Titletown High (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

It's All About Your Legacy

[Propst] Probably the biggest week
I've seen in here in a long time.
And it's your biggest week.
And it's got to be your best one.
I'm not gonna deny
they're a good football team.
They have a really good program now.
They were 5A state champions last year.
They've moved into 6A
and their goal's to win again.
I mean, we're in our fourth week
of championship football.
When you get to this point, men,
there ain't no bad teams.
When I got here, I had to decide,
"Why has this program only been
to one championship game
in 20-plus years?"
This is only
the second semi-finals since 1998.
We can change that and start a trend here.
What's the key to winning?
Well, now is not the time to stand still.
We've got to continue to improve to win.
If we don't improve, we won't win.
So, follow the plan.
It ain't always gonna be rosy.
We just gotta go steal their hearts.
[Nichols] Valdosta's headed north,
to get ready for the Buford Wolves
in the state semifinals.
It's been a long season, Wildcat fans,
but here we are, one win away
from the state championship game.
You ready to go back to school?
Finally got
these negative test results in.
I had my negative test,
I just haven't gone back.
Yeah, but mine finally came back.
It was just taking forever.
It's been a long week and a half.
I did a lot of self-reassessing
and what not.
- Yeah?
- Meditating.
- You did?
- Yeah.
That's good.
Can't wait to see Samuel and all my boys.
Oh, I bet you're so excited.
I'm so excited.
I get to go to that practice today.
[Grayson chuckles]
- Negative.
- Yeah.
Apparently I gotta give that to y'all.
This is a CAT scan they ran on you?
- I think, maybe.
- Negative brain activity?
I did get a CAT scan
on my brain last year.
Could they even read that?
I'm not sure. I don't remember.
Welcome back.
Get ready.
I heard I got blitzes to learn.
A what?
Hella blitzes to learn.
That's for starters.
You're all right.
[Propst] State champ!
Played his butt off for three games.
Nice job, nice job!
If you put in 21 weeks of work
and you give up the goat now?
Ain't no way that happens.
Going into Buford
is one step closer to the goal.
- [energetic hip-hop plays]
- [blowing whistle]
Show pride.
Come get it!
Catch it! Good.
Nice ball! Nice ball!
Heading to Buford, I
Buford is a great program.
They're the top team in 6A.
We just gotta come in and play hard,
play the best that we've ever played.
[Propst] Play into the Back up.
- Good.
- [whistle blowing]
Huddle up!
[players clamoring]
Hit a knee. Listen.
You gotta play at a high level
for four quarters.
You ain't but eight quarters away
from being state champion.
It's our program versus their program.
Arguably, two of the best programs
in the state of Georgia.
They haven't had a good program
as long as us.
But the last 20 years now,
they're going for their 12th state title.
We're going for our 25th.
Something's gotta give.
Something's gotta give.
[pulsing electro-pop song plays]
[Morgan and Jenna] Thank you.
- Can I have a pink straw?
- [man] Yes, ma'am.
[Morgan chuckles]
[Jenna] Anyhoo I love smoothies.
Anyway. You going to the game on Friday?
- Yes.
- Good.
I'm excited.
We're gonna win state this year.
Yeah, we've been winning games
since I'm not a distraction anymore.
- Okay.
- [both chuckling]
He tried to talk to me.
You know, I was just like,
"Amari, move.
We're not even gonna do this.
Just, like, move."
And then, like
- Mm-hmm.
- I had cried in class.
He wanted to talk to me.
I wanted to talk to him.
But I didn't want to get in trouble,
like that Friday at the game.
I went and supported him.
Now y'all are besties again?
No. No. No.
I had to block him.
Well, instead of blocking people,
you could solve the problem.
Solve what problem? There's no problem.
- Our moms don't
- Unblock him then!
Our parents don't want us talking.
Like, what do you mean?
We don't supposed to have,
like, no contact.
Queens don't like to be tied down.
[Jenna laughs, rings bell]
[Nelson] He doesn't do anything
the same time.
If there's a schedule,
I sure as hell I don't know what it is.
[Beckham] As the season went on,
I think Coach Propst
had his idea of how things
should definitely be run.
And I think those ideas were different
than what Nub Nelson
How he thought it should be run.
Appreciate y'all coming.
I mean, I know we will just
continue to increase this group.
I think what Rush is trying to do
is start another Touchdown Club.
But there's only one
Touchdown Club in Valdosta.
We got big problems.
A lot to get done here
over the next couple years.
