Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Não Aprendi a Dizer Adeus

[seagulls squawking]
[Bruna] Imagine you're in paradise
and in amazing company.
Do you think you'd be okay
without being able to do
anything naughty?
I doubt it!
We found the horniest people around
[Thuany] Let's agree on everyone
wearing condoms, please,
then everyone can have sex
with each other and we're all good.
[Bruna] and offered them
what sounded like
the best trip they could possibly imagine
I hope the debauchery starts soon, man.
[Bruna] and then told them
that in this paradise,
almost everything is allowed
except for
having sex.
[Igor] It really throws
a wrench in the works.
[Brenda] This is literal cockblocking.
[Bruna] There's no
fooling around here, my darling.
I feel like crying.
It makes you wanna cry.
[Matheus] Fuck, my heart is racing, man.
I'm so horny I'm shivering. For real.
[Bruna] Our guests will
have to stick it out,
unless they want
to see a prize of R$500,000
vanish into thin air.
As they tend to do after a date, right?
This stunning retreat
for the biggest players
is managed by an all-seeing
artificial intelligence.
Lana will be watching them
around the clock,
before announcing the dry spell.
Will they be able to stay sane
without their favorite pastime?
[Gabriela] Do not misalign my chakras!
You were a douchebag so many times.
I'm saying it to your face.
[Bruna] I don't think so
[Brenda] I'm pissed 'cause I worried
a lot about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you.
Now look at us.
We look like a bunch of idiots.
You guys are too focused on me.
Because all I'm really feeling
is disappointment, you know?
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and have incurred the maximum penalty.
[Bruna] With sex off the table,
will they be able to build
stronger relationships?
- [Leandro] We're in this together.
- [Igor] Yeah, we are.
[Matheus] I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
What do you know about me?
Only what's on the surface.
[Bruna] Or will it just be
I need to get laid.
I can't take it anymore.
Be cool and help me, okay?
[Bruna] too hot to handle?
Bruno and Ana's first time
sitting here with Lana.
[all cheering]
First time in the hot-seat.
You've barely arrived
and she's already coming for you.
[Lana] In this retreat, not all of
the participants are being honest.
- Ouch.
- Whoa!
Want controversy? There you go.
[Lana] There are people here
who are deceiving you.
[Marina speaks indistinctly]
I don't know what to think.
This is painful.
[Lana] They're keeping
a very large secret.
And their big secret will change
all of your lives here at the retreat.
- [Rita] Guys, what's happening?
- [all speaking indistinctly]
[Davi] What's going on, guys?
Guys, what's happening? I'm so nervous.
I can't believe it.
What's happening?
Does anyone have something to say?
If anyone has something to say,
say it now.
Lana, for God's sake,
say something! Please.
[Lana] Please reveal who you are now.
Everybody was staring at us.
I started sweating. I got really nervous.
Let them talk. Let's hear it.
Ana and I came in here
because we're impostors.
- Why?
- [Caio] Why?
[Marina] They were trying
to sabotage our relationships.
They got bummed out.
[Lana] They were invited to the retreat
with a special secret mission,
to put to the test your trust
in the process and each other.
Oh, my God,
Lana started to reveal our mission here.
[Bruno] Our mission was
to try to take your money.
- [Brenda] Why?
- To decrease your prize.
Shit, really? That's crazy, man.
Give me a moment.
I don't have
the brain capacity for this show.
[Lana] For each infraction committed
with Bruno and Ana Clara,
the amount withdrawn from your prize money
would remain with them.
[Ronaldo] God damn it!
I earned R$10,000 from the kiss.
Everyone was surprised by
Ana and Bruno being impostors.
I think Ana is fake.
I haven't gotten along with her
since she got here.
If I had sex many times,
I would've won all the money.
They'll understand that it was my game,
I wasn't stealing.
Do you think
your connection with her was real?
Or were you
really focused on your mission?
[Bruno] Yeah, Rita
I was focused on my mission,
but we had an awesome connection.
It's okay.
I was also focusing on my mission.
Your mission was to kiss him?
No! I didn't mean to kiss him,
I was focusing on the date.
But it happened, and that's okay.
Shit happens. It was too good to be true.
[Bruna] Igor? Igor, are you there?
[Igor] I was shocked.
It's very complicated,
'cause I'm always being honest.
So knowing that someone may not be
being honest with me is complicated.
What about you?
- [Igor] Yeah, Bruno
- [Bruno] Yeah, guys.
[Ana Clara] So
That's what I was
talking to him about, earlier today.
Even if I didn't have this mission,
I'd have done the same.
