Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

It's a Game Where You Wait, and Wait, and Wait... and Keep Waiting

parent and child crooks
Episode 8: It's a Game Where You Wait, and Wait, and Wait and Keep Waiting
Episode 8: It's a Game Where You Wait, and Wait, and Wait and Keep Waiting
We still have some time.
We've got to find a perfect hiding spot.
You're right.
Especially because this game
has such specific rules.
Before the start of the third game
All right then,
I'll explain each of the rules.
Things You Can't Do
Moving the Hider
Things You Can Do
Surrender (Give Up)
Change Sides (Switch)
Let's start with the things
you simply cannot do.
Things You Can't Do
One: Violence.
Tell us where!
You can't use violence
against the other team
Where is he?!
to force them to give up
the hider's location. That's forbidden.
No Good
That should be obvious.
Things You Can't Do
Moving the Hider
Two: Moving the hider.
Once the hider has settled on a spot,
they are forbidden from moving.
Are they coming? Are they coming?
You can't leave that spot
until the game is over.
No Good
It's really harsh that we can't
move after choosing a hiding spot.
There are surveillance
cameras all over the place.
If you move even a little
If you do something you're not
allowed to, there's a penalty.
Your team's debts will all double,
and you will instantly lose.
So be careful!
I'd hoped we'd be able to
investigate Tomodachi Game a bit
now that we made it all the way
to the third round.
This game might make that difficult.
Especially since this is the only way
we can contact each other.
Swipe screen to unlock
Next, the things you can do.
I'll give each of you one cell phone.
Things You Can Do
One: Contact.
Every player of this game can
contact anyone else, friend or foe,
This is annoying.
so if you get into trouble,
call for help, okay?
He said we can call anytime,
but unless there's a serious emergency,
I don't think you'll hear from me.
What's wrong? Are you okay?
Y-Yeah. Just a little dizzy.
I'm not surprised. We haven't
eaten in three days.
Damn it. They could have let us eat
something before the game started.
Things You Can Do
Two: Food.
We eatin'
Right in the middle of the forest,
there's a stash of food ready for you.
Once the game starts, you can eat
as much and as often as you want.
Huh, Group C hasn't eaten anything yet.
Oh, and the searchers have to
bring food to the hiders.
Remember, the hiders aren't allowed to move!
Sorry. I'm better now.
Are you sure? Maybe you should rest more.
No, it's okay.
If I let something like this slow me down,
we'll never beat this thing.
Things You Can't Do
Moving the Hider
Things You Can Do
Surrender (Give Up)
Change Sides (Switch)
The next one is a right
that is given only to the hider.
Things You Can Do
Surrender (Give Up)
That's three: Give up.
I'm so bored
I'm so lonely
This game is actually harder for the hiders.
Well, yeah, they're stuck alone and bored.
Sittin' still for a long time
kinda wears you out.
Yeah. So in case you're waiting forever,
but your searcher can't find
the other team's hider,
and you can't take it anymore,
you have a give-up button!
It's just what it sounds like. Press this,
and your group will immediately lose.
It's not your fault if your teammates
are cruel and incompetent.
By the way, it only counts
if the owner presses it.
Things You Can Do
Change Sides (Switch)
Finally, the fourth one is changing sides.
Let me join you!
Come on over!
I already explained that, so we're good.
All right, each team,
please choose your hiders.
I'm not worried about you, Yuichi,
but that girl could be trouble.
She's a total stranger.
Drop Out
There's a good chance she could choose
to lose and drop out by herself.
Well, that's on her. I bet she
feels helpless alone, though.
All right, nobody should find you here.
Especially with that pit in the back.
Where's the girl?
Don't worry.
Just to be safe,
I left her waiting far away.
She won't know where this is.
Yuichi, remember what you said?
But it would be almost impossible
for the two of us to win.
Can we win with three?
The other team will still have twice
as many people searching for me.
Even with three, if we play clean,
it's probably impossible.
So basically, if we don't play clean,
we might be able to pull it off?
If we don't play clean, it'll all
depend on how much you can handle.
No matter what I do, you've got to
hold on, hold on, and keep holding on
As long as you don't push
the give-up button,
we definitely have a chance to win.
Don't worry, Yuichi. I won't
give up, no matter what.
Like I said, you're the last hope
I have to avenge my father.
I'll do anything to regain your trust.
All right. That's a relief, then.
I'm sure we can win!
Okay, it's almost been two hours.
I didn't really get a chance
to explain my plan,
but it's too risky to stay
here, so I'd better go.
Got it. I'm counting on you.
I'll finish and come back as soon as I can,
so just trust me and wait, Tenji.
Yeah, I'll trust you and be waiting, Yuichi.
But after that
Yuichi didn't come back for two full days.
Why hasn't Yuichi come back yet?