Long as you get a new weight room.
Then you take that weight room,
the existing room now,
and turn that into six meeting rooms.
And hopefully financially
we can get to a point here
that we can do that.
[Nelson] Just think
they drank that Rush Kool-Aid,
but it actually made me feel sick.
[Propst] You gotta punch, punch, punch.
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
[Propst] You gotta ask yourself,
what do you gotta do today
to win the football game?
[blows whistle] Good!
Good job. Good job. Good job.
[Propst] You got this?
This is an outstanding opportunity.
Give us a chance to be successful.
Thank God for this opportunity.
You got me?
- [players] Yes, sir.
- Don't blow it.
- [man] One, two, three!
- [players] State champ!
[Propst] Good all day?
Good all day?
[Kent] I don't wanna go to Atlanta
and not take care of business.
Leave Buford
with them knowing who Valdosta is.
It's the first time we meet. First time.
They're supposedly
the team of the century.
Everybody's saying
Valdosta's team of last century.
All right, we're about to take it back.
We're about to be the new team.
[blowing whistle]
[players chanting]
Come on, Coach!
When we win it, watch me do that.
- All right.
- Take a knee a minute.
Not a bad day.
I wanna show you something.
I think it's important.
You need to see it.
'Cause I think
sometimes you don't understand.
I mean, you don't really know
what your What a legacy is all about.
Y'all go with me.
Let's go. Stack it up here.
- One, two, three! Four, five, six!
- State champ!
[overlapping chatter]
Look! Take your cleats off.
You're not going with your cleats on.
Trophies. Accolades.
Everything about Valdosta football
sits in this room
for over a hundred years.
Most high schools don't have this.
They can't sit there and brag
on a hundred years of history.
They'll paint pictures of you,
just like that.
You'll be forever here.
There'll be a trophy in here.
Your name in here.
You wanna be put in this room?
That's what these next two games
are about.
It's all about your legacy.
How you wanna leave your legacy.
[pensive music playing]
[Beckham] Two of the most prominent
programs in Georgia football colliding.
The Valdosta Wildcats tangling with
the Buford Wolves in the 6A semifinals.
[Nichols] Valdosta lays
their 2020 season on the line in Buford.
The team finds itself one win away
from a state championship appearance.
- Y'all have come a long way, haven't you?
- Yes, sir.
- Been through a lot?
- Yes, sir.
- But you still here?
- Yes, sir.
'Cause you're Valdosta Wildcats.
That's why.
That's why everybody loves the Wildcats.
But if I have one thing
I wanna say to you tonight
Hit somebody!
Matter of fact, repeat after me
- Hit somebody!
- [players] Hit somebody!
- I can't hear you.
- Hit somebody!
- When we kick this ball tonight?
- Hit somebody!
- We receive this ball tonight?
- Hit somebody!
- When we play defense tonight?
- [players chanting] Hit somebody!
[Mitchell] Hit somebody!
[players cheering]
This is South Georgia!
And you're Valdosta.
When you get out there, you do what?
Hit somebody!
- And everybody say ♪
- [players] Amen ♪
And everybody say ♪
- Amen ♪
- What's in your heart?
- Amen ♪
- What's in your heart?
Amen ♪
And everybody say ♪
Amen, amen, amen ♪
- And all the Cats say ♪
- Amen ♪
- All the Cats say ♪
- Amen ♪
- All the Cats say ♪
- Amen! ♪
Amen! ♪
- Get up!
- Amen! Amen! Amen! ♪
Only team that can beat
the Valdosta Wildcats is who?
- The Wildcats!
- Only time I'm gonna say that.
- Do you want it?
- Yes!
- Do you want it?
- Yes!
- Do you want it?
- Yes!
Hit somebody!
[Propst] All eyes are on this game.
Everybody in this state
is watching this game. Everybody.
Everyone know about the Buford Wolves
and the Valdosta Wildcats.
That's all I've heard is
Buford this and Buford that.
They're defending state champs.
I don't see that.
They haven't played Colquitt County.
Haven't played Warner Robins.
They ain't played Bainbridge.
They ain't played Carrollton.
They ain't played Lee County.
They ain't played those teams.
We're the Valdosta Wildcats.
We've got our 24 state titles.
We've doubled their state titles.
So this is an honor to play in this game,
but, guys, you're one game away
from playing for a state championship.
One game. One game.
I want us to get in there.
I want us to be physical from the start.
And as he said,
I want you knocking the hell
out of somebody all night long now.