[Bruna] Aw, Ana.
That's it. Come here.
- [Ronaldo] Aw, man.
- [Thuany] Oh, man!
I had this goal to accomplish my mission,
but my feelings for Igor prevailed.
Guys, I know that
what we had was fucking real.
We talked, we have a lot in common.
I've never doubted it, you know?
But I needed to be sure that it was true.
I know it's true, but she had a mission.
So, if she stays here, we don't know that.
And her mission is over,
I think we can have a genuine connection.
- Aw!
- [Ronaldo] Awesome, dude.
It's time for her to prove that it's true.
I'll wait.
[Lana] Bruno, you got here,
created insecurity among the couples,
and in the end, got a kiss from Rita.
Bruno, your time here is over.
For succeeding in your mission,
you'll get R$10,000.
- You may leave the retreat.
- [all exclaiming]
[Ronaldo] Damn it, bro!
[Thuany] Damn!
- [Matheus] Crazy, bro.
- [Bruno] I knew it was gonna happen.
Bruno really had to leave.
I think it was his time.
He did what he had to do,
so [kisses] see ya.
- Don't get mad at me.
- [all] No.
You were on your mission.
We're in this together, bro.
- [Bruno] We were in it together.
- [Igor] Wow.
[Bruna] I've never seen
an undercover agent be treated so well.
I'm dumbfounded.
Do you wanna give him
another R$30,000 for his lunch?
I can't believe it. Oh, my God.
This is getting crazy.
[Lana] Let's get back to Ana Clara.
Nobody knows what's
going on in my head. I'm desperate.
[Lana] Ana Clara, do you want
to remain at the retreat
and begin playing by my rules?
"Absolutely" is very strong.
[all laughing]
[Davi] Wow, man. Awesome.
[Lana] Do the rest of you think it's fair
that she remain at the retreat?
This girl just arrived
and tried to take our money.
And establishes a connection like that?
I don't know.
The day she stayed here,
she got really close to Igor,
and she really connected with him.
We could tell.
- [all] Yeah!
- [Igor] Totally!
[Lana] Ana Clara, welcome to the retreat.
[screams in excitement]
[Igor] Come here.
[Thuany] That's it!
It happened. I'm thrilled to stay here.
It was awesome news.
[Lana] With the infraction
committed by Bruno and Rita,
the prize has now decreased to R$304,000.
See you later.
[Ronaldo] Thanks, Lana.
Wow, what a shock, huh, bro?
[Bruna] Life goes on, right?
- Yes, Ana, you're staying!
- Awesome.
I still can't believe it.
Ana, seriously, you were wonderful, girl.
I admire you a lot already.
I found Ana to be very genuine
since she arrived here.
Because if you had
really been here just for the money,
you could've gotten in the middle
of the other couples
Guys, R$4,000.
I would have kissed him so many times.
I'm so happy for her.
She really had a connection with Igor.
So, I'm overjoyed
and wishing them the best of luck.
- [Bruna] I can tell.
- Now they're a couple.
[Bruna, sarcastically]
She really looks so happy.
Now I have no more missions.
Yes, but the watch will beep,
take my word for it.
Now you're pursuing the purpose.
I'll do my best, I'll stay and drink.
But we're in this together now.
And now I can finally be myself.
I have no more missions.
I'll enjoy it here with Igor
and get to know him even better.
Guys, I was supposed to leave.
[chuckles] I'm choked up.
No, you weren't!
We'd all feel terrible if you had left,
knowing that you were sincere.
Let's go see the clothes, guys.
- [shrieks] Oh, my God, there are shoes!
- [gasps]
[all exclaiming in Portuguese]
[in English] Wow.
Today is gonna be awesome.
Wow, Rita, you're stunning.
[Bruna] Are they getting ready
for the Rock in Retreat?
[Matheus] I'm really fucking in love, bro.
She has her hooks in you.
It's painful to see you like this
and not be allowed to kiss you.
[Bruna] Calm down, Matheus.
It's the last episode, remember?
You can tell by the outfit
that it's gonna be good.
Tonight is going to rock.
[Davi] Lana's at the party.
Lana's at the party.
[all exclaiming indistinctly]
[Bruna] Not only at the party,
but dressed up in a dystopian,
post-apocalyptic outfit.
Netflix, that's hard to say.
For God's sake, give me a raise.
[all in Spanish] Up, down, out and in.
[electronic music playing]
[Ana Clara in English]
This party is incredible.
I'm shocked by everything, it's amazing.
[Caio chanting indistinctly]
[Thuany laughs]
Best party of this retreat, no doubt.
