careers than him.
In the old days,
there was a business called douguya…
One moment, sir.
I came to learn "Ko Wakare."
I know.
A douguya…
Koshin did nothing but "Neko no Sara,"
and never taught him "Ko Wakare."
Hell, that's just harassment.
I guess Koshin wanted
to embarrass him on stage.
But Kotatsu had his pride,
so he couldn't bear to tell Don-chan.
Kotatsu, what's up?
How is "Ko Wakare?" Is it hard?
It is.
But I find it rewarding.
That's the right attitude.
Yanagitei won
the Artist's Grand Prize with it.
You're about to be a headliner,
so forget about styles and factions, and
learn as much as you can from the best.
Yes, sir. Thank you.
He just couldn't be honest.
He used to be so polite?
It was a time when Don-chan and Koshin
were both nominated
as the chairperson of the Association.
Kotatsu was trying not to cause
any trouble between the two people.
Still, in the end,
it turned out for the worse.
"They say cats won't eat
if their dishes are changed,
so let me take the dish, too."
Kotatsu, when is your performance?
It's tomorrow.
I see.
There's an old saying
that a child is like a clamp…
Not even a genius can tell a story
that he has learned just the day before.
He tried desperately hard
to memorize it and began his performance.
Oh dear, Don-chan.
What's wrong with him?
Kotatsu. You can do it.
You can do it.
Now that I think about it,
that was the last time he performed.
If he performs like that again,
it's not just me, his teacher,
but his family that will be shamed.
To begin with, Hayashiyate shouldn't have
made his son study under someone else.
By making his rival teach his son,
he forced me into promoting him.
What a joke. I can just see through him.
Really, like father, like son.
Stop, Kotatsu!
Who wants to learn
your stupid boring rakugo?
It's not that my master
can't tell tearjerkers.
He chooses not to!
You know why?
Because arrogant snobs like you
think that stories that make people cry
are classier than stories
that make people laugh!
Your "Neko no Sara"
can't make people laugh!
Stop, Ryuji!
Master Koshin. I'm very sorry.
I'm terribly sorry.
So that's how he was expelled.
Because of that incident,
Don-chan declined the nomination.
But I think it was for the best,
because after he became chairman,
Koshin's rakugo became terribly boring.
-Rakugo is not high culture!
It's a commoners entertainment!
Honey? What are you talking about?
-Sit and drink with us!
Why are you two drinking?
Let's drink!
You're stepping on my foot.
Sorry, sorry!
-We're going home.
-We're going?
Getting jealous at your age, Don-chan?
No, it's not like that!
It's not? Then what is it?
Cat thief!
"Cat thief"?
Look! It's all your fault.
-Ginjiro wants to enter.
That's not all.
He wants me to write him a rakugo.
So what? You used to do rakugo!
I'm a yakuza now!
Why do I have
to write a rakugo for my son?
I understand. I'll write one for him.
Not you!
You're not funny.
I agree, Yamazaki.
I've never laughed when I talked to you.
He did make me laugh four or five times,
including pleasantries.
I don't want to see precious my son fail.
I got it wrong!
I'm not the man I used to be.
No way. The moment you said "master,"
you failed to convince me.
I'll come up with something.
Leave me alone!
So the two of us are going to do a manzai.
I heard you're the head judge, right?
Let us participate.
You're a pro.
I can't make a living with rakugo.
Is that something to be proud of?
You're Hayashiyate's pupil,
so you're a pro.
Your skill is amateur, though.
Fine! We won't enter!
Wait up! Hey!
What's that?
Isn't it the WWII model?
It is, isn't it?
It's a vintage model!
Why is it only 5,000 yen?
I've got to text Ryu-chan!
What's going on?
Quiet. Don't talk to me!
What's with Ryuji?
He's been wanting it,
but he couldn't afford it.
-How much is it?
-680,000 yen.
-There aren't many in Japan.
He said if he got it, he could quit.
It's just dirty jeans to those who don't
know its value. But 5,000 yen…
Ryuji wants it?
He really said
he'd quit the shop if he got it?
Well, he wanted
to cover it with Urahara Dragons.
He'll ruin the WWII model!
He wants to be the man who won't ruin it.
It's a secret, between Ryu-chan and me.
But you spilled it all.
Oh, it's from Ryuji.
Lend me some money! I'll explain later.
How much?
5,000 yen!
You don't even have 5,000 yen?
Sorry, I'm taking a taxi.
A taxi?
So I need to borrow the taxi fare, too!
I'm on my way.
You don't have to come anymore.
You sold it?
It seemed a little big for him,
but he didn't care.
Why were you so careless?
It would've sold for 680,000 in Urahara!
You're kidding!
Sorry, I was busy texting you.
I bet a collector noticed it.
He didn't look like a collector.
He was a slight man in his 40s.
He said someone spilled tea
or something on his pants.
-What's he look like?
-It's okay.
Where is Toraji?
When Tokyo was called Edo,
there was something called a douguya.
It's "Douguya" today.
It's "Neko no Sara."
We don't know that yet!
May I continue?
If you find a buried treasure,
you can make a huge profit.
It's the same with people.
There are people with extraordinary
talent buried in society as well.
And I'm one of those people.
Tiger, tiger, jirettaiga!
You're blowing your own trumpet!
This is a story about Ryu the shopkeeper.
There was this fabric that he was after.
For those who know its value,
it was worth 680,000 yen.
And there was one selling for 5,000 yen!
The man who bought the fabric
was an ill-tempered comedian
named Yanagawa Koson.
That's hot!
Even if you begged him,
he wouldn't sell it to you.
Master, you've got yourself nice jeans!
You spilled coffee on me. I had to buy it.
May I take a picture, please?
Please just hold it up like this.
-Like this?