And I'm talking about the physical wars
in those trenches now.
I want us to start
as fast as you ever started,
and as the game keeps going,
we just keep getting better.
- [man] Let's go!
- [players cheer]
Hey, it's on! Hey, it's on! Let's go!
[commentator 1] Time for the kickoff!
We are underway with the 6A semifinals.
Kicks to be taken at the six-yard line.
That's Clinkscales
on the return, actually,
up to the 25-yard line.
We cannot miss tackles!
Can't miss! Can't miss!
[commentator 1] As we tak e a look
at Buford on offense
Y'all know what we came to do!
Amari's in motion.
Going up top, going for the home run
on the very first play!
It's caught by Jake Pope. It's a race.
Touchdown Buford
on the first play of the game!
[Propst] He just froze up, Coach.
He's scared to death.
All right, let's answer right here!
Let's answer right here!
Don't worry about it. We're all right.
It's gonna take a lot more than that.
One positive from it is this.
They start the game with that,
they don't think
they can run the ball on us.
Their scoreboard's done, you got me?
They better be glad they got it early.
[Sutton] Okay, don't freak out now
in the army zone stuff.
- Yes, sir.
- Okay?
Yes, sir.
[Amari] Motown! Motown!
[commentator 1] And the run by Jones!
And Jones down across the 40
and all the way to the 36-yard line.
That's one of the things Jones gives them,
the dual-threat quarterback.
- [commentator 2] First down.
- [commentator 1] It was a 16-yard pickup,
and this time, Jones is gonna take a sack.
[Sutton] Let's go army, army.
Zone right squeeze. Zone right squeeze.
Diamond, diamond, diamond!
[commentator 1] Third down and eight.
The ball intercepted.
This could be a pick six.
Off to the races.
Nobody's gonna catch Buford.
And they've got a two-touchdown lead
here in the first quarter.
[Propst] God almighty.
And Valdosta finds themselves
in a deep hole.
[commentator 2]
Can't get it all back at once.
I'm sure that's what Rush Propst
is telling them.
If you shuffle over
and make that throw, he's still running.
- Yes, sir.
- You can't throw through somebody.
- Yes, sir.
- Hey Just, hey! Just
- Just calm down and make a play.
- Yes, sir.
It's all you gotta do.
[commentator 2]
Don't give up the big play,
with this Valdosta offense,
with talented receivers.
[commentator 1]
Jones to the air! And juggled.
It was caught by Javonte Sherman.
[high-pitched ringing]
[man over PA] Number 13,
Javonte Sherman, on the reception.
[coach] There's a player hurt.
To the field!
My [bleep] head!
- [man] You get hit hard?
- Hell yeah.
I'm dizzy as [bleep]!
[man] Sit down.
He may have a little concussion.
- Just need to get him
- [Propst] Yeah. Okay.
- [man] I'll check again in a minute.
- I dunno where he got hit. I can't see
Right across the middle.
When he caught the ball across the middle.
He can't even damn stand up.
[Propst] Yeah. All right.
He don't wanna be out but he can't
[commentator 1] Valdosta desperately needs
to get a first down right here.
So third down and five,
and they'll not get the first down.
Now, let's punt it, let's punt it.
Javonte Sherman has not played.
He's sitting on the bench
and he's wrapped up in a blanket.
- [Sherman] I gotta play.
- [trainer] No, bud.
[Sherman] I got to!
[trainer] You can be mad at me
all you want, but I can't let you play.
[Sherman crying]
[commentator 1] Daniels hands off to Venn.
Venn slicing through the defense,
cuts inside the 15,
races to the pylon!
Touchdown Buford!
[man over PA] Buford!
They ain't gon' stop running it
right at us, now. That's coming.
[commentator 1]
Amari Jones, now gonna run it.
[emotional rock music playing]
He is not gonna pick up the first down.
And now, to the end zone.
Touchdown Buford!
A crazy semifinal tonight
to match this crazy 2020.
You might think that Buford
would be on top in this ball game,
but certainly not 31-nothing.
Let's go fight!
Let's go fight! Okay, baby?
Ain't no freaking quitting this bunch!
You hear me?
I'm gonna keep coaching my ass off.
You keep playing. Hear me?
We worked too hard to shut her down.
We've gotta get back to us.
Got to win the second half.
Y'all act like these guys
are better than us. They ain't!
If you got any pride about you,
any guts or pride about you
Whether it goes
Whether we make a miraculous comeback,
which I've seen before,
or we go into off-season
and see just who's got guts
and who ain't got guts.