Even Lana's at the party. Oh, my God!
[watches beep]
[Ronaldo] Hey, the watches turned green!
[Bruna] What is that?
Green watch for everyone?
Lana, Lana,
what could you possibly have in mind?
Couldn't believe it,
the watch lit up and turned green.
And for everyone.
- [Rita speaks indistinctly]
- [all shouting]
[Thuany exclaiming in Portuguese]
[in English] Caio pounced on me.
Man, my first green moment.
My first green moment ♪
[Bruna] Okay, they've learned
how to connect properly.
[chuckling] I thought
it was gonna turn into an orgy.
I got sorta lost. I looked for Ana.
Searching, searching,
then she appeared before me.
[Rita chuckles]
Wow, it was the green light. Oh, my God.
[Rita] We're left out.
- Yeah, Rita.
- I'm drinking.
A toast to us.
I looked at Ronaldo,
who's my pair, also single,
we hugged each other
and said, "Dude, we're left out."
[Bruna] It's like my grandmother
always said,
"Whoever is too picky ends up alone
at the end of the reality show."
- [Davi] Cool it, everyone!
- [Marina] Oh, my God.
[Igor] This is awesome!
[Thuany] You surprised me!
[Caio] Are you crazy?
I'm not gonna
waste a second, you're crazy.
[upbeat electronic music playing]
[Davi] What the hell, Lana?
[Thuany] Here, look!
[all chanting] Lana! Lana! Lana!
[Davi] Lana, it was amazing.
I love you and I'm not leaving,
I'm staying here for the rest of my life.
[Matheus] Sing a song for us, Caio.
Right now? Of course.
[Ronaldo speaking indistinctly]
Caio has a song to sing to you.
No, I can't remember it!
- I didn't want to sing.
- I felt it was the moment.
I'm gonna sing it in Caio's ears
so he remembers.
- Then he'll have it.
- [Brenda] Because you remember it?
No, we co-wrote the song,
and he knows the lyrics.
I know the melody.
He's an incredibly talented musician.
[singing in Portuguese]
Late afternoon sun, smoking a joint ♪
[in English] Right, right.
An absolutely stunning voice.
- [Brenda] Matheus sings just like Caio.
- No, Matheus memorized the lyrics.
- But he doesn't have my talent.
- I don't memorize as quickly.
[singing in Portuguese] Hey, Thu Thu ♪
We're on the beach
Staring at the blue sky ♪
- Late afternoon sun ♪
- Late afternoon, sunset ♪
Late afternoon, sunset
We're smoking a joint ♪
[in English] I was
whispering the song in his ear.
You on all fours on my bed
I stare at your naked body ♪
Hey, Thu, we go to infinity
No specific place ♪
We go to infinity
Without stopping anywhere ♪
Hey, Thu Thu ♪
Hey, Thu Thu ♪
- [watch beeps]
- Go, now or never.
Hey, Thu Thu ♪
[all screaming]
I made Caio's watch turn green.
And I'm thankful.
I won another kiss.
[Ronaldo] Holy shit!
Don't stop, it's still green.
[Davi] Stop, stop, stop.
[all laughing]
[Caio] I got a green light!
[upbeat music playing]
It turned green, girl!
Bro, you made me get a green light.
[all cheering]
Bro, there was a green light!
[Ronaldo] Fucking go.
Look what he did, you the man!
You the motherfuckin' man!
You blow me away, Lana.
You keep an eye on everything.
Matheus, come here. Give me a hug.
Do you know what I hate about you?
You make it so hard to hate you,
I hate you for just a second
and then it's over.
I got you.
I hate not hating Matheus.
I try, but I can't.
I think you've really changed.
And I'll change even more, you see?
- Awesome.
- I recognize that I need to change,
so I'm changing.
Because I know
that I'll become a better person.
[upbeat electronic music playing]
- [Brenda] Do you believe he loves me?
- I do.
Thuany, there is something you said
that I wanted to follow up on,
that you doubted my feelings for her.
Oh, I doubted it,
I'm not gonna lie, I'm real.
But not anymore.
He has some flaws, like everyone.
He made a lot of mistakes, right?
Lots of flaws, you know? Ugh.
But I think he honestly changed.
I don't need to prove it to anyone.
But I'll prove to everyone,
for me and for her,
how much I love this woman.
In here and out there,
you can be sure of it.
And then, outside,
you'll be even happier about it.
I wanna go to your wedding, of course.
[Bruna] Hey, me, too!
I love those weddings favors.
If they end up getting married,
you think I'll be invited?
