Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Ice Ice Baby Boys

I wouldn't have thought
that the others would react like that
and be so shocked.
That there was a kiss after all.
I'm completely closing off.
I could cry, that was so shitty.
Oh Anna, we feel for you!
I came here with the intention
of having fun,
letting everything wow me,
having a good time.
I'll disregard Lana's rules
and see what other options I have.
Anna is done, Paddy is done,
to break even more rules.
This will not end well.
The thing with Paddy is not over yet.
I haven't given up hope yet
because the situation here
changes every day
and you never know what tomorrow brings.
Good morning.
Good morning, Lana.
It is time for you
to regain your strength.
-That's right.
Today's menu is sausage and eggs.
But only for breakfast.
Get up quickly before the eggs get cold.
Lana, you jokester.
Time for a Couple Check.
Anna and Paddy spent the night together.
But will permanently horny Paddy
ever get serious with her?
Emely's jealousy fortunately
didn't do much damage.
But how long will Kevin resist
his hot girl?
Tobi and Stella are back on track,
but can Tobi build real trust with Stella?
And when will Akka finally confess
to Sophie
that he feels more than friendship
for her?
Boys, are you up for a challenge?
Is it like a wanking competition?
You'll win, that would be unfair.
I think the boys need a workout to release
some of the sexual pressure
that has built up.
My last time sex is so long ago,
I lost track of time.
Ah-ha, they are not allowed
to play with the girls,
so they play among themselves.
The atmosphere down there…
is very tense right now.
I have such pressure down there.
You can't even compare it
to an earthquake.
Just a couple of days and we all explode.
Oh dear,
they urgently need to be de-horny-ed.
I think without sports…
we all would burst.
So, your problem is solved, boys?
On a horniness scale
from 1 to 10, I'm still 11.
Okay, obviously not…
I don't think that exercising
brings us anywhere.
Boys… what's the best part of your body?
I'm very happy with my arms
and I get lots of compliments too,
-I've got to say.
For me it's shoulders and arms too.
Many women like that.
-What about you, Tobi?
-For me, it's my face.
I simply love my cheekbones.
Yes, your jawline looks good.
That's fresh, man.
Kevin, what about you?
-My eyes.
-Yes, that's true, dude.
A kiss to my eyes.
Boys, I'm telling you honestly,
my best part is my penis.
My masculinity is my Eiffel Tower.
Why did I know you'd say that?
Because I always get compliments.
Akka is killing me again.
Hey guys,
do you know the lock-and-key principle?
Enlighten us with your wisdom, Akka.
That's explained easily.
A key that fits every lock
is unique, right?
That's convenient.
But a lock that you can open
with every key
is an unnecessary lock, right?
The keys are our penises.
Okay, stop, enough.
What's this key-lock nonsense?
Lana, help!
Don't worry, Larissa, I've got a plan.
The boys' lack of emotional maturity
prevents them from forming
deeper relationships.
So, I organized a workshop just for men
to teach them how to manage
their toxic masculinity.
For this purpose,
I have invited two experts in this field,
Salem and Pierre.
The goal of today's workshop
is to explore masculinity.
To get rid of toxic masculinity
and strengthen masculinity.
How are you guys? Is everything fine?
Everything's fine.
Bro, seeing this bathtub, I'm scared.
Stop it, honestly.
I have no idea what to expect,
but I'm curious.
We are doing a workshop together today
where we are dissolving toxic beliefs.
A man mustn't show weakness.
A man knows no pain.
These are stereotypical sentences.
Do you know such sentences?
Akka, what about you?
A man is not a man with a small penis.
Oi, very toxic!
Akka is the killer!
-You know about that, do you?
Masculinity for me
means biceps of at least 40 centimeters.
Look at me!
Yes, be strong. Not to be vulnerable.
Just want women and always fuck around.
Well, this workshop
is off to a great start.
Lots of work for Salem and Pierre.
And the girls?
Your ass is awesome!
Twerk shop.