They're not that damn good.
I thought they were a good football team.
They're not. They're just average.
What I wanna see
is how mentally tough you are.
Who's gonna be physical?
Who's gonna get after somebody's ass
and go play hard? Let's go Let's go see.
- [scattered clapping]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Propst] Pound somebody's ass!
[commentator 1] Start the half.
Guessing that Rush peeled some paint
in that locker room at halftime.
Nice catch and run by Sanders!
And a big play inside the 20-yard line.
Running towards the pylon.
And touchdown Valdosta!
[crowd cheering]
Let's go do what we do!
Hey! Gotta get the ball out.
- Gotta get the ball out!
- [Propst] Get a start, right now!
[commentator 1]
Buford have it, first and ten.
Another huge hole for Venn.
- Stiff arm!
- It went in!
Right through the defense!
Inside the 20!
Touchdown Buford!
And it's now 37 to 7.
And a big strong answer for Buford.
[Propst] Ain't nobody wanna tackle nobody!
[commentator 1] Third down and ten.
Jones now running.
And throwing on the run, incomplete.
Looking downfield for Aalah Brown.
So now, once again,
you're faced fourth down.
[Propst] What are y'all doing?
What are we doing?
Ervin on the one, and there you go.
Touchdown for Buford,
as they keep tacking it on.
We ain't looking at that scoreboard.
Let's just go score! Let's justgo score.
- Motown! Motown!
- [commentator 1] First and ten.
Double move right here.
Got Sanders out there.
Caught over the shoulder!
Touchdown Tajh Sanders!
The Wildcats made
a nice run here in the playoffs.
They're gonna line up
and try to onside kick.
Buford is able to cover it.
[man over PA] Buford recovers
[commentator 2]
Just a little too late right now
to do anything to get back into this game.
[commentator 1]
Buford back in the state finals
with a 45 to 26 demolition of Valdosta.
[Peak] When I seen the clock run down,
everyone looked broken,
'cause we was almost there.
We was that close
to being state champion.
But we didn't make it.
[commentator 1] Buford's gonna be
in that 6A championship game
against Lee County,
as Valdosta will have to wait another year
to try to get back
to the state finals, it appears.
[Aalah] I was heartbroken. It's just
The hardest thing that I can't grasp.
I never won a state championship.
My high school career is over now.
[Kent] Love you, baby. Proud of you.
I'm very proud of you
and the foundation we laid.
I'm proud of you, baby.
I'll be watching your next chapter.
- Let me know if you need anything.
- You too.
[Kent] Any loss is terrible now.
But when you lose that last one,
you realize that, you know,
your memories with those seniors
This is my last time with these guys.
[Grayson] We made it
further than anybody expected.
I was proud of us.
I will remember the ups and downs
and how we stuck together.
What do you say about this team?
What does this season mean to you?
Um, it's a special team to me.
We've been through a lot,
and I'm sure everybody knows
with the transfers, COVID
We've been through a lot as a team,
and we're a family.
We just gonna go back. Off-season work.
Build on the motivation
next year to win a state title.
- What's up, bruh?
- Your boy got a big future, man.
Y'all played good.
I'm proud y'all. You hear me?
I'm proud of you too, bro.
[woman] Give these Wildcats a hand clap!
Give these Wildcats a hand clap!
We got our winners!
I think we did all we could do
to try to change the culture
of how things have gotta be done,
and I thought we made some strides in it.
I thought we did. You seniors
ought to be proud of yourselves.
So we made a good run,
but we're not fixed.
We're not fixed
in no stretch of the imagination.
We're gonna make sure
we invest in an off-season.
We're gonna invest
in a tough spring practice.
We're gonna invest
in a tough summer work ethic
to make our football team where we don't
happen to us,
what happened tonight.
So that's it in a nutshell, guys.
Again, I think we made huge strides.
We're just not there yet.
But I am proud
of the run we did make, okay?
Let's take the long road
back to Valdosta, okay?
Let's go.
- I'm proud of you.
- Thanks, Coach.
If you didn't have the character you have,
you'd have gave up and quit.
I love you, man.
[uplifting music plays]
[Nichols] That loss to Buford,
just leaves a bad taste in your mouth,
and I'm sure the players
aren't feeling much better.
They got just a minute
to think about what might have been
before they're gonna start getting ready
to try again next year.
[man in doorway] Man,
you need to clean this room up, man.
[Aalah] Don't wanna clean.