[Kethellen] Thank you for everything
you've helped me with,
because I got to be myself here.
Always be yourself, you're truly special.
He was looking into my eyes
and he was so incredibly sincere.
I felt like hugging him so tightly.
You're a special person,
unique with a unique spark.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
He told me things
I've never heard from any man.
Honey, our first green moment.
What did you think about it?
Not just the first,
we had two green moments.
But I'm talking
about the one we got together,
- just us.
- Yes.
We're intensely connected.
It's real, it's truthful.
We're not pretending or forcing it.
Dude, this is awesome,
because I feel
like now I'm really feeling it.
- Really?
- Really!
I told you the moment
would come eventually.
I just needed you to be patient.
I told him this moment would come.
That I would open myself up,
little by little, at my pace,
and try to connect more with him.
- Do you think I'm in love with you?
- I do.
You wrote a song for me.
Hey, Thu Thu ♪
This is exciting, I'll sing it forever.
It's weird, it's been so long
since the last time I felt this.
But it feels like you fit
everything, everything, everything.
Everything, everything, everything.
The way you are, the person you are.
Even me being so complicated?
Dude, I'm dying to understand you.
Man, I don't know if I'm in love
But I'm very connected. Very connected.
But it's like I've always told you.
I can't force anything.
I can just be me
and it had to be for real.
- Is it for real?
- Totally, right now.
I felt that today was the right moment
for me to say everything I'm feeling.
That I really have
a special affection for him.
The problem is that I'm complicated,
but you uncomplicate me.
- That's how you feel?
- You make me less complicated.
Wow. That's heavy.
[chuckling] I'm serious.
I need you to be in my life now,
you make me less complicated.
[Bruna] Thuany?
That's what I call improvement.
[Thuany] Good morning.
[Lana chimes]
- [Lana] Hello, people.
- [all in Portuguese] Hello, Lana!
[Lana in English] How are you?
- Great!
- Perfect.
[Lana] Well, now, thanks to the data
which I've been collecting
during this entire experience,
I have a few system updates.
- [all cheering]
- [Igor] Hit us.
She sees and hears everything,
and she's with us all the time.
[Lana] Analyzing the trajectory
of your growth at the retreat,
I realize how capable you all are
of recovering after failure
and how it is
precisely through these failures
that human transformation is possible.
That's true.
[Lana] Therefore, I believe that you all
are very deserving of a reward.
[all cheering]
[Ronaldo] Nice, Lana.
I'm already curious, not gonna lie.
[Lana] I will return R$80,000
to the final prize.
[all cheering]
We won! We won!
So Lana gave us a present.
Because what are we? A good family.
People who make mistakes,
but also also learn from them.
[Lana] As a result, the current balance
of the prize is R$384,000.
We can still reach R$500,000!
Lana, thank you very much!
[Lana] Congratulations to all of you.
Lana, baby, you always get it right.
[all in Portuguese] Lana, I love you!
[Bruna in English] I've never seen
this side of you before, Lana.
I love it.
By the way,
can you forget about that money I owe you?
[Caio] I really like you, Thu.
You're in love with me, boy.
But only when you paint your nails,
otherwise it's weird.
[Thuany squeals]
Thuany is really fiery, you know?
I'd like to know all about your flaws.
- Even the ugly ones.
- Flaws
I got rid of a flaw while I was here.
- Did you?
- I got rid of a flaw here with you.
Always wanting to be right.
- Mmm, did you get rid of it?
- Yes, I did.
- You think?
- [Caio laughs]
In fact, as soon as he arrived here,
Caio declared his love for me.
He told me how much he admired me
and how strongly he felt my energy.
What about my flaws?
- Other than always wanting to be right.
- Always wanting to be right, yelling
I yell when I'm stressed. I yell a lot.
One of my flaws, I talk too much.
You talk too much, I talk too much.
Yeah, another flaw of mine.
Talking too much.
Thuany is a rock as a woman.
Power of potential.
This dark one, right? Like this?
No, but you need to, uh
It's just because the room is a bit cold.
I don't want her to get a head cold
The air conditioner is really cold, guys.
She's taking good care of us,
so we have to take good care of her, too.
Hey, look at Lana, she's got style.
[Bruna] Lana and Davi's passion
for one another goes way back.
My name is Aline Lima.
I came here for us to start closing
everything that was opened here.
As you can see, we have mirrors here.
I just ask you to surrender,
believe and trust.
The purpose of my work
is to help them see
that the process they have gone through
over the last few weeks
was to help them recognize themselves.
As you look in the mirror,
to see yourselves,
you also see the whole group.