Is it that hard to find
someone in this huge forest?
There's no sign of the other
team looking for me, either.
We might be in for a really long fight.
But even so
Even so, couldn't he just
bring me some food and water?
Wouldn't that be okay?
Or maybe has Yuichi betrayed me?!
If that's the case, maybe
he already switched teams
and is leading them here now
No, that still wouldn't take this much time.
Why, then? Why hasn't Yuichi come back?
It's starting to feel
like I'm being abused—
Wait, abused? Is Yuichi trying to abuse me?
I totally betrayed everyone
in the second game,
but then when he called a truce,
I let my guard down
He's been waiting for a chance
to get revenge in the third game!
Right now, Yuichi's probably relaxing
and eating with that girl,
laughing at me while he imagines
me suffering! Isn't he?
No, I've got to calm down!
I'm so hungry, I can't even think straight.
That's right! I still have this!
I thought about calling
after one day had passed,
Mikasa Tenji (Group C)
Katagiri Yuichi (Group C)
Kadokura Juzo (Group K)
Shinomiya Kei (Group K)
Niwa Banri (Group K)
Hashiratani Chisato (Group K)
but I held off because I didn't want it
to look like I doubted Yuichi.
And now I've been waiting two full days.
Maybe if I called saying I was worried
something happened to him,
it wouldn't sound strange.
Why aren't you answering?!
Yuichi! Yuichi!
Shit, I'm so thirsty! I'm so hungry!
Shit! Shit! Shit!
Incoming call
Katagiri Yuichi (Group C)
Hello, Yuichi?
You didn't come back,
so I was starting to worry.
How are things over—
Uh, sorry, this is a member of Group K.
What? What do you want?
Um, this is a little hard to say,
but Katagiri Yuichi-san
is planning to abandon you.
There's no way he'd do that.
I know he's searching like crazy
for your hider right now.
I hate to break it to you, but he
hasn't gone out searching even once.
He's just been relaxing with
that girl, eating and sleeping.
Yuichi-san said,
"Mikasa Tenji totally screwed us
over in the second game,"
"and I'll absolutely never forgive him."
If you don't believe me,
I'll pass him the phone
and you can ask him yourself.
He's right here with me.
I can talk to Yuichi?
That isn't necessary.
If he needs to, I know Yuichi
will contact me directly.
I'll always trust him.
I'm going to keep waiting.
Is that so?
Well, when you've really had enough,
please be sure to press the give-up button.
Otherwise, you'll die.
Hurry Hurry up and come back, Yuichi!
How is he? What kind of
shape is their hider in?
Well, I can tell he's trying to bluff,
but he sounds like a mess.
He hasn't eaten for a total
of five days, right?
That would be rough.
And while he's holding his breath
and hiding from us,
he's gotta keep believing in his friend.
That's gotta be totally
screwing with his head.
Poor thing. No matter how hard
he tries, it's pointless.
Because our guy came up
with a perfect strategy.
Right after the start of the third game
I have a strategy to win
this Friendly Hide-and-Seek.
S-Seriously, Captain?
Yeah. We'll definitely win.
Kadokura Juzo
Captain and psychological pillar of Group K.
Commands absolute trust from his friends.
I knew you would, Captain!
We'll never go wrong if we listen to you!
Chief of cut-ins in Group K.
Ready to fight anyone for his friends.
A hot-blooded virgin punk.
Onigawara Hyakutaro
You're always trying to flatter the
captain like that, Hyakutaro.
At least listen to his plan first.
You shut your face!
Hashiratani Chisato
Group K's lead hottie.
Smooth with the ladies.
A pretentious flirt.
Well, Senpai, the captain's instructions
have helped us clear everything so far.
Shinomiya Kei
The youngest Group K member.
A little nervous around his senpai,
but he always does his best.
Isn't that right, Banri-senpai?
No problem. Everything's fine.
Niwa Banri
Group K's geek.
Hard to read because he's usually
pretty quiet, but it's best that way!
So, what's the strategy?
It should become obvious when you think
about the essence of the game.
To begin with, this hide-and-seek game
isn't about luck or probability.
Kadokura Juzo
This is still part of the Tomodachi Game.
Onigawara Hyakutaro
Hashiratani Chisato
Kadokura Juzo
Niwa Banri
Shinomiya Kei
It tests friendships.
In other words, it's not simply that
we have a better chance
of finding their hider because we have more people?
That isn't the strategy?
Correct. Think carefully.
What did Manabu explain
about the game rules?
From here on, you will all play
hide-and-seek in this vast forest.
Where exactly does this vast forest
begin, and how far does it go?
Huh?! How far?
It does look like a really huge forest.
Whether you had two or
four people searching,
it would be nearly impossible
to find someone.
You've got to realize that since
he used the vague words "vast forest,"
the game isn't about blindly
searching for someone who's hiding.
