Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

The Night of the Summer Festival/The Distance Between Them

King's Game!
As we approached the end of our summer break,
Misuzu and Carol came for a sleepover.
I'm the king.
So, what's your order?
Tomo–chan has to imitate Misuzu–chan.
You want me to be Misuzu?
Alright, I'll do it then!
What's the point!?
I will end your social life for good.
Now I'm the king.
Tomo, you have to go to
the fireworks festival with Junichiro!
All by yourselves.
"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"A Summer Festival's Night"
W–Would you like to go
to the fireworks festival with me!?
Fireworks festival?
Together with those two?
N–No, this time
It's just us!
Let's go by ourselves!
Just the two of us
Alright, sure thing.
Huh? He doesn't seem that into the idea?
Any other day he'd be like
Can't wait to see those fireworks!
Is this how it should be?
The way Jun–kun and Tomo–chan are right now,
they'll probably end up dating
like any other boy and girl.
I'm wondering if it's right
to leave things like this.
Keep your mouth shut.
Tomo and me watching
the fireworks together
It makes me oddly happy!
I love you, Jun!
No, not that way I think
Jun's been kinda weird lately.
At the beach, his mind
seemed to be somewhere else.
Then earlier Could it be
The summer heat fried his brain?
When Tomo first came to me
about her feelings for Junichiro,
I thoughtlessly gave a hackneyed response.
Have you considered being more like a girl?
With that, Tomo unexpectedly
took it very seriously,
and became interested
in more feminine activities.
Carol's right. I may have made a mistake.
As her best friend, what I really
should have told her then was
But I don't intend to turn back now.
By making use of that guy,
Tomo and I could be much more
"Day of the fireworks festival"
Jun, are you going to
the festival with Tomo–chan?
Good luck!
I'm eager, yet I'm not.
I'm happy but also bothered.
Time to find out what this
irritation I'm feeling is!
Misuzu–chan! Let's go see the fireworks!
We should.
Ko–chan's coming along.
He is? Isn't that more reason
why I shouldn't?
Well, I'm not going either
if it means leaving you alone!
What is your problem?
Sorry, Jun. Did I keep you waiting?
Mum insisted that I wore this.
It took a while to put it on.
What's up? Anything wrong?
Sorry, I'm alright
Actually, I'm still feeling it.
You sick or something?
"Goldfish Scooping"
We're back this year, Uncle Calvo.
Heya li'l Jun. Ain't Tomo–chan with ya?
Can't remember my face?
Tomo–chan, is that you!?
Got a problem with it!?
That stall wreckin' festival demon's
gone and turned into a real beauty.
Gotta save this.
Oh, is that what you've been calling me?
Callin' all stall owners,
they're a comin' again.
Tomo–chan and li'l Jun!?
Hold onto ya socks and look!
T–That unruly tyke of a tomboy's
like some pin–up model in a yukata!
Hey old man, I'm having a go.
Just one thing
"1st Prize"
She's still the same on the inside.
You should've said that sooner
It's my secret move, the triple shot!
You seem used to holding her hand.
That's because if I let go
I can find her right away though.
I see your hands are always full.
That looks like you, Ko–chan.
What does?
This is Ko–chan.
This is Tomo–chan.
She'll be mad at you.
I am mad at you.
Take your pick.
Check it out, Jun! This candy looks awesome!
Who's Jun? Your boyfriend?
I don't have a b–boyfriend!
So you're available.
Then how about having some fun
What the hell.
She does have a boyfriend.
Umm, Jun
That thing you did there, than
Sorry about that.
You could've taken care of them yourself.
I didn't need to butt in.
Is it so hard
to let me thank your dumb ass!
The hell do you mean by
I could've taken care of myself!
So what if I can throw a punch?
I have troubles too!
With that outta the way,
I'm gonna thank you now, so listen up!
I really appreciate you being there for me.
Thank you.
The fireworks should be any time soon.
I know a good spot.
What was that about?
I knew it, he's being strange today.
Could it be he sees me differently now?
If he is
Maybe I can get through to him this time.
I bought it.
Am I cute?
I'm a total third wheel here.
You're not going anywhere.
Come on.
So this is why you invited me.
This marshmallow girl.
I have to say it before the fireworks go off.
It has to be now.
Y–You know
I feel like he'll get me this time.
If he does, what we have now ends.
When it ends, something else will begin
What's up?
What is that something?
I don't have anything else.
All I wanted was to make Jun mine.
Now's not the time!
We don't stand to gain anything now!
It's beautiful.
Wasn't that fun?
I couldn't figure out
what my feelings for Tomo are.
Hey, Jun.
Let's do this again.
Only one thing is certain.
I can no longer
seriously trade blows with her anymore.
"His and Her Distance"
What's wrong, Tomo–chan?
The new term barely started
and you're already sighing.