[Thuany] Our journey here
flashed through my mind like a movie.
Everything we went through here,
how intense it was.
[Aline] Try to find yourself in the crowd.
This entire experience
that's showing in this mirror is yours.
You're the one who writes the story
that you'll take from here.
And then we'll sit here to talk a little.
[Caio] We're part of a whole.
And this whole makes each of us complete.
- Thanks for everything, buddy.
- [Matheus] Thank you too, dude.
We looked at each other, crying.
Because, whether we like it or not,
we created a huge connection here.
[Caio] I want you to be a part of my life.
[sniffles] Me, too.
Me, too. If you weren't here with me
We witnessed
the growth of a person, you know?
Of a human being, of a man.
It was really an important process
for me and Matheus.
I'm sure that everything you've
experienced here has been very intense.
But what I'd like to do today
as you're about
to leave this retreat transformed,
is invite you to think about
one more thing.
I want you to choose two people
and I want you to tell them
why they made a difference for you.
How they've helped you
to leave here a different person.
[Ronaldo] The first person
I wanna call is Matheus.
He's the guy who taught me
the most here in this house.
I've learned a lot from his mistakes.
But I'm glad you listened to me.
I'm glad that we bonded.
When we were talkin'
and I thought I was trippin',
you told me,
"Bro, you are very important."
I felt I needed to connect more
with everyone here.
He said I connected with everyone.
"You took part in every story here."
- [sniffles]
- Okay, dude?
Thanks, bro.
Thanks for everything, man.
I thought what Ronaldo told me
was wonderful. I couldn't help but cry.
[Kethellen] Davi.
He was a person
I started to have real feelings for.
I learned from you
that you can get together with someone
from a place of love
and still have a shine of your own.
Thank you for everything.
[all clapping]
[Davi] She said some really cute things.
It was amazing, it boosted my self-esteem.
[voice breaking] It has been a very strong
and remarkable experience for me,
because I've been through
things in my life that
Each one of you
helped me to overcome.
I suffered from obesity
when I was younger.
I've learned that,
regardless of what my appearance was like,
there would always be people
who would put me down, diminish me.
And each one of you
received me in such a nice way.
It was something
I haven't felt for a long time.
I got emotional,
I said everything I was feeling,
and it was incredible and liberating.
And taking the opportunity,
I wanna tell Keth
I had so much trauma
when it came to relationships.
Sometimes I didn't know how to say things
or show affection.
And you showed me a little bit
of your history, your life,
of everything you've been through.
It helped me a lot, to set me free.
She started to cry,
then I got even more thrilled.
- [Igor speaks indistinctly]
- [Caio chuckling]
The first person I'm gonna call here
is the mermaid, Rita.
Mermaid, the eternal mermaid.
We're not together,
but we became close friends,
and that's worth more than anything else.
She taught me to take it slow.
I'm calm, but she also
taught me how to take it slow.
She made me discover a kind of friendship
that I haven't had with the opposite sex.
[Rita] Igor is my lovey-dovey here.
He's a friend to me, and a person I really
wanna stay in touch with after all this.
You were fucking awesome,
you taught me so much.
I really love you.
You know that, bonehead.
[all chuckle]
We had a beautiful story,
but in the end,
we realized we're just friends.
He's a person who taught me a lot.
He took away
my bad girl attitude. A little.
[all laugh]
I'm really fiery, but you were like,
"Hey, girl, hold on, I'm also fiery."
"Learn something from me,
I also have something to say."
I want you to know
that you're a very special person
and I want you in my life.
- [Kethellen speaking indistinctly]
- [all clapping]
Beautiful. Man, I'll always
have my arms open for Thu Thu.
[voice breaking] Ronaldo was the person
that, whenever something happened,
I asked him,
"Ronaldo, am I right? What do you think?"
You're important to me
because, in the course of my life,
many friends disappointed me.
So you're really important to me,
because you revived that feeling of,
"I can trust people." You know?
[voice breaking] I didn't used to
talk to people about what I was feeling,
had a hard time opening up.
Ronaldo had a very important role here
From my heart,
I wanna have him in my life.
So I wanna thank you both so much
for all your help
and for everything you did for me here.
It was such a natural exchange,
when we began to express it,
we were overwhelmed with emotion.
I said to myself, "Man, I was
really important to this person
in such a short period of time."
You arrived when I was at rock bottom.
You've helped me in every way
to get back to being who I am
and who I strive to be.
She was the person who, in a way,
helped me pull myself together.
- I'm really happy to have met you. Really.
- [Marina chuckles]
- [all clapping]
- [Leandro] Thank you.