[FaceTime ringtone]
- Yo?
- [Morgan] Hello!
What you doing?
Uh, nothing.
How are you doing?
Straight until yesterday.
That was a tough loss, bro.
Hey How come
You got poor connection, bruh.
Uh-uh. You need to fix that connection.
I got a question though.
All right, bring it.
Do you miss me?
[both laughing]
Come on now, be for real.
But yes, I miss you.
I kind of miss you too.
Kind of?
Yes, of course I miss you.
I mean, you know, the season's over again
I don't know. We can get back together.
We can be friends.
I mean, all right,
we could start right there.
All right.
I guess I'll talk to you later then.
Sorry about your game, boy.
- All right, then.
- For sure.
[bright, optimistic music playing]
Amari, I ain't gonna lie.
You grew up this season.
[girl] He really did.
From the Warner Robins game to this,
I don't know who the old Amari was.
I learned something different every week
from, like, the seniors and stuff.
Me losing last night,
felt like I was a senior.
Bruh, you ain't no senior though.
You don't know how it feels for real.
You could come back and play.
You gonna be able
to put on that helmet again.
I ain't never gonna put on
no more black and gold.
I was crying real tears.
Like, I ain't never do that before.
But next year,
y'all mindset gotta be like y'all want it.
Y'all don't wanna feel how
Y'all seen your seniors crying.
Y'all don't wanna feel like that, bruh.
Since I broke up with Grayson,
I've just stopped,
like, keeping up with him or anything.
Like, I don't care what he's doing.
It's none of my business.
He's not in my life anymore.
I have no idea what's going on
with Zoey and Grayson,
and honestly, I don't care.
I don't have anything against Zoey.
It's just, like
There was a boundary there.
And it was all Grayson.
Like, I know it was all Grayson.
Anyways. I told him I was done.
- And that now he's irrelevant to me.
- [Kaili laughing]
She really just bossed up.
Lenley just kinda
- [Lenley] I'm moving on.
- Good for you.
- She had to realize it wasn't her.
- Yeah.
- Good for you.
- It was Grayson.
- It really was.
- So I don't care!
- Hey!
- I love the fit!
I think this is plain chocolate.
[indistinct chatter]
["Pick You Up" by Lanco playing]
[Lenley] My anxiety has
actually really improved.
I was always
so anxious about him
and everything he was doing,
'cause I couldn't trust him at all.
And so it's just gonna be a lot easier.
[all] Happy birthday dear Lenley ♪
Happy birthday to you! ♪
That was better.
♪misses you with me ♪
[Amari] For me, next year started
the day after we lost to Buford.
But I'm I'm excited
to just lay it out on the line.
My last year of high school
with these guys.
They picked me up.
They watched me grow up as a quarterback.
[Propst] I'm proud
when kids sign scholarships.
I mean, that to me,
is the Super Bowl of the season.
I mean, when signing day comes around
and those kids' lives
are completely changed,
that, to me, is the grand slam.
That's what I wanna know.
How many kids received a degree
and is better off in life
because of football?
And that Ain't that the reason
we're in this business?
In high school football,
you're doing as much raising players
as you are
coaching 'em the game of football.
I'mma do whatever it takes to make sure
I'm starting game one next year.
Second string, I don't wanna
do it this year. It's not fun.
I had to change. Coach Propst taught me
about getting my body right.
Getting faster, like
I feel like I've grown
as the season was going by.
Tonight, I'm going to the Sweet Sixteen
with all my friends, and I'm very excited.
I love getting dressed up
and being able to take pictures
and hang out with everybody.
It's a really big deal at Valdosta.
I'd been planning to go with one date
but decided to make a last-minute change.
It makes me feel good
that Grayson picked me over Lenley.
I'd pick him over anybody.
[Grayson] There's always
a future with Zoey,
but I can't say I'm gonna be
in a relationship with this girl.
I'm a teenage
You You know
You were 16 at one point.
Right? Right? Right, guys?
♪pick you up ♪
[music fades away]
[Nichols] There's trouble, Valdosta folks.
Touchdown Club president, Nub Nelson,
has turned on the Wildcats,
with a secret recording
that, at best, raises a lot of questions
about just what's going on
inside this football program
that we all love so much.
I didn't like the way
Rush was coming in here and doing things.
It hit me when I walked through the door.
I better record this.
I pulled out my my phone
and hit the recorder
and set it in my lap.
The rest is history.
[Nelson] So we gotta find
some funny money.
[Propst] Funny money.