Is it Junichiro again?
Yeah. I think Jun's been walking
on eggshells around me.
Isn't that good?
Not when his way of doing it is kinda
Sup Tomo! Mornin'.
His pinkie?
Let's get going.
Frankly, I think it's creepy.
He's being very frank alright.
Is this gonna keep going?
How do I deal with it?
Tomo–chan and Jun–kun have changed.
Everything is as you planned! Right?
Except you don't seem happy about it.
You talk too much.
What is that marshmallow girl up to?
She doesn't seem to be interfering.
Tomo will have to move on
to the next stage eventually.
So does Junichiro.
Why not get it over with?
Best friends at home
with each other becoming lovers.
If that happens to them
We've been pretty lame lately.
It's all that She–Hulk's fault!
There has to be a way we can make her pay.
Not you.
Got a sec?
Unhand me.
What's this strange force!?
Get her!
I won't forget your faces.
Misuzu–chan, what're you doing?
She one of Tomo Aizawa's pals?
That girl has nothing to do with us.
She's just a classmate.
Alright then, start walking.
Wait for me.
What, you looking to have some fun?
You okay? Get a hold of yourself!
Now's our chance.
What are you doing?
Where the hell did they go!?
Over there!
Now then, what do we do next?
It's me.
Gundo? I don't remember giving you my number.
We're in a bit of a pickle. Come save us.
We're at the abandoned factory
near the school.
Carol's with me.
Keep this from Tomo.
I know.
Hey, Jun!
Something came up, so I'll be going now.
Hold up.
Where are you going
looking like you're out to kill?
I screwed up.
Misuzu and Carol!?
That's bad!
Yeah, but I can deal with this alone.
No way! I'm coming with you!
Can't you trust me?
Dumbass! That's not what I meant!
They're my friends!
I'm not gonna make myself comfortable
and leave the work to others!
That's right.
This is what my best friend's like.
Are you upset?
Mind you, it wasn't my fault that you fell.
Hmph. I'm not talking to someone
I have nothing to do with.
Oh, that.
I only said that because it would've been
more trouble if they took you too.
For what it's worth, I consider you
a friend or something along those lines.
I thought it'd work this time.
Keep dreaming.
Also, you're filthy.
There you are.
I missed you, babes.
Sup, senpai.
I missed you.
Let's have some fun over there.
Tomo–chan came for us.
I had a hunch she would.
That's just how she is.
That's what I love about her!
How about you?
Dammit, Jun!
I told you, this is my fight!
I'll leave this to them
and look for Carol and Gundo.
You're a mess so get changed quickly.
I'm cold.
There you are, Carol!
You're right! It's Ko–chan!
You're last.
You should really learn your lesson.
Hey, scumbags.
What did you do to Carol!?
Was it you?
Did you do unsavoury things to her?
Misaki–senpai? What happened?
What're you on about!
Don't play dumb!
She's such an innocent, kind girl and you
Ko–chan's lost it! Over me!
Never mind that, go sort this out.
Before someone dies.
You were changing?
Yup, I was.
I can't believe I was so stupid.
But it made me happy.
Thank you!
Tomo, you head back first.
What're you gonna do?
I have some business with them.
Don't worry, I'll be fine.
Alright, if you say so.
You sure?
If Misuzu says it's fine then that's that.
What business is this? The sexy kind?
You're already full of hot air again
as soon as Tomo left.
It's almost endearing
how pathetic you losers are.
But even losers like you will have heard of
Aizawa Dojo from your fellow hoodlums?
Every bad dude in the area knows that name!
They're a pack of nutsos lead by
the legendary gang leader Goro Aizawa,
out to reform society!
Tomo's the heir to that very dojo.
F–Forgive us! We never knew that!
I hear you've been forming
your own team in the area.
Should any of your lot or other
wannabe gangsters come after us again,
all retribution will be
directed straight at you.
You can't expect me to reel them all in!
Do you know how many guys are out there?
You're going to make it happen anyway.
Use everything at your disposal to protect.
Protect what?
Us and yourselves.
Brutal as always.
Oh, Junichiro. You're still here?
You could've threatened them
before things got messy.
It didn't occur to me.
Yeah, right.
You chose to hide here on purpose.
They tried to lay a hand
on me and my friends.
Did you think I'd let them off
with only words?
are going to die a horrible death someday.
Please, never once have I expected
a peaceful death.
Why did you wait for me?
You are a girl. Sort of.
Tomo's a girl too.
She is, but it doesn't really matter
if she's a girl or boy
You also talk too much.
You and that marshmallow.
I'm going now.
I did it again yesterday.
I lost myself and got into another big brawl.
Just when I finally got him
to see me as a girl.
Mornin' Tomo!
What's up?
Let's get going!
That's it, Jun!
You got it just right!
Just right!
What's that about?
Just right!
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