Thank you, guys. The first person
I'm going to call here is Leandro.
- Don't be jealous.
- [Ana Clara laughs]
But he was one of the people
that I liked here,
he awakened something different in me.
And due to my confusion
and all my impulsiveness,
I lost him.
So next time I have
another person like him in my life,
I'll do it differently.
So, he taught me a lot.
Everything she said touched my heart.
I'll never forget it.
Thank you for making me realize this.
- [all clapping]
- [Leandro speaks indistinctly]
[voice breaking] You taught me how to look
on the bright side of things.
You're cheerful and a fun person,
and since the beginning,
I've always laughed a lot with you.
I really needed to have you by my side.
So, I don't know. I love you.
I needed to tell you that.
[Rita] I learned a lot from him,
because he always made me
look on the bright side of things.
Brenda, your presence in my life
was something that I never expected.
I never imagined that a woman
would teach me that much.
Brenda and I had a great connection here,
very strong in every way.
You're the woman of my life.
I love you so much.
I wanna be with you,
not only in here, but out of here, too.
And I hope that we can build
a future together.
Because you're very special to me.
I'd like to, uh
take this opportunity, Brenda
[all exclaiming]
And here is our family.
And I wanted to do this
in front of our family,
because these guys here were crucial
for our growth.
Will you be my girlfriend?
- [sobbing]
- [all cheering]
He asked me to be his girlfriend!
[exclaims softly]
- Yes!
- [all laugh]
My love!
[Bruna] I didn't see that coming, Matheus.
This seems like the last episode
of a soap opera.
I want you to realize
what just happened here.
I didn't experience what you experienced,
but I know for a fact, based on
what I heard here and I saw here,
that you went beyond, through the mirror.
I'd like to congratulate all of you.
I want to invite you for a group hug,
to seal this energy.
Today, I was sure
that everybody learned a lot.
Lana was right about everything,
and no one will leave the same.
[all cheering]
[Kethellen] Everyone hugging,
every little thing we experienced here,
will never leave my mind or my heart.
These are things
I'm gonna take with me forever.
[enthralling music playing]
Everyone, hand in hand,
running along towards the sea
It looked like a painting.
The sun setting, everything was pink.
I'm so grateful.
A picture of a moment of my life
that I'll never forget.
[Bruna] Everything is just fine,
but there's still a prize
for all of them to share, right?
Weren't there R$384,000 at stake?
Or is that what's gonna be my paycheck?
[Lana chimes]
[all cheering]
- [Lana] Hello, people.
- [all in Portuguese] Hello!
[Lana in English] As your virtual guide,
my role here was always only to guide you.
But living with you all has helped me
to evolve from artificial intelligence
to sentimental intelligence.
[all] Aw.
[Thuany in Portuguese] Oh, Lana.
[in English] The same way
we improved with her,
she was able to improve with us.
[Lana] And as your journeys here
come to an end,
I've learned what it means
to miss someone.
[all exclaiming sympathetically]
We miss you already, Lana.
[speaking indistinctly in Portuguese]
[Lana] But, before I cry
and short all of my circuits,
I want to pose the ultimate question
to each one of you.
Considering the process each one of you
went through on this retreat,
you must now choose the man and the woman
who have improved the most,
regardless of whether this person
is in the process
of forming a couple or not.
So she surprises us with a vote.
[Lana] Let's begin with you, Davi.
In your opinion,
who has improved the most?
I think the man who has
improved the most here is Matheus.
The woman,
I may sound biased saying this, right?
But I think it was Keth.
Keth will always remain the woman
that made
the biggest impression on my life.
And my story, too.
The man that has improved the most here,
in my opinion,
is Matheus.
The woman, I also think it was Keth.
The woman, for me, was Thuany.
It's hard,
because everyone has improved in a way.
As for the man, it couldn't be
anyone else but our guy, Matheus.
He changed a lot. He's another person.
Of the men? Matheus.
Thuany, I saw she was really willing
to give in and to become a better person.
I've followed another
very important improvement process,
which was Davi's.
And the woman, Thu Thu,
whom I sometimes scolded here.
We spoke a lot.
I was honored to actively
take part in her process.
I think Davi, because he matured a lot.
Thank you.
And the woman, I'm going to say Thu Thu.
- I love you.
- Love you.
Despite having many people
I wanted to choose,
these two were perfect.
From one extreme to the other,
I think it was Matheus.
And for the woman,
my vote goes to Thu Thu.
In the short time I've spent here,
I've noticed a person who's enjoying
every single second here.
And he's learning a lot.