Samira is simply…
Twerking Samira is kicking ass.
Even Emely is suddenly a fan.
How did that actually happen?
It's not that I don't understand you
or anything,
or think to myself,
I can't relate to this…
You know, I was thinking from my side,
come on if I were you,
-though I would still be jealous…
-You'd react differently?
But how can I explain
that I'm not like that?
-If you don't know me at all.
I don't know you… That's true.
But like, at this moment,
I can understand you so much better
and that's a start for me.
Emely understands Samira!
I guess they speak
the same twerk language!
Emmy, do I get a private show?
Looks so amazing.
Looks so amazing!
The girls twerk their way
to female cognition.
And our toxic boys?
Will they ever be able
to experience healthy masculinity?
It's very important for you guys
if you want to have relationships
that work,
you need to be mentally strong.
Not only just hustle and bustle,
partying and sex and cheating.
I'm sure the truth is
you want a relationship that works.
Of course,
I think that's what everyone wants.
I just think that…
It's simply a protection mechanism.
Yes, I think it's very important
to talk about masculinity openly.
Especially in relationships.
It's important to show ourselves
from our sensitive side there.
You want it…
but then when you do it,
you have to open up.
And then you open vulnerabilities
at the same time.
And having sex is just much easier.
-That's deep.
-That's very deep.
It just hit me very hard.
We now continue with a breathing exercise.
This breathing exercise
will help you to access these negative,
toxic male dogmas,
so you can recognize them
and release them later.
Inhaling goes like…
First into the abdomen,
then deep into the lungs.
Try it out.
First in the stomach, then in the chest.
Exactly, go ahead. Let it flow.
And if you want to scream,
then let it out.
Everything is allowed to come out.
Yeah, exactly, let it all out, man.
That's exactly where we want to go, boys.
I must say, it feels really great.
Everything tingles, insane feeling.
All that pent-up energy
you have inside you,
just let it all out.
Very nice.
Very nice.
You feel just free.
Like that.
Oxygen for the brain
and get the blood out of the balls.
That's how it goes.
And now,
we are starting with the ice bath.
The ice bath?
The challenge of ice bathing
is to master the body
that goes into emergency mode
and regain control of the body
through the mind.
Hey, if I go into that ice bath now,
it'll look like a yoni down there.
I'll just get in there.
It shouldn't be a problem.
The challenge behind that
is to conquer your fears.
It's colder than I thought.
Ah, it's cold!
Oh my God!
My balls are shrinking.
That definitely was
way too intense for me.
I really didn't think
it would get this intense.
Ice tub forte!
The remedy for unhealthy masculinity.
I hope you liked it.
How will this experience
help and strengthen you in your life?
The workshop showed me
that when you get into situations
that you struggle with,
then try to keep calm.
I think it helped to build
mental strength.
To face your problems.
I have a situation like this
in the retreat here.
And it's hard to open up to a girl.
I'm scared of it.
Every time I see Sophie, I get butterflies
and I imagine way more with her
and want to tell her that.
I'm thankful for that
and that's what I take from here.
You did very well.
Conquered your fears. Very well done.
That was a situation I was scared of
and had respect towards.
This made me think of a situation
in the retreat.
I was in a conflict, and didn't want it,
and retreated instead of opening up.
I think you should just open up,
approach the person,
conquer your fear
and initiate a conversation.
I want to thank Emely,
for finally finding a person
who I can open up to.
Tobi, what about you?
I'm a total overthinker
and to just focus
and think about what I actually want,
without the head always blocking me
all the time,
that's really powerful,
and that's what I take from here.
Do you think that can help you
in your relationship with Stella?
Yeah, well, there were some ups and downs
that we went through with each other here.
I'll just say, hey,
I'll just let myself go,
I'll take that leap of faith for her.
It might be uncomfortable for a moment
but what comes out of it,
the result, that's what counts,
and that is really beautiful.
Yeah, Stella and I,
we don't make it easy for ourselves.
I think we're a little stupid.
I thank you with all my heart
that you participated today.