Here we go.
Say cheese.
Jeans? Yanagitei is such a penny-pincher.
No. They're actually
vintage jeans worth 680,000 yen.
No way! This grubby stuff?
It's true!
Young people would kill for these jeans.
-Well, yeah.
This is "dead stock," so it's super rare.
I've no idea what it means,
but let's make it the third prize.
Hell! Why third?
The grand prize has been decided!
An Oshima silk kimono!
And the second prize
is the box set of rakugo DVDs.
I'd love that!
To the rest,
we give a fan, a towel, and a mug each.
Good idea to make it a set.
-Aren't you recruiting youths?
And so,
they talked the difficult Koson
into donating
the bolt of fabric as a prize.
Why is it third prize?
How'd I know?
The geezer holding the jeans
somehow looks familiar…
What are you going to do?
I can't enter. I'm a pro.
But you're an amateur.
Why should I even do comedy?
Don't you want the jeans? They're free!
Of course I do.
But it's third prize. I won't get them.
A kimono's useless to me.
Man, he thinks he'll win.
Idiot! If I enter the contest,
I'll definitely win.
Third place is harder!
Are you going to enter or not?
It's hard to decide.
I'm an amateur now,
but I'm the son of a pro.
So you're afraid you'll lose.
That's not it.
As he was agonizing,
a strong influence hit Ryu.
Funny, funny…
They're so funny. I really love them.
Really? Their gag is pretty ordinary.
But they're funny.
Who's funnier, me or them?
Of course you are, Ryu-chan.
But I think Fukawa Ryo is funnier.
I really love him.
How did you get in?
Teach me some short gags!
Some really flashy ones.
So his brother put him through boot camp.
Dragon, dragon, Seishonagon!
In your heart, you haven't become
Lady Seishonagon. Look!
Dragon, dragon, Seishonagon!
Dragon, dragon, Seishonagon!
That's an improvement.
Let's move on.
Urahara, Urahara, Edinburgh.
-Urahara, Urahara, Edinburgh.
Urahara, Urahara, Edinburgh!
Urahara, Urahara, Bobby the Dog!
And so the fateful day arrived.
What's wrong?
I shouldn't have come at all.
What are you talking about? Listen up.
Start with Seishonagon, then Edinburgh,
the common gags and self-deprecation.
If these don't work,
impersonate and make a run for it.
You will win for sure that way!
-He's aiming for the third place.
This is…
where I performed solo.
Don't worry.
You're not the same guy anymore.
How do you know?
Hey Ryuji, are you entering?
You, too?
I stayed up all night making them.
Nice, eh?
Is this a toilet seat cover?
Hey, Ginjiro!
-"I flopped."
-"They wouldn't even smile."
For real?
Are you really sure
no one came to see this?
Of course. I haven't told anyone.
Don't worry. Master and Mom are both home.
-They're watching Attack 25.
Numbers 51 to 60.
Please come to the stage.
-Let's go!
"Hey, snake!"
"What, snake!"
"Idiot! I'm not a snake, I'm a dragon!"
"Oh, no!"
Thanks, we're Pocket Socket!
Thank you.
Next contestant, please.
Third place is mine!
I dunno.
He'll definitely be all right,
though I don't know.
Hi, everyone! Dragon, dragon…
To his shock, he found
all the veteran comedians in Edo,
including the picky ones,
had come to judge.
And among them, he saw…
This is unexpected.
It's impossible
not to feel pressure in this situation.
What's wrong?
Please start.
Do Seishonagon!
Is it over?
A douguya
can make a huge profit
if it finds a buried treasure,
but such treasures are not found easily.
Amazingly, Ryu the shopkeeper
suddenly changed his performance.
And his presentation was so great
I can't even impersonate it.
Like a flowing river,
no, I mean
like a well-oiled sewing machine,
the show proceeded smoothly.
"They say cats won't eat
from an unfamiliar dish.
So let me take the dish, too."
"Not this one… How about this one?"
"It's just a dirty dish.
Why can't I have it?"
"That's what you'd say,
but this dish is Ekourai's Umebachi.
You might not be familiar with it,
but this dish is worth 200, even 300 ryo."
Then why do you feed your cats
with this expensive dish?"
"Well, it's funny.
When I feed the cats with this dish,
sometimes a cat sells for three ryo."
I really love you!
To his surprise,
Ryu the shopkeeper
was recruited by his father.
And that wasn't all.
And the winner is,
Yanaka Ryuji from Aoyama!
-Your Oshima silk kimono.
-I don't want it.
Come by when you have time.
I'll teach you "Ko Wakare."
That's great, Ryuji!
Wow, look at this!
Why are you in third place?
Huh? What?
-Let's switch!
-What are you doing?
What? Stop it!
Everybody's watching!
Here's your peperoncino pasta!
This is what it means
to be "completely defeated."
You, too, think long and hard
before you make your decision.
If you can perform like that,
we won't have any problem.
I didn't want to do it.
This month's lesson fee.
Can I give this to my son this month?
No way, moron!
You knew, didn't you?
That I wanted those jeans?
-Then why was it a prize?
The funny thing is,
when you make that a prize…
"Sometimes a talented amateur
is caught for free."
-You rock, Kotora!
I love Tora-chan, too!
Stop, you idiot.
I love you too!
You shut the hell up!
I don't acknowledge you.
Hey, Kotatsu?
Manabu, it's been a while.
-Come in.
-I'm good.
Come. It's on the house!
You're late. Show's over.
It's fine.
I bet the "Neko no Sara" was bad.
But it was really funny!
Funnier than mine?
Let's get omelet rice!
Which one was funnier? Hey!
Let's have omelet rice!
Which one?
-Let's go! Omelet rice!
-Megumi! Which one?
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