And that's Davi.
And the woman is Rita.
She doesn't regret
anything she's done here,
but if she could go back,
she might do things a little differently
for her growth.
I didn't get why Ana chose me,
but I loved it.
Because she got that
despite my confusion and craziness,
I've really learned a lot here.
I'm gonna say Davi,
who I think improved a lot.
He presented himself
as someone at the beginning,
but that changed gradually.
And the woman, without a doubt, Keth.
Wow, so beautiful.
My vote for the man goes to Matheus.
And for the woman,
the one whose improvement
I could notice the most was Thu.
I'm a very calm person.
I mind my own business.
I like to listen,
and I've observed everyone
and seen that the entire group
has improved.
A person
that really surpassed my expectations
is Davi.
You're gonna make me cry, dude, stop it.
If there was an inspiring woman,
my vote would be you, Keth.
Kethellen is really different, somehow.
She's inspired me since the beginning.
I owe you a lot.
And I think
that the whole group owes you a lot.
And the man [clears throat]
also Matheus.
He has this quality
of sitting with you, talking,
apologizing and wanting to improve.
He did it with me.
I believe in Matheus changing.
- So, my vote goes to him.
- Shout-out to Matheus.
[all clapping]
These are the two people
who changed the most here,
and helped everyone to change.
[Lana] Matheus, Thuany,
Davi and Kethellen,
you received the most votes
from your friends.
Congratulations on the results
you have achieved here.
You can rest assured
that everything you have done
reflects on the work of the entire group.
- [Keth] Thanks, guys.
- [Igor] Fuck yeah.
[Lana] And it's for that reason
that you have
one last important mission to do here
You will decide the future
of the prize worth R$384,000.
[Thuany] Oh, no way.
[Lana] You may leave the room
and meet me at the beach.
[Caio] Holy shit.
[exclaims in Portuguese]
[Bruna] Oh, my God!
Guys! If it was tension you wanted,
you got it, Lana.
To our improvement, then?
Cheers to our continued
health and success forever.
[Lana chimes]
[Thuany] Already, Lana?
What's the surprise now?
For God's sake, Lana.
[Lana] Matheus, Thuany,
Davi and Kethellen.
The four of you were selected by the group
as the people who improved the most
during the retreat.
So an extremely important decision
will be up to you.
Perhaps the most difficult one
of this journey.
Oh, my God.
Oh, I'm nervous already.
[Lana] The final value of the prize
is R$384,000.
You will have to decide
whether to simply take R$96,000 each
or share the prize
and everyone would earn R$32,000.
Tough, huh?
[Lana] You will need
to make your decision right now.
Oh, my God.
And then you put me behind the 8 Ball?
I really don't know what I'm gonna do.
[Lana] The decision process starts now,
and is entirely up to them.
- Yes, I trust the group.
- Yep, I trust the group.
[breathes nervously]
I trust the group.
I trust the group, we'll see.
Only God knows.
- Wow, R$96,000.
- [Matheus speaks indistinctly]
I need the money.
I've suffered a lot, even in this house,
for thinking about other people
and not thinking about me first.
I would take a good portion,
half of this money, and invest it.
The other part I would put towards
my parents' and my family's dreams.
With R$96,000, I could make
my parents' dream come true, you know?
Pay for their trip.
And still take some money for myself.
But, bro, I don't think
there's anyone greedy to the point of,
- "Oh, I want more."
- Impossible.
This is not possible,
that's out of the question.
Oh, my God, they can receive
three times more money.
So if you think about it,
R$96,000 is close to one hundred.
It's almost R$100,000.
It's almost R$100,000.
I could, like,
improve my career and my life a lot,
and fulfill all of my dreams.
Oh, wonderful,
just thinking about having no debt
and me sleeping well
But seriously, R$96,000?
Everyone talked about their needs.
I know what mine are.
[Lana] Have you all come to a decision?
[all] Yes.
- We've come to a decision.
- We have decided.
It was very easy
to make that decision there,
so there wasn't anything to discuss.
We did it together.
[Lana] Are you sure about that?
I think it's the best way,
the best choice.
And we already know
what we're gonna do with all that money.
[Lana] Then please return to the lounge.
[Bruna] Guys, hurry up, please,
I can't take it anymore.
[Marina] Oh, look at them.
Guys, look at their faces.
Thuany has a weird look on her face.
Keth is hard, bro.
Oh, my God, Keth, don't do that.
- [Brenda] Uh
- Your faces are really worrying me.
Honey, you're gonna be single, huh?
I hope you've made the right decision.