And I hope that you took
some things from this workshop
that will help you in your life.
-Thanks for everything!
The connection between the boys
has been strengthened
through the workshop.
It was super awesome.
The boys are celebrating
because they don't need to think
about sex anymore.
Who would've thought?
If Kev comes back in and says,
"I'm not horny anymore",
what'll I do? Cry?
Making him horny again,
I think that'll be really easy.
Oh, boys!
How are you?
Tell us, how was it?
-Amazing experience.
-Definitely a cool experience.
-And cold!
-Do tell.
What did you learn?
At the beginning,
we did breathing exercises,
which were amazing.
-Like meditation?
-Yes, exactly, something like that.
I thought that ice bath
was even more intense.
You were so afraid to go in there,
but then you got over yourself
and did it and then you went out
and felt so great.
And I think we all took
a lot away from it,
also for relationships
and things like that.
After the workshop I noticed
how much excitement and harmony there is
between Tobi and me.
There's a deeper message
that was behind it.
That definitely has…
You overcame your fear. It was amazing.
Yeah. It was amazing.
Akka opens up and I really like it.
I like this emotional side like crazy.
It exists, and I hadn't seen it so far.
I think we're also really proud of you,
that you were able to engage with that.
The men are making progress,
but can they apply what they've learned?
To prove it,
I'm sending them on special dates tonight.
To be honest,
at the beginning I was very skeptical
when I saw the two guys…
Was it possible for you to relax
or did you have to many thoughts?
The whole body was flooded with oxygen.
Everything was vibrating, the lips, legs…
-Really? You felt that?
Breathing exercises and meditation
are completely new for Kev, but…
I was never expecting that
because I was never that open
to spiritual things or meditation.
I think it's really interesting
to learn more about it
and with Emely I have the right woman
for that by my side.
-Good to know all of you.
I'm definitely seizing that opportunity.
I'm going on the offensive with Paddy
now I've had that conversation with Anna.
and that's the go for me now.
-It's going good, and with you?
-Me too.
I will try to start the conversation
Inconspicuous? Right under Anna's nose?
How do you feel in the group so far?
-I think I've been welcomed very nicely.
You make a very favorable
impression on me.
Yeah, I'm very happy
that it's working out that well
with Anna so far.
Yeah, maybe we could have…
I mean, it happened so fast
between Anna and you…
So I was fearing
if I would get between the two of you.
Yeah, okay, I get it.
That's why
I wanted to test the waters first.
So, it's serious with you two?
I've recognized
that Onyi is interested in me,
but Anna and I have had
very interesting conversations
and therefore, it's closer between us.
Yes, I would say
that we'll try to build on that, you know?
I know for sure
that if I wouldn't have met you in here,
I wouldn't have opened myself
to anyone else that much.
I was only able to make this progress
just because of you.
That's just how it is.
I want to kiss Kevin. And not only that…
I think by now
we would've deserved the green light.
Lana… are you sleeping?
Where's the green light?
-This watch is not working at all.
-I swear it's broken.
-I don't get it…
-Lana, we deserve the green light!
Why are you so mean to us?
Maybe because
with your last rule violation
you cost the group another 10,000 euros.
I think Lana is mad.
And we triggered her sensors a lot,
that's why…
You don't say!
Tell me, how was your day?
Relaxed, but I think
you have more to tell.
Yes, we started
on the breathing techniques.
It's crazy how much your body reacts.
-Your hands start to tingle.
I wasn't expecting that,
but it was really good
and felt really good.
And the ice bath was so amazing too.
As I sat in there,
I wasn't just thinking about myself,
I also had you always on my mind
and told myself, "Come on,
I'm doing it for the both of us."
You can't imagine
how happy I am about that.
I was not expecting
that you would think about me
during something like that.
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm so grateful to Lana for that workshop,
because Tobi can finally open up to me
even more,
and trusts me
and that is very important to me.
I was never expecting
we would be able to create that
in just a few weeks,
something like that for us.