How do you find the other team's hider, then?
The important point is
The searchers have to
bring food to the hiders.
The rule that searchers have
to carry food to the hiders,
because the hiders can't move.
Oh, I get it.
I've solved all of the mysteries.
Huh? Huh?!
Hyakutaro, you seriously still don't get it?
Huh?! No way!
But Captain, if we're doing that,
The hell?! Of course I get it!
shouldn't we put someone
at the food station right away?
Yes, we should.
Oh, but I'm one of the slowest runners here.
In that case, Hyakutaro and Chisato,
you two have the fastest legs on the team,
so go ahead to where the food is.
Y-Yes, sir!
Kei and Banri, go find
a hiding place for me.
You have good eyes for that sort of thing,
so I'm sure you'll pick
somewhere I won't be found.
All right! Before we get going,
let's do the usual thing!
Huh? Are we really going to do it here?
Shut it, Chisato. C'mon and huddle.
Right, here we go.
One, two—
Fast Fight
Fast fight! Swift win!
Solid walls! Strong team!
Swift Win
Solid Walls
We Are
We are! The best!
The Best
Well, did you see that?
Their team has perfect unity.
After two games, they're totally in sync
thanks to the guidance
of their genius leader.
I'll admit their unity is impressive.
It's kind of gross, though.
But instead of five typical friends,
they're more like a single team.
That's right!
They're all members of the same
sports club. They're teammates.
Some of them were childhood friends,
but they're all different ages
and have a rigid age-based hierarchy.
That's exactly why you could
say that they're linked
by the strong bonds of discipline and order,
moreso than any equal friendship.
Bonds, huh?
W-What? That isn't to your liking?
Fine. Here's your advance warning.
This game will be over in three days.
And, of course, my Group K
will be the victors.
I know because they've truly figured out
a perfect strategy for winning.
And it's one that only the five
members of Group K can use.
Third Game: Day 3
It's the third day. You said you'd win.
You really think the winner
will be decided today?
Of course.
Take a look at Mikasa Tenji
and that expression on his face.
He's bound to press the give-up button.
The strategy for Friendly
Hide-and-Seek is extremely simple.
When the hider can't stand
the thirst and hunger anymore,
and a searcher goes to take him food,
the other team just has to follow.
Just like they were saying in Group K,
it would be next to impossible
to find someone hiding in this forest.
When someone gets lost,
even if they want to be rescued,
even with many more people searching,
it's still very difficult to find them.
The trick is to always be in a position
to tail the other team,
and then to make sure they
don't lose you when you do.
Group K won't have any trouble with that.
First of all, they have
four people to watch two.
If they work in shifts, they'll
be ready to follow at any time.
Second, they're athletes
and really tight teammates.
The other two won't be able to
run fast enough to get away.
Basically, if Group C moves
right now, they'll be tailed,
and their hider will be spotted.
Their defeat is a matter of course.
And if they don't move,
the hider will eventually succumb
to hunger and thirst
and push the give-up button.
Third Game
Group C Friendly Hide-or-Seek
Either way, they're bound to lose.
And it's impossible the other way around.
Even if only three from
Group K go to deliver food,
the other two won't be able to follow.
Also, compared to someone
who's been eating properly,
a person who hasn't eaten for three days
has a massive handicap to begin with.
By my estimate, he'll reach
his breaking point tonight.
Either they lose when
Katagiri Yuichi is followed,
or they lose when Mikasa Tenji gives up.
It's a matter of time.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Tenji.
Thanks, Tenji. I'm glad
you trusted me and waited.
Of course I did. I said I'd trust you.
W-What's this? What is happening?
Who in the world is he talking to?
He's probably hallucinating
due to extreme stress and hunger.
He's envisioning the thing
he most wants to see.
How dreadful.
Even if it is hopeless, you'd
think his teammate could at least
search for the other hider
or call to cheer him up.
But to do absolutely nothing like this
For two days, this jerk hasn't
left the food station at all
and has just been eating and sleeping.
He's also been blabbing all sorts of info
about his team to the other side.
Does he really intend to
abandon Mikasa Tenji after all?
Hey, is Maria just going to sit
there silently the whole time?
She might just be an observer for now,
but she is still supposed to act
as a member of Group C, right?
Yes, but she did send me just one report.
"Katagiri Yuichi is even more of a crazy
asshole than I thought," she said.
It seems he's started something
while we've been talking.
Hey guys, I have a request
to make of Group K.
I want to switch to Group K.
Yuichi, this rice ball looks delicious
Katagiri Yuichi This guy really is
the worst.
The Worst
Perhaps Katagiri Yuichi is a true
supporter of gender equality,
given that he's equally merciless in the way
he uses both males and females like tools.
NEXT: Hurry Up and "Switch Sides"
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