[Lana chimes]
[Igor and Ronaldo speaking indistinctly]
[Lana] Matheus, Thuany,
Davi and Kethellen.
You can tell them what you've all decided.
- [Davi] You start, Keth.
- [Thuany] Guys
First, listen to us.
Keep calm, it's the final stretch.
I don't know, it's weird.
When it comes to money, people change, so
Since you voted for us
as the people who have improved the most,
we considered the fact
that everyone here
could do something with the money,
but it's R$96,000, you know?
[Davi] It's almost 100,000. It's triple.
- [Ronaldo] You see?
- [Matheus] I thought, like
I could invest part of the money,
help my family,
pay for a trip for my parents.
I don't get him anymore.
I'd like to ask you to keep calm,
because we're in agreement.
Yeah, and we'll be friends
for the rest of our lives,
and our family that we created here
But depending on what you say,
things may change.
[Thuany] But we gave it a lot of thought.
And we're also thinking a lot
about what comes next.
And you helped us to evolve
and become better people.
We're the ones you voted for.
We gave it some thought.
[Caio] I really think that
regardless of any decision,
the way I feel about you won't change.
The choice is yours, but
That was exactly what we thought.
The money wouldn't be
that important to you.
What? It wouldn't be important?
What is this talk? I can't believe it.
We didn't think much about the money.
So only you have dreams?
We don't have dreams?
Since the beginning, I felt like
I knew what this was all about.
A sense of community.
I've been harping on this
practically every day.
So if you chose
to take R$96,000 for each of you,
then everything I said
and what you've learned from everyone here
would be thrown in the trash.
[Igor] Money changes people.
Here, out there, wherever it is,
money changes people.
We've come to the decision
I think we gotta say it.
- We're sorry to disappoint you
- Sorry for disappointing you, but
I mean, that's an amount of money
that you can't earn overnight.
It was hard-earned money.
- [Davi] We'll split it with everyone!
- [Matheus] Split it with everyone!
I think everyone deserves it.
We're a family.
[all clamoring]
[Kethellen speaking in Portuguese]
[Thuany in English] Fuck!
Damn, you thought we'd keep it?
- [Caio] You're beautiful!
- [Davi] A free moment!
[yells] We're gonna split it!
[Caio] Thank you for giving me a house.
Brenda looked like
she was going to kill us!
You didn't trust us.
[Brenda] Of course not, girl, no way.
So they told us the truth,
they stopped their little scene.
Everyone is happy,
they'll share the prize with everyone.
[Bruna] "Little scene"? I was about to
throw my TV out the window.
It doesn't make any sense taking R$96,000.
Only thinking about the money,
I wanna take the money,
but we wanna take our family as well.
- [Thuany] Right.
- [Matheus] Got it?
How will they know
the other option we had?
Let's build the suspense.
Yeah, we build suspense. We can say,
"Guys, they made us this offer
of R$96,000 each"
Then everyone will be like
They'll be shocked.
[Caio] Lana.
[Lana] It is my sincere hope
that you are able
to continue actively learning
in your daily lives,
and that you will be able
to truly transform your relationships.
[Brenda] Absolutely.
[Lana] Don't forget
what you've learned here at the retreat,
and make use
of the experiences you had here
in your connections with others.
Goodbye, people.
[all] Lana!
Lana, I love you!
[all in Portuguese] Lana, I love you!
[Lana in English] This retreat is over.
[Caio] Well, if it's over
[Thuany] Seriously?
[Matheus] I'm taking what I've learned,
I'm taking the love of my life,
and I'm taking the money.
Man, I own this.
My takeaway is
the money will help me a lot,
I've built great friendships,
and most importantly, this woman,
that when she says to me,
"Caio, I need you," I'll be there for her.
Is money important? Yes.
Do we need it? Yes.
But the experience, the knowledge
and the improvement we've had here
are way, way more important.
[upbeat rock music playing]
Everything each one us did here
contributed to everybody's growth.
What we've gone through here is priceless.
No money can buy this experience.
I'll miss it so much.
I didn't want it to end.
[Bruna] Guys, wait!
I didn't I didn't even say goodbye!
And what's worse,
I didn't even hook up with anyone!
[upbeat song playing]
Hmm, are you still watching the credits?
You're not hooking up with anyone either!
[chuckles] Oh, let me tell you something.
I think I have a Lana hidden in my house,
preventing the boys from kissing me,
charging them money
That's the only explanation.
I mean, can you believe
I painted all my watches green?
Not even that helped.
Yeah, more credits
But call me. Or text me.
[song continues playing]
[upbeat instrumental music playing]
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