I'm pretty sure
I was able to ease Stella's fear
that I wouldn't trust her.
I only have eyes for Tobi.
Stella and I
deserve the green light 1,000%.
I want to talk to Sophie,
to open up to her how I feel
and what I think of our relationship.
When we first got to know each other,
and both of us were missing
that certain something.
You friendzoned me.
I love to cuddle with you,
I love to talk to you,
and you are very handsome,
but I can't sense any emotions
on your side.
Nothing at all.
And because of that,
it feels more like a friendzone
to me right now.
It didn't work out
because I wasn't my true self
and that was a mistake.
I was scared to open up because…
opening up like that is just hard,
because I was also scared
that maybe you didn't want the same
and that I'd be left to be alone.
I thought that Sophie didn't have
the same feelings that I did.
That was also the reason
why I didn't open up to her much earlier.
I also admit that I played a role too,
to appeal to you in a way.
Yeah, but I like you way more
when you don't play a role.
During the day you are different
than when you're with me.
I think the workshop achieved
that Akka knows
that he can overcome his fears
and don't let his fears restrict him.
And be true to his feelings.
I really enjoy the time with you.
We got to know each other a second time.
I'm really happy that you're here, and…
I just have eyes for you here…
This gut feeling I feel for you,
I've also never felt that before.
I just feel at ease.
We like to cuddle and I would like more.
What I mean is, I could imagine more
between the both of us,
and I would like to try that with you.
-I feel the same.
I'm so happy,
so relieved that Sophie
feels the same for me.
And I just hope that the two of us
can continue developing that here.
If it goes on like this
and both of us continue to open up more,
this could definitely work out.
Sophie is the woman of my dreams.
Character-wise she already is.
And I'm the luckiest guy here.
This is possible
when you stay true to your feelings.
Well done, Akka.
Good night.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Sleep tight, guys.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Good night!
Hey, there's an empty bed!
Ah… Our brand-new couple.
Okay, now off to bed
and don't break any rules.
Good morning.
Good morning, Lana.
Here is Radio Lana with the latest news.
In the bedroom
there was a sex traffic jam.
I dreamed that the three of you
broke the rules.
-You three, lingerie trio.
-Yes, the lingerie trio.
You broke rules for sure!
No way you haven't.
Only I know if Paddy is right about that.
I didn't do anything!
Akka and Sophie were very happy yesterday.
So, I would understand
if a little mishap happened.
Tobi, remember it's your money as well!
I haven't heard anything, seen anything,
and I'm pretty sure nobody dares
to do anything anymore.
Let's have a look!
We pretty much both started it.
Oh no!
But ultimately,
it was more me who started it.
Ah! The breathing exercises.
Well-memorized, Akka.
Well, the breathing exercise
definitely calmed me down.
I kept my thing in my pants.
Despite the traffic jam…
there were no rule violations.
Very good.
Thank you.
The workshop taught me a lot.
I think that's the reason
why I didn't break the rules last night.
I wish you a relaxing day
without pressure!
So how did the workshop go down
with your boys?
-Well, with Tobi it helped a lot.
-Yeah, he was so cute.
-My God!
And he has opened up so much too,
and he overcame his fear of the ice tub,
and transferred this feeling
on our relationship
and can trust me 100% now.
-How lovely.
-Oh man, that's so cute.
Yeah, Lana also gave us a green light
and I think we're on a very good path now.
Oh my God, I'm so happy for you.
-Yes, me too.
-That is so cute.
And with you and Kevin?
Well, I think it also changed
something in him.
Also with the breathing exercises.
And we also talked about communication
and that stuff.
In a way it has all helped.
That fight before
and now this workshop for him.
It's really an amazing thing to see.
And also that you meet
the one person here.
-Yes. It's so crazy.
-It's really crazy.
How do you feel
about being in a couple with Sophie?
I'm extremely happy,
I feel extremely great
because there could definitely
be a deeper connection between us.
Yes, I think so too.