If we're gonna do it right,
we gotta have some
[Nelson] How much funny money
you think we need?
[reporter] The Valdosta High School
football team, hit with fines and bans
all centered around
questionable recruiting.
Well, at first, I was all in.
I did not understand
how much of this recruiting
he wanted to do.
If you can envision yourself
with an envelope full of cash,
meeting someone in a parking lot,
it's kind of a low feeling at that point.
[Beckham] Nub called me,
told me to meet him
in the parking lot of a Waffle House.
And so, as he got into my car, he said,
"Rush Propst won't be the coach
at Valdosta High next fall,
and he doesn't even know it yet."
He started to play for me
parts of the recording.
[Nelson] What we would do
at the Touchdown Club,
we'd all just pitch in and get it done.
[Propst] But there are some things, Nub,
there are some things
you don't even want to know about.
[Nelson] Well, that's still
how I can get you the money.
I can just say, "Look, y'all,
Rush needs some money for this."
We've always done it like that.
[line ringing]
[Stefnie] Hey.
I'm fixing to go in in a minute,
in about five minutes.
Oh. I mean, I don't know, honey.
- [man 1] Fixing to meet Dr. Cason?
- Now, I'm gonna walk in.
If he suspends you, what does that mean?
[bleep], I don't know.
[Cason] What we're going to do is place
you on administrative leave with pay.
Nub is never someone to be trusted.
You got yourself baited by Nub.
- [Propst] I think anybody
- [Cason] That's the bottom line.
The other thing that's a major concern
to me are these kids' eligibility.
[reporter] Five players
connected to the investigation
are now ineligible to play for one year.
The Valdosta football team
is not allowed to participate
in any championship.
If they did take the money,
I don't feel bad for anybody.
It's not right. They did the wrong thing.
Really just ruined
Valdosta Wildcat program.
[Nelson] I knew
there would be collateral damage.
I felt like we gotta do something now
or it's gonna be worse.
The best thing for Rush to do
is go back to Ohatchee, Alabama
and fish
in some little muddy pond.
[Propst] Y'all know what's going on.
Put your phones down.
Me and your mom wanna sit down
and talk to y'all about what's going on.
There's not a lot
of good things going on,
and I just think y'all need to know.
Have you heard
what happened to your daddy today?
I didn't hear anything.
They have said that
I have paid for players' apartments,
and that's really bad. That's a violation.
So that's issue one.
That's issue one.
They got me on tape talking about it.
Nub taped my conversations, last May.
I said some things on there,
and they're not real good.
With that, you know,
there's a full-fledged investigation.
Here's what y'all gotta understand.
There's there's no truth to this stuff.
People are just always after your daddy.
If we all have to
go through this again, it's just
We've been through this before,
two years ago.
- It's mind-boggling really.
- It really is.
I felt like Rush and Stefnie and myself
could have knocked the ball
way out of the park,
but we can't do things
the way they do things.
That recording I made
stuck a fork in him.
- Hey, babe.
- Hi, honey.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
It's gonna be good.
[Stefnie] Love you.
- Nope, this is not the end.
- Nope.
Been fighting my demons
But they ain't fighting fair ♪
But I keep saying
That everything is all right, I swear ♪
All alone in the dark space
Ain't no light in here ♪
What's up is
I might actually like it there ♪
Pouring everything
On this paper my pen is on ♪
Feel like I'm breaking in place
As they put the pressure on ♪
I'm the one in my circle
They all depending on ♪
I do it, though I need these drugs
I've become dependent on ♪
Someone tried to confront me
Now, we don't get along ♪
In my business they trippin'
On foot, I'm slippin' on ♪
They can't reach the pedestal
That my head is on ♪
But truthfully, I've been breaking down
Just finally letting on ♪
Oh, I'm in the middle of
A breakdown, baby ♪
I need you, I need you ♪
Oh, I'm in the middle of
A storm now, baby ♪
I need you, I need you
To come over ♪
Tell me this will be over ♪
Oh, I'm in the middle of
A breakdown, baby ♪
I need you, I need you ♪
Crowded space, but I feel alone ♪
Eyes on me at all times
In the judgement zone ♪
Somewhere on the road
I'm missing home ♪
No rest for the wicked
Where could I put a pillow down anywhere ♪
I'm misunderstood
They try to patronize ♪
They judging my ways
But won't empathize ♪
You couldn't walk in my shoes
I'm not telling lies ♪
Just 21
I been running a whole enterprise ♪
[song fades away]
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