We both said that we want to make progress
and walk that path together.
And we didn't get the green light.
-It's up to Lana to decide that.
With Paddy, I feel very comfortable
and I could imagine something more.
But I have no interest
in getting disappointed or hurt again.
I wasn't sure at first
but I felt the potential was there.
But there has to be something
on both sides.
And somehow it was there.
I can't explain it.
I have to be honest, before I came here,
my mission for myself
was definitely to let loose, so to speak.
I just wanted to have fun.
At first,
I wanted to get to know all of the girls.
But now that I see how it goes with Anna.
I think it's best to focus on her
at the moment.
The emotional connection
which we want to develop later on
is very important for our future.
And I'm just so happy.
-You know who's also very happy right now?
They look very close.
With you I can be myself
without feeling
that if I removed my makeup
you'd find me less attractive
or something.
And I never thought
that was this important to me.
But with you I realized that it was.
And… yeah.
That's so sweet of you, honestly.
But this thing between them,
is that an emotional connection?
To be honest, it happened very quickly.
I don't want to judge, I just hope it is.
I definitely feel like a teenager
with a crush right now.
Usually, I'm not the type of guy
who opens up to other people easily.
And, yeah…
We'll see where this will go.
Between me and Sophie, it's all real,
and I'm sure Lana will see that.
Believe me, it's just a matter of time.
Lana, I think it's time for a conversation
between the two of us.
So, Lana, are you ready?
Of course.
Hey, Lana, my little honey bunny.
I think the two of us need to have a talk.
Hello, Akka, what can I do for you?
I have three wishes.
My first wish is… to get a green light.
My second wish is… to have a bigger penis.
And my third wish is to see Sophie naked.
I'm Lana and not a genie in a bottle.
So just give me the green light.
My retreat is about focusing
on deeper connections,
not physical urges.
Well, Lana…
I think I've proven in this retreat
that I'm not only after physical stuff.
My data analysis from last night
showed otherwise.
You put much effort
into not breaking my rules
and made a lot of progress.
Thanks for praising me for once.
Finally, you see it, Lana!
I can't give you the green light yet.
Last night you were on the verge
of breaking the rules.
I expect from both of you
that you deepen your emotional bond first.
Ah, okay.
We will prove to you
that we both make progress.
And wait for your green light, Lana.
And I am waiting for your progress.
Keep your chin up.
I thank you for the conversation anyways.
Rule violation.
Ha, ha, ha.
There she goes.
Hello, you two lovebirds.
Hi, Lana.
Hi, Lana.
Don't get too comfortable.
I have a special evening planned.
That sounds great!
Tonight is a pajama party in Lana Land.
Woah, awesome.
Get all the guests together
and enjoy the evening!
-We will. Thank you, Lana.
With pleasure. Have fun.
-Oh my God!
-What did I get?
Everyone's in pajamas.
Does that mean we're all sleeping
in the same bed tonight?
A perfect mix of cute and sexy.
Oh, yes.
Tonight, it's going down.
Yes, twerking classes!
I love it when the fur flies.
Actually, I came in here
with the intention to go wild.
To be honest,
I don't want to be Anna's consolation.
Woah, that's pretty hard.
I don't know why Paddy
is pulling away from me a little bit.
Samira is the personification of twerking.
Oh my God. The twerking was my highlight.
As a single, it's hard to see them cuddle.
And you're thinking,
"Yeah, I'm going to sleep
all by myself tonight again".
That doesn't need to happen.
Marco could be a nice pillow.
-It's funny how everything went down here.
I mean, in all honesty,
getting turned down twice already,
that's just not funny anymore.
I have to say, I'm not used
that my attentions are not working.
Such is life, right?
When I go out, usually it's like flirting,
then all it takes is a quick look,
you know, like…
I'll give you a long look,
dance a bit and that's enough, right?
Yes, crazy.
What were your openings for flirting,
your pick-up lines?
-That I used on a woman?
Sex is good for losing weight, should we…
My God, what am I babbling about?
When I talk to a woman…
Sex is slimming…
Take a deep breath.
I think I need to get in the zone first…
The stars are so beautiful,
want to jerk me off?
Oh my God…
-Okay. Yeah, alright.
That was too lowbrow.
But he's still really nice.
You look so wrinkled,
do you mind if I iron over you?
Nope… That was…
Better leave it at that.
Maybe there's this one woman
who doesn't have any men
and is happy about a bad pick-up line
and says, "Okay, here's my number."
I've got to say I've heard lots of lines…
that were worse.
Even worse? Respect.
Samira is a very attractive young woman.
Because we came in here together,
we had a cool connection
from the beginning.
There are still other singles in here…
Why don't you jump in somewhere else
and get to know one of the other girls?
Yeah. What should I reply to this?
Do you think you can get through
the last few days without breaking a rule?
I think it's going to be tough.
It's really getting more difficult
each day, but…
we'll pull ourselves together.
Yeah, but that's why I think
the private suite will be a danger.
I don't want to go in there again,
I tell you honestly.
We won't break any more rules, me and Ems.
We have resolved
and will go through with it, hopefully.
So do Lana and I.
I do my best!
It's always the same with me,
when my emotions get stronger
I have even more desire
for the physical interaction,
I think before it would've been impossible
to have a deep talk during a party.
But by now we're turning
into deep-talk world champions.
The sexual tension
is still really intense.
And when the emotional part
will be added to that, it gets…
I'll go crazy.
I think it's nice we could have a talk,
I mean we share the same destiny in here.
Yes, totally.
-It's really…
Samira and I get along well,
but everything's on a friendship level.
Visually, he's my type,
but by now I see him as a friend
because I don't want to destroy this
and make a romance out of it.
A few days ago,
we would have all thrown ourselves
on the bed
and made out wildly.
I just want to throw Tobi on the bed.
Pillow fight!
-God, Lana! Not again!
-Lana, what the hell?
-This again, really?
-It's always the same thing!
Any time we're having fun, man!
-Party crasher!
-We can't have any fun, Lana!
The party is at its peak,
everyone is having fun
and then Lana
is coming from the side again.
Always in the wrong moment.
Hello, this is
your favorite party crasher!
-Hi, Lana.
-Hey, Lana.
Hi, party crasher.
I bring you good news.
I am pleased to announce
that the last 24 hours
were free of rule violations
and I can assess
that all your emotional connections
are deepening beautifully.
You've already wasted 174,000 euros
on your journey to personal growth.
That's a lot of money.
You didn't even have sex
and still lost so much money.
That's so sad!
And not even one of us came.
Except for the new people.
Emely and Kevin.
-Your violations cost the group…
104,000 euros.
I can't do math.
-That's true.
-That much.
Hey, guys, you're crazy.
Together, you've proven
that you have a true bond of affection.
You have one last chance
to prove how serious you are about it.
Have you truly changed?
That's why I'm sending you
to the private suite for the second time.
But this time it's different!
Oh, no!
Kemely, if you manage
to stay abstinent this time
and not break any rules,
I will increase the prize money…
Hey, we desperately need that money back.
You guys have lost us so much.
Guys, please, no massage, no champagne!
Leave your clothes on!
I think he has to talk
about all his ex-girlfriends
to turn me off.
Emely and Kevin,
please go to the private suite.
You can do it!
In the private suite again…
Kemely in the private suite, part two.
This time it gets even harder!
Emely can't even keep her hands off Kevin
in the bedroom.
How could that work out
in the private suite?
Lord have mercy on us.
Guys, let's pray to Lana
that they don't break the rules
and we get all the money back.
Please, I'm begging you.
Please don't disappoint us!
Dear Lana, we all pray to you,
because we want Emely and Kevin
to make it through the private suite.
We're sending Kevin and Emely
lots of strength
so that they'll make it through this night
without touching each other.
Now we'll just have to hope for a miracle.
We won't make it.
No. Never.
No chance.
Are you serious?
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